Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 21, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents u
week; in uuvance fur one year, 4.01'
By mail, in advance (or one year $3, ut
end of year l.6o.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25
At end of year $1.60. After 3 yei-rs Pt
The democrats have cr. .ainry shown
a liberality that is otr rig, nominat
ing in this county three republicans
for office, making no opposition to
them because of their excellent rec
ords as men and officials. W. L.
Marks for clerk, A. L. Geddcs for sur
veyor and Win. Fortiniller for cor
oner arc men deserving of office be
cause of their fitness and personal
reputation. Republican voters who
put a ballot in for competent demo
crats like Messrs. Miller, Tussing,
Snan, Dcnncy, Kimsey, Smith, De
vancy and Ellswick, will be doing a
neat act of reciprocity and as well vot
ing for clean men who deserve recog
The democrats have a strong legis
lative ticket in the field, Messrs, Tuss
ing, Shaw and Dcnncy, all old resi
dents of Linn county, successful in
business and absolutely trustworthy.
They are men who stand for the peo
ple, and if elected may be depended
upon to represent the people of Linn
county without fear or favor. They
stand right on the questions of state
ment number one providing for the
election of U. S. senators by the peo
ple, and the direct primary, providing
for nomination of candidates for of
fice by the people instead of by the
old boss caucus system, which some
arc trying to have restored under the
name of the assembly.
a oi? nDi?nnw Trrtf-nae t tdtttpat
( Editor Democrat: it has been said
that Oregon voters arc hide-bound in
their party affiliations. This was true
25 years ago, and they have continued
to slacken ever since, and now Oregon
voters arc pronounced liberal in the
matter of voting. This is true of both
republicans and democrats. But it
'must be admitted that much of the
liberality on the part of both parties
sprang from the superiority in the
fitness of candidates; but this is just
what should call for liberality. Re
publicans are entitled to the credit of
electing Pcnnoycr twice, Thayer once
and Chamberlain twice as governor of
tl. etui.. It is now irenerallv conced
ed these governors made good and
instilled tie republicans
their votes for these men. Many nth
cr eases of liberality might be men
tioncd. but these will suffice. Two
years ago the democrats named Judge
Bean as their candidate for supreme
judge, the republicans having made
him their ca-.'.did.'.K for that office.
Quite a nttinbcr oi republican candi-
dates for si ' ' ifliccs were supported
by the clem.. . . : t to years ago.
This liberality of voting among both
democrats and republicans will show
itself more extensively the eighth of
next month than ever before. For
Ibis reason the democrats refused to
put up a party candidate for state
.treasurer, attorney general and several
other state offices but will vote for T.
Tl. Kay for state treasurer and A. ni.
Crawford for attorney general and
some other candidates on the republi
can state ticket all of whom they have
made their own candidates by nomi
nating them at the primary election by
writing in their names on their bal
lots. The democrats also refused to
nominate a candidate of their own
party for joint senator for Linn and
Lane but nominated Mr. Bingham, an
anti assembly republican with the hope
that anti-assembly republicans in both
counties would join in and assist ill
defeating Mr. Beau, the assembly can
didate, who, two years ago, intro
duced a bill making it a felony for any
candidate to sign statement Number
One. Democrats this year, by writing
in names, Have made iir. warns uieir
candidate for county clerk and several
other republican candidates for comi
ty offices likewise. In return for this
liberality on the part of the demo
crats anti-assembly republicans will
vote by the hundred:; and tl-ova-ds
for Mr. West for governor ard :v
elect a man of the people instead of
llowerinini who is the bosses' candi
date. Republicans on two occasions
have helped elect M. A. Miller to the
state senate on nccnunt of his superior
fitness for the place. Mr. Miller has
abundantly made good and Ibis year
the republicans will elect Him again.
His opponent, Mr. llaty. is an as
sembly man and this renders him very
distasteful to anti-assembly republi
(Paid advertisement.)
