Albanyl) emocrat. Entered at the post o iice,Albany,Or4 second cIsb mail maittr. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CITY PROPERTY. No. 10 House and barn, one lot on corner of Main street. East Albany. ' ) A bargain if taken soon. But you 1 will. have to move quick to get it. , No. 13 A small house and lot well situated, West Albany. Price $1900. i No. 14 A good house of seven rooms, beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty of fruit. Situated close in. East WANTED -Two boys attending schoo wen'rSouse and good ...U......K. u. u - t Sewers. Hard fin shed. West i Albany. Price $1800. ! No. 19 Good new house of seven rooms, bath, electric lights. Well TAKE THE SALOONS I OUT OF POLITICS. "So far as .results go, the law has 1 proved to be powerless and the reason , The Home Rule Association Promises ance between the dives and debased Such a Remedy. : politics." desire employment mornings and evcningB. Any old thing just so its work, i'nono to J. A). V. Biiyeu. FOR SALE. Here is a chance of alife time. 1 will sell at a great bargain, situatej, East Albany. Price $2500. my large truit orchard on easy terms N 2l-Cottage of fixe rooms, and . ortake part in city business proyerty; ba ,wo g0K0(1 lots East Albany. 27t L. H Rhodes. prjce ?1400 FOUND. -A man's gold watch. Cal; It will pay wou to investigate these upon Koland Hackleman at the P. O. j propositions immediately, as I find FOR RENT. New six room cottage ready sale for property, and know that at 413 Washington St., Nov. 10. these will not be on hand but a few Good rate to right parties. CaU on days. L. C. Marshall, 6th & Calupooia. i LOST.-Outer and inner tire tubes for! Special Bargains in Farm Lands. automobile between Albany and Leb- No. li 80 acres, 0 acres in cultiva- anon. Report to Democrat omce. WANTED. A fairly good old b uilding or a tew thousand feet of second' . hand boxing lumber. Address N. I Talbert, city. . JERSIES FOR SALE.-100 head high grade Jersey cows and heifers for j sale on easy terms. H. Bryant. tl4 FOR SALE. 22 feet front on Second 1 street, and residence at the coiner of 2nd and Baker streets. H. F. McIJ wain 140 E 2nd St.. 24t FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples. J. 6. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south of Albany. Home phone 2416. R. Webster. 17t Hon, 10 acres in oak timber, fair house and barn, well fenced and cross fenced. 50 acres of this place is some of the finest apple land there is in Oregon. Land all slopes to ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situated 3 miles from Al bany and is certainly a bargain. No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3 miles from Albany. This is a good all-round dairy and grain farm. No. 765 acres, small buildings, all in cultivation, situated close to Al bany. Price $1050. eral points on which we have prohi- bition already. The Home Rulers be-, lieve in prohibition in part for men ' and in whole for women. "No woman shall be allowed to enter saloons." They say saloons must be better reg-: ulatcd and the laws must be made stronger and must be NOW enforced. ' They confess that so far regulation has been a failure. How are they go ing to divorce saloons from politics?) liy taking it out of the hands of the City Council and putting it where? In the Courts. They say in effect, "As councilmen are elected by voters they feel under obligation to those who help them get elected. They stand in with the saloon power to get elected. Therefore, take the license power away fro mthe City Councils." Hut Attorney-General Crawford says their amendment "vests in the City Council the exclusive power to control the sale of liquor." Before their pro posed constitutional amendment is adopted they propose to anul it! Read the Attorney-General's opinion given at the request of tiie Liquor Dealers' Aid Society and compare it With their promised law. Hut does putting the licensing power in the hands of the courts take saloons out of politics? Does it? Arc the liquor dealers to appoint our Judges? If our Judges arc to be elected and they are then putting the licensing power in their (lands means to make the Courts THE to debase our I have land for sale in any size FOR SALE.