ROAD TAX. t - Notice is hereby given by (he un dersigned, taxpayers and residents of Road District No. 3, of Linn county, Oregon, that a meeting of the tax payers of said road district will be held at W. O. W. Hall in Shedd, in said road district, on Tuesday the 27th day of December, 1810. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day for the purpose of levying an additional tax on all the taxable property in said road district for road purposes. The undersigned compose more than ten per cent of the taxpayers of said road district. Davis Shedd & Davis, J. R. Frady, J. W. Lamar, J. S. Lamar, E. G. Fugh, H. Zimmerman, M. P. XlcClane, L. R. Wilson, J. R. Wright, Mnrtin Thomp son, J. B. Cornett Jr., Hurley Morgan, G. B. Thompson, R. B. Anderson, P. S. Hill, P. I. Troutman, C. A. Trout man, Earl Shearer, E. D. Farwell, C. A. Pugh, W. B. McCorro-ck, J. P. Willbanks, J. W. Pugh, J. C. Davis, C. H. Davidson, O. B. Connor, G. V. Maxwell, Geo. McReynolds, C. E. Powers, G. W. Large, H. B. Sprenger, G. L. Porter, E. Zimmerman, C. E. Barton, W. W. Poland, J. W. fallow, C. Carlson, R. S. Acheson, T. M. Acheson. ROAD TAX. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, taxpayers and residents of Road District No. 1 of Linn county, Oregon, that a meeting of the taxpay ers of said Road District will be held at Temple's Hall in said district on Saturday, the 24th day of Decem ber, 1910, at the hour of two o'clock an the afternoon of said day for the purpose of levying an additional tax on all the taxable property in said road district for road purposes. The undersigned compose more than ten per cent of the taxpayers of said road district. Worth Huston, J. D. Isom, Ray Gourley, W. C. Stellmacher, A. S. Freerksen, C. H. DeLancey, Mark Hulburt, Victor Edholm, T. S. Mish ler, E. L. Hughes, J. E. Ross, J. W. Jewell, A. L. Lachance, C. M. Burk hart, Ubbe Peters, E. B. Doty, W. E. Baker. . REGISTPATION OF TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn county. In the matter of the application of Clara E. Warner to register the title to the following described premises, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of Paul Clover, Claim No. 51, Notification No. 3038, in township 15 south, range 3 west, Willamette Meridian, Linn coun ty, Oregon, thence north 42.30 chains to the southeast corner of W. W. Clover's Donation Land Claim, No. 52, in said township, thence east 40.20 chains to the east boundary line of said claim No. 51, thence south 31.98 chains to the southwest corner, of the Donation Land Claim of Thos. M. Weger, Claim No. 48, in said Town ship; thence east on the south bound ary line of said claim 50.00 chains to a point 1.35 chains north and 1.67 chains west of the quarter section corner be tween sections 26 and 35 in said town ship; thence north 50.00 chains; thence west 2.83 chains; thence north 26.50 chains to the north boundary line of said claim No. 48, thence east 27.15 chains to the northeast corner of said claim No. 48; thence south 56.43 chains to the northwest corner of the east projection of said claim No. 48; thence east 37.70 chains toy northeast corner of said east projection of said claim No. 48, thence south 20.14 chains to the southeast corner of said claim No. 48, thence west 60.23- chains to a point 1.35 chains north of the quarter section corner between sections 26 and 35 in said township, thence south 1.35 chains to said quarter section cor ner; thence north 89 degrees 34 min utes east 40.12 chains to the corner of section 25, 26, 35 and 36, in said town ship; thence south 20.00 chains to the southeast corner of the north half of the northeast quarter of said section No. 35; thence south 89 degrees 34 minutes west 40.12 .chains; thence west 25.00 chains; thence north 80 de grees 45 minutes west 14.95 chains to a point 17.50 chains south of the cor ner ot sections m, 1, J and J3, in said township; thence west 19.20 chains to the cast boundary line of the Donation Land .. Claim . of William Vaughn, Claim No. 50, in said town ship, thence north 13 degrees 30 min utes east 9.65 chains to the northeast corner of said claim No. 50; thence west 35.20 chains to beginning, con--taining 