It is a gross abuse of the rights
guaranteed by the Inialive and Refer
endum Amendment to the Oregon
Constitution to bring up women suf
frage at every general election. 1 Ins
mcn-urc was submitted i" l'1 am'
beaten by a plurality oi 213. In 1WO
it was again proposed ar.4 was beaten
by 10173. In l'XIS it wa a- iin on the
ballot and if was beaten by a majority
oi 21.6-1''. Notwithstanding these re
pealed defeats, more decisive at each
election the same measure is again on
the ballot ::.i:- vear The ballot title
is iliisltailing and indicates a pro
posal to give voles to taxpaying wo
men onlv, but the measure to be voted
on is the same proposition which the
people have so often and so recently
condemned. It .should be voted down
tlii- yea,' bv an increased majority, es
pecially because oi the fraud tinderlak
.. i,, l- t.enietrated on the people by
the Use oi a false and llilskadiu
on the ballot.
OUKlioN ASSIH l. 1 1
.Mrs I'raivi- lame- 1'a'lc
Havana, 0-.t. 17. Reports tonight
indicate that the island of Cuba has
probably sustained the greatest mater
lal damrge in all her history from the
practically continuous hurricane which
began with light rains Thursday morn
morning, developing into torrential
Hoods and hurricanes andcontinued until
this evening. Damage will doubtlees
aggregate several million dollars.
Many thousands of peasants in the
three western provinces are rendered
homeless and it seems possible that the
republic may be compelled to request
international aid.
Mr. E. A. Cone, of Corvallis, made a
short visit to this place Saturday.
Dr. J. N. cimith and family were
visitors e riuay atternoou anu Saturday.
Capt Galbraith made a hurried visit
to rorttand last week.
Samuel Bullis and and family moved
into the R. L. Smith house. Mr. B.
has rented the Smith farm for one year.
Farmers are busy Dutting in their
fall crops. The rain didn't penetrate
deep enough for easy plowing.
The Smith faihily have moved into
their new residence on Riverside
Avenue. The buidling contains nine
rooms and a basement. It is heated by
a furnace. The house is supplied with
wuter by a wind mill. The carpentors
were Porter, Baldwin and Rose, the
cement workers Smith Bros, and Al
Carey, the plasterers Guycr and Bier
and the Dainters Dawson add Martin of
Corvallis. They all did good work and
the Smiths in appreciation of it will
give an oyster supper on the evening of
thi 20th. the house will be open for
visitors at 2 p. m.
neni nciures at tne uectrit
The original Jeffries-Johnson tight
pictures, drawing packed houses where
ever exhibited. These slides show the
contest from start to finish, together
with the motion pictures of the famous
Gans-Nelson right at Colma, California.
That the ladies are admirers of the
manly art of self defense has been
demonstrated by the eagerness with
which they flock to the theatres where
these pictures have been put on. By
the wav it takes the ladies to show us
a thing or two after all. Over in West-
port, Conn., the ladies town improve
ment association in order to Kiv an
uuucu ant uuuuii w a luwii id.e wiu i
advertised the Reno fight; resulting in
a large crowd.
xnese pictures win De snown ar. tne
Electric Theatre tonight in addition to
our regular two reel program,
i Admission 10 and 15 cents.
The Electric.
In the Uty.
I Kenneth Fox, G. O. Graham, G.
Hollister, V. T. Huntington, Geo,
Cable, Weils, E. W. Blanchard
H. Swa.iEo i, J. L. Montgomery, Geo,
) Schneider C F yVm s I
Brlv A D Ma'brv Stacev
, yui'i,li-; m r ry'w,.;U. '
W . Lev .
W. L. Ki lorl
Matloc'.., . ,'m. Ulochit? M. C. Winters,
W. P. ilager and wife, York, Neb,
. V. C. Brown, Medford.
G. H. Hudson, Gates.
Geo. G. Hancock, Hillsboro.
H. C. Atwell, Forest Grove.
.Public Speaking.
