Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 04, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Having many calls lor large and
all farms, also sure buyers it. suited,
it you desire quick sales, call at my
oniee, or write a description of your
place, mail same to my address, list
your places . with me. Experienced
man thoroughly acquainted with coun
try to show laud. Best of automobile
service. Home phone Blk. 276; Hell
phone 240-R. Yours for business.
130 Broadalbin Street.
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city nnd country. Phone
. Main 38.
lWi..'".'.l"W..'IV I'-'l. w? 8nl,h
f i 1 ridxo work for out.
f tono tiny ft (i(t rad.
I alnlcin oxtrartion
rroo wlton platan or
! J. Consultation free.
MolirCrowni S5.00
Gold Filllnn 1.00
Eninwl FOIinn 1.00
ISilvorFilllnn ,50
Good Ribbor ...
Hatei S.UU
I But Rod Rubber ,.
riatH I.OU
M.W.A. Will. P-nitiniiaMuuu Pafnten ExtrMiofi .50
21 1UM Uimittll U rlltUU HIT METHODS
All work fully Guaranteed for fifteen Tear.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
Filling Bufldlr Third anil Washington. PORTLAND, ORE.
Office Hoe-.: fa A. M. to e P. II. Bnndaji, 111
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONE,
Salem - Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of Joseph Wanas, late of Linn county,
Oregon, deceased, will, on Saturday,
the 5th day of November, 1910, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m., pursuant
to an order of sale duly made and en
tered in the matter of the estate of
said deceased, in the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, on the 6th day
of September, 1910, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, at the front door of the
court house, in the city of Albany, in
Linn county, Oregon,- all -the follow
ing described real property, belonging
to said estate, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeast corner
of the north projection of the Dona
tion Land Claim of R. H. Pollard,
claim No. 58. in Twp. 10 south,
Range 2 west of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Linn county, Oregon, and run
ning thence south S9 degrees 48 min
utes east along the north boundary
line of said claim 9.50 chains to the
center of Thomas Creek-; thence in a
southerly direction following the cen
ter of the said creek to a point 10
chains south and 5 chains north 89
degrees 48 minutes west from the
place of beginning; thence north 10
chains; thence south 89 degrees 48
minutes cast 5 chains to the place
of beginning, containing 9.17
acres more or less, all in Linn county,
Said sale to be made subject to con
firmation bv said court.
"H. H. HEWITT, Admr.
To all whom it may concern: No
tice is hereby given to whom it may
concern that the undersigned has filed
his final account in the county court
of Linn county, Oregon, in the mat
te rof the estate of Ellen Cline, de
ceased, and that said court has set the
first day of November, 1910, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day
as the time for the hearing and set
tling of all objections to said final ac
count; therefore all persons having
any objections to said final account
are hereby notified and required to ap
pear in said court and file the same
in writing on or before said last men
tioned date. Dated this 23rd day of
September, 1910.
Administrator of said esta-te.
W. R. EILYEU, Attorney..
Promptly obtnlrui, or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or ettetcli for
exjwrt Miiruh and free report on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT SuIU conducted beforo all
coiirtf, Pntontd obtained through W ADVE(t
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly ouulnud.
OppOQtto U. 8. Patent OtTlco,
Free mVi-v. how to obtain patenU, trade mvki, H
cnpmnta.c in ALL COUNTRIES. I
Business d'trtflvitk Washington saves time A
money ana cjten me patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.
Write or oomo to ua at
B23 Klatlt Btrwt. opp. Veltod BUtta FUnt C
9 Si!p
Absolutely Pure
The Only baking powder
Marfii fu. umii
nws.iwnnuai ofr
Cream of Tartar
NoAlum, No Lime Phosphate
uiaua Morgan, son of eighton Mor-,
: gan, residing in the third ward, had a .