632.12 acres, in Linn county, Oregon. Against Geo. - J. Wilhclm, and The First Savings Bank of Albany, Ore gon, and all whom "it, may concern, defendants. To All Whom It May .Concern: Take notice, that oil the 3rd day of December,' A. D. 1910, an application was tiled by said Clara E. Warner in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Linn county for initial regis tration of the title -to the above de scribed lands. Now. unless you ap pear on or before the 10th day of January, 1911, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered accord ing to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from dimiting the same. t iWitness my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court, this 3rd day of De cember. A. D. 1910. (Seal) J. W. MILLER, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Circuit Court , of Linn County, Oregon. HEWITT & SOX, Applicant's Attorney. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Vetch Growers' Union will meet at Tangent on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, 1911, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing five directors to serve- one year and changing of by-laws and transacting any business which may come before (he meeting. W. E. PARKER. Pres. J. E. JENKS, Sec. (MONDAY.1) THE ELKS Remember Those Who Have Died During the Year. The Albany Elks yesterday afternoon held the annual lodge of sonowin mem ory of not only those wh have died during the year, but as well those who have heretofore departed. Gale S. Mill, Exalted Ruler, presided, and the following program was render ed: Music by the Elk's Orchestra. Remarks by the exalted ruler. Prayer by the chaplain, W. M. Park er. v Music by the orchestra. Address bv. Prof, J. B, Horner, of the O. A. C. Music by the orchestra. Eulogies upon tbe departed brothers by Fred Dawson, Hon. J. K. Weather ford and W. C. Tweedale. Basket Ball. Albany will Lave the best bosket ball teams yet, about as follows: Alco Club: Geo. Dooley and Park Stalnaker forwards; Eugene Dooley, captain, center; Hi Torbet manager, Penland, guards, with some good subs. High school: Beeson and Carson Bigbee forwards, perhaps Abraham center, Maurice and Lyle Bigbee guards, with a number of other good candidates. May Have a Press Factory. Arthur Meader, of Portland, the in venter of tbe Meader press, a two color machine all at one running, is in tbe city, and will meet with the Commer cial Club at its session tonight, when the matter of making Albany the head quarters for the manufacture ot the presses will be considered, ao impor tant one for the city. Mr Header likes AiDany end Deueves it a good mamjiac turing center. City Election today. I Jack Allphine is down from Marcola ! for a couple months. I Mrs. Louis Lang, wife of the well known Portland wholesale grocer .has . been granted a divorce. I Congress is now in session, meeting today. It is democratic. Tariff legis . lation is the great issue; but it is not ' likely there will be much done this session. A convention is to be held in Portland to organize a cooperative selling agency I for apples, a $500,000 concern, a big ; thing if properly organized and honestly I conducted. I Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Way arrived ; Saturday night from Iowa, and are the guests of Mr. Way's brother, J. C. W ay. They may conclude to make Al j bany their home. Geo, Harrris, the sage and sage hen of Eugene, authority on roosters and white owls, has been in the city today setting a monument at the city cem etery. Governor elect West and treasurer elect Kay left Saturday night, with their wives for Calitornia, for an out ing before taking their inning at the Capitol at Salem. Merwin Mckinney, of this city, son of Mrs. Emma Mckinney, left at the tiemocrat office a branch of Red June apples, the third growth this year, remarkable record in apple growing. Jack Johnson, the great pugilist has had his brain examined by experts to see if it is sound, which the docters say it is, and Johnson is happy. He feared insanity. He certainly has acted crazy, Chief of Police Munkers captured vernon;ijrace, oi central roint, a boy who had run away to go to New York, He was moving picture crazy. His folks were notified and he was sent home. All Albany should hear Dr. Foulkes at the II. P. church tomorrow night when he presents the Passion Play as he saw it at Omcrammergau, and see tne nne display ot pictures thrown by the atereopticon. Mary Baker Eddy, the mother of Christian Science died. Saturday night at the age of 89 years," after a long ana eventful career. Her death has been officially announced, leaving no ques tion about it. The W . 