W e Announce a SUIT SPECIAL That will be of interest to the prudent, economical buyer. These are the very latest styles, best materials and work manship. They were bought personally in the East for this season's trade. The lot includes some very fine broadcloths, cheviots and home-spuns. Colors Medium and dark blue, tans, browns, greys, greens and black. Some of these are beautifully trimmed with velvet and satin. . Every one is an excellent value at the former price. At the following prices they are the very best bargains you could wish for. $50.00 Suits , $39.00 40.00 Suits.'...... 31.20 35.00 Suits 27.30 30.00 Suits 23.40 YOU'LL NEED ONE OR MORE UMBRELLAS. If you want to see the newest, most stylish and ser viceable , and with especially beautiful handles take two looks at our east window. It represents a portion of our immense stock. Choose now while the stock is at its best. Strong frames, steel rods, dependable coverings, best workmanship. That's the kind you want the kind we sell- the only kind worth purchasing. Every one is a splendid value for the money. ' Assortments at $1.00, $2.00, $3.50 and $5.00. . Other qualities from 50c to $8.00. ' THIS MORNING News From Albany's Trains. Six Earlv Another wet one, with the travelling public not yet recovered from election returns. The first ballot box to bo brought to Albany was from Hiirrilmnr eral men to look nfter it. . V. VV. Rnhnntt Shedd. He said Shedd did not make the record on several things it gener alls has, but it gave a great vote for West, about three to one. Owen Beam left on a Seattle trip. Kev Lacey came down from Lebanon on new church business. W. B. Chance, mill inspector, left for Salem. Prof. E. L. Wilson left for Salem to look after his Willamette violin players. Hon. J. K. Weatherford left for Salem. . District Attorney E. R. Bryson, ar rived from Corvalles. APPLE FAIR. This is tho tpeningduy, but tho work of opining has been handicapp.d by the heavy storm und ti:u election, comirg nuht after election initially affecting it. Getting tho exhibit in shape has been slow work, hut those who go to night uill be repaid. The opening ex erctses this afternoon vi...r. .1.H.....1H 1 he program was the address of wel come by the mayor, with an adtlross hv II. C. Atwell, president of tho state horticultural society on tho commercial uuuic, viik ui uiiiMuen imnorrsinpn inm. " nnlr.l,wl l, VI. A 11 ' IOIIOWS loniglit there will be a fine mi.a,vl program under J. C. I I peopla should hear. SIMPSON'S POEMS. A Bright One. . "The Girl, the Man and the Game'' is the fetching title of tho new musical farce, which iJilly (Single) Clifford will offer Saturday night. The piece is de scribed as a musical fantasy in two parts. It is a farce, in other words, with mus ic, and it is one of the sprightliest and best entertainments of the kind offered this season. Mr. Clifford is seen as a roUtering blade, with manv gay quali ties, and it is a role that fits him to perfection. There are all sorts of ludicrous complications in the piece, and the fun is fast and furious from curtain to curtain. Along with the fun Mr. Clifford offers numerous songs of the catchiest and or VPnt. irrtirrinnhlo The piece is, in fact, one of the bright est and best of this season's offerings and it offers .entertainment of a high class. AT THE COURTHOUSE. So much election other business is at at a stand still. But there were some marriage licen: secured: uscur Jonks, agd 16, a Rose Mabel Carroll. 20; (.'. D. Trass'c aged 30, and Rose Sanduor, 24.; The Chrysanthemum, Fair. The Democrat appreciates a volume of tho poems of Samuel L. Simpson, well printed and neatlv compiled. It is entitled: "The Golden-Gated West, Songs and Poems," by Samuel J. Simp son. The volume is a credit to the great state of Oregon, and will place Simpson among the great poets of the United States. The volume contains. ,iu pages and the poems are divided as Nature, lustoucal and naira- tive, memories of the west, occasional, sentiment, patriotism, lifo and death, miscellaneous. Tho first poem, prop erly is Beautiful Willamette. The original title in the Democrat was Ad