Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 02, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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No. 107.
In the Circuit Court of the State 01
Oregon for the County of Linn. De-
In the matter of the application of
August F. Goettsche to register the
title to the real property described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning a the southwest corner
of the Donation Land Claim of Hiram
Bond and wife, Notification No. 2006,
Claim Xo. 33. in Township twelve
smith ranee four west of the William-
ette Meridian in Oregon, which said
corner is situate in., the northwest
auater of the northwest quarter of
section eight in said township and
range, and running thence south 45
degrees east 12.91 chains thence north
3.83 chains to the northern boundary
line of Claim Xo. 51 in same township
and range;, thence north 5 degrees 47
minutes East 19.S78 chains to a point
(said point being 35.09 chains N. and
70.56 chains W. of the S. E. corner of
said claim Xo. 38) thence north 7.32
chains; thence west 11.212 chains to
the west boundary line of said Claim
No. 38; thence south 21.88 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 27
acres, more or less, all lying and be
ing in Linn county, Oregon. (Declin
ation of needle 22 degrees 5 minutes
Applicant and Plaintiff, vs. Owen R.
Bond, Darlesea Jane Bond, Silas
Bond, Milton Bond, Mary Knowelton,
Hannah Cummings, Berryman Cum
mings, Virginia McElhaney, M. S.
McElhaney, Pauline White, C. A.
White, Harold Bond, Virginia Bond,
W. H. Milhollcn, A. J. Milhollen, and
All whom it may concern, Defendants.
"All whom it may concern," Take
Xotice, That on the Sth day of Oc
tober, A. D. 1910, an application was
filed by August F. Goettsche in the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Linn for the initial
registration of the title to the lands
above described.
Now, unless you appear on or before
the 2nd day of December, 1910, and
show cause why said application shall
not be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed, and a decree will be en
tered according to the prayer of the
application, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
To Silas Bond, Milton Bond and
Mary Knowelton, and "All whom it
may concern," Defendants:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon You and each of you are hereby
summoned and required to appear and
answer the application filed in the
above entitled court and suit on the
8th day of October, 1910, on or be
fore the"2nd day of December, 1910,1
said last mentioned date being six
weeks from and after the date of the
R. P. Clark has been in the city, as
sisting in services at the Mission on
First 6treet, opposite the Russ House,
and as well on the streets evenings.
His case is a decidedly interesting one.
Several years ago he was the valley
drummer for the cash register, doing a
big business, one of the best men on
the road, a hustler, and one of the boys.
While attending a tent meeting in Port
land in June last year, which he went
into out of curiosity, he wan converted
good and hard, and since then he has
been giving his time to preaching the
gospel to others, dead in earnest, mak
ing that a business.
He is a fine talker and holds his aud
iences in close attention. He will prob
ably be out tonight and is worth hearing.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany. Ore., postofiice uncalled for
Vnv an lQin. Persons desiring anv of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
W. tl. Andersoi., w. c. uenoow,
Mayme Benv, Evelyn Baores, Mr.
Beason, C. W. Bondurant 2, Nellie
Bruggeman, W. F. Chase, A. Coombs,
W. H. Crawford, C. H. Deming, Harvy
Faut.F. N. Gray, Arthur EDller, Martin
Hackman, Geo. Harder, Dave Miller,
August Neill, Mrs. S. Patterson, Annie
F. Parker, Mar E. Right, J. R. Sim
mons. Mrs. James Scott. Walter
Golden, Ezra Weaver.
Lilt unclaimed Nov. 23.
Mrs. Ina Barnes, John Bruer, C. A.
Burris, Jack Cady, Hazjl Clarice, Mrs.
Chamberlain. Joe Deitrick, Gust Elias,
W. A. Fountain. J. DeFalco, Edd.
Hruseland, Bernie. HarriEgton. Mrs.
Addie Hart, Mrs J. F. Koenig, J. W.
Lewis, A. A. Marytin. Harry Merritte,
Aaron Miller, C. C. McChord, John San
ders. Ben Smith, W. M. Stewart. Mrs.
A.' Welch, Percy Wills. J. Harry Wiley.
By the Man About Town.
