Democrat VOI, ).L1Y ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '25. !10 Cun Vm. NO ! Hot Tamalies OYSTERS. THE CREST r. Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phono 379 Special Thanksgiving Sale" A thin Bavaria China Cup and Saucer for 15c at MEISER & ME1SER Special Music TO-NIGHT 7 to 9 o'clock On the $400.00 Baldwin Piano we are giv ing away Free. A comfortable, convenient and modern day light store for Saturday Even ing Shopping Exclusive agents for W. B. Corsets, Perrins Kid Gloves, Red Gross Shoes, Sorosis Petticoats and Mentor Underwear. DOINGS OF THEWORLD Jack Johnson is renorted to have bro'ten down. The same old story. I The Northwestern Corporation is lo ! build a $20,000 brick tor its offices in Eugene. 209.000 is to be Portland's population. P-etty good. 13,000 was taken off by the investigator. Douglas countv has a right to gobble. M ire than 7,000 turkeys have been shipped from there this season, the turkey county of the state. 100 people were killed yesterday in a riot at. Puebla, Mexico, over a meeting of anti-reelectionists. Mexico is con- ; siderable of a despotism after all. I Lafayette Young, the new U. S. sen ator of Iowa, and Tip Humphrey, ! editor of the Jefferson Review, were i boys together and schoolmates in Albia, Iowa The three Ashland precincts went 615 to 2ti4 for prohibition, a fact that speaKS tor tne people ot that prosper ous cuy. ivieatord went as much other way. The new Hotel Marion at Salem, the evolution of the Chemeketa and Wil lamette, has now been duly advertised free by the press of the state, and all it cost was $5 a plate. Yesterday at Portland a divorce was granted Irclla Cantwell from her hus- qand, J as. Cantwell. They were mar ried at Albany in Aug, ragetner nve years, AT THE COURTHOUSE.! The county courl met today and formally made the order of pruhitiitiun of the liquor frnllic in tnis ccuiiy under tho recent election. IAGUN ACCIDENT. At Franklin McVeagh & Co. agt N. W. fruit Asn, Suit to recover ttiOO dam ages for failure to deliver a carload of prunes. W. V. Cotton, Jas. U. Wilson and J. t Reilly, attorneys. Tho price Newport, With Probably tal Results. Fa. 1li:mas Cale, a young man about 18 years of age, was brought from New pore this forenoon anil placed in St. Mi ry's Hospital in a critical condition, the result of a gun accident. Young Cnlo was walking near the jetty with a contracted was i'a cents, wnicli it is friend, who was on the jetty, whiloCale enurgeu was repudiated, the price uomg , wtts be ow about eight feet, wnen the UP- I fo"nur who was carrying a gun, Blip- Ipedand fell and the gun was dis. Erma McDowell agt. Wm. McDowell I charged, the bullet striking Cale in the for divorce. Marriage Sept. 3, 1909, rectum, going through the body. It is cruel treatment and desertion since Oct. I ver doubtful if he recovers. 1. 1909 is charged. There is a child, i $250 alimony at $20 a month is askej. I Raincoats and cravenettes $15, at W. i f neuter b, the W. R. Ray of Scio left a wild cot for the bounty. Expense accouuts filed by O. H. Russell, $13.3U,and Park Beatty, $43.95. Chambers Albany's Greatest McGune Suit and Cloak House charged from Nov. 1908. Charley A. Cundiff, of Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, musical director, is in the city for a few days and is at the Smeede. Eugene Guard. Tne same Charley Cundiff who used to in Albany and play the piano. Albany has not been renresented at the Spokane apple show, but will be at the Portland show. 67 boxes, prize winners at the recent show here, are now in cold storage in Portland await ing the show there Nov. 29. An interesting feature of Mrs. Bess Gearhart Morrison's readings in Ore gon was her experience at .Lebanon, where E. B. Day, who played at her first recital, I welve years ago in Ne- DrasKa, again played tor ner. Jefferson Review: Fred Hoefer sr. was operated on at the Albany hospital Monday for an internal trouble result ing from a kick from a horse received severs! years ago. At last accounts he was progressing as well as could be expected. Deed recorded: A J. Carothere to E. A Thompson, block 41 H'8 2nd ad $ Grace Hayden to J. L. Hill et nl, 42 by 66 feet block 15 E. A G. W. Mattson to Edith Mattson, 4 Inta 'Khplhurn 190J, and lived ' jas, Shahan to C. Ramson, 149.5 desertion being I acres 10 10 10 R. F. Da-by to B. F. Darby Jr., 60 acres 2500 Jas. McFeron to Eastern In v. Co., 49 acres .' 