Albany Democrat Entered at the pott office, Albany.Or", ' t.econd cIbbs trail mattt-r. , F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms, at 332 Ferry street. Cor. 4ih. tlo j FOR SALE. At a bargain, an Over-! land 5-pasBenger car, used only 90 days. Call at the Electric theater. - tl5 ' FOR KENT. 2 nice furnished front rooms for light house keeping, at California Rooming House. CIDER. Will deliver cider every Sat urday. Sweet cider 25a per gal., 6 gallon for 11.00; boiled cider 2 ,in one 50c per gal , 4 in one 1.00 per gal.; pure cider vinegar 25c, 5 gallons for $1.00. Apple butter $1.00 a gallon, crock included. Write or phone the Albany Cider Mills Albany, Ore. Home Phone 2801. C. R. WlDMEB. TYPEWRITER AND DESK. New Royal Standard Typeriter and desk for sale at a very low price if taken at once. See Karl F. Tbunemann at Hamilton Store. ALEX THE RUSTLFR trims trees, hedges and bushes, grades lawns and does ail kinds of yard work. J. A. Rodney, 614 Elm St. Bell phone 431-J. U8 NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot tled milk, will do well to ca'l the 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2735. C, P. Peebler. FOR SALE. Will build new 4 or 5 room louse and sell with Fairdalelot, on the installment plan. See F. H. Pfeiffer about it. 7t CARPENTRY JOtt SHOP. Work nromntlv attended to anywhere in itu. Office 122 Ferrv street. Phone E1 1.' I E Home 256. Pacilic red 481 J . STEELE &CANFIELD. PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for piano tuning at Eilers Piano House or Woodworth s Drug store. u. M. Henderson, Tuner, I MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Ore gon Fire Relief of McMinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, agent. WE COLLECT bad debts no expense to you if no money is collected Western Mercantile Agency. Office over Woodworth'sDrug store. 110 WOOD FOR SALE. Short slabs. Call at Shingle Mill, pni) sai.r Here ib a chance of a life time. I will sell at a great bargain my largo truit orchard on easy terms Or IHKO uurt 111 Ultjf uuomt-oo uj i vjr , 27t . E. 11 Rhodes. FOR SALE.-Grapesnnd wintorapples J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south of Albany. Home phono 2116. R. Webster. GARBAGE If west ofLyon street 60c month. S. B Penny the gurbnge man. Home pho..e 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Hninwater looks aftnr garbage. Phono Homo 2303. GLASS.-AI1 hizcb and kinds, for Bale ut tho Albany Pinning Mill, cheaper than nywhoro ulao in Albany. Skill Iv set, if desired. S M T W T P S 38 12 3 4 rtwsr 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 IG 17 iu fe. 19 '20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 Dantiest Handkerchiefs Never a woman that owned too many dainty handker chiefs. Never have we shown an assortment that offers such a range in selection as we do There arc handkerchiefs to suit tlic taste ot cverj woman. Prices to suit the purse of every giver. Some of them came from away across the ocean where skilled women design and embroidery on finest linen the daintiest patterns. I A few of these we have put up in little Christmas Fold ers to aid you in mailing them. A more acceptable gift would be hard to find. j Then, on another counter arc many beautiful designs in lace and embroideried linens. ou will enjoy giving rifts such as these will make. Sister all can be remembered with handkerchiefs, and you can expend any amount you desire for we have them from ac to $11.45 Any Suit Overcoat or Cravenette. at W. F. Pfeiffer's FOR RENT. Two unfurnished and one furnished rooms, 231 3rd and Lyon. tl7 FOR SALE. Small place of 7 acres, on Lebanon road, 2 miles from Albany. S. J. Adams, R. D. 1. Furniture for sale and house for rent inquire of phones Bell J 254; Home 395. CHEAP LAND. Large list good farms mailed free. R. W. Tripp, Browns ville, Or. ,10t FOR RENT Furnished rooms 332 Ferry St. corner 4th 15 FOR SALE. Black team, harness, wagon and wood yard business. J. D.Ellis. 