The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents u weeK : in uavance for one year, ii.W. By mail, in advance for one year 13, at end or year $a.iu. The Weekly Advance ner year $1.25 At end of year $1.50. After 3 yei--s at Vi. TWO ARGUMENTS. The Democrat has been handed an .article, with this head: "The Liquor Issue in a Nutshell. Iwo pointed ar- KUiucnts which the saloon defender can never answer." One is a simple list of provisions, fruit and other groceries, which the drunkard's family might have in one years tunc it the victim ot liquor m . vested in the items listed for each 10 cents a dav spent for liquor. For .instance if he bought three drinks of whiskey a day at 10 cents each in a year it would mean 3 bbls. Hour, 20 bu. potatoes, 200 lbs. granulated sugar, 1 .bid. crackers. 50 lbs. salt. 20 lbs. rice. 50 lbs. butter, 25 lbs. coltcc, 10 dozen oranges. 10 dozen bananas, 2 dozen cans corn, 100 cakes soap, 12 packages rolled oats, 10 pounds candy, 18 boxes matches, 1 lb. pepper, 2 lbs. tea, 10 doz. pickles and V2 bu. beans. Here is the other, with Battle Creek, Mich., as the illustration, it had 47 saloons, with a total license of $26,500. W. A. Taylor promised if the. total re ceipts of the saloon were turned over to him that he would give bonds to pay 200 men $2 a day for .100 days. .$120,000 ; 50 teamsters, $45,000 in 300 days, 200 families $1 a day for 300 days, 1,000 families a barrel of flour each at $6 a barrel, fuel for 200 fam ilies, 500 pairs shoes, 200 dresses for women, 400 for girls; 400 suits for Iboys, 200 cloaks for poor women, 400 thanksgiving turkevs, 200 Christmas dinners, 800 packages candy, a kinder garten school, with two teachers, a new fire station and equipment, a $60, 000 city hall, a $2000 home for each saloon keeper and present of $500 each, a total of $464,000. AN INFAMOUS BILL. The most infamous bill introduced fin the last legislature was the Brooke Bean bill, providing for a jail sentence for the candidate for office who should sign statement number one pledging himself to vote for the candidate for ij. S. senate who received the largest 'popular vole, besides forfeiture of his office and a fine of $100 to $500. The bill failed. Chief of Police Mtmkers being one of the men voting against it. L. E. Bean, one of the authors, now wants to be joint senator, a dangerous :man to put in office. The sheriff should be a man com petent to handle the business of the .office in a business way, as tax col lector as well as administrator of many duties. Sheriff Smith is one ot the most capable in the state. 11c knows the intricate duties thoroughly. Vote 320 X NO in the interest of the home. Albany wants no more saloons, and the farmer who trades here and sends his boys and girls to . school here has a rigiit to a voice ill it. Hun. M'. .' Miller has been tried . and found U ..e. the man Linn county needs in the state legislature. This vcounty wants no assembly nominee in ithc legislature. WHY NOT WOMAN SUFFRAGE? (An address given recently at the Y. . IM. C. A. hall in Portland by Clar ence True Wilson, D. IX) When two armies face each other in battle the army of aggression, be fore it can engage the main body, must drive in the skirmish lines of the en emy. The woman suffrage propa ga.ida has thrown out certain skirmish lines in the public thought and these must he driven in before wc can come to the main argument. First, then, those who claim that the ballot is i-;ln minlc from the declara tion nf' independence that, "Taxation without representation is tyranny Hut the quotation is iiot in point, for ii.