0. W. have elected the fol lowing new officers: Julius Voss consul, W. J. Crane advisor, ft. McKechnie banker, L. Viereck clerk, Henry Aus tin escort, E. K. Weaver watchman, T. F. Chance sentry, W. A. Eastburu manager. i The 13th Annual Convention of the Oregon Wool Growers' Association will be held at Portland, Oregon, Jan. 3rd, just one day before the opening of the great 47th Annual Convention of the National Associatioa, and Mid-Winter Sheep Show. Ralph Watson, with the Portland Journal for several years, has been ap pointed private secretary of Governor West, a splendid selection. Watson is an able young man, quite popular, and may be depended upon for good work in this important position. Five t-plendid entertainments are yet to come in the Albany College Lecture Course. Be sure to buy a season ticket at reduced rate. Students and children at half price, about sixteen cents each There is mote education and uplift for the money in such a course than can be had otherwise. Prof. Wiley's Trouble. UProf. L. A. Wiley, principal of Iht - ontavilla school, at Portland, form- rly of this count, well known in Albany, is accused ot beating a boy in cnot 1, ana ii.o ooara or traio na; passed a resolution asking for his re moval. The boy was given a word lo spell, but couldn't. Prof. Wiley says he wss impertinent, but the boy says he mtrely said he was unatile to spell the word. Mrs. DeVany, mother of the toy says there has nevrr been any complaint of her children before. OBSERVED By the Man About Town. C. G. Rawlings has just added a power cutter among other improve ments to his well equipped job office. Albany is the job printing center of the valley. Some people living in a tent down under the bridge have been ejected by Mr. Will Amette, now 11 feet tall. Grant Pirtle has a far away look, evidently thinking of the Sandwich Islands, where he and his family expect to spend a year, with several Browns ville people in the interest of a business scheme of importance, leaving here the 18th. The boat houses have all taken to the Calapooia, Too much water down the Willamette. SnmA nnfl nnva trnaf rt t Via M.nuit.r. of Albany are busy yet, though it is uecemoer. News from Albany Trains. SiX Early TnP RnrtncrfiplH mntm nronf n,,f okoaJ of the new fiver, makinc the iunntion just as the flyer came skimming along. The new agent now on duty has the same name as his predecessor, only it isn't, bein? snelled Mickeli. with two A's before it He is from Gervais, an athletic young man, former base ball piayer, nigniy spoken or as a railroid man. Lawyer W. S. Risley left with his suit case for Salem on a short business triD. I W. B. Chance, the mill inspector, I left for Salem to interview the chief. ' Salem being headquarters for the de partment. J. B. Gentry returned to Salem, where he is doing special A. O. U. W. wora. Lawyer W. W. Bailey came down irom orownsvitie. J. B. Cougle, after worshipping in Albany, returned to Lebanon. (I . U. O, Glee Club. Something new and something doing I "all the time," characterizes the University of Oregon G ee Ciuh nrn- gram this year. No old and worn out songs, but the latest hits will be given. The people of Albany will be assured ! of an entertainment not soon to be for gotten, when this aggregation of college boys appear at the opera house December 8th. The Glee Club isinging some catchy songs of an unusual nature. Several of the popular intermezzos of the day, such as Amina, Wild Flower and Amo, have been arranged especially for a men's choral club.and the way Oregon's j bunch of songsters go at them is en- ought to stir the sense of rhytm in a stone. I A Chinese love song sung by the I whole club is