Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 28, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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hthe Circuit Court of the Stateof
Oregon for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
In the matter of the. application of
August F. Goettsche to register the
ititli to the real property described as
'ollows, to-wit:
Beginning at the southwest corner
of the Donation Land Claim of Hiram
d.i ,.i .ifp Notification No. 2000,
Kn .13. in Township twelve
.u in,,r west of the William
ette Meridian in Oregon, which said
corner is situate in., tne noruij
quater of the northwest quarter of
section eight in said township and
range, and running thence south 43
degrees east 12.91 chains thence north
3 83 chains to the northern boundary
line of Claim No. 51 in same township
and range; thence north 5 degrees 47
minutes East 19.878 chains to a point
Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, of Portland, spoke
at the M. E church last night, in the
second union temperatce meeting, to a
packed house giving an address full of
live wires. Kev. Gordon presided, with
mnnv nrnrr.inent business men and min
isters on the platform, solid for keeping
Albany ami unui cuuuiy uij,
llcptrnn the name.
Dr. Pratt's text was "Ye are forgers
nf lino nhuaioiflna nf no value." Which
was made a practical one along the
line ot the falsehoods of the Baloon ad
vocates doing the country.
Before several of the valley towns
went dry they said prohibition would
rhom. nut ne tnoueni. Lueue. nr
aces were very live
corpses, r
( cairl nnint heine 35.09 chains N. and hnn. nd'other nh
70 Sfi chains W. of the S. E. corner of : corDsea .remarking at the improvement
said claim No. 38) thence north 7.61 j 'fnere is a great temperance wave on
chains; thence west 11.212 chains to : al) over tne country, and great reforms
the west boundary line of said Claim ; have away8 Come in waves, the re
No 38; thence south 21.88 chains to formation under Luther, the revolution,
r Unrrittnuirr mntaininir 27 tha oiuil war. waves for righteousness.
tne plate ui s, """"?',-; .-h. I t"T..Yi.: ro that, the
acres more or less, an ijms i iu ouiwhb i :-
ins iii Linn county, Oregon. (Declin-! liquor traffic ia a crime, because it does
' f needle 22 degrees 5 minutes injury to others, a wrong, threatening
ation oi nee e integrity of the Amencan home,
Aonlicant and Plaintiff, vs. Owen R. dese-ving capital punishment, death.
Rm& P Darlcsea Jane Bond, Silas He read emphatic statements from
Bd MU on Bond, Mary Knowelton, the governors of different prohibition
rnmminirs Berryman Cum- states showing the success of prohi
Hannah Cumn mg, ryman t fc b
Mmi?n:,vS Piuli ne White C. A. lieved in preference to the falsehoods
S aHoldP Cdt W n. Bond, of a discarded Episcopal minister going
W. H. Milhollen, A. j. UUM KM " Fnfro a financial standpoint it
All whom it may concern, pavs to get rid of the saloon, and figures
"All wiiom u may ,x were iven The taxes of Topeka,
Notice. That on the 8th -day of Oc- were given f
tober, A. D. 1910, an application was . Besides for every $1 col-
Hunters have been quite numerous
the past few days.
Farmers are still speeding the plow.
Several apple growers are hauling
their crops to Albany for shipment in
car load lots.
Assemblyism is no goodjfor the toil
ing masses of humanity.
Messrs. Muckley & Essens were
shaking hands with Oak Grove friends
Miss Maud Collins made an over Sun
day visit with Scio friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Williamson of West
Albany were Sunday guests of Oak
D. B. Farloy, republican candidate
for county junge of Benton, was looking
after his political interests in Fair
mount. Henry Karstens left for the metrop
olis Thursday.
Prof. Woods and wife of Marion made
an over Sunday visit with Mr. and Airs.
C. E. Williamson.
Mrs. John Hyatt will leave the first
nf tha mnnth for Northern California,
where she goes to visit Bume of her
The Albany high school team played
Brownsville Saturday a 0 to 0 game,
neither side being able to score. The
Brownsville team was the best players
I that could he secured in that part of the
country, a center for good players,
hence the showing of the Albany boys
was a good one.
O. A. C. defeated Willamette at
Salem only 9 10 6, meeting their match.