1 ! ALBANY OPERA HOUSE i ; j 3 Nights, Commencing MONDAY, NOV. 21st. Mamie Haslam Co. in High Class Repertoire, Presenting popular plays at popular prices. Special Communication St. 'John's ' Lodge No. 17 A. F. &. A. M. this Sat-1 urday evening, Nov. 19. 1909. All 1 sent for work. E. Washburn, Sec. band and 20 People including own orchestra. Extra music and songs at the Dream laad tonight. Popular prices, 25c, 35c, 50c. CENTRAL ADDITION TO ' ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Mdin 5 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cc-ment, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. SEND3RS & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Shingles.. Made in Albany mv Mo 1 Edg Grain the BEST in ihr inarket. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buving elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. r earn land "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. The Faith Cure". One of the best stories told. 'George Washington's Savior" One of tge most dramatic ever shown "The Hoodoo" The" f uuiest ever. 10c Miss Flinrt in Portland. Journal: Miss Anna Flinn of Albany, who has taken apartments at the Nor. tonia for the winter, was hostess at luncheon at the Hotel Portland Wed nesday. Following luncheon, her guests were entertained at a matinee party at the Heilig theatre to see De Wolf Hopper in "A Matinee Idol " Miss Flinn's gues's were Mrs. Anderson M. Cannon, Mrs. W. B. Peacock, Mrs. C. W. Lowe. Mrs. George F. Nevins, Mrs. Harriett Greer and Mrs. W. B. Wallace, YVOODJN0BURN jta. o.e Empire Photoplay TONIGHT "The Banker's Daughter." A Bio- graph drama, an exceptional story of a banker s daughter, who, though ill. saves the lives and riches of her fam ily, by her energy, and thoughtfulness. A beautiful story, well told. "A Life for a Life." The Vitagraph Company has surpassed any and all pictures in this story of a convict. It appeals to all the better instincts of mankind, and is a sermon of wonder ful value. "The Easy Winner." A drama with a comedy in which a man with power ful voice turns everything topsy-turvy. It will make you laugh. Illustrated Song "You stole my Gal." M'iss Crosno. Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. The Electric. Pictures change and Friday. Sunday, Tuesday For the Sunday Edition, one of the well known Imp's dramas. Western; Justice, a lively western story. The Two Sarger.ts, asolcicr's love and a pretty winter scene. Admission 5 cents. FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PYROGRAPIIY. The largest showing of wood to burn and burning outfits ever shown in1 Albany, with prices that are right, btart now on your Xmas presents. See the new jewelled and tinsel work. The articles are Of three-ply bass wood for the interesting carving and gouge work, Dozens of catchy de- signs made expressly lor this work. Wc have some beautiful pieces com pleted snowing this dihcrcnt work. Our pyrographic stock includes new arrivals in skins, outfits, panels, needles, boxes, mi!"s, m all the newest ana most up-to-date designs. Come in and let us show you these beautiful novelties. WOODWORTH DRUG CO, GRAND APPLE FAIR SPECIAL FREE! FREE! FREE! China, Crockery, Glassware, etc Watch for our circular. Sale Begins Wednesday, November 9th, 1910. Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ 337 West 1st. Ablany, Or DOOLEY'S GROCERY Masked Skate Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patror age on the fact that we sell only GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES AKE FAIR and our SERVICE PROMPT, A safe place lo trade, surely for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted goods and appreciate the trade every customer we have to the extent of persocal service. ft ITlttl Thursday, Nov. 24, '10 The judges will be reliable and valuable prizesgiven. Phone and have your skates reserved. REMEMBER its rip For building, ornamental purposes, rap, filling, etc. at M. Senders & Go's store. W. L. COBB, K. D 4. phone. Home 23i-.'. ' Wood Yard. ' ool delivered to all parts nf city on short notice, .(lice it residence 90S Ens.: 4th street. IS th plnnes J. D. EI.US. shall Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean up-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes arc selling .it wlifilesiile nrires and vou cm buv ihc newest stvlcs in hifri rlnss fnntwnnr money than you would pay for shoes of the commonest so .:...... i.rrc for 1 ess ETTERS For Groceries, Pro duce, Crockery and nburg Slice. Store 334 First St.