Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 04, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    Cut This Out For Reference at The
If vou want to vote against the saloon and saloon rule, you MUST vote the numbers as indicated by an "X" be
Mark X between number and answer voted for.
92 X For Prohibition..
Against Prohibition..
For constitutional amendment giving to cities and' towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or
prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor within the municipality.
Vote YES or NO.
329 X NO.
An amendment of Section 35 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, prohibiting the manufacture and
sale of intoxicating liquors and the traffic therein within the State of Oregon, on and after the first day of July,
A. D. 1911, excepting for medicinal, scientific, sacramental, and mechanical purposes.
; - -: Vote YES or NO.
342 X YES.
A bill for a law to prohibit, prevent, and suppress the manufacture, sale, possession, exchange,, or giving away of in
toxicating liquors within the State of Oregon, except for specific purposes ; to govern tffe shipment of the same,
declaring what is intoxicating liquor within the State of Oregon, and providing penalty for' violations of this act.
. ..... ' Vote YES or NO.
344 X YES. 5 : :
(Paid Ad.)
Albany, Oregon.
Editor Democrat: Will you allow
me space in which to ask Mr. Baty,
the republican assembly candidate for
state senator, a few questions?
1. Arc you an assembly republican
and attended the state republican as
sembly at Portland and helped nom
inate Jiowcrmnn for governor? Have
you yet attempted to explain to the
republican voters of Linn county why
Vou preferred to allow a few men to
ay who should be the republican can
The new armory has been Becured
for the Chrysanthemum Carnival, to be
held on Nov. 15th and 16t for the
benefit of the city library. The follow
ing committees have been appointed to
have charge of the arrangements and
I Executive Mmes. Oockerline. Nel-
didato for governor rather than that 'son, Weatherford. Stewart.
all the republican voters of the state I Entertainment Mmes. P. A. Young,
should say at the primary election who H. D. Green, Langdon, Geselbracht,
should be the' candidate? Alzina Martin, Bouley. Nuitinv, H. F.
2. You have not made any public Merrill, Ketta Davis, W. H.Worrell,
announcement whether you arc in 1 Chrysanthemum Exhibit-Mines, C.
favor of Statement No. 1 or not. Will ; H. Stewart, Winn, Bain, Hewitt, Ltt
you sign Statement No. 1 and publish j "B- , , .. .
it to the voters of Linn county? I Domestic booth-Mmes. W B. Stev-
3 Yon have not told the voters of :?. H. R.bhulu Duncan, Will Pfe.ff-
Linn count;, . ether you arc in favor
of the dire ' -irimary election law
It you arc in favor o it why did you
attend the assembly at Portland?
4. Arc you in favor of the corrupt
practice act, the recall law and the
initiative and referendum? If so will
vmi tell the nconlc of I.inn county
over your own signature that you are." eusick. i .do Brvant.
Anti-assembly republicans of Linn , Germs. ,Minea. Hockensmith, Hop
county want to vote for you if you arc kins, K. Ij. Mason, J. H. Ralston, Me
right on nil these points, but if not Cune, Sullivan, Bowers, J. C. Irvine,
they will not support you. 1 ncy say Welder, Blain, Uhling.
that they will not lie deceived or mis
F. J. Miller, McChesney, Ada An
doraon, Archibald, King. Dresser.
American Mmes. Dickover, Henri
etta Brown, Hawkins, S. E. Young, J.
W. Pah.ioi, Collins, Holman, Misses
Gard, ) vin'i, Mead.
Fren ii- Aiisa Mason, Mmes. John
Ralatu. . l. jdil, Bowcrux, h'uruniller,
Tweed... nuwurd, Wuouworth, J . W.
Cleared from Cascadia to Waterloo.
