Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 18, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat.
"Entered at the port 6 !ice,tAlbany,Or,
bccond cIhfb mail rnnttf r.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
WANTED. Lady cook, good wugeu.
Albany Homo Restaurant, 2U2 Secoed
pDtreet. tl9
HAVE. A few hundre'J rods of fence
and a fow gates 1 will sell at retail,
at strictly wholesale prices. C. M.
Giddings, Northwest manager Lamb
and Peerless Wire Fen.ce Company, I
il Hi. Bin street, aiuaoy, ur. ui
Feebler, Home phone 2735, and got
No. 10 House and barn, one lot on
corner of Main street, East Albany.
A bargain if taken soon. But you
will have to move quick to get it.
No. 13 A small house and lot well
situated, West Albany. Price $1900.
No. 14 A good house of seven rooms,
beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty
of fruit. Situated close in. East
Albany. Price $2700.
No. 17 A seven-room house and good
lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West
Albany. Price $1800.
No. 19 Good new house of seven
rooms, bath, electric lights. Well
situated, East Albany. Price $2500.
No. 21 Cottage of fixe rooms, and
barn, two good lots. East Albany.
Price $1400.
It will pay wou to investigate these
propositions immediately, as i find
ready sale for property, and know that
NOTICE. Any one wishing pure bot-i these will not be on hand but a few
tied milk, will oo well to ca'l the : days.
1. a. Li. uairy. Home pnone zao.
C. P. Peebler.
WANTED. -To buy
small rooming
huse, cheap for cash. Phone Bell
WANTED. Any kind of sowing or
diessmaking, will go to the house if
prefered. Ethel Bray, 316 S Jeff or
son St. Home phone 1255. tl8
FOR SALS. Will build new 4 or 5
room i cjusc and soil with Fairdale lot,
on the installment plun. . See F. ti.
Pfeifter about it. 7t
FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms,
116 Washington St. Call.
I Special Bargains in Farm Lands,
i No. 72 80 acres, 70 acres in cultiva
tion, 10 acres in oak timber, fair
house and barn, well fenced and
cross fenced. 50 acres of this place
is some of the finest apple land there
, is in Urcgon. Land all slopes to
ward a creek, where there is run
I ning water the year around. This
place is situated 3 miles from Al
I bany and is certainly a bargain.
, No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in
cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3
! miles from Albany. This is a good
! all-round dairv and Grain farm.
MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Ore-' No. 76 S acres, small buildings, all in
gon Fire Relief of McMinnville, and cultivation, situated close to Al
Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, bany. Price $1050.
two strongest companiea on the coast, j I navc an(i for saie in any size
C. C. Bryant, agent. t tracts to suit purchaser, from a 5-acre
WOOD AND COAL. All kinds of tract to a 15,000-acre tract, and if you
wood.'good screened are looking for a bargain in farm
A. W. Docksteder, 1197 Santiam lands of any description, or city prop
Road. Both phones. , erty, write, or call personally at my
WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call office. bllt no '"f1""''0" by Phone'
at Shingle Mill. I J; V. PIPE,
. . ... 1 203 W. Second St. Albany, Or.
FOR SALE. Here is a chance of a life ' - .
time, I will sell at a great bargain .
my largo fruit orchard on easy terms I
or take part in city Dusiness proyerty ; j
rouArr.' E, H. Rhodes, j RjdB foP p-rubbing 10 acres of losrfjed
FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples. Becond arowth fir stump land will be
J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t . received at this office. Land is situated
FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south on Cloverdale farm mile from this
of Albany, noma pnone ziiu. k. sity; is upland and can be worxed upon
President Campbell in a talk at the
depot in this city advised the stu
dents to be gentlemen under trying
circumstances when they went to
Corvallis for the big football game.
President Kerr, a man who stands
for much in morals, no doubt gave the
O. A. C. students jiir.t as good advice.
Nevertheless, rampant rowdyism pre
vailed at the depot, perhaps not by
(J. A. C students, though it is de
clared the man who knocked a U. O.
man down was an O. A. C. man, but
some kind of students, high schools
or others. The moral is that the
greatest defeat of the day for Cor
vallis was when this rowdyism, was
permitted, showing a spite- that was
small ami vicious. There have been
times when it has been seen in Al
bany. The body of college students
who control themselves and show
the gentlemen under defeat in a great
contest have a greater victory than
those who defeat a strong team. One
of the best things a great college or
university does is the upbuilding of
Uood Attendance.