-h ,iitmimtt was uttered villi no possible reference to individual volei s. male or female. It was a declaration of Ihc representatives of the 13 col onics that unless these colonics could have a representative in the parliament and in the cabinet to protect their in terests King George should not ask us to pay duly. It had no reference to the casting of ballots, for men voted in everv colony, but it was ; declara tion that one government ought not to tax another without due representa tion. In order to make it refer lo woman s suffrage it would have to bo proven that women are not now properly rep- ri.rtiird hv their husbands lathers or brothers; that the governmenl docs ,.,,r ,r.n.',-i iheni in their property in iiTi-sis. and that thev do not get value received fur their money. ' The (iiieslion of voting has no refer cnec lo the paving of taxes. Wc pay our taxes in return for the protection to life ami properly, by the laws ol ..Iviliy.-.l iciiinti. Sonic men who hav no nr.imrtv vole and many who have no vole pay huge taxes. Nunicrou young men and women, heirs lo larg estate?., pay innneic sums to the gov ..i-mm-ut. lint have no vole. Corpora lions pav immense sums in taxes imh have ml vote. Person residing in foreign lands or who have lived in this countrv onlv a few years pay taxes, but have no vote. In fact voting has no reference whatever lo taxes. Oregon Slate Association Opposed ti the Kxtension of the Suffrage to Women. Mrs. I'raneis .1. Ilailcy. Pres. (Paid advertisement. North Albany. BjnU.n county real estate sales, Nortl Albany. , ,, , Sam L. Holnvs to Frank L- Holmes n. 71 nercs. SWi. Alfred A. Hawlcy to F. L. HhIiiks parcel n 'ar Allnnv. K. I. Hi'hn.'S A. P. r:i (. lien Albmv, iM; F. L. Holm--' to .. F. H'll'i'cs, It acres near Albanv. SI, WEDNESDAY. NOTHING IN IT. Dr. Frill, president of the Scio Milk Condensery, telephones the Democrat today, that there is nothing in the re ports in the Portland papers that the officersjof the Condensery havebeen ar rested for Belling infected milk He slates positively that the condensery has never used skim milk, us the Port land papers reported; but only first class milk fresh from the cows. The Scio Condensery is ready for any in vestigation that may be made. Its product has met with general favor, and there is nothing in the report of 615 cans being returned because being made of skimmed milk. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Judge Burnett last evening sentenced J. E. Willoughby to the state peniten tiary for one year, and then signed the journal for the last time, disposing ot every case on the docket, after an able service ui eigmun years. Marriage license issued to Percy JC Chance, Shelburn, aged 24, and Sarah rj. (jarter, m. ot Mill (Jity. Superintendent Jackson is home from Corvallis, where he spoke last night on the high school proposition, at a big Commercial Club meeting, full of live wires. Percy W. Scott received hunters license No. 2000 with D. W. Kumbaugh No. 1999. DeedS recorded: W. O. Simon to A. rruelovo& wf, lot bl 120 H '4 ad $ 10 Fred W. Rogfta to Maggie L. Andrew, 20 acres 2000 L. B. Tycer to Albert F. Smith & wf. 162.19 acres 800 In estate of J. L. Howard, R. A. Howard was appointed administrator. Estimated value of property, in Linn and Yamhill counties $26,000. There is a wife, six sons and one daughter. That Portland Parade. Portland, October 24. The temper ance parade in Portland was a grand; success, rne papers did not do h jus tice. They suppressed its importance all that could possible be done and yet make a news item of it. Contrary to the intimation of the Telegram and Journal, the parade was composed of more than "women and children". Several hundred voters were there not withstanding the fact that most men were obliged to be at their business at that hour. The parade was five miles long and required an hour and a half to pass a given point. The wnlkB and windows during nearly the entire course wero well filled with spectators, proba- blv three out ot tour