Womens' Coats at 1-3 less A fair assortment left, but we want to close out every garment. Your choice at 1-3 less than regular price. Flood's Store A a fits for K. & u. Corstts. Agents for Standard Pattern TOMORROW'S DOINGS. elist E. E. Violett, of Atlanta, Ga., will bein a series of meeting at the Chris tian church, Jan. 1st. MISFITS. United Presbyterian. W. P. White, Pastor. 'A he usual services tomorrow. St. Peter's (Episcepal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden Minister. Morning service 11a. m. evening service 7.iu. b. h, 10 a- m- i The office of councilman is Christian Science - Meeting held at important one. corner 4th & Ferry St., at 11 a. m. , suojeci tne only cause anu ere-, Xnis b.,sine6s has been experience meeting wednescay ,0 alrc.adv. Vote ou Monday for somebody. Don't stay at home. a very nnf fff 7:30 a. m. Grace Presbyterian. S. S. 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6:45 p. m. At the Morn ing service the pastor will talk again on Soul Winning. In the evening there will be a meditation on the subject,; A grand opera singer says the cock A'hat it Coats not to be a Christian. taji js the curse of the country. On account, of Dr. Foulkes' noted lec-; tere the mission study class will meet Albany wants l city park very bad, somewhere. Where? IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. ; THE LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ! There are 91.000,000 people in the U S., of which 672,765 are in Oegon. We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also ' Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. S (Loves, Stoves, Stoves. Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co. On Wednesday instead of Tuesday even . ing. Remember the nne bioi-s school. ; St. Mary's (Catholic).- R.-.V. Arthur Line, Rector. Kev. John Van Nevel, ' Assistant. Services at 8 and 10:30 a.. , m. The service of the Forty hours i Adoration will be held today and ser- f . mi t. i I i D I monti Will De preaciieu uy a ucucuiciiiic I Father of Mt. Angel. Tne evening , service will beheld at 7:3f. .Mission ; services will be conducted today at Jef ; ferson, Shejbum and Lvons. ' Presbyterian.- F. rl Geselbracht Min ; istcr. Morning service 10:30: Pie- Christmas Mediations: The Incarnation philosophically considered. The first in a series of three sermons Vesper s r- , vice at 5. A devotional hour largely ' give i ovtr to sacred song. The Tre- mont Glee Club will render the special : numbers. Theme: No Room in the Inn. s s 11 -in. Hashes for a'l: an hour lu 1 of music ana inspiration. Senior En-, live. : Ueavor at 4 p. m. . M. E. 3rd and Ellsworth streets.-I Chairman Billy Jones, of the Marion I W. S. Gordon, pastor. Class meeting county republican central committee is 10 a.m. S. S. 11:45. Junior and Inter to be congratulated. Col. Hofer is I mediate Legues 3. Epworth League ' after him, a compliment to Billy. 1 6:30. The tr.eme at 10:30 will be: A ; J Question of Destination, Gen. 32:17, and . T , 'at 7 30 Rev. C. T. Wilson D. D. of Benton county is hilarious. It has a i Chicago will deliver his lecture on The native apple, the Vanderpool, which is i Present Status of the Temperance Re- attracting attention, a good one. Har form. He is field secretary for the en- ld Bumbaugh has brought it to the j tire Metho jist church. Special music ( front. at each service. j Christian. Albyn Esson, Minister. I An effort is being made in Portland 1 10:30 a. m. Bible school, iullowed bv to limit the session of the state leirisla- commuion service. 11:20a. in. morning ture to twenty days, but it is all on pa- sermon, subject: necessary xnings. per, just wina. wnen tne legislature' C. E 6:30 p. m. The evening service meets it will take it about twenty days will be under the auspices of the Chris- ; to get started, and it will want more tian Woman's Board of Missions and I time at the end of forty days instead the address will be delivered by Mrs i of less. A twenty day session is bosh Clara G. Esson of Forest Grove. The I on paper. President Taft is about to unite his party. Better unite himself first. Mr. Van Demen. the annle iude-e. says there cannot be an overproduction of apples