rr I The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance fur one year, 4.0(' By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year l.5(J. The Weekly -Advance per year $1.2o. At end of year $1.50. After 3 ye--B Ht SATURDAY NIGHT' THOUGHTS. Abe Rucf, of San Francisco, will have to spend fourteen years in jail. Every effort to evade the sentence of the court has failed and Kuef must now take his medicine. It serves him right according to the view point of the Democrat office. Rucf was a no torious boss and grafter. Jic un doubtedly robbed San Francisco of hundreds of thousands of dollars, lie was like a Kood many other men in the large cities of the country. .Most of theni rob and then rob again and are never apprehended; but that has nothing to do with Abe Kucf's case. . Every one .stand.-, on his own merit, and because one man goes free it has nothing to do with the merits of the case of some one else. It is KratiiyuiK to sec one of the rascals punished. There should be more, bin and little. The man with a public trust, who is faithless, of all men, should be se verely punished. Abe Kuef was one of them. The tillblic conscience needs educating. Examples offer lessons of a striking character. A warning ncips; but there shun d be more, the educa tion of the masses up to a higher standard, and it can only be done by oeiiuinmK wiiu tne nine hours ui ine, an absolute iulcuritv in all thiiiL's, re gardless of the size, uprightness of character nalcvcr tne situation or circumstances. Snookunis, with his awful mouth has arrived. There is no such a child in real life, and yet Snookunis inter ests everybody; because people realize how parents go to excess in indulging their own children, calling them child, ish, pet names, and letting Ihcm have their way in almost everything. Exag geration may help to teach us dime lessons. It at least is the thing oi the day, and we have opportunities to laugh at things icgardless of their im possibility and absence of even good sense; but we should not allow our selves to be influenced against . our consciences. A 'riianksgiving holiday this week has been an event that deserves the attention paid it, one that does much to cement good will and fellowship in the world. WHOSE SON WAS HE? Whose boy was the stranger killed at Miller's and buried in the city cem etery at this city? It may never be known, but somewhere there is prob ably a mother wondering where her boy is. Because he was killed while stealing a ride on the cars the world called him a holm, an unpleasant desig nation; but those who saw li i til say there was not a bail look in his face, and perhaps alter all be was simply some laboring man getting towards home, where a mother is waiting (or him. The heart of the world beats ..r the mother whose boy goes astray, ami many feel like dealing leniently with the stranger out in the cold, even though there through his own bad li.ibiis ami indiscretions. 'Flu. press generally refers to the band cd men traveling through the country, what ever they may have been Ih-imi-c. as hnbos and tramps, and it g.-N hard ened to the design. itinn; lull the moth er with a boy of lier own, w hoe heart is always soft for those in alilietion, does not like its har-diuc.