Eugene Guard:
Rev. William A. Wasson is no longer
the rector of any church in Long Island,
as is claimed by the Greater Oregon
Home Kule Association. Bishop Scad
ding has just written a letter which was
received in Eugene this morning, stat
ic was id Willamette out uo the best I m.S mat, wasson is no longer me recur
At Eugene the U. of 0. team de
feated Puget Sound University, of
Tacoma, 114 to 0, said to be a new
record for high scores.
K.a Aiinrllct
Circuit Court 01 tne oiiit . "-s--
High School Teachers Wanted.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct.
22: Although one third of the class
graduated in June went directly into
the faculties of the high schools of the
state, the Teachers' Bureau is still un
able to supply some fifty or sixly ap
plications for teachers that can be
recommended by the University. The
greatest demand is for teachers who
have had seme experience in teaching
nrpvinns tn or durinc their University
course. Some of the best positions held
U.. 1 n,An.An nthn offor
Early teaching in country schools, have finish
1 ed a course at the University in order
i to take advantage of the recommenda-
tion accorded.
, , ,. ... , .h ! The unsupplied list contains a laige
The platform was alive with red rm- percenta(;e 0f applications for princi
bons, red chrisanthemums and dalias r , , p. h scn00i3 throughout the
worn by a crowd of socialists, wno Btata an(J ojera exceiient opportunities
went to Salem to hear Eugene V. Debs for country sch0ol- teachers who have
News from Albany's Six
lected for license the traffic costs $16,
iircun -- :::-i tnrown away.
for the County of Linn for the initial Portland geta a tig license, but $4,
registration of the title to the lanus 0q0j0oo a year is wanted and the srloons
above described. 0f the city, with nothing to show
Now, unless you appear on or before for lt except the crime engendered
the 2nd day of December, 1910, am and ,he poverty caused,
show cause why said application snail voters were urged particularly to
. i, ..rnntPfl the same will be taken innl. ftB- fmlr measures, the infamous
as confessed, and a decree will be en- home ruiu bill anyway, vote No 329, the
tered according to tne pruyei ui ..... proniDition Dili ano me unu u
application, and you will be forever it and tne jocai option number in Linn
barred from disputing the same. county. . .
To Silas Bond, Milton Bond and Therewas goodmusic and enthusiasm
Mary Knowelton, and "All whom it prevailed,
may concern," Defendants:
Tn H.o Name of the State of Urc-
iron You and each of you are hereby ViCOtt Hart of the y, A. C., spent
summoned and required to appear anu Sunaay at nome.
answer the application filed in trie Mf and Mr8 EmU Schulty have
above entitled court and suit on tne turne(j from an outing at Junction.
8th day ot uctoDer, iviu, u . -fore
the 2nd day of .December, 1910,
said last mentioned date being six
weeks from and alter tne uaic u u.v
several times candidate lor
r,wnHpnt on thf socialist ticket, who
will speak in the M. E. church this
afternoon. The Albany delegation was '
headed by W. S. Kichards, nominee ior j
governor, and a delegation of twenty-1
three from Lebanon by Oscar Ingram. 1
There were about seventy-five in all.
finished their course at Oregon.
An Eloping Couple.
Dr. J. C. Booth
Lebanon. He is
live wire
Corvallis Gazette-Times:
An eloping couple from Albany came
tn florvallis last niirht in a buggy only
down from hod tnat we and rum drinking
- ,hn 111 SUll aim uca. viw" ... '
anv church in the diocese of Long
Island, and that so tar as he knows he
is not a doctor. Judge Stackpoie, of
Riverhead, New York, a town in which
Wasson claims to be rector of a church,
has written the following letter to his
friend, Dr. Comings of Eugene:
"Riverhead, N. Y., Oct, 7, 1910.
"Dr. F. W. Comi.igs: Dear Sir: Your
letter of inquiry concerning Rev. Wm.
A. Wasson, formerly of this place, is
received. Wasson was the rector of u
small Episcopal church in this piace for
some six years. He gave up preaching
early in the present year and temoved
to Mattituck. His congregation idwin
dled down to about a half a dozen. As
a preacher he is a failme. As a rum
man and rum drinker he is a success.