C. H. Burggraf in his new offices in
his own block at Second and Lyon
streets, a mom? the most complete for
the business in the valley. They em
brace a suite of four rooms for the dif
ferent departments of the business,
well arranged and neatly furnished,
with an attractive finish in special de
signs for the Lusiness.
Some striking show windows ny,
those of the Wooaworth Drug Compathe
one of the most attractive places in ow
valley. But Woodworth ia in a shar;
window neighborhood, the Chambers &
McCune windows always being extra,
works of art and goad tuste.
Fine displays of holiday goods all
along the line. Albany leads in fitting
people out for Christmas giving, and it
is well to begin early.
Albany has done well to provide for
fortv-two hydrants for fire purposts.
The engines are pretty well played out
and Dot n will nave to De tnorougniy
repared for reliable servici.
Rev. Mochel. of the Grace Presbyter
ian church probably has the finest 'ot of
doves in the valley, nis specialty.
The records at the clerk's office show
os er $301)0 paid this year for hunters
and anglers licenses. Of this amouut
it is estimated only $400 orsfoOO is spent
in this county. Where does the rest go.
A game garden should be appointed
who will agree to spend practically all
of it here. We need it ourselves, and
that is fair besides.
It would be better to have the state
put into four districts, if not make each
county separate, but at least four, with
a separate warden for each. This will
take by the state legislature.
The best wardfan the state has had
was J. W. Baker, and his friends are
urging him lor the place again. The
Democrat is reliably informed that if
air. Eaker should be unpointed lie will
agree that the bulk ot the receipts from
the different coun'ies shall be spent
there. That's the kind of a man want
ed for the place.
North Benton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tomlinson of Alb
any took Thanksgiving dinner with the
tormers parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Tomlinson of Wells.
Jessie Delancey is spending a few
A Y. M. C. A.
Last night a conference wns had at
the residence of A. C. Schmitt, with
I. B. Rhodes, travelling secretary of the
state association, in reference to the
establishment of a Y. M. C. A. here,
the sentiment being in favor of one.
though there was a doubt of the time
being ripe until several church improve
ments have been disposed of, und it
may be a year or two before an actual
beginning on the important work but
it is proposed to eventually push the
splendid project, and the following com
mittee, or board, was selected to take
charge of it: A. C. Schmitt Bnd Geo.
H. t'rowell, of the Presbyterian church;
C. E. Sox, L. K. Hamilton and J. C.
Irvine, of the U. P. church; Dr. C. V.
Littler, Jos. H. Kalston and J. A. How
ard, of the M. E. church; W. A. East
burn and J. C. Holbrook, of the Christian
church; J. L. Tomlinson und H. F.
Merrill, of the Baptist church; C. C.
Bryant, of the Grace Presbyterian
News from Albany's Six
Eugene Palmer, of Portland, formerly
of this county, a prominent Gr m-.;er,
according to the Oregonian, v..i the
farmers of the state against the U'Ren
schemes to foist the single tax on tha
people of Oregon through the county
system. It is said that $50,000 has been
raised in the east to secure an exper
iment of the svstem in Oregon. Palmer
declares that in the end ic would mean
confiscation of the property of the
farmer. Whatever the truth of that
it is not probable that Oregonians as
liberal as tnev have have shown them
selves in the matter of advanced legis
lation will anywhere in tho state per
mit vi tins system.
Bought the Taylor Residence.
T. A. Farmer, the real estate man,
has bought the residence of George
Taylor, on Washington street, . well
located in a neighborhood the Demo
crat man is prepared to vouch for. Mr.
FarmAr'q mother will OCCUPY the base
ment: rnnmR while the UDPer floor of
first publication ot summons, tne nrst , sjx r00m3 will be rented, a tine nome
publication of this summons being on for SOme one.
the 21st day of October, 1910, and the
last pUDlicatlon nercoi Being on me .. m.,, j;
L t rw-mh,.,- loin Judge P. R. Kellev was attending
And if vmi fail so' to answer, for i "t in Corvalhs today.