being men, VO TERS. Th?re is a tremendous senti ment in in favor of statewide nrohibit n. Portland's stomach is soured -.. it. l the Reverend! Mr. Wnsson, and oui 1 -lib lire giving the other saloon mi ..iters comparatively indillui cut heari. a. Watch Portland, roll up. a pronimi on voie in spite or mo calcu lated suppression on tne part ot me papers! UNci IN IT. I'residcnt tloman Will Speak. The pe.iplfl of our city will have a rme treul next Sunday eveninc at the itautist church, when t'leti her Hnman D. D., nresidentof Willamette Univers ity, will speak on the mural issues of the present campaign. Ho is recog in?, d as one of the greatest speakers on ihe entire coast, being a mnster of logic, a good otnry toller, witb a voice which reuches the last Beat, His splendid physique, which made him'nrominent in aihletic circles during his college days, is also greatly to his advantage, and his courage and man- mess is nop;. rent to all.. Ho is suuerior to many dollar attract ions on Chaut'iuqua and College lecture iMttirses. A double male quartette will furnish tho music. Those wiuhing a seat will have to go early. An Ex-Sherifl Married. Gx SherilTG. W. McHarguo and wife. (if Gardiner, were in the city this noon on their way home. Mr. Mellareue cd Mrs. Lewis were married at Adams, Umatilla county. Inst week, going to Walla Walla and stopping at the home of Mrs. Mf HariTiie a fiil;s at hliortdan. ii their wav home Mr. McIIargui w -is sheriff 1900 2. H M. Palmer at tlu time being the county judge. IHRD ANNUAL NATIONAL AP PLE SHOW, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Will be held November 14 to 19 I'Mil. ?J0.OOil in rremiuins. The. greatest variety ol prios. cup and trophies ever offered. 1 tor iingie apples, hoxes, and everyiiune, un to full carloads will be awarded. SIJHKI Cli:inili' Carload Prie. f' the best carload of 630 boxes or bush els. A floor snace of three and one lialf acres reiiliired to house litis gre .-how. Ilesides ilie exhibit oi apple mule packers anil com-ers will lear mil e.iiu valuable Infni niaiion. Ailll'le hotel ;iecoinniodalii'il will: oiit i.ii-e in oriee will he provideil SouliK-rr l'aciiic Companv will hav in effect low ro'.n.d ti :p rates ironi al pniius on it- line. I-or iiinlier iiiii'rmaliou apply I my S. P. : ;eul or M Wm. Mclu li.-'iK-ra, i 'a.-.-ei:ger Agent. ?t is I .iis w; 1 of HL0. Ore be iepur.-u C H NEWS Grace Larkins, aged 34, of near Leb anon, an embecile all her life, was com mitted to the asylum. A part of the record is that her father drank to ex cess. Supplemental articles filed by W. VV. potton for the Corvallis & Eastern. Marriage license: Oren Hogan, aged 33, of Sodaville, and Beulah Hobson, 19, of Berlin. Deeds Recorded: Albany Preserving Co. to H. J. Moore part ot block 17 H's 2nd ad . $ 10 Hugh Fisher to H. W. Torbet 51 by 110 feet b! 68 Albany 10 Wm. Gorger & wf to Linn Co. 1 acre 100 J. A. Burton to Emma B. Cree 20 acres 1000 Wilhelm Hans Gotlieb Carl Fch- merling to 1 Zephaniah Badley 9 lots l'angent 10 Probate: In estate of Minnie F. McKilligan R. L. Gilson, A. F. Wilson and A, C. Mayer were appointed appraisers. A. M. Wilson is the administrator. Deeds recorded: A. J . Chance to K. O. Robinson 3 lots Holley $1000 Wm. C. Skelton toLiliieB. Skel ton 80 acres Ella M. Busey to W. D. Busey 73.80 acres E. L. Stone to P. H. Preston 1-. acres Lebanon F. M. Peeke to John Wither 1.80 acres Lebanon M. Henshaw to Dugald Hensbaw 65 acres. ... 10 1 500 1 lft CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Burnett today convened- de partment number one of the circuit court, disposing of the following busi ness! Continued; Or. agt. Jchn Buchanan, on the docket for several years, N't- J. Rice agt. the Calapooia Lumber Go., Clyde Peacock agt Al Peacock, N. W. Thompson agt. Ralph Gioshong et al, May & Senders agt. Uavisen & Cole man, Or. agi. Fred Senders, Geo i. Wilhelm agt. W. .1. Davison. Settled: A. Sternberg agt.