J. R. Metzgar, with two assistants
has just completed clearing the Santiam
from Cascadia to Waterloo for the
Spaulding Lumber Co, , a several months
job, and in the spring that big company
will beein loeeing 8.000.000 feet of logs
down the stream to Salem for their ' Lebanon Lumber to S. D. Hughes
min mere. mr. meizgar in ine joo & w 6U by 223 5 feet Lebanon
used about two tons of powder in fixing i Lebanon Realty Co. to Johh Dur
the rock so logs can pass, and all the bain 1 lot Lebanon
old debris was cleaned out. mere .Lebanon Realty Co. to E. ZoDh 1
Marriage license: B. K. Burnett, ot
Portland, and Laura "V. Locke, Albany .
New Suits: Daniel K. Nicley agfc.
Arthur B. James et al to register title.
Application Fred l'atman to register
title. L. L. Swan attorney.
Deeds Recorded:
Three to J. B. Dickover & Co.
from Frank Cawrse, Geo. Cawrse
and Chas. Cawrse. 292.90 200
and 223.57 ncn.a $
10 j
160 1
i Wasson wasn't much.
The Bourne- Chamherlain game of the
Oregonian is fulling flat.
Just a week from Oregon'B-first No
vember election, a big one.
There are 32.000 automobiles in Ohio,
almost as many as in Medford.
That ministerial address for the sa
loon was a good deal of a spook.
Baker says it can lick Medford along
the line of resources and defies it.
The Greater Oregon Home Rule As
sociation wants to control the liquor
traffic in Oregon when it has already
made a complete failure of controlling
in Portland, a saloon-cursed city.
A good thing to vote no on is the bill
providing for taking a part of Clacka
mas county and putting it on Multno
mah. Clackamas people dont like be
ing robbed that way. They want it
themselves. This home rule business is the great
est fake in the history of Oregon, a
regular wolf posing as a sheep, pre
tending great things in the future for
the saloon just to keep the saloon's;
miserable head above the water,
were suckers-galore along the river,
bnt only two trout wase seen, killed by
the explosions. This is an important
enterprise for that section.
How Medford Markets Fruit.
Lebanon 200
Which is worse, wrecking a train
b hunran soul, asks an exchange
Does the saloon heln the home, heln
cr build homes, lesson jail business, help
any itinu oi ousiness out . war oi tne
saloon, does it help health, does it make
people orderly, and would it be a good
place to train your boys and girls.
wf, 12.59 acres
led about this matter. . Siewi rt. J . L. Irvine. Earl
Inasmuch as vou arc not making a Sehmitt, Jackson, Hamilton, O. D,
public campaign I (lllld hundreds of Austin .Hiss Merrill,
other anti-assembly republicans,) arc Spanish Mines. Franklin, W. D.
compelled to resort to this method of Vt ushbu n, Han, Edward Anderson, T.
ascertaining your views. Will you D. Lee,.Stuik, Dawson, Marks, Golf,
make your views public octorc eiec- miss smruu,
tion or will you invite inevitable de
feat by refusing?
Medford, Oregon, Oct. 31. -Mr. J.
M. Hawkins. I have your faver of
October 28th and accept your associa
tion's invitation to visit your Apple S. Shupp to Richard Warner, lot
Show. Would like to be there the day bl 109 H's ad . ..:
i your iudges are awarding prizes. If H. L. Rush tn J. C. Hammpl X, wf.
Japanese Mines E. iJ. Cusick, Chas. your directors will put me on the pro-, interest in lot 4 bl 18 Albany.
Deeds recorded: i That home rule association has put
Mary Eberhart to I. C. Duedall, 2 its feet in its mouth right along.
lets, Fairdale ... 25:
J. L. Oxford to O. P. Goodell & T. . , . . ' ...
wf, 2.65 acres 2500 ! f Jf charffteT counta f?r StbmB m
David M. Gresham to J. V. Venner I J,1"3 world, then a Banter Oregon will
and M. C. Corohn, 67! acres. . . 2500 ! nave no Ba'oons.
F: A. Sutton to J. H. Farrell & I
180C I Serving the devil in the livery of where the people have gotten next
heaven doesn't fool very many people the diabolical business, and the nar
r isher, cram that dav.
state now mucn time i
A Good Scio Meeting.