. minimi; experience last evening, ne idc uenverea. night, that was greatly enjoyed by
was riding- a horse along First street The matter of compelling the S. P. about three hundred people. The mu
eastward. followed by another boy on a to build street crossings was discussed, ' sic lovers were given an opportunity to
1 bicycle, with a rope fastened to the and upon motion of Councilman Miller, I hear the woalds famous artists on the
saddle, drawing the boy and the bicycle. Hewitt & Sox were ordered smployed ' victoria. Mr. L. L. Breed of Portland,
, Ihis frightened the horse and he threw to seo what can be done. Igave some beautiful numbers which
I his rider the boy s leg being caught in a . , ..... n OD .. . . t. ... . were approbated. Mrs. P. A. Young
; ins nuer me ooy s lee oeing caugnt in a
loop in the rope, the othe? boy falling I
from the bicycleuninjured. The horse
'ran eastward HrAtrtrintrrrmhrw hnmnino
along the ground, across Pennywinkle, ,
where he was stopped, and the boy I
extricated from the rope and taken
nto 'he house of Mrs. steel and Dr.
Davis sent lor. He was badly bruised
and bis condition is considered critical.
The College Library.
Albany College Library will collect
magazines, pamphlets and books that
, the people of Albany care to give to it
on Saturday, Oct. 29. Please have
: ready promptly what you wish us to
I take, and notify us if you are over
; looked. Advance notice may help us
also. Albany College Library.
Silverton this week is having a fruit
show, said to be a good one.
Carlton Academy, Forest Grove, was
burned yesterday afternoon.
H. M. Stone, the Corvallis prune man,
went to Eugene this afternoon.
I Ernest Hornbach, of bunrise, is con
I fined to his home with typhoid fever.
Margaret Wilson Morgan and hus
band, of Salem, were in the city this
noon, going south.
Born on Oct. 24, to Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Rumbaugh, of R. L). 4, Benton
county, a girl, their second daughter.
R. S. Wilkins, an old and highlv re
spected resident of Albany is critically
ill with consumption at his home in this
Rev. G. t. Pratt, of Klamath Falls,
is in the city on a visit with his folks,
while on his way home from Seattle.
Mrs. Powell, of Newport, after a
I visit with .Mrs. J. K. Haight and Mrs
Burggraf, went to Portland this after
Five men were killed and 21 injured
five miles north of Portland on the
United R. R. by a work train plunging
down a steep grade.
A young man named Robnelt, who
had been in the hospital ten days, grad
ually declining, was taken through Al
bany today tor his home at Toledo.
The TJ. O. foot ball team, Morgan
Watson manager, Bill Hay ward trainer
passed through this afternoon for Mos
cow, due to win from Idaho Satnrday.
During the entire eighteen years of
Judge Burnett's judgeship W. C.
Tweedale served as bailiff, and W. H.
Warner every term but the first one,
a rather remarkable record.
Eygene will have a monster temper
ance parade next Saturday. Mrs.
Armor will speak there Friday night
and Mr. Fanning Saturday night.
Things are humming there for the
cause of righteousness.
Instead of Newberg high the second
team of Willamette Universiiy will
play Albany high Saturday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, and a live contest mav be
expected. Yesterday afternoon New
berg telephoned that the team could
not come. '
At the Monday evening get-together
meeting at the Com. Club three prac
tical subjects will be considered: prac
tical orcharding, what can be done with
ten acres and marketing, by men who
know. Go and get some up to date
A Galescreek farmer, near Forest
Grove, has hud considerable wild animal
experience right at home. A wild-cat
interfering with his chicki'ns was shot,
also a bear that came down into his
barn yard and this week a deer ran into
nis barbed wire lence an i orjKe nis
Gene Simpson, champion pheasant
rai. "r of the world last year paid about
310.) lurthrea wild turkcj'3 from Vir
ginia and branching out in the wild
turkey business. One of the birds was
recently bagged by a hunter, and Simp
son would give a good deal to get his
Mr. and Mrs. Geortre Wv .t have nr-
rived from Centralia to make theirl'"'13 working, the curtain has been
home in Albany, and Albert Wyatt has painted, aisle carpets laid, ventilation
returned from Juneau, where he hai. I looked after, and arangements made
been residing. The young men, with
their fath.- will soon have an up-to-
date laundry running at the new fruit
cannery, on a long lease. B. C. Wyatt
has soli his Benton county place and
ivi I rr.nkc Albany his home.
