Albany VOL .U V ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY OCTOBER 2s. 1910 SO Hot Tamalies ""- ar.d OYSTERS at THE CRbST PUBIC STENOGRAPHER: AND I NOTARY PUBLIC j R. T. YATES ! First National Bank Home Phone NEW BOOKS We have just received a full line of Popular Fiction books 75c line. Our price 55c ea. 10 for $5.00 AT MEISER & ME1SER CUBS WON. Chicago. Oct. 22. -In a hot game full of excitement, Chicago won from Philadelphia this afternoon 4 to 3. Making three for Philadelphia and 1 for Chicago. Building. 379 Don't Overlook These Famous Brands. We are Exclusive Agents for Gage Bros. Hats, Shapes and Millinery GoSds rcfng and Geisha Tailored Waists, Red Cross Shoes, Perrins French Kid Gloves, W. B. and Lav.da Cor isets, Sorbsif Guaranteed Petticoats, Siegels Man Tailored Suits We are also distributors, not agents, for Bur Isons Seamless Hose, Rub-Dry Towels and Dent Cape Stock Walking Gloves. MENTOR Women's, Misses' and Children's Underwear. Comfort Underwear Buy Underwear for every member of the family now. Don't let colclj and rainy days catch you unprepared. Buy where best grades are carried and where best values are to be had. , The immense business in Women's, Misses' and Children's Underwear at the Big Store is because of better values and assortments. We are ex elusive Albany agents for Mentor and El-Real Underwear for Women Misses and Children. Is a best niTT? MF.W GOODS DEPARTMENT bin success- business gets better every day; it don't take the people long to find out where they can do the. vnrcl of Drv Goods in our new Piece Goods Dcp't. is a bargain. If you have not already been con- v need visit this store anu see lor yuuihvn. . oTTn rtfpATiT to ncrw TTMTTT 0 CYC.T.nC.K SATURDAY EVENING A good time to buy Shoes, Hose, Underwear, Waists and lots of little things you have forgotten during the week. :0 hambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House INVESTMENTS. No. 164 New 5-room house, lot West Albany. Price $950.00. C. H. New 6-room house, 2 lots, West Albany, Price $1000.00. No. 119. Good 8-room house, 2 lots. East Albany. Price $1050.00. No. 136. Two corner lots, East front, new barn, West Albany. Price $750. No. 135. Good G-rooiu house, lot 66x 110, West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 11954 Good 8-room house, cor ner lot, east front. West Albany. Price $1150.00. : No. 130. Fine lot, close in, sewer, water, best location, at a bargain. No. 143. 2 lots good house, East Al bany. Price $1600.00. ....Own your own house. You cannot aflord to pay rent at above prices. Ket located winter will soon be here. ' FRUIT, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES. No. 162. 10 acres ly miles out; ap ples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ber ries, all kinds. 7-room house, barn, chicken house; 'at snap price. No. 163. 160 acres all in cultivation, fine 9-room house, barn, windmill. $80.00 per acre. No. 161. yi acres I'A miles out, at a bargain. C. 350. 283 acres, 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, barn. $25.00 per acre. Stock ranches, 800 to 1200 acres, houses, barns, and fenced. Prices range from $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Call at my office, for safe, sound, con servative buy. 1 40 years residence in Albany, I know all conditions. Best automobile service. Bell Phone 240-R. Home Phone 434. JAS. F. POWELL, 130 Broadalbin Street ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bugs. Cash paid tor all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid fureirRS. Foot Ferrv Street, Albany. Phonos, Min 5 Bell, 3 Home. land r earn la "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Children Sc. Matinees Daily 2 :30 to 5. Night shows 7 :30 to 10 :30. Peck's Bad Boy is the, offering for tonight. This roes not need any de scription as every map, woman and child has either seen it or else been told about it. It is well acted by the Athey Co. PICTURES. "A Modern Prodigal" One of the famous Bigraphs. "True to His Trust," An Indian tale with an exciting finish. "Running Fire." A screaming com edy. "Making Butter" Educational mis calculation. Comedy. Matinee 10c. Evening 20c. Another silver tea service on Thursday. Ladies SENATOR C. ON THE WAY. Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain arrived this noon on his way to Scio, where he will speak at a muss meeting to night, He reports Bplendid meetings wherever he has been and great inter est in the cause of the people, an uwuitemng everywnere. tie is ignor ing entirely the dirty politics of the Oregonian and Telegram. The public is learning their true significance. Sen ator Chamberlain is making considerable 01 hu issue 01 me uregun system, wnicn has done great things for Oregon, and now being attacked in the effort to down tbe direct primary and statement number one. Mr. Chamberlain reports a strong sentiment everywhere for West for governor, with excelleut prospects of his election. He will be in Albany on Friday even ing, Oct. 28, when the opera house will undoubtedly be packed. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The registration in Lane county was 5S96. Lebanon has hc:i asked for a fran chise for the Albany and Interurban R. R., and will probably grant it. W. P. Elmore this afternoon snoke at a street mass meeting in the saloon bossed city of Salem, which runs even the newspapers, and they got the straight goods. A wedding of a good deal of interest in Lebanon this week was that of Miss Clara Waddock, who has a good many friends in Albany as well as in Lebanon and elsewhere, and Dr. Gambee, of Chewelah, Wash. They came to Al bany by private conveyance and took the cars tor their future home. CJ Alt I i . ; - .1 r.uKur iimn rue nas ueen dui in inoi Hall of Fame after a long struggle, I and as well the following celebrities: Harriet Beecher Stowe. Oliver Wendall Holmes, Roger Williams, James Feni more Cooper, Phillip Brooks, William Cullen Bryant, Frances E. Williaro, Andrew Jackson, George Bancroft and John Lathrop Motley. Country Meetings. Enthusiastic meetings for prohibition were held last night, one at Knox Butte, addressed by Rev W. S. Gordon, and one at the chapel in (Jrleans pre cinct, addressed by Revs. 8. A. Doug las and W. P. White and Messrs. Ham ilton and Schmitt, with good audiences. The farmers are wide awake to the situation and nearly solid for the cause of temperance. They are upon this Home Rule proposition, with eves wide open, and see through the great game being played to make the cities the tools of the breweries and liquor deal ers. TAG DAY. Don't be a rsg. Get a park tag. One of the finest enterprises in the city is the creation of the depot park. anu today has been set apart for rais ing monev for the purpose. Another thousand dollars is needed. Albany people should be willi.i? to put their hinds down in their pockets deep for the purpose. Bright young ladies bright and early started out with bunches of tags, striking everybody for a contribution, just as much interested as they are, in ueautifjing the city. No one but a chump wuuld refuse such a cause. Don't be a financial clam in this world. Instead of dodging hunt up the tag girl. j. urn- a me spun mui ouusis a city. All over the city the tags have been offeree, and every part of Albany is interested in seeing the gateway to the city look well. It is a big thing to hive the depot surroundings artistic. Many people judge a city by the first appearance. The Registration Don't be a ten cent lag guy unless a kid. If a man make it a dollar or two or five or ten or twenty. If you have not already nunt up tne tig gins tms H Among those who were tagged were Ob. West who ought to be the next ThA rpiriaf rnf inna fnr ttiim vstar nf thA close of the 15th, are only 4254, which, evening and be liberal. is 303 less than two years ago. Fully 1500 voters have not registered They are divided as follows: republi cans 2250, democrats 1487, socialists, governor, and Senator Chamberlain isu. independent ibi, pronioition iu, u.,., miscellaneous 77. South Lebanon leads ' in the total witn 363, East Albany being' Al RlN V flPFK 4 HOIKF next with 278. The new precinct 0?iLPA"' "rElt IIUU3C Calapooia has 97 and Knox Butte 126. Kingstonjhas the least 41. A Horse Stolen. Robbed a freight Car. The S. P. men on one of the freights today down near Monroe captured three men who had broken into a freight car. i and brought them to Albany with three I men as witnesses