Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 28, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat.
"Entered at the potto. lice, Albany.Or
second Ureb mail mutter.
E. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
No. 10 House and barn, one lot on
I corner of M;iin street. East Albany.
, A bargain if taken soon. But you No man should be sent to the stave
I- will have to move quick to get it. 'legislature who is in favor of the as
;Ko. 13 A small house and lot well scmbly, the object of which i un
situated. West Albany. Price S1900. ,i..i..,ii.. .i, ,.:...i.. c
Ku 147fAier,d ll0USC ?' SCnC" r,mS Primary. ' Mr. Ucatty, republican nom-
mvml... .w.umii I11CC or senator, wa
JERSIES FOR SALE. 100 head high
grade Jersey cows and heifers for
sale on easy terms. H. Bryant. tl4
FOR SALE. 22 feet front on Second
street, and residence at the coiner of
2nd and Baker streets. ' H. F. McIJ
wain 140 B 2nd St. 24t j
FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples, j
J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t
FOR SALE.-Work horse. J. G. Gib
son. Home phone 4054. 7t
WAM 'ED. -Apples in car load lots.
See E. II. Rhoudes.
FOR SALE.-Potatoes. 1 mile south
of Albany. Home phone 2416. R.
Webster. 17t
FOR SALE. White Leghorn cockerels,
from trap-nested stock. R, M.
Hutuhins. Home phone 2003. to
WANTED. - For a client of ours 10.000
to 25.000 acres of white pine timber
land. Parties offering such a tract
must have full authority. Call on or
write Tebault Real Estate Co., Al
bany, Or.
The new California rooming house at
oecnna ana Montgomery streets, is now
ready for business. The best rooms in
town, nicely furnished, both single and
for housekeeping. t25
Budded on whole roots,
of fruit. Situated close
Albany. Price S2700.
No. 17 A seven-room house and good
lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West
Albany. Price $1800.
io. iy Liooa new iiousc of seven
s an assembly del-
was nominated by
.ast ccatc. Mr. Bean
' the assembly for joint senator and Mr.
Train has come out in favor of the
assembly in the Oregtfnian. In the
I next legislature an effort will un
doubtedly be made to make such
rooms bath, electric lights. Well body lcg;lit BIld ;he voters" shouiu see Avoco, Iowa,
Chester Chrisman, with SterlingFos-;
ter, went to Eugene yesterday.
Mrs. J. H. Scott and children went!
to Coivallis this afternoon. I
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland, of Hal
Bey, were Albany visitors today.
Mrs. E. E. Davis went tn HarrUhurir
this afternoon for a visit with her former j
Miss StoItenLurg returned this noon t
irom a visit to her former home town,
.situated. East Albany. Price $2500.
No. 21 Cottage of fixe rooms, and
barn, two good lots. East Albany.
.rricc qiwu,
that the majority stand right on the Mrs. Heath, of Grants Pass, left for
subject. No candidate for the legis- home this noon after a visit of several
lature should be voted for who does days at the home of L. M. Curl.
It will nav wou to investlo-iti. tl.fsp ""-" i""'" i"c suo- nm. ivitcnie ana son lett this after
ill;,;?? Tl '?:'""??te,"l:esS J11- noon for a trip to Lincoln couritvtakimr
In the last legislature the effort was along their surveying instruments.
mauc 111 nouse ui xo. , wmcn Rev. and D. C. Bevan arrived
'uaavu lllUL uuuy, IJUI 111
tne senate by a vote ot 1 to i.
propositions immediately, as I find
j ready sale for property, and know that
these will not be on hand but a few
I Special Bargains in Farm Lands.
No. 72 80 acres, 70 acres in cultiva
, tion, 10 acres in oak timber, fair
house and barn, well fenced and
cross fenced. SO acres of this place
is some of the finest apple land there
is in Oregon. Land all slopes to-
uictR, wncic inure is run
ning water the year around. This
place is situated 3 miles from Al
bany and is certainly a bargain.
No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in
cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3
miles from Albany. . This is a good
all-round dairy and grain farm.
No. 76 5 acres, small buildings, all in
cultivation, situated close to Al
bany. Price $1050.
I have land for sale in any size
tracts to suit purchaser, from a S-acre
are tha nnlv
tlT 7-n f J' h " tne,.klnd w,8; tract to a 15,000-acre tract, and if you
8.e"; Call toth phones or address W. are lookimr for a barma n in fnrm
n. LieuDetter. salesman. AIDanv Nur- 1 1. t . j ciiuiraLauuii. u
series, Albany, Or. . ril.y ' S y ?r0p" legislative ticket.
