-v1 Two Big Specials FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satnrday Moreen Petticoats at 98c ea 11-4 Blankets at 95c pr. A big lot of Moreen and bpudkIub- in white, grey or tan. Our regular petticoats. Regular $1-60 valuoa. J1-25 value- Special for four Special at 98e daya at 85c Pr- Flood's Store Agents for K- & G Corsets. Agents for Standard Patterns ITOMORROW'S ! i DOINGSJ M1SFTS. The mud of th Oregonian spatlers back. M. E. Regular services in the morn- Unrttohte&topZini Bowerman's campaign has Put a pin in the fact that; 03. is going to carry Linn county IF YOU ARE THINKING O F BUYING a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. lb-, nceninir rhnrn ho nninn m.-1 been a defensive one , ing, with a good speaker, to which all ' i' re invited, the churches of the city u iting. St. Peter's (Episcopal). Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning service ' 1 a. m. Evening service 7:30. S. S. :10 a.m. Sti angers cordially welcomed. I ! Baptist S. S. 10:15 a. 'm. Preach-1 ' ing hy Rev a. S. D.mglas lit 11a. m. I u. i . r. u. 6:3U p. m. No evening i service. j Grace Presbyterian. Morning ser vice 11 a. m. Subject: Today- Tomor j row. There will be no services in the ; evening on account of union temperance meeting in the M. E. church where Dr. Geo. D. Pratt will deliver an address. United Presbyterian. W. P. White, i Pastor. Morning service 10:30. Bible ;school 11:45. C. 0. C. 6:30. t!.E.6:45. rt'e unite with all good citizens of Al- bany in the union meeting at the M. E. j church at 7:30 p. m. St. Mary's (Catholic). Rev. Arthur ! Lane, Rector. Kev. John Van Nevel, j assistant. Services 8 and 10:30 a. m. Ihe pastor will officiate and preach West Roosevelt is now instructing' the cul tured bean eaters how to conduct .hem selve3. Those lien about the Bowerman crowds and enthusiasm ought to make Aim mus turn over in his grave. These reports about voters bein? solidly for Bowerman regardless ot the assemblies are the worst kind of fakes. The same old cut and dried story in the Oregonian about the McMinnville Bowerman meeting, made up according to orders ny a servile reporter, willing to lie tor the party. Bowerman whaeked it to Jonathan Bourne good and bard, and then it was learned that Hawlev did the same thin? charged against Bosrne, who deserved Bright New Goods Only from the gospel of the Sunday, St. to be hit, Bowernvan stopped suddenly THE LIN COUNTY .ABST RACT CO. Both Phones Main 53 337 West 1st Ablany, Or The Game Crop is almost Ripe and should be Properly Harvested Get your olin from US and be ready for the trouble 'abend Wo have a fine stock of the famous Peter s Vid.-d wiih bulk, dense and semi smokeless powders. Make your selections while the line is complete. . Huliiort-Ohling Hardware Co. Matthew S. Evening service 7:30. The course on the councils of the church . wiil be continued and the subject will ; be The 12th General Council of Loleran. The public is cordially invited. I Presbterian. H. rl Geselbracht,, Min ister. Morning service lu:du. Theme;: The Christian ana his Stewardship, Special music and a solo rendered by I Miss Smith. Evening services in unisn with the other churches. S. S. 11:45 with classes fop all. The men are I studying the social crisis. Come and 1 hear the orchestra. C. E. fi:30. Come I thou with us and we will do thee good. I Christian. Albyn Esson, Minister.. ! 10:30 a. m. Rally day exercises in the I Bible school. This will be followed by an address by Mrs. Clara G. Esson,. j State Superintendent of Bible School I work for the Christian church. Her subject will be: Present Day Methods of Bible School Work. Mrs. Esson will speak again at 6 p. m. At this meet I ing the graduates from the class in Teacher Training will reoeivt) their di plomas. This will be an interesting meeting and ihe public generally are invited to attend. Thin- church will unite with the ofher churches in the I union temperance meeting at tne M. I E. church at 7.30 p. m. Th& Oregonian, told about how Nash- ' ville, Tenn., had increased its saloons All suits just $15 at W. S". Pieiffer'a ; under Prohibition in Tennessee;, show- i ing the lawlessness of that city,, and as For file AEi5.u5iElCJ?lS j tne saloons increased the number of.' course, and that is the only point to it except the sl:m on the-officers in Nash ville elected to. enforce the laws, of the: along the lines takes up. About the size of this whole home rule proposition is that the breweries and wholesale liquor dealers want to ran the incorporated cities of the state, and make them joints for booze, tin horns and the- many other things that go with the licensed saloon, gilded or plain. John Banev the democratic nominee for circuit judge is 46 years of age, a resident of Oregon for 39 years. Re graduated from the law department of Willamette University in 1893 and has since practiced in Salemr an upright praotioner, with a clean personal rec ord, a man of good judgment. A wholesale vote-against new coun ties is not a reasonable position, nor a just one. As Oregon grows- some of these counties larger than some ot the eastern states- are bound to be properly divided in time. Eacn case should be investigated as much as possible. But there should, as a rude, be no division, until circumstances justify it. Cfcucattcm by mall for thono who ennnot tpnl in J it in jti-i.r-tieti ifn-liKtiitrf final era, it-si- ?! " ... tu vpl-v,.'. v.ip ti'.-icliurs. 1 atudenU preparing for collcp.o or nnlvnrni ty. women'n clllbn. Bra"'-n, oiift'niinn! bom mk". Kn vi-lnu'-u-uy i-xiuuinn- Tliie mall course oiuou. S iov dowrlpiira buUctla to l!u tlon Is required. ppoiTUIilty lor yim, CorrMiponrtonco Stmly rti-imrtnieiit University ot CroKon Rncm - - - Orcson J. LEROV WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Uoois, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Ofnce, Albany Iron Works JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Hell phone Rfd I4ii TOM YOUNG. House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Ctc-eland Gelscintc roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 COLLINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, ! Buy and sell property. Insure I property and transact loans, j Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in sirr.ll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-rcsi-dents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Slark- Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany Statu Hank Building. Bell Mark 4S2. Ilome- -275 H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, c l n i i r uur VAirsei ueparuiieiu " -jxiw. w -w "wtt1 11 -u..