Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 18, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Democrat.
The Dailv Delivered. 10 centB
wmmIc: in advance for one year. i4.0?
By mail, in advunce for one year $3, at
Villi ui yiL yu.wtfi
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1,511. After 8 yers t
Editor Democrat: On a postcard
recently I made a remark about the
stupendous evil of the tobacco habit.
Among a few of the maladies trace,
able to the weed is infantile paralysis,
but wishing to be correct I will say
that infantile paralysis has not been
scientifically investigated and is still
held in a congestive slate. There is
little doubt however in the minds of
thoughtful observers, who have much
evidence on which to base an opinion,
that this dcslructful disease finds its
origin in tobacco. Individual inquiry
has developed the fact that one or
more of the patents of each child at
tacked, and also their forebears, have
made unstinted use of tobacco in some
form or other. It seems a reasonable
conclusion to reach since tobacco is
now known to be a nerve depressant.
First it seems to stimulate, but be
comes a depressant when not backed
by more. Like the fiendish dram,
ever calling for more. Dr. Fowler,
the noted phrenologist, said it so pois
oned the system of man as to render
liiin absolutely unlit for contact with
pure womanhood, that this fact was
constantly asserting itself in ovarian
tumors and uterine cancers, filling the
hospital with women demanding sur
gical attention. Sometimes it misses
a generation to be revisited upon the
following. While it is less assertive
'tis more insidious in its approach than
liquor, and, I earnestly believe, pro
duces a greater percentage of imbecil
ity and insanity. Statistics show liquor
the greatest of asylum fillers, but I
doubt if they consider the fact that
most tobacco fiends use liquor and
eventually when that fails to satisfy
they try narcotics. From early life I
have condemned the use of both evils,
and any other agency which lowers
the standard of humanity. I always
feel that the odor of both is thou
oughly disreputable; but of the two to
bacco worries me more because it is
constantly in evidence and so aggres
sive. The lire statistics of New York
show, 1 am told, that SX0 per cent of
the fires arc attributable to carcles
ness in use of matches in lighting ci
gars and cigarettes, A store of mine
was twice burned through this agency.
In building operations 1 have found
it dangerous to employ cither con
tractors or carpenters who are ad
dicted to this vice.
Tobacco seems to undermine the
memory till the workmen arc unable
lo execute proposed schemes to satis
faction. 1 never employ men who
drink. 1 find the most successful
method to stamp out either of these
hydra-headed evils is through com
mercialism, simply employ no person
who folds with them. Christ told us
to present our bodies a living sacrifice
wholly acceptable to (iod. Also, "lie
ye perfect o as your heavenly fath
er is purler - '
V'OR.Ml... .Ui,NY WOMAN.
Now that the election is over it is
interesting- to look back and observe
the colossal falsehoods that were per
petrated by the correspondent of the
Orcgiiiiian on the tour of the state
with llowermau. a mass of misstate
ments from beginning to end ot the
lour. After the Albany visit lie told
of the strong hold llowermau had
.. -ir.,1 1I1,. voles he was getting,
without a single thing to found it on,
for observing men here knew West
would sweep things. It was evidently 10 iiillucocc voters, but it (ailed
completely, for long ago the masses I
iu Oregon got next to llic inelliousj
of the Oregonian (luring a campaign
On the other baud it transpires that
the statements of Ralph WalMui, the
able correspondent of the Journal,
were founded on facts, and with very
few exceptions have been verified.
The Democrat also made .a few
statements that have practically uni
versally been verified by Ihc result.
The statements were made honestly
on what was supposed to be reliable
As a giver of news the Oregonian
is a great paper: but when it comes to t
things moral it is 2 by -I and ovej
Following is the b
Linn county:
E Albany
W A:ti.ny ...
S Urownsvillo
Fox Valley
N Harrisburg
S Ilamsiairg
Knox lluito
N Lebanon.
L- Imnon
Rock Cnek
N A-io
S Seio
Sweet Homo
Tin 'man
Tat. gent
al opt. on voto
.... 37
' f.l
6i '
Five Divorces in All Granted.
Judpe Golloway last evening adjourn
ed circuit court to Dec. ti, when several
matters will be up.
In Maggie S. Sullivan ant. Griff King
an amended answer1 was filed.
The demurrers in the Farmers Ware
house cases were heard, after a long
squabble among the attorneys, repre
senting various defendants, and taken
under advisement.
