Albany ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1910 .NO 1 VOL XLYI Hot Tamalies OYSTERS at THE CREST Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R.T.YATES Special Thanksgiving Sale A thin Bavaria China Cup and Saucer for 15c at MEISER & ME1SER First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 DOINGS OF PORTLAND'S 98 TO-DAY TOE WORLD APPLE SHOW James Blakely of Brownsville Along with a $400 Piano Free Chambers the an nounce the & McCune first sale of season commencing Saturday, Nov. 26 j ending Dec. 10th. Jas. A. Crabtree, an Oregon pioneer and a Mexican war veteran, died at I Portland recently. I W. S. Risley will open a Tuesday law I office at Jefferson, with headquarters I at the Review office. Medford is hustling for a one thou sand membership in its commercial club. Everybody is pushed into it. Willam J. Clark, editor of the Gervais Star for twenty years will dispose of his Caner and mnvn tn Portland tn 1 reside Washington, Oregon, O. A. C Idaho, Pullman ana Whitman, is the order of foot ball supremacy in tne conference games. Dec. 8 and 9 are the.dates of the state dairymen's convention at tiugene. Eu gene is ready for a thousand delegates if they go. Born in Lebanon on Saturday morn ing Nov. 26, to lur. and Mrs. Frank Will Be a Big Thing. Linn's Part. An elaborate program has been pre pared for the meeting of the Orecon State Horticultural Society, at Portland Nov. 30-Dec. 1 and 2. H.'C. Atwell is president, F. W. Power, an Albany college man, secretary, and the exhibits committee consists of E. C Armstrong! E. C. Roberts and J. O. Holt. There is to be a big apple show and contest with H. E Van Deman of Philadelphia as the judge. Prominent speakers will be Prof. Thornbarof Washington State College, C. W. Wilmeroth of Medford. Consul H. B. Miller. Prof. Peck of -the Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wright and daughter. Miss Carrie, went to Browns ville this morning for a birthday dinner with Mrs. Wright's grandfather, James Blakely, 98 today. Mr. Blakely was born in Tennessee Nov 26, 1912, at the time of a great war, a membet of a sturdy family. In 1832 he. was in the famous Seminole Indian war under General Jackson. In 1846 he came to Oregon settling at Brownsville, since his home. His splen did character has endeared him to all. It is said that he has never used either tobacco or liquor, a man of clean habits an nis me. Great Sale of 500 Misses and Children's Sample Coats. Siegels entire sample line bought for 65c on the dollar. Watch for the Big Yellow Gircular, its being Distributed today. makes W. A.Bodine, of this city, a f rand; i tatner, ms nrst experience as such. Allen E. Eaton, a standpatter, wants to be speaker of the house of rcpre- sentatives, and reports having thirty I votes already; but probably not. I The senttnce of Abe Ruff for four j teen years in the pen has been affirmed j and to jail he must go, an example that ( should have a good effect on the , grafters of the country. I The Democrat today received a Ittter i from Japan about twenty feet long. Some of the subjects covered aresocial, the national assembly, the political situation, tne new taritt. Dr. Paine and C. S. Williams, promi nent Eugene men, on their way home from the Club were attacked by a burly stranger. They fought back, whipped tne ieiiow into a pulp until it tooK a microcope to see what was left. The fellow was allowed to go without ar rest. Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit arc! Cloak House CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al banv Only five minutes walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ags. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. ALB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection iry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. .... Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Mnin 6 Bell, 3 Hume. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire hrick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain. Hour. M. SKND3RS & Co; Both Phones 4S. 435 West first bt. Shingles. Made in Albar.v my .no 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every hunch branded with my name. Look t'r it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. t. A. THOMPSON. W use n Hrv kiln. ream Ian "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2:o0 to o. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. McKcnzie Merry in a screaming farce Running for Office 2 Specialties 3 new pictures PROGRAM: Thursday, Dec. 1st, ?10 Each person will receive a program on entering to be filled out for the evening. Prices regular. For I uiUiing. ornamental purposes, n rap, tilling, etc. , S imp t . Sen.iurs A Co s store. VY. L. COim, K D . i hone, r.ome w c-v.l d.-liv shell m t'c-1 Wood trA .1 t" all I'ariH nf city on t a S Fcr Groceries, Pro- . " m, crockery ana Novels. ia h n1JAn. : t . O. A. C W. K. Newell. E. L. Smith UnVhU 7.