-.s, and would have something less severe, lor per haps it might be some one's boy ch'.scr home, JUST THINK OF IT. When your church gives an enter tainment who buys a ticket from you.' Your Home Mvivhanl. When your club gives a dance, who buys a ticket from von? S our I lome Merchant. When you raise a subscription for a sick or ucedv brother, who leads the list? Your Home Merchant. When von vouiself or sonic other of vour familv is sick, ami your pay day envelope won't reach around, who gives you credit? Your Home Merchant. Did you a-k the Mail Order Man .to help your church, buy a ticket for your dance, subscribe for your sick broth er's benefit or give you credit until next pay day ? V.. SATURDAY. In the Lity. T. R. Wnllis. Eugene, tico. L. FlnnMiigan, Crubtreo. Judge L. T. Harris, Eugene. J. P. llessel, St. Cloud, Minn. I). M. Stever, Salem. V . 11. Mmtre, V atnlull. R. M. Fletcher, Plainvimv. I.eo. itallaid, Newberg. Win. Uouglns, Newberg A. Siniih, sstiiytun. l'anii 1 11. St IIOI I.. Pronrlciir Breeder and l.nporter of O. I. C H S. C. White and Hutn.eghnrns. W. P. Keks, l .irbt lirahmas, K. I.'. KIiihIc Island Reds, White C chin P.antin.is, ... 11. Turkeys, WliH o i . don lieese, P i r llueks, t'o i tiuinvi" Winner ct 1" priies and 22 en Poult at the Lewis & Chirk 1 air. Firga in Season Stock for Sal Phone, Farmers y. U t 1) j AT THE COURT HOUSE. Eighth account filed in estato of August Roenicke. Final hearing in estate of Spicer Bowers, set for Jan. 2. In estate of Sarah J. Smith, Celia ii. Scott was appointed administratrix. Value of property $1000, all personal. There are nine children living. Deed recorded: A. S. Nanney to Annie W. Riley, 35 acres $ 10 J. D. Uennett to J. C. Terrell, 3 lots Urownsville 220 J. E. Warner to Jesse VI. Wassom, 80 acres 2000 A Live Empire Program. The Saturday night crowd will nee something decidedly good at thj Em pire to night. A racing scene down in Mexico with a love story h extra, and it is a real race. A Leap for Life is a thriller, A cold storage egg makes a dandy picture and tb- Doctor comedy can't be beat, as a whole a program full of snap and interist. L'rownsvillc's Silver Cup. The cup awarded the Brownsville Commercial Club for the best commu nity exhibit prepared by C. C. Cate, was seen at F. M. French's today. It is a large, Heantifnlly constructed piece of solid silver, representing the 'ir.n .,,.;.,. I,,,, mq,ia. f f..f n $(i5 cup, and is something Brownsville m&u wall tin nrnml nr. i nn oncrrnvinir a fine piece of work was done by J. M . rrcuc.il. Married. Kuiter Hollich. John H. Ruiter and Mrs. Mnbel Hoflich were unite I in mar riage on the evening ot Nov. 23, at the residence of nnd by Kcv. W. P. White. Both are worthy young: people deserv ing happiness and prosperity. Card of Thanks, Wo wish to extend our thanks to our kind neighbors and friends for their kind ausistauco and sympathy in our bereavement, for the death of our daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Meeker. Jos. and Mary ijrosnong. Do not forcrot our 20 per cent dis count on dinner Bets this week. The Variety Store, 31 W. 1st Street. M.. al,imTi.info nf Anrlirnnn Fira Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just received at Hulburt Ohliiifr Hardware Co a. Hot Chicken Tamalios Eltto Choc olulo Slioi,. ALCO CHOCOLATES That KLASSY KIND "Y NOT'.' Just made and put up in neat packages. ELlTli CHOCOLATE SHOP IUVL Y0UK Cl.OTlltS CLtANFiD AND PRESSED The Pantatoriuni, GILBERT & MINTON WO W st St. Boll Phone black 273 Homo phone l'Jtf OR. VIRGINIA V LPWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Ollice Home Hii'.l, Bell 27al Residence 3'J-l Home, black 8t'.3 Bel For the Am LI tion s )sa tlmiifrsttp 1 education lt mall f.r t1'W wln t'lVTint't ntt.Mi.l tn nrn. All InKtni- tion. tnoliulttiK flii.u i.....i..iion. ii KKKK. YW l-jii-livr. ' atiulontB itropAitiiif (or i-oltt'nn nr uhIvitm ty, wouirir I'iutin. r:vi. (mt'lierM Hint iiin.ntii(iltv for ttu. 4rrfitiiuU'tt., S(u!y lrLH'('iit'iit Vntverfttty o Oregon Kux-ruei - - i-rrpon lu s Santal-Pepsm Copsuies f'.