another unusual, hut .catchy number. "The Smith Wind I Blows," a new lullaby, gives the ch a cnance to snow wnat the can do in tone quality. In this song, the soft I moaning of the wind can be distinctly ucaiu us uio iwenty-iour men solely uum 111 iuc imruuucLion. The comedy end of the program will db nera ap Dy tne Suffragette Trio, composed of Messrs. Curtis, Martin. and Geisler. and a skit entitled "The Ulee Club in Dope Center," with Tom Burke. Melvin Ogden and Vernon Vawter in the leading roles. In this act are introduced Messrs. Curtis and Gaislr, the "Pretzel Twins," in song and dance, Frazier in solo and the "Hungry. Six," a German band, which renders several familiar aittles in char acteristic German style. The Eugene Flyer. The so-called Euo-ene fiver flew through the city yesterday morning for iuc urai. nine, leaving nere at 7:30 and ariving at Portland at 11 o'clock, mak ing the trip fifteen minutes faster than the old No. 14. The new train will be known as No. 28 going north and 27 going south. It will arrive in Albany, from Portland at 9:05, leaving Portland at 6 p. M. Will it always be on time to meet the demand, for such a train. The train is the result of a persistent demand made by Eugene people. No. 14 has been canceled as . such but will now run as second section of No. 16 and will be along almost any time after 4:18, This morning it arrived at 7 o'clock. One on Salem and Albany. Guard: Eugene is to get back the streetcar that she loaned to Salem, also the one that is in use at Albany, according to Manager O'Connor, of the P., E. & E. Tne two cars will be shipped to Eugene within two weeks. Albany and Salem will each be sent a car of the smaller type, similar to the smallest ones in use here. The track n both cities is short and the small cars :ake careof the business easily. . Apple Fair Prizes. The Oregonian, with other views, rives one of the Albany apple diplnj at Portland, which niade a god show, ing at the show H. G. Rumfja'iuh took the first 1 rize for the best Will imette Valley commercial packed apple, Irst for the best Vsndcrpools. second in Kings, and Henry Struckmier, of Thomas, first on Golden Grimes, with W. K. Newell second. 'While Hood -River carried off the honors the .Willamette Valley displays showed that the valley is going to be heard from. LINN'S GROWTH. Here is the way Linn county has grown, as shown bv tbe census figures: 1850994. 18(30- 6,772. 1870 - 8.717. 18S0-12.776. 1890-16,265. 190018.603. 1910-22,662 Steady and sure without any fireworks. The Y. M. C A. The OrAmn.THalin v r n a . u..uw i . w, v. A. tUII Ventun p naoH its inth , .j ivmi auiinciBttiT meeting last evenine at Eugene. Two iuuuitru anu iour men were enrolled, of Knrtm tha .l.laof m . it twu was v.yi us n. nailer of Albany aped 72. The next oldest was Rev. Ly tie agd 70, librarian of tbe ""oiucub university at saiem. TwPntV.9AUon at a t i w.-u. .... w. Uk.uu.llb. Ui oanv. is chairman of tee general com mittee. It waa decided that Dot less than $S000 be expended ill earrvino nn tha rr5ntne cing year Of the sum present The steroutician address Saturday niitht "Meeting the Educational needs ot Men," by Geo. B. Hodge, wss a masterly effort. At 3:30 p. m. yestesday a men's meeting at the tabernacle waa called the grandest event of the session. Fifteen hundred men were in attend ance, and were addressed by Chas. R. Drum of New York, his subject being ; -- avu nan uiuvvu : sb never before, under his impassioned -hk". wiu many ior tne orst time declared their purpose to lead a Chris i tian life. ! The last meeting and closing exer cisesof the convention were held in the i First Presbyterian church. E. L. . Shuey. of Dayton, Ohio, gave the ad- : arM. ftf th vanin T" : . . M . " - " - X wu IIIIUUIO 11&B uiue uy rres. noman, frea. Campbell, Senator Booth and others. The last scene was when the dele- ffMtea anrl nffiiaM fnm.ul - :) : i " ' ' - (uuuni . circle, DIUU- !mg Blest Be the Tie that Binds. The i Tacoma AllMnriatinn nua.ut AmLUaJ - V. " - ... . 