Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 28, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Hninc,' many calls for Iwr-c and
:ill farm-;, also sure Ituycrs it suited,
11 you desire quick sales, call at my
oflice, or write a description of your
place, mail same to my address, list
your places with me. Experienced
man lhoroiiKlily aeijuaints'd with coun
try to show land. Het of automoMle
sercice. Home plione Blk. 276; Bell
plrvne 240-R. Yours for Ihimik.., ,
130 Iiroa.lalbin Street.
Oil.- II. II.
Physician anJ Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
Miin 38.
Compare Our Price
With thoM you hnvo J.fen In ths habit ol paring,
and you will su ttiut i.o ollor sou a iulmt-ntjUfll nv
lngon all wort; au.t mu cannot not bettor puiatesa
work anjwliu-re. un tumtur how much jou pay.
bri.lsn wnVL- i . nr.).. .
fll onmll.tion Ires.
'.til Molir $5.0(1
,1 J 22kBr'KlTlh4.00
. fq.!. Gold Fiiling. 1.00
-,EgjEmlFllliii 1.00
Cf.UI Plate. 5.00
, Beit Rid Rubbar-
DR. W, k. WISE. pRiitour inb Miuaii Piinlen Exir'tion .50
ii nut tmiLUKio ii rtiruu must methods
All work fuUr ruamuteod for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
Filling" Bulldlns, Third and Washington . PORTLAND, ORE.
OianStoi: 8 A. U. to 8 P. Iff. -Sunday, S hi 1
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for the county of Linn.
In the matter of the application of
J. C. Tammen, to register the title to
the following described land, and
premises, to-wit:
Beginning at the N. E. corner of the
D. L. Claim of Daniel Cushman, and
wife, Claim No. 68, in Sections 2S, 29.
32 and 33, in Tp. 11, S. R. 4 West, and
running thence S. 38.80 chs.; thence
N. 69 deg. E. 13 chs.; thence 'S. 10.20
chs.; thence S. 51 'deg. 30 mill. W.
45.50 chs.; thence N. 41.40 chs.; thence
W. 19.50 chs.; thence N. 41.40 chs.;
thence E. 13.54 chs.; thence S. 79 deg.
E. 48 chs.. to the place of beginning,
containing 398.12 acres of land. Save
and except the following: Beginning
at a point S. 62 deg. E. and 2.39 chs.
distant from the quarter Sec. corner
between Sees. 32 and 33, Tp. 11, S. R.
4 west, and running thence 75J4 deg.
W. 3.61 chs.; thence S. 66 links; thence
E. 1.50 chs.; tlience N. 51 deg. E. 2.57
chs., to the place of beginning, con
taining one-half OA) acre of land. All
of the above described land situated in
Linn county, state of Oregon. Against
All whom it may concern, defendants.
Take notice that on the 30th day of
September, A. D. 1910, an application
was filed by the said J. C. Tammen,
in the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Linn, for
initial registration of the title of the
land and prcniises above described.
Now, unless you appear on or before
the 10th day of November, A. D. 1910,
and show cause why Such application
shall not be granted, the same will he
taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
the applicant, and you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
Dated this 30th day of September,
A. D. 1910. .
Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk.
By W. L. MARKS. Deputy.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of Joseph Wanas, late of Linn county,
Oregon, deceased, will, on Saturday,
the 5lh day of November, 1910, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m., pursuant
to an order of sale duly made and en
tered in the matter of the eslate of
said deceased, in -the County Court of
Linn county, Oregon, on the 6th day
of September, 1910, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, at the front door of the
court house, in the city of Albany, in
Linn county. Oregon, all the follow
ing described real property, belonging
to said -estate, to-wit:
Beginning: -r the southeast corner
of the north projection of the Dona
t;"ii Land Chini of R. H. Pollard,
claim No. 58. in Two. 10 s. h,
:ingc 2 west of the Willamette Merid
i:in, in Linn county, Oregon, and run
ning thence south 89 degrees 48 min
utes east along the north boundary
line of said claim 9.50 chains to the
center of Thomas Creek: thence i'i a
southerly direction following tho cen
ter of the said creek to a point 10
chains south and 5 chains north 89
degrees 4S minutes it: : from the
place of beginning: thence north 10
chains; thence south S9 degrees 48
minutes cast 5 chains to the place
of beginning. containing 9.17
acres, more or less, all in Linn county,
Said sale to be made subject to con
firmation bv said court.