,',..,f fw,f H.o nnnlimtinn will hi-1 Mr. Frank O'Brien, of Salem, was
tnkpn as rnnfessod :nifl annlirant w ill and Albany visitor yesterday.
apply to the above entitled court for ( Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sprenger and
the relief as nraved for in his aDnlica- dauehter returned this noon from
tion. now on file herein, for a decree i Portland.
of this court, determining applicant's The Glafke-Dixon Company are pre
interest in and to the real property paring to put a 550,000 whoesale house
hereinabove described, and the nature j m Eugene.
of all adverse claims in said real prop- m Mexjcan troops yesterday whipped
crty of the defendants, or any of them, 400 revolutionists, and it will continue
the relief as prayed for in said applica-1 f ha tu.
tion is as iouows:
That the defendants, and each of
them above named, be required to set
forth the nature of their estate, in
terest, right, or claim, in or to said
real property above described, if any
they have, and that all adverse estates,
interests, or claims of said defendants,
or any of them, may be determined by
a decree of this court; and further that
any and all persons having any claims,
estate or interest, in said real property,
above described, whose said rights are
unknown to plaintiff and applicant
herein; and designated as "All whom
it may concern," having or claiming
the same under the law providing
therefor, in the said lands sought
hereby to be registered, unless appear
ance is made by such person or per
sons, and such right, estate, or claim
established and set forth, if any they
have, and that upon failure of such
person or persons to appear and set
forth and establish such rights, in
terest, or claims, if any they have, that
they and each and all of them shall be
forever barred and concluded by the
decree herein prayed for. from assert
ing the same in like manner as other
defendants hereinabove named, after
the decree of this court has been --lade
determining the rights, estates, inter
ests, and claims in and to said real
propcrtv above described, the title to
which is hereby sought to be regis
tered, and further by such decree it
be determined, declared, adjudged, and
decreed that the defendants above
named, and all nersons included
"All whom it may concern," and each
and any and all of them, if any there
be, have no estate, interest, right, or
claim, in said real property above de
scribed, at law or in equity, m pos
session, remainder, reversion, or ex
pectancy, and that they and each of
them and all of them, and every per
son dcsii.n.itcd and included in "All
whom it mav concern," be forever en
joined and debarred from asserting
any claim whatsoever in or to said real
property above described, adverse to
applicant and plaintiff herein: and fur
ther bv such decree find, declare, ad
judirc and decree the title or intercut
of the applicant and plaintiff herein
in said real property above described
to be the same as in the application
stated: that August F. Goettsche is
the owner in fee simple of said real
propcrtv above described, and of the
whole thereof, and that the same is
free from all liens and encumbrances,
and order and decree the Registrar of
Titles lor Linn county. Oregon, to
rccister the same, and to grant such
other order and relief as to the court
shall seem meet and in accordance
w::h equity.
This summons is served upon you
hy publication hereof by order of
Honorable William Galloway. Judge
of the Circuit Ont-t of the State of
Ore.-on tor the- County of I.inn, Dc-par:ii"-nt
-'- - 't t-cipir ma'i-.- on the
Sill (1 iv ot Oclo'-i". -l'''i:. directing
puUi-.iv.on ' : t! :- Ni"ivv.r; atice a
Soroe of them could not be bought lor days with Linn county relatives
less than $50. They have pedigrees Lewis Wentz, who returned home
reaching back fifty years and are as from Spokane Sunday, said he didn't
high toned as a Vanderbilt. like the weather in Washington, too
much snow.
The Benton county assessment rail
n r- ii . l . ci.. snows unit tne valuation ot property in
ieWS rrom AIDany-S SIX cany school district No. 4. is pluced at
Tra:c S14,Zb0i the valuation for the year
' 1 "111. 1q,lQ irr.o con
E B. Williainsnn come down Wcd-
Several left for Salem to attend the nesday evening and spent the remainder
Development League convention, for of the week with home folks,
which an elaborate program has been Mr. uud Mrs. Geo. Adkison and Mr.
prepared, embrac ne some of the best and M. will Caldwell of River Side
boosters in the Northwest. Among
those going were Secretary Van Win- Anthony Sunday.
and G. E. Sanders, of this city, Mayor J Uh?, JJS?, fl0''
Reeves, Councilman Bach, Editor Kirk- ijrrZr a ", ,Z" , i T. . t ......n c ivjT Pn-innri f North Benton, and they were taken by
Lebanon? ' the wagon load lot, team after team.
mrs. jonn nyatc ana aangnter.
Helma, returned home Sunday, from a
two wecKs sojourn in iNortiiero can
Boosting Oregon.
