Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 04, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    H NWMT, 1
Boys Dress and School Shoes
A most complete assortment, constantly enl;ugingaml bettering our stock. Newest
styles, better qualities at lowest possible prices.
Patent, welt, button, a dressy shoe, 9 to 13 1-2, $2.25, 1 to 5 1-2 $2.00.
Patent Blucher, welt, 9 to 13 1-2 $2.25, 1 to 5 1-2 $3.00.
Gun metal, welt, button, a splendid number, 1 to 5 1-2, $3.00.
Unlined calf, heavy school shoe, for hard wear, 9 to 13 1-2, $1.85; 1 to 5 1-2, $2.50.
American boy, 6 inch top, black blucher calf, 10 to 13 1-2, $2.50, 1 to 5 1-2 $2.75.
American boy, 10 inch top, tan, 10 to 13 1-2, $3.50.
American boy, 12 inch top, tan, 1 to 5 1-2, $4.00.
Try the American boy shoe when you buy a shoe for service.
Other high cut shoes for boys ranging from $3.25 to $4.00.-
Other 6 inch tops ranging from $1.50 to $3.00.
An excellent assortment of men's and boys furnishings for fall are ready. A
change of seasons requires an entire change of wearing apparel.
Shirts, neckwear, hose, etc.
We have varieties to suit every taste and fancy.
Our men's furnishing department is but a step inside odr main entrance to the right.
Ourprices are right too.
See the Blanket display in the East window.
When in the store remember the millinery and garment sections, two departments
.as up to date as any in the valley.
It is not witchery, but properly fitted glasses that restores the
E. C. Meade, Optometrist,
829 West Second Street.
We Try to Please Our Custo iiers.
THAT is why we sell strictly high gi de unadulterated
THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and
THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling
F. G.
in Jewelry,
and hand
Walter Parker
flr&i class oods In their season.
Phone Main 56
Ralston Electric Supply Co.,
3'0 West Second Street:
House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill .Hunted two miles east of Knox (
Butte, near Santiam River. 'j
The Pantatorium,
"'JO W 1st St. Beli Phone b ack 273
.Home phone 1S6
has t
he latest
painted goods.
A fine lot at our yard at this city, just
Phone Home 431.
The Wedher.
Range of temperature 64-49.
The river has fallen some more and
is .7 of a foot.almost the lowest summer
stage, which was .6 of a foot,
Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis
sion Parlors.
A Biograph and a Vitagraph at
Dreamland tonight.
Why buy Groceries
of Portland Houses
when you can get the
following prices at
14 lbs Granulated Sugar. . ..... .'. $1.00
10 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00
If lbs Head Rice , 1.00
14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00
16 lbs BroKen Head Rice 1.00
12 Ids White Beans 1.00
12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00
10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00
Get our prices before you buy.
The' Grocer. !
Now is your chance. For 20 days
only I will place 22 lots on. the market,
50 fay 100 feet, 60 foot streets, for $5
down and $5 a month for 24 months.
Property in Iocs-
tlon, nice high and dry lots, in East
Albany. "
No interest, !)9 taxes until last pay
ment is made.
Get In early, because this snap won't
last long.
Bell phone 198 R,
J but some of the finest buildings in
! town are equipped with our ulmnbini;
mmbinT'and' -i.ft
iflarl to have you examine samples c-f
ow worfc Weh moand are
M OH I M & CTl 1 A IT
ji ii as ii i va u i j ri l i ,
FOR SALE -1 span mares 5 and 6
years old about 2900 lb.; 1 rj sn Geld
ings 4 and 7 years old, about 2i00 In.,
1 mare colt 2 years old; 1 horse coli
2 years old; 1 Standard bred mare and
colt; 1 Standard bred bors?. All at a
bargain if taken soon. Aiabln C.
Simpson, 718 Washington St. 21t
B. MOO RE gr;i"0Uarnda'c'hieer
feed. 2nd and Jackson street. 2ut
East to West North to South,
A largo audience greeted Oswald
West, nominee for governor, at the
opera house last night.
Hon. W. R. Bilyeu presided and in
troJucei the speaker in a neat speech
that, tapk showing; how West is a man
of the people and his opponent the tool
of the interests.
