Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 02, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat. S0ME
" Entered at the post office,. Albany, Or,
btcond clfttB mail matter.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
FOR RENT. 0 room modern house,
clone in. Call Curtis Real Kstam
office. '3
Royal Standard Typeriier and desk
for sale at a vry low price if taken
at once. See Karl F. Thunemann at
Hamelton Storo.
FOR RENT. House keening rooim
California Rooming House 2nd and
Montgomery. t3
FOR RENT.-Furnished and unfur
nished rooms. 1132 W 7th street.
FOR SALE. Carrots for sale by Har-d-
r brothers, in ton .lots. Home
phone Red 281. U4
FOR TRADE. I will trade a (rood
huildiiid lot (corner) in town (sum
mer resort) in Lincoln Co., iar cood
horse, harness and buncy. Address
rs. Robert Smiley, P. U. Box 404,
Albany, Or. tl
ALEX THE RUSTLFR trims trees,
hedges and bushes,
grades lawns and does a I kinds of yard
work. J. A. Rodney, fil4 Elm St. Bell
phone 431-J. '-18
NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot
tled milk, will do well to ca'l tho
1. X. L. Dairy. Home phono 273o.
C. 1'. feebler.
FOR SALE. Will build now 4 or 5
room house nnd sell with Fairdale lot,
on tho installment plan. See l1'. !,'.
PfeifTor about it. 7t
Fire Relief of McMinnville, and
Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle,
two strongest comoanies on the coast.
C. C. Bryant, agent.
"WOOD AND COAL.- All kinds of
woodgood screened coal. delivered, by
A. W. Docksteder, 11U7 Santiam
Road. Both phones.
WOuD FOR SALE.-ShorC slabs. Call
at Shingle Mill.
FOR SALE. Hero is a chance of alife
timo. I will sell ut a great bargain
my large fruit orchard on easy terms
or take part in city Business proycriy;
27t E. II Rhodes.
FOR SALE. Grnpos and winter apples
J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t
FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 milo south
of Albany. Homo phono 241G. R.
Webster. 17t
Budded on whole roots, aro the only
kind to plant. That's the kind wo
sell. Call i oth phonos or address V,
A. Lcdbotter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, Or.
GARBAGE.1 If west of Lyon street 50c
month. S. H. Penny the garbuge
man. Homo phono 2303.
GARBAGE. Fred Hainwntor looks
after garbage. Phone Homo 2303,
WOOL Cnrdod nnd batted at Siintinm
Carding & Knitting Wills, Stayton.
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
GLASS. All sizes nnd kinds, for sale
at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than nywhore ulso in Albany. Skiil
lv set, if desired.
No. 10 House and barn, one lot on
corner of Main street, East Albany.
A bargain if taken soon. But you
will have to move quick to get it.
No. 13 A small house and lot well
situated, West Albany. Price $19(X).
No. 14 A good house of seven rooms,
beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty
of fruit. Situated close in. East
Albany. Price $2700.
No. 17 A seven-room house and good
lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West
Albany. Price $1800.
No. 19 Good new house of seven
rooms, bath, electric lights. Well
situated, East Albany. Price $2500.
No. 21 Cottage of lixe rooms, and
barn, two good lots. East Albany.
Price $11.
Complaint is made sometimes that
the business men of Albany are slow
in coming to the front when it cornea
to attending development leagues and
such things, that the importance oi the
city is not done ju.stice. While other
places had good aiiied crowds at Salem
this week Albany had oniy three or
lour. Nevertheless the city was well
reoriented, and it
too critical, for the business men of
Albany arc a mighty busy lot of fel
lows. This city is a business center,
and the holiday trade coming on,
preparation for which requires hard
work and great pains, and our mer
chants are alert to the need of making
a good showing, something that is
really a splendid booster for the city.
Mary Vandran is in " .-Hand on a few
days trip
W. V. Merrill went to Halsey tnis
afternoon on telephone business
Edwin Woodcock, of Corvallis, was
in the city last evening.
s not well to be man has been 'in the city.
