Linen time THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six (Eauy Trains. The best time to replenish your linen supply is right now, while the stock offers the largest and best assortment. We have received a large shipment, bought for holiday sell ing. The patterns are exceptionally pretty and are un doubtedly the choicest we have ever shown, although our linen department has the reputation of showing the finest linens. Buying in large quantities and importing direct from Belfast, Ireland, as we do, enables us to give values that are hard to duplicate elsewhere. See the special assortment of Table Linen. Rich, fine, superb designs as elegant as any you ever saw two yards wide. 1 Special, 98c yard. Napkins to match. Other values priced from 50c to $2.50 yard. Napkins, $1.25 to $7.00 dozen. A visit to this department will convince you much sooner than print. Come and see this showing while it is at its best. See the rich display in the show-window. A NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES SHOES. Patent leather button dull tops. Patent leather button plain toe cloth top. Gun metal, calf button. Three popular styles. . $3.50 and $4.00. Dr. C. W. Lowe, the oculist, came down from Lebanon, and went to Stay ton. Ho will be in Albany in a few days, one of many trips here. Undo Billy Wright returned from Lebanon, another frequent Albany vis itor for many years. His hot Bluff is great for the digeetive faculties. Clyde Laughead, of the Albany Sup ply uo., went to urownsviuo. n. Company is doine a finebusiness throueh the valley, a gr; at convenience for gro cers m this part 01 the stale. John R. Penland. the civil engineer went to Millers to do somo worK. Mrs. W. A. Thrift went to Portland for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Earl, who has not been well. Mrs. Kate Vaughn arrived from' Leb anon on a visit with her sister, Mrs. i,, H. Rurfd. Mr. Leary, of the Home Restaurant, went to Portland on a short business trip. THE MUMS. Mrs. tlaight Has Flowers. the Finest Married. On Wednesday, November 15, 1910, at tha Home telephone on ce, a pood place to start out in life together, Elmer Richardson and Miss .Minnie A. Bahrxe aged 23, both of Lebanon. Kev. Esson performed the ceremony. Letter List. Wall Paper Cheap For 30 days For the next thirty clays we are go ing to have a great Wall Paper sale 15 000 rolls will arrive for us Feb. 15 th so we must, make room for our stock. Now is your chance, when you see it in our add you know it is so. Call and see us, -. - The human eye is the most valuable organ in the body. '0&ft.C - --S55 Everyone is wise who periodically &'fa-.j&q&i$ has his eyes scientifically examined. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, 829 West Second Street. For your Holiday Goods. A fine line, of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoflice uncalled for Nov. 16. 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Lee Adams, Jess T. Anderson, F. M. Ayers, 2; J. E. Barton. E. A. Bald win, H. W. Bosworth, Roy Cadden, John Chapman, W. H. Garland, Mrs. K. Gray, R. B. Hunter, Emma Le eh, Luella Lewis, Anna McClung, Dodo Skinner, Floyd Simon, Mary E. Smith, Mrs. Viola Simmons, Mrs. L. F. Warner, G. C. Wariner. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. The judges, Prof. Flint, of the O A. C, W. S. Duncan and Mr. Penneback r. of this ciiy, men who understand llowers, made their awards last even ing, as follows: Finest and best exhibit. Mrs. H. D. H;iit;lit, of Knox liulte, a cut glass vase presented by the Modern Travellers. 2nd. Mrs. Henrietta Brown, a rug pre sented by the Hamilton Store. 3rd, Lucy Gard, a bed spread presented bv S. E. Young & Son. B.?st ten varieties. 1st, Mrs. Chaa. H. Stewart, a rug presented by Gilbert Bros. 2nd. Mrs. Howe, a rocker pre senled by the Formiller Furniture Co. 3rd, Mrs. Clydo. Bryant, toilet water presented by Dawson. Best 5 varieties. 1st, Mrs. Jas. Own bey, of Tangent, photos of Crawfori. 2nd, Mrs. Johnston, cut glass knife rest by Foshay & Mason Beat single mum. 1st, Mrs. Hnight, a Goodness Gracious, a leather bag pre sented by Chambers & McCune. 2nd, Mrs. Luster, an Eturlehart. bott e 1 perfumery presented by Burkhart Lee. 3rd, Mrs. Jas. Ownbey a Mr. Konnaton. a picture presented bv H. Jones. Best collection in pots, 1st. Mrs. Guy Howe, a jardenier by the Woodwortii Drug Co. 