-WV A POSiTIVE CURE 3 for ttittnm nt ton ort'rimr'-not , 'i IS- l'! .it !ir i -i t h..l .iV R ,,,.4t, HO ."I'Ht till r.V. ( xi-ft " 1 tl.- hi I o I ..---i 1 1 by tt tUr'iitJ 1.. - !l ' ,T !( ! 1.1. tl.u'.S tslf. f. um, Ji ll KiTIIF SANtAL-PEPSIIi Ct. Fnr mIk br Bukhurt A Im f 4 ALBANY HOT NOON LUNCHES At the Mission Parlors, Haltirnoie for Bicycles, Fisk tires at Baltimore's. Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at tne Holt, corner. A neat place. Holt'a Meat MarKot. Cnoico lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Oil cake meal, any quantity, at M. centers ec to a. College pins and badges at F. M. Trench & Son s Jewelry Store. Have your feet attended to by Mis. Driver 230 Lyon, both phones. Miss Nellie rfridges professional nurse. Phone Home Red 234. t!9 Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M. Wilson for piano.instructions. Home phone 353. 10 to 12. 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur-1 goon Calls answered day and night. OfMce, Hinn block. Residence 110 E 7th street, lioth phone;:. George Miller, former pianist nt Dreamland, will teach music in this city with headquarters at Uavenport's. Graduate of Berlin Conservatory of Music. E(fs 42c, butter 7uc a roll f-om the country. The new electric cancelling machine is 0elng8el up at me post ollice today. ti, i,.ftrUn ,..;,., ,i...J has ,.,.'.'-"" ' ."'-.,. ""' i,ua"j as o,uuu people reparuiess ot censuses. In the list of participants in the Tom ' Thumb Wending the Democrat missed the names of the French waiters, John wuiKer, roaiui lviariin, iNimroci rayne nnd Richard Annibal. With so manv ent'aL'edin the nerformanee nerh-.., we aid well not to miss more than we .. i At. . r r uia. . Our Wants. F.G. Will for watches FOR TRADE. I will trade a good buildmg lot (corner) in town (sum-! mer .resort in Lincoln Co., r good horse, harness and buggy. Address Mrs. Robert Smiley, F.U. Box 404, Albany, Or. tl , FOR RENT House on Second street' ,0",p Mm . ALEX THE RUblLKR trtms trees, Phone black 128. t ' ' '", , ." j" " " graues lawns anu aoes a. jiinasoi vara work . . A. If oi nnv. Mia -: in Hr. Hp phone 431 -J 118 nri vimpn .-)l!.. LI.. ...nt. ...:.u Ylftll luUi iveiili uiu iii'iii ill wum w i in popcorn machine, or same tor sate reasonable. Good business. Address ii 11 i, con au, 1 . v. wa t'v,, .iiuntij. WANTED. Middlo aged woman for house work in famlv of two. Must bo fully competent. Inquire 434 W.I 7lh St. Phono 12-L. tf. APPLES FOR SALE.-Call up C. P. Peebler, Homo phone 2735, and get prices. t2o. NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot-l f '-V"13, t,c""ltz. "' tied milk will (io cll to ca'l the : Fletcher, A. M. Fletcher, G. A. Scott, 1. X. L. Dairy. Home phone 273a. j j3- -M- J.;on:1,r; W"V Mi Anderson, C P Peebler. ilsaa.c healdon, Chas. Jenks, Perry t-nt, o ,'t -. t'-.-'ti i t i rtM r i Parker, T. 11. Cooiier. 1. 1;. Cooper, F0" SAU'" 1 il ,u iill. J. Shrt!,,,,. . A. Harrison, W. C F ill I UUAU iHHI ni.'ll Vllll A'UllUUIt; tut, . .... . . tt ' I on the installment plan. Pfeifl'or about it. Sco F. 7t MUTUAL PIRE INSURANCE.