The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cent a week; in -advance for one year, M.00 By mail, in advance (or one year $3, at end of year l.5u. The Weekly Advance per year $1.26. At end of year $1.60. After 3 yei-rs at 12. LIGHTS AND WATER. Running an electric light and water plant is evidently not all poetry. Here are a couple of pieces of evi dence the Democrat gives in the spirit of the day: The Albany Kick : The city council of Albany has the power to regulate the rate charged for electric light. Why don't they do k? $6.00 worth of light in Albany costs $4.00 in Corvallis though the light is gen crated in Albany. Why are we forced to pay 50 per cent more than Corval lis. If our city council has the power and will not regulate these high pric es and poor lights why not the city install their own plant? The same thing applies to water high prices and low pressure. P. U. OILBLRT. NEW ALBANY PIANO ST0RF Eilers b'.usie House Opens hi Establishment at 120 West 2nd street. THE ADVANTAGES OF BUYINC AT EILEK'S U$IC HOUSE, The Corvallis Kick : From the Gazette-Times: At the meeting of the jtciaii iUcrciiants Association last night a vigorous protest was made against the extremely poor service the lighting company is giving Corvallis. It was insisted that this condition has prevailed three years or more and has been gradually growing worse. Some of the merchants were inclined to feci that the different councils had pcr- muico. tne electric company to make repeated promises and then continue in its splendid effort of doing nothing to ncip tne situation. 1 he Merchants Association fairly sizzled in its con demnation last night and appointed a committee of three A. K. Russ, C. A. M.nrphcy and A. P. Johnson to raise a big row with the company, and if they failed to get perfect satis faction, to put another plant in here by the first of the year. In the meantime a big $1,000,000 power plant is being built to meet ine case. FACTS ABOUT ALBANY COLLEGE. We take pleasure in announcing Iht formal opening for active business ?' our new Albany Store, at 120 Wesi Second street. For some time we have watched the splendid upbuilding of the Albany business section. We feel that I strictly up-to-date Piano store, con ducted on the 'Eilers well-known "Small Profit and Quick Sales Pol icy," will be given the support by loy al Albany people to warrant the maintenance of such an establishment. Vt e have installed a rri6st magnifi cent assortment of all that is worth iest and best in upright Pianos, Baby Grands, Player Pianos and Baby You'll find here the nam Imv nri.. policy the same courteous treatment the same carei'u. attention to detail which has resulted in Eilers Music House selling annually more pianos mi. in an oincr acaiers combined. We sell nothing that we know not right. When we sell to you it is wmi mc Knowledge and the belief that if we satisfy yon, you will influence your friends to deal with us. We have utilized everv modern economy in order that we might give better value and better satisfaction to our patrons. Buying and shipping in tremendous Quantifies, factorv in spection of pianos by our expert reo- ivmnii,ia, A uiuuiiiu Kuaraniec wun every piano sold, a corps of expert tuners and regulators all these have contributed toward making the big following we now have and mnkinrj yjut uuniuc-i-i wnd.1 I now 15. As the piano purchaser knows the advantages in buying trom the Eilers stores, so the manufacturer realizes the advantage in selling through the tilers stores. No three 2 CHINAMEN One of ths unique features of the Univeiaity of Oregon Glee Club this year, which appears at the opera house December 8th, is the presence of. two Chinese atudenta, Messrs. Lai and Ding. Both are American born and residents f Portland, and both have voices of unusal merit One nunibar of the pro gram will include a solo by Mr. Lai. William Lai, the freshman, 23 years o'd, is taking a course in chemical en gineering. He intends to go into the cement business when he finishes the University, and ultimately will go into business in China. Mr. Lai is a mem ber of the first tenor section and has unusual ability. Before entering Ore gon, he studied under one of the best vocalists in the country, Mrs. Marie Wigham, of Portland, who is now in Europe. Harry Ding, a sophjmore, 25 years old, has come to Oregon to fit himself for civil engineering work. When he has completed his course, he will enter Cornell! University. Mr. Ding also ex pects to go to China later and devote nimseii to engineering work. Ding sings m tne secooa oass oi tne Ulub MISFITS. Be sensible in baying nd giving. The way to spell opportunity, push. The wages of gin is death, says an After woman. all Mrs. Eddy was just a Rubbing It In. The Corvallis Gazette Times sets sarcastic as follows Some woman at Albany, who should nave oeen at cnurcn, decided to oae an eieitric iron about 11. 