'H. H. HEWITT. Admr
To all whom it may concern: No
tice is hereby given to whom it may
concern that the undersigned has filed
his final account in the county court
of Linn county, Oregon, in the mat
te rot" the estate of Ellen Cline, de
ceased, and that said court has set the
first day of November, 1910, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day
a the time for the hearing and set
tling of all objections to said final ac
count: therefore all persons having
anv objections to said final account
are hereby notified and required to ap
pear in said court and file the same
in writing on or before said lasf men
tioned date. Dated this 23rd day of
September, 1910.
Administrator of said estate.
W. R. BILYEU, Attorney.
p:i!'?T'TffgyyT:-?Pi?ra ffn finUh plato and
hi w ( jhri.lKework for out-
F' .' '.rt'- of -town putrons In
fc :.-iS','' ' :: YV.'J one lny If tlwirod.
C t VwM'alnloss extraction
x vv-. vifi- i
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
NoAlum, No Lime Phosphate
A (.ovule of railroad men met with lust night and this morning;
Joe Bowers of the S. P. last evening
was helping to unload some big timbers,
when in falling one of them hit a cinch
bar and threw it up into his face. One
tooth was broken out and a set of teeth
broken into several pieces, cutting his
face up some.
Early this morning C. E. Sharp, fire
man on No. 15, the freight going east
on the C. & E., was going down Lyon
str-et at u pretty fast gait when he
met Judd Ross in his new mail cart
coming down street from the depot,
both near the curb. In Borae way Mr.
Sharp lo.:t control of his wheel and run
irirectly into the horse, tumbling off
unucr hi heels, the rig running over
him. His face was badly bruised, as
well as his body. Mr. Ross took him
home and a physician was sent for. A
cut in his nose was sewed up and he is
getting along all right.
A Warm Poet Ball Team.
A city foot ball team is being organ
ized under the name of the Albany
Athletic Association, which promises to
be a fast aggregation. A meeting will
be held at the Opera house tomorrow
night, with Dennis Merrill in view as
captain of the aggregation. Alvin
Coates, once a member of the Multno
mahs, and Paul Driver, one of the best
in the state, are down for half backs.
Eugene Dooley, former full back of the
Columbias will probably fill that posi
tion. Krats Cronise, a former O.A.C.
full back, in the railroad business here,
will probably be quarter here. Then
there are Mr. Merrill, Clyde Ward, Joe
Barry, Geo. Miller, Thrasher and Gould,
all old players, forming a heavy team,
only needing team work to win some
good games.
It is probab! a game with the high
school team will occur at an early date.
Omaha's population is 124,096.
Eugene's apple show began today.
Lot Pearce. of Salem, returned from
the Bay today
H. A. Hinshaw, district freight agent
is in town.
S. G. Irvine, of Newport, went to
Portland today.
Herb Shannon, of Bremerton, joined
his family here lor a visit.
H. F. Merrill returned from Portland
this noon accompanied by his sister.
Elmer Fromm, with Dawson, who
has been seriously ill, is gradually im
proving. Prof. Alderman, candidate for state
school superintendent, went to Benton
county this afternoon.
Mrs. Basinski, of Seattle, arrived
this noon on a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Al Senders.
Sarah Pi. rson Adarcs, after attend
ing the state W. u. T. U. returned to
Albany this afterncon.
Prof. C. H. Palmer, formerly of Al
bany College, now of Portland arrived
this noon.
The new bridge of the Portland Eu
gene and Eastern R. R. at Springfield
will be opened on Saturday.
The funeral of vi rs. Edholm was held
this affernoon. There was a beautiful
display of flowers and many were
O. M. Mitchell is again on thf W. F.
wagon looking after express. He has
just, taken his annual vacation, waiting
until Celpstial season.
Mrn Leo Egan went to Koseburg
tlvs afti'rnoo ti join her husband and
resiile. r ligan has a position in th
round house.
Senator Bourne is the creation of tho
republican party and yet the republi
cans are now trying to make hirn the
whole thing in the West campaign.
