Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 09, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat.
'Entered at the pobt office, .Albany.Or,
bccond class mail n.mtir.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
FOR RENT -Furnished rooms 332
Ferry St. corner 4th t7
FOR RENT. Two nice lurnUhed front
bed rooms, heated with stove. Bath
in connection. Close in. 332 Baker
street. 28 t
Royal Standard Typeriter end desk
for sale at a very low price if taken
at once. See Karl F. Thunemann at
Hamilton Store.
FOR SALE. Carrots tor sale by Har-
o r Brothers, in ton lots. Home
phone Red 284. tl4
ALEX THE RUSTLPR trims trees, I
hedges and bushes,
grades lawns and does a-l kinds of yard
work. J. A. Rodney, 614 Elm St. Bell ,
phone 431-J. 118
NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot-1
tied milk, will do well to cg'l the ,
1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 2735. 1
C. P. Peeblcr. '
FOR SALE. Will build new 4 or 6
room l ouse and sell with Fairdalelot, '
on the installment plan, bee e. ti.
Pfcifler about it. 7t
Fire Relief of McMinuville, and
Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle,
two strongest companies on the coast.
C. C. Bryant, agent.
Any Suit
Overcoat or
W. F. Pfeiffer's "
Clyde Laughead returned this noon
from the Bay.
MisB Juanits Hart has returned from
a Portland visit.
Mrs. J. M. Dunn arrived this noon
from Milwaukee on a visit with her
sister, Vrs. Van Tassel
F.G. Willior watches ---
Oregon has grown 60 per cent in
ten years, adding an average of Ja.'O
a year. Of this over 10,000 a year
, has been in Portland. If a like growth
continues the coming ten years, the
I state will have a population of over a
million in 1920. The Democrat pre
dicts considerably above that. There
. are indications of a much faster de-
, velopment the coming ten years than
during the past ten years. The rest
of the United States is just finding night to meet at the special meeting of I
out about our wonderful resources, the commercial club to make arrange-'
superior in many respects to most merits for the coming dedication of the f
inner sections ot the country, on ac- armory.
; count of our mild climate and rich
' soil.
I Albany during these ten years in
creased according to the census 33 per
cent, really more than that if our lim
its, were as they should be, but that
' stands as the official population. The
Democrat expects to see the present have
ngures more tnan clouoieu ny i'JM.
cut securing greater population is
not the only thing to consider. It is
ust as important to make a citv a
clean one morally and physically, a
healthy one in which to live, and to
build up those institutions that make
lifethe more enjoyable, and the stand
ard of citizenship the higher.
Have you ever stopped to think of how much value
General Finzer will be in the city to- good teeth are to VOU ?
Do you know that many of the diseases of the body
are caused by decayed teeth?
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Michael today! . , ,. f r
left for Portland, packing their things; Do you know that proper mastication ot the tood
Jwm tat'SSr htadVuarS ,means a Sood stomach and good digestion ?
M. Michael may remain in tie busi- Dq yQu tMth ;n many afe the
Rev. D. C. Beyan and wife of Iowa Cause Of throat trouble?
returned after s ehjrt visit at
Salem and are the guests of H M .
r.ln.o.fn.11 tnrw, 1. - TU ft - -
the year they will go to their new home afreet the eyes ?
at vvoooDuro
Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do
72 TO-DAY.
HAIR GOODS Puffs, switches,
pompadours, etc., made from comb
ings. Mrs. B. K. Purdom, 135 E.
First street, Albany.
FOR SALE. Black team, harness,
wagou and wood yard business. J.
v. tins, uut t). 4th.
This is a unique old world,
Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the
first part of the digestion of food to begin in the mouth?
What is going to happen if you continually swallow
the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth?
Cyrus H. Walker is 72 years of
toaay. ne was oorn in wnat was men t -n i ,u r-D'cc j j.n ,...
Oregon, Dec. 7, 1838, near Waiia Walla1 I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex
things are done in odd shapes along Bt Whitman Mission and since then act COSt for hrst-claSS WOrk '
. M. C. A. conven- ' "J,M"U' "'."i"? "'" yieguu
icnikuiy uin.y uiic nielli, ujtfu hi ntll!
