Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 25, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    mi. .11 a!, KiLLlS.
Physic' rn an ' . u -con
Albany, 0regO!i
Calls mn'l in ""''v and -.".intty. I'l'.on.
ompare Our Prices
With th-v yon have t pen In ttio hr.Mt of paln&.
. . joi-t ' n i-:itrn:-.4 in
tV ,V (Oti ,lay If U-Kirfid.
f, -V ; .V.uiil.'ts onrucilon
i i'ri'it win n iilnicn or
lriJc- wnH; i onier
? V.T.ed. Ccneulliilio free.
; .-''if Wafer Cro-APi S3. 00
j. 51; 22k Grid.ioTcclh4.U0
.'"i'Eramd Fillings 1.00
'' , Silver Filling .50
xVrV,f f$n flit3 , 5. CO
'K. 7.50
BJl.W.A. WIS, P!!3Ut (he M.v.ui Painters ExtrMion .50
ii hid iiTiiiitma u rtituio bust methods
All work lulir (;uit ran teed fur fifteen yean.
Wise Dental C.,inC.
PaSstless Derctasts
Falltne Building, Third nnii Washington. PORTLAND, 0E.
Office Jloui: S A. II. to P. 11. Euadfcyi, 9 to 1
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of Joseph Wanas. late of Linn county,
Oregon, deceased, will, on Saturday,
the 5th day of November, 1910, at the
hour of one o'clock p. ni., pursuant
to an order of sale duly made and en
tered in the matter of the estate of
said deceased, in the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, on the 6th day
of September, 1910, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, t'or
cash in hand, at the front door of the
court house, in the city of Albany, in
Linn county, Oregon, all the follow
ing described real property, belonging
to said estate, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeast corner
of the north projection of the Dona
tion Land Claim of R. H. Pollard,
claim No. 58. in Ttv;. 10 south,
Range 2 west of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Linn county, Oregon, and run
ning thence south 89 degrees 48 min
utes east along the north boundary
line of said claim 9.50 chains to the
center of Thomas Creek; thence in a
southerly direction following the cen
ter of the said creek to a point 10
chains south and 5 chains north S9
degrees 48 minutes west from the
place of beginning; thence north 10
chains; thence south 89 degrees 48
minutes east 5 chains to the place
of beginning. containing 9.17
acres, more or less, all in Linn county,
Oregon. ,
Said sale to be made subject to con
firmation by said court.
'H. H. HEWITT, Admr.
To all whom it may concern: No
tice is hereby given to whom it may
concern tliat the undersigned has filed
his final account in the county court
of Linn county, Oregon, in the mat
te rof the estate of Ellen Clinc, de
ceased, and that said court has set the
first day of November, 1910, a.t the
hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day
as the time for the hearing and set
tling of all objections to said final ac
count; therefore all persons having
any objections to said final account
are hereby notified and required to ap
pear in said court and file the same
in writing on or before said last men
tioned date. Dated this 23rd day cf
September, '1910.
geo. w. ctjxe;
Administrator of said estate.
W. R. BILYEU, Attorney.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned the duly appointed, qualified
and acting Administrator of -the estate
of Susannah Crabtree, deceased, has
filed with the Clerk of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, his
Final Account and the Judge of said
County Court has fixed the 5th day of
December, 1910, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m. for the hearing of ob
jections if any to said account and
for the settlement of said estate.
Dated this 29th day of October, 1910.
Administrator of the Estate of Susan
nah Crabtree. Dec'd.
Atty for Admr.
Promptly obmln.d. or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Senil model, photo or sketch for
export aeitrch and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT suits conducted beforo all
court 1 ntcnU obtained throuph us, ADVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quicKiy oouuuuu.
Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
.iiAoiiDFn aMri nrrrNnrn. Kendmoda
i i . T .. ,Tl. , fnrpTnprt iwarrh BJltl flM rI-Ort. P
free rwlrlce.'how obtain pAteota, tiMJe mix, I
coprrtgau, etc., N ALL COUNTRIES. I
Business direct vrttn n asmngion save um, i
money ana oj ten tne patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice uciuuveiy.
IVHt nr tvmn tn t
I SU HtnUt Btnrt, epp. United Itet Fateat 0&ct,
The chrysarthemum show closed. last
night witn a large crow.i presm.. It
a suecess. speaking vul'imes for
:he Modern Travellers, who managed
it. For one of the best causes befure
oar people, a larger and better library,
Albany people were generous in their
support anJ the result is a handsome
sum to be added to the library fund ror
new becks, nearlv $100.