in this country. A college president would curb tie trusts, but that can't be done with U. S. senates made up of trust magnates. Oregon's sprinkler is doing (good work these days, fixing the ground for next year, thegreatest of ail fertilizers. T e Times says the Brownsville Com mercial club, which has been sick, will It has been given a dose of push. Every Woman is Pleased with an Electric Iron It is ready any time, day or evening, to do the work. No work is too difficult for it from a dainty shirt-waist to the family ironinjr. If you' have never used one call the New Business De partmentPhones 15 and we will arrange to let vou have one on 30 days' trial. Yes, they would make ex cellent Christmas presents. Electric Light Co. 128 West First Street. $1.00 Fountain Pens with solid gold 14 K pen ; points. Every pen guaranteed. We have a line of self fillers at $1.50 that are special values. F. M. FRENCH & SON, Jewelers. public, is hereby reminded that Evang- We Guarantee ihe WHITE QUEEN To'.ba the bust hard wheat bluo stem flour in the city. The prico Is mudorate and thequality uniform. . Call us un for a trial nnck, nntl we 11 nrovo to vou thut our aBSertlun is correct, Sold on nbs' ' -,ki guaranty. It. A. m ultra Y, 225 Wet 2nd St. J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Koo:s, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Works. J AS. K. POWELL, Real' Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 1.10 Brnadalliin street, Albany. i Hell phone Red 1-ti'i. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for tho Clceliind Gclseiiite j roof paint. , 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific. Red -W2 COI LINS & TAYLOR, 1 Real Estate and Insurance, j liny and sell property. Insure ! property and transact loans, t Large or small timber tracts. 1 J. M. RALSTON. ' Insurance, Loans el Collections. , Have money to loan in sm:.U and j lartrc .nuoiiuts. Notes and mort- ; Kac.cs bought. 1 will bond you. ' Property handled for non-resi-, dents. 1 A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, ; Will ft Sunk Ulock - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, j Osteopathic Physician, Al'-oiv St. tie I'-.i-ik Unildins;. Iloll -IS 'a A- )".' 1 1 nine H. A. LE1NINGER, Dentist, - Clawfoid Hlock - - All-am j DR. W. R. B1LYEU, j Dentist, j Will & Stark lllock - All-am I About the Cost of Your Corset THE better corset you wear, the better you will look; the more satisfaction in style, fit, comfort, hygiene and service, you will get. It's economy to buy a good cor set. Don't pay less than $1 for your cone' ; pay as much more as you can afTjrL dnderson Corsats are the chc icst because they are the best You cau buy a Henderson Corset from $1 up to $S that will hygienic ally proportion your figure to the most fashionable lines. You will understand why these corsets arc so popular with all fashionable women after you have worn your individual, correctly fitted model. - If you wear a Henderson models designed to produce the latest figure effect, you. will have the rounded, natural bust and "narrow," slender figure lines required by the prevailing modes. These corsets mean comfort and case to the wearer. They are con structed to give the very best service. A boohltt thawing tht ntw corf I ttjlt fffren , away upon requests THE HAMILTONfSTORE Commonwealth Day. for HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets I Jan. 12 and 13 have been set i commonwealth day at the U. O , a month earlier than usual, so as not to conflict with examinations. The sub jects selected this year are: Improve men t of country life conditions, Upbuild ing of a Healthy Conscience, Social Service of the Physician, enlistment of the state bar for securing of promptest and most economic justice through the I laws and courts of tho commonwealth, I enlistment of women's clubs for effec tive social service, cooperation of Uni versity with women's clubs to make i effective this sentiment, securing of I more enthusiastic and energetic es pousal of responsibility by the students and graduates of the University toward encouraging and coordinating all social interests in commonwealth upbuilding. 