The great development league opened
in Salem yesterday with a large attend
ance and more going all tho time. It
has created whe interest in Oregon.
n. I tiro ..j .j i j
Early the note for advancement.
un oenait ot tne new governor u. J-i.
McNarv announced that an appropria
tion of ?20,000 will be recommended for
Mnssra Tnssin.r Trinn ni,H Srrnttnn. " exploitation Ot Ureeon . Willi an
three good Brownsville nustlers, went Bnnu .' Uo,'!lt f?r distribution east,
to Salem to the development league covering the entire state, county by
convention. From Corvnlhs came i
Lawyer J. C. Christy left for Cor-
vallis, where he has a couple of cases
in the circuit court, to De presmea over
by the popular Judge L. T. Harris.
Miss Gertrude Reeves, of Lebanon
returned to her studies at Willamette-.
Miss Vesta Eastburn returned from a
visit in tne country.
Mayor Johnson, one of the four grent
Johnsons that rule Unit city, and Dr.
Withycombe, also bound for Salem.
W. F. Holninn, of North Albany. and
a. . bhupp, ot Albany, were among
those going to Portland to the big apple
show, one of the best things of the
year. Hood Kiver, Medford and the
other sections are all represented after
the big prizes and tne glory.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherford left
for Corvallis to attend court.
Father Van Nevel returned from Leb
John A. Heinrich, and bride, of
Kimball, South Dakota, arrived' on
visit at the home of Mr. Heinrich's
father, W. H. Heinrich, and may spend
the winter neio.
Father Servais came over from Cor
I he Next Speaker,
Among those mentioned as candidate
Misses MeKnight and Burch returned K0,rAh 8P?.ale: . 'ho " J30U 9.8 re.
t, .ToflWsnn nftpr snenrtino- the Thanks- " 2 ""8
o-ivino-season at their homes tne ""amous lirooKe-Boan bill, W.
gmng seabon at tneir tiomes , Thomnsnn nf I..ikBvi.w Hmr
man, now of Baker, T. J. Mahoney of
where he baa been doing- some work.
Mart Rickard, Corvallis' leading au
tomobile dealer, arrived.
Miss Leta Conn returned from s
visit with her uncle R. H. Huston, ir
Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn re
turned to their home at Portland after
a visit with Mr. Washburn's folks in
Albany and Mrs. Washburn's folks in
the country.
Dr. Davis and M. Senders went
Salem to the development league.
Morrow and Jerrv Rusk of Wallowa,
Several having probably escaped. The
democrats will do well to assist in put
ting in a good antl assemmv man, an
insurgent, and rjot waste their ballots
ai. nuuie.
A Heart Play.
Plays that appeal to the heart and
plays that heads of familiea can bring
their children to see are the plays that
thrive. Such a play is "Along the
Kennebec," which will be presented in
this city next Monday night wilh its
wealth of beautiful scenery and a
company of actors unexcelled by any
in their respective lines. The play is
sain to be full o' bright, sparkling
comedy nnd a splendid band is carried
to advertise it
The centennial celebration of the es
tablishing of the first Oregon city at
Astoria is to be endorsed.
Astoria and Medford are candidates
fur the next meeting place and a warm
contest is on.
The speeches of the afternoon were
made by C. C. Chapman, the Portland
booster, Tom Ricburdson, once the
prince of boosters, nnd J . E. Barnes, a
wasnington Doosier.
The success of tho great land show at
Chicago, in which Or; ton is taking a
warm part, was announced.
At today's session prominent speak-.
era wtre 0. C. Leiter of the Oregonian.
E. H. Shepherd of Better Fruit, Fred
Lockley of Pacific Monthly, K. J. Hen
dricks of the Statesman, E. C. Eubanks
of the Ashland Commercial Club, J. S.
Van Winkle ot the Albany Club, F. E.
Morrison of Success, Park West of the
Chicago Record Herald, W. A. Whit
ney of Springfield, Mass., G. P.
Scnlosser, A F. Hofer, D. C. Freerrmn,
and other Oregon boosters. Tonight
Howard Elliot is the main Bpoakor.
Lost boys.
C E. Hawkins, of Toledo, went to
the development league convention at
Salm today.
M. Cudahy, the founder of the big
packing house, atOmaha died yesterday,
leaving millions.
Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford, of
Tangent, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Albany friends.