1U4U1DIICU excellent music all through the sessions. Saturday evening from 6 to 8 a magni ficent banquet was served in the Asso ciation building, with Pres. Homan as toastmaster. Salem will probably get the conven tion next year. That Has Been Organized 32 Years. Saturday was a big day with Charity Grange of Rowland, Linn county's pioneer grange, when the anniversary of it was remembered with a large crowd present, including a number of visitors. The principal speaker was former master of the state grange B. G. Leedy. Prof. Horner who accompan ied him also made an appropriate talk. The national grange was organized in 1R7d nnrl Pho.if,, n years'later, in 1878. It is in a splendid section of the councy, and has always remained staunch lo the principlespf the order. -""" At nojn there was a great dinner, enjoyed by all. The Charity people cannot be beaten in this line The Weether. Range of temperature 50-41. Painfull !U inA ProHieHnn rain fnninltf nt T,..l . u.. wisigui, auu lucauajr. Dnp UMir arm f-nrlmt ftinw. ...... .. foil nt 19 nnK.,d fk f ii.iit. o, mo oiiuw ui me win tAr Cntninff than w.utjv W me i ou iur waa .y uegreea auove zero. Will W ntte, Of this city writes from Monmouth, 111., that itwas 10 decrees below zero there, and he had frozen his ears already. Oregon Counties. T.inn rnnnro tvaa t Via v f K 1m nn..L , -j .u h..v viavii ill puujia tlnn in lR.H anrl io tU.. alvrk ITU. -. ... .UWW ! fc" OIA.II UUW. X UC order then was: Marion. Washington. v'tuiaH, amniu, roiic, Liino, Ben- tfln. .nrwl r.lfitsnn tha nnlu w.v, U(la unco vi(K- nize0.v , The order now is: Multnomah, m-riuu, iane;. iwacKamas, Jackson, Linn. WflHhintrtnn . TTmnf illn nn..lnn Yamhill, Baker, Coos, Wasco, Union, Clatsop. Polk. Benton, Columbia, Jose phine, Crook. Malheur, Klamath, Wal- nwfl. Hnrwi Hivar Tillamnnlr Lincoln, Lake, Morrow, Sherman, Har ney, Gilliam, Wheeler. Curry. , . ' r Dry and Wet Counties. Thprp han hppn snmn Inmiipn na what counties went dry and what went wet in the recent eleetinn. Tha rannrA is given line this. Dry. Lirn by 596, Coos hyl7, Doug las bv 432. Hood Hiver bv 13i). Whii.i. r by 20 Wot -TrnnV 971 n;il;4m t... 117 -. ..... v. .. .j v.., uiii, ujr ji,, Grant by 217. Klamath bv 8J5, Like bv to i : i . , ,rt iit . ... ' a, i.ini-uiu i y iow, itiuineur Dyot, or- rnw h 117 ShMrmnn hv VII rrin...l. by 311, Union by 4G2, Folk 'by 180. . Burgomaster Lorning. One (if the mo'.-t h:inflnmplv enqtiimnrl musical plavs on the load this season is i wm. r. cuilen h production or Pixley and Luder's greatest musical coniiiliu "The Burgomaster." The costumes are of the most modern style. The large presenting company wili be head ed by Gus. C. Weinburg the original 'Burgomaster. " This large organize tion will be seen Friday night. Eugene Register: E. D. Hopkins, a prominent fruit grower who lives near spukane. and who has been visiting J. B. riopkins of this city, started home yesterday, his brother accompanied him as far as Halsev and Albany, where they will visit relatives. ! TUESDAY. iTHE CITY ELECTION. Simpson, Chambers and Snell tlected Park Bonds De feated. The election yesterday was a quiet afFai nnln EQll ..... I . ! ji um iuv ucillg VHtlL, 1QU1- eating that about that number did not vote at all. The vote below will tell the story: COIINCILMEN'. 1st ward- J. H. Simpson 106, Wm. Bain 64. Simpson's majority 62. 2nd ward J. N. Chambers 81. Ran. Taylor 78. Chamber's majority 8. 3rd ward. R. D. Snell 127, G. M. Missall 84. Sneil's majority 4?. The MfASUKKa. J15.000 bonds for a Park Yes-Ist ward, 40, 2nd, 66, 3rd, 120. Total 226. No-lst, 113, 2nd, 86, 3rd, 90. Total, 289. Majority against 63. Refunding $75,000 indebtedness. Yes -1st ward 126, 2nd 121, 3rd 171. Total, 418. No III ward 20. 2n d 16, 3rd 2a Total, 64. Majority for 352. $40,000 bonds for sewers. Yes-lst ward 112, 2nd 124. 