0 Albany Dcaiocrrt. Enuwl at thit' . I v ". b' 'liti ( !; ni;:il iii.'it.' A III IliU', unr want? WANTKIJ. work, on ; : rs ii'.-utt. FOIt KKNT Phori'' Itbit i WANTI.'i). -Ai Al.EX Til 10 ici; triio-: tr : an. I La-. lawn. .1. A i:;i-.i. i; Kra.lc work, phone WANTKIJ. - Ui pup corn ir :i f:!i rja:ional)k'. (i I', (j. ui r.rni, WANTKI). -..i house work in ho folly compo 7th St. I'hono : v, LI 1 Klin St. liio loan to work with or sale Address or aino :la.y- cal hli -in Albany. .Ho aoit woman for i'arnly of t.vo. Must ' lit. Ii. noire Soli W. ii2-L. tf. I'OT TuKS, lii:ht waifon and surry for sale, Phone 'IV.), flornu. t2a WANTED. Ui-sidenco suitable for home. Plume 2), Jlonie. 125 AI'l'UCS F014 KAhK.-Oill up 0. P. I'eehler, Home phone 27.'!.rj, and p;et prieea. t2'i. NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot tled milk, will tin well to ca'l the 1. X. L. Dairy. Homo phone 27.'Jij. C. I'. Peehler. FOR BALE. Will build now 4 or 5 room l ouse mid sell with Fairdale lot, on the installment plan. See F. i , PfcifFor about it. 7t MUTUAL FIRM INSURANCF..-Oro-(fon Fire Relief of MeMinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, two strongest coninanies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, agent. WOOL) AND COAL. All kinds of wood.Tgood Hcreened conl, delivered, by Special Bargains in Farm Land;;. 'i. ..'-- y') a. ru, 7H acri.s in cnhiv.i--lion, lit :oTL-s in oak tiioli.-r, fair house and barn, well fenced am eross fenced. rM lo res of tl,i place is some of the finest at. pie land tiiere is in Oregon, l.an.l all slopes to ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situaled o miles from Al bany and is cerlainly a bargain. No. 7.1 Fine farm of loO acres, all in cultivation, fair buildings, situate.! 3 miles from Albany. This is a tfood all-round dairy and ijram larm. No. 76 5 acres, small buildings, all in cultivation, situated close to Al bany. Price $1050. 1 have land for sale in any size tracts to suit purchaser, from a 5-acre tract to a 15,000-acrc tract, and if you arc looking for a bargain in farm lands of any description, or city prop erty, write, or call personally at my office, but no information by phone. I J. V. PIPE, j 203 W. Second St. Albany, Or. ..inn Co. Adver kinds ol" l.iim . M. Ki Franc Shropsh :. ii. ki .i 'A'flll. ir. Ka Chin, A. W. Docltstedor. 1197 Santiam iuamtph n i . . , ( 11 nit m. &i j tu uuj ocuiiu ii'inu i;-jrv stove or range. olhco. AdiJrt-HS Dnmrmruh WUUD innt KALU. -Short Blabs. Call at biiinglelYlill. FOR RENT. Furnished housokecpintr FOR SALE. Here is a chanco of alife rooms, close in, ground floor. 430 time. I will soil at a reut bargain Vine St, tl my largo fruit orchard on easy terms TAKEN UP.-ln North Albany, by F. ... ""-'"- ii, iiutrhson. a black sow. JNov. 17th. swine and I ioIslL'in-l-'rk1.-- some with Jival p. n;-rt,'i..-i. Frank Vol,:;irmn.h, Hrownsville, I'o laml (Jhinn swinu with blood irotn Hie best prize winner.-;. Trappirit Fathers, Scio, Poland China swine from ri'eifVer & Keller's winning herd. C. ii." Barrows, Crabti'ce, lierk.shire swine, typical stuck. A. I). Hudson, Tangent, Berkshires ; from Clover blossom farm. Ed. School, banner herd O.I. C. swine, : blooded fowls. W. B. Davis.Shodd, O.I.C. swine. J. K. Frazier, Albany, Duroc Jersey swine. U. L. Burkhart, Maple Lawn Place, Albany, home of A.J.C. Jerseys and barred Plymoth Rockchickens. L. II. (Join, of J'.'i'H'r.-ion cu;h: ujj .v,-. ri'jon to jnin hi.; wile an : Fi':'.iK'."j arv i mi, :i'j,ed even v.-eus, lor a t'-iri.oy dinner at V. V. Francis'. Mr and Mr.s, L. ;-,wan went to Eugene this aiiurr)!jon to spend 'J'hanks- : giving with Mr;;, Swan's sister, ,m. ' J. B. Bell, ot East lltli St. J. A. Howard and family left this noon for Amity. Friday "rancis will be joined at Hillsboro by Henry Fish, Raymond Archibald and Everetc Cum mings for tho King Arthur convention. The L. of T. club gave a linen shower Wednesday evening at the ho;e of Miss Anna Cornett, who is soon to change her name, .iany nice presents were received. A good social Lime was had and refreshments were served. 'in' )' n Ml in 'in - 1 1 ,: i ; i !:;':! i. m 'I i .. r ! n ,"' J. w ill i.-xamine v 1 1 r K-l ih i'Rlf. ."! 'and tell you llie cx- GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS My terms arc casli, I can give first-class work at a moderate price. DR. W. A. COX, PAINLESS DENTIST 224 V. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. MORE MEAT For the money than any place in the city at the shop of V. KUPI'LIN, New Hill Bide., 2nd and Montgomery. BARBER SHOP 23f West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop. 27t E. H Rhodes. FOR SALE. Grnpea and winter apples, i J. G. Gibson, Home phono 405'1. 17t FOR RALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south of Albany. Homo phone 2416. R. Wl.utnf 1-7, FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are tho only kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call r.oth phones or address vV, A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 50c month. S. B. Penny the garbage man. Home phono 2303, GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks aftor garbage. Phono Homo 2303, WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill lv set, if desired. Home phono 2852. 