1l . & S. Silk Poplins very popular for all and winter. Perfect in weave, lustrous, wonderfully self-draping. Serviceable, stylish, wrinkle proof, fade-proof and fray-proof. Suitable from simple dresses to elaborate evening gowns. Ask to see it. Arleen 24 inches wide beautiful shades, $1.00 yd. Dubleen 40 inches wide Garnet, navy, black $1.50 per yd. . THIS A10RN1NG News from Albany s Six Trains. Early Mrs. Lou Ketchum, of Everett, Wash., left for home after a Linn county visit, the guest of Frank Pur dom and family while in the city, and of her Bister Mrs. Holt, whom she had not seen for fifty or sixty years, at Harrisburg. She was a former resi dent of Albany, leaving here forty years ago. Her husband built the first livery stable in this city, on the site of the Democrat office, and their residence was burned when the Pacific Hotel was burned at the corner of Second and Washington streets. Mr. Ketchum and John Althouse used to . fish and hunt together up at Fish Lake and on the Metoles, and they got the fish and deer, not just the stories. HATS FOR MEN. Some of the new shapes may be seen in our Men's wear department. Best styles of derbies, telescopes and soft hats $3.00. . A special value wool hat for winter wear, really a $2.50 quality at $1.50. Another good value wool hat at $1.00. Cloth hats for rough weather and wear, $1.00 and $1.50. Rubber lined hats for rainy weather the latest $1.00. We also have an excellent assortment of hats for boys. ,m Vim Mavor C. V. Johnson, the new head of atlairs, in Corvallis, came over oh his way to Portland. He seemed to be carrying his new honors with dignity. tie was once a Linn county Johnson. DOUBLED IN 5 YEARS. During the campaign of 1905 it was said that if Albany went dry it would kill the city. Diet it! Tne banks ot a city are a pretty good index of the busi ness oi tne city. The actual increase in the resources of the banks of Albany since January 1, 1900, when the saloon went out, has been $1,066,138.70, an in crease of 100 per cent. The absence of the saloon hasn't done it all, but it has helped. It would help the entire state just the same. Money in the saloon is au su.uio waste. Besides the banks the receipts ot the post office have nearly doubled and business conditions generally are twice as good; ALBANY Mrs. Etta Carter McKenzie. of Cor vallis, a former Albany teacher, was taken by her husband to Portland, it is feared she has the tubercolosis, and an examination will be made there by experts. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Mrs. J. R. Metzgar and son Archie went to Salem for a visit. Lawyer L. M. Curl went to Salem. Father Lane left on a Portland trip. E. C. Clement, the postal inspector, returned northward. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knott went to Portland. Prof. E.' L Wilson went to Salem to look after his Willamette class, It is thought the exceed 4500. Last 4567. registrations wi year they we; Big Man Coming. Marshall A. Hudson, a wealthy busi ness man, of Syracuse, N. Y., who gave up his business for special work fni" oniinff nunnlii mill lontnrA of tha " J " "("J f ..... - " RnnHaf: nhlirph nn Tiioarinv tlicrhfc t.hr; ' 25th, jne of only three lectures that will be delivered in Oregon, the others being at Portland and Ashland. Will admitted to probate in estate of Alfred A. Averill, with Sarah E. Averill as the executrix. Appraisors, E. D Starr, W. A. Leonard and J. W. Moore. First report approved in estate of rlenry A. Cleek and final account estate of Perry Hyde. Notarial commission Geo. H, Morey niea. Deed. Recorded: N. Talbert to D. O. Woodworth lot bl 47 H'a 2nd ad $ 10 John Pomasek to J. F. Kelly 230 and 138 acres 100 A. Muetze to Elizabeth Turnidge 2 lots ijeDanon 1U Will Return to Albany. We Try to Please Our Custo .iers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gt de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAP T & LEE. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. u fin .nf 3 tor 1 tmCCT er :VRiT ".R1T MltuSIT,.Al,BA.NY OKBHO.V. -trst ciass pjoods in their season. Phime Main M EC I A L LAMPS $5.00 Ralston Electric Supply Co., 3'0 West Second Street. Why buy Groceries ot Portland Rouses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats. 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1.00 12 los White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tway this noon left for their home at Los Angeles, ! where they have been residing for sev-' I eral years. They intend closing out ; their interests there and return to Al- banv to make their home, a fact their . many friends will be glad to know. This valley suits them best, and then ' they like Albany people. ! Is Marriage a Failure. i A bright sparkling comedy of every- ! dav life, one that amuses and gives ! great satisfaction to theatre goers will I be presented Oct. 25. The play is of fered by J . G. Harper and Ulenn Har per who have given this delightful comedy an elegant setting and gathered together some of the best talent in the profession to interpret its characters. The leading role is in the hands of Mr. Joseph Uetrick. that quaint comedian, and is said ty have never appeared to better or more humorous advantage. 5 lotB Lyons W. N. BrothertontoA.H. Brown 5 acres 700 Wm. Trask to John H. Finaley 10 acres D. E. Swank to W. N. Trask and W. N. Brotheaton 2 lotB Lyons 700 Wm. Trask to A. M. Shelton 10 acres 1500 C. D. Wilson to W. N. Brother ton 5 acres . 700 T. A. Morris to Edna Hughes 40 acres 900 HOT NOON LUNCHES At the Mission Parlors. Baltimoie for Bicycles. Fisk tires at Baltimore's. Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Try a cup of hot chocolate at the Crest, Light lunches served at the Crest Confectionery. Knincoats and cravenettcs $10, at W. F. Pfeiffer's. Have vour feet attended to by Mrs. Driver 230 Lyon, both phones. Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M.: Wilson for piano, instructions. Home phone 853. 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock, -'at street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur geon. Calls answered day and night. Office, r linn block, Residence 119 E 7th street. Both phones. Shapes from $2 00 to $9 00. Also trimmed hats all prices. Tell us the H'ico yon wish to pay and we will see that you are pleased, Band Box Mill inery Store, 116 Ferry St. The bi llikin post cards for the apple fair have arrived at the Commercial Club rooms, and may be had in limited quantities. Have your Hollowe'en fun with some of the seasonable novelties now on dis play at the Elite Chocolaet Shop. All Odd Fellows are requested to at tend our meeting this evening. There will be work in the initiative degree and refreshments will be aervedt John H. Goins, N. G. The Tuesday Club met yesterday af ternoon in a very pleasant session with Mrs. Mack J. Monteith. A contest enjoyed and 'delicious refreshments was served. A new comer to Albany is a man, wife and seven children, who came here because the city is dry, and they are only a few ot many who have done likewise, and our people should see that it stays that way. He says he heard more profanity and saw more rowdyism in either Portland, Oregon City or Salem in one day than in Al bany in nine days. LOST. Be' ween Young's Store and Burkhart's picture gallery, small clasp purne containing about $30. PleaBe leave at S. E. Young & Son and get reward. Mrs. ( J. Luper. LOST. A bunch of keys, one long on three short ones. Return to the bar ber shop of Bruce & Anderson. FOR RENt. A farm of 176 acres. See W. H. Hogan, Albany. t21. I The Time Saturday, Oct. 22nd. The Place The streets of Alhany. The Girl The prettiest in the country, who will sell you any number of tags on that day for the benefit ot OUR Park. SNAP FOR A POOR MAN, BAR GAIN FOR A S1CH MAN. Now is your chance. For 20 days onlv I will place 22 lots on the