Hut it was worth the while outside of
that. The show of mums was an ex
cellent one, and entertaining programs
were presented. Last evening more
living pictures were shown. The
:'einure serifs wore the Young Man's
even Sweet Hearts, his mother, nurse,
school mate, summer girl, ett:., ending
with his wife, the best uf all. St. Celia
was repeated and scenes were giv-n
introducing the pretty giils in the dif
ferent booths, Japs, Spaniards, Dutch,
Stench and American.
All are entitled to credit for efficient
work in the different departments, par
ticularly the mum committee, who se
cured such a creditable display of
autumn's charminp flower.
Next year there will be another one.
We can hardly wait for it
tSeats Foot Sail.
Cottage Grove Leader:
Talk about publicity all ot Oregon
has been strenuously advertising Cot
tage Grove with Eugene the head pub
licity office. Homeseekers and invest
ors should bear in mind the freak ad
mission of Eugene that Cottage Grove
and South Lane is the "cream" of rich
old Lane county. Also remember the
Eugene real estate dealer, Frasier's
sworn statement, that taxes have
doubled and trebled in Eugene in the
past year. Come to Cottage lt,Grove,
the "heart of Lane and Douglas coun
ty." A.
I town
Wood, of Brownsville, was in
.-( Whitlach, of Merrill, hai been
in the city,
J. A. Wilson arrived this noon J from
Sa!em. ,"
The receipts of the U. O.-O. A. C.
game were $4,100.
The weather prediction is light rain
onight and Friday.
Miss Mae Montgomery of Salem, is
in the city on a few days visit. j
J. A. Price, of Coivallis, has been in
the city this week. !
Miss Rubv Curl returned to Portland i
yesterday after a few days visit with
Albany friends.
Two' Benton county sales: B. C
Wyatt; to William Bell, 8 acres near
Aliiany Jesse G. Hooges, to A. Wise,
188.93 acres near Albany.
At a charity ball for crippled child
ren a wealthy Chicago man paid $1,000
for a cup of tea and told the girl to
keep the change.
n"r. ana mrs. iv. v. jones, oi amity,
arrived this noon on their way tos Caii
forma for the winter. Mr. jone is a
brother of Mrs. J. A. Howard.
' Mrs. Jesse W. George, of Seattle,
and Mrs. M. C. George, of Portland,
are in the city for a tew days visit at
the home of Mrs. C. M. George.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cox went to
Lebanon this afternoon to remain until
after Thanksgiving, at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Loveall.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peirce have re
tuaned from their extended eastern and
California trip and are now residing at
Renco, near Portland. Mrs. Peirce is
visiting Albany friedds.
R. B. Pometoy, of Portland, yester
day was fined $100 on the charge of
selling liquor at his restaurant without
meals. It was tried Deforo a jury anr1
it is said will be appealed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Buell, of Port
land, came up last evening in their
automobile for a short visit. Mr. Buell
is a prominent Portland insurance man,
both former Albany people, Mrs. Buell's
maiden name being Ida Brush.
Mrs. David Smith recently died at
Tollman at the age of 73 years. She
was a pioneer of 1852 a woman of
strong character. She was the mother
of eleven children, of whom nine sur
vive. Mr. Smith died about five years
L. C. Smith, head of the great L. C.
Smith typewriter, formerly the Smith
Premier, died recently at his home at
Syracuse, N. Y., leaving an immense
fortune. The editor of the Democrat
was once a fellow citizen and student.
Recently on McDowell creek, George
Wiley, a 17 year old boy accidently shot
his younger brother in the face and
shoulders with a shot gun, while hunt
ing birds. It will not be serious,
though one shot got pretty close to an
Judge K L Bryan has been reelect
ed up in Idaho, overcoming a large
republican majority. He is a former
Benton county man, school superintend
ent for several years, studying law,
goine to Idaho, and making good in the
legal profession.
The population of Great Falls, Mon.,
is 13,948, a decrease of 982 in tenyears
The original returns showed over
8000 more than that, all padding. Oak
land's population is given tit 150,174, an
increase of 124 per cent. Her ley has
40.424, a 200 per cent incrense. Ala
meda 23, 323.