E. L. ' office, but no information bv nhnne
! ator Miller was one of the most active
: in opposing it, and was quoted by the
Portland papers as follows: "The peo
ple of Oregon want the direct primary
law and they will resist every attempt
to weaken or destroy it. If this bill is
passed the people will referendum it
and kill it by a vote of 6 to 1."
Statement number one was passed
by the people by a majority of over
48,000 and Linn county should see that
no one is elected to the legislature
who is not outspoken for it. Don't
send any man to the legislature who
straddles the fence on any subject.
Oregon needs men at Salem you can
put your fingers on, whatever the
subject. Senator Miller is such a man.
So are Messrs. Tussing, Shaw and
Dcnney, nominees for the lower house. 1
You can find out where they are on
any subject, and there won't be any
equivocation, iry it on the republican
noon from Iowa, aud will sDend the
winter at the home of the brother of
the latter, Judge Palmer
Hon. S. M. Pennington and daughter
Mrs. Alice Richards, returned this notn
irum a visit with relatives at Industry, I
111., rfter an absence of two months.
They had a good time, but 1 rejoice at '
being in this great Willamette Valley
again,' the best of all of them.
Mrs. Bessie Guinean Stone has
te.'n in the city in the interest of,
Simmons Magazine of New York, which
is to have an Albany illnstrated writeup
this winter. Six or seven views will be
given and 0 good story told of our pro-'
greas and advantages. I
CABBAGE for sauer kraut
leKeever, Bell phono 2X1.
GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 60c 203 W. Second St.
month. S. B. Penny the garbage '
man. Home phone 2303. j WANTED. Some
uAKBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks
after garbage. Phone Home 2303,
WOOD. Slab and oak grub wood for
Sale by A. W. Docksteader, 1197
oamiam road. Home phoue black
Albany, Or,
floor Schultz new brick. New
, clean and modern. Furnished rooms.
Home phone 1458. tl2
F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street.
Bicycles, sewing machines,
umbrellas, evervthinv.
Try him. "
WUOL-Carded and batted at Santiam
Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton.
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
FOR SALE. Rv tho
room house and two lots, center of
town, 322 East 4th St; also one good I
coon stove anu Boveral heating stoves.
H. Barnes.
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhero else in .Albany. Skill
Iv set, i desired.
, McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Hank Bldg. Both ohones.
white fiir nhinnTa
uiuckb. oaii Aiuany aningie Mill, tl .
FOR RE.vT. Furnisheed room for j
yonng man. Apply Chas. Goettling, 1
lernuerg a. it I
FOR SALE-. A good residence lot,
ten minutes' walk from the court
house, for $150.00. $25.00 down, and '
$5.00 per month. The Oregon Title 1
& Trust Co. I
LINNMONT Is u new sub-division 1
which we have just placed on the
market. 10 minutes' from the court
house. Lots as low as $150.00.
Terms on all are S25.0O down and
$5.00 per month. The Oregon Title
& Trust Co.
FOR SALE. Seven head hogs. Home
phone 3405. t29
FOR SALE. One gasoline engine. In
ternational 3 H. P., 1 Gould Pyramid
pump, cylinder 5 by 5, I 4000 gallon
red wood tank, 1 double disc Hancock
plow. Inquire of Joe Pitman, race I
track. I2t
tun &ALrj. farm or 20 acres, one
FOR SALE. I Bpan mares 6 and 6
years old about 2900 lb.; 1 span Geld-
mgs 4 and 7 years old, about 2800 lb.;
1 mare colt 2 years old; 1 horse colt
2 years old; 1 Standard bred mare and
colt; 1 Standard bred horse. All at a
bargain if taken soon. Mable C. j
Simpson, 718 Washington St. 26t I
FOR SALE. Wagoo, 3 14 low wheel,
wide tiro, nearly new, with grain and
gravel beds, two set double harness I
complete, two saddles, one (low, one.
steel bar and other small tools. One
floss candy machine, 430 Vine St. I
FOR SALE.-Full blood Buff Orpingtons
uccKreils, Butt i,eghorn hens,
fat youner chickens dressed and de
livered 20c per lb. weight 2 to 5
ids. rnone Home Kea mt. tl
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, lib Washington street,
FOR RENT. Furnished or unfurnish
ed 100ms, south east front, ground
floor. 430 Vine St tl
WANTED.-Man with team to take
contract for cutting and loading ten
or more loads cedar shingle blocks.
Good wages. Albany Shingle Mill, tl
In the City.