Willamottam. This poem is a classic, one of tho finest things ever written by any one anywhere. Simpson was a former Albany man, and wrote a number of his poems in this city, notably Ad Williamettam, and the people of tho city should te liberal in their support of this costly publication. It doservos a place in every nome m Aiiiany. A. J, Martin, , of Portland, has charge of the circuit; tiou of the volume, and will be in A' bany later. Those who wish the vol- ! ume at once may secure it by return mail by sending $2.60 to A. J. Martir, I Room 423 Hamilton building, Portland,. I or W. T. Burney, 310 Alisky building, ' Portland. For the Park. The Owl Drug Store will be formally opened tomorrow, when there will be music and the ladies ot the Civic Im provement Club will serve tea or coffee A repetition of last year's brilliant succe.-s is expected next week on the 14th and 15th ot November, only this carnival will surpass tho other for it is to be held in the new armory and sever al new attractions will be added. For instance a Pay Streak is being planned that will Do the marvel of the ?. Again the living pictures will delight ' the audience and this year they will be quite elaborate. j The booths will represent different, nations and characters and refresh-1 ments. And the good things that are being prepared to serve in each boot h i are the best and most delicious that Albanv cooks can nrenare. ThA mucin 1 for both nights will be furnished by our best talent and that in itself will be worth hearing. Of course every one will be eager to see the fino display of chrysanthemums and they will be extra fine this yoar. the- See the great Cowboy picture ot Dreamland. Fresh oysters any stylo Hot Lunches morning, Noon or night. Elite Choco- ate Shop. WANTED. To buy a amall rooming house, cheap for caBh. Ph me Bell 433-J ALCO Alco Chocolates, are hiRft t,rle choc- It is not witchery, but properly fitted glasses that restores the eyesight. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, S29 West Second Street. We Try to Please Our Custo aiers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gt de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. b.urkhap r & Lee. For your Holiday Goods. A fine line of Jewelry, Sil verware, Cut Glass and Novelties to select from. Walte r Parker OWN YOUR OWN HOME An Albany lot for only $5.00 per month in the most desir fcble residence district. We of fer a choice selection of lots in the new and beautiful Lin mont on the Electric Railway survey, fronting on Elm and ,Cottage streets, at the very low prices of $150.00 to $225.00 each. A few slightly higher and upon the easy terms of only $25 down and then $5.00 a- month until paid. No pay ments required during illness! Perfect title 1 Free abstracts I Warranty deed. Ten minutes' walk from Courthouse. These lots have been on the market two weeks and 31 are sold. East of Albany Heights, south of Ninth street, ani on the west side of Tangent road. Free auto ride at office of THE OREGON TITLE & TRUST CO. Second Street, near Broadalbin. with other good things for a reasonable olates. Mcce at Elite Chocolate Shop. CnnSldPrntinn Mr nantonnotan n(Tan T-.. r I to contribute 20 per ce.,t of the total , sales ot the day for seeding and Bhrub- uery m me new parif. This offers a practical wav for boost ing for a more beautiful Albany, with the added attraction of lovely flowers and delicious things to eat. No well -wisher for Albany should stay away, j See the great Cowboy picture at Dreamland. the CHOCOLATES That KLASS Y KIND "Y NOT" . Just made and put up in neat packages. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP After Fruit Land. Fruit Cake and Mincemeat Opportunity t Lebanon IS. A.: J. J. Merrill of St. ' Paul, Minn, and Henry Merrillof Port land, Or., representing a syndicate I 'SttraT.. ginning Wednesday morning and continuing through in Lebanon ast Friday, having just re-; the week we will sell new Seeded Raisins ill 1 lb Pack-rip-ps turned from Sweet Home, where they I tnr oe 19 r... inn ' """S"-3 hod been tn vinw nmn of tho weaK, I 0 IOr "C 101 1.UU. sections of the Willamette Valiey and New Currants, Citron, vnsrauo Mountain wagon-roaa itina. i,Vi1inite r,-,,,., ; TvT ..i a 11 ine Messrs. Merrill visited Hood -"vvu m iuiui niuiuiy, uuuerr. oros. rurnisning uept. Store. Jersey, Cranberries, Franquetle t amette valley as far south as Roschurg. Grocer and Baker ia WEST C.IR.8T 8THKBX,.A.i,i:A: if OKKOOt. First class goads in their season. Phone Alain 5tt ECI AL LIBRARY LAMPS $5.00 Ralston Electric SuppSy Co., 3'0 West Second Street. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses wheo you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Surra,. ei nn I IS lbs Cream Rolled Oats.!!'.'" 100 x iua iicau XIICU 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice i.oo 16 lbs Brorten Head Rice 1.00 12 Ids White Beans l nn 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 xuiu u(ma naminns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer These gentlemen ventured thnnnininn that this section presents as great or greater opportunities for the fruit- gtower as any locality visited. Death of Mr. Benight Samuel M. Benight died this morning at his home in east Albany, at the age of 67 vears. He is well snnken nf Ho I had been a resident here eight or ten years, and leaves a wife and two sons, Chas. and Gay. The trouble was dropsy, with heart failure. 3 Floors. Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Rugs, Linol eum, Stoves and Ranges. REMEMBER: Raisin Sale 4 Days Only. EADE7 WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING Sly v:o.-u Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin WAITIVI The Tuesday Club. The Tuesday Club met yesterday with Mrs. Mary Ralston in a very pleasant, session, dome time was spent in reading from the Lady of Decoration, a very pretty and entertaining piece of literature. The contest was in looking ul a lame 01 iorcy or nicy tnings, then going into the next room and writing clown as many as possible from memory. Several had the same number. Card of Thanhs. C0PELAND AND MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF .ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Kno Butte, neat Santiam River. I We desi-e to express our thanks fnr kindness and sympathy during the ill ness and death of our son and brother and also for the beautiful Moral gifts. .Mils. M. r'uoMM, and Children. Friday afternoon beginning fit 3 o'clock Ei gene high and Albany high will play footbailon the ollege campus. Admission 50 cents. This will be tht- (game ol t!ie sesson, and there will be someining uuing. HVC YOUS CLOT HfcS CLEANDj aNU PRESSED The Pantatoriiim, GILBERT & MIWTON v.0 W 1st St, BRICK. A fine lot at our yard at this city.iuot burned. j.j Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO i WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in I town arc equipped with our pluinbin, I work. Wc make a specially of high , class sanitary plumbing and will be . glad to have you examine samples rf I our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street MEDIN & STUAPT. WOOD SAWING-et or phone 3692 black Home, 450-Y pacific' .It B. MOORE r;r feet chick Big Thanksgiving sain 20 per cmt discmint on all Dinner Pets until Nov 24. The Variety tjlivre. 813 W 1st St WANTED. -Girl to do gin.'ral house work, gnod wages, nn washing. Cal upon r phene Mrs. W. C. Schultr, of the J er.tpy Dt iry. ESTRA i ED.-fiBpring calves. P.m' t to John .lacolw, It. u. 1. Phono Ue'l firmer 13. DRESS MAKINlr.-Ws.isii, a specially Prices reaoralft Mig I.Creinvr, Cameron F.ais, Lyon St. tl! Grubbii?, Contract. Bid.' for ir:u ,bmg In ncros of lnjrrec second si.iMh tir tump land will n. received ;it this office Lund is sltualei; nn Clovcrilaiu iitrin i mil.; l'rnm thi: fiity; is upland and can he worned npor uryotihe winter nviruln. Privhrg. retains'! to n-ject uny or nil bi.ls re t.'incd OAliN HF.VV. Room 4 Slari: Bh.'x , Albany I K3 Perfection Protection new jLescrioes our Overcoats. They wrap a man about with a sense or .rignt appear ance, a good feel ing to have. Better see our unusually com plete and attract ive display of fash ionable Overcoats ING CO. dependable Clothiers. J feed. 2nd and Jackson street. 25t i t