3rd 169. Total, 405. No-lst ward 37, 2nd 18, 3rd 38. Total, 93. Majority for 812. Mr. and Mrs. Marks Heme. County clerk-elect W. L. Marks and wife arrived home this noon aft-r. a trip around the cirele, going from hers to Oakland. Caiif., for a week's visit at Mr. Marks folkt, then to Hannibal, Mo., for a visit with Mrs. Marks folks, a treat for both sides of the family, and then up to Chicago, where Miss Flo Nutting showed them the sights for one day, and then home on the North era Limited in the fast time of three days. It was Mr. Marks first visit east and an enjoyable experience for both of them. While gone thay never had to open tneir umbrellas and only saw snow from the car windows. Married. At the home of the groom's parents, 627 Bast 6th St., Monday eve, Dec. 6ih at 7 p. m., Arthur E. Allen of this city and Bertha E. Thomas of Terre Haute, Ind.. Rev. W. 3. Gordon officiating us ing the ring ceremony iu the pres ence of a few relatives and friends. A sumptuous repast was served, and it is interesting to nste that some of the silver ware used was over two hundred years old. and engraved with an ancient English coat of arms. The happy couple will make their home in this city as Mr. Allen has a position with Albany Iron Wonts Co. A'accabee Election, Commander A. C. Wilson, Lt. Com mander J. A. Cresswell, Chaplain A. A. Smith, Sergent Chas. Dannals, Master at Arms Dan Molvur, 1st Guard Henry Bergman, 2nd Guard G. W. Goff, Sentinel William Cook, Picket Chas. School. Trustee 3 years j. S. Von Winkle, Record Keeper M. Senders. On Pridnv. Dee. 2. to Mr. and Mrs A. E. Holmes, of North A'bany. a boy. who has one sister, and all are doing well. On Monday, Dec. 5. at the home of Mrs. Gebbert, in Albany, to Mr. and Mrs. Cov Osden. of Port and. a urirl. Mrs. Ogden was formerly Miss Waive streitel. F. H. Colpitis, the mining expert, has been in the city. W. S. Struble, now a Portland rea estate man, has been in the city today. Lawyer J. F. Yates and Sheriff Gel lately came over from Corvallis this noon. Mat Chambers, of Hock Creek. E.O.. hft for homa this afternoon after an Albany visit. A battle was dud today between the army of Diaz, 800 strong, and that cf tne revolutionists, two strong. Daniel Webster, who represents the pickle district in the drummer's con gress, has been in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv. of Indiannla. Iowa, are in-the citv the guests of Rov. W. r. White, their former Iowa pastor There Is a strong runvr that the On gon Electric passenger depot will he al the corner of Broadalbin and Fift) street. George Glover, a son of Marv Bake- Eddy proposes to contest for hi mother's estate. That will ccrtainli be sinful. Portland's annual hen .show U now i progress. The hen is entitled to maki a display of itself, a great mune maker and a good friend on Sunday. Rev. S. A. Douglas roturned thlp noon from Charestnn. opposite Lewir ton, where he assisted his brother ir speciul meetings for a couple of weekx The annual convention of life insur ance presidents will bo held In Chicagi this week, an aggregation of the high est paid officials in the world, paid 11' directly by the people. On Dec 14 Ashland will voto on at initiative petition to pay the mayor i regular salary of $12.), so he may d vote all his time to the oflice, making it his business. Gutting citified, iiu' perhaps it won't carry. Register: Junction wan all abluz ' with :he electri-itv sent down frnn Springfield on Sunday night. The laci of a full supply of traniiformcrs pie V"nted a complete illumination at Har ristiurg, uut part of that city was we. lighted. Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Rowell.of Port lard, are in the city on a few weekb' vi, it. 1 hey have traded their roomlni i. ure and hotel holdings in Portlun f r some alfalfa land near Twin FalK Idaho, and are now out of business foi awhile. COM. CLUB Had a Busy Session. The executive board of the Alh-ny ..... ..uiu j . nit; n Commercial PluK m ... ian. .. . i . - - - X ww. iu.i. 1 1 1 . ( . I w il l 'irh rres t. n. McLune in the chair, Sec. J. ,!. Van Winkle. Treasurer Wm. Rmn. n. W H na; ur n i J. R. Hulbert. E. A. Johtison. W. H. Marvin. M. benders, Ge.rge Taylor, r. A. Young. Miss darkness filed report of work for the month nf Nnvnmim. a i Inquiries received from Portland com. mercial club 6G2; Chapman advertising 178; postal folder 66. Total 79G. Letters written 294; community book- lets mail ml lit; . ... i i.u. Collections for November 14KS kii Chapman adv. for two months: 695 to rn ries costing $113.30. Thfl SMTAtapV aiil.n.1... J - I- t . i ...j ..uiuiucu b nst oi de linquent subscribers, shnwimr h,,t m.n arrearages. Reoueat