S. M. Reynolds, the nogro porter who
made an attack on a 14 year old Grant
Pass girl, yesterday was sentenced to
7 years in me p-'nitentlary, at Rose
burg. The assrssed valuation of Medford
th' year is $3,787,112. Last iht
va:uitioti w.. 2.407,894 Ashland U
assessed a: $2,717,438; Gold t- i',1. at
5138,610, and Central Point , t345,995.
Waller E. Turrell, of Tacoma an''
Seattle arrived this afternoon to loot
after his Albany property. ;ie and hi
family have just retuined from a fou
month's trip through Europe, Asia an '
The general conference of the L
ited Evangelical church Tia granter!
Dallas college an endowment cf $25,000
supplemental to the S23.0J0 alreiul:
raised in Oregon, and it will pet tb(
money without sending a man after it.
by the Man iMjout Town.
A new mail cart for the business of
Ju;,d Koss between tho depoc and posi
oliice. This is a two wheeled affair
down to the ground, ea-ily managed
una convenient fur handling mail.
Manager W. A. Eastburn, of the Linn
County Fruit Associ itiou nailing up a
car of apples. Two iars are being
shipped this week to the eastern
market. There is a go J deaiand tor
apples in car load lots, where properly
packed and absolutely clean. The best
is none too good for the world today.
A ripple in the high school life over a
$2 a head tax levied by the-athletic
management for foot ball and other
athletic activities. Some rebelled and
it pave a few days topic for talk and
the abandoment of this manner of rais
ing funds. , -
That selling lots on the installment
plan has become common in the city,
ilr. Foster setting the pace.
Both telephone comDanies are getting
out new diretories. This city is s
telephone center and for its size can
show more telephones than any place in
the valley.
From Albany s Six
Ex-Mavor Rose, the imported cham
pion of the saloon, under the guise of
home rule, returned from Lebanon way.
They evidently think he is needed un
this way. So far it is doubtful if he
has injured the cause of prohibition
enough to notice.
Mrs. A. D. Barker went to Spring
fieid for a visit with her nephew. She
reports Mr. Barker having the time of
his life down at Cisco. How much
longer he will linger at Linger Longer .
he does not write, but for some time
yet. . I
E. H. Rhodes went down to Jefferson :
to look after his fruit farm. He is
looking for a young married man to
look after the place and is alss in the
market for apples in car load lots. -
Miss Pearl Cameron left for Spokane
on a visit.
Frank O'Brien and daughter Frances
went to Salem.
Roy Worley went to Salem after an
Denton For Centler.
A large audience appreciated the
splendid rendition of Arizona, a strictly
American play, at the opera house last
night. A better cast is not often seen
here, good in every part. Edward
Farrell as Lieutenant Denton, the hero
of the play, particularly dues effective
j work. It is a fvet of local interest that
this fine character was founded on Capt.
Dentler, formerly of the O. A. C
faculty, who married a Benton county
young lady, afterwards being trans
I ferred into the regular army. Dentler
was at one time stationed in Arizona
I and was a friend of the author of the
In Honor of Mrs. Gordon.
The officeas of the M. E. Ladies Aid
Society yesterday afternoon entertained
in honor of Mrs. W. S. Gordon, at the
beautiful home of Mrs. G. T. Hocken
smith, president of the society. Over
I fifty ladies were present, and a most
delightful afternoon spent, and an
elaborate lunch was served. The host
esses, besides Mrs. Hockenstnith, pres
ident, were Mrs. Chas. Wieder, Mrs.
H. C. Harkness, Mrs. O. A. Archibald
and Mrs. C. M. Kendall.
Reception lor Fev. Marsden.
A reception was tendered Rev. Mars
den. of the Episcopal chuich.last night.
at the home of Dr. Marshall, with
about fifty present, a pleasant attuir.
! An interesting program was rendered,
i consisting of a song by Miss Ireland, of
the public schools, a piano solo by Miss
; Houck of the college, reading by Miss
' Harkness, the booster, and Miss Maud
j Laughead, the primary expert. Choice
; refreshments were served with Mrs.
! Billings and Mrs. Tebault at the table,
I The Public Schools.
On account of increasing attei dance
in the public sohools a primary room
has been arranged in the new high
school building for east end children,
and Miss Hazel Rolfe, who has heen
acting as supply, elected teacher. Work
will begiti as soon as the se:its arrive.