Willamette yesterday defeated Mult
noma 29 to 0. How have the mighty
fallen. The stars for Willamette were
Rader, who made two sensational runs,
and Cummins, a former Albany boy,
v.'ho scored a touchdown after a fast
met'tc 3
' .
The Oregonian directors yesterday
elected H. L. Pittock president, man-
ager and treasurer, the whole thine,
L. M. Scott is vice president and C. A.
Morden secretary and assistant mana-
ger. b. B. Piper is managing editor,
directing the editorial and news de-
partments ot the paper.
A statement of the showing of the
Lsdd & Hush Bunk at Salem. The re
sources are $2,707. 875 57, the deposits
being $2 228.79S.10. A memorandum
reads: "Pretty i:ood showing for a
village bank, don'c you think."
A notice of the eonfeience of the ten
Pacific coast states ;;t San Francisco,
beginning today. It is proposed to
have a permanent Pacific coast confer
ence. Ex-Senator C. W. Fulton, of
Astoria, is down for an address on coast
defence- A better marine merchant
service will be considered.
Several items from the Portland
Press Bureau: the apple show at Port
land Nov. 30-Dec. 3. Good roads meet
ing at Portlan 1 Dec. 12, the purpose
being to have at least 5,000 persons
present, the biggest thing yet.
Announcement that 40 or 50 charming
Idaho girls will be at the rose festival
J un 3 5 10 as the result of a series of
contests by 16 Idaho papers, under the
management of H. M. Uiobons, of Cald
well, a former Albany man. A num
ber of side trips will also be made.
Notice o' the annual meeting of the
O-egon Development League at Salum
Nov. 2S-30. J. S. Van Winkle is down
for a talk, representing the Albany
Commercial Club, and most of the clubs
of the state will have speakers.
News from Albany Six
Cat iy
W. D. Mixter, who owns many acres,
returned on No. 14 from a business trip
to Los Angeles.
S. H. Scanland, after a residence in
Oregon over 23 years, left for Ilers
man. 111., his former home for- a six
months visit. He will return in the
A. gang of Eugene plasterers arrived
to work on the new Schmitt block.
Frank Wood went to Corvallis.
Surveyor Geddes returned from the
j Mayor E. C. Stanard, of Brownsville,
' went to Portland.
i D. C. McClung left for Portland. He
expects to reside in Rainier.
I H. B. Cusick left for Portland.
I Surveyor Warner went to Lebanon.
Lawyer W. S. Risley went to Salem.
Sheriff Smith returned from Halsey,
where he had been to serve a summons.
North Benton.
Mr. Widmer, the leading apple grow
er of W ells, has had several teams
hauling apples to Albany the past week.
Mrs. A. L. Patterson, of Spokane,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
J. W. Williamson, left for Elk City to
visit relatives.
T.ouhq Wpntfz loft: Rnnrlnv for Snn.
kane, where he goes to visit a niece
whom he hasn't seen for many years,
I E. Glen, of Palestine, is making ar-
ramrements to move to Albany to re-
side, probably in West Albany.
Mrs. Wlilard Cauthorn returned homo
Saturday after spending a few days A. Tussing, democratic representative,
with her mother, Mrs. Isaac McEl. ; $17.95; D. S. Smith, democratic candi
murry of Albany. : date for sheriff, $56; W. L. Marks, for
James Johnston intends to leave clerk, S10; J.W.Miller for represent-
shortly for the metropolis.
wnere ne
goe3 to purchase an auto.
A letter from Mrs. John Hiatt. who
is visiting in northern California, states
that she is enjoying her visit but will
return home in about ten days.
Justine Johnston has been spending
a few davs in the countyseat of Benton
as one of the official board to tally up
the election returns.
Mary E. Meeker. At8:45 o'clock last
evening, in this city at the homee of J.
W. Groshong, Mrs. Mary E. M eker,
at the age of 47 years. She was boan
in Marion county, and was married ,
twice, her second husband, Isaac Meek- j
er, dying several months ago. She
leaves one son, Bert Wilson. She was
a woman highly esteemed. I
She was a member of the Lady
Maccabees and the 2500 of this city. '
The funeral will be held on Saturday I
at I p. m. at Morning Star Grange hall, I
with burial in the Millers cemetery. I
Manley James. On Wednesday night,
Nov. 16, Manly James, son of H. T. ,
James. Seventeen days before Manley j
while handling a revolver accidently J
discharged it, the ball glancing along i
his head. He did well for awhile, but
brain fever set in, causing his death.
