Albany VOf, Xi.lV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER U. 1910 -h- 6 Hot Tamalies ar.d OYSTERS at THE CRbST Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Home Phone Building. 379 5cSPECIAL--5c While they last a 5 in. Glass Jelly Dish for 5 cents at MEISER & MEISER Watch this space next week. VOTE ON MEASURES. BALDWIN: FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR ANO FREE Our business, in all depart ments, has been far beyond our expectation and as an ap preciation we are going to share the profits with our patrons and have purchased one of the famous Baldwin Company's pianos from Woodworth Drug Co., agents, which we are going to give away absolutely free. This is a very liberal offer and we ask you to visit our store, see the piano, play it if you wish. It is on display in our Millinery Department. This piano is for you, we want you to see it and appre ciate the liberal offer we are making. Chambers & McGune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, (jlympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones, Main 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick," pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. . M. Senders & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Shingles. Made in Albany my No 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. For ruilding. ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Samp'ts at M. Senders & Co's store. W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, home 23-5. Cement Wop Estimates given on Plastering, Side-1 walK and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER. 4th & Calapooia Wood Yard. ' Wood delivered to all parts of city'on short notice, office at residence SOS Zeke and the Widow-Ccmedy. Feature--Sepoys Wife, a Vit agraph. Mamma's Birthday Present. 10c Masked Skate Thursday, Nov. 2410 The judges will bejrelbblc ani;valuable prizes;jjiven. 'iKJJ ' KEMEMBflR its Following is the official vote in this county on the 32 measures, the figures being for and against: Woman's suffrage, 14662408. E. 0. asylum site, 1467-2445. Constitutional convention, 6002963. Separate senatorial and representa tive districts, 6752799. Public purpose taxation, 12972241. State railroads. 11242375- Uniform taxation, 1057 2273. $1000 increase judge's salary, 2S1 -3553. Nesmith county, 9622785. Monmouth Normal, 1681-2204, Otis county, 450-3091. Clackamas annexation, 2383469. Williams county, 3383208. County regulation taxes. 15222213. Home Rule bill. 16412679. Hazardous employment protection, 2005-1738 Orctiard county, 3793091. Clark county, 381- 3032. Weston Normal, 11032673. Wastiington annexation, 2053386.; Ashland Normal, 8962925. Constitutional prohibition, 2167-2138. Execution of prohibition, 2163 -2206. Employee's indemnity, with board, 994-W323. Rogue River fishing prohibition, 1957 1522. Deschutes county, 4263020. Creation new counties and towns, 13222150. County indebtedness of over $5,OoO, 1615-20S2. . Hixtcnumg direct primary law to presidential nominations, 15382102. Board people's inspectors, 897 2675. Proportional representation, 1321 -2189. New jury system, 16661927. LAST DAY. An address of particular value was that of Prol. Cordley on sprays and spraying; something apple people need to know about. The session last night was a social one, witn some good orchestra musi thrown in. A bi crowd was present. Today open doors haveprevailed with good crowds present, and the fair will close tonight. A plate of strawberries from the garden of A. C. Schmitt was noticed these November days. Some corn and other products were worth seeing. The Albany Floral Store had some tine plants on exhibition, greatly ap preciated. Notwithstanding several handicaps the show has been a success and has done an immense sight of good. Among the visitors were several apple men from other apple sections, a number from the Rogue River valley. Of course they were critical, and some had unkind remarks, but as a rule they have been fair and commended where it was due. Next year thore will be a better one, and it won't be the day after an election. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have jU3t received a stock of the latest in Andirons. Call arid select while the aesotmentis full. See our gold and white Austrauun china. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st street. Justices and Constables ream land. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. - Fresh oysters any style Hot Lunches morning, Noon or night. Elite Chcco ate Shop. AT THE COURTHOUSE. Deeds recorded: Wm. J. Turnidge to Stanley Hoff man 2 lots Crabtree S 287 Preston Ireland to Jos. O. Michal son & wf lu acres 400 Wm. Vincent to Chas. H. Fu'.tz 330.05 ncres 1500 Dennis Merrill to Fischer Lumber Co. 160 acres 10 Motions bv Tail & Minor in Pnlnnrf agt. Cox. ............. iik.imo, juou ciiitticia licenses. .'l;n9 with littln tn uhno, fnf it in Linn county. . Election Notes. West carried Multnomah county by 1206. Five former dry counties voted wet, due to the state wide prohibition agi tation at this time, Morrow, Klamath, Umatilla, Malheur and Polk and per haps Tillamook. Lincoln county remains wei. . Monmouth Normal is the only normal carrying. Linn a next door neighbor voted against it. The proposed tax amendments have all lost. U'Rcn had four bills up and two have lost for sure and two may squeeze through. The new jury rule bill may possibly pass. It is close, Do You Want aPiano? Following are the new ones: West Albany, Orleans, Calapooia and Tangent O. T. Porter justice, Al. PeacocK constable. Albany, East Albany, Price, Knox Butte and Syracuse L. L. Swan jus t'ce. John Catlin constable. Shedd C. J. bhedd justice, L. Sc. John constable. Ha sev R. E. Overman . p., a. Cummings constable. HarrisburB L,. uougias j.p., i. d. Stephens con Brownsville W. S. Holcomb j.p., J. P. Cnolev con. Lebanon G. W. Cruscn j.p., Phil Riiter con. Sodaville and Waterloo-J. H. U'urpln Jr., j. p., Jonn Ca-roll con. sweet Home ana r csier-jonu uow K. H. Slavens con. fordBvills R. IS. Warner j.p., Swan con. Santiam. Lacomb, S. Scio J. N. Bilyeu j.p.. Chas, Osborn con. N. Scio. Shelburn, Jordan, Kingscon Riley Shelton j p., J . A. Bilyeau con. . Fox Valley T. hi. Wall j.p., tie -for constable. Reck Creek M. J. Kneer j.p, M, Elscon con. j-ri. R. Empire Photoplay "The Conspiracy of Pontiac." This isa beautiful portrayal of the fight be tween the French and Indians, with a pretty romance running through it. Beautiful scenes. "Alice in Wonderland." A story for the children as well as interesting 'to the grown-ups who have read tihs pretty fairy story. Mechanically one of the best ever. "Hunting Panthers." Something educational. Beautifully colored Pathc. "Good Glue." Do you like to laugh? , Here is comedy that makes you laugh all the time. The stickiest kind of glue, with the funniest situations im aginable. t illustrated Bong save a L,ituc Money for a Rainy Day." By Miss ' Crosno. Special music. Complete cnangc tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. We aro going to sell 25 new high grade pianos between now and Nov. 15th. We are overstocked and pianos must be sold. We offer New $400 Pianos in Mahogany or Oak at $232 New $450 " " " " " ".. $287 New $650 " " ' " ' " " $320 Terms will be arranged to suit your convenieuce during this sale. Only four days left. . If you ever intended buying now is the time ti act. All we ask is thit yq'.) cal and let us show you. Don't delay act now, Woodworth Drug Company, Piano Warehouse 201 E: 1st St. GRAND APPLE FAIR SPECIAL FREE! FREE! FREE! China, Crockery, Glassware, etc Watch for our circular. Sale Begins Wednesday, November 9th, 1910. Both Phones Main 53 COMMERCE HIP .COMPASS 337 West 1st. Ablany, Or1 The Electric. " For in extra attraction this week Mr. Harrison, Mgr.. of the Electric Theatre has engaged Chas. Bennington, the world's champion one legged buck and wing dancer and alto high kicker. Change days Sunday, Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday DOOLEY'S GROCERY k i - in - - Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Service The three cardinal points of this business. We hnse our claim to vour natrnnmre nn thn fnpt fhnl uracil nl GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES ARE FAIR ond our SERVICE rn" x dh A Rnfp nlarn In trndft. Aiirnlv for wo nim it, onrrv n hi ofnAu . I .... "" J ci.uv.ix Ul warned goous ana appreciate me uaoe every customer we have rxi fl East 4th street. B-th phones J. u. Ellis. Marshall F.G. Will for watches Lofcaiigii W. F. JONES. Veterinary Eurgc-n. OlVwt. st ,!'-ir:;ic'-- S-V.-.1 Ilium- -J..U-U, t.-ii; Home I2:'l Complete Lines of Crockery, China, Glassware, Groceries, and the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stetter's, 206 W. 2nd Street. Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? . It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean iip-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what vou can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are seliin" at wholesale prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less ir:iey than you would pay, lor shoes of the commonest son elsewhere. 334 First St.