The attendance in thn hih is now
2-.5 and in 'he grades 7vD. steadily in
creasing. In the City.
Dr. E. 0. Smith, F. G. Tillman, D.
T. Chamberlain, T. Ogh-sby, J. R Mar
tin, O. A. Farrar. Col. W. H. McGoM
rich, F. H. Harris. H. C. B own, H.
Pinca-, O. B. K't. L'. .V K'.'lt, A. J.
D'tsch. V. C. Fi, I' .rl ju ,1.
fci. A. Pirlth. M'-riso!,, I.I
K. E. Buiuwin, Aiill City.
O. M. Shankwiler, Hartley, Iowa.
J. H. Field, Mill City.
S. C. Myers. Leunn
Chas. K. Wheeler, H. Dodgo, lows.
R. K. NeeesBarv. NY.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 75-40.
The river is 1 foot
Predictnn: fair tonight end Friday
with westerly vimi3.
Consul H. B. Miller, of Bellast, Ire
land, a brother of Senator F. J. Mil
'er of this city, has resigned his consul
ship and will sail for homo on the 30th
of this month, remaining permanently
at home, residing in Eugene. His
daughters, Laura and Winnie, will re
main on the continent several months
before coming home. This will enJ a
long ana splendid service for tho gov
ernment in the consular department.
Mr. Miller's most notable experience
was while in Manchuria during the
Russo-Japanese war. He , was presi
dent of the Imperial Red Cross Society,
and in expression and acknowledge
ment of the part he took in the amel
ioration of the lot of Chinese residents
there in distress, ho has just been
awarded a gold medal by the society.
Mr. Miller has made a clean record in
the service, but, it is said, his health
ne. ds the Oregon climate and herpalter
the Willamette Valley will be his
stopping place.
Three Wild Boys.
Last night two boys broke into the
Madison street school building, and also
broke cut three or four windows; then
they broke up several desks and scat
tered school books. They were Harold
Rhodes and bouey Danitls, residing in
the third ward. They were joined then
ny Joe Moencn, ana gonn to old our.
Hughes place killed several rabbits.
Afterwards they went out to the saw
mill, took some wires from the pipe,
let some saw dust out, broke into a
place and got some eggs, and numer
ous other little acts of cussedness. Chief
of Police Munkers took charge of the
boys this morning, put them in a sweat,
box, and they all confessed. Tomorrow
morning they will be up before Judge
Duncan, with a view of sending them
to the reform school.
O. P. Coshow Injured.
Eugene Register:
O. P. Coshow, Sr., was getting out
of a buggy at the real estate office of
his son-in-law, when he was unfortunate
enough to trip and fall, striking upon
his hip, breaking off the condyle of the
femur. It was at first thought he was
not seriouslv hurt but on his trvine to
get up it was found that he could not
use his injured leg. An ambulance
was sent for to take nim to the home
of his diughter on West Tenth street,
but when it was found his hip was bro
ken it was deemed best to take him to
the hospital where the broken member
was set.
A North Albany Marriage.
Hugh Perfect and Golda Peacock, of
Notth Albany, were united in marriage
at CorvalliB yesterday afternoon, Judge
J. bred yates pertorming tne cere
The croom is a son of E. M. Perfect
and the bride a daughter of Wm. Pea
cock, two of the best young people any
where in the world. Though young,
the crroom being 20 and the bride 17.
their splendid characters and industrious
habits will make success and happiness
sure. They have leased the Vance
place, where they win resiae.
Or. Apples in Penn.
The Charleroi Mail of recent date
gives the following:
"Borough Clerk Ira L. Nickerson to
dav received from his son in-law L. R
Carter, formerly of Charleroi, a large
apple sent from Albany, Or., and the
fruit is now being displayed in a win
dow of Piper's pharmacy. It is only a
fair sample of the fruit raised in the
western state, anu is so large it wn
not fit in a strawberry basket. Mr.
Carter is emploped as a carpenter at
Young Ballard.
Oeorce Ballard, son of Josh Ballard
is in numerous troubles, and John Catlin
took him to the reform school. He
is already under the charge of the
state. He is said to nave DroKen into
the fish market on Lyon street thnee
times and to have helped himself to a
bicycle. The boy is not very bright
and does some things because he
doesn't know any better.