Ten Albany men went to Scio last
. I night and conducted a very live meet-
., rTti ir Aeon I ing in the campaign for the home ver-
THE REAL HOME RULE ASSO-, t,)e ra,Mn ft wa3 made qulto an
i uai luw. event there, with a procession of school
. , " , , . I children and a hall well filled. Rev.W.
The real backers of the so-called p .white, C. E. Sox, A. C. Schmitt
Home Rule Association were disclosed ami L. E. Hamilton were the speakers,
in an article in the Oregonian yester-! nna- the others going were P. A. Young,
day, which read: I J. H. Ralston and the Hammer Quartet,
Unless the Mount Hood Brewery. ' consisting- of A. M. Hammer. Dr.
the teamsters and other employes ot ; Littler, E. C. Roberts and Prof. Ken
which aie now on strike, sign up with ' dull who were given a rousing double
the unions before next Monday night encore. The talks were to the point,
tin- Central Labor Council of Portland I Tnere is no nuest;on how Scio willatand
and the Building Trades Council will ion both prohibition and " the so-called i
by return mail
can occupy. I:
will prepare a short statement on Answer filed by Hewitt & Sox
now we iiuuKui. our uppie crop . uavidson agt. wilhelm.
You must not expect too heavy a paper Final settlments: Est. Moses Miller
trom me, nut i win oegiao to go into Dec. 5, est. C. V. Nye, Jan. 2.
details and give you such information ,
no x vviiiuitttiu. .
Manager Rogue River Fruit and Pro-1
duce Association. I
1050 these modern days
A man who has been all over the
state says the saloon is better organ
ized in this fight than ever before and
it is under an infamous system, posine
as a home rule association. But every -
2084 hunters licenses.
A Second District Contest.
The Oregonian has spent its existence
berating people, and then squirms like
a stuck-hog if any one berates it.
at the back of the concern will be ones
of disgrace.
You can fool the people some of the
time: but this home rule proposition
has been probed ail over the state.
Home rule might be a splendid thing,
and the name attracts one; but in the
whiskey business it means home ruin.
Lived Here 64 Years,
I B. F. Jones. U. S. reeister at Rose-
I burg, came over from a trip through
Geo. F. Burkhart, a resident of Linn Benton and Lincoln counties. Mr. Jones
county sin:o 18-16 left this after-' was a prominent member of the last
noon for Piedmont, Portland, where he legislature, afterwards appointed reg
will make his home. Mr. Burkhart was is'en hut is ambitious to be judge in
born at Whitman, Wash., leaving there the second district. The Democrat's
just in time to escaue the famous prediction is that Judges Hunilton and
massacre, ot 1846. his folks settled in Coke will be reelected. They have
Linn county that year, and now the made splendid reputations as judges
Burkhart family is mulitudinous, a tub- and no district can afford to go back on
Aoiimui uiuciuia aucuua Lucy imve ueeii.
stantial prosperous people. cverv member of organized
labor in both the city and state to
vote against the amendment proposed
by the Greater Oregon J Ionic Rule
Association giving municipalities the
home rule bill, which they nre next to.
The WassoR Meeting.
715 arrests in Portland in one month
for dtunkenness. is a sample of the
saloon style of doing the drunk act.
The Wasson meet inc came oft la t i Snrinufield News. Rcmtblican: I. II.
nnui to uieiaie wiieuicr ui inn im,i nignc accoiu'.ng 10 program, wiui in i ; uingliani, wno is a canutoaie lor jouu
In the Circuit Court nf frlie state of
I Oregon for the county of Linn.
In the matter of the application of
J. C. Tammen, to register the title to
the following described land, and
: premises, to-wit:
I Beginning at the N. E. corner of the
D. L. Claim of Daniel Cushman, and
wite, Uaim Mo. 68, in Sections 28, 29,
32 and 33, in Tp. 11, S. R. 4-West, and
running thence S. 38.80 chs.; thence
a. &y deg. E. 13 chs.; thence S. 10.20
The Edison Picture Co. cauehtRoose- chs.; thence S. 51 dee. 30 min. W.
velt on his flying machine trip, and no 45.50 chains, thence west 17.50
doubt Albany pejple will pacK some chains, thence M. 41.40 chs.; thence
house to see the fun. W. 19.50 chs.: thence N. -41.40 chs.;
thence E. 13.54 chs.; thence S. 79 deg.
