Wail Paper Cheap For 30 For the next thirty days we are go; ing to have a great Wtdl Paper sale 15 000 rolls will arrive for us Feb. 15 tli so we must, make room for our stock. Now is your chance, when you see it in our acid you know it is so. Call and see us. fttefeS Mt-&Sf -4 - -.iTSJSSS assssssrt'vsgiss Tfcsf" Walter Parker Grocer and Baker First class goods In their season. Phone Main S6 EC LIBRARY LAMPS $5.00 Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. B. MOORBriWOOD SAWING-KK feed. 2nd and Jackson street. 25t j " 3632 "'ackHome, 4E0-Y Pacific. Exhibition and Demonstration of La (irecque Corsets Beginning Monday an ex , pert Corsctiere direct from New York will be here to ex hibit the latest styles of this corset. This is an oppor tunity to receive expert ad vice on how to improve and bring out the shapeliest lines of your figure, as well as giv ing you perfect bodily com fort. A fitting' at her hands entails no obligation to buy. You are invited to avail yourself of this opportunity days The human eye is the most valuable organ in the body. .... Everyone is wise who periodically has nis eyes scientifically examined. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 329 West Second Street. For your Holiday Goods. A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut 'Glass and Novelties to select from. I W Feathers Renovated We make Feather Mattresses Pillows and Cushions l y,holstering and Mattress Making promptly attended to. ' Albany Furniture Hospital -OR Albany Lounge & Mattress Company. Phones, Bell 2b3-J; Home 347. Now 315, E. Second Street. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar..'.. $1.00 10 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1.00- 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raismns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest huildincs in town arc equipped with our plumbing I worK. vve mauc a specialty ot high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUART. If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE, Salem Oregon. wmmmm THIS MORNING News from Albany's-Six Trains. Eai i y Mrs. Goo. Willis left for Portland for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Craw, and sister, Mrs. Daigleish, who recent ly returned from a trip to Europe, tak ing Thanksgiving dinner with them. Mrs. E. C. Anderson and Mrs. E. F. Anderson and duughter went to Brownsville- for their Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mrs. Coppock, once an eastern schoolmate of Mrs. 12. F. An derson. Mrs. Tohl, Mrs. Small and Mrs. Howe went out to Lebanon for some Thanks giving turkev. Mrs. H. A. Nelson went to Portland tor a Thanksgiving dinner with Miss Anna Flinn and a visit with other friends. Mrs. Virgil Parker and daughter Mary left for Mollalla for a visit at Aunt Betty's and a taste of Clackamas turney. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Underwood ot Lebanon went to Corvallis to spend Thanksgiving. Dr. riotnan returned to Salem. Murry Marshall went down the road on a duck hunt. Prof. Wilson left on his regular Wed nesday trip to Salem. Thanksgiving Services at St. Mary's. Special services will be held tomorrow at 9 a. m. in observance of Thanksgiv ing day. Father Lane will officiate and deliver the sermon. rJxercises were held at the Academy yesterday afternoon in observance of the Parish jubilee. About 70 children participateu and the splendid program they rendered was very much enjoyed and reflected credit upon their instruct ors. This evening the choir will be entertained at the rectory and Father Datin and Father Servais will be pres ent with the Hev. Fathers of Jordan. The Fire Bell Rang, F. G. Will, the popular jeweler last evening built a rousing fire in his fire place in the Will block, and sat down for a good time. Some one back of the block through the windows, with cur tains far up, saw the ruddy blaze and iumDed at the conclusion there was a I fire, and turned in an alarm at box 45. i There was a loud laugh on somebody when the real situation was discovered. Father Lane's Birthday. Yesterday was Father Lane's birth- i day, and he was kindly remembered in some of the talkB at the jubilee. The ' students.of the Academy also nid.so in a manner greatly appreciated, by; pre senting him with a fine overeoat. He I got even with thdm by giving them a generous treat. . On Monday night Nov. 21, at the home of the grandfather, in Albany to Mr. and Mrs. Locke, a girl), giving Mr, and Mrs. J as, Nanne? their first expe rience as grandparents. All doing well. The Weather. Range of temperature 51-38. Rainfall .62 inch The -iver is up to 7.2 feet. Prediction, fair tonight and Thursday. Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis sion Parlors. FOR TRADE. I will trade a good building lot (corner) in town (sum mer resort) in Lincoln Co., for good horse, harness and buggy. Address vi rs. Robert Smiley, P. U. Box 404, Albany, Or. tl LOST. -A watch, gold, 1913, N J H. on it, with an H. a, fob. Return to A. M . Holt. LOST SHEPHERD DOG. Dark yel low, white ring around neck, white breast, and quite friendly. Lost or taken from place last Saturday night. Reward W. C. Schultz, Jersey Dairy FOR RENT. Furnished and unfur nished rooms. 0')2 W 7th street. nfivmrn Du...:.....! l.nn in t.lfnl.- en. Call at Mission Parlora. 