Coats at 1-3 less A fair assortment left, but we want to close out every garment. Your choice at 1-3 less than regular price. Flood's Store Agents for K- & G. Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern IF YOU ARE L . THINKING OF BUYING a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. THE LIM COUNTY .ABSTRACT CO. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves. We carry a full line of Round Oak, Universal and Cole's Heaters that out-class all others. Also Monarch, Majestic, Univers al and Round Oak Ranges at prices to suit your pocket book. "Best Ranges on Earth." Our stock is complete. TOAMRRW'S i DOINGS: Kaptiat chur:!.: I'jvi.c-h nit morning anil tvwninc. Otli'-r seni es as usual. Uni'.ed i'r. shy .liin. -'.V. P. White. . P.iaiur. :3 a in. and V:liO p m. lv.bli- -;ci,(.n! 11 :45 a. m. C. C. -'. 6:31 p. a). I. fc. S:45 p. m. Grace l resl'yti'i;..r.-S. S. 10 a. m. Y. P. C. li. 6:li in. .Ylorrinx sun jaLt: Winning Suul.-.. tv. ninir subject: iluw (joil J-oves -.hi- Sinner. VVe give a j;cial w n..iiv. '.o 'li: j.-u' l'rcil.ttrir. V it "V .-ra.'-t .S'.-rvK-1-.-i M l't::;y ar... The; thiirie: M n.VKn !T'u:h. The evening iii-nii-: L-iv-n lc Traits: Faiih fu Ifie-H. S. S. 11:-1j, ela.-B w for all and orchestral acu.'np.-.r.iment to music. Senior C. E 0:80. Come thou with us an-.! we v, i'l dn th" K'i-.-U. ! St. Mary'a (Catholic).-Rev. Arthur ' Lane, Rector John Van Nevtl, First Sunday in advmt. S. rvices at 8 and 10:30 a. in. rather Van Nevtl will o(Kci-..te and preach from the gospel of the Sunday St. Luke, 21. VeEpers and ! Btifedicti..n at 7:3D p m The evening sermon wid bo a Dogmatic imposition of the sacrament of baptism. Mission services will also be hilil at Lebanon. rThe public is cordially invited. M. E. 3rd and Ellsworth streets. W. S. Gordon, pastor. Class meeting 10 a.m. S. S. 11:45. Junior and Inter medial" LeKUes 3. Epworth Liauiie 30. The tl-eme at 10:30 will be: Our ' Cartan'H and how to Conquer them. Our qiarterlv meetinff will be held in the eve. ins at 7:30. Knv. J. T. Abuett : will pieach and the communion will be , administered. A cordial welcome to I all. Quarterly conference Monday evening. Christian. Albyn issson, Minister, i 10:30 a. m Kible school, followed by I com m u ion service. 11:20a. m. morning .ferinon. C. E. 6:30 p. mv Evening ! sermon 7:30. The public will be treated 1 to something new in tne musical line at ; the evening .service. Evamrlist E. E. ! Viol.-tt, of Atlanta. Gi , will begin a series of meetings at ihis church. Jan. 1 1. Mr. Violett's succais in the evang : eliatic field has given him a national . ri.iiiif At.ftn. "i ti . nenule of Albanv are J invited to hear Mr. Violett as he de- MISFITS. Christmas nextand it is coming a running. Congress will soon meet with some d:cent speakership rules. The Albany stores are well stocked th a year for the holidays. They lead An open season for moss-backs is to be a subject at the development league. Just straight, clean business methods on merit are what count in the long run. Remember during the holiday season it is more blessed to give than to receive. They certainlv made a mountain out of a mole hill in that U. O.-O. A. C. squabble. The Albany s boys had Chemawa go ing about three touchdowns to nothing: but are not in the slugging' business. Oregon is to build the most miles of railroad of any state in the union the coming five years, and Albany will re main the hub. A Portlaad bar tender was fined $35 for serving liauor to a man already drunk. If all the liquor servers who did that in Portland were fined the city wonld soon be rich. The shortest editorial on record, was that of a big Chicago paper, after a crushing political defeat; 14 Hell." It meant something Most editorials are long, padded affairs, just fillers. Under the new county tax law each county can run its own system, even using the single tax method; but it is doubtful if there is a county in the state that will do so at this time. livers a aeries of add-ussus here during i the monlh of January. Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co. Christmas Photos Now is the time to have Christmas photon made. Call and see the fancy styles on dhnlav at Kurkhart's Studio, Willamette has the champion foot ball team of Oregon. It is easily figured out. Willamette defeated Multnomah, Multnomah defeated U. O., U. O. de feated O. A. C. and there you are. THESE ADVANTAGES OF EL.CTRIC LIGHT SAFETY You can't spill Electric Light and it will not explode. Mod x cm wiring makes it the safest ligh't for your home. CLEANLINESS ATo smoke, no soot, no oil, no ' j odor. ' ": CONVENIENCE No lamps to clean and fill, no fumbling in the dark for matches. There is always someone ready to talk over your par ticular questions with you. Call the New Business De partment Both Phones IS. Northwestern Corporation, 128 West First Street. $1.00 Fountain Pens with solid gold 14 K pen points. Every pen guaranteed. We have a line of self fillers at $1.50 that are special values. F. M. FRENCH & SON, Jewelers. CorvallisG. T. Albany with its claim of 7000 people has just ordered an in-! crease of are lights to 50, at $5 50 each per month. Corvallis with its 4500 people has bad 52 arcs for some time. i"3r 1 -,T. T.Tnaran next to V. Hnth phonos. We Guarantee die WHITE QUEEN "To be the best hard wheat bluo Btcm flour in I ho city. KThe pricu Is moderate and the quality uniform. ... , (lull ua an for a trial sack, ami wo II prove to you iliui our asuertion is correct. Sold on ill,.' ' .to kiiaranty. It. A. MUlirilY, 225 West 2nd St. T3B5si aws2. Wsem OUR ANNUAL POPULARITY CONTEST $4,500 in Prizes, including a FINE PIANO CHEST OF SILVER, etc., etc. ' Buy your wife a new hat for a pres i ent, is the heading of an advertisement J in a Corvillis paper. That might do in 1 riM.lllo in ill,.n..tkanmM.nW wiiniiiS) i.ub in muuiaj. tiis. nuiiKiiuu.. their own hats. Think of an Albany j man selecting a hat for his wife. Gee! I I Corvallis G. T.-The Gazette-Times ' will not be issued Thanksgiving day. j There are fourteen people connected I with this office in one capacity or an other who wantaThanksg'.ving holiday. Th:s day, Christmas and July 4 always will be holidays for the Gazette-Times. spues &j&KjmjEzxsrc:i2 THIS BANK IS in its 40tll year A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIKST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00 J. LEKOV WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Koois, Iron and Steel Structures, l'owcr Plant designs and specifications, l'owcr Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Work". , j T?' JAS. 1'". l'OWELL.7 " Real Estate. i Forty years residence in Albany, Or I Financial agent. Collections made for non-rcsidcnts. 130 Hroadalbin street, Albany. Hell phone Hcd Kill. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent fur tjie Clc-:land C-clsemlc roof paint. 122 Ferry Slrcct, Home Phone, 320. l'acilic. Red 31192 COILINS TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, ltiiv nml sell lironcitv. Insure ,miperty nnd transact loans, i I nriw nr small timber tracts. I J. M. RAbSTON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes anil mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. 1'roperty handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. ' I'hysician and Surgeon, Will ft Stark Work - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albanv Slate Hank Building. Roll Mack 482 Home 275 Iff j That home rule does not apply to dry ; counties. It distinctly says it shall not i intefere with the local option law. I Local option makes all of Linn dry. Albany Democrat. j It's a good thing that the Democrat i has rendered it) decision and settled ' the matter. Bulletin. Thanks for the authority; but, as a i matter of fact, when the lawyers and ' courts get through with it the proba i bility is that it will be construed about the way the saloons want it. SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts.- FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. II. A. LEIN1NGER, Dentist, Clawford Itlock - - Albam DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block - Albany M. B. CRAFT. 242 West Second St.. Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from vltvtcd stock HENRY BRODERS. IV.ilor iu Choice Meats of All Kinds. 