Mr. West spoke for an hour, just
giving a shop tain, in a manner to
convince any one of his honesty and
earnestness. The great question in this
campaign is whether the common peo
ple are going tj rule or the gretu
corporate interests. When Oregon
broke loose from the system that has
dominated government to its injury it
took a great step forward in the pro
gress of good government and our people
should see that it is perpetuated. A
campaign was begun in the last legis
lature to wipe out this rule oy tne
people in a bill favored by Bowerman,
and, then, again, when regardless of
the defeat of it. Mr. Bowerman aid
others established the assembly, which
is simply a convention. The corporate
interests are afraid that tee people will
bring about through the initiative an
equable form of taxation. Gradually
the state should derive all its revenue,
as is done in some of the middle east
states, from public service corporations,
Mr. Bowerman professes to be a
friend of the public school system, but
when in the legislature he shirked his
duty when there was a chance to do
something. Bowerman is telling that
he can Bave the state $50 009 a year on
buying supplies, which is a slam at the
hoads of the different departments; but
if there is anvthine to be baved depend
upon it Mr. West will also look after
it for the state.
That mileage incident was explained,
showing it to be a rare act of honesty,
Instead of a thing to be condemned.
lt.eiectea Mr. west promises tne
enforcement of law, whatever it is, and
! will seek to promote better tax laws,
! banking laws, good road and business
Mr. West made a good impression,
and is going to receive a splendil rote
in this county.
Ed. Barrett this noon returned
a Portland business trip.
J. F. Troutman, joined his family to
day for a short Albany visit.
Miss BecKwith of Corvallis. is visit-
. ing at the home of N. H. Wheeler.
Dr. O. S. Mathews, recently of Wal'.a
I wana, nan uougni, out ind practice ui
Dr. Eaton, Psy D. M . K
I Miss Marcus, the evangelist, who has
been doing special work at Lebanon,
came down yestereay for an Albany
Manley James, the boy, son of H. T.
James, who recently accidentally shot
himself with a revolver, is reported in
a critical condition today.
; Jesse Doughton has returned from a
hunt up the Siuslaw, where he helped
kill several deer and three .wildcats.
He was gone five weeks and had a good
time, a regular old fashioned hunt.
i The E. A. Miss Neva Bilyeu was
over from Albany over Sunday to visit
, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bilyeu.
i Mr. John Meeley of Albany also came
' over, Sunday to accompany Miss Bil-
! yeu back to Albany.
Dr. Foulkes Will Speak,
I Dr. W. H. Foulkes. of Portland, a
splendid speaker, will address the
temperance mass meeting at the opera
, house tomorrow night, and there will
i be a crowd there to hear him. He was
recently in Kansas and learned for
himself how prohibition works there,
and is fearless in striking for the home
against its greatest foe the saloon.
Are Making good.
Messrs Athey and Athey and Miss
Mandeville are giving some fine vaude
ville this week at Dreamland, a talen
ted company of Oregon artists, the
Athey boys were brought up it Clacka
mas county and havo made good in
their profession and Miss Mandeville is
a charming performer. A picture that
is particularly striking is a country
school house story, lull of comedy, with
some dandy characters'.
Bingham Will Speak.
1. ti. Bingham, independent candidate
for joint senator of Linn and Lane,
favoring the direct primary and btate
ment number one will speak at t)io
court Friday nigiit, and the people of
Linn county generally nr? inviled to be
present. Mr. Bingham will state plain
ly his position on the issue" of the day
and it will pay to hear him .
WOOD AND COAL.- All kinils of
woodgood screened coal, deli ered,bv
A. W. DocksUder, 1197 Santiam
Road. Home phone black 197.
FOR SALE. A spin of good young
mules, for work. E. M. Perfect, R.
D A. Home phone 204. It
housework, apply at 1 South Ferry,
up stairs.
WOOD FOR RALE. Short slabs. Call
at Shingle Mill.
FOR SALE 30 acres, 2 miles from
Shedd. guo 1 improvements. Address
Farmer, Democrat office.