1 Sunday morn ing and as a result the fripe organ at Presbyterian church in Corvallis lacked sufficient of the electric fluid to keep it going. Dr. Bell led out on so-nrann nd the choir and audience sang without the aici oi me orsan. ine Albanv rjhmo. crat, wnue giving uorvaius a straight- aiiu juu uccuBiunauy, always insists that the people of the Hub Citv realtv lovo Corvallis. The now have a chance to prove it by tailing to turn on a single incandescent between 11 and 12 0 ciocic on aunday. Benton County Sales. stores. No three niano stores n any large citv combined, can offer has today a thoroughly ' u,e purchaser more variety and progressive public school 1 merlt "' P,ano manufacture than we uu. From America's oldest and supreme the grand old Chickering to the genuine Pianola Piano tlie newest ' creation there is scarcely a name, well and favorably known in the pi ano trade, that does not find represen tation in the Eilers stores. The Law son, the favorite of the most appre ciative musicians: the world-renowned Albany equipped, system, crowned by a splendid high school. The schools that make up this system Albany very properly Appreciates. Albany docs not know its college to day. When Albany College was the pri mary school, grammar school, high school, and very creditable embryo college of Albany, all in one, the town knew it and appreciated it. Today Albany College is none of the above, but is a real college doing full four years of college work above and beyond the full four years' high school course. Today the requirements for admis sion to the college department of Al bany College are at least as high as for admissio:. any college or uni versity in O- n. Today the educational standard set by Albany College in its college course is one that is not equaled by more than two (or possibly three) oilier colleges and universities ill Ore gon. Today it is probable that no oilier college in Oregon ranks higher with the aulhorities of the 1'nivcrsily of Oregon for quality oi work done than tines Albany College, ' It is not believed that a graduate of Albany College recommended by the faculty as having done a high grade of work would be refused full admission to do advanced graduate work at any Western university. Only a .small proportion of the high schools of Oregon today can fully C. M. Vandernonl to Chan. Dutfon 100 acres near Albany, $10. David F. Youncr to Oliver J. Slirmir and wife. 234 acres near Summit tin Mary E. Perfect to W. I. Green, 1 acres near Albany $100. WEDNESDAY. DOINGS OF THE WORLD Who reads the president's message anyway. Short days and short pocketbooks in uect inner. There should be crape on the doors of cuiigre&B. Good bye, Senator Aldrich, and" good IIUUAUVO. The long faced Christian is a thing of He pnaches well, who lives well, is Bi'. viu saying. There should be no east or west, just one Albany. It is the sameTcrld congress nntil the 4th of March. Whatever the religion ft Is a hkr thmo- to have it fall of sunshine. Albany a Darkless citv. irt not a vptt buw Nuverfcisemenc ior re. C li NEWS Deeds recorded: Albany Land Co. to Wayne Stu art 4 lots Hazel wood! f 10 Henninc Langwock to Henry Lanwock 122.63 acres 1000 O. P. R. R. Co. by Sheriff ta Central Land C. 8.12 acres Albany M. A, tuonteith to Central Land Co. half interest in block 64 Albany G. E. Waggoner to G. A. Wag goner lot Lebanon Final accounta annmnwi in uif -. ..... r " toiM;o mose Mirer and Wm. B. Henderson. New suits:-Clara E. Warner to teg ister title, Hewitt & Sox attorneys. Keid Murdock & Co. agf N. vV. rruit Assn., suit to recover $700 dam ages on account oi failure to deliver a car of prunes contracted for W. C, nuisiow attorney frr plaintiff. Marriage license Arthur nd Bertha . Thomas. E. Allen Deed recorded: Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. to C. a K. K. Co., by sheriff, all DrODertV Of nnrioi public sale made Nov. 7.1KU xinn nnn Duuora aneiion to S. P. JNeal, 20. 12 acres enst .name a. Hector to Frank De iiron ana wife, 65 15 acres. . 