Hon. K. D. Smith, of Grants Pass,
democratic candidate fur congress, will
speak at the court house in this city on
Friday, October 21st. at 7:30 in the
evening and at bcio on Saturday, ucto-
her zsdd. at I mJ in ti. evening, aena
tor Chamberlain will speak at Scio at
the same hour. Hon. . A. Miller will
join Senator Chambkrlain at the lat -
ter's appointment in this city on Fri -
day, October 28ih at 7:30 p. m.
Married Fifty Years.
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
C. f. Royal, of Salem, was celebrated
yesterday. A remarkable thing about
the event was that Rev. Nelson Clark,
of Spokane, who performed tho cere
mony fifty years ago, was present, also
Mrs. Alrierson. of Portland, who at
tended the first wedding, mother of
Mis. K. L Buikhart of this city, who
was at the golden wedding.
Letter List.
Tho following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postotlico uncalled for
Oct. 18. 1910. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
iV'rs. Laura Archibald, J. L. Arnold,
T. A. Baldwin. C. H Barnes, W. E.
Hnrr, Helen Bradford, John Bond, R.
J. Buikhart, J. M. Burnett, Geo. Cau
thorn, Mrs. r.. Christy. E. B. ("band
ler. C'aronce Collii s, G.nevevo David
son, Walter Dickey, Wm. Duffy, John
Forkner. I. B. E W. Labor Teinp.e,
( has. Eanies (2), E. A Eastman, L.
Giiliowav. Rev. E.lw. F Gore, Mrs
Fred K dro.liv, Mrs .1. W. Halts', h.
L. Ilnnw. Waller llenc. Fern. Hicks,
H. H K . s ', H rben Kentner, J. F.
Koening I A, i-'. V. L.'iwv, H. H.
Pament, . 1. Pate. T L l'iorce. Ron
' coo Rilev. Fid .1 I! i 'he, C E. Soulo,
I, St-llVn. Mrs IM n I Wil ianis (2),
: W . 1. IVi x l.iii '. .Un.i Smith.
Side W. N. Ak-i'... W McKin
! J . S. Van tNKLi:. P. M.
I 11
Van Winkle,
Judge. Mc
mrts an,' lias
le lor Circuit
ti,-M iu all lhe c
n years judicial
hi' to ;t"i-ncy :
l and t:.isc.i in
v;';.:.i .oi. cr
Allowance for widow granted in
estate ot K. J. Harrison and sale of
personal property confirmed.
Final receipts in estate of W. D.
Report of marriage of Glen L. Bill
and Nellie M. Hay by Rev. Henry H.
, arsden on Oct. 16.
New suit: Fred C. Coppock et al.
agt. Lambert Coppock et al. Suit in
piobiuon J. K. and M. V. Weather
ford, attorneys.
Deeds recoreed:
Leslie G. McCulium to S. V.
Blodgett, 184 acres $
S. V. Blodgett to Leslie G. Mc-
Cuilum and wife 51.65 acres
Ed Keller terger et al. to H. and
F. Battenberg 1 lot Lebanon
A. B. Millsap to L. B. Hender
son Mid wife 1 acre Lebanon.
Dock F. South to Perry A South '
40 acres
J. R. McKinney to Al. A. Baker
4 lots Sodeville
L. L. Spoo to A. Spoo 200 acres
W. J. Carson to J. W. Harris 2
Lebanon Realty Co. to Kellen-
berger 29.65 acres
C. E. Eichler to Linda Eichler
lot Lebanon
Marriage licenses: Geo. Wilson Lee,
13, Mill City, and Kate Mitchell, 18,
Crubtrce; E. E. Gambtr, 25, Chewelan,
Wash., and Clara F. Waddock, 24, Leb
anon. New Suits: Crescent Feather Co. agt.
Laurence E. Borin, suit to recover
$273.90. L. L. Swan attorney.
Geo. W. McKee agt. Tillie Stoner
McKee. For divorce. Marriage 1885.
Charges false accusations, neglect, de
sertion for 10 years.
Marriage returns: A. E. Pfeiffer and
Essie Morgan at Lebanon Oct. 16 by
Rev. D. E. Baker; Fred Vail and Bessie
Brown, by Rev. Kulmley, the 12th.