Mrs. S. J. Merridith. of Portland,
returned home today after a visit with
her son. Dr. Cox.
The Snringfield Realty Co. has pre
sented tne city with seven acres for a
park, beautifully located.
The U. O. Glee Club will be in Al
bany Dec. 8. One of the members is
Earl Fortmiller ot this city.
Dr. F. I. Ball, of Portland, spent
Sunday in Albany on a short visit with
his sister, Mrs. C. H. Cusick.
Albanv is the best located of ai y of
the smaller cities for the wholesale bus
iness, which should be developed l.ere.
There will be an open meeting at
Fairmont Grange hall Wednesday at
1:30. with Mr. Nickerson of near Salem
as the speaker. ,
Battlins Nelson failed to come back
and was knocked out by a common
English pugilist. Dissipation takes the
snap out of all of them.
The total resources of the First Nat
ional Bank of Prineville are $700,110.32.
about the most of any bank in the state
in a city the sizs of Prineville.
At last the figures arrived. Portlnr.r
207,214. Seatlle 237.191. Portlands
gain 130 per cent. Seattle s 191 prr
cent. Both make a wonderful showing
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irvine left Sat
urday night for Phoenix. Ariznnia. or
a vacation trip, during the quiet seasnr
in automobihng, and will begone a few
The foot ball season has not been
satisfactnrv one. U.O. and Washing
ton could certainlv have played, and
Willam tto should have' been given
show with U. O.
C. H. Stewart went to Portland th'
mnrninf to look after the Albnnv exhi
bit at the apple fair, and F. M. French
and w. A. tastnurn. me omer mem-
hpra nf the committe will go in thi
morning. E. C. Roberts, who will have
charge of it is on the grounds..
Whitlach Carmichael. A pleasant
linma moAnnrr nnnnpvarl of tVta nsma fit
ncuu.,.b N H, Tho ,1011, nm.;lt mil
Mr. ana Mrs. Jonn;uarmicnaei, residing '., V f, ' ; ,C
ii niU iiuiiiniut nf Aihanv secretary win ne
Thanksgiving dav. when their youngest vice president
daughter, Nellie, was united in marriage
to Mr. Jesse wnitiatcn, itev. rranK
lin H. Geselbracht officiating. Only
the immediate relatives and intimate
friends of the family were in attend
ance. The bride was becomingly
ttired in a handsome gown of Cham
pagne silk trimmed with gold lace and
carried white carnntions. After a
hearty Thanksgiving dinner the happy
:ouple departed lor rjrtiand wncre
Henry N. Warner, the famous bar
itone, w:II be at the tlcctric theatre
Wednesday and Thursday nights of this
week. Binning at each performance, a
they spent a short honeymoon as guests treat for lover3 of goua music. 1 he
of Mr Mis. lames McNeil. press generally speaks in r-igh terms of
The bride is a voung lady possessed biiikhikui -.""P"-'-.
of sterl ng otia Hies ot heart and mind. s'" ura"..!!.
that have endeared ner to a large circle I "etc.
of friends, and I he groom is a young
man endowed with plenty of the pro
gressive spirit which is such a telling
asset in Oregon, the possessor of a fine
farm near Klamath Falls, where they
will make their home.
slve weeks, beginning with the 21st
day of October, 1910, and ending with
the issue dated the 2nd day of De
cernber, 1910, in The Albany Demo
cr-.t. a newspaper of general circula
tion, published and printed weekly at
M'oarv, I-mn countv, Uregon.
ii, -.1 ' I. V. MILLER,
Countv Clerk of Linn County, Ore
ron and F.!C-OlhciO Clerk Of til
Circuit Court of the-State of Ore
iion for I.inn County.
A:nr::cv for r:nnhcant.
Drue or l:r-t publication, Octobe
21, t. 191C
Il.-it- of !a-t :n:bhcat;on, Deccmbe
The Boys Uub Conference.
Albap boys and men attending the
conferc ce of boys clubs at Millsboro
repurt a big time. Iha boys from here
were Fish, Howard and Cummings, the
men Messrs. Schmitt and Howard. One
or the papers, a good one, was by
Henry Fish, of this city, The Club's
Influence in Scholarship and the Stu
Portland boys, the
Eugene man. Th
next convention city is to be selected
by the executive committee.