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Martin, an embroidored handkerchief by W. B. Stevens & Co. rs. S. A. Nicholls had a nice collection and received a i pottery jug from the Ohling-Huibert Co. Other excellent displays were shown by Mrs. Young, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Ueffeit, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Cum-mings. Anion? the mums observed wore Iho Nevins, Mrs. Chamberlain, Dollv Duesc, Goodness Gracious, Ostrich Plume, OBSERVED Ev the an About Town. A fine displny of apples m the Linn and Benton windows, prettily packed, something that always shows fruit off better, tho m tistic adding to the effect. The newly arranged offices are very attractive. The Pomona, at the docks,' among other things, this morning took away, a big shipment of apples in boxes, uy V. D. Loonev. of Jefferson, to himself, iit Portland. A good many apples are being sent awav to the larger markets. A. W. Dockstedder unloading a car of Mendota coal, which Mr. Docksted der reports gives general satisfaction. Coal is coming into favor as a fuel here. Louis Miller of Eugene, setting up the machinery in the former Stetter store, for a shoo repair shop. Mr. Miller has been in his father's shop at Eugene several years. Ho is a brother of George Miller, the plumber. He does his work entirely by machinery. Mr. Miller will have the east half of the store room, a partition being run through the room, leaving the corner room for rent, a good place for a small business. Here or Nowhere. OWN YOUR OWN HOME An Albany lot for only $5.00 per month in the most desir able residence district. We of fer a choice selection of lots in the new and beautiful mont on the Electric Railway survey, fronting on Elm and Cottage streets, at the very low prices of $150.00 to $225.00 each. A few slightly higher and upon the easy terms of only $25 down and then $5.00 a month until paid. No pay ments required during illness I Perfect title I Free abstracts I Warranty deed. Ten minutes' walk from Courthouse, These lots have been on the market two weeks and 31 are sold. East of Albany Heights, south of Ninth street, anl on the west side of Tangent road. Free auto ride at office of THE OREGON TITLE & TRUST CO. Second Street, near Broadalbin. Albany people wishing to make their annual contributions to the boys and girls home at Portland may do so by leaving the things at the courc house, where Mr. Bilyeu will take charge of them and see that they are forwarded at the proper time for Thanksgiving. The third number of the Albany Col lege lecture course is Harold Morton Kramer, novelist and lecturer. H wi'l be at the United Presbyterian church, Fridav night, subject "Here or Nowhere." It is said of this lecture, "It contains the broad sympathy, the soul depth, optimistic philosophy that have characterized all of Mr. Kramer's KiHorrtnwn Pink ivnm ninrir PoiKn' I novels. Many of each audience will go White Ivory, Bird of Paradise, Frank ! awav clinging to the cheering message Wood, Mrs. Tom Lawaon, Mrs. Robin- i " from that Jiour find new posaioil son, Gnlieth. Lavender Green, Silver "'8s m hte- Tna vlue of such a Cloud. H Barns. White Pearl. Fannie I lecture to a community cannot bo Neal, Golden Wedding, Ruth Cleveland, Kate Roberts, Glora Yellow, Vivian Morrell, Bergman, Simpson, Pink Pearl, Virginian Pachtman, Yellow McKinley, and the Green, a novelty shown by Mrs. jNicnoits. estimated.' The reserve seat sale begins tomor row at W oodworth's drug store. Season tickets for the remaining six numbers can be had at Albany College, Albany High School, Commercial Lluo, Wood- Thn dianlAv ia much thn heat shown worth's and several young people's in Albany, and elicited the highest societies. Coupons on season tickets commendation of the Judges, Prof, have been made interchangeable. Flint declaring it the finest out-door collection he had ever seen. ! Christmas Photos. Now is the time to have Christmas photos made. Call and see the fancy I. O. O. F. Notice. Initiation of officers tonight and other important businass. All Odd Follows are earnestly requested to be present. By order of the Noble Grand. The Albany Commercial Club ap. predates a box of choice 1 Jonathan apples presented by Sweet Home. They are perfect and good eaters. Hot Chicken Tamalalics Elite Choc olate Shop. All suits ust $15 at ft . F pfeiffer'a Walter Parker Grocer and Baker 111 WF.'VT f.lRUT HTK.fc!BT.M,KANV okKSOm First class god 3 in their season. PbuiDe Main 5f Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1.00 12 1ns White Beans v.. 