- Clinton Nanney, Denwr H orse Importing Co. agt. L. Gisler, G. A. Sandner and Nicholas Gevmer. J. W. Cusick 43s- Co. aert. Albert T. HumDhrev et al... S. G. Simon agt. E. Thrall, W. W. Bailey j agt.J. W. McUonald, U. A- Murpny aat. F. F. Seavers. Albany State Bank agt. H. C. Conn et al. Crescent Tea Coi. agt Laurence E- Bonn. In Letty Harris agt. 0. Gustafsonets al., judgment was rendered for plain tiff, also in H. Leroke agt. Mary A.. Wright. Or. agt. Eoiest Blair dismissed, prosecuting witness being out of state. Demurrers and motions werejargued in the two cases of Williams Bros, agt. Mills & Wood and S. & Reynolds, agt. Mills & Woodt and overruled. The suits are for the recovery of money in connection with the building o a. barn costing over $4,000. Ln M. Donafcini agt. the S. P. Co. d;iui'rer sustained, with leavai- to fi'n aniaidtd eum)iain', by Ziuv. 5-and au. swer by Nov. 15- lo C. I. Iieavonsood agt. Solon Faulkner motion to dismiss appeal . watv- aliened and suotmuea. i'he following grand jury was chosen::! E. F. Alios, ioreman, of Albany;. W. Chandler, Center: J. L. Davenport,, i ticomh; W. R. Kirk, Brownsville; G. Pugh, Baownsville; Ed. Smith, .Price; M. tl. Titus, Kingston. j I The case of Oregon agt. J. E-. Will oughby, a Harrisburg mart charged. with the larceny ot au irom a neignoor. being charged that he was intoxica ted, etc.. was tried last night and to day at 10 o'clock going to the following urv: li. K. Carlton, u. w . tioawinK D. Harris. W. T. Hassler, Wm einrich. E. D. Jones, J. A. Jone,. rant Lindley, F. T. McTimmonl, H. . Ohling. C. Scott. Tho iurv brouzht in a verdiefcof guilty and the defendant will be sentenced at o'clock tomorrow morning. H. J Boone was the complaining witness. Oscar Black agt. Mary tlurst was enntinued. Oregon Electric R. R. Co. agt Louis M. Moench, to condemn right ot way. iudpment for the plaintiff. in U. i. L,08vengoou agt. aoion raui'. nor. appeal from a Lebanon justice. motions to dismiss the appeal and foi an amended undertaking were overruled and i he ease went, to trial this at tern ion. I'he judge instructed the jury t.- bring in a verdict for the plaiuuii on the evidence. Oregon agt. Stroda dismissed. Not a true bill was linught ;.i IM i.he case of Adrian Moore, cnargeu wun fornication, and also in the case ot Nev Roeey, of Brownsville, charged witf- fulgeiy. Not u true bill was found against Green Hagen, the man charged with lining at an Albany hotel wun a young iirl. ' Without hringina in a sing e indict ment tho grand jury was discharged, and also the trial ju.-y. Pat McArthur has just returned from t.astern Uregon and says dowerman will have at 'east 4,000 liiijority frosn :hat section. This when translated m ans that West will carry eastern Oregon. :-StrS S3i-!Sl-rGl!SR ;30Slll3S PCSITiVE c.'sr. lnrnimMi.-n rTI'it.iirr.i 1 l';.-..!... T!v!. I l'-.-.i..a Kill. i. KO .-uaE NO FAY. I iirp. hlv nmi ivtti: -.-.'i llt .t in.-, vi t.iincrviiooa -1 110 in f It ..f tlt'W : i luii.wn;:. A Liolnl ely it"-. I'.v ilreitl -,' ?' ,-r 1, null, tut- rai.l, tl.uu, H t,.-xr. fl.lX l! tei t!clleVinlinc, Ohio 1 MISFITS J The geese continue tot quack south- ) ward. .' Clews to the Los Angeles dynamite ) crime continue to be secured. j One way to help a town to grow is to crow, and anybody can do that much. 1 " Hallowe'en is dangerously near. It can be made a pleasant- occasion or a nuisance. Law commands what is right, prohib its what is wrong, and the liquor traffic ! is wrong. An eastern editor has been sued for libel lor calling the Astoria-Tillamco k I line a swindle. The Oregonian wants to know if it I prohibition or regulation. Can your I regulate crime. Albany has the bast looking girls in Oregon, particularly those dressed in Albany toggery. "Our Vanishing Desert" is the name of a government bulletin sent out. "Sagebrush waste replaced by waving fields," The Oregonian's prevaricator said there was an immense-audience at the Bowerman meeting in- Corvallis. The attendauce was 225, says- the G.