15r I WANTED. A young man boukeeper, at the Albany Iron Works. ! FOR SALE. Carrot for Rale by Har- dT brothers, in ton Jots. Hemic phone Red 284. tl4 WANTED. Lxperienced girl for house work, A. L. Simpson, 340 E First. FOR RENT. 3 unfurnished rooms, electric lights and privilci of oath. Phone call 404 California S. t20. ALCO CHOCOLATES That KLASSY KIND "Y NOT" Just made and put up in neat packages. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP HAVE YOUR CLOMfcS CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, GILBERT & MINTON ViM W 1st St. Bell Ph'jne hlack27? I Home phone 19 LAST DAY OF INSTITUTE. A largo audience attended the even ing session of the teacher's institute, at the high school building yesterday, and there was a general appreciation of the program presented. j The line V ilson orchestra was heard in several selections. Tne Girl's Glee. Gluo th n sbng and a second song was insisted on. A fine bunch and good lingers. Miss Blackwell delighted all with her stace coach sto y. The new high school orchestra performed well and President Fletcher Homan, of Will uinuue University delivered the ad dress of the evening on Scientific Education, a splendid effort, presented with vigor. Education should be pract ical. Girls should be taught to cook, to sew, to paint, music, the boys carpentry, etc. and there should be a better system of normal development. The Bible should be brought back into the school, in the interest of the devel opment of character, the highest type of civilization. Besides the department work under the regular instructors there were soro" special addresses today ot a high orue. closing this afternoon with one by D. Gcselbracht on normal training. excellent addresses wore made I y Prof. Horner of the O. A. C. and Pro.. Sweotler of the U. O. The great work of the institute has been in classes, in the departments, splendidly handled by Superintendent Briggs, Prof. Bradley, Prof. Living stone of Forest Grove, Miss Laughead, assisted by Prof. Cordley, Sweetzer, Sheldon and others. Linn county Bchools are on a solid basis and will continue to develope. leading in progress. Thanksgiving Services. Thanksgiving services will be held to morrow at 10:30 o'clock in the Christian church. Rev. Geil of the Evangelical church will preach the sermon and there will be good music. A collection for the aid of the noor. Peters shells "Get the Moat." For sale at Huiburt-Ohling Hdwo. Oo's. All Buits just $15 at VV. F.J Pieffer'a PRICES ON RUGS UNTIL CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 24. Body Brusels, 9x12 Ft $42.50 Sale Price $35.00 Axminster, 9x12 Ft 35.00 Sale Price 30.00 Axminster, 9x12 Ft 33.00 Sale Price 28.00 Axminster, 9x12 Ft 27.50 Sale Price 24.00 Velvets, 9x12 Ft 26.00 Sale Price 22.00 Tapestries, 9x12 Ft 22.00 Sale Price 18.00 Tapestries, 9x12 Ft 20.00 Sale Price 15.50 Tapestries, 9x12 Ft 18.00 Sale Price 14.50 Kashmirs, 10-16x12 Ft 22.00 Sale Price 17.25 Kashmirs, 9x12 1 Ft 16.00 Sale Price 14.50 Kashmirs, 9x10-6 Ft 14.00 Sale Price 12.7.r Kashmirs, 7-6x10-6 Ft 12.50 Sale Price 10.75 Kashmirs, 6x9 Ft 10.50 Sale Price 9.00 We have reasons for making these prices. First. We do not want to invoice them Jan. 1st. Second. We want to give our customers the chance to buy rugs at a low price through the holidays. GILBERT BROTHERS. WAIT MEADEr WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 V'ord Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Dependable Clothiers. J ALBANY HOT NOON LUNCHES At the Mission Parlors. Baltimoie for Bicycles. Fisk tires at Baltimore's. Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat Maricet. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Try a cup of hot chocolate at the Urest. Light lunches served at the Crest Confectionery. Have your feet attended to by Mrs. Driver 230 Lyon, both phones. Misa Nellie Bridges professional nurse. Phone Homo Red 238. tl'J Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M. Wilson for piano, instructions. Home phone 353. 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur geon. Calls answered day and night. Ollice, Klinn block, Residence 119 E 7th strpot. Both phones. George Miller, former pianist at Dreamland, will teach music in this city with headquarters at Davenport's. Graduate of Berlin Conservatory of MUSIC. Turkey dinner at the Broi-.Lalbin to morrow. 35 cents. No Democrat tomorrow. Too much turkey in sight. Oil cake meal, any quantity, at M. Senders & Co's. College pins and badges at F. M. French & Sdn's Jewelry Store. Christian Science, Thanksgiving serv ices at 4th & Ferry Sts. All are wel come. Firemen's dance at Buzzard's hall Thursday Nov. 24, beginning at 9 p. m. Music by Prof. Wilson's orchestra. A dispatch from Bedford, Penn., yes terday, told Mrs. Geo. H. Crowell of the death of her father, Thos. F. Piper, at the age of 81 years. Mrs. J. J. Chrishnlm, a talented elo cutionist, of Portland, is in the city,, making arrangements for sjmo special work in this county. Today she was heard in the teachors' institute in dem onstration, an excellent reader and im personator. Perfection in Protection Describes our jiew Overcoats. They wrap a man about with' a sense of fright appear ance, a good feel ing to have. Better see our unusually com plete and attract ive display of fash ionable Overcoats 3B