market, 60 by 100 feet, 60 foot streets, for $5 down and $5 a month for 24 months. Property in FairdaleAddition.best loca tion, nice high and dry lots, in East Albany. No interest, no taxes until last pay ment is made. Get in early, because this snap won't last long. F. H. PFEIFFiSR, Bell phone 198-R. New To-day. 17 Bales Rugs, most beautiful Patterns and De signs. If you do not see these and get prices before buying you will miss it. For balance of week 6 lbs. good Walnuts for $1.00. ' 3 Packages Quaker Corn Flakes 25c. 1 Doz. $1.00. New solid Oak Dressers and Desks! Ask to see them as we have no room in Show Windows. Closing out Shot Guns and Rifles. GILBERT BROTHERS. Groceries, Hardware, Furn iturc, Rugs, Mattings. 3 Floors. Linoleum, The residence lots which we have : just placed on the market will not ! last long at $5.00 'per month. Think I of owning a lot for $150.00 on which j you can build your own home. The Oregon Title & Trust Co. Try our hot noon lunches, at the Mis sion Parlors. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S;:or,l Street, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. Go to the Variety Store, 313 W 1st street for Hallowe'en novelties. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. ff er's. Pfei- COPEUND AND MARSHALL WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. Wc make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUART. If you want a Teddy Bear go to the Variety Store. 313 W. 1st. F.G. Will ior watches LINNMONT Is a new sub-division which we have just placed on the market. 10 minutes' from the court house. Lots as low as $150.00. Terms on all are $25.00 down and $5.00 per month. The Oregon Title & Trust Co. FOR SALE. A good residence l"t. ten 'minutes' walk from the c-r-t house, for $150.00, $25.00 down, and $5.00 per month. The Oregon Title & Trust Co. Light Lun Fresh Oysters any Style MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Kno Butte, near Santiam River. acandma's Spectacles . were good enough for (j l yc.oiaen nines. t CLEANED AND PRESSED1 f M H WE YOUR CLOTHES OllliniZ : The PaiUatoriuKi, ! A fine lot at our yard at this city, just rir i?bt a- .VTMTON i burned. ch i mm i and some Mighty Good Drinks Served now, at ELITE i CHOCOLATE SHOP Modern" time . peqttr (iitxlcrft E. C. MEADE, Optometrist :'29 'nl Street. .0 W 1st St. Ueh Pnune black 273 Home phone 196 SJ V. AiA ' Cj.tx r 2nd and Jackson Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO Feed Store Etin:ar i--n w r'ti '. ' ' wti'K and - -ni V:.m. J. F. TJaaVER, 4lh & Calip.cia streets. BISHOP MOORff. Proprietor. Bell p'lonc 264 J. At the City Fish Market 109 Lycn Street, You con pet all kinds of fi'h, frefh. salted, smoked and canned: fresh r.yp ters, crabs and clams. Yaquina t'al mon received daily. Lowest prirns consistent with big! quality of goods, Delivery to ail parls of the city. Both phones. W. H. Ridgeway, Proprietor. N TYC'ETis .v I'l.i;,! l.y U:e lit; i.ersiL'nt'fl wo(,dswer3 of Albany. tht. ii t'V d.-we u ill chnrire for lv cut wurk as follows: i o-lir anj pofl woorts oi)': per cord: for oak and slu 75; per crd; rnd addiiiMnl '"hanfe i-tr i e ( ill ho rirrn'ci ior ai 'hree cut work. Datcn ti. s yit 'ay of "-ft.. 1910. ;. M Wksi iinooK A. Fi:ixvi. & on. IllllHAI'.n I'JH.S t.30 W. J. Sa!Nwatrp. MORE MEAT place in the ci:; u'.e mm i h:in an at the k!-.i;i i.'' W. K'n'I'I.I". New Hill lildg., 2nd and Montgomery. SPEARING ABOUT CORRECT DRESS When it comes to a question of correct apparel you will find us particularly able to supply the very latest fashions. If you want to be in style this season you must have certain lines to your garments, which all good dressers will admire. You will find our Clothes to be very decidedly the most artistic pro duction of the present season. Let us show you a tew of the new conceptions in Suits and Overcoats. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Dependable Clothiers. T