! Present Mayor, recorder, street su
' perintendent, and all councilmen but
. Snell.
I Bills were ordered paid: Irwin
I Hodson Co., 835.00; C. G Rawlings,
I $3.00; Fosbay & Mason, $1.16; Albany
; Iron Works, $19.00; J. A. Nimmo,
i $2.60; John Catim, $4 00; Albanv Lum
, ber Co., $117.81; Port. Fl. AIM Co.,
1 511. Co; Peter Riley. $60.00; G. E.
Warner, 26e; F. W. Horsky. $4 45;
Nicolai Neppach Co., $15.50; Hulburt
Ohling Co., $12 05; Roner Bros., $8.82.
Resolutions were passed providing for
sidewalks and curbs along properties of
G. W Simpson, block 12 H's 2nd ad;
and Frank Froman, block 58, Walnut
St., a curb alonp- Mr. Fromau's prop
erty on 7th street.
The street superintendent recom
mended: Sidewalks and curbs along
block 2 Pine St.; and block 5 Mont
gomery St., and street crossing at First
and Sherman streets. Referred.
A lettter from P. G. Roe. seekincr a
! Kas franchise, written at Chicago,
stated that ho would soon be here to
accept franchise.
An ordinance was introduced provid
I ing for pavement improvement' bonds
under the Bancroft Act. Referred to
committee on ways and means.
George Taylor resigned as council
man in the first ward, recommending
J. H. Simpson. Councilman Miller
threw a neat bouquet at Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Simpson received 2 and O. P.
Dannals 2 votes and the matter was
Wire netting was ordered secured for
railing across ditch.
! An offer was read from the Sand &
travel Co., of coarse cleaned gravel for
the city at 50 cents a load at bunkers or I
. ,,. .. j . - . -
tht w.?8.;alled to the alIure of I
nh? . el.ectnc ''Bht company to move i
L'Bht 1"' and Ellsworth StS. to 1
!nd and -"sworth St.
News From Albany's Six Early
. . '
) rains.
I Three cars of a freight train went off
I the track near Montgomery street,
tangling up the trains some, requiring
! number 14 to come in on track number
; one, a good one for it.
John Roberts, residing near Foster.
returned home accompanied by G. W.
Wright and B. M. Payne, who went up to
do some cruising. Thev took alone-
their guns and expected to land a deer
or two anu pernaps more nerce game.
There were drummers galore leaving.
They filled the town last night, and all
the rooming houses roundabout were
run full. Perhaps Albany doesn't need
a big, modern hotel.
F. M. French returned from a watch
inspection trip up the Springfield road.
George Rolfe went to Brownsville
for a visit with his mother.
Father Van Navel left on a Mt. An
gel trip.
Roy Wood, acting manager of the
Albany Iron Works went to Portland
on a short business trip.
George Taylor left on a real estate
trip to Mill City.
H. N. Cockerline, the insurance man,
left on a Portland trip.
N. Rose of Portland, formerly resid
ing at this city, was looking after rail
road matters in his department here.
Another Parents Meeting.
The second of the series of Parents'
Meetings being held at the High School
will occur at four o'clock tomorrow
afternoon. The teachers are especially
anxious to meet the parents of the
high school pupils, but every one is in
vited to be pressnt. The special topic
for this meeting is "Domestic Science
in the Schools." - If however, any one
wishes to bring up ' any other matter,
an opportunity will be given him to do
so. The business men of the city ought
to take an hour or two from their busi
ness and give the school the benefit of
their presence. A general interest in
the schools of any community is neces
sary for the highest efficiency and no
other interest in our city is of as great
Dr. Schafer of the Chair of Histor in
the University of Oregon, is to adjress
the high school at three o'clock. The
public is cordially invited to hear Doc
tor Schaefer and to remain for the
Parents' meeting.
Principal E. P. BRADLEY.