In Chas. 13. Montague agt. Lebanon,
and Hattio A. Cruson agt. Lebanon,
demurreis to the complaint because the
city marshal was not made a party de
fendant, were overruled, the defendant
given ten days to answer, the plaintiff
fn days aftet wards to reply.
Divorce was granted in Kittle Perdue
agt. Edward Perdue, George T. Horner
agt. Christeina Horner and Q. E. Propst
agt. Ida f ropst.
Hereafter the Democrat will charge
lor advertising paid local entertain
ments at regular rates, the same as the
job printer charges for bills or the
merchant for his goods, not taking
tickets in payment. Anyway free
tickets are merely mattern of courtesy
for complimentary! notices afterwards.
at Albany, in the State of Oregon
at THE
Close of business Nov.. 10, 1910.
Loans and Discounts $ 544,442.92
Overdrafts.secured and un
secured 11,138.40
U. S. Bonds ts secure cir
culation 100,000.00
U. S. Bonds on hand 25,000.00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds.
Bonds, securities, etc 130,012.86
Banking house furniture,
and fixtures 11.000.00
Other real estate owned. . 22,031.05
Due from National Banks
(not reserved agents) .. . 3.107.17
Due from State and Priv
ate Banks and Bankers,
Trust Companies and
Savings Banks ' 56.359.11
Due from approved reserve
Checks and other cash
items 11,835.88
Notes of other National
Banks 3,500,00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents .... 211.96
Lawful Money Keshhve in Bank, viz:
Specie $U7,98.55
Liegal-tenuer notes .uu
Redemption fund with LT. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of
'Capita1 stock paid in
100 000 00
surpiui tu.iu
Undivided profits, less ex
penses ii'ii taxes paid....
Nation.-' I I auk notes out
8tun...ii Due ' - itlier National
20,000. 00
! Due to ito and Private
Banks nd Bankers
Due toTi ust Companies and
Saving Hanks
Dividends unpuid
In lividual deposits subject
- to check
Demand ceiiilicutes of de
25 00
J Certified checks
Total $1,139,974.79
State of Okegon, County
of linn, ss:
I. O. A. Akciiirald, Cashier of
the above named banK, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true
to the best of mv knowledge and belief.
O. A. ARCHIBALD, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to bef ire me
this 15th day of Nov., 1910.
Notary Public,
COHKKCT -Attest:
Alfred C.ooiimitt
S. E. YouNii. S Directors
J. P. Wallace,
j ectors.
No 3' . . . . . - .. OFTHECONDITION OF pjQ 35
at Albany, in the State of OroBC-n, atjot ALBANY STATE BANK at Albany.
tho close of buaineoS Nov. 10, 1910.
Loans atr.i discounts $2(',9.3ii(i.90
Bonds, securities, etc 15,540.83
Banking house, furniture.and
No fixtures 1,018.75
1':: Due from u proved reserve
125 ' banks .... 43.009.93
81 'Checksum' other cash items. S7.50
N.jCashon hand 13,201.20
i:. Total sMJ.izj.ii
Capital stock paid in SO. 000. 00
Surtlus fund 2.5U0.00
Undivided profit, less ex
penses and taxes paid 2,050 61
Individual deposits subject
to cheek 9,217.14
Demand certificates ot de
posit.. .
1, IW9. 01
l ime certificates of deposit. . 143.77S.23
Savings deposits 153, 2o0 06
Total S
Statk ok Oukhon',1
County of I.inn "
1. i) A. it '!li:iAl.l, Cashier, of the
.ibnve named P.inii. to solemnly swour
'.'iat the above s'it"inont is true to tin
iest of me kniiwii-.lire and belief.
() ,'. AltJKWIALD. Cashier.
Subscribed r.ivl swi-rn to before me
this nth d iv of Nov., ISH0.
11. 1". ilElitill.L Notary Public.
CoiasKi'T-Attest :
Ai.;-'i:i-:i) t - m-iinutt 1
S K Yvt:sii. ,- Directors.
.'. !'. 'Ai.i..u'i:
Deeds Recorded:
W. f: Howard to Dora Howard
2 lots block 112 H's ad $ 1100
Harold Jensea to Either Helmick
20 acres 1
P. H. .McDonald to Mary Richard
son 77 by 223 2 3 leet Scio 900
Inventory filed in estate of Alfred A.
Avenll. Value ot all properiy $991.