1 3E3E3 RIMLAJKrSEa ISTOIE THIS BANK IS in its 40th year A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIltST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000,00 0.00 An Old Mory. Jefferson Review: The Review is in formed (don't ask us how) that the census report will show less thin 400 population in Jefferson. The census j t.Ker is one of our Lest boys, and was raised here, but there is a mistake somewhere. We had more ptople than that 15 years ago. Since that time a I great many dwellings have been built, and there is nut one of them at the present time vacant, and we can't sea, under these conditions, how the popu lation could decrease. ' At the Electric. Beatrice Guivcr made a hit at the Electric, last night before a crowded house. Her serpentine dance is said to j be the best ever riven here. She has 1 114 yards of cloth in her dress and is j before the audience twelve minutes, . presenting a wonderful performance. ! She will be seen again tonight, together . with the same splendid moving picture program.. CGPELAND A MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT - WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the ease with whic-b the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS" OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. WM, BAIN. President. p. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better .things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. MAKUl-ACTUKl-.RS OK ALL KINDS OK LUMBER. ROUGH AND DRESSED !s Specialty. M ill Butte, near Santiam r.ated two mile-j east of Knon River. WHEN DOWN IN THE MOUTH ; think ot Jonah: "he cimo out all : 1 right." When in need ot a ood, ! lek-au Tooth Brush think of Burkhart I j .S: l.ee. They have them all riiiit, the , Illicit line in the city. Prices ricrht. i ! 20 per cent nlY i-n ilintnr seis this' week at the j'.'K'lv Sjtore, jlJ v . 1 j Street. A YOl'K clonic CLliANht) ND PRESSED The Paiitalorium, GILBERT & M1NTON DR. O. S. MATTHEWS UKUGLKSS HEALING INSTITUTE. ;0 W 1st St. M. B. CRAKT, 242 West Second St., Albany, l-'irst clas" nu-.its of all kinds from seUvu-d stock. HENRY KKODERS, --Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. Wot Second Stieet. Ik'li Plv.ne black 273 Home nlu lie 1J0 325 Lyon Street, Albany. Oregon. Methods: Chiropractic, magnetic and innual science, electric baths and iNration. Treated. Alt cnraMo disease?, chronic r acute, without knife or nu-di- Frt sh oysters any style Hot Lunches morninir. Neon or nii?ht. Elite Choco to Shop. Pee the inw polisnea top Crtsent lUnirc nt $4," tM at Hulburt Ohlinfj Hardware Cos. GROCERIES ND BAKED GOODS AT" CONRAD MEYERS Vs. r A fine lot at our yar.l at this city, just burnt-!, l'lioin- Homo i:i. L rrrerience. 1 1 l'or-::!r.rioi Vr- ! years free. practice. Ko imt ukucv: uh-.om;, tl-e 1 andkrson. j ALBANY BRICK CO JOHN KUIiCHlGR'S Express-l Hor il.il v.ns another set of books. Si.irt richt with a loose leaf outfit. Let R.nvlings show- you. your horse has EAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE, Salem - Oregon. 5 1,st".fc ' U'i. i iv. n rse to t . vil:ki:cv'v',; paths. 21? W. -t I'll -t S'te.-t First-Class Wo'k CuaianteeJ. T. ,l.vTlT!, I Attor'i. v :U w Noti y 1 ;,l li.' I,ei;l t;!t':'- of nil km s m u,l tht court? ptcimilly aliened to. liell l liont i i. ht n- ; r. WUi 't ! ,l!UT.. ''layb:rry, Krayman an,1 lirjht hnliri.. I'iaro ?i--si 'i;v, r tno ;.n0 organs ; i"i'i;v ri Wlit N'p3 for : t r .-ii,', v - ' W'.m; or 1C . - 7 j x.-rv Both is NOW THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LS3ELLE BROS. AT THE CITY FISH MARKET 109 Lyon Street, on can pet all kinds of fish, fresh sailed, smoked and canned; fresh oys ters, crabs and clams. Yaquina sal mon received dailv. Lowest prices consistent with high yuality ot goods. Delivery to all parts of the city. I'Oth phones. til W. II RmnFWAV pr iCemcntWort Side Estimnto, niven on Plastering wak and ( om-nt WorV. J .FjiJ 'ip- -tin & ralaiwnja .V.,iybcrfv Hcud aro. W Vete iVVcv ar I- .-: rhones -.vo R, F. JONES. Surge Kcil - I'i C.vi I fr. le. '..o.:: piK fir '''. ?4 M-,p!c. n. Oak. t-r:re - I 7n ; 1 Sr., Home del ; I'XtJ tu I cWi.J any ve siv-un w-.n;pil :r0u'-, to anv part of town, length desired.