Alco's Annual Meeting,
The annual meeting of the Alco Club
has been set for Nov. 15. The date is
Nov. 8, but electioh is on that day. The
meeting will he an important one, as
there is need of placing it on a more solid
financial basis Several things have
been suggested. One is that the Alco
Cluo and Commercial Club be merged,
with one management for both, and
the club be made headquarters for vis
itors in Albany, offering a place for
.hem socially, which would not inter
fere with the privileges of the regular
members. Anyway at the annual
meeting the future of the club will be
earnestly considered, according to re
ports The Electric Improved.
Mr. Anderson, the new proprietor of
the Electric. ho3 Dean rrsaily imp-eying
hi show house. The v-rv latest
machine hun bten set up. a perfect one
for tne exclusive use ot nims from a
b'K San Francisco house, offering some
rare programs in the future. The house
nicn nas been ciosea ior a lew days
luring the worn will be open again to-
hjht. Go and see for yourself. j
Senator George E. Chamberlain will
speak at the opera house tomorrow
night in the interest of the democratic
candidates. He has been making a
splendid campaign, with large houses
jr.d great interest. People like to hear
him because he has something to say.
In upholding the Oregon system, which
has attracted national attention, Mr.
Chamberlain presents a theme ot vital
interest and he is entitled to a hearing.
A former Albany man our people
have always given him a large hearing
and will undoubtedly do so this time.
Leave Clackamas Alone.
Clackamas county makes this appeal:
Don't robold Clackamasof nearly half
her territory and taxable property and
give it to Multnomah, already over
rich in wealth and political power.
1st, it increases the political power of
Multnomah, alreadyjtoo great, 2nd the
great cost of transcribing and certify
ing of the records, estimated at not !
less tnan iszoo.uuo; 3rd, it robs Clacka
mas county of nearly one half of her
richest territory, leaving the court
house in one corner of the county, 4th,
there is a measure before the peoplo to
leave the matter of county division to
the decision of the territory interested.
Vote no on all county divisions and lot
the people most interested decide these
questions for themselves.
Put an X before No. 323.
An Enjoyable Concert.
The Woodworth Drua Comnanv held
the first of a series of concerts, last
uveuuiijuuiug mill uu llltt piauu. luiss
mma oox contribnted two selections
and was greatly enjoyed as she always
is. Mr. Norton, tuauager of the Piano
Department, rendered a number of
beautiful pieces on the player piano.
In the City.
v u n j n m . u m
From Portland :-Geo. Fletcher, T.
E. Wallace, C. Schiel. C. G. Adams,
a., u. uoruon, a.. dacKsen uetscn, a.,
W. Arnold, C. B. Niccolls and wife, 0.
C. Wintermute. L. W. Santler. R. D.
Cruikshank, R. A. Douglas, Myrtle
Pease, B. B. Schoncnbach, A. C. Al
ton and wife, J. Batavie, U. C. Dorcas,
C. L. Mchilroy.
Scio. A., E. Randall.
Tecumseh, Mich. A. Hanham.
Alsea. Geo. O. Mason.
Kan. City. C. L Loucks and wife.
Crawfordsville, Ind. S. M. Schultz.
Rotten Methods.
An Oregon man secured some choice
apples ot a Portland hrm and sent them
east for display. The top layer was
all right, but underneath were the poor
est kind of cullings. This was infam
ous, and a poor wav to build un our
fruit interests. The Portland firm
should be sued for damages. Right at
this city some apples for eastern ship
ment were unpacked and three kinds of
apples found underneath. That's trick
ery of a rotten kind and must be stopped
it unn county is to be an apple section.
You can't fool apple buyers.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postofiice uncalled for
Oct.,26, 1910. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
Mrs. S. P. Adams, Mrs; Ellen Doris,
W J. Dosher, C. E. Foster, Col. C. A.
McCnullough.John McGee, Mrs. Martha
Mitchell, Mrs. Laura More, F. F. Miller,
Louis Rinard, A. L. Rinard, A. L.
Snyder, John Turish.
J. S. Van Winkle, P. M.
Wc Can Raise Apples.
You don't have to go out of Linn
county to get some apple records. M.
C. Jenks, of Tangent, has an up-to-date
apple orchard of several acres
that is doing great things this year,
$1400 an acre. There are eighty trees
to the acre in it. and they have yielded
an average of 7 bushels to the tree.