In estate of Polly Ann Morris John
F. Nevins was appointed administrator.
Bond $6,000. Appraisers C. H. Ral
ston, John Durlan and G. W. Cruson,
Value of property $3,000.
Marriage license: Elmer Richardson,
aged 26, and Minnie A. BahrKe, 23,
both of Lebanon.
At the Mission Parlors.
Baltimore for Bicycles.
Fisk tires at Baltimore's.
Fishing tackle at Baltimore's.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat Marnet
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
Trv a cun of hot chocolate at the
Crest. ,
Light lunches served at the Crest'
Confectionery. , 1
Have your feet attended to by Mrs
Driver 230 Lyon, both phoneB.
Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F,
iu. Wilson tor piano. instructions,
phone 353. 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st
street over f-rench s. j
Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician, and sur-1 Judge Galloway began the rgular
Keon C,?lls answeled ??y and "'g'lt. term of department two with twenty
Office, 1' hnn Block, Residence 119 E 7tb lawyers present and diposed of the fol
street. Both phones. lowing cases:
1 Continued: Smith vs. Smith, West
The Mamie Haslarn Co. will begin a agt. Rowell, Purcel) act. Purcell, Ham
three days engagement at the opera ilton agt. Hamilton, Witham agt. With
house on next Monday, at popular am.
prices, presenting Tennessee's Pardner, ' For trial: Martin agt. Brownsville,
My Friend from India and a bachelor's- Groshong agt. Thompson, Travis agt.
Romance. Cinderella Mining Co.
Eugene Register : E. O. Johnson and .Dismissed: Noble agt. MartBn, Mar-
crew of eight men leave early this. K1- -1- Bgc-",ua?e'
morning for Albanv where they will do dJla Hojslzel agt. J. P. Hoelzel. Set
the plastering on the fine new block, tle?: Miller agt. Zimbnck.
. IT . ..... . . A nnlin .ln 1 Tl T. 1. ,
100 leet square, Deing hunt by Altred
C. Schmitt. They will be gone for
somo time. i
No. 10! '
nniraiT rvc . he r.vniTiM
iV-riiv v. mi. wnuniuii
of the J. W. CUSICK & CO. Bankers
at Albany, in the State of Oregon, at
the close of business Nov. 10, 1910.
Jresoukces. !
Loans and discounts $226,755.45 j
Overdrafts secured and unse-
cured 1,290,40
Bonds securities, etc 7.4,628.81
Banking house, furniture.
and fixtures 10,832.25
. leai .
jue irorn Dunns reserve
banks) 17.88
Due .from approved reserve
banks 103,310.47.
Checks and other cash'items 8,520 00
Cash on hand 44,450.06
Total .
S469 87 92
Capital t.tock $ 50.000.00
i Surplus fund 40,000.00
' Undivided profits, less ex-
I penses and taxes paid ... 11,693.13 .
Due to banks and bankers. . 17,366.89 i
1 Individual deposits subject to ;
; check 331,376.61
I Demand certificates of de- j
posit 10,4156.29
! Certified checks 4,800 00
' Liabilities other than those
above stated 4,153.00
Total $469,875.92
State of Oregon, County of Linn ss
I. H. B. Cusick. Cashier of the above
nameJ bank, do solemnly swear thattho
ahove statement is true to tne oest oi
my knowledge and belief.
tl. B. CUSICK, Cashier.
Subscribed and swurn to before me
this 15lh 'lay of Nov., 1910.
GALE S. HILL,, Notary Public.
Correct attest. (Signed hvi E. D.
Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at ihe
close of business, Nav. 10, 1910.
Loans and discounts $ 81,820.7
tJvenlratls, secured and un
Bonds, se.uritics, etc
Banking house, furniture.and
fixtures ...
Due from banks (not reserve
14.979 5S
13 50
Due from approved reserve
Exchange for clearing house
Cash on nana
18.073 34
Capital stock paid in 30,000.00
Undivided profits . 451.77
Individual deposit subject. . . '
to cliecl; US,341.oK
Demand certificate of deposit 5,103.35
Time certificates of deposit. 29,110 50
Certified cheeks
Savings deposit 4.5S6 ?G
Total J137.S99.4li
Statk ov Oi'.ki.on ciu ntyok linn J-ss
1. 11. N. liouley. Cashier of tiiealvvr bank. do solemnly swear th.U t".u?
;,tK vc Htatement is true to the best ci
itiv Knowledge and belief.