J. L. Hartman srys his name was put E- 48 chs.. to the place of beginning,
to that Home Rule Association without : containing 398.12 acres of land. Save
his knowledge or eonsent. They are and except the following: Beginning
all getting ashamed of it. at a Polnt S. 62 deg. E. and 2.39 chs.
distant from the quarter Sec. corner
...... . ... between Sees. 32 and 33, Td. 11, S. R.
Rose said .prohibition is a fallacy, ' ... ,j ,.,.,;., ,i,' & .
I P"r?w. thatt "a .crim? ' W. 3.61 chs.; thence S. 66 links; thence
; that it is not Christian, just what they E , 50 h , N 5r d 2 .?
: were paid to say, evidently. chs ,0 the' p,ace of beginnf,lg co'n'
i , . ,. , , I taining one-half (.yi) acre of land. All
ii uitrs was leany mure nquui uiuua, of the above described land situated i
ill be sold within their hound
The Central Labor Council in ses
sion last night adopted a resolution
providing for this drastic course. The
seeretai y said: "These people cannot
ak fur our votes under one name and
liyht us under another. There are I-'.-OU)
union nun in Portland and about
the sanu- number in other parts of tin
state, and we believe that practically
all will vote against the measure, when
the reasons why they should do so are
The Central Labor Council has not
yet decided whether or not to throw
its influence in favor of state wide
prohibition nf the liipior tr:-!vic in case
1hc demand is not met. states Mr.
sized andience present, said to be most-1 Senator, has the record of being pres
ly dry, out of curiosity, which na3 sal-1 ent to answer roll calls more than any
islifcd. I senator or representative who has ever
Dr. Hill introduced the speaker with : altcmed the legislature for the same
somo extended remarks. Then Mr. , .....,, nf lie was necr taken
i in dry territorv the wholesalers should
; use their influence in making uregon
; dry in order to help business.
The Oregonian recently reported
three murder eases in Whitman coun
ty. Wash.. ;'ll traceable to whi-key.
and 'hen said: " The cause of temper-a-.e
will be materially aided in Col
fax bv these three trials: but the l
lot he In
it is in
tiie bo
son w ill i
men. tor
citv that
with the ieasl o-mMc r
Uarrw'tni-.. e v ro -iut.
five bi;-;:.. .'" w-na-.
man, Eawcr and Gilbert.
d by the s:ihou
ln;:ll town or I
.s is conibieK-d
e retard for dc-
Wasson made his usual cut and dried
speech, for wilier, lu1 .s); aid by the Ore
gun Home Rule Association, doing bus
mess for the Oregon saloon, substantial
ly is outlined by the Democrat yester
da. The bund played, and Linn county
premises to go dry by an increased
m ijority.
Want bxtensiun.
At n short session of the Commercial
Club lntt night before the get-together
meeting a communication was read
from Newport asking the cooperation
of the Albany Club in securing the ex
tension of the Corvallis and Eastern
road from Yaquina to Newport, which
was favoro-.l. Figures were given
showing- oli.OOO iias;'o:icrer3 carried last l-otter Kiuit
year to the Bay, justifying the improve- ganization; H
suddenly with cramps or suffered an
attack of indigestion when it came
time to vote on an important measure,
but could always he found ready to
do his duty. Ike is a Statement One
man first, last and all the time and has
voted for three United States sena
tors all people's choice. He is a
safe man for the people to tic to and a
vote tor 1. II. Bingham is a vote for
one who has been tried and found not
wanting. I Paid Advertisement.)