Joe Patterson's Accident
Joe Patterson, a resident nf Me h in
for a good many years, in gttim mf
car in Chicago yesterday pl.ij...J ..w
struck his head, causing a fractur" o
the skull and it was thouzht he wou il
die. He had been east on a visit with
relatives. Patterson was well known
at Newport, said to no a man of disso
lute habits; but haij been doing bettor
Uefore the R. R. Crm
E. P. Frost, a well known hnrdwan
I ''rummer, has hied a complaint wn:
i the R. R Com. lhat the Oregon Elcc
: trie does not have enough enra for tb-
n'lmbrr "f propN riding. This sppnlif
l-ii-the P'!pulfiity of ihc rnjul. Th-
C',tni,-ir y (--n't ii'-p up 'villi the pru
: c-t'-i ' vVhac. W'H it no wh-n i
, reac' -'S Al-'fny. an distributoi
! of' --! traiiic
Von stain
Chicae". Oct. 19. Philadelphia wi r.
its third game thii afternoon agains
: the Chicapo Cu s before an enormia
: audience. 12 to 5. with 14 hit? and n
errors, while Chicago had stage frigh'
and made 5 errors and 7 hits. Oni
more game cinches the championship.
A program of tho dedication of tho
new $8,000 Presbyterian church at
wailowa, a town in eastern Oregon ot
800 people. Wallowa is also building a
sa.uoo school house. There are 20
pupils in the schools. The place is
growing and prospering. The county
voted dry in lUUb and proposes to stay
that way. Two Linn county young
ladies are teachers in tho school, Minnie
Maud Miller and Olga Post.
A double post cprd asking us if we
are interested in immunity, then to vote
330 yes, a bill for the protection of
wrlimgmen, defining the liabilities of
employers, with an indemnity for
widows and orphans, and asking that
No be put after 847, a bill really pre
pared to Kill the first one, calling for u
commission to investigate and recom -
News from Albany's Six Early
Prof. Edward Coursen, of Portland,
came over from Corvallis, accompanied
by J. A. Warner, of this city, a relt
tive of Mrs. Coursen, and returned
home. Prof. Coureen played the new
pipe organ in a booster concert at the
new church last night, a great success.
The church was well filled, the receipts
being over $700. Tickets were $1, but
a few of the first were sold for $10.
Mr. Coursen was greatly pleased with
the organ and church. He is Portland's
most distinguished nine organ olavor.
for twenty y jars the organist at the
Presbyterian church, 20 years in all in
Portland as an organist. His wife was
an Albany girl, where Prof. Coursen
captured ner. Her father Dr. Griffin,
resides with them and ib now 91 years
of age. Dr. Griffin was an old-time
Albany dentist, residing in the first
Distinguished men arround were Con
gressman Hawley going to Salem for
the day, Jay Bowerman, who is trying
to ride into tne governor s chair on
Bourne's scalp, and Park Beattie, nom
inee for state senator in this c oun
ty, whom the indications are Senator
A . A. Miller will beat by a good ma
Lawver J. R. Wvatt returned to
Portland after several hunts around
Albany. He may eventually open an
office in Portland. ' ( .
Hon. L. H. Montanye went up to
Mill City for a visit of several weeks at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. McLeod.
Yesterday he shipped a car load of ap
ples to Huston, Tex. He will come
dowrr'to vote.
Victor Moses, Democratic nominee
for Judge of Benton county, went
down the road on a short trip. He will
probably be elected, a very competent
man as well as popular among the peo
ple, The Gazette-Times, republican, is
supporting him because of his fitness
for the position. I
L. T. Berry caino down from his Leb
anon farm.
Herbert Stevens, of Walla Walla,
left for home after a visit with hiB
brother W. B. Stevens.
Another Christmas swim at Portland
this year.
The Portland base ball team will be
given a $5,000 reception anyway.
D. Wv. Rumbaugh went to Corvallis
today to advertise the apple show.
No base ball today between Chicago
and Philadelphia on account of rain.
The expense of running Portland will
increase 60 per cent in a single year.
Something rotten in Denmark.
Funeral of Mrs. Ida Bell Smith, who
died at Pasadena, will bo held tomor
row at 2 p. in. at John Catiin's.