!!. S. KOUI.EY. CisU-.-r.
e,.i...(;. ;!., ;,,,,( 8worn tt, l.tfoto'mc
fus Lull dav of Nor,
J. J. COI.I I"S.
Notary Public,
i '.ivrcC .Mi -! : Wm. H.iin. 1'. V.
i,i. ','i i t, C. I!. i...v. liivs I'irvit.'!!-..
Dee'Is recoreed:
Madlen Florida to Brownsville
5940 square feet $
Bcnj Oakley to J. A. Oakley 80
W. J. Tuinridae to Silliman
Wirt 3 lots Crabtree
H. F. j;clnterff to A. L Chute
160 acres
J. Willard Mclnterff to 'A. L
Chute 41.39 acres ".
Elma Armstrong to M. E. Simp
son 78 by 129 feet Lebanon .
Geo. Bowers to Geo. Williamson
4 lots Waterloo
Vacation Maple street Hausmans 2nd
ad Brownsville.
Application to register title by F.
Final account approved in estate of
Edgar Place.
Third sale was had in the Oden estate
of 160 acres of hill land. The first
time there was no sale, the 2nd time
I $465 was the price bid, this time $1175.
Marriage license: Erwin D. Turner,
aged 27, Shedd, and Edna May S wear-
1 : nn n ml.
Uigur, v, ruwusviiiu.
Deeds recorded:
W. A. Kitnsey to Irva Cady and
wf 54 by 120 ft bl 42 Albany. . $
1 C. L. Ransom to C
lot Mill Citv
U. Lroudard
G. E. Strine to C. C. Bryant "51
by 8iK"?' 30 A'any
Hannah J. Bilyeu to G. M. Bilyeu
14178 acres
ripn tit rniiDT
1W KJ i M. 1 1
. "Fy"""-'"" o-. r renco to register
cic',a granted.
oale connrmed in Pearl Arehart agt.
ttuen Aidnch.
Judgment in Earl Merti et al. agt.
Sarah E Thompson et al.
in application 1. r . (jonii registration
.titleord ered
M. V. Weatherford aDDointed exam
iner of title in application A t. Weddle.
N. M. Newport in application H. Dr
Scott H. H. Hewitt in applecatien
Daniel Nicely.
. ,
Most of the day was taken up with
arguments of demurrers in the Albany
Farmefs warehouse cases,, many de-
iendants being represented.
T mZ: 4. " f.'... " ."15,
-n ......j.. m,Ua mu,.jpoft
agt. Paul Musezynski, G. W. Eeeney
8t. Minnie Keeney.
" Bailey appointed examiner of
li6. W. Simpson to register title.
and J- Whitney in application G. W.
: Wright.
. r: : 1 r td . c vt
"muoe:u, jaruwn agt, o; r-
Sale canfirmed in Hay agt. Hay,
Christmas is coming a jumping.
What has beome of that gas plant.
r . .
. Some fine offices in the new
has the mums with its big
Albany's modern stores attract at-
Has Albany given up the-cluster sys
tem of lighting streets.
Albany is fall of fine livint pictures,
the best looking girls anywhere.
Tne sooner that U.O.-O.A.C. squab
b e is stopped the better for all con
Taft, who is at Panama, promises a
co i:plete:l canal in 1913: tJut it will be
19.5 just the same.
It always tickles a newspaper man in
the ribs to do several dollars worth of
adveriising free for a local entertain
ment and then pay his way in besides.
A man at the mum show after ad
miring the line looking Pocahsntas was
heard to remark that lie thought Poca
hontas was a man. He was told that
he was certainly mistaken. "Well" he
said, "the mistake accounts for my not
having road my Bible lately.
Burn and Died.
Born in Lebanon to Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Argetsinjier, on Nov. 6, a daugl -ter.
Tne child ainl on the lull.
Mr. and Mrs. Argetsiner wish to ex
tend their sir-cere thanks to the Lady
Maccabees, friends and nehbois for
ihe:t- kindness and sympathy at the
tUii.-.l ft their daughter.
Sirlhs and Lcaths.
'Pu-ri' wero (if loon in October
L'Ci'i'iiinu lo !hL' report ju.-t nied, beiiit,'
i. .-lit 7 in u ln''U.;.:iiii iu;ml:..twi
Tit tH'.r.i.' r t.i birth's v;-.s ; Dr. .(
l,-KV. L- - ir : U-.-pm i:;;t v illi it'
,o, lr. I1.. : iit'; w;t;i u. Or.
n ..,;rii of I: i .Wk t:.:t0 3.