While not a drunkard.he boasts that he
is a moderate drinker and keeps intox
icating liquor in his house to drink. As
a speaker, in my opinion, in speaking
nf the temnerance anestion he has
no regard for the truth, and will tell as
tne trutn any lie tniu ne can near ut
tered in a rum shop. He has very little
influence here for good or evil. Many
of the rum sellers were ashamed of him
for the course he took. He nublisned
articles here and made many addresses.
Nearly everything he said was snown to
be false, and yet he kept on repeating
the (Same old lies. I enclose you some
literature that was published in reply
to some of his statements. Personally
I have always been friendly with Was
son, but 1 am not friendly with the
course he takes and the utter disregard
for truth and common decency that he
shows in his advocacy of rum. Belling
Present: President McCune, Secretary
J. a. Van Winkle, Treosnrer Wm,
Bain, R. C.Churchill, M. It. A.
M. Hammer, J. C. Holbrook, E. A.
Johnson, W. H. Marvin, Grant Pirtle,
George Taylor.
Communication was read from Ren
H. Rice, relative to the Live Wire Con
vention to be held at the National
Apple Show. Also from the Trans
Mississippi Commercial Congress ask
ing that delegates be appointed to San
Antonio, Texas, Nov. 22 25th.
It was ordered that the Club purchase
200 copies of Simmons Mugazine, of
New York, containing illustrated article
of Albany, tn appear in the December
A lettei was read from W. E. Ben
ton, acknowledging mcipt of ten boxes
of apples sent for the O. ll. & N. and
S. P. Go's exhibition curs, and asking
for vegetables, glasses, etc. for the
Mru A T? Mnflnv is visitin? her
daughter,Mrs. Mida Jackson, at Wood
stock. Portland.
Mr. Eugene and Miss Springfield
took the,
trirl komn and that the vouni? man per-
, , . mitted her capture, assuring the father ,
misses uuiui ouu that the. girl was to Diame. ine uuier ,
Tells About People We Know.
Mrs. E. D. Cusick and George Cusick,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Langdon and
daughter. Miss Grace, were up from
Albany in an automobile and spent Sun-,
day at the Osburn.
Mrs. F. M. Mitchell, of Albany, and
her mother, Mrs. Cunningham, of Har
risburg, who were at Springfield visit
inL' Mrs Valentine, sister and daughter.
respectively, returned to Harrisburg
last evening.
Manager O'Connor had word from
Portland yesterday that Al Welch, of
the Portland, Eugene & Eastern, ia
improving rapidly and was able to be
at his office yesterday for tho first time
in Beveral weeks.
Elza Crow, at. one time a very pop
ular student at the Eugene high school
i t t I r .. ;n IV. Ikn .In,
anu u llivursiby ui vit;i:uii, id iii wid.i.j
from California, where ne nas neen at
work for the past three years. He has
gained 75 pounds in weight and his
most intimate irienas aiu nut recumc
. . . . ! U.n. a Ah, (la hoa ortnnfe a TPW riAVfl
ula vllo ..... ...mL tok the Km-inerne d motor '"- ....-.-------
Mamie MCR-nigm, iow.i story is that the girl insisted on taning ! ,"'urCf dead and son to visiting his mother and otner relatives
Jefferson schools, returned to the r the blame and refused to go with her f",,"?"! goes to Portland and
riJw' .fpflFnn Parent' "rAv'A'.Bu ""u "' ." X : Davis to do some piano tuning and John peauie on u- "'""l.".!
teacher, Miss Parsons, is from near tofid a man who was on the ground at Maxwell to look afloggingcon Tulare dib-
this city. , - the time,
Mr. ana mrs, j. ut unuerwuuu, vt.
T Akonnn nront trt InrvnlllS. '
-- . . . t, - hrcr
Si?rKS.o" uinamrtaonat the new
Steele bridge last Saturday.
Geo. Froman and wife, of Downs,
Wash., left for home this afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cougle returned
to Lebanon, where Mr. Cougle has a
couple more months work on the new ( '
M. E. church. '
Miss Myrtle Pease, of the boys and .
girls nome, roruano, weni oui. tu jjcv-
anon to see some oi ner wuruo, i
Range of temperature 63-84.
The river rsmains at X foot.
Prediction: fair and cooler tonight.