WE COLLECT bad debts no expense ,..,' , . ., ' ,
to you if nu money is collected io iurnisnea nousekeep-
Westorn Mnrcantile Agency. Office m rooms, close in. Apply at Demo,
over Woodworth's Drug store. tlO I crat mce- t7
wood.Vood screened coal, delivered, by promptly attended to anywhere in
A. W. DockBtder, 1197 Santiam, ?Jty' oJ?c?,12?oFer7Jjr!etc;J?h,01?
Road. Both phones. j Home 266, Pacific red 481 J. STEELE
WOOD FOR SALE. Short slabs. Call ,;fl, , ', , , , . , ,
at Shingle Mill. 1 " n" 1 &v- nn insioe )oo, any Kina oi
the way. At the Y.
tion in Eugene one of the speakers
was a Mr. Drum, from the east. In
order to drum up an audience for him
a wagon load . of drummers went
around the city beating their drums,
suggestive of the speaker. This is the
modern circus style of doing things
and is interesting. It is all right in a
way, hut it is somewhat to be de
plored that such methods have to be
resorted to
Calif., on his way to Klamath Falls.
He is the oldest white male born in the
original Oregon territory. ' :
Mr. Walker continues well preserved,
a vtry active man. His life has been a
clean one, counting more than years,
and be has always stood for the best in
citizenship. He has had many exper
iences, a life of events, identified with
Oregon's growth, a booster for Albany,
Linn County, Oregon and righteousness.
FOR SALE. -Here is a chance of a life
time. I will sell at a great bargain
my large fruit orchard on easy terms
or take part In city business proyerty;
27t E. H Rhodes.
FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples
J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t
FOR SALE. Potatoes. '1 milo south
of Albany, Homo phone 2416. R.
Webster. 17t
GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 60c
month. S. B. Penny the garbage
man. Home phone 2303.
GARBAGE. Fred Kalnwater looks
after garbage. Phone Home 2303,
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for salo
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhore else in Albany. Skill
Iv set, if desired.
Rawlings about a Rebuilt Under
wood that is good as new and guar
anteed for one year, also other
makes for 6ale or rent. Buy on
monthly payments.
XMAS: 'Stop worrying about that
present. An Autolillcr Fountain
Pen and one of those loose leaf
Memo. Books make an appropriate
and useful gift. At Rawlings.
work, by reliable young man. Inquire
ai r armors t cea snea. coin peones.
CHICKENS. Pore bred brown leghorn
cockerels, for Bale at a reasonable
price. Home phone Blk 283. 5t
WANTED. An agent for the Saturday
Evening Post. See I. E. Lobougb,
814 Ferry St.
tree linn you are in need of call and
Bee W, A. Ledbetter, he h. e a nice
lot of apples, peaches and walnuts for :
?our inspection. At the corner of'
th and Walnut Sts., Albany, Oregon,
, FOR RENT. -7 room house. Call
(An eastern man has figured out
that $75,000,000 is spent in the U. S.
annually for sports, figures that stag
ger one, and yet after all that is less
than a dollar as individual for sport,
a small sum to spend for pleasure. It
means that thousands do not. spend
anything, while some spend a good
deal. We do well to spend a reason
able amount, but should not go to ex
cess. -
F G. WILL,-lor Watches .
Letter List.
225 W. 4th street,
Also Borne furnit-!
t9 1
FOR SALE. The pop corn wagon of
J. S. Morgan, account old age. Big
bargain. See Morgan at First and
Broadalbin t7
proprietor, Second and Broadalbin Sts.
Family service, hnmecookine. Recent
ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. T
FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one
and a half miles from Albany, new 7
room house and barn, running water
all year, give immediate possession
with crops. Terms; half down and
balance in easy payments. Inquire
130 S. Alain. tl5
CIDER. Will deliver cider every Sat
urday. Sweet cider 25e per gal., 6
gallon for $1.00; boiled cider 2 in one
60c per gal , 4 in one $1.00 per gal ;
pare cider vinegar 25c, 5 gallons for
$1.00. Apple butter $1.00 a gallon,
crock included. Write or phone the
Albany Cider Mills Albanv. Ore.
Home Phone 2801. C. R. Widmer.
FOR RENT. House keeping rooms
California Rooming House 2nd and
Montgomery. t8
WANTED. A girl for general house
work, one who can do baking and
cook. Call at Jarsey Dairy. 6t
WANTED. Strong girl or woman to
work in the country, ('ah upon Miss
Crosno, at the Empire Theater. '
The following letters remain "in the
Albany, Ore., postofflce uncalled for
Dec. 7, 1910. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
J. D. Brwer (2), Fred Brammell,
Mrs. Margaret Rietman. F M. Stone,
Fred Stephens. Harry Simpson. E. H
Shepherd, G. C. Warnner, Mrs. Nora
ood, Mrs. Mary White, L. L. Woods,
J. S. Van Winklb, P. M.
LOST. Rat terrier ' pup. bob tail
white and brown soots.' Reward. Re
port to Dr. J. L. Hill.