600 .Emily a. Hartford to E. Ins. Co.' 40 acres Can't some one irive- A than n ami have their name perpetuated. park CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Galloway held an adjourned England is-having- art election', am it ' Titfes were nrrinrprl re bWImtcA nn tti " w uiiuugii ueiuro iinrisunas. A Chicago 14 vear old' mVI: Catlivipmo Barker, has jiJst been willed $30,000,000. Poor girl applications-of H. D. Eeott, Ed. Tat maa, G. W. Simpson, et al, nd Gov- ornw nxjnuoa, Referees to examine title Were ap pointed in aplication of G. W. Wright,' W. W. Bailey;. U, M. Payne, W. W. Bailev:A. BT Curtfa.nt i n s Rill A fool and his monev are soon nartpn Edward Jasor el nl T. I. Qn.n! and some times he isn t so very much ( Clara E. Warner et al., S. M. Garland! of a fool either. i In Ralph Grosbonr aa-t. N. W. Thompson,, . jg. Packard was appoint Thfl rich kind nt m Imnu, la tho ! Cd to take CeStjmonV. who will help you to get oat of trouble ! .b.iici vuau liivo lb. A blizzird is raging in the eaet. Tha nnnilln'inn r.t O ft.. Kimball; the rich-toned and durable 549. an increase of 60 per cent in ten l.estcr; that aristocrat of pianos, theyears. the' o,d Rcliablc'sXman I r J Pnent WcYden eVal" r!,C & i S onthTdnemocrrati Xte'tieL "ht anlees of piano excellence. I rnSifV.-0-6 r 0t ,n? at To buv a piano of the Eilers stores Fn"m9: ?,'C- ."'"de"1" ' have means to have the service of piano f nBC?LVA, few 866 " Pr ray'" of experts in making the selection for ! ""ntsquabblo humorouslylpresent you it means a guarantee which in-1 tT , surcs y.-ti against disappointment in I "eJ HKe. ' Alberta, has been anv way .-..-d best of all, it means that "' cd to the pastorate of the Presby. you are ,b!ed to .secure a high-grade ! aaJr al PreV.lle, Dr. Ketch ,,iMo (. - iii ...i,i .!,,. 1 "m- declining . on account of Mrs. ... - ' ' . HHtrhnm health Geo. H. Evans a former Albany man. once working in the woolen mill here recently died at San Jose, after an ill ness of six vears. Before vamir tn Sun joae ne resiaea. several years in Eureka wise re ; .id lor an interior instru ment. EII :R MUSIC HOUSE, Biggrit. Busiest and Best. 120 West 2nd St.. Albany, Oregon. The farm richtlv run is no lonror ' loafing place in winter. The m-osner. . ous Linn countv farmer in hiisv all ha time. OBSERVED By the tan About Town TUESDAY. An odd scene at the depot this noon' Out beyond the depot at the head, of was a man kissing a woman, arriving Montgomery street, just outside th9 on the train, without taking his cigar city limits is a pond, where boys run from his mouth. rafts, etc., an eye sore,, for people pas- ; sing through form ai wrong impression The hobble skirt is to go. and another Ltilef City fr,m '- A' mi.f?hty P? freak is to tane its place. But most "fhsement for any place is standing women won't allow themselves to be laie,r l a5y klnd .suggesting malaria, made fools of and, 8 P'ty does well when it goes- for I such things with a Teddy gun.. - One Eugene paper calls the other a . Some people continue , to dump r0ld lobster, when that paper retaliates with ifasn ?ut near the cemetery, something the words heptudous magalopod. Affer that snould be stopped emphatically.. all there is nothing in name calling, big i!lere snouId be a big penalty for it. or little. There is also complaint made to the , Democrat of old cans and things being pi n v.1 n i - . dumPel out along some of the country fhe Bible tells of seven kinds of roads, also an eye-sore. The highways churches, all of which God criticised should be kept clean, and road commis but two. About hve out of the seven sioners should require it. churches of today just the same are I given up to worldiness and commercial-1 Mr. chace is making , Qn The Gazette-Times savs the i, ' VIfSJi.lfrt,pfiL?1?? Slf5? bruth in the report that Dr. Bell and the white thing when it is" comnlntoH nere tne same as it aces, AT THE COURTHOUSE. Circuit fcurt: John Shafer agt. Wm. Bilyeu, C. E, Sox appointed reieree to sell property.- W. F. Gill agr, Vernon F. Daniel, et al.. R. Shelton appointed referee to sell property. Application G. W. Wright to register' title granted. Also B. JJ. Payne. In John F. Egan agt. Ah'ce Egin a mttion to make more definite was over ruled and ten days given' to answer. Deeds recorded: E. O. Norene to S. L. Hicks 4 lots Lebanon $ 1850 E. I. Co. toT. p. Kearn 160 acres 90 L. C. Alexander to G. M. Wirth et al 42 2 3 acres . . 