-Ore-1 gon l'ire Relief of MeMinnville, nnd Northwestern fltutum r ire ot beanie, two strongest Companies on the coast. C' 0. Bryant, agent, WOOL) AND COAL. All kinds cf wood. 'good screened coal. delivered. by A. W Docksteder, 1197 Santiam Uoatl. Both phones. WOi.'l) FOR S..f,E.-Short slabs. Cull at Sl:;.;!..f!in. t'Oll SALl:.-Uero is a chance of nlife time. I will sell nt a great bargain my large truit o; chard on easy terms or take part in city business proyorty; 27t E. rl Rhodes. FDR SALE Grapes and winter apples. I. (J. tlihson. Home phone 4Uol. lit. 1 JR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south f Albany. Home phxnu 211t'. K. Webster. 17. ! :U1T TREES TRUli TO NAME.- Buddcil on whole r .ots, are the only kind to plant. Tint's the kind we sell. Call 10th pb mes or address sV. . I.edbetter, s ic.-'uian, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. GARBAGE. If ucstofLyon street B0e month. S. B Penny the garbage man. Hume pho..o 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Hninwnter lojks after garbage. Pnone Home 2303. WtlOL-Cardod an I batted nt Sutitiain Carding & Knitting Mills, dtayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill Iv set, if desired. LOST SHEPHERD DO.i Dark yel low, wlure ring around neck, while broiist, :oi l quite friendly. Lost or take:) in n place last Satmdny night. Ie iril v . C. tvhui'z, Jersey Dairy WANTED to ouy s.-eond hmd couk stttve or tange. Address Democrat otlice. FOR KENT - Fu-ni.hed housekeepinj rttotm'.. e!...'- in, gi.ninJ tl.tor. -tilt1 Vine St, ' il TAKEN IIP. In North Aib..ny. i v F. 11. lluc'ison, a black sow, Nov. 17tn. Homo rhone 2S'i2. 2lt PCS IN WOOD.-Ph.mj Red 27 Home. t2o. WE t'OLl.EC I" bud .'elos -no eyv.-tt. to von if no money is colit-ci-Hl Wetlevn Mercantile Agency. O.'liee over Woodworth'a Drug store, tlu r!!C VP -.MM!."1N -Vrs. re.:i proprietor. Second and Kroadalbin Sts Family service, home cookinsr. Recent ly moved from 229 Rrond.ilbin street FOR SALE Farm of 2d a'-res. mn flj.vnd a half miles from Albany, new . mm house and barn, running watft rl year, givo imntcjinte posses?iir alth crops. Terms, half down ant: wi.-neo in easy payments. Inquire balSO S. Main. tlo C H NEWS New Suits: Albany Land Co. agt. Chas. L. Johns suit to recover $250 on note. Wright &. Johnson attorneys. A. J. Chance pgt. Wro. & S. J. Mill" l?an suit to recover $231 on note. Wright & Johnson attorneys. Marriage license: John Ruiter, aged 29, and Mabel Hoflich. 27. DeeJs recorded: Certified copies from Robert Wade. Newton Marshall ana John Dodson to Hiram Smith; John Sutton and Hiram Smith to John K. Jones; and U. S. to S. P. Hamilton S ft. R. Miller to O. M. Miller and wf 2 blocks Kingston . Frank Duval to Golda Duval 1 acre. I E'f.nb riiiw.il t, tre.r Flnti.! 9li u(.res I ' " " . MISFITS. Albany talent against the world. Wh:-re will the 22 new arc lights li located. , T ,. Some one asks: Have ym seen the barndoors on the new armory.' . ,. . . , 1 There is a bitter tnste in the mouths i nl Aahlnnri anil W ph ton these rla. , . ' How lovely everything is. Wheeler Wilcox ts in Oregon. Ella . bnookums nas arrived in AIDany. tie ia a Innrlu A kn numornna nthor nnv. LfJL.iSH'Sii'SiS. nV" - - " Soars, Roebuck & Co. of Chlew;" have just cut a $1000,000 melon. Wbat'ytJdsamewniS If-TroiF-hoTs-e has ; HEAVES use' Stone's Heave l&mm DroPs' . Prl?e. L, ilfy'ijW f or sale Dy an arug- MjSf,,.v Vf. ... gists. ! "Avfe $,feWi Dr. S. C. STONE, - Salem - Oregon. --.- v,. . . """" lrtA' , :dcrsig..cd, taxpayers and residents of goad District'. 