WANTED. Position to do general
housework, or take care of children.
Call at Democrat office.
WANTED. A neat competent girl for
general housekeeping. 6ii w. bin
street. 7t
PIANO TUNING. Leave orders for
piano tuning at Eilers Piano House or
woodworth's Drug Store. C. M.
Henderson, Tuner.
My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a
moderate price.
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
C. C. WRIGHT, M, D. C.
Authorized To Do Tuberculine Testing
Phone Albany Stables.
Same Management for Eighteen
Years. Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
For the money than
place in the city at the shop ot
W . fc.UrrL.lIN,
New Hill Bldg.,
. 2nd and Montgomery,
236 West 2nd St.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop.
! : 1 A
Be sure to
keep Your Gift
That all important question can be easily and satisfactorily
solved by coming to our store and viewing the many
beautiful and inexpensive articles that we are showing.
Dainty Handkerchiefs
We have never shown larger or mora beautiful assortment oi dainty
handkerchiefs, than that now ah own in the balcony.
They range from dainty hemmed handkerchief! of lawn to th exquis
ite, hand embroidery from the deft fingers of skilful French women,
Wo are showing some very neat eflocts ii plain hemmed lace corners,
embroidered corners and combinations,
Plain hemmed, embroidered edge or corners, and lace. Some most ex
cellent values in initial kerchiefs for both men and women.
Thcro are some very unusual value, pi city dainty effects in easbroidery
a, pretty dainty effects iu emhroideryand lace that will delight you. Some
of thc are Drummers' Samples, and are selling much below the regular
AT f 1.00 Tp W.0O
Those daiaty dreams of beauty the most exquisite designs cleverly
worked by skilled women in the Far East. You will marvel at their won
derful beaut v.
Window display of $1.25 and $1.50 valnes.
Furs and Fur Sets.
These we have for both children and grown ups. Our assortment is
large, varied and interesting, and thero la probably nothing that will be
more acceptable than a beautiful set of furs. The wife or the children
either will be more than pleased with nearly any of these we are now
showing. Prices are right.
We show for the little ones a good assortment in white, grey and mixed
colors of bruit i l u I soft warm furs.
They come with little muiTs and scarfs, neatlv mad- in several stvles.
1-iir Sets or separate pieces in .splendid assortment. These come in sev
eral ditlerent kinds of Ittr mink, oppossum, wolf, squirrel, martin, coney
and others. All new styles and in exccllcut quality. All prices.
Maish Comforts
Make Ideal Gifts
These beautiful soft downy comforts are marvels of.tma cttofort makers'
art. Such dainty pattern! en soft fine material; rach a daaa reeilent felt,
ing of pureat natural cottea; such luxariena warmth is aot foand in any
other cetnfort but tk Ifaiah, Buy her one for Christmas.
AT W.S9.
Beautiful designs aud coloring9 In pale tints of pink, green, blue or lav
ender on soft fine Muisalipe Genuine Mulsh Laminated Cotton Down Felt
ing. AT $3.?S.
Same as above excepting plain 8 in. border all around of a harmoniz
ing color. I
AT $6.00. I
Covering of Maisillc in exquisite French floral patterns. The most beau
tiful of all comforts.
For Baby
Numbers on all
Gifts Changed
Next Saturday
Fresh air in the bedroom
Sleeping with all the windows
wide open is perfectly com
fortable even in the coldest
weather if you 6lcep mnder
the Uaish.
The Maish Laminated Cotton Down
Comfort keeps you warm yet it does
npt weight you down oppress you.
r- Its wonderful fluffy lightness is due
to the Maish process by which the
finest snow-white cotton is woven into
one confhoMu piece asof Jowny filling
impenetrable by cold luxuriously
light in weight
Come in and see the exquisite new
patterns designed ex
clusively by the
makers of Maish com
forts. We will be
glad to show them to
Of course baby cannot be forgotten We didn't forget him and such an
assortment of dainty little play-things to interest him while mother is busy.
New effects and ideas that will bring joy to baby's little heart and heep
him contented many hours. See window display.
Some new dainty, pleasing rattles that arc sure to amuse baby clown
rattle's, witlav rattles, ball rattles a beautiful assortment.
Silk carriage throws beautifully made of white and blue silk tied with
ribbon bows.
In pink and blue with birds or bears or other designs. Soft and warm
65c, 95c, $1.25.
C- M ' ; 3 -m nu - - " ,