until called for by the ' manual cuum.v auuiuriues. . me llicn are said to be from Salem. On Saturday night of Oct. 8th, was stolen from the pasture ot Alva Smith, three miles southeast of Peoria, a ba mnra raoinhino, uhmif lfnft nnnnla anrl hoving a wart on the. front of her breast as large or larger than a dollar. Any one knowing anything of the ani mal and returning the same will he re warded $25.00, , ALVA SMITH. Some dandy Hollowe'en novelties at tittle. - - 1 : Tuesday, Oct. 25th J. G. & Glenn Harper, Inc. Present JOSEPH DETRICK In the Big Screamer s Marriage GOLDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators, i This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair.f Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. We have but five lots left in Albany Heights and we are offering them at $225.00 each, on easy terms. The Ore gon Title & TrustCo. All suits just $1 "at" -v, F, Pfeiffers, CIDER. Will make cider every Thurs day for c per galon tor makini'. Cider and barrels for sale. O. R. Wic'irer, R. D. 4. Home phone 2801 12t A failure A Bright Sparkling Comedy on its First Road Tour. PRICKS 26c. B0c.7fie. . '' - ! Empire Photoplay "The Canadian Moonshiners." A j beautiful picture, presenting a story full nf spirit, with good mechanical work. . It presents a reasonably ac-' curate impression of the country and some phases of its life. I "The Banks of the Yuydeo Zee." A scenic picture, well portrayed. Very interesting. "Silent Witness." A good story well told by the Gauniont people. Full of life, and "something doing all the time." i i "Cowboy Chivalry." A story that abounds in thrills and interesting situ ations, and acted with the usual snap of the Lubin players. The photog raphy assists in making the picture at- : tractive. I Illustrated Song Mamie Rose, Miss Crosno. Change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. 61060 (wxfff xff, JJti. O.C FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PYROGRAPHY. The largest showing of wood to burn and burning outfits ever shown in Albany, with prices that are right. Start now on your Amas presents. Sec the new jewelled and tinsel work. The articles arc of three-ply bass- wood for the interesting carving and couire work. Dozens of catchy de signs made expressly for this work. We have some beautiful pieces com pleted showing this dincrcut work. Our pyrocranhic' stock includes new arrivals in skins, outfits, panels. needles, boxes, bulbs, in all the newest and most up-to-date designs. Come in and let us show you these beautiful novelties. WOOD WORTH DRUG CO. The Electric. Change days Sunday, I Thursday and Saturday. I J Tuesday, I Admission 5 cents DOOLEY'S grocery A safe, satisfactory grocery store That's all.. ' fj- A grocery store you can depend on IN kJVERY WAY whtrt ' trlf' nnthino- pYtrn In rharced for courtf flv. 1 orient Wi nshtg and measure '. ' superior goods Bnd prompt intelligent s-rvnv Try us give us your grocery trud.1 fr mnnth orsa cur gome's will "make good" or WE WILL ! , Wnen shall we begin calling at your door? " ft- 0 fj THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIES SKATE. The rin'v will be lit to represent moonlight and a specialty will he marie of couples onlv. TUESDAY afternoon, .!!! be reserved for LADIES ONLY. Thursday and Saturday evenings Admissiod 10c. Skates 25c M.'enders&co, jnarsiiaii x (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, c.-mr-nt, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden Mid field seed, hav, crain. (lour. M. SENnans & Co. 6-ith Phonei 4S. 4'1t u Pim St W.F.JONES. Veterinary Surgeon. Offict nt Farmers Feed Stable?. Phones--200-R, Cell; Home 12S3. Lobaurii Complete Lines of Crockery, Chirr, Glassware, Groceries. and the best line of Tea and Coflea in Albany, at Stetter's, 206 W. 2nd Street. Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean up-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from 25' to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltcnberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at wholesale prices and you ran buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less money than you would p ty for'shoes of the commonest sort elsewhere. . 334 First St.