Dennis Merrill is visiting his mother)
in Portland for a few days. j
E. F. Zimmerman and family went
to Shedd this afternoon for a visit at
the noma of Mr. Zimmerman's brother, j
It will pay wou to investigate these We do well to do our part in the great
immediately, as I find dcvcloomcnt of the state; but it
ready sale for property, and know that not always necessary to resort to the
these will not be on hand but
a few brass band, grand stand act in order
to get our share of attention.
! Special Bargains in Farm Lands.
No. 72 80 acres, 70 acres in cultiva
tion, 10 acres in oak timber, fair
house and barn, well fenced and
cross fenced. 50 acres of this place
1 is some of the finest apple land there
i is in Oregon. Land all slopes to
ward a creek, where there is run-
ning water the year around. This
place is situated 3 miles from Al
bany and is certainly a bargain.
No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in
cultivation, fair buildings situated 3
miles from Albany. This is a good
all-round dairy and grain farm.
No. 7(5 5 acres, small buildings, all in
cultivation, situated close to Al
bany. Price $1050.
T ti.ivi bind for sale in anv size
tracts to suit purchaser, from a S-acre by it.
tract to a 15,0UU-acre tract, ana it you
are looking for a bargain in farm
lands of any description, or city prop
erty, write, or call personally at my
office, but no information by phone.
203 W. Second St. Albany, Or.
Oregon, long neglected in railroad
building, is promised the greatest era
in its history, in fact it is said the
most miles oi railroad will be laid in
this state the coming live years of any
state in the Union. The immense re
sources and possibilities of this great
Northwest country have been attract
ing wide attention in the east, and the
result is the pouring of capital into
this section for development purposes.
It means a great deal fora country
when the railroad kings begin work in
a state in earnest. It is Oregon's
time. We have waited patiently for
it. Let us meet it sensibly and profit
Have you ever stopped to think of how much value
guuu teem ul ij
Do vou know that many of the diseases of the body
t:are caused by decayed teeth?
Mrs. M. S Woodcock, of Corvallisi VOU KI1UW uiai P1wP" luuu
came over this coon on a visit at the means a crood stomach and good digestion i
home of her brother J. H. Simpson. j &
Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Marks, whohave! tj0 Vou know that bad teeth in many cases are the
teen in Oakland for some time this' . 115
week went to Visalia, where they are cause OI throat trouble f
now with their daughter, Mrs. Dr. I ... ,1 11 1.1
Gore, at 215 e. Center str'eet. . j Do you know that bad teeth, especially the uppers, do
Chas. A. Bartcher, of Chicago, is in cpr4. PVPc ?
the city in the interest of an advertis- tl,c V" '
ZJSiT with pT' Did you ever stop to think that nature intended the
creator of Busier Brown and other cfl- first part of the digestion OI food tO begin in the lTlOUtll?
ebrities, as the artist, one of the gre ;t- 1
wtrk" lheworld aleadcrinhu !ine oi What is going to happen if you continually swallow
- ;the poison from decayed and broken-down teeth?-
! I will examine your teeth FREE and tell you the ex
act cost for first-class work
Alcompanv of real merit, a scenic . mT-,,T ..n a -r.
equipment unsurpassed by any company; GU ARANTBiililJ P UK 1 JiilN IMKS
My terms are cash, so I can give first-class work at a
A Company of Merit.
traveling and a play s-mple in storv and j
pure in sentiment are some or the ;eat
urea of 'Alnnrr the Kennehee. " th
newest big siicces-p which will be seen moderate price.