Famous Baritone Coming.
The Commercial Club.
On account of the ahseiico of a quor
um, several members being in Salem
and otherwise engaged last night there
was no meeting ot the Commercial
Club. A special meeting of tne Club,
thoucrh, has been called for 4:30 this
afternoon to consider the matter nf
freight rates from n local stand point,
conferring with r. Cousi s, an attor
ney willing lo Ti.-present the interests
of Albany shippers.
The Eugene Register recently repub
lished the editorial from the Democrat
about the young man killed at Millers,
Since then a couple of letters have
been received from Lane county asking
bout the map, and for a description.
one from a father whose son had dis
appeared, the other from a sister whose
hrother had been gone a year and a
half without a singlu word trom him.
Neither answered me description, inis
man was nearly 30, weighing about 175,
was neari) b teot tall, nau somewnac
of a foreign look, was dressed like a
laboring man not like a hobo, was clean
shaven, and had a gold iwatcn ana
locket picture pruaably ot nil
fast Traveling.
The program at tho Electric is an
extra one. The pictures of the speed
demons in one of the automo
bile races of the age, were intensely
interesting, and large audiences up
plauded the exciting scenes presented.
They will be shown again tonight, and
no one can uffrd to miss them.
In the Lily.
The Home Rule Expenses
Salem. Nov. 2B H. C McAllister,
manager for the Home Rule association,
filed a statement yesterday of expenses
incurred by that organization in the
late campaign. Total expenditures
equaled $39,786.72 and the total contri-
nutions were :w,ia xnu iuikci
ittms nf expenses were as follows:
literature and fltainn3, SS117.34; news
papers 377U9 i'J: special advertising,
$6289.06; salaries, $6103.33. There is a
balance on hand of S232 and SiOO was
turned back to contributors.
The Weather.
The range of temperature was 47-41.
1 he rainfall for 24 hours was .92 inch.
for 48 hours just an inch and a half.
The river is only o teet, but is due to
rise some.
Prediction: rain tonight and Tuesday.
0. A. Conture 8nd wf, S. Norwalk,
Loyd Riches, tho Journal
R. C. Walters, OCT Uauids
J. M. Gilkinson, 1 ortlund 1
D. Clifford, Seio
Dan J. Fry, Sulem
E. J. Hunt. Eugene
L. M. Arehanbeam and wf. Rtayton
H. J Seeclc and wl, Halsey
Judge J. F. Stewurt, Toledo
The Weather
A Lebanon Affair.
Lebanon had an exciting case, as told,
about like this: Marshal Richard
rested Harry Devinc for being drunk
and locked him un. Charles Devine.
orother, took the marshal to tasK lot
jailing his brother, whereupon he was
also looted up. in tne jail ne negan
searching Charles when he was at
tacked bv Harry with a chair and
knocked against the door. The marshal
finally got out alive and locked the
door. During the night the door war
unlocked by some one from the outside
and the men escaped, out only narry
left town.
For a Y. , C. A.
A meeting is to be neld tonight to
talk over a Y. M. C. A. for Alnany,
one of the great needs of the city. It
should be a i30,00O one, modern nnd
un to date. Is Albany tquul to Ite
Horace Steel is here from Portland
on a few days business trip.
B. F. Troutman, of Portland, was in
the city last night while on his waj
home from a turkey dinner at Shedd.
Clarence Gaylord, now a farmer near
Baker City, is in thu city the guest o'
Hugh Fisher and fam-iy. Thirty fivi
yearB ago he was a printer on the Dem
ocrat, under General 41. V. Prawn.
In mentioning the name of Win.
Bain, nominee for councilman in th
first wurd the Democrat through t error put it Mm. I'.iin
but it is the well known president o
the Albany fctate Bank.
McCourt and Prettyman haye es
tablished coal- bunkers at the foot ol
Railroad street, adjoining the track,
nnd under the name of the Albany Cop.
ii Fuel Co. will sell eual to Albany pto
pie, getting to be largo consumer.
According to the Oregonian J. J
Collins anil E. I). Cusick are in '.he caa
wi'.nei-ses lor li.e government in i.
timber hind ease. -V uinrntcn iron
Colliim yc.-iterd.iy st'ltt-d lint ne li:i
reacheil his c!d iiernw in MicniK-i hi
; s prefect ir
city for uamages.