Gsorgo Lewis, of Portland, returned
home today with two Chinese pdcas
ants and 125 tnrkeys, a pretty good
! Mr. and Mrs. Claire Baker returned
; Ia9t night from Portland. Mrs. Baker's
i mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Churchill ;
! Bounds, died there Monday. The re
mains will be taken to Cottage Grova, i
' for burial tomorrow. She was a woman
j hignly esteemed and leaves many :
I friends, as well as relatives to mourn
! her death. j
I Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Marks left ;
: on the 4 :18 train this morning for Oak-;
land, Calif., where they will visit with I
! Mr. Marks folks for a week, and then !
, leave for issouri for a visit with Mrs. '
i Marks folks. Before returning to Ore-;
gon they will go up to Chicago for a :
j days visit with Miss Flo Nutting, com
ing home by a northern route.
An Unusual Program.
Grubbing Contract,
Webster. 17t
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant. That's the kind we
Bell. Call r oth phones or address r7.
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, (Jr. .
GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 60c
month. S. B. Penny the garbage
man. Home phono 2303.
GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks
after garbage. Phono Home 2303.
F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street.
bicycles, sewing machines,
, umbrellas, everything.
Try him.
WOOL Carded and batted at Suntiam
Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton.
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhero else in Albany. Ski 11
Iv But, if desired.
any ot the' winter months. Privilege
retained to reject any or all bids re
tained. OWEN BEAM,
Room 4 Stark Bldg., Albany.
FOR RENT. Nice lighthousekeeping
rooms. California Rooming House,
Second and Montgomery. tl5
WANTED. A second hand buggy top.
Phone John Dorgan, Farmers" 8X6.
WE COLLECT bad debts-no expense
to you if no money is collected
Western Mercantile Agency. Ofltce
over Woodworth's Drug store. tlO
proprietor, Second and Broadalbin Sts.
Family service, home cooking, Recent
ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street.
WANTED. Man with small family to
go on farm and work. H. Bryant.
APPLES very cheap. J. F. Bain
Phone 5 to 9 evenings, both phones.
Delivered in city.
Under the system of Superintendent
Jackson of granting a certificate of
award to districts with an average of
9i or more during the month, the fol
lowing schools were granted certificates
for the month ending Nov. 4, with the
names of the teachers or superintend
ent: 100 per cent. Dist. 130, Elsie Jones;
dist. 33, A. M. Young.
99 per cent. Dist 28, M. E. Arnold;
Bertha Golda, dist 53; Mae White, dist.
78; dist. 83, J. R. Geddes. Crabtree,
J. N. Bilyeu.
98 per cent. South Brownsville, J.
W. Bolin; dist. 14, D. N. Williamson;
Riverside, Sadie Bell; dist. 35, B. G.
Thompson; dist. 65, Maggie McDonald;
dist. 82, V. B. Bigbee; dist 97. Nora
Kemp; dist. 101, Emma - Lackey; dist.
103, Anna Blacklaw; dist. 108, Beatrice
97 per cent Albany, A. L. Briggs;
Scio, L. L. Gooding; Crawdfordsville,
Mattie E. Swan; dist. 4, Ada Compton;
dist 12, W. H. Fuson; dist. 39, Clystra j
Condra; Sweet Home, C. E. Cady; dist. 1
oy, J. ti. McBride; dist. luu, rl. U. L,ee
96 per cent. Lebanon, F. M. Stot
tier; N. Brownsville, W. S. Smith; So
daville, Annn D. White; Knox Butte,
G. L. Howe; dist. 23, Jas. Dart; Shedd,
C. W. Tidd; Shelburn, Roy McDonald;
Stayton, E. B. Watters; dist. 77, Elsie
Thayer; dist. 79, F. L. Gilbert: dist. 81,
Geo. E. Ross; dist 85, Ora Nott.
