Aibaoy Democrat vol n .Y ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4. 1910 SO 1 Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CREST PUBIC STENOGRAPHER AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Home Phone ' cuiiaing. oia ESKAY KID GAGE HATS RED CROSS SHOES ipw I'lpfip F If lift St hMBw t( It IB II r fl! f i fell iiifafa Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House INVESTMENTS. No. 164 New 5-room house, lot West Albany. Price $950.00. C. H. New 6-room house, 2 lots, West Albany, Price $1000.00. No. 119. Good 8-room house, 2 lots, East Albany. Price $1050.00. No. 136. Two corner lots, East front, new barn, West Albany. Trice $750. No. 135. Good 6-room house, lot 66x 110, West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 1195. Good 8-room house, cor ner lot, east front, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 130. Fine lot, close in, sewer, water, best location, at a bargain. No. 143. 2 lots good house, East Al bany. Price $1600.00. ....Own your own house. You cannot aflord to pay rent at above prices. Ket located winter will soon be here. FRUIT, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES. No. 162. 10 acres 1J4 miles out; ap ples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ber ries, all kinds. 7-room house, barn, chicken house; at snap price. No. 163. 160 acres all in cultivation, fine 9-room house, barn, windmill. $80.00 per acre. No. 161. 3'i acres Vi miles out, at a bargain. C. 350. 283 acres, 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, barn. $25.00 per acre. Stock ranches, 800 to 1200 acres, houses, barns, and fenced. Prices range from $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Call at my office, for safe, sound, con servative buy. 40 years residence in Albany, I know all conditions. Best automobile service. Bell Phone 240-R. Home Phone 434. JAS. F. POWELL, 130 Broadalbin Street 4LBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Goldeu Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy- ,n- Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. PhcneB. iUin 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofirg, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden hnd field seeds, hay, train, flour. M. SEXD3RS & ( O. "Both Phones 18. -135 West First St. w!''F. JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Oft'icu at !-.r hilts Feed Stable?. n,orn,.w200-R, Bell; Home 12S5. NEW BOOKS We bave just received a full line of Popular Fictionbpoks. 75c line. Our price 55c ea. 10 for $5.00 AT MEISER & ME1SER GLOVES and SHAPES r earn land "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Matinees Daily 2 :30 to 5. Night shows 7 :30 to 10 :30. SPECIALS. Miss Mandeville Lynton Athey Murray Athey, Also a talking act. Three pictures. I Ladies , Skate ! THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIESISKATE The rin' will be lit to repnent moonlight and afspecialty will he made of couples only. ' TUESDAY afternoon, w ill be reserved Jfor LADIES Thursday and Saturday evenings Admissiod 10c. arsha i Complete Lines cf Crockery, I and the bestline of Tea and C 206 W. 2nd Street. M 1 ITJi ULTRA Fashionable "SHe new Tailored Suits, Coabs and Dresses expressed to us by our New York resi dent buyer overshadows all previous showings. They are simply beautiful and are the truest testimonial to the highest achievement of the modern designer to the class of merchandise this store shows a t moderate prices.- Come and see for. yourself, try the garments on. In our Misses and Chil dren's Dep't. you will find any style of Coat desired, at the price you wish to pay. FINE MILLINERY. A splendid showing of the newest and prettiest shapes, direct from the Gage factory! in Selections. in Humerous Songs. the Baritone, Skates 25c Chins, Glassware, Groceries offes in Albany, at Stetter's, , i i. Sunday Matinee 10c. E vening 20c. : 3. 