1. .limaln hnn
pf -MinVmlu ib hnnd leader, came ""'.j ...sTu "j ...l,o o
i.w. - . agreeu wim iniu aim no oajo wnou
down from Lcbanon.and went to bhedd, eels as wou aa ll6 do(,a he ought
1 wiiexc iiu io wou & mo do well. Lrow 18 a former aiuuii
it. ot. An, nf r-tnhor. auu in-
last publication hereof being on the
na aay 01 ""'"" "". f, , ta , ,ith iHvM hare
And if you laii so 10 itns.i. ouvi .......
want thereof the application will be . t. French left yesterday for his
ti'ken as confessed and applicant will home in Minnesota, being accompanied
apply to the above entitled court for to Portland by his brother, F. M.
the relief as prayed for in his apphca- French.
tion now on file herein, for a decree G w simoson, and his brother-in-
of this court, determining applicant s laW( Wnli Keck, of Portland, were in
interest in and to the real property the city yesterday. Both were former
hereinabove descriDca, anu uie uaiun. Albany men
t nii ru rlaims in said real prop
erty of the defendants, or any of them,
the relief as prayed for in said applica
tion is as follows:
Tlmt- Hie defendants, anu edtu
Victor Edholm wishes to extend his
heartfelt thanks to many friends for
kindness and sympathy after the sudden
death of his beloved wife.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowmah have
iliut ... - . , . . mr. UI1U IY113. ... ..-.x
them above named, be required to set . d from tneir gouthern Oregon
forth the nature of their estate, in- , . etting several deer and two
terest, right, or claim, in or to saiu oear3 an(j having a cood time.
real property above dc -senbeu, li any , 0jn .g ghowin her law
they have, and that all adverse estates, Missouri. Mrs. Critten. tnd
interests, or claims of said detcnuams, another onej Mr3 storV) o Sweet
or any of them, may be determined by H formerly of Missouri, here on a
a decrcs of this court; and further that
any and all persons liaving any .''. yi inia Harned once the wifa of the
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawker, of
Bellfontaine, Ohio, left for home after
a visit with Prof. Smith. They enjoyed
their visit in the valley and ukoa ure
. music, keeping him busy.
R. A. B. Veal went to Monroe to
innb- oftur oomo wood for the bitr busi-
nf the chair factory, one of the
most important parts of the business.
F. J. Devine returned this noon from i
the wilds of the Siletz. . H. M. Stone, ' the Chrvalhs prune
a nnni lottor rntn in nrnnased in iran. went to Salem with some more
the U.S. It is coming. ; prunes, closing up the business of the
I Even if they did loose each of the year.
Chicago players received $1315. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
I H. N. Cockerline returned this noon
' from Newport with three salmon, iney
College center.
Martin went to
After Being in Jail 6
are now running
Editor Democrat: Armstrong Drexel yesterday at New
A man is no't out of the world because 3 York went up 7105 feet in his aeroplane,
behind prison bars. I have been in the a new American record.
Linn county jail since April, 1910, wait- j Tha contract has been signed in
ing the action of the circuit court, dis- Salemfora sewer system for South
charged today, and I wish to express g , ti $175,000.
my appreciation ui '-., r, .Am t to Knirene
estate or interest, in said real property,
above described, whose said rights are
unknown to plaintiff and applicant
herein; and designated as "All.whom
it may concern," liaving or claiming
the same under the law providing
therefor, in the said lands sougnt
celebrated E. H. Sothern, and herself a
talmted actress, is to be here Nov. 4th,
in The Woman He Married, a theatrical
treat. .
The receipts of the depot park tag
dav were $20b. with $2.75 expense,
making a net sum of $203 25 for the
Mrs. S. Livingston left on a Portland
vlsit- .... .
William Ehlert, the Mexican mine
owner, came down from Lebanon.
C. H. Cusick left on a Portland trip,
stopping at Salem on the way.
1 w
Fred WestbrooK's Clock.