Light Lunches
Fresh Oysters any Style
and seme
Mighty Good Drinks
Served now ;
News from
Six Early
Mr' Oswald West, whom many be
lieve will be the next governor of Ore
gon, lett lor fortlanu, on tne way 01
course stopping to see his family. Ho
has been having a strenuous campaign;
but he is for t e right against the
wrong in popular government and will
Rev. W. H. Foulkes, of Portland,
came over from Corvallis and left for
i'ui'iland. Ho will be back Thursday
night for the address at the mass meet
in?, at the Opera house. Ho has been
doing splendid work for the anti-saloon
movement and dec ared his firm belief
that Oregon is going dry. Everywhere
the signs are that way.
Jas. Shahan and son.once Albany peo
ple, cafhe down on the Springfield train.
W. H. Ingram and son Oscar, promi
nent socialists, of Lebanon, arrived on
an Albany trip.
Rev. Jones, P. E., of Corvallis, re
turned from a trip to the Coos Br
country, by way of a stage from Drair.
Fred t lcklin went to jouerson lor u
Mrs. Josephine Bains Harnish ar
rived from San Francisco, for a visit
with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. H. Barnes.
Captain Harnish is now with the gov
ernment at the Presidio. For several
years they resided in the Philippines.
Foot Ball Saturday.
A foot ball game . ;rtli seeing will
be played here on Saturday between
the Albany high school team and the
Corvallis high school. Corvallis has a
strong team, and Albany has already
demonstrated that it has one of the
best high school teams in the valley.
The team that beats it will have to do
some hiking.
Vibrators. This vibrator took first
prize over all vibrators at the Seattle
Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call
at our store and get a booklet. Price,
$15.00. BURKHART & LEE.
See our gold and white Australian
china. The Variety Store, 813 W 1st
All suits just $15 at W. F. Pieiffer's
New raisins,.
New currants;
1 New citron,
New Oregon Fran-'
qiiette walnuts.
Groceries, Hardware, furniture and some new coal heaters.
329 Seror.d Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin
You Have Heard
People Say
"That fellow is the LUCKIEST
chap, he always gets such dandy
values in clothes." They mean
, clothes that always look well,
wear well and hold their shape.
But LUCK is only an abbrevia
tion for"TJtilizcd Opportunities"
and opportunities show no fa
voritism. The opportunity is
now, the clothes you have al
ways wanted are hero, you'll be
lucky if yon avail yourself of
this opportunity and buy now.'
1 I
No better, finer play could have been
secured than "The Woman He Married"
by Herbert Bashfoid, for Miss Virginia
Harned to display her splendid talents
that have mode her recognized by the
theatre going public as America's lead
ing actress, Several of this country's
greatest managers tried hard to secure
the play from Mr. Bashford, but he had
only one actress in view and he offered
it to Miss Harnod. No money has been
spared to make this presentation mas
sive. The scenic effects are described
as really wonderful. One car is used to
carry the furniture alone.
At the opnra house Friday night.-
An Umbrella Story.
An Albany hotel once had on hand
twenty-four umbrellas, left there by
guests whj forgot them. That was
nearly enough with which to go into
business; but he didn't have them long.
Gradually they were all harrowed
and never returned, and soon there was
not one of them left. After all the
umbrella is nearest common property
there is, except the exchanges in a
newspaper office.
Vote for I. H. Van Winkle, republi
can candidate for circuit judge. Na
tive son of Linn county; seven years
experience as Assistant to Attorney
General Crawford. Two to elect.
fPaid advertisement.)
An Albany lot for only $5.00
per month in the most desir
able residence district. We of
fer a choice selection of hits
in the new and beautiful Lin
mont on the Electric Railway
survey, fronting on Elm and
Cottage streets, at the very low
prices of $150.00 to $225.00
each. A few slightly higher
and upon the easy terms of
only $25 down and then $5.00
a month until paid. No pay
ments required during illness 1
Perfect titlel Free abstracts!
Warranty deed. Ten minutes'
walk from Courthouse. These
lots " have been on the market
two weeks and 31 arc sold.
East of Albany Heights, south
of Ninth- street, an-1 on the
west side of Tangent road. Free
auto ride at office of
Second Street, near Broadalbin.
Dependable Clothiers.