9 of Linn county, ,irt:.i "y- ," . Oregon, mat a meeting ot the tax- f . , R . , hn ; ;. . v.. . . 1...I.1 rl:....: : -:. 'Road District on Saturday, the 17th i..... i t-i:.....:. .. c H.- i.i. .1 I. I Imn .1.. I r way i,i , iiv, ui me llO'.ir ui two o clock in the alternoon of said dav for the purpose of levying an ad- .1:.': 1 ..... '.. ..11 .!. ....ii. jkiitiuii.il i.i.x un .111 iiiv: itt.i.iitie piitpei- ty in said Road District for Road pur- poses. The undersigned compose more .said Road District. This notice is posted this 21st day of November, 1910. j ... . ... , , . , . l.:n t'-. h'v l':iiiu Hnirh (: ook. D. II. Duncan. V. H. Anderson, ! . I.' P f. II IK. W A' ,v ", V,, llX A 1 1 ri-..! by, C. II. TtMiiiile, V. S. Powell, H. I. raudt. J. W. .Morgan. U. bwank, II. Knuliis. NCTICE OF FHJAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned administratrix of I he estate oi Menry Kamer. (Uveaseti, nas uieti in the County Court for I. inn County, Oregon, her final account as such ad- ministratrix of saitl estate, and that Monday the fifth day of December, l'lio, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said- report ami ine setiieioeiu nieieoi. First publication Nov. 4, 1910, last nublication Dec. 2. 1910. ROS.ANN'AH J. RA31F.R. C. C. BRYANT, Administratrix. Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. YiiM.-i 1wnliv oivrn flint tho nil dersigned administratrix of the estate of William H. Henderson, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Linn Countv. Oregon, hcr'linal account as such administratrix of said estate and that Monday the fifth dav of Decent- bcr 1910. at' the hour of "10 o'clock a. m. has been hxed by said court as the ,:,,. .-,r l...-11-i.., nf nliieetinns tn said report and the settlement thereof. Iirst puhltcation -Nov. 4, iviu, last nuhlication Dec. 2. 1010. E 31 -M'DE HENDERSON. I session, remainder, reversion, or cx C. C RR YANT, Administratrix. ' pectancy. and that they and each of them and all ot them, and cverv per NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- son designated and included iii "All MENT. - whom it may concern," be forever en- Notice is hereby given that the tin-.joined and debarred from asserting . .v I "iitilt ... .nun hum . .ll'. .'. nil: . ...in - , , .'t i Moses Miller, deceased, has led :n the Louutv Court oi Linn County, Oregon, bis iinal account as such ad- i.n.r t. '.t .1. - ; i,, l " K'. til 1". ' I' lll't R 111 III- I'MlOfl'll fir hoaritic of oli.vtion- to mid ac- ,-iMint anil t'u eulement thc'cnf. Kir-it puhlio.Uiivi Nov. 4, 1(110, last uMivMtiMi IV. 2, IIO. CK1. !OXTROSK M!!.I.IrR. T. C. r.RY.WT. Administrator, Attorrey. R. B. Mayberry, Drayman ;Ie.ivy an :urt iar..i:itr. i i:l;-.o ni:n':ne a specially. Piano and organs ' oxeJ for shipping Tmno boxes irr Wood for ,:t!o. v'wood or 4h,of the Circuit Ct,rt of the -j;lale of day ot Drcen, her. 19M. at the hour of 1 .nen wooo ' Oregon tor the Countv of l.inn. De- ?cl,vk -! the .utermwn. as the time . 5rt(i;e 'IW' Vw nt0n 'i'.rtment Xo. 2. it being nude on the the hearing of obieerions to said rVi! VM -iVm nor (?t H,fh d"v of (Vtober. W10. directing 1 accoun: and the seth-ment there- p Ke.icree .13 St. Both (,m - io,f ?VKWITT NoTlCl TAKE ICE AND SUMMONS. Xo. 107. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn. De partment Xo. 2. In the matter of the application of August F. Goettsche to register the title to the real property described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at the southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of Hiram Bond and wife, Xotiiication Xo. 2006, Claim Xo. 3S, in Township twelve south range four west of the William ctte Meridian in Oregon, which said corner is situate in., the northwest quater of the northwest quarter of section eight in said township and range, and running thence south 45 degrees east 12.91 chains thence north 3.83 chains to the northern boundary line of Claim Xo. 51 in same township and range; thence north 5 degrees 47 minutes -Hast 19.S78 chains to a point saia point nemg oo.uy cnnins .. ;uiu 70;56 chains W. of the S. E. corner of said claim No. oi!) thence north .32 chains; thence west 11.212 chains to the west boundary line of said Claim Xo. 38: thence south 21. f chains to the place of beginning, containing 27 j acres, more or less, nil lying and be- Chester J. CoppX Est Iter J. Cop-' in? m Linn county, Orcgon. (Declm-, , Clarence Coppock, Bertha Con ation of needle 22 degrees a mmutes - ock' Minton and Forrest .Minton her . , T,, ' frz r r I Applicant and Plaintiff, vs. Owen R. ie ! t I i-, i t I. i . -. . Bond, Dar esea Jane Bond, bi as iond, Ahlton Bond, Alary Knowelton, "?nna" Lum"?inSff rryman Cum- i n ,ng.,, Virginia McEIhaney, M. S. McEl bauey, Pauline White, C. A. V."oe, ii.ii om duiiu, v irKinw iom., V 11 Milholler - T Milhnllep and .7, ull."011eI- A- J- -Miinoitci., ana .-ui w .um u iiiay concern, ueicmi.nu?,. "All whom it may concern," Take -Notice, 1 hat on the oth day ot Uc , tober A. D. 19 0 an application was , bled by August F. Goe tsche in the Circuit Court of the Sta e o Oregon for the Cnnnrv of T in,, fnr th ;ltlnl f . .: , , l.,,,,- i v. v.. n.v. "i.iuj "bovc described. Now, unless you appear on or before barred from .disputing the same I To Silas Bond, Milton Bond and -Mary Knowe ton, .and All whom it i .v"' t I i.lT tn I "f.,, ' eon- ou and each ot you are hereby summoned and required to appear and , r the application hied ,n the 1 ab,ov5: cntl'le1 cTn a"tslnt ,,e ' ; J"u. " or ne- - "y", said last mentioned date being six weeks from and after the date of the - hrst puDlication ot summons, the Iirst ml!,i;,.nt:nn nf t)li5 ,mmnn ,..: I.. J... .1 (1...U-. ' '. A. . . iz. . ? r" i:-:.:.. i r ' last 'publication hereof being on the O...I .1 r- l inwi -nu u.iy ui xeeeiuuei, IVIVJ. ' And it you tail so to answer, for want thereof, the application will be .- 1 I'., 1: . .- t.iixeii ,is iuiiitMU .iiu .ip)iieailt will apply to the above entitled court for t&icf cd for" in hisSa- tion. . now on h e herein, for a decree interest in and to the real property hereinabove described, and the nature of all adverse claims in said real prop- c-ty o t ne cieienaams. or any ot tnem, the relief as prayed for in said apphca- tion is as follows: lhat the detendants, and eacu of them above named be rcotnred to set forth the nature of their estate, in- , , . , . . . , . . crpsr. ri -'li t . nr c :imi. 111 nr tn real property ;ibove described, if any 1....... .,,1 .,11 .i,.n, ;,i Wr inU ll or any of them, may be determined by a decree ot this court: and further that any and all persons having any claims, estate or interest,-in saiu real property, above described, whose said rights are unknown to plamtilt and applicant herein; and designated as "All whom it may concern," having or claiming ttic same unocr tne law providing therefor, in the said lands sought hereby to be registered, unless appear- ancc is made by such person or