He wan a public school student.
The funeral will take place from the i
undertaking parlors at . 10 a. m. to-!
A Hobo Vote.
UM uuyuus w i u caneu nooos.
manv of them being abor ne men out
- - , t, n r i r
of work were in the S. P. yards of this
city, at one lime mere ueing inree
camp fires along the track. At one
the camps the men got to arguing the
temperance question, practically all
agreeing that most of the troubles of j
the laboring men Were due to the liquor
traffic. Finally they took a vote on the
question of prinibition of the infamous
business and all went forward, but one
old Irishman, who explaineu by saying
that he was in favor of it but had the
rheumatism too bad
Killed 63 birds.
Register: G. W. Taylor, wife and
little daughter are baek from a trip to
the farm at Lacomb, where George
spent a couple weeks hunting. He
killed 63 birds of all kinds and says
they ate birds every meal. They report
a fine trip.
' Those Ln AnzelfS outlaw, rav.
le;n captured and never win te.
Showing the Assessment for 1910.
Following is the assessment for thit
year, just completed:
Tillable lands, 193.515 acres $ 6,341,600
Non tillable land, 792,406
acres A
Town lots
Improvements '
Logging roads and rolling
stuck 7 m
Steamboats, engines, Ptc...
Mdse and stock in trade
Implements, etc
Vater plant3.
Notes and accounts
Shares stock, 1300
Fum.iure, etc
Horses and mules, 8191. ...
Cattle. 18,444
Sheep and goats, S3.85G ....
Swine, 6556
Dogs, 1209
Water dHches, 17 miles
10 834,335
85, COO
The above does not include railroads
end telegraph lines, which last year
amounted to $2,717,120, which will be
assessed by the state tax commission
and reported for collection later. With
these items the total assessment last
year was $25,333,655. There will bo a
gain of about $2,000,030.
The Kindergarteners.
The members of the musical kinder
frarten of the enllpp-e. reepnHv ontpp.
turned their mnthni-a nr. tho ntiuiin of '
their teacher, Miss Houck, at the col-1 east and southern part of the state
lege, having a delightful session. The 1 securing members for the order, in a
bright little fellows, boys and (tirls, 1 three months' campaign getting 120.
showed what they can do in the rurii- i 0ne of the best c'asscs was obtained at
ments of music under modern methods. ' Lakeview. W. Lair Thompson is now
The musical kindergarten is proving B : the leading Lawyer there, doing a big
splendid factor in establishing musical 1 business. He was also at Ashland,
taste and laying a correct foundation j coming from there home,
for development in piano playing, an
accomplishment every boy and girl I S. K. Hartsock, Corvallis' famous ko
should possess, the boys as much as the ' dak salesman, passed through for Port
girls, i land on a business trip. Once a foot
1 ball player himself he continues to take
: a great interest in the game.
Consul Miller Home.
Consul Harrv B. Mil er. who recently
resigned his position at Belfast, has
returned to Oregon to reside, leavintr
j the service on account of ill-health.
No place like Oregon after all. and
, there is more to live for than fame,
Consul Miller has made a splendid Miss Fields, of Portland, returned
record in consular service, doing a good home after a visit at E. A. Barrett's,
service for Uncle Sam, covering a wide She is a niece of D. W. Rumbaugh.
field, first in the Orient among the Rev. J. T. Abbett, the new superin
Chinese and Japs, there during one of tendent of this district, in the M. E.
the world's great wars, when it took Conference, arrived from Eugene, his
nerve to fill the position, then among tho headquarters, his first official trip down
Irish in a great Bervice. , this way.
w . Wayne Stuart and Del Bogart left
and Jack Currie arrived.
Candidates Expenses.
- Linn county candidates have filed their j
expense accounts as follows: demo-'
erratic ceutral committee $29.07; repub- i
lican central committee - $41.50 Geo.1
Devaney, democratic candidate for re
corder, $29.40; Grant Froman, renubli-
. can candidate for recorder, $27.30; A.
Flancig treasurer, $63.95.
416,913 is San Francisco's population
Owen beam returned this noon from
Seattle. :
M. II. Gibbon arrived this noon from
Caldwell. Idaho. . j
The Prince of Pilsen drew a $1000 :
house at Eugene.