'.n, sin ut y. L. Anderson, wnin
p.or.y was thrown lit, Second am
u eeif . ri civinir numerous bruisei
un h ' cly ar. I tHCe I r :. ! i. ' r. I I
-!i o'ailP' d'v. J(J : tie 'o the C r-ro-i 1 1, n -itcstf-et
'hir. '! i.e oiu luj.iri
in.i.rir:c rit ftaH-6 that time w.iu itjtlili
at the ;i.ce.
him when a
Basket Ball.
According to iho Silem Statesman
Albany is to havo three cruel; basket
ball tesms, high school. Phi Alpha Pi
an I the college. That Hi Torhet, a
furmer 0. A. 0. sprinter, is coach and
manager ut the Atco team, and that
the Phi Alpha Pi's havo a game with
the Baracas of Salem, one of whom is
Elbert Warford. of this city, and that
the Albany high is trying to g3t agamo
with Wa hington nign tor me cnam-
pienship of the state, long before it has
notion Jown to the championship per.
Anvwav there will bo sone good
basket ba I this winter wi'h prospect of
another crack high school ti am, also an
Alco team even il Torbet novr was 'an
U A. C. sprinter.
'. ML!-1
riding i!
It. P.. -
The rainfall for 24 hours was. 94 inch,
a long drizzle.
The river is raising rapidly ana is iz
The condition of Governor Hensrn
said to be serious, and it Is doubtful
he can hold office any more.
The Volunteer Or.rauiat drew a lurge
and pleased audience last night. Th
two choir boys were particularly goo'
and mnde a hit.
The citv council met last night as s
committee t.t tho whole and placed the
twenty-two new arc ligl ls lln- ordm
ance has not yet heen signed, und then
are ihrcats of referendum, which will
irobubly not be carried out.
For the 24 hours previous to 8 fl. m.
Monday about two inches of rain fell ai
ICugene, 2 62 inches in 36 hours. At
-lhany it was .92 inch for twenty-four
ho tt, and 1 41 fur two days, about
't.ilf thu Eugone rainfall, a peculiar
Efforts ore being made to secure the
attendance nf Secretary Ballinger ol
the Interior Department nnd Secretary
A ilson of the Department of Agricul
n-re nt the annual convention of the
'oitinnnl 'oolirowers' Association ai
. tlhnd. Jui.unry 4, 5, 6 nnd 7.
Hinherlin Hun: A deal was cloi-i
rho f:rst of the week whereby M. M
V.i'eriui lransf?rrc I his entire stoc'; ,
'i rituro to O. B. DeMoes, ol A'.b r
i 1 1 n, who his lensed the b "
: " T. Valtrius and takan eb.iru'
I u iness. Mr. Valerius is to ,.
ii .:n l ore, and will embark in nn-jtii'--i:.e
of tu.-'rett.
Were at Salem.
Three Albanv men actually attended
the Oregon Dewelupment League con
vention at Salem, J. S. Van winkle,
Dr. Davis anil M. Senders. Thev re
port a live Bession yesterday. Wilcox's
uddress was significant of the intentions
of the Hill people to do extensive rail
road nuuuing in uregon anu tne uregon
men think will mean a good deal. Al
bany instead of three men should have
had fifteen or twenty. Too much busi
ness here to gel away.
The City Eleelion.
City election one week from todav.
Only couiicilmen are to be elected, vilh
a contest in every wnrd. In the first
ward are J. II. Simpson and Mm. Bain,
in the second J. N. Chambers nnd
George Taylor, the latter to be written
in if voted; in the third Ii. D. Snell nnd
G. M. Mistall. The contests are a 1
friendly ones, and tho indications are
the vote will be a light one.
On Monday night, Noy. 28, to Mr.
end Mrs. Claud Kowlnn 1, a son, a
bright little shaver. All do'n well.
325 Lycn Street, Albany, Oregon.
Methods: Chiropractic, magnetic and
men!:.l science, electric baths antl
Trcstc-.'. All curable diseases, chronic
t.- -I.i.-.. ; lnii'e or mcdi-
I oi:-u.!.;ll-Mrs.
ews. assistant.
:i-L;i:tive arm sttcccs-
2:: 1. 1910.