.WH" Wannrt that, oriaonnra do not' K07. 11. a. Marraen WWII. Ml
Snlem h:n t hti hnnsr of h vitii install
ad the first ele;:nc time clock in the
country, because the invention was
Smith has done. The food is strictly been lying very low for some time. made by a re3idant ot tnis state, r. is-
good and substantial, even better than I Mrs. J. M. French yesterday after-1 worth Pich iL. ihe i first ciock is tno
what is served atsome city restaurants. noon entertained a number of young ! property or u. u. """".p
E. BLA1K. married DeoDle. a pleasant event, with a cigar aim ne.ys sianu Buju......
Mr. Blair, whose cass was dismissed, ! .mo nunt refreshments.
informs the Democrat that he intends , A , of Indian girls, who escaped
to go to work here and show that he , froiraBchpenlawa , were ca ptu-ed at the
can be trusted. ii,,. u inar oiu-ht hv John Catlin
" j r.x " r- hS-r'i
iltU linen umn uii mviivui
get enough t-, eat there are entirely un- this atter.ioon on b visit wim a ini,
true. Sheriff Smith is the - right man who I"8' arrlv-d there
for such a place. A sheriff could not Mrs. E. W. Bryant expects soon to
treat, prisoners anv better than Mr. ; visit her sister in Virginia, who has
,:!.-wV.i;"f.':' 1
hereby to be registereu, u... vv- , Da.k - eat 8Um- but not nearlv wbat
ance is made by such peiMj.. . y-.- , r , b -
sons and such right, estate, or claim ltsnouio naye Deen.
eftabliXd and s?t forth, if any they Someone says the Jay Bowerman
have and that upon failure of such 1 campaign is somewhat of a repetition
nerson or persons to appear and set of the famous Furnish campaign, that
forr ano Establish such rights, in- Bowermar i has i made :no better impres
terest or claims, if any they have, that sion than did Furnish,
they and each and all of them shall be There was a monstrous prohibition
forever barred and concluded by the ! street parade in Portland on Saturday,
decree herein praved for, from assert- five miles long, covering one hundrec
ine the same fn like manner as other blocks. It opened the eyes of tht
defendants hereinabove named, after , whiskey people and even the tall town
the decree of this court has been made took notice.
determining the rights, estates, inter- No where around Albany is greatei
.... a i;,r, in mul to said real improvement shown than across the
hrnnerrv above described, the title to ; river. A section building up fast is U
Duncan & Adams, Hlorists.
California, and they have begun work
on their new hot houses on their place
of oK acres, two miles east of the city,
eventually to lurnisn pirnts and flowers
tor tneir Albany store. Mr. Adams is
also an expert landscape artist and
gardner and will look after outside
The enterprise is meeting with gen
eral favor.
which is hereby sought to be regis
. ,i n.,,i fnrthor hv such decree it
be determined, declared, adjudged, and
decreed that the defendants above
named, and all persons included m
"All whom it may concern," and each
and anv and all of them, if any there
the Corvallis road, where there an
some splendid homes, with rich gar
dens and orchards.
Mrs. E. F. Heath, and son Arlie, o;
Portland, are enjoying a few days visi
at Attorney Curl's home. 'rs. Heatl
is a sister of the latter, iney win gi
be, have no estate, interest, right, or j on toGrontsPass where they will mak
claim, in said real property aoove ae
scribed, at law or in equity, m pos
session, remainder, reversion, or- ex
pectancy, and that they and each of
them and all of them, and every per
son designated and included in All
whom it may concern, oc lumti en
joined and debarred from asserting!
any claim whatsoever in or to said real
property above described, adverse to
applicant and plaintiff herein: and fur
ther hv such decree find, declare, ad
judge "and decree the title or interest
of the applicant and plaintiff herein
in said real property above described
to be the same as in the application
stated: that August R Goettsche is
the owner in fee simple of said real
property above described, and of the
whole thereof, and that the same is
free from all liens and encumbrances,
and order and decree the Registrar of
Title for Linn county. Oregon, to
register the same, and to grant such
other order and relicf-as to the court
shall seem meet and in accordance
with equity.
ti,;. c-minnnc i? served upon you
k,. miniirntinn hercnf by order of
u.,mi.i William Galloway. Judge
.i,' r'irniit Cnr.rt of the State of
n w tl-r Cnnntv of Linn. De
nartmcnt No. 2. it beinVmadr on the
8,1, ,i-,v nf October. ln. directing
Kt;,-i"ti,.n of this Summon? ancc
their home, having lorge land inttresti
Several suits have been begun in Eu
nana airainst Colles-e Hill subscriber:
who have failed to come up with tht
Tha defense will be that th
strpets have not been fixed up fo.