21t I Reward given by M. Lutlwig for in formation leading to the arrost of the young man who stole a pump from near tho shop of Mr. Ludwig. Re port to him. t2i PU.S IN WOOD. -Phono Rod 27 Home. t25. WE COLLECT bad debts-no expense to you if no money is collected Western Mercantile Agency. Office over Woodworth'aDrug store. tlO THE BROADALBIN. Mrs. Boggs proprietor, Second and Broadalbin Sts. Family service, home cooking, Recent ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crops. Terms; half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 330 S. Main. tl5 SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SALE CUT GLASS-SILVER WARE-CARVING SETS CARVING SETS. Regular. Now 3-piecc Stag Handle $3.00 $1.63 3-picce Stag Handle 3.50 1.98 Other sets up to 15.00 All Reduced. We have just added a line of silver ware, and have selected as our leader the famous SMtTH Silver Co.'s line. - Kvcrjo piece is stamped and guaran teed by the manufacturers to give sat isfactory service for 25 years. In de sign, style and finish, it more nearly rivals Sterling than any plated ware yet produced and is so moderately priced as to be within the reach of all. CUT GLASS. "Hoare" "Libby" America's Leaders Regular. Sp'l. 8-in. bowl $450 $2.98 6-in. Nappic 2.25 1.68 5-in. Nappic 1.25 .87 Water Jug 9.00 5.67 Tumblers 1.00 .68 All rich deep cuttings. 1 Woodwosto Drag Company I IIHIHH.mil - irr...mMt mmhpmbi, IWIHMIII Ml I I 1 1 Jk.l IHTII- HUM II MM I ' I HilllllWMHIIW WMMIIIIWIIIinifl ' !! I Ml II HI" I Many Have Effected Large Savings at our Thanksgiving Sales Below are a Few of the Goods Am o j j Every Rug Priced Low Fresh air in the bedroom Sleeping with nil the windows wide open is perfectly com fortable even in the coldest weatherif you sleep under the Maish. The Maish Lnminntcd Cotton Down Comfort keeps you warm yet it does not weight you dawn oppress you, I" Its wonderful flu fly lightness is due to the Mnish process by which the finestsnow-while cotton is woven into one continuous piece of soft downy filling impenetrable by cold luxuriously light in weight. Come in and se the exquisite new patterns designed ex clusively by the makers of Maish com forts. We will be gind to show them to you. FYs ? 1 Buy a Maiuh now nnd you hunk UB every inht this winter A great assortment of stylish, becoming hats are now show-it in this department. Hats fur all, from the little folks to grandmother, Ever- new style, shape and effect is represented and there arc many from which you can choose. Conic now and benefit by the liberal reduction we offer until Thanksgiving. You can find-something especially suited to you and at a very low price. All are included, and you make your selection at a discount of 20 per cent. TWO LOTS OF SUITS Priced Low Two lots of suits that contain manystylish and nobby effects are being offered in this department. The high quality of these suits makes them unusually desirable. As one lady remarked the other day, " The skirts are worth the' price you ask for the suit." A number of different cloths are represented and a good assortment of patients' in material. Every garment represents the highest in workmanship, quality of material ami style. We know you will readily appreciate these excellent values. There are suits among them that have been re duced from as high as $.0.00. Two lots now $9.75 and $14.75. Until Thanksgiving tlie privilege of choosing from the largest and most complete assortment of beautiful, durable rugs in the city at a special discount is yours. Never before have we shown as many rugs in as many, sizes and patterns as are now displayed in this interesting department. With a low price already on everything, this special discount means a big saving to you. It's an opportunity that does not come often, so take advantage of it now. Remember, Wednesday is the last day of this special discount. Your choice of any rug at a reduction of 1254 Per Cent. ' WARM, DURABLE BLANKETS Specially Priced Did you secure one of our splendid blankets at the low prices which prevail now on them? If not, we believe you will regret it after this sale is over, but even yet it is not too late. Until Thanksgiving this liberal discount will prevail and we want you to benefit by the low price. Great, warm, soft, beautiful blankets, that will give you that luxuriously warm and peaceful sleep these cold nights. If you prefer the cotton, you will be pleased with the large showing and assortment now on display plain white, gray, tan or fancy plaids are found in abundance, and in wool the selection offered you is just as large and desirable. Included also are the blankets for baby. "Little crib blankets in pink, blue and white with Teddy Bear, airship or animal designs. Soft, warm and thick. Until Thanksgiving come and make your selection at the special discount on ali blankets of 12V2 per ct. THE HAMILTON STORE