The Board of Equalization is in
Bion. with the annual kicks of
Weyerhausers and the Or. Calif,
up so far.
Deeds recorded:
Joseph Vasck to W.
B. Ramsey
& 34 acres
.$ 10
Tri State R. & P. Co. to O. & C.
Co. a strip of land 150
Wm. Lynch to lieo. A. McCart 1U0
W. Cmtis to D. H. & J. B. Leech
127.3 acres
C. a. Sawyer to John M. Jones &
0ra E. Smith et'al to Geo. Sillers
wife o acres
373.8 acres 3 deeds
L. W.NordyketoDist.921 acre..
T. A. Roberts, of this city, a student
in the O. A, C. left this afternoon for
MinneaPoli9' wh'"'1'e he wi look after
tne dlsPla of "P"'6" of Aioany
Commercial Clnb, 92 boxes of as fine
fruit as the sun ever shone on. to be
shown at the big Donaldson Exposition
ot f ruit, a great truit snow. This col
lection has been secured in a pains
taking way and la very creditable, as
well as scientifically packed It con
sists of Spitzenbergs, Kings, Yellow
Newtons. Jonathans, Spies, Baldwins.
Ben Davis, Grimes Golden, Mackintosch,
Waxens, ana Missouri rippins.
Another fine display of L nn county
annles has been placed on exhibition in
prominenc snow window in St. raui
; bv the Linubaven Company
These exhibits promise to be a stroke
for Linn county apples,
ju a Miller hmilrl h Be.verUA
i' oilllCr jrtOUia DC Re elected.
Lebanon, Oct. 18. It would be diffi
cult to urge eny good reason why M.
A. Miller should not be re elected to
the state sunate; but there are many
good reasons for his re-election. When
we consider tne important committees
upon which he has served, and also that
he has twice been his party's candidate
for the presidency of the senate, we
know he is in a position to render the
state much valuabio service. Having
had this legislative experience, ho
ready now to begin actual heavy work
Mr;JMi'ler voted right on the que
tiomt-frt coroorations, railroads, schools
taxation, direct primary, and salary
and voted for economy in all legislation
He served on the following committees
assessment and taxation, education
elections, public lands, banking, en
rolled bills and other important com
mittees, besides many special appoint
mtnts. rttir.ND
Max Weiss ot Roseburg yesterday
was fined fc-IUO and ordered sent to jui
fur 30 days by Judge Coke, lor vioia
tion of the local option law. Weiss ha
been doing n cold storage business.
Salem proposes to pave fifty more
blocks tne coming year.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Lo. announces t lie introduction ot it
new two number service in ette
tiom today by which you call Corvallis
itliscribers the ame as you would
ynr neighbor except that the prctix
"Corvallis" is used. It will not be
ie.-es;u-y to call Long HisKuice. l-r
in-taiiee. when tile local operator an
swers yon will say "Corvallis Main
,-' H for 12J-.I." hold the receiver to
your ear and Corvallis party will
answer inr.iUH',; itelv.
b'onr dire.-; lines have been In.iit tc
!..!!'!'.' the new service.
V'i - is an.i'jK'-.- innovation oi the
.:f.o Telci hone and Telegraph Co.
eh its many
s.-ri!'cr- wii!
For real fakery the Home Rule peo
ple take the bakery.
An exchange says there are fifty-seven
varieties of republicans.
Neither the saloon or theft should be
licensed. The saloon robs the home.
A real vote for Albany homes will be
one against the so-called home rule bill.
The Orr-gonian has been as great an
enemy to righteousness in Oregon as
the saloon.
- . . , . 1
Oregon has a good law against theft.
but there is lots of stealing that goes I
Now when Col. Roosevelt swims over ;
i: I - ii- :.i l -i t i :n
Niagara ians wiLnout urowning ne win i
be IT for a fact.
What fool things these schools of
journalism are. Anybody knows how
to run a newspaper. '
0. A. C. and U. O. will fight it oat '
on the gridiron instead of between
Horner and Aldermann. j
The yellow journals are supreme.y
happy when wealthy people sue tor di
vorce. It means a scandal.