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned the duly appointed, qualified '
and acting Administrator of the estate ; NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE
of Susannah Crabtrec, deceased, has! MENT.
tiled with the Clerk of the County i Notice is hereby given that the un
Court of Linn County, Oregon, his dersigncd administratrix of the estate
Final Account and the Judge of said of Henry Ramer, deceased, has tiled
County Court has fixed the 5th dav of in the County Court for Linn County,
December, 1910, at the hour of 1 i Oregon, her final account as such ad
o'clock p. m. for the hearing of ob- ininistratrix of said estate, and that
lections it anv to said account and .Monuay ine nun oay oi ucccmucr,
Apple Fair Speakers.
Uty .-' ttonwv Grant.
Th. ie W !
:.. Md t
- ' , He S. Grant, c ty attorney o.'
;'oi.l.u:d. !! o.viM'iir met with the
'.Cnif.lm i'vl 'T, pre.-entimT an ad-
ii! I'v'tit g -ras, u g -"d latk r.
ioi br-i.'s'it g Si:hj-eL. T!l
ir- od andien.'e, including seve. ai
There will be three first-class speak- .
rs nt the apple fair Nov. 9. 10 nnd 11.
a follows: E. H. Shepher.!, editor of
who will speak on o
C. Atwell, president of
th" state horticultural association. wr
will talk about commercial apples. vt
E. C. Armstrnn?. whose subject will !-
otvaard nianuguint, all vital questions
for fi-uit to Uudy.
for the settlement ot said estate.
Dated this 29th dav of October, 1910.
Administrator of the Estate of Susan
nab Crabtrec, Dec'd.
Atty for Admr.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the estate
of Moses Miller, deceased. h.-' tiled
i ' t v- County Court of I. inn County.
( Jvecon. bis final account as sueh ad
Ti:im:rntor of said estate and that
Vouthy the fifth day of December.
I'MO. at 1.1 o'clock in the forenoon has
ci"! t:ed bv s;,nl court as the time
1910, at the hour of 10 o clock
has been hxed bv said court as
Linn county, state of Oregon. Aeainst
All whom it may concern, defendants.
Take notice that on the 30th day of
September, A. D. 1910, an application
was filed by the said J. C. Tammen,
in the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Linn, for
initial registration of the title of the
land and premises above described.
Now. unless you anpear on or before
the 10th day of November, A. D. 1910,
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree wilt
be entered according to the prayer of
time for hearing of objections to said j the applicant, and you will be forever
report and the settlement thercot.
First publication Nov. 4, 1910, last
publication Dee. 2. 1910.
C. C. BRYANT. Administratrix.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of William B. Henderson, deceased,
lias tiled in the County Court for Linn
County. -Oregon, her tinnl account as
such administratrix of said estate and
, i:vr
, Uviih
, :w a
. j IV llll
m:i:i privVssh'g to bo a mirusSer
vr aiv.u'd t'.:e cv.mtry in the inter
:' tin1 s i!---:i, vhk-:i cause.? most ot
i i th.- v:i.!. is the
-l w-Mu-ai
a:!.-.!! :.v.
' vri. y .
i lectio
n Vo'
. to
said ac-
IK. last
r KO:
vn l fr.
bat Monday ihc fifth day of Decern-j l-v
i-er. 1910. at the hour of 10 o clock a.
has been lixed by said court as the
i'ne for hearing of objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
First publication Nov. 4. l'!0. las;
oi:blicat;ou Dee. 1QM.
L. t. IK A -x 1. . Al:mm.-:ra:r:x.
barred from disputing the same.
Dated this 30th dav of September,
A. D. 1910. .
Seal) J. W. riLLER. Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS. Deputy.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah
E. Hall, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the last will
and testament of said deceased has
filed in the county court of Linn couii-
Oregon, her linal account as such
executrix, and that Monday the 7th
-lay .-. .November. -)V at nine o'clock
in the forenoon has been set as the
'b:'.e bv saiil c-.tirt ior iitarjng of oh-
I .'cction to said report and the settlc-
! ' ' IxATnERlNE E. BALL.
C. C. BRYANT. Executrix.
Attorney tor executrix. .