C. H. Walker went to Lewisberg,
Benton county, today to organize the first time Hood River has been able
another Grange, j to do thi3. Last year Eagle Point got
Ah Swill, once a famous Albany it, Oregon taking it two years in suc
character, now of Corvallis, was in the cepsion, a great victory. Someday the
city today.
Elma James, of the Home office, Cor-1
vallis, was in the city today to attend
the funeral or her brother Manly.
Auother opendid lecture course num
ber tonight, and five more to follow.
Buy a season ticket at reduced rates.
Dr. Btrnard Daly, who once run for
congress on tne democratic ticket, is
the new countv iudge of Lake countv.
Gov. Benson will again retire tonight
for Acting oov. Bowerman,
who has
been looking alter private business at
Mr. and M.s. W. B. Buell, of Port
land, returned home yesteiday after
noon, accompanied by Miss Alien. a :
Parker, in an 8u mile auto ride. j
J H. Kauffmon this morning, while
working at tne chair factury caught t ,
hand in a piece of machinery and sev-1
i era! mangled fingers is the result.
i If Portland gets the national con yen-1 w'" a feature of the entertainment Oregon-Idaho Men's Christian Associa
tion of ElKs : or 1912 it ib proposed iu atth.i opera house Thursday night, tion will be hold at Eu.-ene Dec. 2 4,
' spend $125,000 on entertainment, the i Nov 21' anti tnero w'" be a To"1 Thumb with a strong program arranged.
1 most yet, and a certined check may be i wedding, with many youngsttrs in the Among those who will speak will be E.
- ------ --- -- -
! Marrene Mahr. the nrettv Port and
i taken east next year to speaK lor it.
' l . i
, actress, who lost Puth legs in an acci -
uellt, and was preneuieu Y'ltn ci,uuo.
was in the city tnij noon on her way to
Eugene, where sne will appear tonight
in vaudeville.
The next legislature will have 57 re
publicans anu 3 dern-.crati in tnu House,
ii6 republicans and 4 democrat.- in the
senate, 12 assembly oenatois to 18 antis,
z9 assemmy representatives toolantis,
111,; alius ruling.
iauc irfcuiung nas bought tho
reHnleiice pio,.eriy of 'the lute Mrs.
Uaiio iuiio te', wliu-h bhe win make
I her hem. , leai.ung m uoor 10 ner
I brother, ! . ivi. r rencu. .-me inienus
I jelling ner line suuuruan property
j At Denyer isterday Uaipn John-
' atone the darmg J'uung uviaior, who
' n0j he rr- rd lur lieigiu, tell a dis-
' tance of 500 '"'t. and was broken to
jeces killed instantly. He was at
temntine a spiral dip, for exhibition,
! when the pmne gave out ami ioiueoup,
and it was all over witn Jnntistoiie.
1 j hnstone was previously a trick bicycle
El Paso, Texas. Nov. IS, (Friday.)
Marathon, a town of 500 persons, 200
miles east of here, is under heavy guard
;"night owing to the report that a band
it Mexicans had crossed the Uioltrande,
.ind were marching in that direction.
At 12:30 Friday morning, scouts sent
out tj meet the invaders, hod not re
turned and the exact whereabouts of
ihe band had not been ni'Certained. At
that hour sentries had teen posted at
all approaches to the town and citizens
are sleeping on their arms.
Var ithon is about 100 miles east of
Iiock Springs, where the Rodriguez
lynching occurred. Why the invaders
are making for that placo cannot be
News From Albany's Six Early
Lawyer Newport and Dr. Kimmell,
prominent .Lebanon Methodists, went
to Dallas on a business trip. '1 he now
M. E. church at Lebanon, they report
ed is to be dedicated on Jan. 15. li
will be an event there.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodges went to
Portland to see the wonderful Russian '
dancers at the Baker tonight, a theat-'
rical event. The Arabian Nights will
be presented, and the feats of the cele
brated Mordkin and his corps of per
formers it is said are something wonder- '
ful in the entertaining line.
J. B. Gentry, state organizer for th
A.O.U.W., went to Salem. He hase
just returned from a tour of the . south
i Capt J. H. Hawley,
of the O.A.C.
team, went to aalem
to referee the
high school-Columbia game
Mrs. Alex Power came down
Mrs. Bristow and daughter arrived
on their way to Polk county, spending
the forenoon with Mrs. Olin.
i C. M. Giddings went to Portland.