The liquor men precipitated the pro
hibition tight at this time by their
persistent shipment of whiskey into dry
The mills take wheat and make flour
of it, the saloon takes the boy and
makes a drunkard of him, the finished
product. What are you for.
A new fad is for ultra-fashionable
women to carry 18 inch bisqus dolls, !
dressed in the very latest Parisian
tyles, the outfit costing as high as I
$125. Wouldn't that jar true woman- i
hood maw jai huj " '
1 he Examiner savs most men are
just as lazy as they dare to be. A good
many are industrious, had rather work
than not. and would keeo at it even if
they did not have to. The hardest of
all lives is the idle one.
A walk through the streets of Al-:
bany, Eugene or Corvallis and then i
through whiskey balem with Us open
saloon every few steps v, ill show the
difference between a saloonless city and
one with the wide open doors, with
their stench anu evil influence.
Senator Ruth, making addresses in
the interest of the saloon, says he is
opposed to the liquor traffic, but is con
vinced that prohibition encourages
drunkenness, and other vices and
crimes. What childishness. Then why
is the saloon fighting prohibition if it
helps bnsiness. It would be just as
sensible to say that prohibition of theft
encourages theft.
Pretending to be onoosed to the sa
loon, but wishing to regulate it in a
model way, the so-called home rule as
sociation has been well unmasked all
over the state, respectable newspapers
generally showing up the affair, the j feet to the S. E. corner of the afore
only institution fighting for the sa'oon, i said claim; thence south 87 degrees
and undoubtedly backed by the whole
sale liquor dealers and breweries, re- 1
gardless ot the cute provision that no
tquor dealer can belong to it.
From the Weston Leader : What has
Bowerman ever done for Oregon? The
most the Leader knows is that he en
deavored to establish the assembly plan
by law at the last session of the legis
lature ana lauea; ana tnac ne endeav
ored to kill the normals, and succeeded.
Also, he used to swamp his office stove
at Condon with tobacco juice while
fondly dreaming dreams of political
conquest. Beyond this, his record is
nil. He has a buldog aggressivness
and vaunting ambition, but these quali
ties should not be mistaken for states
The park tag av next Satur lav the
22nd. Get somedbig pieces ready.
Even Massachusetts is growing,
per cent in ten year?.
,catf s Santal-Pepsm Capsoies
KnrTnflnmtnAtlnn nrUfltArrhnf
tho Ularldpr (iml IMfoasoil Kid'
m-y. HO OO RE K0 FAT. Curon
ptii-Kiv ana wormnm-niiy ine
worst rnses of Gonorrhoea
and Clwt, no n.tter nf bow
'our uluDdina. A tuolHtely
harmless, bold by druggist.
Vrire $1.00. or by mull, post
paid, $1.00,3 boxes, 92.71.
Bellelianulne, Obis
For eale bv 6rkhri A Lc "
Having many calls for large and
small farms, also sure buyers if suited,
it you desire quick sales, call at niy
ofti'cc, or write a description of your
place, mail same to my address, list
your places with me. Experienced
man thoroughly acquainted with coun
try to show land. Best of automobile
-ervicc. Home phone Hlk. 276; Bell
nhonc 240-R. Yours for business.
130 Broadalbin Street.
In the matter ot" the e.-tatc of Sarah
K. Hall, deceased.
N'ottcc is hereby uiven 'hat the lln
,' '--Ui i'd executrix of the !;'.-; will
'.i'-i testament of said deceased I'.as
led in the county cfart ot I. inn coim
iv, Oregon, her final account such
i.'.'ccutrix. and that Monday the 7th
'.'.av of November. l'MO. at nine o'clock
in 'the forenoon has be n set as the
. j,.- . o.J .,-.v.,-i ior hcariner of ob
kvii'Xi to said report and the settle
liieiit thcrco:.
K.- I ! f-KI.N I- f- I.AI.I-.
C. C. l'.RYANT.
I Attorney t
r cxe.-titri.x.
