Albanyl) emocrat. Entored at the pott o iiceAlbany.Ot, second class mail mattf r. Jb P. Nutting. Our Wants. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN THE OHIO MIX-UP AND OTHER CITY PROPERTY. THINGS. No. 10 House and bam, one lot on corner of Main street, East Albany. Told in a Delightful Manner, by A bargain if taken soon. But you Rev. J. C. Elliott, will have to move quick to get it. . Xo. 13 A small house and lot well 44 Chapman Ave., East Cleveland. situated, West Albany. Price $1900. Ohio, Oct. 25. Dear Daily Democrat: mony, miles into the heart of the city and ' then take an express elevator, am shot , up ten stories to my son's office in a skyscraper. The Weddell-house has disappeared. The dear old Weddell house, where I first registered as a : married man, six hours after the cere- "J. C. Elliott, -Nebraska City, No. 14 A good house of seven rooms, You will be interested in political mix- and wife." I was not used to it vet it beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty up in Ohio. 1 was here when Mark did not look right and after thinking DO YOU WANT GOOD DENTAL AT A MODERATE PRICE ? WANTED. Any kind oS sewing or dressmaking, will go to the house if prefered. Ethel Bray, 31G S Jeffer-; son St. Home phone 1255. tl8 I FOR RENT, -5 oero3 close in. Good buildings, lots of fruit. Albany Real Estate Co., State Bank Bldg. tl2 ' FOR SALE. Will build new 4 or 5 room liouse and sell with Fairdale lot, on the installment plan. See F. r: . ' Pfeiffer about it. 7t WANTED Girl to do general house work, neat and respectable, no wash ing, good wages. FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, 116 Washington St. Call. POR SALE. Ho-e place, 2 lots and home' Broadalbin streets. J. F. , Troutman. I MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE.-Ore- gon Fire Relief of McMinnville, and Northwestern Mutual Fire of Seattle, j two strongest companies on the coast. C. C. Bryant, agent. j WOOD AND COAL. All kinds of wood.fgood screened coal, delivered, bv A. W. DocltBteder, 1197 Santiam Road. Both phones. I FOR SALE. A Bpan of good young mules, lor worK. U. 4. Home WOOD FOR SALE.-Short slabs. Call i at Shingle Mill. of fruit, situated close in. liast llanna hunt his machine, the most Albany. Price $2700. complete and efficient political ma No. 17 A seven-room house and good chine this country has ever known, lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West It could grind out the results desired Albany. Price $1800. by the manipulator, no matter what No. 19 Good new house of seven the principles declared in the party rooms, bath, electric lights. Well platform or the qualifications of the situated, East Albany. Price $2500. candidates. No. 21 Cottage of lixe rooms, and Senator Charles Dick, who had left barn, two good lots. East Albany, his feed store to become county audit Price $1400. or in Summit county, became his sec It will pay wou to investigate these rctary and my most active. woman his propositions immediately, as I find assistant. This little woman was a ready sale for property, and know that power behind the throne, the tug that preach is now covered by a fourteen it over I came back and scratched out 'wile and wrote it after my name so that it read all right, "J. C. Elliott and wife, Nebraska City," but the register was marred in the correction and I j was ashamed of it and in fact have had a tingle of regret every time I ; have thought of it for the past forty . years, but it is all gone now. The ' great John D. has torn it down and erected in its place a sixteen-story of- lice building. Yes, and the old spot wnere 1 nrst Heard D. a. -Moody these will not be on hand but days. ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situated 3 miles from Al bany and is certainly a bargain. No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in a few towed the hulk. When llanna died story building of white marble. It was then a tabernacle very like that erect ed in Albany for similar purposes. ' While Cleveland has grown to cuch immense proportions, many think the era of development is just begun. . There has been no frost here up to . this date and the lawns are beautiful. In our travels this far I have only seen one woman wearing a really truly hobble skirt. , i J. C. ELLIOTT. Dick had Ins hand upon the lever and grieved Ohio by running himself, a lit tle man, into a big man's place. He has the machine still in hand r-o far to succeed himself in the U. S. senate. Hut the machine is now creak ing terribly. In the convention the Special Bargains in Farm Lands. No. 72 80 acres, 70 acres in cultiva tion, 10 acres in oak timber, fair house and barn, well fenced and cross fenced. 