640; Anna M. Houck to G. M. Wirth et al 77 2-3 acres 1540 H. E. Burmester to Anna hi: Houch 30 acres i Walter H. Davis to Jos. Hetzel 77 acres 5005 C. M. Morgan to Tri-state R.; Co. right of way . ; lgo Alice M. Patterson to T. S. Co:' right of way 85' R. H. Gourley to T. S. Co. right way 1 Mary E. Driver to T. S. Co. right of way 75 Decree Benson agt. Pierce. Countv Court is in sPRninn Rilla l. lowed as usual. Percy Rockefeller a sor , of Willtam Idt (ilU tad . slugging by teTng Tfp "ft peVf Jthe Jgreat matcn but that they did come toolows, L aTotler pfa Johu D, has been 1.1 Portland and saw one blowing about the U.O., the other I P f i 1 'id.! 1 me appie snow, wnicn na says was the about his new church. ever saw. The Observer tells how Rev. Ho berg 83 years of age, wrote 1300 words The Southern Pacific is malting a fine S truckmeier Struck It Portland; Dec. 6. Mr. Henry Struck- nrenare a student for admission to the regular four years college course o( chief of police, Chas. Elgin Atnany college, siinaiiya simciuiui it. v orossen treasure. high school can and dues do this. Louis Lachmond was elected mavor ' nn r mi-ft Mrs ifnnft nt a n.-.. : deoot Dark at MmtfnrH nt thoiv nmn ! meier. who hH n dianlav nt an..iaB of Salem. He is wat; Ira Hamilton . wrote over 5.000 wnrda nn nnutl ord expense.which will be kent un hv thnm- the BDDle fair atAlbanv and ffAtt ntDnrrl. Tn.'lav the college work of Albanv Hillsboro. racivimr S2fi out nf 32M vni.. I JV. B"'lep. formerly Miss ;it recorder, McMinnville will have to set some of ou1, Albany is compelled to put several her young people to trying. thousand dollars into one on the South- ic.h rHuiuc b own prpoeicy, ana Keep . A ii.r.-.. ii. : . n' .. ..HUD. Wnv flllln A r1isrimmof,nn A College is, as it should be, its princi- At Oregon City George Brownell. "esterday Mrs Barber has pal work and its most important work, former -enalor. now an insurgent, was : well to some time burher deth was ! Pe0Ple- today Albany m lege nas more wii-eiwi mayor. i a ..-:-- . h, '. .;j. ek: full college student, who have com- At Philomath W. C. Fisher was ' to..27?oflwlM Vtoh?thSl ..1 1 .. .r l,;l, .-l,1 rr C ected mavor nn thn nri.rrK.i. liolcul . "M PBlr 0t tWlnS el8nt month Of gistcred in I nc lour years " armus rasa d. u. myers was R oiectea mayor. and arc reo colleite course than it ever has had be fore in its nearly hlty years ot history. The preliminary work for a great advanced movement for Albany Col lege has been done. In every import ant respect except in the matter of numbers in those departments of work that compete with Albany's sjilcmlid public school system the col lege is better off than it has ever bc'ti before. As it devote itself now to its real work as a college will) sup I Rcvencre is sweet. Several vpumim , .uu..v.l 4 llllUUUtkll ICIUQCU IU Py The Register, Hinn I aum nce tertainmenc given there under tho direction of Viss Dunkel. hardly enough to buy a dustpan for the auxiliary. lss Lueille, well known in Albany, was declared the I never had before ftom the Svnod star of the event, acung with all the npiumo ana nnesseo ot an old John Ingle a bill of $1.75. Ingle sued tne city and recovered the money, and , it cost Philomath $300. One of the I ritv ennn,il IKon XJ A TI.. , ol Eugene reporU a JoJly recently run for mayor and Ingle at the lorn Thumb en-, helped to defeat him by 7 votes. Miss Dunkel in Eugene 0, A. C. Alumini. The members nf thn nlitmni nA oi urcgon aim iroiii ine great i res- i ;"""-""- ""'- r"- former students of the Oregon Agri- bytenan church of the United Mates, '"" uu, -' : " ! cu tural College now residing in Linn J ami provides the needed equipment , flc''K"t t thi little ballet skirts. County will hold their first annual ,and endowment for a real college, it J I banquet in Albany Saturday evening. v will have three hundred (perhaps live i Indiana Farm in iOlfl lThe collegians will assemble in the hundred) college students within ihe '"" drills in lyiu. Commercial Club rooms where an in- next live years. Alumni and mends I . formal reception will be held and num- h ue re i-i n to be proud of ihe prog-j An Indiana census bulletin shows erous musical and other numbers will ress made and inst in sichl. and have ' T.euO less farms and over 7,tKX) less . bo rendered every reason to speak often the help -! riners that ten i years age. The in- At 10 o'clock the party will adjourn ,wv.,3i.- iii .uui-n iivin nn nveniKu oi i vu uiniiiK room oi ine rievere note tul, eneonr.ieiug wtirds that boost and do not knoek. W'lial oilier institution in Albany means as much for the prospeiity ami general weliare oi the citv as Albanv College? ' r.VK WK1.1N. Aao. a .