war mnHp tt,o i. - - .na .iuu no cure lantern for the use of Mr J C Cooper, who will address the Club on Monday n i o-hr nnv f nn n .... .... : " ., .... u.iuu wainut culture. A lArrnr waa m.J if it, . . ' "um at. TV. uress- er stating that there was no Albany literatue on tile for distribution in any of the San Francisco information bnreaus, and the secretary waa in structed to send a supply. A letter was read from .T p. n.hi.. concerning proposition to move the Abaqua Lumber Co'e mill and the sec retary waa instructed to take np the iiimier witn tnem. f.ntrnr. nf !J . , - -w.Mww.cumKHfc were reaa Irom Senators Chamberlain aud Bourne. Letter waa read from W. W. Tait, concermg the location of a factory for ".-uu.otiuro oi sewing caoineta. It was ordered that payment be made to Mr. Hawkins for 70 boxes cf apples at $3 per box. Mr. Meader, of the Meader-Cochran Press Co. addressed the Board, with refer-eni-A tn .. n n,i , : vuui. appoint ed at a former meeting to investigate thill .aa 1 m. . 1 - ..... ...muun, luruier ume to report as to site. The O. A. C. alumni Association were granted the use of the Club rooms for uummg meir annual meeting. MeSHra. Kanrlarrnn. K i j . ...... noi. uieBBIlfc MIIU expressed the thanks of their Company .iv juiciest, nianuestea in their plant. i Mr. W. H Mnai;i. .v. Board in the interest of seuring Judge F C. tliffhsmith for hi miflro.. nr. iKa "Commission form nt Cttv,n...n and City Beautiful." On mntinn 1 was decided to invite him to give hi -------, uiiun. auspiuo of the Commercial Club. In the matter nt tha rlprtinnlinn nf - . ...... .... V. . . J . the flrmnru ir urn. no. 1 unl . j , .v ..uo W I1UIU M special meeting of the Board with Gen. ", 10 maKe arrangements, WJ nil... D C....UI- I., i m. . ' i . .v. ouuuio, iuib oiiiiage. u. the Commercial Club, dropped in and ,u.. U 1 : Tir. . .uuitiucu ,nn uuniu in u pitjaaani; vein. C. Page, of the 'Herald, being present, spoke on the advisability of the Club taking energetically hold of the Meader-Cochran Press Factory proposition, News from Albany! Six Train., Early " itwiiwi iiiiiveu iiome irom Tennessee, sometime after his brother, 3"W"'K tne way to visit rnends. He laildd tn fr.'h n nirrht nf lh.Unl...n he was born in; but ho saw many sights, tho fan.ous battlufleld of Cht camaugUH, whore the guns stand in the same position as during the battle; also Mission Ridge and Lookout mountain. But Tcnnessuo isn't Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pirtle and Miss Louise went to Brownsville for a two weeks viBit before leaving for Hawaii with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Moyor and mother for a year's sojourn. Grant has already an oriental look. RenrPllPritatlvA nlpft-. Rimnun nama down from (.ebanon. Simpson is said to be a good student of events, well posted about current state affairs, and t.:- u:-i. ...til i n. mo iiiuiiuo mum win iiiukv nn excellent representative of the people. Forty jays trial wili show tho stuff he is .nade of. Wm. Rhlprf. nnfl nf T.jlhdnnn'a m.afr prominent capitalists, came down on a murx uuoineuH inp. Miss Neva Bilyeu, of tho Chambers 6 McCune store, roturned from a visit with her folks in Lebanon. vallis and went to Portland. J. It. rlynn left on his regular paper telling trip, one of tho best commercial :ravelcrs in the state. The M. E's. At the annual meeting of the r imt H. K. Sundty School Board, held last veiling, the following officers were :ltced to serve the ensuing year: Dr. C. V. Littler, Superintendent. Mr, A. M. Hammer, First Asst. Supt. Mr. J. S. VanWinkle, 2nd Asst. Supt. Mr. R. J. Lockwood, Secretary. Miss Viva Archibald, Asst. Ste. Mr. G. T. Hickoi, smith, Treaturer. MiBS Liilie Kideout, l.ibrnrian. Mr. Earl Cowlcs, Asst. Librarian. Mr. C. M. Kendall, Chorister. MrB. C. F. Bigbee, Pianist. MUs Inez Curl, Asst. Pianist. Miss Oruh Harkncss, Supt. Primary lent. Mrs. A. M. Hammer. Sunt. Home Dept. Mrs. J . McLhesney, Suit. Cradle Soil. ' h: v, Hume u. te nptia ur 65-10. ' Tne riv r is 12.3 int. I'ridicuon; rain tmivl t and Wednes lay. The Chicago dresjmakera have ellm lia'ed the vm. :i. e. fur gcodnea ikes where will a luilow know whera o hug his (irl.