J. Myers. W. E. Francise. C. J.
Smith, Mrs. D. McMahon, J. O'Donnell,
S. S. Dobie, U. A. Cline, W. A. Noon,
Phil Flood, Lee Gilbert, Sam Goldsmith,
J. M. McAllister, E. P Show, S. C.
Dalton, H. C. Harmon, Portland.
D. K. Grush, Astoria.
A. H. Hudson, Gates.
O. to. Stentz, Olympia, Wash.
R. C. Egbert, Siletz.
Henry White, Hoover.
C. J. Howe, Brownsville.
J. H. Jones, W. F. Hall, Jefferson.
G. D. Treat, Fall City.
E. J. Peterson, Sheridan, Wyo. ,
D. I. Caldwell, Stayton. ,
T. C. Burgett, Sweet Home.
G. W. Keeney. " " I
J. F. Kelley, Eugene. I
FOR Vti S i a
EXTRACTION ' " f-A't'll " J , j
U r -s 2
Dr. W. A. Cox
Albany, Ore.
I. H. Van Winkle has had experi
ence especially fitting him for circuit
. " nv filing a uaaisiuilL LU
"P0, Attorney General Crawford. Raised
in Linn County. He respectfully asks
your vote.
(Paid advertisement.)
o w
I. H. Van Winkle for circuit judge
will give equal justice to all and spe
cial favors to none. Qualifications
based on experience and preparation.
Native of Linn county. Two to elect.
(Paid advertisement.)
and a half miles from Albany, new 7 FOR SALE. -50 burl Orpmgtof), full
room house and barn, running water blooded, at 50c each. See Master
an year, give immediate possession Elwood Rhodes, 5th and Montgom
with crop. Terms: half down and' ery. 24c '
b?fe"l,l!asy Payments. Inquire FOR SALE. Jersey cow, frelh, by
at 330 S. Main. tl ' Mrs. Mart Miller. Bell Farmers 28
All overcoats just $15 at W. F.
to owner. Call at Albany Real Estate
Co. describe same and pay for this
add. M. W. Dresser, State Bank
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Thrcrcigh Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
For the money than any
place in the city at the shop of
1 iir T.V,rr TXT
New Hill Bldg.,
2nd and Montgomery.
COAL FOR SALE. In small or large
Suantities. For prices see A. W.
locksteader, 1197 Santiam Road.
Home phone Black 17G.
Persian Ribbon Special
For a short time we offer a
beautiful line of fancy flow
ered ribbons at a special low
price. These are excellent for
shades, hair ribbon o.r fancy
work and are priced low for a
few days. Per yd.
' Items of Interest
from Several Departments
Persian Ribbon Spe cal
Another assortment of fan
cy ribbons, wide and heavy
and beautiful patterns and
colorings. A value that you
can well afford to come for.
Priced low per yd, 29c.
A New House Dress
About the daintiest dresses we have ever shown.
They are unusual in every way from the careful mak
ing and materials to the nobby attractive styles.
Made from beautiful soft percales and ginghams in
light grounds with stripe figure or dot in black or colors.
Or you may have them in dark ones if you desire,
grey, blue, and black.
The Ginghams come in the ever desirable check or in
i me urn be s mi me.
One style in particular we think especially attractive. It is made of gingham in eith
er stripe or check, with comfortable low neck and short sleeves fitted in at the waist
with a belt of plain blue gingham. A plain blue band also circles the neck and sleeves
and extends from the collar down the side front where t'ie dress opens. Large pearl
buttons button through this plain band. It is just the sort of dress that makes the
morning's work a pleasure.
All sizes and the price is $2.50.
Others we show at $1.25 and upwards.
Kimona Cloths
That seem to speak of comfort
' Very soon now the evenings will be long and dark and the rain outside will make
us appreciate more than ever the. warmth and glow of a bright fire.
What would be more enjoyable than to slip on a comfortable soft, warm kimona
and enjoy home to its fullest extent?
Our showing of kimona cloths is large and varied.
Among them you will find the ever-popular
in the daintiest of colors and patterns or you may have choice of many new designs in
the Duckling Fleece, a heavy outing designed especially for kimonas.
Also fleece line materials in good patterns and colorings.
' These sell at 2y,, 15 and 18 c per yd.
On the long table near the door on the dress goods side you will find an elegant
line of new silks for waists and dresses. These figured silks are shown in pretty, neat
combinations of stripes and checks and large polka dots. Blues, tans, greens and many
shades are shown.
Per yd, S5c, $1.00, $1.25.