A good qualification in a councilman
is the faculty of taking a broad view
of the needs of the city, regardless of
one's personal interests and local sur
roundings, representing the whole city
inmartiallv. Of course it is the busi
ness of the councilman to look after
the interests of his own ward; but he
is also the councilman of all the peo
ple in the city. He should therefore
be broad and not narrow. There lias
been too much of a spirit of seeing
only one's own locality, but as legis-
nrvn Q A 1 c pnn,n,.i manhinn in fii-t l.ltors there should be 110 limit .Hid
class condition, cheap. Terms if Hc interests of all should be con
on Monday. Dec. 5th
The play and company have pleased
vast audiences wherever presented and
return dates have been solicited. A
special feature this season will be the
introduction of some eleven character
specialties. All special scenery is
carried for the production throughout
and a fine band is carried to advertise
the attraction. I
wagon of
age. Big
First and
FOR SALE. The pop corn
J. S. Morgan, account old
bargain. See Morgan at
WANTED. An experienced reaicsttn
man as partner. Have new location
on irround floor. Also lease. Ad
dress P. O. Box 596 Albany
wanted. Address T. w. nornDacK
Box 5'JG, Albany. t3.
low, white ring nrnund neck, white
hreimt. nnd ouito friendly. Lost or
taken from place last Saturday night
Reward W. C. SchuUz, Jersey Dairy'
WE COLLECT bad debtB no expense
to you if no money is collected
Western Mnrcantile Agency. Oflice
over Woodworth'sDrug storo. tlO
proprietor, Second and Broauainin ots.
Family Bervice, homo cooking, Recent
ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street.
FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one
and n half miles from Albany, new 7
oom house and barn, running water
rl year, give immediate possession
ullh crops. Terms, half down nnd
wianeo m o:ay payments. Inquire
ba!30 S. .Main. tl5
served impartially.
Hard Times Party
The Fraternal Brotherhood last night
these good times had a hard times party
at Bussard hall, attended by sixty or
seventy, a live and enjoyable time be
ing had. There were representations
all the way from old maids, now very
popular, to Happy Hooligan always in
. oggS nvirlnnrf Rtnml.intr flrnnnd.
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed housekeeping rooms, close in,
ground floor. 430 Vino St. tl
FOR SAI..K A small heater. Call at
l K. Churchill's.
WANTED. A team, weight, about
1000 lbs., for city delivery. H.
Any Suit
Overcoat or
W. F. Pfeiffer's
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years. Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
For the money than any
place in the city at the shop of
w .,
New Hill Bldg.,
2nd and Montgomery.
236 West 2nd St.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop.
Henderson Corsets
Beacon Blankets
Globe Underwear
WeVe a World, of Sugg
For Christmas Gifts
See the New,
' Christmas Dolls
Foot of balcony stairs
(. Jlif
v WbV ' i'2fer -
h.i-v -;;
New Fancy Work
A larger and more complete line -of beautiful, durable rugs lias never been shown
in Albany.
Our customers are delighted with the assortment. All, all patterns and in
the latest coloring are shown and every one comes direct from the mill.
, more appropriate and suitable gift would be hard to find than one of these rugs.
For the woman that does fancy work we can offer many new and helpful sugges
tions. Nothing is more appreciated than a gift made by the giver, and so many new
and easy articles to make are now shown that it makes the preparing for Christmas a
pleasure, not a worry.
F.mbroidcried Tillow Cases and Towels are always acceptable.
New pillow designs on linen crash in beautiful shadings of browns, reds and
greens arc very popular and wonderfulls pretty. Then the same effects are carried
out on scarfs for library tallies, etc.
All the floss and materials necessary for good work are found here.
Here is the Underwear De Luxe. It is the softest, nicest, best fitting and most
serviceable underwear we have ever seen and we know that you will derive the great
est comfort and satisfaction from them. Thev are as nearlv nerfrrr n mn
Just present her with an order for a rug at The Hamilton Store - then let herj R comes jn nni(m suits of scparRtc garmcnts ;uul in gnules of coUon and
come any tune ami picK u out. i
Auxminster, Wilton, Tapestry ami T.ody Brussels, Ingrain. Fiber, Rag and Scotch!
UnjvS all are here in beautiful assortment.
The great Rug Rack is full to overflowing and we enn show you 120 rugs in 10
minutes' time.
We have a whole window full of this splendid underwear and we will be more
t hail pleased to show you the superior quality found in this make.
vr 1 ' . '