-T. 7" iL All laws aro Violated. SUIO the profal bition laws the same as the others, but ! Albany iB a much better city city with-; out um saioun man wn.n n helped morally and financially. It has A naturalist claims that the heart of the elephant beats only primes a mm-1 ute;. buS. this certainly oesn't refer to! that of the elephant labeled. G. 0. P.. bow going At a terrific rate; in Oregon. The worst wolf in sheep's clothing yet is the Home Rule Assojiationv pre tending to be a friend of loeal option, lying to beat the band about Maine and other prohibition states, the real champion of the saloon and its- criminal; induencesv The matter of tevenne has nothing to do with the liquor question among people placing principle first, bub from that stand point the license iaa thirty cent piece compared with the- oost in money taKemirotn tne nome, . expense j of crime and poverty Mayor Rose-has gotten as far. as La- urande on nie way out ot uregon to wards home. Altogether he has un doubtedly he'ped to defeat the home rule bill he has. been working for. He has set people to investigating, and everywhere they are going to- whack that bill until it looks like the wolf in sheeps- clothing it is. A Florence Fire, A big! fire at Florence Sunday destroyed about a block of business; houses:: Western Hotel, owned by William Brund. The Toggery, . owned by Smith; general merchandise store, owned by Frank Knowles; butcher shop, belonging to Rowe & Son; blacksmith shon. belonging to C. Nadeau. formerly of Eugene;. Husd's general r.ierchandise- store, and drug store; Hardware ana plumbing shop, the property of A. 0. JunKe; cigar store belonging to- rercy ""j - 8 "'"'.""y- . , , ." " origiriBwu in nwienu v-uibuk- smun snop, ouo irom wnar cause-is not. HnuwD- . Liming Events. Senator- Chunberlain, at tho- opern nouse r riday evening, Uct. 2ti, at Y :3U o'clock. Oswald West, candidate for governor and Oliver Turner, for secretary of state, Tuesday. Nov. 1 at 7:30 p. m. The- Corvallis Gazette-Times sto that any ono who- Bats Oswald West if elected governor would be the puppet of any man or set of men. is a libeller. . REGISTRATION OF TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn. In the matter of the application of . C. Tanimen, lo register the title to the following described land, and premises, to wit: Beginning at the N. E. corner of the D. L. Claim of Daniel Ciishman, and Wife. Claim No. 68. in Sections 78,' 29. 32 and J5. in Tp. 11, S. R. 4 West, and rnnmnr thence is. 38.W chs.; thence X. 6'J dcg. li. 13 chs.: thence 5. IU7U chs.: thence S. 51 dcg. 30 min. W. 45.50 chains, thence west 17.50 chains, thence N. 41.40 chs.: thence W. 19.50 chs.: thence X. 41.40 chs.; thence E. 13.54 chs.: thence S. 9 deg. E. 4S chs.. to the place of beginning, containing 398.12 acres of land. Save and except the following: ticginning at a point S. 62 dcg. E. and 2.39 chs. distant from the quarter Sec. corner between Sees. 32 and 33, Tp. 11, S. R. 4 west, and running thence S. j'j deg. W. 3 61 chs.: thcuci S. 66 links; thence E. 1.50 chs.; thence N. 51 dcg. E. 2.57 chs.. to the place of beginning, con taining one-half (!) acre of land. All of the above described land situated in I. inn county, state of Oregon. Against All whom it mav concern, defendants. Take notice that on the 30th day of September. A. T. 1910. an application was i''!ed by the said J. C. Tammcn, in the Circuit Court of the state of Oregm, for the county of t.iiin. for initial registration of the title of the l.ti'd :':ut premises above de-scribed. Xow. unless von appear on or before the l'Hh day of November. A. O. 1910, r.'id -l-.