Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 02, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ladies Suit Sale Extraordinary
Speciai Holiday Offer.
Here is your Suit opportunity. We have grouped every suit, in stock into lots,
including all of the new suits bought for the present fall and winter trade. The styles
are the very latest nothing extreme but the newest conservative models are
shown. The assortments include heavy mannish weaves, broad cloths, serges and
fane- woven fabrics.
It's to your advantage you can afford two suits this season at these prices. Don't
neglect looking them over while the assortment is best,
Lot No. 1
Good staple colors
and fancy fabrics.
No one can afford to be
without a suit at this price.
Values to $25.00. Holiday
Lot No. 4 This lot contains the very best suits. Popular colors, correct styles,
best fabrics and finish.
Values to $50.00, all at special Holiday prices.
Greatly Reduced.
Every suit in the store reduced in price.
Wall Paper
For 30 days
For the next thirty days we are go
ing to have a great Well Paper sale--15
CtOO rolls will arrive for us Feb.
15 ta so we must, make room for our
stock. Now is .. your chance.' when
you see it in our add you know it is so.
Call and-see us.
iis?j T'ijstS
Walter Parker
First class 0ids in their season.
Phone Main SO
Ralston Electric Supply Co.,
3'0 West Second Street.
B. MOORE Snrtir' !
. . . . ... ...
f?cd. 2nd and Jackson street. zot i
Lot No. 2
This season's styles.
Splendid colors, tan, brown.
)lue, grev, red and black.
Surprising values.
Values to $30.00. Holiday
The human eye is the most valuable
organ in the body.
Fvwvnn, in u-i;n who neriodicallv
' " " r
ua8 1118 eyes scientifically examined.
E. C. Meade, Optometrist,
329 West Second Street.
For your Holiday Goods.
A fine line of Jewelry, Sil
verware, Cut Glass and
Novelties to select from.
cr : h?ne 3C92 black Home. 4o6 X Facific.
3t j
Lot No. 3
Contains the very newest
styles, fabrics and finish. All
of the wanted colors. Study
these values before you buy
a suit.
Values to $40.00. Holiday
1 $22.50
We make
Feather Mattresses
Pillows and
1 bolstering and Mattress Making
' Ipromptly attended to'.
Albany Furniture Hospital
Albany Lounge & Mattress
Phones, Bell 253-J; Home 347. Now
315, E. Second Street.
Why buy Groceries
of Portland Houses
when you can get the
following prices at
14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00
Ifi lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00
11 lbs Head Rice 1.00
14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00
16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1. 00
12 1os White Beans 1.00
12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00
10-16 ozpks Raismns 1.00
Get our prices before you buy.
The Grocer.
! but some of tftc finest buildings in
I town arc equipped with our plumbing
work. We maic a specially ot high
I '1"5S sinitary plumbing and will be
J lad to have you examine samples of
jut worK. vc have moved and are
now at 118 West Second street. 1
Osteopathic Physician
1-3 Rrnnpr Rltvk Alhnnv
Phones: Office Home 359, Bel;;751
Residence 3t 1 Home, black 8ii Bui
tws from
Six Early
Prof. Lewis, of tho O.A.C. ami fif
teen or twenty horticultural students
passed through for Portland to attend
the apple show, with a view of getting
a practical demonstration in judging
D. W. Rumbaugh, county fruit in
spector, went to Portland to attend the
apple show. His son Harold is there
with a large display of apples, and Al
bany is otherwise well represented bj
E. C. Roberts, C. H. Stewart and F.
M. French, with a large display,
packed by an expert from the O. A.C.
Judge G. H. Burnett, soon to be on
the supreme bench, and wife, returned
to Salem after spending the night at the
Home ot the Judge s sister, Mrs. smell
Harold Jackson went down to Millers
to look afrtr his fruit orchard. He
has a man thero helping him who
speaks four languages fluently,
Editor Morgan of the Harrisburg Bul-
ctin, with a few others, went to Sa-
lem to represent Harrisburg in the de-
velopment convention and get a place
on the map. Morgan has proven a good
booster for the city nnd is doing good
work there.
Hon. C. L. Shaw left for Portland to
attend a session of the executive board
of the stats grange. A state officer
for several years in the coming legisla -
ture he will undoubtedly be of value to
the agricultural element.
W. H. Marvin left for Salem and
Claire Baker and family left
Portland trip.
on a.
n. rnii;B i,ff nn ..I
trip ' I Alco Chocolates, are high grado chor-
J os. Hume, of Brownsville, went to!late,9- Mai'e at Elite Chocolate Shop
Portland. Trv em-
I E. E. Kinney, the marble dealer,
came down from Foster and went up
to Detroit.
Father Lane left on a Portland visit
with the BishoD
I E. H. Rhoades went to Jefferson.
Nome Coming F.'.cetings.
Dr. Riley, of Minneapolis, will be the
: evangelist at a series of meetings to
j be held in this city probably in Febru-
ary, and if possible in tho new armory,
j Dr. Riley was here right- after the
: Johnson meetings, makimr a splendid
' impressicn, an able man and deep think
j er. It is proposed to work not merely
for numbers, but for genuine conver
: sions, not to herd people upon the front
! bench, but to do a genuine service.
I People are realizing that there isn't
i much in long lists of so called con
i versions that only stick a month or two.
When a person is reallv converted the
church is first every time.
, .-. Br Riley is not a sensationalist after
i a big record, but is the kind of man
i needed here.
A Park Benefit Ball.