Mrs. Victor Edholm, residing on the
Corvallis road in this county, died sud
denly yesterday afternoon, under pe
culiar circumstances. After dinner her
husband came to the city leaving her
and their young child alone. During
the afternoon Mrs Edholm, mother in
law, telephoned several times, but re
ceived no answer, and knowing that
she was at home, went to the home of
her son between 3 and 4 o'clock and
was startled to find her lying on the
noor dead.
Dr. Kavanaugh was called and with
va irn,.tmiii..-. -f- ,... n,., p.ihnim
home, it waa pia,niy heart disease and
an Investigation by a coroner's jury
was not considered necessary The
deceased was about 23 years of age, a I vnnni, n-nma n anil har hiiananHl
" : : J r--
and family have the sympathy of many
irienas in tneir misiortune.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 18, The
storms last night and tonight swept the
entire Florida peninsula, doing t'amagei
estimated at several million dollars.
For.y thousand, square miles of territory
south of Jacksonville have been left
without communication with the outside
world over 24 hours. Last reports told
of the hurricane were high winds and ;
Pfloirllt falltnrr hot-i mtra Thp nraniyft i
crop in that territory and the vast !
trucKing interests are probably ruined. ;
Along tne eastern coast manv lives are I
beheved to be lost and the property
damage is, believed to b great.
,.. ..
Circuit Court,
--. , , . t
.Par'roent one oi tne circuit o.ur.
wl conveneMnnday in Judge Burnett s
mai lei ill, wiiii 9 cuacn un lilts uutne.
20 are for recovery of money, the old
Buchanan rape case, one lor recovery of
award, two to recover recover realty
with damages, the Fred Senders local
option case, the hircenc case of 3 E
Willnughby, forgery case of Earf Blair,
the right of wav case of the Or: Elec
tric agt. Moetich and a replevin suit.
A vear . w0 alr0 the Orwnr.ian
called clarence Dairow an anarcist and
all manner of names: but it swallows
everything that smells of the saloon
and is now lauding him to the skies.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
In the matter of the Application of
The Central Land Company, by A. B.
Weatherford, its Secretary, to Register
title to the following described real
property to-wit:
Beginning at the S: E. corner of
block 96 in Monteith's Southern Addi-
! tion to the Cityof Albany, Louii-
ty, Uregon, and running tlicnee a. i
degree 30 minutes cast on the- cast
boundary line of the Donation Land
Claim of Thomas Montcith, Not. No.
690, Claim No. 647 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3
W. of the Will. Mcr. Oregon, 1772.7
15 minutes W 1425(4 feet to a uoint
in the eastern limit of the right-of-way
0f the O. & C. R. R. Company; thence
j running in a northeasterly direction on
; a one degree curve; along said, right-
of-way, deflecting to the right, with a
radius of 5700 feet to a point which is right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Corn
south 9 degrees 6 minutes east 957.S pany and one hundred and seventy
feet from the S. E. corner of Block j (170) feet distant therefrom.
No. 100 in Monteith's Southern Ad- Also beginning 12!4 chains distant
dition to the City of Albany, Oregon; ' and N. 1 degree 30 minutes west from
thence north 9 degrees 6 minutes west ! the S. W. corner of the D. L. C. of A.
957"4 feet to the S. E. corner of the i Hackleman and wife and running
aforesaid Block No. 100; thence north I thence S. 1 degree 30 minutes east
80 degrees 54 minutes east on the, 12.50 chains; thence north 88 degrees
south boundary of Monteith's South- 30 minutes east 13 chains; thence in
cm Addition to the City of Albany, a northerly direction to the place of
Oregon, 1299 feet, to the place of be- beginning and containing 8.12 acres
ginning, containing 44.17 acres, except- j more or less, in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of
ing all that part formerly conveyed by the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon,
deed to the O. & C. R. R. Company, and being a portion of the property
for right-of-way. conveyed by A. Hackleman and wife-
Also beginning at a point on the to the Willamette Vallev & Coast Rail-
south boundary line and 925 feet east
of the southwest corner of the Dona
tion Land Claim of A. Hackleman and
' wife. Not. No. 699. and Claim No. 62,
in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer..