906 E. 4th. CHICKENS. Pure bred brown leghorn . - . . .... cockerais, ior Bale at a reasonaoie price. Home pnone bik au. ot IF THERE 13 ANYTHING in the fruit tree linn you are in need of call and see W. A. Ledbetter, he h a nice lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for vour inspection. At the corner of 7th and Walnut Sis., Albany, Oregon,- THE BROAUALB1N Mrs. Bogge proprietor, Second and Broadalbin Sis. Family Bervice, home cook in?, Recent ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession Wltn crops, lerma. naix uuwn unu balance in easy payments. Inquire 130 S. Main. tl5 HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches, nomnadours. etc.. made from comb ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdom, 135 E. First street, Albany. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING. -Prices reasonable. Burkhart & Balt imore, 323 Lyon St. 9t c. c. WRIGHT, M, D. C. VETERINARIAN Authorized To Do Tuberculino Testing Phono Albany Stables. F.G. Will ior watches 1 r now. Mother, hatlier. brother or ibi.uu. I THE HAS BEEN A FRIEND OF THE TRUSTS. . The slock books of the U. S. Rub ber Co., one of the most colossal i . r . i . .... . 1 C- I irUSIS OI IOC tuuniijr, biiuw mui u.- ator Aldrich has three hundred shares in it. It is easy to see what kind of service the U. S. has been receiving from Aldrich, and in whose interest he has been working. And Aldrich is only one of quite a number of trust magnates who have been running the government. Legislation ior years has been emphatically in the interest of the big concerns, and the enormous wealth they have accumulated is due in a great measure to favorable legis lation. The truth is the people have been buncoed, and Senator Aldrich has been the steerer. - It is as plain as the trunk of an elephant. Recently the people broke away from such rule, and made a demand for something else. It should be granted. .More than that, there should be a law mak ing it impossible for a member of a trust concern to occuoy a seat in con gress. u TOO MANY ALREADY. The Democrat is willing to endorse even a suggestion of Joe Cannon, if it is right. Cannon declares that there are enough men in congress already, and that instead or adding more members, the basis should be changed so that the number will re main the same as now. It might be well to go further than that and raise the basis so the number will be de creased. As a matter of fact it would probably be better to have a less number of members in the lower house. The suggestion deserves con sideration; but the spoils hunters will probably pay little attention to it. The Guarantee Optical Company have a large and new stock of all atyles of spectacles and eye glasses, also a va riety of Hair pine and Ear loop chains and chain holde:s. We guarantee ac curate fitting of lenses .and framep. Stock at Dawsons Drug Store. We have the newest and choicest in pleasing variety for Christmas gifts. F. M. French & Son. Fresh oysters any Btyle Hot Lunches morning. Noon or night. Elite Choco te Shop. Ham s'lipTi ents of Andirons Fire Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co'b. 20 per cent off on dinner Beta thia week at the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st Street. F G. WILL, lor Watches City Lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, II. and 12 in Block 40, Albany, are now offered for sale and ra.jge in prices from $250:00 nnrl S5O0.09 to S700.00. Payable 10 'Wr cont down and 2 per cent per month. These lots face 5th and 6th St. and ate only 7 blocks from the Court House. Every lot is in the city limits and has all the city convenience, including city water. OWEN BEAM, Agent.' Sturk Building, "i '; THE CHR1ITA SPIRIT 1 M THE AK. THE WORLD'S IM SELHSH TIME IS UP07' US. WE AEED rtOT REAIrtD YOU TRTT THE GREATEST HPPIAESS C0AES TO OUR SELVES WHErt WE -onr. it jnnv MTll nilD fflPTS lAKL ) lNLtve) fLflr r I wnnuuftuii is. RUT WE WILL REA1AD YOU TH4T OUR STORE IS THE "CHRISTU1S STORE" VNFRE YOU ZAti BUY "QUALITY" MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES. WE RE SPECTFULLY INVITE YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE FOR YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING. New Jabots and Persian Elastic Belts. One of the choicest assortments of thtse two articles that we have ever seen. Daintv jabots of lawn embroideried in neatest pat : or mWsr finished with prettv narrow lace ill'llis "i i' v - Otliprs made of nleateu nets eni- etijiii vuvi iu.?viiiw' broidened m gold and silver. Any of them will make beautiful and desirable gifts. The belts are unusuallv pretty. Dark Persian effects woven in good grade clastic to insure you of long service. Buckles in' gold or black, plain or fancy. Kelts like these give that desirable finishing touch to the costume. You can't fait to please if you give belts like these. HAMILTON STORE PERSONAL John Leary returned this noon from ' Portland. 