Invitations are out for a park benefit
dance at the Alco Gym., on New Years'
eve., Saturday night, Dec. 3L, begin
ning at 8 o'clock. The tickets will be
$2, with $1 for extra ladies and 50 cents
for spectators. The patronesses are:
Mmes. J. M. Hawkins, D. O. Wood
worth, S. S. Train, E. W. Langdon, F.
M. Wilson, Wm. Kortmiller, J. K.
Weatherford, Wm. Bain, H. H. Hew
itt and Chas. Cusick.
I. 'O.O. F. Notice. Thero will be
work this evening in tho initiatory de
gree, also election of officers for the
ensuing term All Odd f ellows are
requested to bo present. John II,
Gmns, N. G.
Nightwatch Catlin last night had a
tusle with a cnuplo tourists, and says
he knockek several teeth out for one of
them, final'y getting tnom in the'etly
Hand paiuted ch na on display Friday,
Dec. 2nd. at L. Matth. w Wood's apart
ment 3rd St.
Try our hot noon lunches, nt the Mis
sion Parlors.
F.Q. Will ior watches
WANTED. -A g:rl for 'general houm
work, must be ne t and respectable,
must be a good cook. Inquire or fill
at Jersey Dairy, Mrs. VV. C Sciiuliz.
FOR SALK. A piano credit check 'if
$128.00. by the Steger & Sons Hit .
Co., in the Graves Music otore 1 1 1
Fourth S'reet. Portland Cm b j h. d
at this office at a bargain.
HAIR GOODS Pith's, switches,
pompadours, etc., made from comb
ings. Mrs. B. F. Purdoni, 1.35 E.
First street, Albany.
FOR REN'T.-Two nice furnhhed frf.nt
bed roo-ns. heated with stove. Bath
in connecttin. Close in. 332 Bixer
sirr-et. 2-it
XMAS: Stop worrying about thai
present. An Antnfiller I'Viuntain
Pen and one of those loose leaf
Memo. Books made an appropriate
and useful gift. At Kawlings.
y NOT" I
Just made and put up in
neat package;.
This has hoen a decidedly wet month
about a fourth of the rainfall of thei
year falling during this November, a j
total of lO.tiS inches, it raining on I
twenty days. The wettest day was the I
one ending at S a. m. the Sill, with a !
record of 1.60 inches On two other :
days over an inch of rain fell, and on J
eight other days over half an inch. '
The range of temperature yesterday !
was 4S 41, the rainfall only .OS inch. I
The river has been rising and was this '
morning 17.6 feet, about one foot more i
falling during tho lav, with nearly 1:1 i
feet as the high water mark for this
fall, not enough to atfect travel on the'n side ot the stream
The smMl streams have been flooded,
rising mora rapidly than the Willamette.
Final settlement in eslato of David
Framan set for Jan. 3.
New Suits:
Applications A. K. Curtis and Edwa
Jasper et al. to register
j Curl attorney,
title. L. IS:. I
only a satis'
In the recorder's office
faction for $1200.
The receipts of the recorder this year
j have averaged S52 a month more than
, auring 19U9, a good showing.
! - "-
1 MusiC every night.
Misssion Parlors.
, Our line of Christmas china has just
arrived. The Vanetv Store 313 Wist
Ist- .
New shipments of Andirons Fire
: Screens. Aluminum and Silverware inai
received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware
FOR RENT. -Light housekeeping
rooms. 123 E. 4th street. Home
phone 367. to
Rawlings about a Rebuilt Under
wood that is good as new "and guar
anteed for one year, also other
makes for sale or rent. Buy on
monthly payments.
329 Voru Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin
At the Mission Parlors.
Baltimoio for Bicycles.
Fisk tires at Baltimore's.
Fishing tackle at Baltimore's.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place, Holt's Meat MarKet.
Choice lunches at tho Vienna Bakery.
Oilcake meal, any quantity, at M.
Senders & Co's.
Collcgo pins and badges at F. M. .
French & Son's Jewelry Store.
Have your feet attended to by
Driver Lyon, both phones.
Miss Nellie Bridges professional
nurse. Vhcno Homo Red 238. tl9
I Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F.
I M. Wilson for pinno. instructions. Home
phone 3o3. 11) to 12, 2 to 4 0 clock. 1st
street over French's.
Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur
geon. Calls answered day and night.
Office, Hinn block, Residence 119 E 7th
street. Both phones.
! George Miller, former pianist at
I Dreamland, will teach music in this
: city with headquarters nt Davenport's.
Graduate of Berlin Conservatory of
I The prize piano of the Eiler House
) will be at the store of Prof. Head to.
, morrow.
! R. E. Michael, the efficient S. P.
1 agent, has resigned his position. His
' successor has not yet been announced.
me cigin automuiino races Known at
the F.lectric were ri'markablcj pictures
for the genius of tho modern moving
picture, presenting a great event in a
life like manner.
An effort is being made to secure an?
other game of foot hall between Albany
"V" a"d the Brownsville team, foi
rriaay auornoon. ine teams neo De-
fore. Such a game would mean a warm
A wedding of general interest will be
thiit of Mr. M, L. S.indeis, of the
Southern Pacific freight and baggage
department, and Miss Erma Llvinpttn,
a popular clerk in the Hamilton Sloro
for several years, to taKO place tonight
at 7 o'clock at the home of tho latter.
Peters shells "Get the Meat." For
salo at Huiburt-Ohling Hdwo, Oo's.
Hot Chicken
o'ato Shop.
Tamalitts Elite Choc
For china go to
313 W.lst St.
tho Variety Store,
prices are right.
Describes our
new Overcoats.
They wrap a man
about with' a sense
of iright appear
ance, a good feel
ing to have.
Bettersee our
unusually com
plete and attract
ive display of fash
ionable Overcoats
Dependable Clothiers.