travel as beiore. Other suits win ioi
Moot Inrra will be held through Lmr
county this week in the interest of tb-
different temperance measures, tonighi
nt Ha npv. VV eanesaav afc Olieuu, muio
dav in Syracuse precinct, Friday ai
Lakeview aud Tangent, and ome
and succcs-
eW- wi.fl.-s. hecinnin? with the 21.c
day of October, 1910, and ending witl
tV, Usui, dated the 2nd day ot ue
ccmber, 1910, in The Albany Demo
mt a newsnaocr of cencral circula
tion, published and printed weekly at
Albany, L-tnn county, wregun.
rnnntv Clerk of Linn County, Ore
mH Kv-Officio Clerk of th
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Linn County.
Atinmrv for amjlicant.
n.itc ot first publication, October
-Kt 1910.
hate of la.-t publication, December
2nd, 1910.
An Inventor in Town,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meader, of Port
land, have returned home after a visit
with Mrs. Meader s tolks. Mr. Mes
der is the inventor of the Meader-Coch-rane
three color press, a great modern
improvement. With it three colors are
given at one impression and as many as
i0,uuu impressions an nour made, a re
markable SDeed for a iob Dress. Al
ready one press has been manufactured
and is working well, and another is in
progress. It is proposed to push the
Sunerintendent Jackson has received
! a war I Msea of librarv b6oks. which
1 will be segregated and distributed
Mr. hector Adams, partner of W. S. nmnnc the Dublic school libreries of the
Duncan, the florist, has arrived from t county.
A man kissed his wife on the streets
of San Eranciso and also a friends wite
with her, and was arrested by a fool
policeman who ought to be sent to the
insane asylum.
Yesterday Col. Roosevelt made a 90
mile trip in an automobile through the
country where the Democrat man spent
his boyhood, examining the abandoned
farms and mr.king speeches.
Lester Ellis is in the city in the in
terest of Merrill LeRoy a chalk tolker,
for whom he expects to make a date.
Mr. ElliB formerly traveled for his
mother, a prominent phrenologist.
Mr. and Mrs. C G. Weiss, of Water
loo, la., left for hme today after a
visit at L H Fish's. Mrs. Weiss and
Vrs. Fish were fellow-graduates just
16 years ago.
It is the last of October and red rasp
berries are on the bushes. J. F. Pow
ell has had some at his office several
days, and toda7 v rs. J. R. Metzgar re
ports some tor dinner irom ner garden.
Also some Logan bertiea.
Bryant and Shaw, who make Albany
their headquarters for the stona repair
business. tXDect soon to complete tneir
work in Salem, where they have been
busy for two months past, and in the
near future will go over this city and
do the work that is now aw.nting them
A hobble skirt picture film at the Em
pire caused an immense sight of amuse
ment, ll was pernans an exaggera
tion, but it is said that in the east some
women who tried them really had ex-
neriences about as redicultius. Some
fine films of on anniversary parade in
Yokohama were the genuine article and
good ones.
Two Walla Walla younp men took a
couple of young ladies out to thr-country
home oi tne puren's ot one ot mem.
The girls thought thov would play a
trick and snoaia.-d uff with the auto-no
bile alone, but they did not underpaid
cars vcrv weil and burned it up and wtre
in te?.r3 when the young men found
Oreion Electric Jenot. Beside the
clock features some clever advertising,
motsly of a political nature, is snowii
by the electrical contrivance.
The new Hotel Marion will be the
first to have the clock with all its elab
orate system of fire a'armi arid mcminn
oniia nlthnujli two ot Portland 3 lor.;
icg hostelries will have them instalkd years, and a practicing attorn
by the first of the year. seventeen years, reliable and
--... f -.. 1 worthy, a man of clean persona
A Great Attraction,
John Bavne. dtmocr.nt.ic nominee for
circuit jud;re, has been in the city to
day in the interest of his candidacy.
Mr. iinyne is in every way quauneu ior
he importunt position. lie is 40 years
of age, a resident of Oregon for 19
uorney ior
and trust-
lersonal char
acter. He is a close student, a man oi
good judgment who u elected win ne
an honor to the judicial department of
the state.
jraia auv,
Possibly the Itlo.sfc important attrac
tion of the present theatrical season at
the Opera house is the engagement of
Virginia Humed Nov. 4th. ' iss Harned
will offer a new play, "The woman
He Married," by Herbert Bashford,
the well known dramatist, that dealt
with n new nhase of New xorK lite. I c r QUnr. r,t un,.A. ina :,tf-
Competent critics declare it is oe"or. ing relatives near Tangem li few days
than anything Miss Harned has had
since her joint starring tours with E.