1 r. Smith and wife, of Tacoma, were in the city today. RCAIt ANn RFFLFCT Mr. and Mrs C. S. Shedd returned: KfcAD AINU KLr LH1 this noon from Portland. j Have you ever stopped to think of how much value affe oMnTpJrpU'eft ""'good teeth are to you? . &oVawisSinntb!Today; Do you know that many of the diseases of the body going to Brownsville. are caused by decayed teeth? Mrs. J. H. Kauffman returned this noon from a two weeks visit with her , j)0 y0U know that proper mastication of the food d g! Ae-of Dickerson. N.'means a good stomach and good digestion? lk . U Innlmn fnn o InAatinn in Hen'owlriendj the legal business, nf George Tavlor. rrr. turn luia. ls it mcitm t.uo afternoon fooled a crowd of rice and old Bhoe throwers by takiog an auto Corvallis and thence to Portland by the "Margaret ciine haa returned from' a0.' FaWjM'oSS! tyHPe7manV Aibanv friends are glad to have her back in Albany. it i it tit uAi.m Uw The LucKy People Receiving Merchandise Gifts. j Yesterday was a lucky day for eight people at the Chambers & McCune store. Those receiving gifts were Mrs. Rocky Willis, Mrs. V. Parker. Mrs. Crane, Leo Cohen, piid Uiss Franc es McCourt, Albany, Mrs. Nora Watson, Jefferson; Mrs. E. Culla, Junction; Mrs. Anna Ransame, Tangent. Yesterday was the first day of pre mium giving and at the sound of the gong shopping was at a stand stlil to see was the lucky person. On every twentieth sale from now until Christmas premiums will be given away. See add for particulars. Mrs. Merrill's Will. The will of Mary F. Merrill was riled yesterday in Portland. She left an estate of $26,000. Under a will mide last Mav her daughter Maria A. Merrill will receive $12,000, Mrs. H. F. Merrill $12,000 and a diamond pin, H. F. Merrill $l,000,each of the M errill children $100 each, the rest to H. F. Merrill. The executors are H. F. Merrill, Maria Merrill and Jas. Failing. Some Jap Pictures. The Ladies Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church will present Thursday evening at 7:30 in the church a aoripa nf hni:ftfllt .Ifinanese Sli 'es with the stereopticon. They will be assisted b George Ihida and Henry Mnki of Japan, who will Rive japan readings and songs, in costume, also by Miss Buena Bicknell as soloist and the primary department of the Sabbath school. mi DON'T YOUR TEETH ARE YOUR FRIENDS , .... Do you know that bad cause ot throat trouDier tj0 vou know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do , affect the eyes ? Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth? What is going to happen if you continually swallow 00json from decayed and broken-down teeth ? r J I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex act cost for first-class work GUARANTEED My terms are cash, so I moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 W. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business , Same Management for Eighteen Years. Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY. OREGON. 1 ',"AT j For the money than any pie :n the city at the shop ot W. KOPPLIN, New Hill Bldg., 2nd and Montgomery. Miss Mysto and The Fairy Zoo Dolls Miss Mysto arrived just last week with her little sis ter and everv dav has rereivprl manv imr. iin-i -,-;c,tr,rc - J ' On Christmas mnrninrr Jin. .vm Ullllg UCllgUL LU H1C hearts of many little ones and be a source of joy to them ,U1 """j' v-civ3 in me new year, one ana the -fairy Z.00 Dolls have caused the-children's eves tn rl.nnr-f as tr.pv caught sight of them on the ior iney are going rapidly and NEW NUMBERS ON ALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Some one, somewhere holds the number that will give ; them the beautiful piano. Some one else the rug the dress ,and all the eifts not vet claimed. Saturday. Don't miss seeing . j uu. DELAY teeth in many cases are the FOR TEN YEARS can give first-class work at a BARBER SHOP ' 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop. 7 ----. T 11, -IV , l.lliui J . clio m,;h k; i:i.4. i counters. tter buy early not many remain. a single number. It might u