The big home talent Thursday night i
under the auspices of the ladies 'of i ho
I First Presbyterian church, benefit of j
! their fund for the new church, has ;
! every ear mark of great success. A I
irplendid cast-best of costumes!
st 'iking stage settings, assures an j
evening of real entertainment aside
i from the fact you are helping forward
1 a matter that appeals to all people of j
j Albany. Men as old maids! children in j
wedding. .
WORK fs r A
GUARANTEED l tv n 'S r j
FOR ! j - '
1 ,
10 YEARS !; yl
'!- i
About Tobacco.
Dr. W. A. Cox
Albany, Nov. 16. To the Democrat: I
"The former Albany woman" in last j
Monday's Daily Democrat, iscouragous
ly right, on the tobacco habit, none too j
strong. There is a former Albany man ,
in south Portland that never sells it in
his store, and would no sooner do so
than he would sell liquor. The Free
Methodists are lodge or.tobacco
man can get membership in their
church. Glad Albany has one church
at least that is not speckled that way.
"A word to the wise is sufficient."
A. J. Carothers
Albany, Ore.
The Weather.
Condueted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Range of temperature 50-33. j
The river is down to 2.5 again.
Prediction: Fair tonight, Thursday
White and" gold Austrian China at the
Variety Store, 313 W. 1st St.
All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei
See our gold and white Australian
china. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st
inuiVT Inriui rnir think of Jonah; "he came out all
JOHN KUECHLER'S Wlr ? "?e,d ??d:
& Lee. They have them all right, the
finest line in the city. Prices right.
Express-1 Horse
Special attention given to baggage,
freight, business delivery and moving
household goods.
Baggage checks, freight bills and all
orders left at office promptly attended to.
Otiice at Metzgar & Johnson's barber
shop. 104 1st St. onpoaite Russ House. '
Phono 110 R. t Jan 1
Reward given bv M. Ludwig for in
formation leading to the arrest of the
young man who stole a pump from
near the shop of Mr. Ludwig. Re
port to him t2 )
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
For the money than any
place in the city at the shop of
Now Hill Bldg.,
2nd and Montgomery.
236 West 2nd St.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Geo. H. Fiddiman. Prop.
Thanksgiving and
Holiday Segge
Right now is the time to begin making the Christmas Gifts and
nothing is more acceptable the than the gift made by loving hands
Christmas Gifts of Cretonne
Fancy Work for Gifts
There is probably no material that lends itself so welli Every woman loves fancy work and even though she
10 the making of gifts as cretonne. We are showing adoes not care lo make it herself there is nothing that she
most beautiful line of imported cretonnes in those exquisite w'' cniy more as a gift.
.soft colorings on cream grounds that have become so popu-i Our fancy work department is replete with many new
lar among gift makers. - effects for pillows, scarfs, runners, mats, etc., on linen cruch
Some of the designs arc small with the daintiest color-' , J( . . . . .
n and the more loosely woven ecru materials.
ing of pink and green and yellow that harmonize perfectlyi
I A full line of colors in tloss and threads make your se
with the cream ground. Others arc in larger designs and . . '
lection easy and enjoyable.
wonderfully attractive. For button bags, handkerchief.!
i 1 . .1 . 1 . ....... ii ' i v 1
laundry and shoe bags it is excellent. Used also for cover-! 1 nou m wnuc W01 w c snow man Pauci ns iaD,c,cial low price now because it is so near to that season of the
Hint t i? I'll? iAit'nli? m iiur rnertO f" '
ing boxes, window seats, dresses, dressing tables and chairs.
Thanksgiving Linen Special
Full Size Linen Cloths
We1 have just received a splendid line of high quality
linen table cloths with borders all the way around.
The patterns are unusually attractive and there are
'several designs to select from.
These are all of fine linen damask, with a beautiful lus
trous linen finish and their crisp new look will five to the
Thanksgiving table a pleasing, savory white appearance.
W e want you to own one of them and we make this spe-
A whole page of suggestions in the Ladies' Home Jour-' 'o believe we can aid you in caring for these wants
and our assortment we are quite sure will please you.
i We will be glad to show you these pretty things at any
vcar when the linen closet is usually replenished.
There are values to $2.50.
For a short time each
Cretonnes at per yd., 18c to $1.00.
See window display.