Mr. Jenks belongs to the new associa
tion and is making large shipments.
Mr. Jenks sprays as well as prays.
A Shcdd Meeting.
There was a live rally for the home
against the saloon and for a voice in
the prohibition of the liquor traffic in
the cities as well as in the country, at
Shedd. last night, with a good crowd
out. The speakers were Rev. W. P.
White, A. C. Schmitt, W. H. Marvin
and W. A. Eastburn, of this city, to
the point and there with both feet.
The Hammer quartet furnished the
music. Shedd people aro thoroughly
acquainted with the so-called home-rule
bill and will whack it good and hard,
which will bo the program all through
the country.
bought Six Mules.
While hTe C, M. Redfield, of the big
Deschutes Irrigation Company, bought
six lari'o mules for use by the Company,
and this morning Van Riley left with
them bv wav of the Lebanon wagon
road for Kedmond, where he will de
liver them. The wagon toad is said to
be clear now.
The Weather.
P.f nge of temperature 04-38.
Tl e river is 9 of a foot.
Piediction: fair tonight and
. 1 . i an
f m All Cakes,
Biscuits, Hot Breads
iflore Tasty, Economical,
11 Absolutely Healthful ' i
victoria, b. c, Oct. 27.-The Are
which started at 10:30 tonight, escaped
! prevent spread and before the flames
were finally under control, the Five
Sisters block and 1 he Times building,
1 Bs wen aa sTerai yachts in the
harhnr. woro hnrnorl Snlrfiorp frnm
j FnPr ream,;.!!- ;,!,) tu. Th.
loss is estimated at $2,000,000.
An Odd Accident.
Lebanon E. A. Joseph Maver.
blacksmith of this city, was Bhoeing
horse tor Hi. v. tsloomnelrl. a rnrmer
who lives about six miles east of Leba -
non, Saturday, when the horse acted
ugly and Mi. Mayer attempted to put a
rope on one or nis leet wnen tno norse
threw himself, breaking one of his
legs, anu naa to be snot. Mr. Mayer
promptly paid Mr. Bloomfield $185 for
the horse. Mr. Mayer nas been in the
blacksmith business in Lebanon for
about twenty-eight years and in that
fitnn Una anA fUnlmanrl. nP .naaa nnrl
this is the first accident of the 'kind
1L.L I 1 I J t
mat nas over uuppeneu in nis snop. i
Grange at Toledo.
Toledo, Oct. 26. Toledo Grange was
organized yestorday with a good charter
list. The principal olhcers are: Hi. a.
Erntson master, Martha Goin lecturer,
J. F. Stewart secretary The latter is
independent candidate for county judge,
a splendid man.
My next point of attack will be Eddy
ville for my 6th grange in Lincoln coun
ty, then home for election.
Lincoln county and Oregon are going
dry is my "turn turn."
Cyrus H. Walker, i
Scott Hart came over from Corvallis
this noon.
TO n Tinlrlo fnrmBr Alhnnv nrin.
toerapher, and wife are in the city."
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Warner went
to Lebanon this afternoon.
Miss" Zona Haicht went to Eueone
tin's afternoon for a visit with Miss Lu-
cille Dunn.
The district convention of Lady Mac-
cabees began this afternoon with thirty
or forty delegates present.
T. L. Dugger and several other Scio
men came over this afternoon to hear
Senator Chamberlain tonight.
Eugene Register: Kennett Fox and
H. L. Smith were up from Albany on
Thursday on a short visit.
1t W W'TlnuiD uvrivArl frnm Mnn
mouth this afternoon for a visit at the
home of her sister, Mrs. L. Viereck.
Carl and Ray Huston expect to have
their barbershop in the Cusick Block
open tomorrow morning, a neat place,
well located.
R. S. Wilkins. ill with Bright's dis-
eoRp, not consumption, is gradually
tailing. Hib son, Kov. it. B. Wilkins.
of Goble, Calif., will arrive tonight.
J. A. Warner reports tho sight of a
fine meteor, about 5 o'clock one morn
ing this weelc, going West to Norn
East, U seconds in ignt, ana looking
nearly aa big as tho moon.