-WhileLeghorncoekerels, ,ract 15,000-acre tract, and if you from trap-nested stock. K. l i, , f B X r e Hutchins. Home phone 2608. to ! lands of any description, or city prop- land. Parties offering such a tract . i q, a1k, n- mn.t hnvA full mithoritv. Call on or 203 W- Second St. Albany, Or. write Tebault Real Estate Co., Al-' bany, Or. p0R gALE. Ho"e place, 2 lots and FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. homej Broadalbin P streets. J. F. Budded on whole roots, are the only Troutman. kind to plant. That's the kind we ' , sell. Call coth phones or address W. WANTED. -Day work at sweeping, A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur- dusting, washing and ironing. 427 series, Albany, Or. I E 6th street. GARBAGE. If west ofLyon street 50c FOR SALE. One beautiful acre, good month, S. B. fenny the garbage new 4-room house, and line well (Who is willing Courts: 1) 1 j "The main point just at. present is to recognize the fact that the INTELLIGENT PUBLIC DE-i .MANDS a change in the conduct of the saloon. It must go to the root of the confessed evils which now ; beset the trathc in strong drink and RADICALLY CURE them." Editor-: ial, Oregon, Nov. 1st. i The Orcgonian agrees with Cardinal .U'anniiig o: tne Koman catholic church. He says: "The drink trade' is our shame, scandal and sin, and unless brought under by the will of the people it will be our downfall. , Alas, in America, also does the 'sleep ing partner' (the government) for a money consideration, give its pro tection to the drink trade. Do you know how your will may help to ' break up this unholy alliance between , the government and the greatest fraud of the age? VOTE AGAINST IT." Amen. All in favor of this vote 342 X Yes and 344 X Yes, and vote it hard. i Saloons must be divorced from pol itics. The sane way and the only ef- ' fective way is to abolish them. Every one knows that they are the source of untold and untcliable political cor-., ruption. Radically cure them by pro hibition. Kansas has successfully tak- ; en saloons out of politics. Oregon can and will do this November 8th. j Home Rule means disgusting, de- i FOOTBALL OF SALOON POLI- basing, and debauching saloon poli IT1CS. All those opposed to this in- tics in every community at every elec- iquitous scheme vote 329 X No and tion. Vote for Prohibition and forever j , vote it HARD. I rid Oregon of this pestilential, politi- j AGAIN They intend to make the cal-parasite, the indefensible saloon., purchaser equally guilty with the sell-1 Gentlemen of the Greater Oregon ' er. Why, of course.. Then the buyer Home Rule Association, do you now! cannot testify against the seller with-' think you should divorce yourselves I out convicting himself, and the seller . from saloon politics, and cease being 1 ! cannot testily against tne miycr with-; maue tne cat s-paw ot tne liquor deal out convicting himself and the laws ers? One of your number, Mr. J. L. I ( can be violated by the saloons as they.! Hartman, did this some weeks ago. ' ! will. This will be a fine thing for the You should do the same. I saloons. This will divorce the saloons i PUBLICITY COMMITTEE ORE-: I from the LAW all right. All opposed, GON DRY CAMPAIGN COM- DO YOU WANT GOOD DENTAL WOE AT A ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS o PAINLESS EXTRACTION .nnw)ifiM.W MODERATE ? Y'. fr3 I u? 1 , ( , GOLD 1 '' CROWNS 1 o r A . j PORCELAIN CROWNS ' ' BRIDGE f WORK i o 'J PLATE 'A WORK ' 0 PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. 'MITT EE by Chas. W. Hays. (raid advertisement.) man. Homo phone zdUJ. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Home 2303, WOOD. Slab and oak grub wood for Sale by A. W. Docksteader, 1197 1 O 1 1 TJ-. -! UT..-1. outlLlHlll ruuu. JiUUUO 196. . REPAIRS THINGS. - F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, sewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. WOOL Carded and batted at Suntiam , Carding & Knitting Mills, Btayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in .Albany. Skill lv set, if desired. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. water with pomp; telephone in bouse fronts two roads and also street on one side, only 'A mile from S. P. depot. Only takes $600 cash to han dle this place, and balance can be paid as rent $12 per month. For full particulars and price address Post , Office Box 596, Albany, Ure. t4 FOR SALE. Why pay rent, when you can own a fine acre tract, in Sun-; rise addition, one half mile from S.P. depot. Terms $12.00 cash and $12.00 per month. For fall particulars ad dress post omce box b'Jb. AlDany ure. ' VVANTED. Some white fiir shingle blocks. Call Albany Shingie Mill, tl FOR SALE.