to Albany vol mv ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY .NOVEMBER II. 1910 :o Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CREST Public Stenographer AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone . 379 SATURDAY NIGHT is a good time assortment is large and our price is Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit arcl Cloak House 4LB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. . Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. JUin 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED. ) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendhrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Shingles. Made in Albany my Mo. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from SI. 25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. For building, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Samples at M. Senders & Co's store. W. L. COBB, R. D 4. phone, home 2305. Cemeifori Estimate's given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapocia Wood Yard. w ood delivered to all part3 of city'on short notice, office at residence 90S East 4th street. Both phones. J. D. Ellis. F.G.Will for watches v. F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Ofi'ct at IV.nni-r- Feed Stable rhonc--2iAi-R, Ecli; Home 12S5. NEW BOOKS "We have just received a full line of Popular Fiction'.booka 75c line. Our price 55c ea. 10 for $5.00 .AT MEISER & MEISER S to buy Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, less. Store open until 9 o'clock Saturday evening. . All Ready for CHRISTMAS In the Art Needle Work Department We most earnestly request that you visit this department and see the new Burlap and Natural Linen Pillow Tops, Table Runners and Scarfs. Also a new and extremely novel display of Tinted Tie Racks, Picture Frames, Bags, Calendars, etc. AH the new designs in Stamped Linens and a complete stock of Carl son Currier & Co.'s Silks, Laces and edges for finishing, in fact everything that is new in the Art Needlework line. ' D r e am i an "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday. Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2 :30 to 5. Night shows 7 :30 to 10 :30. Athey & Co. in The Peace Maker. Athey & Manderville in team work. Pictures: A Dog Goned Story-Comedy. A Bank Tragedy. Illustrated Song. 20c Don't forget our 10c Matinee Sunday. ies THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIES SKATE. The rin'c will be lit to represent moonlight and a specialty will he made of couples only. TUESDAY afternoon, will be reserved for LADIES ONLY. Thursday and Saturday evenings Admissiod 10c. Marshall i Complete Lines of Crockery, China, Glassware, Groceries, ' ti. dutn in i""'f "f "1 '"'ITU T1fiVi.lMrTiitfWfflil7'g1iTfsglJ-JkbiiT4'ilf f f it MlfTTT MM TH QUUUMI and the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stetter's, 206 W. 2nd Street. i 'J Belts, Collars, Jabots and Waists, the land Skate Skates 25c i & Lobaugh APPLE FAIR PROGRAM. Wednesday, Nov. 9. Judge Stewart, presiding, beginning at 1:30 p. m. Music, address of welcome by Mayor Wallace, more music, address "The Commercial Apole," by H. C. Atwell, president of the state horticultural society. In the evening, a musical program, beginning at 8 o'clock, under under the direction of J. C. Irvine, with complete report of election returns. Thursday. 1:30 p. m. Judge Stewart, presiding. Music. A Jdress on orchard management by E. C. Aimstrong, fruit inspector of Marion county. Eyening I session 8 o'clock, J. S. Van Winkle I presiding. ' Literary and musical pro gram. Address "How to Market Our 'Apple Crop." bv C. W. Wilmeroth. manager Kogue River Fruit Associa tion. Address by E. H. Shepherd, publisher Better Fruit. Friday, Nov. 11.-1:30 p. m. W. A. Eastburn presiding. Music Address, "Sprays and Spraying," by Prof. Cord ley, O. A. C. Music. Address Chas. A. Park, Salem. In the evening a social session with informal addresses. A Portland Man's Statement. The following statement was received on last Sun lay by Dr. Foulkes from one of the leading citizens of Portland, who is also a member of the First Presbyterian church: "In addition to previous gifts I here by subscribe $250 in cash for the state, or for any purpose which will apparent ly do the most good for state-wide prohibition. Tell the people of the state that for forty years and more the gin mills have largely dominated our politicB.our city and state governments. Continue to tell them to vote the pro hibition ticket to save the boys and girls even tho they themselves ao some times drink. Continue to tell them to vote against the ''Home Rule"ticket as their "Home Rule" simply means "Hell Rule." Tell them that if they do vote the "Home Rule" ticket to send their boys and girls along with their votes to Portland, as our Rum Holes, Deadfalls, and Brothels now as bad or worse than they ever have been, will under "Homo Rule " have an increased and ever in creasing need of boys and girls of Oregon, and if not supplied they will be obliged to close their factories for lack of raw material. Solomon Wiped Out Solomon, AlaBka, 23 miles from Nome, is reported wiped out bv a tidal wave. It is on a small island and is always in danger. Roy Wood, of this ! city' tells of being tharo loot year when it came pretty near going. His father .Frank Wood, and family, have just ' returned from there, coming out on the last steamer.andare expected in Albany tonight. New shipments of Andirons, Fire Screens, Aluminum and Silverwari just ; received at Hulburt