4. . p i i 11 & ' Lobaugh; L 0. T. M. The convention of Lady Maccabees for thisjdistrict closed last evening after at interesting session. There were 19 past eommanders pres ent. Reports from seven hives were read, the field covered being Marion, Polk, Lane, Benton and Linn. Officers were present as follows: Alice Porges, Portland; past com mander, Mrs. Ella Merrill, Albany; record keeper, Lizzie Read, Albany; tinanco auditor, Mina B. Rowland, Salem; lady at arms, Bertha Curl, Jefferson; lady sergeant, Mary E. Bier. r.nrvoIlio Io.t cm Albany; lady picket, Alice Croner, Eu gene; ;ady musician, Lola Jhnkin, I Albany; Captain, Hester Austin; color bearers, Nellie Reeves, Florence Den son, Jefferson. At the evening session there was in itiation under the new ritual, conducted by the officers of Jefferson hive assist ed by the guards of Albany. Eugene, upon invitation, was accepted as the next meeting place. New officers were elected as follows: Past lady commander, Mrs. Lizzie Read, Albany; lieutenant commander, Mrs Rankin, Eugene; fltltinc auditor, Mrs. Dorr, Salem; chaplain, Ella Merrill, Albany; lady at arms, Mrs Reeves, Jefferson; sentinel, Mary E. Bier, Cor vallis; sergeant, Lady Sharp, Corvallis; picket, ;Mrs. Archibald, Albany; official prompter, Lady Vlnske, Cottage Grove; captain, bady Austin, Albany. Besides the officers mentioned the following were present: Lebanon. Clara Keefhaver, Harriet Settle, Myrtle E.Mackey,. Jefferson. Abbie Hormyer, Berhta Curl, Florence Denaon, Edna Shumaker, Mary Shumaker, M. Curl, F. E. Cald well, Lena Hodspier, Ladv Bierd. Eugene. Mary Vinske, Ida Miller, Bessie Rankin, Alice Croner, Martha Littlefield. Salem. Edith Darr, Nina Rowland, Carrie Holman, Rosella Crosen. Cnicakasha, Ok.. Nina Gray. Rockwood. Eva Crockett.; Corvallis. Lady Peters. Albany. Maggie Sullivan, Helen Rooklidge, Leona Crowder, Sarah Goff , Florentine Voss, Alice School, Zella Crowder, Maranda Westfall, Mary Troutman, Elizabeth Cary.Mary Stites, Emma Smead, Hannah Lutrger, Lizzie Weaver, Minnie School, Anna Craft, Adeline Moon. Eugenia Cochran, Ella McDonald, Belle Leonard, Lena School, Laura Churchill, Lida Van Winkle, Lady Kelly, Edna Warner, Anna Sharp, Laura Anderson, Verna Kellv, Etta Willis, Mrs. McAlpin, Mrs. Donaca. f Just received a crats of Haviland at the Variety Store, 813 W. 1st St. All overcoats just $15'at.W; F. Pfei ffer's.v v Empire Photoplay PROGRAM TONIGHT. "The Iconoclast." A ....Bioeranh I out. Not alone is it good dramatical i ly, but it teaches the dissatisfied that wealth does not bring all that may be ! wanted. 1 It is a sermon in ethics, and I deserves wide circulation. I "The Vagaries of Love." An Amer ican i'athe drama, llus is a picture I I tnat Keeps one guessing, ending beau tifully. The tactful husband 'oavs his beautiful wife back in her own coin, ana teaches ner a good lesson. "Mrs. Remington's Pride." A drama with a good horal to it: The innocent are verv often made to suf fer by someone else's wrongdoing. A I slight misunderstanding may wreck a life. But it is all brought out beau tifully in this Lubin picture. "Resourceful Robert." "Love never does run smooth." But Robert has the tact to bring things to pass in this delightful little comedy, and it ends with the old man's "Bless you, my children.".. Illustrated Sone "Tiddle. on vour fiddle, nlav some rag-time," Mass I Crosno. Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. The Electric. Under New Management, B. Harri son, Prop. TO-DAY'S PROGRAM. A 3-recl program. The Gunsmith, or Saved by a baby's hand. The aGng Leader's Reform. A Mother's Love. The Husband Present. We have installed a new machine and are trying to please the public. Regular admission, 5 cents. Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean tip-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at wholesale prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less money than you would pay for shoes of the commonest sort elsewhere. lO 1! ISA D01NQS OF THE JV0RLD. Six men have already been killed foe uccra up m untisn uoiumuia tnis son. TKft .Taff ....n i i a - -w ipciwiauii wku Bcnuoi maw ui rnMnJ 3 L u. maim puBBeu uiruugn tno city lor Eugene to play this afternoon. W,J- Bryan w" make a campaign one is running Billy Bryan. Os. West spoke to twice as many peo- nla in Pnnrana as Dn.nA. U Guard, and yet the Register attempted At the Court house, Deeds recorded! 