-Tfarm ot U acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crop. Terms: half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 830 S. Main. tl to this scheme vote 329 X No and vote it hard. "Until they are divorced (from poli tics) the saloons will continue to be a . . , , ' stench in the nostrils of respectable From the Springfield News: ! citizens and their shameless violation' l- H- .B,"S??m for Joint State Sen- , of law and decency will continue.1 atr.and Al. M. rcery tor benator are The spectacle which is presented to '"S a whirlwind campaign and the Portland citizens by the sties of a,re. "akine a good impression on debauchery on burnside street are tl'clr ?ar?rs wherever they go. Sen cnough in themselves to account for ?tor Bingham is one of the best the prohibition movement." known men in the county and his guuu ivgi.iuuivv i.,uiu in nit j-iai assures his election to the office for LOST.-Case contaiin gold ey Nurseries ,5 7 for "is Past record bot thc PPer . ' , ,, ; and lower house is an open book. In FOR SALE. -Two-room house (2 lots). his poii,jc;li addresses he strikes race tor snort time $iuu. Aaoress straight from the shoulder and be- box 103. Albany LOST, A purse containing $36. Re ward. Return io Democrat office. fore his closing remarks he gives one lo understand the unworthiness of his opponent to the office of Joint Senator FOR SALE. Jersey cow, fresh, by; and backs up his arguments by intro Mrs. Mart Miller. Bell Farmers 28 jdncing actual proofs. (Paid Ad.) FOR SALE. Two mar colts, Omonths . - .; rT . - , T old, Englishire and Clydesdale, will! Fr fircu't Judge vote for I. H. take part in cow and hogs. R. Rodg- Van Winkle. Qiialified by practice ers, Tangent. W iu.ut,u.. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 r Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management tor Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. MORE MEAT For the money than any place in the city at the shop of W. KOPPLIN, New Hiil Bldg., nd and Montgomery. COAL FOR SALE. In small or large quantities. For prices see A. W. Docksteader, 1197 Santiam Road. Home phone Black 176, ore Interesting items it the November 'Special Sale SPLENDID SILK DRESS BARGAINS. Our customers well know of the beautiful dresses which we always have on display in the Ready-to-Wear side of the store. Dresses of silk, voile, and wool from the best makers ! and designers of the land. Every one right up to the minute in style and fabric, j And we have never seen more charming and pleasing ef-j fects than are presented this season. You will wonder' why you ever made your "best dress" when you sec these ! nnrl vnu are sure to want another. So durinsr this sale of i seven days we give you the privilege of a special reduction of 16 2-3 per cent. Or any $7.50 dress $ 6.25 Any $10.00 dress (JO : 8.33 Any $12.00 dress (Jtf : , 10.00 Anv SI 5.00 dress fJO 12.50 Any $20.00 dress (a; 16.67 j Any $25.00 dress (rr ! Any $40.00 dress (Jtj 33.33 j nmwt mm III w CORSET BARGAINS. Corsets that arc odd sics of broken lines. Among them you will find values that are exceptional and a num ber of good styles in all sizes will be found. While they last, each, 48c. critical inspection toorsets tim'm . - s I BF We have the model (hat is exactly suited to your figure ST.OO and upward Will you not let us show it to xou ? 'K ..-.-A :-n-..-.:a 14 I mfirm Mem i rip 111 LV A FLANNELETTE PETTICOATS. A knee length flannelette petticoat adds wonderfully in warmth when the cold days come. These are well made of good quality outing and come in several colors. Every one is a worthy value and the low price will ap peal to our customers we are sure. Better be ready when cooler weather does come. You can save by buying these now. Each 39c. " The Hamilton Store THE SUIT SPECIALS. These two specials did make quickbuyingbut the selec tions were general so that a good line of sizes and styles still remain. It may be that your exact size and style is among them and you will go away as well pleased as have many others who came and secured theirs all ready. Really you don't know how splendid they arc and you won't until you see them and try them on. Then yoit will realize what a saving you can effect. Just two lots remember. . One at $9.75, one at $14.75. FLANNELETTE GOWNS. Well made gowns of good quality outing flannel. They come in pink and blue stripes neatly finished and in all siz es. Good and warm for cool nights. Each, 89c. THE HAMILTON STORE