Ohling Hardwar , Co's. Peters shells "Get the Meat." For sale ac Huiburt-Ohhng Hdwe. Oo s. Raincoats and cravenettes $15, at W. F. Pfeiffer's All overcoats just S15 at W. F. Pfei ffer's. Just received a crata of Haviland at the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st St. Empire Photoplay New Pictures and rsaw Songs tonight. ' Matinee every day. Admission 10 cents. The Electric. ', Under New Management, B. Harri j . s , son, Prop. ' Change days Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Regular admission, 5 cents. Would you give 00c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same tiling when you buy good clean iip-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes arc selling at wholesale prices and you can buy the newest styles in h Ji class footwear for less money than you would pay for shoes of the commonest sort elsewhere. $lf (Iff, I f (pi AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deed recorded: i R. B. Montague to Julia E. Strine 1 5a' bv 84 1 4 f iet bl 30 Albany. .J1063 Mortgage $2400. In Oregon Electric agt. J. W. Barton ' et al., demurrer filed by Hewitt & Sox. , County court adjourned after allow ing usual bills. Just 2100 hunters licenses. Shelburn Dry. Ten Albany men went to Shelburn! last nignt, wnere a big xnti saloon meeting was held, with the house packed and many standing. L. K Hamilton presided and the speakers were W. P. White, W. A. Eastburn, W. H. Marvin, of this city, and W. A. fciwing of Scio. the Hammer quar tet captured the crowd. Following the meeting a fine banquet was served the Albany people t the hotel. Shelburn will give a big prohibition voto and will help knock the home rule bill. It was a dry crowd and even one ot the auto mobiles went dry and had to be towed three miles. Fine Show at the Electric. Packed houses greeted Wayne O. Adams, the Panama hero, last night. the young min who has the Roosevelt medal. Mr. Adams wonderful repro duction of the great Panama canal and jungle show, including Roosevelt in Panama, are great, instructive, thrill ing and startling, from start to finish. Mr. Adams gives an excellent lecture, as his pictures go along. His pictures are new and clear, and are considered the best moving pictures that have ever been shown in Albany. He shows to night and Sunday only. , t . Don Humphrey, now a Roseburg lyiiotyper, was in the city today. He is a native oi Albany. Earl Foitmiller has made good as a member of the U O. Glee Club. Fresh oysters any style Hat Lunches morning, Neon or night. Elito Choco late Shop. A 5ne chicken inner at the Broadal- bin tomorrow for onlv 25 cents. 6iooo fat'.!!.1' WOOD"" FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PVROGRAPHY. The largest showing of wood to burn and burning outfits ever shown in Albany, with prices that are right, itart now on your Xmas presents. See the new jewelled and tinsel wood tor the interesting carving ana signs made expressly for this work. plcted showing this dili'crcnt work. Our pyrographic stock includes new arrivals in skins, outfits, panels, needles, boxes, bulbs, in all the newest and most up-to-date designs. Come in and let us show you these beautiful novelties. WOODWORTH DRUG CO. inn HV'S Good GroceriesFairPricesPrompt Sei vice The three cardinal points of this business. We base our claim to your patronage on the fact (hat we sell only GOOD GROCERIES and our PRICES ARE FAIR and our SERVICE PROMPT, A safe place to rrade, surely for we aim to carry a big stock of wanted; goods and appreciate the trade every customer we have to the extent of persucal service. 1 ti 15 1, ?! pffi h'fifSi (TP Tf 334 First St. SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. The State Normal School at Mon mouth is the property of the state of Oregon and is worth over $100,000. It is centrally located as to population and is a school for training teacne 'B. Don't abandon this valuable plai't. Vote YES for Monmouth. Education of the boys and girls should be our first consideration. As future citizens, thev must have the best op portunities possible in the public school the great bulwark of our nation for beyond this but few ever advance. All the other states maintain Normsl schools. The government conducts normal training. Oregon will have a normal, and Monmouth is the pioneer school. It is good business to maintain this plant and give the children of Ore gon the advantage of the best teachers. If you pay taxes on $1000 it will coat you only four cents a year. Vote for Monmouth, and sustain in Oregon trained instructors for our rural schools, and giveyour childien equal advantages with the city fchool. Paid adv. A Hot Campaign, One of the hottest fights in the cam paign is between Bingham and Bean for joint senator of Lane and Linn. Recently the Register of Eugene called Bingham the democratic nominee, but Mr. Bingham is running as an independ ent, and the statement is simply to fool people, says the Guard, though Mr. Bingham is also the nominee on the democratic ticket, the same as several republicans in Linn, county are. The Guard declares that impending disaster is shrouding the Bean headquarters. Mr. Bingham was in the city last evening, making a live fight against the assembly candidate, author of the infamous Brook-Bean bill. A Peacemaker at Dreamland. 2 other acts and pictures. 1 See the new polished top Cresent Range at $45.00 at Hulburt-Ohling Hardware Co's. TOBURN" work. The articles are of three-ply bass- gouge work. Llozcns ot catchy de We have some beautiful pieces com , fiunrHUV '.. j r - r