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. FINE HAIR BRUSHES. We have just received a large shipment of Howard's fine hair brushes, the best made in America. We sell them right, ("all and see the line. Bui-k-hart & Lee. Don' miss the premium sale, bring , in your red envelops to tbo Commercial i Tea Store they are pood for 10c on the ; 8ioo. j New shipments of Andirons Fire i Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just i received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware Co's. The booths attracted a eood deal of attention and did a fine business,' - thn Japs with tea and cocoa, the Spanish with its hot stuff, the German with its sauer kraut and bolognas, the American with its beans and pumpkin pies, the styles on display at Burkhart's Studio, 1 1' reueii wiui us coniectionary, ana me 1 next to f , U. Botn pnones. domestic with its home made products, i ---.- i Striking characters were Pocahontas, i . . . ., ... (Miss Kate Stewart, and Sacawajoa, ' .Try our hoc noon lunches, at the Vis j Miss Neta Schultz, weuring original , slon "ar'0Ia i Indian costumes, the property of Dr. lo. Stewart, utners mane line ap I pearances in keeping with their nation ality. ' . I The living pictures were greatly ap preciated, pretty affairs. Miss Lila Fatlon was a neat Which; Mrs. C. E. Sox. St. Celia; Mrs. R. E. Mason, Queen Louise, and the Seven Ages brought out some line figures. Pleasing musical iiiuuiucta wwc iHeaemr.- uy lYJiaseu ire land and Smith. The show has been open today, and ! will close tonight with another living ' picture show, all new characters, i Albany people should get their lunches , there tonight, 6 to 7. All overcoats just S15 at W. t ffer's. Pfei PUiS' IN WOOD.-Phone Red 278 Home. t25. FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new V room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crops. Trms. halt" down and babnee in easy payments. Inquire at 330 S. Main. tlb WANTED. -Exnerienced help in kitch en. Call at Mission Parlors. lft LUST, At the Alco gym a silk urn bi.lla. white P on fastening band, Return to Hamilton Store. FOR RENT. Fino room. 28 by 28, hot and cold water, furnace heat, ground floor, good for offices or business. See Burkhart & Led. WAST MEADE, SPECIAL LIBRARY LAMPS $5.00 Ralston Electric Supply Co., 3'0 West Second itreet. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specially of high class sanitary plumbing and v ill be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and arc now at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUAPT. All suits just $15 at W. P.; PfefTer's LODGE MEETINGS. The K. O. every Saturday even ing. The Woodmen of the World every Friday eyening. L. L. Swan, clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mon days. Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Grant Froman, Clerk. Royal Neighbors meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in Bussard's Hall. Alice Kirk. Recorder. j Ladies of the G. A. R. meet first Tuesday each month at G. A. R. hall. Hattic Stilson, Secretary. ALCO CHOCOLATES That KLASSY KIND WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Svn-ti Street', Between Ferry & Broadalbin "Y NOT" Just made and put up in neat packages. ' ' ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP tUVE Y0UX CLOTIIfcS CLEANED AND PRESSED B MOORE f f 'i WOOD SAWING- u. n ivm7ii. Krai ..,, ,1 or plnne 3692 black Home m y Fac.;fic Tho Dnnta lllVe 1 UlllUlUi iit GILBERT & MINTON urn AT THE CITY FISH MARKET 109 Lyon Street, You can get all kinds of fish, fresh, iltcd, sinot.-cd and canned; fresh oys- j lors. ci'.'fbs and clams, i a(uina sal- mnn rerr.-ived daily. I I.r.v:-M prices consistent with high quality m goods. Delivery to all parts of the city. Moth phones. 1 1 1 W. II. RI DGEWA Y, ProPj R !3. -Uyberry, ''rayman Heavy i.n I light hauling. riant moving a p:mcialt.y, I'ianu and organR boxed for shipping Piuno boxes for sale. Wood for salj, i ' wood or 1C inch wood. Real feed. 2nd and Jack9 jn s'.reet. 2at 3t AW W 1st St. Bel! Phone black 273 Home phone 186 Olhc! with 1,'nn ek ii';n; n tate C . 2.31 U nit In-. I Kemience 71.; .vlomgomery bt. Phones. Both (THE BLAIN it ij Perfection in Protection Describes our new Overcoats. They wrap a man about with a sense of fright appear ance, a good feel ing to have. Better see pur unusually com plete and attract ive display of. fash ionable Overcoats CLOTHING CO. dependable Clothiers.