(.i noia Miu wing. J.dgoC. H. S'ewnrt. who returned la-t night fiuin I'mti.iml, where Im Inui charge of ihe I. inn e-ainty apple ii.spty, is enthii-iastie over the showing n a le The I hn eointv in plrv lucked only ir size. idr. Van Oemen t ho im'go eoir- plunentisl it highly. Knun it u box ot Spiizenbergs was selected as a present for President Tutt. which r V.n Demon pronnuneed n perKet hex if apples. It was phoinuraphel. Tin Altmny di'idnv wis the best ther. for the sie. regardless of lloon Kiver whosvlapples lire nobetter.but tiiey hm the ouautity. Thu thousands who .( thedisplav appi'viainl the f.iet tlm the Wihauiette Vallev c m raiso applet not surpassed in tho wrld .1 $ iii un Here, including buildings, to $75 I where a banquet is to be served. Hon. nn acre. Iheva'ueof lnipleniouts in- J. K. Weatherforl will act as Toast creased 50 per cent, buildings 12 nor I Master and the followmir oersons will rent, nn average acres per farm i7 to ' respond to appropriate toasts: Alfred '!i acres, and there are only 140 in the ! hchnutt. formerly professor in the Col state over 1,000 acres. A Ureal Revival. Wm P Cullen's gro t reviv ilef I'ix ley uud l.ud -r's masterpiece of musicai onieov, UaiKOinusier. " will be eon at the opei a bouse Kridi.y night. .ue tnvitvit , t!us C We nber, will be i-on in his oriinul part ol' I'eler ;stuy .'fsaiit tho governor ol New AtnsteV mid will tie tupporied by a conip- nv ol titty people 1'be costumes are '.specially hiunls.-ine this year, and the "roihieiion is new. Mueh that is novel i. is oven int il id in ihe way of o!ec rieal i tr.cts. home of the seenei have oell revised. lar.d tllediineos are all new. Cic ch'-ius s said to be one of the troiigi'Al l:l.rllU .t.:fri-gattons on ine lego; Hon. John R. Horner. President W . J. Korr, William Dunlap, R. P. Landis, Miss Buelah Boeson and Hon. L. L. Swan. It is expected that be tween forty and sixty of former ntn donts and graduates will be in attend ance, with their guests. When Albany's electric lino runs around Ihe suburbs of the ci'y. out to the fair ground. across through Sunrise and back by east Albany, a park will bo a monument to the giver. The Register said a small audience witnesses the Tom Thumb show ut Eu gene, the receipts hardly heimr emuh 10 buy a dust pan The Guard says a large audience witnessed the perform ance, which made a hit. It added a gixnl fund to the ash can fund. Bet the Guard has the straight of it. NORTH BENTON. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stanton, who have been visiting relatives here for the past few days, left for Ashland Sunday evening. John Tanzer, of Idaho, is visiting at th home ot his brother, Lewis Tanzer. We learn that the Rrown place near the school has changed hands again anr) the present owner is a new arrival from Washington. E. S. Muckley, of Portland, was a business visitor during the week. John Bailey spent the latter part of the week at Nowuerg. Wm. Bailey has installed a new stump puller on his farm and intends to clea- 10 acres of new land. The young people are planning for a basket social to be given on the 16th. The literary program is already ar ranged. Mr. Swink, of Newberc, was trans acting business here Tuesday. Mr. Russell, who owns a 96 acre farm near Palestine, is setting out several thousand choice apple trees, with the intention of having a commercial orch ard. P. E. Johnson spent a few davs in Turner the past week. Kev. Elmore of Brownsvil e filled the P'i'pit at Palestine Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Lowe, prs4 ncian, the well known op I be in Jefferson mdnv. Dec. 12. Alhtnv 'Al and 21. Corvallis Dec. 22. Remember lay and dates. Last trip this year Will not visit Lebanon till last of Jan. That old ship subsidy g on aec t is again ed several prizes, was also very successful at the Portland Apple Fair, winning one first prize over the Hood River dis play and also two secon I prizes over the famous Hotjd River product. The competition there was strong and in taking these prizes back to Linn county Mr. Struckmeier demonstrates that the soil of Linn County when properly cult ivated can produce as good an article as the judges of the Portland Fair care to eat. B. In the City. J. J. Henderson, Coburg Mrs. M. Rose. Phoenix . Mrs. lidith Stair and children. North Bend H. S. Redclifl, Salem A. C. Fox, May Rober'.s Co. J. Hoagland and son, Scio John Wesely, Scio R. D. Burgess, Toledo C. S. Hand. Holley R. J. Thurston, Brownsville E. Comstock, Sprinsfield C A. Dobell, Corvallis