Albany Democrat VOL XIV ALBANY. OREGON TR1DAY, DECEMBER !l vn in? 7 Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CRbST r. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 Special Thanksgiving Sale A thin Bavaria China Cup and Saucer for 15c at MEISER & ME1SER $400 Baldwin Piano Given Away Absolutely Free WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS, COATS, CAPES AND DRESSES Every Woman's garment in the big and beautiful Cloak and Suit Department is now on sale. The assort ment was never more complete and our stock consists of over ONE THOUSAND Suits, Coats, Capes and DrCsses; just stop and think of the advantage you have of selecting from a large stock like this and at the. extremely low prices we have to offer. This great sacrifice on our part is made for the purpose of unloading about half of the stock on short notice. It's the best opportunity ever offered to early holiday shoppers and to those who have not fully supplied their winter's needs. Along with our low prices remember the liberal offer we are making of a $400.00 Piano absolutely Free, to you. This Store makes Christmas Shopping easy with thousands of suggestions. Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. 'AIM NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy lnir. Cash paid for cl'RB. Font Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones. f.Uin 5 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCURFOUATtD.) THE BEST. Lime, planter, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden nnd field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. SEND3RS & Co. Both Pho.ies 4S. 4: West First St. D McKenzie Merry makers In a laughable farce entitled "In the King's Name." .Three good reels of pictures: A Bio graph, a Vitagraph, a four piece orches tra. 15 cents. ten I lIJI Mulo in Albnnv mv .o 1 Edtf Orain the BEST in Shu market. Various grades and prices from il.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. J Look Kr it. Examine these shingles . before tuving elsewhere. ' b. A. THOMPSON. W use rm rlrv kiln PROGRAM: Skate 5 1 UNtMarshail Thursday, Dec. 1st, ;10 Each person will receive a program on entering to be filled out f'jr the evening. Prices regular. For Hii!('.in. ornamental purposes, rip rap. lining, ftc. " .Si, mi. at 1. Senders & Co s store. . L. COHB. K D . rhoiif. Home Wood ard. r.n-i .! li v I" a I cur t of citr on hrt c...:;ce. :r.e U i-.tfderue SfS Ea.-t iui itr.f.. Both ph.jr-es. & Lobaug IDOINQS OF I THEW0RLD 1 Ten feet of snuw around Klamath ! Falls is reported. We'll take the rain ; instead. I While cutting wood on Hamilton I creek William Todd slashed one of bis I feet nearly off. He was brought to ' Lebanon. The receipts of the Portland Railway Light and Power Co., for a year were over $3,000,01, all received in 6 cent (pieces, over 61,000,000 of them. ! Washington and Lincoln high school. of Portland are battling today for the championship o Portland Albany would like a try at the winner. The members of the R. R. Com. in eluding the new member F. J. Miller list evening presented Oswald West nun a loving cup in appreciation ot Ms services. At Portland yesterday Mrs. John A. Jeffrey obtained a divorce from her husband, the well known lawver. who used to run for congress sometimes on tne democratic ticket. Nine thousand acrs of burned over timber lands in the Pacific Northwest will be re-seeded with Norway spruce and Scotch pine, according to an an nouncement made by J. F. Kimmel of the Forest Service. Seeding is already under way and will be completed before snows set in among the mountains. ARMORY 1672,765 dedication: in oreoon. May Be Jan 6. A Big Event. General Finzer and Architect Martin of the O.N lj , were in Albany this week between trains inspecting th armo.v. with which thev are erea'lv pleased, and arrangements were begun for the dedication of it. with Jan. 0 suggested for the dale, ft is proposed to have it an affair of the people, open I to everybody, presented in a propular form, under the direction of 'he Albany Commercial Uub. and the mutter will! be discussed at tha get to gother meet-j ing .Monday night. An effort is also' being made to have the annual meeting of the O.N.G. officers of Oregon, con sisting of a body ot nearly one hundred officers, held here at that time, so that the members may be present at the dedication, an important one, being the nrsr. under ine new law, in tne seate. The people of Albany are jiiRtly proud of the armory, a tine structure. anJ are thorough y interested in its dedication. I Washington. Dec. 3.-The popula tion of Oregon under the thirteenth census is 072,705. The twelfth census ,was 113,536. 11th census 313,767. Linn icounty under the I3th census is 22.66J, Lane couny 13th census, 33,783; Benton county 13th census, 10 663; Lincoln county 13thcensuB, B.6S7; Marion coun ty 13lh census. 39.70 I E. DANA DURAND, Director Good-3ye Billy. Corvallis Gazette:Times: The much-talked-of change in the Wells-Fariro office will takeDlace about Jan. 1. Mr. F. O. Gray, the excellent manager here the past few years, will become express messenger on the C. & c. run between Albany and laquina cay, and Wm. Toner, who for many years has been on the run, will take Mr. Gray s place. This change is made in nne wun me company s msposiiion to favor employees long in the service. Mr. Toner, who has grown gray with the Weils-Fargo people, uesired to ohange and was given his choice of cer tain p'aces. rie preferred Corvallis.jg ' Don't forget our gold and white in Austrian china. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. Male Y. M. C. A. The Y.M.C.A., of Oregon ani Idaho, met yesterday at Eugene with a good attendance. The reports showed 729S members in the. two states. In the absence of the president Prof. A. C. Schmitt of this city presided. New officers were elected, R. A. Booth be ing chosen president, Fletcher Homnn vice president, J. O. Russell of Port and secretary, and Fred M. Weather ford of the O.A.C,, assistant. The principal speakers yesterday were Secretary Stone of Portland, E. L. Shuey of the international commit tee, R. A. Booth and Dr. Foulkes, Prof. Schmitt spent this forenoon in Albany returning to the convention this afternoon He reports it a great sue cess. Ine ad.irpss of Dr. "Foulkes last nighc was a st one one, making a great impression on ine large audience. The reports of the different brunches of the work showed - improvement and pros perity along all lines of the work. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deed recorded: (i. E. Warner to John R. Bray, lot bl 62, Albany $ 10 L. E. Cathey to Eastern I .v. Co., , 40 acres 1 Demurrer by Eugene Mill & Elevator Co. in Cooper agt. A thouse. New case: Laura E. Lester agt. Eimer S. Letter, suit for divorce. Cause desertion sinco 1902. Marriage May 20, 1901 in Neb. nnd marriage of the defendant in 1007 at Toluca, III., to Theresa Loyd. Ruth Irene Wilson 18, of Lyons. New shipmonts of Andirona Fire Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co's. ' For china go to the Variety Store, 313 W lah St ALBANY OPERA HOUSE ream land "Til's SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. Empire Photoplay ! TONIGHT The Mystery of Lonely Gulch. A! feature film bj the American Pathe company, witn good scenic eitects and admirable acting, interesting from I start to finish. I The Dunce's Cap. A pretty story in I which a very small boy takes the lead I ing part. The superb acting of the little folks in t is picture makes some I of the "grown:ups" get up and hustle. A Skier Training. A graphic il lustration ot what these hardy men undergo in preparing for what seems like a sensational method of locomotion. The shier is an object of great interest, and this picture represents the training it requires to make him successful. A Lucky Toothache. A good bit of comedy by the Biograph company, in which four young men, a young girl and a bad toothache take a very inter estingpart. The Vasher. Here is a mixed conv edy, illustrating the misiortuncs of ; Hiram, who is taken for a masher, j The Biograph people are guilty of mak ing you lauh good and hard at Hiram's misfortuues. Illustrated song. Vuu're all right, I Kid, Mr. Lester Tubbs, baritone, -Miss: Emma Crosno, soprano. i Complete change tomorrow. ! Admission 10 cents. i Cily Election Monday. Hours 8 a. m. to 7. p. m. P'ace: 1-t ward, county recordir's effice; 2nd ward council chambers; 3rd ward, chemic il engine house Ciniidates: -f uncilmen only. 1st ward J. H. Mn;son hh i Wm. Bain 2nd ward 1. N ih m.iers and (ion Taylor. The "'t er filed petition but failed lo forma 1 ac.ept in time and name muc oo written in 3rd wnrd R, D. Snail and G. M. Miisall. Don't miss that beautiful hand paint ed, china, at Mrs.S. S. Train's 7th and Ellsworth Sis.. Dec 7, afternoon and evening. Ladies of First Presbyterian church. Monday, Dec. 5th The Beautiful Down East Play, Along the Kennebec Staged With All Special Scenery HEAR the Comedy Quartet, the Good Singing. . SEE the Realistic Snow Storm, the Funny Duel Scene, the Thrilling Explosion Scene. CleverJCharacter Specialties, Bright Music and Comedy. Special Prices 25c, 50c and 75c. Tne premium sale still continues. Bring in your rod envelopes to the Both Phones Mam 53 337 West 1st. Ablany, Or' ; DOOLEY'S GROCERY Good GroceriesFairPrices'Prompt Service The three cardinal points of this husincBH. We base our cloim to your patrnr :ipo on the fact that wo sell only GOOD GROCEIt'ES and our i'KtCE; ARE FAIR and ourSKKVICE iwiriUUT j i levy .ii Lit i A Bafe place lo trade, rurcly - for we nim to carry a big stock of TViniirht nnA Inmnrrmv nmltr KnnlrlnA i i . t. .... ... invu.. v..- . w m tea bom una appreciate me iraue every customer we nave , : , to me cxiuni ui persucui our vice. refined showr refined people. The Electric. I 1. Annie "an Imp." 'I. Dots and Dishes. "a Thank ' houser. " I 3 Yankee Girl's lUwaid. I Admission lOcents. ! ALBANY' COAL & FUEL CO. : Goal delivered to cny patt of the citv, j PRICES RIGHT. McCcmi & Preltyman, Managers O'iicp; ("or I'Vut nnd HuIht. Homo 1'hino HOC: Iin'l i'hnn 1:11 9 WOULD YOU Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean iip-to-d:ife r.eitndahle footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you r:-.:i do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling :i whuh -ah- prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for le.-o ir' i::. v than you would pay for shoes of the commonest sort elsewhere. STETTER'5 for Christmas prrffnU. i . :? (! all kinds, .fancy j 'ates and sila.l (Ui. 11 .ve sets "$3.2.3 and $7.75, 42 ic-ce whr.e -jrd s-nd ffdii ii W.'mm :oe St 334 First St. J. l. tLUS.