-.iw eau-c wliv such application shall not be crantcd. the same will he takcTi as con:'cs-:ed. ami a decree will he entered according to the prayer oi :!-e v. ; -Hcr.nt. and von will he forever ban'C't ''-oin tli-'.Miting 1 lie nine. 11:.;. -ii this .tOtlt .lav i f September. A. P- 1OI0. ?c.-.n T. W. HU.F!-:. Clerk. I Bv -,V. 1. :;.KK?. l.nuty. h ! X j Clin L-uy 01 ruiAmv, uitguu, ui"vv William GallOWaV,. UrCUit JudgC, i northerly along said southerly exten ,.. ..... fL. ... r- sion of the west side of Thurston Inird Judicial District, Can- Street to a point distant 466' feet from didate for Re-Election. the south boundary line of said Hack- i lcman"s Second Addition, said dis In speakinz of Judge Wm. Galloway Judge W. M. Ramsey says: A' judge should love iustice and hate ! inicuitv and oossess a robusti intesrritv. 1 and be able to hold the scales of justice' mans Second Addition to Albany, firmly and eyenly. He bhfald be no:o ilH(1 45g feet distant there- respeetor of persons deciding for or from (at right angles) to a point 200 agamst parties as their rights appear ; f distant (at right angles) from . f nii according to the measure of the ; Co ..D hereinbefore" mentioned; ilw. He should be no 'trimmer.' I y-o"'. " ,:' ' .- .,, f ' have known Judge Galloway for many thence .n a direct line to the place of : vaarn and T ViRlmve h& nnasfsses these Beginning. 3udicialqtialities. He has in more than one instance in the past shown that he one instance in tho nnst shown that he has courage to staDd by his convictioas , of duty m mtticult positions ond it re- 'elected I believe he will maintain his hiSh reeord for honesty and integrity.' EXECarRIX NOTICE OF FINAL. Df said addition to the cast Hire of a SETTLEMENT. tract of land soM by Thomas' Kfion- In the matter of the estate of Sarah.' tcitii and wife to Margaret A. Mon E. Ball, deceased. tcith et al by dud recorded on' page Notice is hereby given that tba un- 23, Volume "U of the Deed: Rec dersignedi executrix of the last will 0rci5 of Linn County, Oregon;' tlience and testament of said deceased has- southerly along the cast line of" said filed in thecounty court of Linn conn-r;lct to the southern' boundary line- of iy, Oregojj her final' account as suolv saja Thomas Monteith's D. E. C; executrix, and' Jliat Monday the 7tli thence- easterly albirg said sontliern day of November, 1910, at nine o'clock boundary line to the westcril boundary in the foronooit has hen set as etie- ine 0f the right-of-way of the Oregon time by said court far hearing of ob- California R&ilfoad ' Company; jection to said report and the settle- thence in a northeasterly direction fol mcnt therepif.' lowing the said western boundary lihe V A TT.VI7TJ TfT7 T7 RATI I - u :.!.b iniiii.aj.ii. i-.. t.. bkhasj Executrix. Attorney for executrix. SEGISTRAXION OF LAND TITLE In the Circuit. Court of the State of. tilcnce- in a northely direction along Oregon fos Linn County. t))e westcrn line of said Ferry iStreet In the matter of the Application of, (or county road) to trie place of beg'm The Central Land Company, by A. B- m-11R. an(j containing 66.71 acres, more: VVeatherforfl,.its Secretary, to Register' or fes3i af ; Lmn. Gbunty, State of title to the following described real'. Oregon. property to-wjt Excepting from the tracts of Ian Beginning' at' the- S. E. comer of. -,rst and third herein described, a strip block 96 in Monteith.'s Southern Addt- of !;m(1 : onL. hundred and seventy (170 tion to the City of Albany, Lmn Coun- feet -nrid!, adjoining the right-ofr ty, C)rcgoiv and. running thence S. V way Df the O. & C. R'. R. Company, degree 30 minutes east on the east . i.i, q,,n,r-rn Pnnrifie Railroad! boundary