21" Wc-I Sivoinl S'.itci. BRUCE & ANDERSON. Opposite t'ie Postoftice. Four cliahs. Prompt :unl c!Vu--ic tit care of t!ie i.u-c and l..ur. VIERECK'S n.vrus. 217 West I'll st Sticct. First-Class Wo'k Guaranteed. THERE ARE SIX FACE IN THIS PICTURE CAN YOU FIND FOUR OF THEM? DIRECTIONS Trace out the line; of each face on this separate sheet I of paper, and mark them. 1, 2. 3, etc. The 3 nearest correct answers will lie given i lie three grand awards abov- mentioned ami the others in inc or- - Kaell contestant to abid: by the rules. The decision of the Judges lo be In ea-e of a tie, of similar value to be given la u-li contestant, l'roiessional artists and lmisie trade employes barred. Ml answers nui-t be mailed or liroug'il in u; ! Monday. Dec. 5. I'M", at t I'. M. Be sure vour name and address is plainly written on your answer, and send to CONTEST MANAGER. STATISTICAL BLANK. Attach this coupon (or one similar) to your answer, writing plainly. Name - Stiee: No - !.-: i !:..-, - li po-sible. irhc below tlie names and addresses of two or more of your li ieniN w lio un bebeie might consider the purchase of a Phonograph. V one 1'. O. Address Name P. IV Address .-..,c P. O. Addles....- Al-o one or more who might consider the purchase of a Piano. Auto; iano jor Dig.-.n. i Name P. IV A.' '-. ' V me P ' A,'.'-.-. ' Name P. I.V AiUhe-- ! WHEN DOWN IN THE MOUTH think of Jonah; "he came out all i right." When in need of a good, clean Tooth Brush think of Burkhart ; & Lee. They have them all right, the : finest line in the city. Prices right. , . BURKHART & LEE. I ' REAL ESTATE. ; City Property. I No. 108 8-room plastered new house, ' electric lights, good lot, West Al- j bany. No. 116 Fine building lot close in, 1 sewer, West Albany. ; ! No. 136 Two corner lots, East Front, ' new barn, West Albany. : INo. 127 Lot 66x100, West Albany, j : Sewer, water, fruit trees. Price i ! $950.00. j No. 135 Good 6-room house, lot 66x 110. fruit, sewer, water; West Al l bany. Price ?1275.00. j No. 143 Two lots, 5-room house, ' East Albanv. Price $1600.00. No. 176 Two lots 66x110, East Al- . I bany. Price $1050.00. My success is based on fair dealing, and quick sales, safe buys. Farms, Dairy and Stock Ranches. I : No. 153 160 acres miles out. G.iod , house, barn, family orchard. I , No. 15354 SO acres 3 miles out, all in , ! cultivation; snap. $60.00 per acre, j C. 220 acres, 100 acres in cultivation, i I $.50.00 per acre. 3-j miles from i I R. R. Station. Small tracts, improved, family or- i Ichards, stock ranches, $15.00 per acre' tup. Call at my otVicc. look over my lists. 1-rom my long residence here ! and knowledge of the country, Ci.!. j save buyers time and money. For'y . vears residence in Albanv, Oregon. Hell Phone 240-R; Home Phone 434. JAS. F. POWELL. 130 Broadalbin Street. i DR. O. S. MATTHEWS i DRUGLESS HEALING ! INSTITUTE. WM. BAIN. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our hank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree,' you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS 325 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. E1LF.KS MUSIC HOUSE B iciest Bisi .. Best LM V t Jvv.-a S;-w: ALBANY, Oin.-W Methods: Chiropr; magnetic and nu"it:il science, electric b;uh$ ami vibration. Treated. All cnraMe tli-enses, chronic j or acute, without knife or modi 1 cire. Experience. 14 years practice. Consultation free. Mr. Matthews. a-M-tant. T. .1. STIT1, i ttome,v at Law Notary Public I ecu! business of all Um!s in all ihc i ro ivn promptly aliened to. Bell phouc 10o" J. NOW IS" THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get Prices before placing your prders. LAS5ELLE BROS. W. F. JONES. Veterinary Surjecn. 'V'.'. t .-.! F:;rnie- Feed Stable. Phone v-AU-R, Bell; Home 12S5. AT THE CITY FISH MARKET 109 Lyon Street, You can Ret all kinds of fish, fresh, salted, smoked and canned: fresh oys ters, crabs and clams. Vaquina sal mon received daily. I Lowest prices consistent with high j quality of. goods. Delivery to all parts of the city, j Both phones. jtll W. H. RTPGEWAV. Prop. iCementWorlc I Estimates Riven on Plastering, Sidc- I walK and Cement Work. ! i F. THAVFR. 4th ralacooia Mrfyb'rry wood lard. : A I kind of wood: Bie fir. price So.OV; 2nl growth, f I 7.": .Maple. SI 75: Slab 4 O. lencth. Si 50; Oak, $d.25; Ash. S;.1, Will d-dive env am u.T vnn-cl jawed to order, to any part t,f t-jwn. , Sawed any length desired.