A good library will help.
Mum is the word this week.
Attend the mum show and help the
' Cha"mp Clark, of Missouri will now
be heard from.
Don t keep ' mum about the mum
iow. Tell everybody.
Of the six measures championed by
the Oregonian five were defeated.
Turkeys are rising in price, growing
in size and the ax if aching for a job.
j. . i , , . . .
It is nearly thanksgiving and not an
Oregon census report nas been received.
More and better aDnles than ever be -
'. r ,.. jj . 1 , ,
i 1U,B WBa tne re3u" 01 tne "P"B Bnow-
: All good apples should be the propo-
! sition of every , shipper. Deception is
j always back acting.
, ,
Howard, Crook county.has ten voters
and all voted wet. How would you like
it for s home for your children.
It is the same old dangerous foot
ball, but it ia tame compared with au-
tomobiling and aviation. See!
,.., .. . .. ,
With a new post office, new city halt
and new Carnegie library next year
uugiib to ants uiiugB iiuui iu muuuv.
fa '
After all that home rule bill doesn't
mean much. All it ever did mean was-
to keep the saloon going in Portland.
A strong factor in the election of -
Oregonian and Telegram, making thoUu
sands of votes for West.
May Starve:
A library fund will cost the people of i
Albany only 40c annually on each $1000 J
assessment, and there is not a person Cordova, Nov. 15. Eighty-three per
in Albany who will nof be glad to give sona, comprising the passengers and
it. crew of the wrecke steamship-Port
There should be no ill feelmg be
tween U. O. and O. A. C over the
rodyism at the depot. That's a part of
the foot ball business and spirit some
times. Whon the Orerrnninn sairt Rnwerman
would be elected bv 7,000 the Democrat ,
remarked that it would be nearer that
the other way, and it is. Draw your
own conclusions.
Boss Murphy should be put out at
any cost. The election of IHx backed
by such a disreputable and corrupt man
is no credit. It is time all parties set
down on bossism. These Murphies are
a- disgrace to American polities.
It has been variously reported that
Kansas, dry for thirty years,, returned
to the wet column in the recent elect
ion, hut there was no vote on: the ques
I tion at all. Gov. Stubbs, a prohibition
saint, was reelected by a big majority.
A Mosi Liberal Offer.
One of the most extraordinary free
effers ever made by any store in Al
bany (and carried out) is the liberal
offer of The Greater Chambers and Mc
Cune Store. They are giving away
absolutely free a $400 Monarch piano,
made by the Baldwin Co. Some one
will get this piano free. It' of great
interest to you and costs nothing to in-
! Testigate. Visit the store, see the
near :t niaved. it is on disnlav in
the millinery department, and is for
yon free ot "charge. No scheme of any
kind, its free.
Tonight there will be an auction of
dolls tt 1 o'clock at the American
booth, in the mum fair, And Christ
mas is coming.
Real estate men report & big demand
tor nouses ror rental, witn naraiv any
thing to meet it with. '1 here is demand
Ior 8 Ereat many nouses in Aioanyt tne
coming year,
The new home rule bill is declared a
monstrosity. It will take the supreme
court to make anything of the thing.
FOT the AliltjiliOUSS
by mall for tliono who-eon not sttond In
iierdon. All msirucuim, loumtimK mini
i-romtnitimift. in FRKE. For U'ftclmr.
' student preparing for college or universi
ty, woman's clubs; grwies. pup;ner8 iuil
Dome miners. jo preummaij' wiir
tion is reqniml. Tliia mail courao inoaui
opportunity for you.
Corrwpomlrnro Stutlr Pppftrf nieut
University ot Orecon
Enttne - - - Criin
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug-'
Dr. S. C. STONE,
Salem - Oregon.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
ikr i;.;m-l nilininitr;iior of the ctate
of A. l Maxwell, late of Linn county,
Mreuon. deceased, has tiled in the
"cunty court of said county his final
:, commit as such administrator, and that
aid court h;is fixed Monday the 19th
i' y of iVecmbcr. 1910. at the hour of 1
tVWk in the afternoon, as the time
' ir tKe l.cari:jr t l objections tn said
;n;il account and tne ettl - nnvt tlu-re-
i M. .VA.WVF.i.L,
iUWiTT v SP:. Administrator for Adt:i!iii-'.r;-itor.