line of the Donation Land: Company), on the westerly side theret Claim of Tliomas Montcith, Not. No; o bounded on the- north by the 690, Claim No. 647 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3" south boundary line-of Monteith's- W. of the Will. Mer. Uregon, UiJ. Southern Addition to tile. City of Al fcet to the S. E. corner of the afonfe banyi Qn the cast by the westerlv line. said claim; thence south 87 degrees- of the right-o'f-way of tile O. & C. Rl 15 minutes W. 1425?2 feet to a pohit. R Company; on the south by southern in the eastern limit of the right-of-way boundary tine of tint-D. L. C. of of the O. & G. R. R. Company; thence- Thomas Monteith, Not- No. 690 and: canning in a northeasterly direction on - claim No. 64, in Tp. U S. R. 3 W. and a one degree curve along said right on tile west ijnc by a line parallel with of-way, deflscting to the right, with a- tne. westerly boundary line of said: radius of 5700 feet to a point which is rig!rt-of-way of the O. St C. R. R. Com south 9 degrees 6 minutes east 957;5 pany an(j Dne hundred and seventy, feet from tlie S.. E. corner of Block (170), feet distant therefrom. No. 100 ia- Monteith's Southern Ad' Also beginning 12! chains distant! dition to ilia City of Albany, Oregon; ansr. j; 1 degree 30 minutes west frorai thence north 9 degrees 6 minutes west tle s. W. corner of tha D. L. C. of A. 95754 feet to the S.. E. corner of the Haeklemau and wifer and running, aforesaid B.lock No. lot); thence north thence S. 1 degree 30 minutes east SO degrees 54 minutes east on the- j2;50 chains: thence north S8 degrees south boundary of Monteith's South- -ici-. -,:. nil 13 r4bi.its: thence m eni Addiribn to the City of Albany; a ttortherlv direction- to the place of Oregon, 1299 feet, to the place of be- beginning 'and containing 8.12 acras ginning, eontaining 44.17 acres, except- q,- iesSi m xp. n s. R. 3 W. of ing all that-part formerly conveyed. by the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, deed to the O. & C. R. R. Company,. an(j being a portion- of the property for righl-of-way:. conveyed by A. Ha-ckleman and wife Also baginnfng at a point on the to t!le Willamette Valley & Coast Rail south boundary; line and 92a feit oast roa(i Company, by deed dated March of the sotithwist corner of the Dona- 22nd, 1885, and recorded October 20, tion Land Claim of A. Hackleman.-and i887j at pagu H3, Eaok 32 of the Deed wife, Not. No. 699, and Claim No. 62, Records for Linn County, Oregpn, in Tp. llS. R..3-W. of the Wilt; Mer savc an(i cxcept from the four tracts Oregon,, and runnmg thence north 9' abOVe described the? county roads now degrees 13 minutes east 12S9 feet to a located across the- same, also except point; thence: north 54 degrees 43 min- ing the canal located along the exren utcs east 1752:5 feet, to an mtersee- sion solIj,crly of Vine Street im the tion w.illi the westcrn boundary of the Citvof Albany, Oregon, righs-ot-w.iy of the Willamcto: Valley Xlso a small tract of land bounded and Coast Railroad, near Station No. Dn the north by 8th Street; oit the 649 ot the- located line: thencc-along wcst by Baker street: on the south said" boundary of said right-of-way m br 9th Street: on-the cast by the east a norinwfsveriy uirccuoii lecc, iu an intersection with the south bonnd- arr line of Hackleman's Second' Ad - dition to the City of Albany, Oregon; tlK-nce along raid Dounuary line soutn S)i dtgtecs 29 minutes west 13S6 feet, lo a point: thence south 40 degrees 4V'-miirates west 974.5 fe;t; to a point; thence south 1 degree 30 minutes cast 9,16' feet, to a point; thence south 47 dt-grees 37 minutes cast 1190.2 feet: tlbiiice. north 88 degrees 30 minutes east 67 feet, to the place of beginning. To All Whom It Mav Concern: containing 75.11 acres, more or less,' -fake Notice, that on this 21st day saving and excepting from the two ! 