- "'i" ' SetUemier. In the 5 minute talks is i excellent health justify the belief that Lln.n county has a . he will Ho this with several more years good disnlay already there. ! on top of it. The Albanv committee. ('.. H Rtpw.i at, W. A. Eastburn and F. M. Frerch! - m cnarge ot the exhibit from hen appointed E. O. Roberta to look it, ana it will be in his charge. Safley a girl, weight 10 pounds. Ths 1 10 charge of the exhibit from here have! See the new polishes top Cresent aiur Range Bt $4o.uu at I Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co's. The Tramp Organist, I High school badees and pins that are I very attractive See them at F. M. French & Son's Jewelry Store. Elite Choco- Fresh oysters any style Hot Lunches morning, iNoon or night, te.Shop. F G. WILL. lor Watches The Mexican Revolution. The plot of William B. Gray's famous pastoral play, "The Volunteer Organ is," which is booked for Alhnnv Vlnn. day night revolves around a broad mind ed young clergyman who falls in love with the tavern-keeper's daughter, and i who is man enough to stand by the I woman he loves in spite of all the petty uuuuymjucB ami worries cast upon mm by his congregation. The elimn ia reached when the organist and choir re-; fuse to take part in the church services i I D A 1 V unless the young woman resigns from 1 "'Ofl I 'I I me cnoir. ine minister calls for a volunteer organist, and a tramp, who; ... , . has been hanging around the village for Mondav, November. 28th some time, responds to the invitation I and plays. The tramp turns out to be ; TXJF a long lost brother of the clergyman' I I"! P. . .., ,.cu uu. tu nil uo- serving of it while the wicked are shown the error of their ways. Big Thanksgiving sale. 20 per cent off on dinner sets. The Variety Store, 313 1st Street. 0PKRA HOUSE Douglas, Texas. Nov. 25. Francisco, Madero, leader of the Mexican revolu tionist, is now reported not wounded, but instead marching on Mone'ova with a well equipped army, said to number FINE HAIR BRUSHES. We have just received a large shipment of Howard's tine hair brushes, the best made in America. We sell them 6000 men. News thaf Madero was'F yaii anu see tne line. iSurk wpunded, is said to naye been inspired j nart Lce by Mexicae officials, .to discourage the --- revolutions. This was the report sent Stewarts: Siix Hard ty ice revolutionists acrossitne, Doraer i just received a stock todav It is stated, both Madero's infantry and cavalry are excellently equipped. Andirons. Call and assotmentis full. rare Co have the latest ir. select while the Empire Photoplay TONIGHT. "A Tout's Rememberance." Pic-j tures dealing with racing are always ; interesting, and when it is not posed, j but is made from actual scenes on' the track, it is all the more so. The ; track here represented is Jaurcz, Mex ico. actual occurrences being rcpro- duced. The heart interest is worked ; out through a love story in which the j revenge oi a would-be sport plays a ; part. "A Leap for Life." A drama of un- j unal merit, thrilling to the extreme, ! with exciting situations throughout. , "A Cold Storage Romance." A dc- j lightful comedy, in which an egg in cold storage plays a very prominent I part. I "My Friend, the Doctor." A snap- j pv comedy in which the Selig players ; fully maintain their reputations as laugh producers. The Dr. is an in- , teresting individual developing some amusing traits. ' Illustrated Song 'Wait tin we Gather in the Golden Corn." By Miss Crosno and Mr. Rolfe. Admission 10 cents. 20 per cent off on dinner sets this week at the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st Street. VOLUNTEER ORGANIST By Wm. B. Gray, with the World's Greatest Boy Sopranos, including Willie Golden the Boy with the Angel Voice and a Disting uishsd Cast of Players. Unanimously Endc rsed by the Pulpit, Tub'ic and Press. A PLAY OF INTENSE .HUMAN INTEREST. PRICES:-5c, 50c, 75c, S1.00. Seat sale opens Saturday, Nov. 26. REMEMBER The rromium sale 3till cihtiiuo?. to ihe Urin:r in your red envelopss Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ 337 West 1st. Ablany, Or DOOLEY'S GROCERY The Electric. Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business. TJJa haon nit ilnir-i tn vnnr nnrrnrnirp nn thp fnfr that- u ootl nnhi ilftC GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES ARE FAIR and our SE KV1C PROMPT, A safe place lo trade, surely- for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted goods and appreciate the trade every customer we have to the extent of persucal service. Pictures change Sunday, and Friday. Admission 5 cents. Tuesday C0PELAND AD MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. M ill situated two miles east of Knox Butte, near Santiam River. WOULD YOU b 1 UNk Marshall & Lobaugh Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean up-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do it you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at whoksale prices and you cm buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less sy than you would'pay for shoes of the commonest sort elsewhere. . vai; 334 First St. J. D. E Ellis.