Nick Wernimont's r state.
Proceedings have been begun in tho
probate court at Portland for tho re
moval of Anna Worlich an administra
tor of the estate of Nicholas Werni
mont, upon complaint of relatives in
Iowa. Wernimont, an old bachelor,
once a resident of Albany for several
years, resided at the home of Mrs.
Worlich several years, and upon his
death there being no relatives here she
wasi p o'nted adminis' ratrix. Wernimont
among other property left 160 acres of
valuable land, worth a contest.
He was a subscriber to the Dcmocrit
i.Muoul- Lala' a man OI mteS-
Hood Kiver Won.
i tIooij River till8 WkkU c.lirriu(1 off the
1 grand sweepstakes prize at Snolcane.
vvuiametce valley win got it. A spec
ial train of Portland business men at.
'?,ndo 'X??.terd'V lt'lTnne IT wn-ler.
ful exhibition ot the king of fruits.
Carload ol Fruit Trees.
Thf Albany Nurseriei today received
i a car luad ot treos from the nurseries
! at Kencc. and another one will follow
?' "l:e- ,Tlle Company has dono a big
1 "usiri'-ss nure, uuring tne past season
mr. i..t; mip meal fiii'yman alone
. selling about $5,000 to Alburiv -men for
planting and near the city r ruit rais
ing is very properly taking hold of our
, people.
Men as ("H Maids.
! Men in the characters of old maids ',i.- u.
jse9 , ,. oca evonf anrI j3 f
, .u.. r. ......
. fijit-ii'jiu c.iuae, me
1 chur'.-ti.
A ."bcio Occurrence,
Tho Scio Nsws reports a sensati'H al
oci"i.rence at that city. Guy Craft upon
initiiiiing some imported liquor was i
placed in the city jail after a desperato
struggle. During the night he sot the j
in I nn firp in onlrr tri crpt-mit. Tho Ufa
; was discovered and tho door broken
j open just in
smothering in
time to save Crnfc from
I smotnering in tne uense snioKe. no
paid a line ot $20. The News says the
incident preacnes a louder temperance
,. . - - ........ wim ot. vv asningjon gavo zcy and a
sermon than was heard there during fnw other counties very small plurai
the campaign. ifin, wjth mrty rf.Ki3tratl'on of
The Weather.
Range of temperature
rhu river 2.1 feit.
Rainfall .66 inh
Prediction: occasional rain tonight
and Saturday.
Royal is the
only baking
powder made
from Royal
Grape Cream
of Tartar
Highest in
Hot Breads
Jubilee Ce'ebralion at St. Mary's.
Following is the program of tho
Jubilee services at St. Mary's church
next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. :
Processional "EcceSncerdosmagnus"
in honor of his Grace, Archoishop
Kyrio, Gloria and Credo of the mass,
by Emerson.
Offertory "Haec Dies" or "Thib day
which tho Lord hath made."
Invocation before the sermon "Veni
Archbishop Christio will preach and
the celebrant of tho service will be
by the Father Prior of Mt. Angel
At the 7:30 p. m. service solemn ves
pers will be chanted and Father Prior
will give reminiscences of the early
beginnings of t o church.
The public will be welcome at these
Y. M. C. A. Convention,
The llih annual convention of the
onuuy ui uayiuu, umu, inas. k.
D a" prominent secretary recently
f H ... .t' v tet?n"y
j of Tartar j
I Pure I
T-.BY"- . i-'-TT'inri'-rv-.i 'ir.VAiH I II
new Prejoyterian at Panama, and Geo. It. Dodge, cduca
I tional secretary. Among the Oregon
speakers will bo Dr. Foulkes, A. C.
hchmttt, President Campbell, H. W.
Stone, 11 A. Booth. R. R. Perkins and
I. B. Rhodes.
West's Plurality.
West's plurality is 6118, not far from
Ihe 7,000 the Democrat miggessted.
Jackson gave t ho most, then M ultnomah,
Marion. CLickamat nnd Linn.
For Bowerman Columbia county lead
with 279, with Morrow connty next
wiin zt4. wasmngton gavo 2c'J and
0,000 to 80.000 the result is one of the
mrist remarkable in American politics,
i Vetilyboth the assembly nndliowerman
wtie whacked.
There is Baid to be a partial eclipse
of the sun last night between 6 and 6