H Snihsrn. formerly her husband, not
ovi.pnt-.ino- "Iris" in which, under
' Charles Froman's management she had
two years oi immense success in uuh-doo-and
Now York.
In the City.
A. E. WooJ, Geo Pugh, Brownsville.
C. J. Miller, L,ow Point, 111.
Z. B. Zumalt, W. E. Wood, Inde
pendence. Dr. Mark Skirt. Salem.
M. C. Conlon, Denver.
J. W. Rozalle, Salem.
Mrs. R. G. Stone, M. N. Richardson,
Ben Huber, J. T. Albert, O. W. Bun
Jay. C. L. McKenna, H. A Kallam, A.
3. Miller. A. A. Kendrick, C. E Cleve
land, C. JF. Bartholomew, Portland.
The base hall championship of the U.
S. went to Philadelphia by the Amor
wan team defeatinir Chicago yesterday
7 to 2. clearly outclassinsr the Cubs.
Several republican papers in the sec
ond district ae supporting Judges
Hamilton and Coke, two democrats, be
cause of their peculiar fitness for the
Governor Chamberlain was given
splendid meeting at Scio Saturday
evening. His speech made a stroncr
impresfion, find Scio will deliver the
gocd3 for vc&t.
In the City.
J. W. Werking, Eugene.
J. D. Caughill, Salem.
N. B. James, W. E. Frazicr, Thoi
B. Parker. H. M. Day. E. E. Jones, 1
W. Santler, L. Alnhoff. Portland.
I. N. Warmoth, Htilfey.
W. H. Welsh jr. Vancouver, B. C.
S. Montgomery, Mohonda, S. D.
B. T. George, Niagara.
Frank Cramer, Ki-ilogg, Idaho.
R D.Jones. htl(jurn.
Arthur and Merril Williams. West
C. Sam Smith Discharge-1
The comnlaint in the case of the state
against C. Sam Smith, was yesternay
ordered dismissed. Mr. Smith was once
convicted, when the case was appealed
ago. He formerly lived here.
Mrs. Nim Critcs was called to Oak-
ville, Wash., to the bedside of her
father He died Sunday morning.
Rev. Jones, presiding elder of the
South Methodist church, held quarterly
meeting here last Sunday.
Rev. P. A. Moses, of Corvallis. was
visiting relatives near here a few days
Rov. Anderson who has charge of the
South Methodist church i.are has ar
rived and will preach hiu first biimon
next Sunday.
Wm. Fehmerline has sold his proper
ty in Tangent and will move to Port
land to reside.
Mr. Davball has sold his little farm
near hare to a man from Nebraska, by
the name ot Jewell. Mr. Dayball ex
pects to leave with fin family tor Mon
tana to reside.
' Farmers are well along with their
fall seeding and a large crop has been
Potato digging is now in order. Thi y
are a light crop.
Young grass and grain is making a
fine growth and looks well.
A public meeting will be ho d at T in
nn,l D,rani,impnta wpm heinor made for crnnt Grange hall on Tlie?dav evening.
the second trial. Mr. Smith has a good Nov. J, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of
many friends hero who will be glad to I discussing the proposed amen tmenta to
know ot the ending oi tne long contest.
J. R. Wyatt was Smith's attorney.
The Weather.
Oregon. he lft call cf the rest,
by Walter V. V ehlke. B ut ft I'j ;
illustrated in iojr coior. in noverr.oer
jiuns?t Mnitazin !- Now on sale, a
news ttandd 15 cents.
Range of temperature 73-50.
The river is 1 foot. k
Prediction: fair tonight and Viedni
the constitution ot the stu e.
I, Tf ' 1. ..
iv r your n-.T-.v ii.ia
.Ps-?0 HEAVES use
i-'.y Stone's Heave
f , ntorc. Price $1.
For .rale by all drug
's. C. STONE,
Salem ;v Oregon,
.-v. Salen
week for six consccuuvi."