4 H. Hiidor to Ben Hub;( 40 a t - 10 1 Sevmour Washburn to Wm. Ehlert ! lots Lebanou 10 C. L. Ransom to D. B. Hill 2 lots Mill City no H. C. Davis by referee to C. S. Davis 160.24 acres 7600 Demurrer filed in Keeney agt. Articles nied incorporating the Valley Building Co. Incorporators Chas. W. StrinA. .I F.. QtKina o-:-- Capital stock $10,000. Place Albany. Huntnrs I tenberg. Campaign Meeting at Tangent. An "OfAcrr.n n" rtvlnnni:,. , w..u.. i j uv.icgaw.iu xii.Mii una city neia ran enthusiastic meeting a jtaiiKtiiii. mat nignt. rwenty-one young people of the Methodist chur b went in a "Tally-ho" and four others , in a pnvyte onveyance, making t' e whole region resound with "Oregon! Gordon and Clyde Willli'amson did the oucaiviiiK, auu were irreatlv encourBErea i by the cheers of the large audience as well as the good backing of the home team. If the scribe is any prophet, Tangent precinct will go dry as the dust of Arizona. West'i Meetings. i S. A. Devaney. of Philomath, reports a fine meeting last night when Uanald West spoke. Neatly everybody there will vote for him, probably not a dtzen against him. Mr. West will speak in Albany Tuesdav night and will no doubt be given a big house. i All suits juot $15 at W. P Pfeiffer's WOOD 6106O Uyysxrif)" FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PYP.OGRAPHY. The largest showing of wood to AiDany, wan pr.ccs that are right, See the new iewelled and tinsel work. The articles are of three-nlv hasa- wooa lor ine interesting carving ana signs made cxnrcsslv for this work. plctcd showing this different work. Our pyroeraphic stock includes needles, boxes, bulbs, in all the newest and most up-to-date designs. Come in ana let us snow you these beautiful novelties. WOQDWORTH DRUG CO. ; DOOLEY'S GROCERY A safe, satisfactory grocery store That's nil. A grocery store you can depend on IN EVERY WAY where nothing extra is charged for courtesy, honest weights and measures, superior goods and prompt intelligent service. Try us give us your grocery trade for a month or so our goods will "make gooJ" or WE WILL 1 Wnen shall we begin calling at your door? J. 55? O la t 32". First St. BUG JUICE SOCIETY. Tall Timbor. Oct. 27.-Last night I awakened in the early hours and a great thought came to me, and it was about pests. It Is easy to keep the codlin moth under pnntrnl .timf fi.m 1. - w ... .ui a uuilio rule association and lot them resolve for a creater Orarnn. Thau win knR . take some portions of Oregon and decide on what trees they will destroy,: ana those they will pass by, and we will have them UnHnr nitnlml cni those little corners that are controlled oy um mum nome rule association are nuiuK iu iii.ciiaa kiia II1UII1, unu wnue thA mntha am rlaolrnuini .Ua .Hnnn .u " .w uw.ivjlliu UCCB, l.llO trees will be getting the revenues from license, and if they go beyond the limits of their territory what of that, All we have to do is just to be con trolled under the tile of the Greater Codlin Moth Home Rule Association, the moths will do the rest;, All we have to do is to C6rti6r thorn lineal tha 'name of the Greater Codlin Moth Home Rule Association, then give the codlins a license, and we will get rich, unless we stop and figure the difference between the license money and the valua of the loss by wormy apples. We might correlt the San Jose scale, cut worms and chintz bugs in the same association, and simp ify the name by calling it the Greater Oregon Home Rule Bug Juice Association. yuuri's. See our new line of decorated china. The Variety Store. 313 W 1st St. All overcoats just $16 at (V. F. Pfei ffar's. i ALBANV 0FER4 HOUSE Friday, Nov. 4 , The Distinguished American Actreii Virginia Harried In Her New Play "The Woman HeMarried" A Dotpettic Drama of Today by ' Herbert B&shford ! PHICES.-J1.60, $1.00, 7Bc, BOc, 25e. Hu.O.0. burn and burnine outfits ever shown in biart now on your Xmas presents. gouge worK. Dozens ot catchy de We have some beautiful nieces .com new arrivals in skins, outfits, nanels. 0 . 4 TO BURN ir