C. D Woodford, Elk City. An eastern archbishop says Salome is he glorification of divorce and drbauch- The Market. Wheat $.90, Oats S8c Beef 6c; veaidressed9 Pork dressed lie; on f jot 9,v.c Lard 16c. Esgs 40c. hickens on foot 10c. Hams 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 25c shoulders 15 to lSc. Buttet 30c to 35c. Hour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 6')c oer tu. Hay, from $10 for soma clover to $lg th best timothv. If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price SI. For sale by all drug gists. C. STONE, - Oregon Dr. S. Salem REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is herebv p-iven that th dersicrned referee will nn Vfandv tfc 9th day of January, 191 1, at the hour of I o'clock in the afternoon, at the tront door of the court house, in th city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, pursuant to the decree and order of saie amy made and entered in the circuit court of the state of Oreeron for Lrnn county, on December 6, 1910, that certain suit oendinn in said court, wherein John Shaffer is plaintiff -nA WMI:- t:i , . , inmiii ouycu is uerenoant, sell at puMc auction, to the highest and ucst oiooer ior casn in hand subject to confirmation by said court, all the right, title and interest of the ahnv named plaintiff and defendant in the following described premises, to-wit: The north one-half of the northwest- one-fourth, of the northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp. 12, south range 1 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn county, Oregon. ' C. E. SOX, Referee. Tust publication Decemher 9. 1910 last January 6, 191 1. C. C BRYANT, , Plaintiff's Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned had been duly appointed administrator of the co-partnership estate of Charles E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do ing business as co-partners under the firm name of Fox & Cummings, Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun ty court of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned duly ver ified as by law required within six months from this date at his place of business at the corner of Second and Montgomery streets, Albanv, Oregon. GEORGE B. CITMXfTX'f;"; J. K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. Attorney for Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Ben J. Williams, deceased, pursuant to tne order ot. sale made and entered in the matter of the estate of said de ceased by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, on the 7th day of iNovember, 1910, will from and after the 10th day of-Deccmber, 1910, pro ceed to sell, at private sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub-' ject to confirmation by said court, the ' luuowing aescriDea real property, to wit: - .,; The southwest quarter of section S in township 15 south of range 3 west ot the Willamette- Meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres: also beginning at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 6 in said township and range, and run ning south on the east boundary of " said section 6, 55.78 chains to the north boundary of a tract of land con veyed to R. W. Phillips by Thos. Landingham and wife on the 18th dav of May, 1858; thence west 20 chairisY thence north 53.78 chains; thence east " 20 chains to the place ofr beginning, containing 107.56 acres, more or less.. all in Linn count., Oregon. MARGARET E. WILLIAMS, HEWITT & SOX, Admrx. Attys. for Admr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE" MENT. Xotice is hereby given that the un- dcrsigned administrator of the estate of A. P. Maxwell, late of Linn countv. Oregon, deceased, has filed in tlie county conn of said countv his final account as such administrator, and that said court has fixed Mondav the 19th day of December. 1910. at the hour of 1 o clock in the afternoon, as the time lor the hearing of objections to said hnal account and the settlement there- F. M. MAXWELL. HEWITT & SOX. Admini strator. Attys. ior Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the last will and testament of David Kroman. de ceased, have filed in the countv court ot Lmn county. Oregon, their final ac count as such executors, and that said court has fixed Tuesday, the 3rd dav ot January. 1911. at the hour of one o clock p. m.. as the time for the hear ing ol objections to said final account and the settlement thereof FRANK FROM-AX, uc.-.--r. . L- C MARSHALL, HEW ITT & SOX Executors. Attorneys ior Executors,