-.J WEj are pmucuiuiiy puuu of our corset department. Here we cater to the com fort and convenience of ouf , pat rons in every possible way - We boast of the largest Hest selected assortment of good cor- sets ever shown in this locality No matter what your require ments may be, we can fit you accurately in a stylish corset that will satisfy you in every way. We ask your attention particu larly to Henderson Corsets. Un doubtedly you will find these to be the most effective, serviceable and artistic models that you have ever worn. Henderson Corsets are the most exclusively designed, nooular nnced models that we have ever offered to the women of our city. We sin cerely believe Henderson Corsets are the most hygienic and comfortable means of shaping the figure to slender fashionable lines, and heartily recommend these models for this reason. Visit our corset department and we will gladly show you our newest styles. Wtart iMw aunty a vtty nrarairinr bookht lllutlraliMg and dticribing (A nuief t cartt dmaignt THE HAMILTON STORE , I Mi HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets state. j The Oregonian published a sensational i item aoout how J. S. Medley, a Cottage I Grove lawyer, a democrat all his life, , was going to support Bowerman. as a j protest against the Bourne interfer ! ence in Oregon pulitics. The real reason is given by the Guard. Medley l is the attorney of the Oregon and South j Eastern B. running between Cottage Grove and Bohemia. The railroad ) commission-helped in securing judgment ' against the road for about $9000 on ac count of an accident to two mea. and Medley resented the part taken by ' West. Cheap politics. All overcoats just $l&at W. F. Pfei ffer's. NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. . See us and get Prices before placing your orders. LASSELLE BROS. And the best of workmanship are put into the homes which are wired under our special house wiring at cost offer. The work is done by local contractors at cost and we pay the profit. We have a special price for your home you can have the work done with fixtures or without This offer closes November the 15th. The sooner you are on our list the sooner your work will be completed. Our" new business department will be glad to give you estimates on your work. Both) Phones 15'.. Northwestern Corporation, 128 West First Street. " Have your old Umbrella, recevred and transformed. in. new styie. HULL UMBRELLA with detachable and inter changeable handle. NO EXTRA CHARGE &L FRENCH &SON THIS BANK IS m its 40th I Wood Yard. 'ood delivered to all parts of city on shirt notice, ullice it residence 906 E ist 4th street. Both phones. J. D. Ellis. - GREY SEED OATS We have a car load of grey winter oils, also a limited supplv of Blak Rissian seed oats, and 20 head of sheet. 1 1 let on shares to a resoon-nb'e party M. SENDERS & CO. Clawford Hlock Albany ' DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Slark IlUn-k Albany We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, I'irst-rhiss meals of all kinds from sckvtctl stork. HENRY BRODERS, Healer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 210 Vct Second Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the PostoOice. Four eliair. Prompt and eOie icut care of the face and hair. VIERECR'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. First-Class Work Cuarantccd. To I'f tin- best ha'd wheat blue stctr i,i ' l-e city. ,, i CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY la moderate and Ihoqui.lin II ! 'limn uniform Call u prove correct. Sold on al folute LUnranty. 11. A. MUUPRY : up tor i I rial shoU. nwi wi o nu ihnt our -surtipn 225 Wot 2nd M. This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only t'ne minutes' walk from the Vot Oltice. See us, we can save vou monev. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts, 132 W. 1st St. Albany. Or. Shingles. Made in Albany mv Mo 1 Edir vJraii: the HEST in the market. Various (Traces and prices from SI. 25 upwards Everv nuiich branded witn my name. Look "f-r it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. b. A. lnUiuFsl'N. VV use no dry kiln. i'or uil iin. ornamental purposes, rap. lilluiL'. etc. Saint) es at M. Senders & Co's store W. L. COt!U. U U 4. rlione, Heme year A Bank of Unquestioned! Safety and TUTnsar ' passed Service. Your acmnnt is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT . WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start! a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid! on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $-3 00,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. WM. BAIN. President. p. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. UOULEY. Cashier.! ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you wiil branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. JERSEY PMiY Hros.li milk and rr.- n l-i vcr the city twice il Phones: Bell Mack -,' 1 K4 Mar. WW l :: hrin- Phases: Unit , 1. I : A la. I. M IrWEAUX- hsician. Aim ry. s'l.i; l!;o.-k. .e II ri? I'."!", Bell black ,Kur.e.bli.ckSia Bell GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS Ettimates it- ra Plastetinjf, Side walk and C'l-.-nt Wink. J. H. Tli AVER, 4th Cslapooa BARBER SHOP 2.V West 2nd St. Firt Cl.ifs Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop, T. J.TITES, Attorney at Law. Notary i'ubhc I.eiral business of all l.; 1.5 j , :ourts prorontlv attene,; tn i;,.n 166 J. I