per- softs, and such right, estate, or claim established and set forth, if any they have, and that upon failure of such person or persons to appear and set tort h and es ahhsh such rights, in- terest. or claims, if any they have, that they and each and all ot them shall be forever barred and concluded by the decree herein prayed tor. from assert - ing the same in like manner as other , ,g u,e saoie .u.uini, u, e, idetendants hereinabove named, alter t he decree ot h.is court has been nude n- dcternimir.g the rights, estates, inter- ests, ami claims m ami to sani real property above described, the title to wnicn is nereoy sotignt to ne rcgis- Icred, and further by such decree it He determined, declared, adjudged, and decreed that the delendants above named, and all persons included in ' 'omu i .. ... " 1 " and any and all ot them, if any there , be, have no estate, interest, right, or .......... ... --.. iV yry '! '".' i scribed, at law or m equity, in pes .. i. i i.t i. .. ... . in. . ..... t t -i t t . property above described, adverse to applicant and planum herein: and fur - , her by such decree f.ud declare. aJ; ' - , " " 1 ' . ,1,., -:u ,i Ill .im ll.ll Pil'ltltl UIl"H WV. -V t IHl.ll -tntctl: that Au.cust V. Goc;tche i : the owner in fee simple of ?aio! real property above deseriheil. and of the , whtle th.ereof. and that the same U tree from all Kc-m and c:KMimhranee-. : ml order and decree the Registrar of : 'i'it.es for l.inn eounty. Orecron. to iroiii'tcr the same, and to rant Mich fotlier order and relief as to the court "'" and in accordance Tliis summons served upon vou onhlication hereof bv order of lonorable William Galloway. Judge veek tor six consecutive and succcs jive weeks, beginning with the 21st day of October, 1910, and ending with the issue dated the 2nd day of De cember, 1910, in The Albany Demo crat a newspaper of general circula tion, published and printed weekly at Albany, Linn county, Oregon. (Sealj J. W. MILLER, County Clerk of Linn County, Ore gon, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Linn County. J. F. YATES, Attorney for applicant. Date of iirst publication, October 21st, 1910. Date of last publication, December 2nd, 1910. SUMMONS the Circuit Court of the County of Linn, State of Oregon: Fred C. Coppock and Bertha Cop pock, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Lambert Coppock and Dora Copnock. his wife. I Furnas J. Coppock and Lulu Coppock, i,;. ,- ri, .,,.!,.- r? n in ; c Coppock his wife 'da Be i j T.i .. 1....1 1 ""'J ! Coppock MileV and H. O Miles he? ' ..IjUnH n nrin- r,-!. j V.V'' "' t'V 'r 'i a 0 iuiui luuuck, jus wnt, riorace lod iimmii -7 nn,i, M;n;n r ,. i husband. Anabcl Grav, and John Grav :,r i. , i n,i i,., .".' i r , V ncr l.usDauu, and Rachel Coppoc.;. De- .- t ' fi-"--, To L.-mihcrt Cnnnn n,i n Coppock, his wife, Furnas J. Coppock , aa j 'Lu, c his wife, ChSs , B Coppock and Beatrice CoDDoek - .A,,H, r - , Beery, her husband. Lura Connnr-l- Miles and H. O. Miles, her husband, D. Herbert Coppock and Ethel Con- 'Mim ie Coppock, his wife, Che Co ock r)5Ptreh'j. Coppock, CI ; Conoock Bertha Connock Mim, pock, his wife, Horace Coppock and hester J. Clarence : "P pock ai nion ana Coppock, Bertha Coppock Minton and t'orrcst Almton, her husband, Anabel Gray and John Grav. her husband and I n i. i r1 1. t 'i i ,!..,.. ' uc In the Kame of the State of Ore- Yo,' are 1,ercby IeCi"k.cd t0 aP" of' Dec bcr 1910 you are herebv notified that if vol fail to anster said c da as