50 acres of this place is some of the finest annle land there machine downed the roircssive lim- is in Oregon. Land all slopes to- mie Garfield and landed Dick and then ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS 1 PAINLESS EXTRACTION r s. t1 it v ft rj. r nominated riarding lor governor at the command of the notorious boss Cox of Cincinnati. Then came con fusion. The progressives took a hand and some of the candidates for the f "V GOLD CROWNS o PORCELAIN CROWNS o BRIDGE WORK a PLATE WORK Don't miss the premium sale, bring in unlit vtr pnvnlnna frn tlio P.-.m-no-'nlttl . cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3 state assembly had to promise not to Tea Store they are pood for 10c on the miles from Albany. This is a good vote for Dick for senator to secure S100. all-round dairy and gram tarm. tneir nominations. Boss Cox had o. 76 5 acres, small buildings, all in to be ignored for decency's sake. The cultivation, situated close to Al- report is started that Cox has sold bany. Price $1050. his property worth live millions and I have land for sale in any size is about to leave the state. The ccn- New shipments of Andirons Fire : Screens, Aluminum and Silverware just received at Hulburt Ohling Hardware ! Co'a. ; Di V i. Cox FOR SALE. Here is a chance of a life tracts to suit purchaser, lrom a s-acre trai committee -called Garfield from time. I will sell at a great bargain tract to a 15,000-acre tract, and if you Indiana to repeat his progressive my large fruit orchard on easy terms are looking for a bargain in farm speeches in Ohio.To balance matters or take part in city business proyerty: lands of any description, or city prop- they also made ex-Senator Foraker 27t E. H. Rhodes. , erty, write, or call personally at my the sworn and bitterest enemy of Peters sheila "Get the Meat." For ! SuS at Huiburt-Ohling Hdwe. Oo's. PAINLESS DENTIST JERSIES FOR SALE.-100 head high ' ffice' but noTin&rViir by phne' grade Jersey cows and heifers for , ... " iJ- Bale on easy terms. H. Bryant. tl4 203 w- Second St. FOR SALE. 22 feet front on Second street, and residence at the coiner of 2nd and Baker streets. H. F. Mcll wain 140 E 2nd St. 24t FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples. J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t Roosevelt, to stumn the state. Thev arc both at it. The same, dnv in sen- Albany, Or. arated parts of the state the directly opposed doctrines are preached, and for the sake of harmony are all labeled Republican. The old machine is wob bling under this load but many think win .carry jjick once more into tne Raincoats and cravenettes $15, at W. ; F. Pfeiffer's. 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei ffer's. JOHN KUECHLER'S Express-l Horse Special attention given to baggage, sc!,;l,e r. eight, business delivery and moving IheDemoc All overcoats just $15 at tV. F. Pfei-1 ffer's. , j Hot Chicken Tamalalies Elite Choc olate Shop. I freiicht. business delivery and moving . . 1 ne uemocrats also have their trou- FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south household goods. Dies. Gov. Harmon is not in harmony of Albany. Borne phone 2416. R. Baggage checks, freight bills and all w" many ot rsryan s tavonte stunts Webster. 17t orders left at office promptly attended to. like the popular election of U. S. sen- FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Office at Metzgar & Johnson's barber ator and the initiative and referendum, Budded on whole roots, are the only shop. 104 1st St. opposite Kuss House, wnne uregon may regard these as All suits just $15 at W. F. Peff er's All suits just $15 at ft . F pfeiffer's FG. WILL. kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call t oth phones or address vv. A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. GARBAGE. If west ofLyon street 50c month. S. B. Penny the garbage man. Home phone 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Homo 2303. REPA1US THINGS. F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, sewing machines, , umbrellas, everytning. Try him. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Staytun. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at tho Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill Iv Bet, if desired. Phone 110 R. t Jan 1 lor Watches I All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei- settled oolicies. there are m.niv evnn democrats, in the East who regard! Letter LISt. these as crude vagaries from the wildi and wooly west and Harmon is one of , The following letters remain in the mem. rui uiii, reason ne is not an AiDany, ure., postotnee uncalled tor local democratic candidate in Uhio Nov. 3. 1910. Persons desir nir anv of and nearly an impossible candidate these letters should call for advertised tor president before the national con-, etters, giving the date: vention. I may add that he is a madcl W. A. Andrews. Wm. E. Davis, Mrs. man in character and in private life E. DeGarmo, W. R. Hardman. Harry ffer's FOUND. A teacher's Bible, on the Santiam Road, by Mrs. J. 0. Porter, phone Home 2725. FOR RENT. The Congregational par sonage. See W. M. Parker. :au so aiso js Senator Dick and his Herbert. John P. Hunter. M. Jackson THE BROADALBIN. Mrs. Boggs wife and children, who gave me such-T. L. Jones, Amy Jones, H. H. Kaiser, a nearty greeting tne last time 1 saw n-eiiey, rars. j. a. &.enneoy, them. :Geo. W. Landon, C. A. Morton, A. J. Talk about Portland and other ' Miller, Pearl Massey, Mrs. C. L. Mack, coast cities growing, this Cleveland, I A p: Morgan, J. P. Mahoney, Roth Ohio, has grown like magic, is ,10w i furn'tur? Co., Edwin Ross, J. J. Rec thc sixth largest in the U. S. Where ' J?rfrEoM,RuSSV;11' Mlch,ael ? ,?ya" I now write I knew as a country town 1' Shaffer, H. M. amyth, W I. called Collimer. It is now a residence :lucker' k ' W-00d8- Ne"19 Welch' section. I take a. car and .run seven " Winkle, P. W. proprietor, second and uroaoainin bts. Family service, home cooking, Recent ly moved from 229 Broadalbin street. WANTED. Man with small family to go on farm and work.. H. Bryant. tl8 APPLES very cheap. J. F. Bain Phone 5 to 9 evenings, both phones. Delivered in city. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Condueted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. MORE MEAT For the money than any place in the city at the shop of W.KOPPLIN, New Hill Bldg., 2nd and Montgomery. COAL FOR SALE. In small or large Suantities. For prices see A. W. locksteader, 1197 Santiam Road. Home phone Black 170, Helps For the Woman That Does Her Own Sewing and a Timely Christmas Suggestion. The Gift Problem. Not too early to begin thinking of ways to solve this problem. It seems too that the longer we wait the harder it becomes. But now while there is lots of lime yon can accomplish much. ' In the whole range of Christmas rcmemherances noth ing equals those gifts which arc the work of loving hands. If you are puzzled now as to what token you will give to some friend just step into our needlework department and sec what a host of suggestions present themselves. Wc illustrate two beautiful designs found in The Ladies' Home Journal Transfer Patterns, No. 14229 design for a center-piece in brai inches in diameter. Design may be used for sofa pillow by eliminating the scalloped bonier. Developed in carna tion, cord, soutache or round cord and French knots or long and short stitch may be combined with the braiding. Trice, 15c. No. 1-1091 Design for Towel end. Trans for two tow els in the pattern, each 24 inches long. A t wo-inchinitial or monogram may be placed in the wreath. Also appro priate for embroidering pillow cases and bureau scar's. Price, 10 cents. j The Ladies' 1 lome Journal Transfer Patterns are iunj only the lest on tne market, nut tney are so easy to use ami so sure of perfect results that a child can use them. The Ladies' Hume Journal Transfer Patterns Nos. 14J29-H091 A Pretty Princess True to its title is this dress illustrated by The Ladies' Home Journal Pat tern No. 5686. On thie prin cess style, its long figure con forming lines make it most desirable, especially for the stout woman. The materials that would be most suitable for this mod el are percale, madras and galatea for the morning house wear, or any' of the soft wool fabrics, such as serge, tlbatross, wool, batiste or cashmere for afternoons and street wear. You will find a large vari ety of materials from which to choose at our store. To make a handsome street dress, you will need the fol lowing for size 36: 5 3-4 yds. serge 44 inches wide at $1.00 $5.75 2 spools silk, at 5c 10c Hooks and Eyes at 10c,.... 10c Pattern No. 5685 15c Total $6.10 iThe Ladies' Home Journal l uattern No. 56S6 tM1 i THE HAMILTON S TORE - 1 &