Jas. Hoag returned from tho Bay
this noon and will laave tonight for San
Francisco in response to a dispatch.
Tho celebrated Ellen Beach Yaw
and company passed through tho city
this noon for Corvallis, where she will
sing tonight..
Knox Haight leaves tonight on a long
buggy and auto selling trip, as for as
Mrs. Roy Cottle, of San Jose, has
been in the city on a visit with Mrs. J.
K. Weatherford and family.
Miss Cecil Knox has returned from
ner trip east, spending most of the
time at Mitchell and St, Paul, Minn.
A big prohibition meeting will beheld
at Knox Butte tonight, Rev. Gordon
leliverine the address, with music bv,
the Hammer male quartet.
The republican candidates had a
it-enuous ride yesterday cming to
Albany from Eugene, by way of Junc
tion, Halsey, Brownsville, and Lebanon.
Ex-Governor David B. Hill died yes
em ay at Albany,. N. Y., nt the age of
17 years. His career was i notable
-ne, a man of strong character, a dem
icrat always
Mr. Arthur Meader, tho inventor of
he new three color job press, and
vife, are in the city today on a visit
vith the mother of Mrs. Meader, Mrs.
Anderson, of West Albany.
Dr. Ryron Hunter, of Walla Wnlln.
s in the city the suest of his brother
n law, Prof. Briggs. Dr. Hunter is
he government agrostologist, in charge
if farm experiments, in the Northwest.
Dr. W. B. Riley, "tho famous Minne
ipolis pastor, who spoke several times
ii the Albany tabern-clo will be in
' rtland Sunday. It is quito probable
in will be secured for some Album
ipetinga in the spring.
Those three east Albany boys wor'
ip before Judge Duncan this "mnrninj
ml the case was adjourned until to
norrow morning. They will probabh
e kept at home under plobalion, an'
ihould bo if they promise, to behave
In the accident on Lyon street yes
erday mornirg. C. E. Sharp besides
:eing considerably bruised lost a $20
old piece and some change. V. hen the
ccident happened he had jnt jumped
ijion his bic e'e after getting a cigar nl
tornbach & Newport's, inntead of rid
y, upon Lyon nreet as reporte l.
t. properties of
the GraDe are If
transmitted Jjj
f AOsoiutely
to the food.
The food is
made more
tasty and
Trying to Ride in on his Scalp,
A Cool Evening.
According to the Oregonian this morn
ing there was a packed house at the
opera house last nig nt, and many had
to stand in the bacK. Asa matter of
fact the house was about a fourth full,
less than half, and instead of being
enthusiastic it came about as near be
ing a frost as occurs in Oregon.
The actual attendance was 157.
After the band played Mr. Curl,
chuirinan of the central committee,
called the meeting to order anu the re
publican candidates were given a chance
lo penearo.
L. E. Bean, candidate for joint sena
tor, or:e ui the authors of thu infamous
Brooks Bean bill muking it a crime for
the people to vote for U. S. senator in
Orenon, spoke, and evidently thought
Bouine was running for something, for
Bourne was the target.
Tnen Mr. Bowerman waB introduced
and whacked it to Bourne until the at
rnopnere luoked black. Bourne is the
originator of the direct primary and
statement number one and because lie
is cunsistenc in advising the voters of
Oregon to go against all assembly can
didates he is fought from the shoulder,
showing the real ammous of the whole
bt'sinesa, anti-oircct primtry, anti
statemert number one, and yet Mr.
Bowerman pretended to be the friend
of thu direct primary. Ho charged
that WtBt was a creature of Bourne
which people with an ounce of brains
Knows is not a fact. WcHt is his own
creature, rising through his own energies
ami ability.
Grant Dimmick joined tho crowd here
und alxn spok't, lauding Bowerman, an
entirely different tune Doing played
from tna. in the primary campaign.
Congressman Hawley closi d the pro
gram, trying to speak as tho crowd was
In I be report in the Oregonian the
silly claim is made that Bowerman not
only will carry the entire republican
vole but get many democratic votes,
whh a mujority ot a thousand in Linn.
IriBteud tho indications are that West
will enrry the county. Al! over the
county thu report comes that tho in
surgent vow will go for him.