0f September. 1910. an Application tr-.icts above described the following: was nlcd bv The Central Land Com Commencing at a stone monument ( 0anv. bv A. B. WcathcrtV-rd. its Sce nt the intersection of the south boun- dary line of the D. L. C. of Thomas Momeith with the easterly boundary line of the right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company, running thence in a northeasterly direction with the south ern boundary line of Monteith's South ern Addition to the City of Albany. Oregon, thence easterly along said south boundary line to a stone mon ument at the southeast corner of block Xo. 96 in said Monteith's Southern Addition to said city: thence northerly :tln:ur rhe cast boundary line of said Muck Xo. 96 and its prolongation a di-tr.nce of 263 feet, more or less, to a '. itrc monument : thence in a direct line I dc-ignateii as course "D" for --.ib.-equcnt reference) to a stone nion i on the s.niiiieru boundarv line : 1'Vc'- Xo LS in HacklMiun's" Sec j ond Addition" id the City of Albany, I Oregon, 24 feet easterly from the S. 1 V. corner of said Mock 18, measured along said south boundary line; thence 1 easterly along the sotflli boundary line ' of Hackleman's SecorYi Addition to the City of Albany, Oregon, to its in i terscction 'with Hie we'dt'nriy side of I the right-of-way of th& Willamette Valley and Coast Raiboad- Company. ! as evidenced by that certain deed from Abram Hacklcman and Eleanor B. Hackleman, his wife, to the' Willam j ette Valley and Coast Railroad Com ! pajiy, dated Sept. 21, 1886, and record I cd Sept. 23, 1886, in Book "31," page : 179 of the Deed Records for Linn , County, Oregon, a distance of 1380 feet, more or less, thence in a curved line along the westerly line of said right-of-way of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company, a dis '. tance of 716.2 feet, more or fas, to a i stone monument; thence on a line ! bearing south 54 degrees 34 minutes j cst to an intersection with the south erly extension of Thurston Street in , said Hackleman's Second Addition to ., j. r it.- r . tt;.. tance of 466 feet being measured a-c ! r;ht mirira to said Southern boun i (iary ijne 0f said Hackleman's Second" : A,i,i:f:- ii,,, i a line narallel to .-.i . t. i Cm T-Tn-IH-- Pcgmning at the .southwest corner Ol DIOCK ixo. iuu m muuicm. crn Addition to the City ot Albany, m i"-" v-ou u, u. - gon. at the intersection of thewost line ot rerry street oi saici ui rvi- ,, whu - ! L ? ' " " " ?h "s hne : 0t, saiQ niTllt-Ol-Wav LU Liiw tirm. of said western Boundary una- with the west line of Ferry Street in' the City of Albany.' as the same-is ' now located and occupied, at saad "rrri, nf ,-ntPrseetio ,3 a county road; jne Q the Donation Land Claim ot Thomas MonUiiii. Not. Xo. 690. and " Claim Xo. 64 in. Tp. 1 1 S. R. 3 W. of ,i,e Willamette- Meridian. Oregon, all the Citv of Albany, Linn County, Oregon. Also blocks Xo. 79, SO, 87, SS and 89, lot 1 in thick 90, lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in block Xo 101 and: all of blocks Xo. 102, 103. !04 and; 105 in Monteith's Southern Addirion to the citv of Alftanv; Linn Countv. Oregon. j rctarv, in the Circuit Court of the State'of Oregon, for initial registration to tle land above described. Xitw, unless you appear on or before the 31st day of October. 1910, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, thcamc will bc.taken as confessed and a decree will be en tered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand and seal of said Circuit Court this 2!st dav oi Septem ber. 1910. I. W. MILLER. Couj.'y Clerk and Ex-ofticio Cierk of the Circuit Court h: Linn Cotm- i tv,-( ireon. I. K. WKATIIERFORTI. and I :!. V. WEATIIFRFOUD. j "V f :k. - (or Applicant- For tale br Sukiisrl & Lee