hcVeby required, the plaintiffs will ap- ply to the court for the relief demand- , j ;d compiaint t0.wit: F d 1 f , j Honorable Cort LinTJ ie r B1u. and iS ! of the rcSDc"ctive parties, nlaintiffs and clcfc,u,ant3 in and' to the' fol,owin dc. scribed real property: the N. W. ' of f?'P TP 0 ' p Vr " Jp. 9S. of R-2 Eas o xtion is u e Willamt -, Oregon, . firmn ,-,-,,,-,;;,,,-,- tr,n .,. n- ty, Oregon, containing lfiO acres, and ordering that said lands be partitioned oroenng Ilia if the same can be done, but if not that the lands be sold by a Referee to be nnnninfn 1 h tl 'c rn t 1 ll . ! ' ' , ... , i J. V- ! 1 -V i , "'"-"-'"e ue ui- vided between the respective parties. , .-cf 1 1 1 , 1 , a" np'Cr' ' ! h1,!,.,'';'''; lXr ""ftt', ;,f1 ,r . ,.. other and further order as to the conn may seem just and proper. This Suinons is served bv publica tion in the Albany Weekly Democrat' by order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan, County Judge of Linn County, Ore gon, made at Albanv. Oregon. Octo ber 17th, 1911), the "date of the first publication of this notice is October 21st. 1910. and the date of the last pub lication is December 2nd, 19t0. J. K. WF.AT1 1 F.RFORD and 31. V. WEATH ERFORD Attorneys for Plaintiffs. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned h:ul i,ccn duU. appointed administrator nf tne co-partnership estate of Charles E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do- j business as co-partners under the firnl name of Fox & Cummings, Charles E. Fox deceased bv the coun- tv court of Linn countv 'Oregon. All persons having clab'.i";' a r::in-t said estate are hereby - .- a-.iredlo present the same to the t.. (icrsi:;ued dulv ver- ji-icii ' a5 nv rciiuircil within six months from this date at his place of business at the corner of Second and Mmimnn. d..ic A !,., (i-o-n GEORGE B. CU31MINGS j, K. WEATH ERFORD, Admr. Attorney for Administrator, , ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE, . . . . . . . x ; j , , j , , (Icrsi ncd a.i.uinitratrix of the estr f ,, y Viliiam5, dccenscd. pursua tUt . - . , state int to the order of sale made and entered in the matter of the estate of said de ceased by the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, on the 7th day of November, 1910, will from and after the HHh day of December, 1910. pro ceed to sell, at private sale, to the highest Ind.ler, lor cash m hand, sub- jcct to eonlirmation bv said court, the . -, . wit. b , i The southwest quarter of section 5 in township 15 south of range J west of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn county. Orciron, containing 160 acres; -also beginning at the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section 6 :in said township and range, and run ning south on the cast boundary or , , ...-.. . , ... ' .-eem... j. co. o eil.lll l.l ine , bolmlarv r- a ,ract of Iaml con. 1 , ;,. p.,:..- - k -ri d Ltam and' wife oZhe iV.h dav thence north r.. chains: thence east ' V .!.:... ... ... ..I 1. hams to tne place oi iH-gmnini; containing 107.56 acres, more or lc!- all in l.inn cotmtv, Oregon. MARGAKK t E. WILLIAMS. HEWITT & SOX. Admrx. V'v-j. t r S!mr. NOTICE OF FINAlTSETTLE" MENT. Notice "a that the un dersigned ;ul:nini.trat,,r of the tn A. P. Maxw.;:. h;e o." Linn county. Oregon, deceased, has :iled in ti e ! VI1Tlt-v C0lirt f county h:s tinal jaecount as sroli a.lmrtrator. and th:.t aid court :'.cd Mondav the 19th - i " -' 1 1 ,s .vuminisira.. I Attys. tor . :-.i;tiistrator.