Bend is now electric lighted.
Multnomah and Willamette are play
ing foot ball at Silem this afternoon,
A big union evangelist meeting wilt
begin in Eugene Nov. 22 under Evan
gelist Stough.
Woodrow Wilson, the new governor
of New Jersey, is a coming man. Keep
your eyes on Wilson.
Governor Benson yesterday resumed
the governorship, and Mr. Bowerman
is again just president of the senate.
1 Capt. M. D Phillips, of Oregon City,
!:?rm"ly of 'hi' candidate for
the Oregon Citv post office, and is
making a live campaign for tha office.
! A 625 foot block is being erected in
New york. Ic wnl be 465 stories and
win c09r $7,000,000. It will start with
a 100 foot swimming pool in the base-
! ment.
itev. Matiocic. or Medtord, in a ser
mon Sunday night charged thai news
paper men are a spineless bunch. Some
are, some are not, likewisa some min
i&ters Both. ways, and acme other peo
ple. Last evening theSalem foot ball team'
notified the Albany high school team'
that their season had closed and that
j they would not play Albany. Ic is a
; case of cold feet, and leaves the Albany
; team champions of the valley,
The State Dairy Association will
j meet in Eugene Dec. 8 and 9. Among
' the speaker it is said Consul H. B.
! Miller will be there then, and his broth-
, p t viiu-- f ,u:n U ,,.,
, 1Sea a t'aik by hm
. , , , ,
! The Ashland papers by the defeat of
the Ashland normal to the Willamette
, Valley counties, but as a matter of
fact ail the eastern Oregon counties
I also voted against Ashland but Kla-
I math. The counties voting for it were
V'fi.,.sn;,r !: ' umatlIla'
Clamath and Coos.
land, which was beached in the mouth of
KaSalla river Saturday, are stranded on
Katatla island. The storm which broke
soon- after the passengers landed from
the wrecked vessel is raging with in
creased fury an:) all efforts to go to the
aid of the marooned Dasseneers proved
unsuncessful. There are few people
living on the island and the food, supply
is smaH.
F G. WILL, lor Watches
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of tJie- estate
of Henry Ramer, deceased, has filed
in the County Court for Linn County,
Oregon', her final account as such ad
ministratrix of said estate, and that
Monday the fifth day of December,
1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
has been fixed by said court as the
time for hearing of objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
Firs publication Nov. 4,. 1910, last
publication Dec. 2, 1910. ,
C. C. .BRYANT, Administratrix.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of "the estate
of William B. Henderson, deceased,
has filed in the County Court for Linn
County, Oregon, her final account as
such' administratrix of said'estate and
that Monday the fifth day of Decem
ber, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a..
m. has been fixed by said court as the
time for bearing of objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
First publication Nov. 4; 1910, last
publication Dec. 2. 1910.
C. C BRYANT, Administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
f- jfoses Miller, deceased, has filed
in the County Court of Linn County,
Oregon, his final account as such ad
ministrator of said estate and that
Vonday the fifth day of December,
, 1910. at 10 o'clock in the- forenoon has
' been fixed bv said court as the time
; fbr hearing of objections to said ac-
: cotint and the settlement thereof.
rirsu piiDiication aov. t, iviu, last
publication Dec. 2. 1910.
C: C. BRYANT. Administrator.
! Notice is hereby given that the un
1 dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Hen J. Williams deceased, pursuant
to the order of sale made and entered,
tn the matter of the estate of said de
ceased by the Comity Court of Linn
county, Oregon on the 7th day of
November, 1910 will from and after
the 10th day of December, 1910, pro
ceed to sell, at private sale, to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, sub
ject to confirmation by aid court, the
following described real property, to
wit: The southwest quarter of section 5
in township 15 south of range 3 west
of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn
county, Oregon, containing 160 acres;
also beginning at the nonhead corner
of tlie southeast quarter of section 6
in said township and range, and run
ning south on the east boundary of
said section 6. 53.7$ chain? to the
north boundary ot a tract of land con
veyed to R. W. Phillips by Titos,
l.andingham and wife on the 18th day
of May, 1858: thence west 20 chains;
t hence north 53.78 chains: thence ca-t
2') chains to plaec of bfginping,
containing 107.56 acres, more or le.-s.
all in l.inn couutv. Oregon
::A!ir..R!-;r e. u:.
I;::VITT & SON. A-.tmrx.
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