Euene Guard: Hary Shea, of tho
Alh.inv tannery, is in tho city to attend
a Catholic library social. It is rumored
that in the near future ho wii takeono
of Eugene's fair young ladies back to
Albany as a brine.
Tho Albany Rand and Gravel Co.
t;avo bought a 40 H. P. gasoline launch
to run the gravel barge. The Company
cannot meet the demand for tho imnd
i splendid qunlity and there are goo 1
;rdors for clean gravel.
P. A. Young and b . B. Wire re-
timed this morning from the West
I'ork country, down in Southern Ore-
"in, where they seenred a couplo dier.
This is not a very good deer season,
-lesides down thera !.ne Greeks have
J routed tho entire Persian army.
Charged With Disorderly Conduct
1 4 ? O-'8i''. P"ntt.r, was arrested
. "T rBe u wun uisoroeny conaucc.
I ,fj ?' fv,enlneb T'f Muonroeu w2
' returned "m Portland, where he had
been called by the critical illness of his
: brother Othn. I.nrer rlnrinv fha anon.
I ing he went up stairs over the Royal
I Restaurant, when Borne trouble ensued
i between him and Merrill, the latter of
i whom followed him part of the way
down tin stairs and then knocking him
1 the rest of the way, some say with a
i bottle, but that is not certain. Mr.
i Ward was taken home and Dr. Dnvin
called, and he is gett ng along all right.
1 It was reported on the street that his-
Bkull was crushed, but this was not
true. The men are said to have been
i"iuaicuibu, Bna mere are numerous
stories about how it happened, but this
. principal one.
Merrill was taken before Recorder
Redfield, plead not guilty, and will be
tried this evening.
NeWS from Albany's S'lX
S. H. Moses came over from Corval
lis. Ho reported a rrreat West Ront!-
ment in Benton county, nnd Victor
Moses is pretty sure of being elected
county judge.
Henry Blakely and Jos. Hume, ar
rived from Brownsville, both former
candidates for sheriff, one a democrat,
the other a republican. Mr. Blakely
remained at Albany, Mr. Hume going
to Salem.
Rev. Jamison, of Brownsville went
to Stayton to preach the funeral ser
mon of Mr. Cox, who died there this
1 week.
Ray Roberts, taking a post-graduate
course at O.A.C. went to Clackamas
countv. and tomorrow will rph bio-
O. A.C.-Pullman game.
i mn tiurley went to Salem, where he
" " "giving special treatment
has been
'P.S T ? -;..
u: r
iurlo-o. left nn i trm nnrh
I h. Bineham. lndonondnnt enndiH.
ato for joint senator, arrived from Ru
gene, to look after his interests here,
Scott Ward 'eft on the motor for
home. Last evening he returned from
rortianu, called ther by the critical
"mess or nis brother utho, dying from
" t" n. "-purteu a great senti
ment in Portland for West for govern
or, and there is a general belief that he
will be elected.
revolution has broken out at
Greece, not the first time
1 . President I aft, a unitarian, lauding
Methodist missions, was a feature of
whlt0 house life yesterday.
i inree b!iem high school Btudents
ha,Yc boon suspended for hazing some
fellow students. They attempted to
shear their heads.
Henry Myers a wealthy farmer, was
killed at the Dalles Wednesday night
by an automobile accident, tho auto
running into a roc pile.
Bob. the well known bull-dorr of Hib
Gould stables, died this forenoon from
poison, tne end ot a career with many
battles in It.
Scio News:-Mrs. Edward J. Kimball
will appear in original readings at tho
Devanoy school house, Thursday, Oct.
27 at 8 p. m. and at the Oakview school
house on Saturday, Oct. 29, nt 8 p. m.
On tho dav of the game between O.
A. C. and U. O. Nov. 12 there will be
n cross-country run between live men
from each college, with a cup as the
reward. It will bo an interesting
event, pulled off beforo the big game.
Scio will have a temperance rally next
Monday evening, with Judge VIcFadden
of Corvallis as the principal speaker
and the Hammer qu irtet furnishing
music, accompanied bv several Albanv
liuciness men.