' Oregon, and running thence north 9
degrees 13 minutes east 1289- feet to a
. point; thence north 54 degrees 43 min
: utcs cast 1752.5 fect, to an intersec
tion with the western boundary of the
right-of-way of the Willamette Valley
and Coast Railroad, near Station No.
649 of the located line: thence along
said boundary of said right-of-way in
a northwesterly direction 716.2 feet, to
an intersection with the south bound
ary line of Hackleman's Second Ad
dition to the City of Albany. Oregon;
thence along said boundary line south
"") degrees 29 minutes west 1386 feet,
to a "point; thence south 40 degrees
49 minutes west 974.5 feet, to a point;
thence south 1 degree JU minutes east
M6 fect, to a point; thence south 47
degrees 37 minutes cast 1190.2 feet;
thence north SS degrees 30 minutes
cast 67 fect. to the place of beginning,
containing 75.11 acres, more or less.
! saving and excepting from the two
tracts above described the following:
! Commencing at a stone monument
at the intersection of the south boun
dary line of the D. L. C. of Thomas
1 Monteith with the easterly boundary
' line of the right-of-way of the O. it C
R. R. Company, running thence in a
northeasterly direction with the south
ern boundary line of Monteith's South
' ern Addition to the City oi Albany.
Oregon, thence easterly along said
i .oulh boundary line to a stone mon
! -uncut at the southeast corner of block
i 'o. 9ti in said Monteith's Southern
i Addition to said citv: thence northerly
1 long the ca-t boundary line of said
i 'lock No. and its prolongation a
; '.i-tanee of 263 feet, more or less, to a
; lone monument: thence in a direct
i -ne (designated as course "D" for
1 r.b-eipicnt referenced to a stone nion
ment mi the southern boundary line
f I k'.k No. IS in Hackle-man's Sec-
ond Addition to the City of Albany,
Oregon, 24 ieet easterly from ibe S.
W. corner of said bloc!; IS, me:uurcd
along said south boundary line; thence
easterly along the south bound-.ry line
of Hackleman's Second Addition to
the City of Albany, Oregon, to its in
tersection with the westerly side of
the right-of-way of the Willamette
Valley and Coast Railroad Company",
as evidenced by that certain deed from
Abram Hackleman and Eleanor B.
Haclcleman, his wife, to the Willam
ette Valley and Coast Railroad Com
pany, dated Sept. 21, 1S.S6. and record
ed Sept. 23, 1S86. in. Book "31," page
179 of the Deed Records for Linn
County, Oregon, a distance of 1380
feet, more or less, thence in' a curved
line along the westerly line of said
right-of-wav of the Willamette Valley
and Coast 'Railroad Company, a dis
tance of 716.2 feet, more or less, to a
stone monument: thence on a line
bearing south 54 degrees 34 minutes
. 1 an intersection with the south
i- i-c . .
erly extension of Thurston Street in
said Hackleman's Second Addition to
the City of Albany, Oregon; thence
northerly along said southerly exten
sion of the west side of Thurston
Street to a point distant 466 feet from
the south boundary line of said Hack
leman's Second Addition, said dis
tance of 466 feet being measured at
right angles to said Southern boun
dary line of said Hackleman's Second
Addition; thence in a line parallel to
said south boundary line of Hackle
man's Second Addition to Albany,
Oregon, and 456 feet distant there
from (at right angles) to a point 200
feet distant (at right angles) from
Course "D" hereinbefore mentioned;
thence in a direct line to the place of
Beginning at tho southwest cornr
of block No. 100 in Monteith's South-
cm .Addition to mc uty oi muauy,. iu
the County of Linn and State of Ore--
gon, at the intersection ot tne west line
ot. berry Street o! said t-.ty ot .-u-bany,
with the southern boundary liuej
of said addition; running thence in ai
westerly direction along the south line.'
of said addition to-the east line of a .
tract of land sold by Thomas Mon
teith and wile to Margaret A. Mon
tcith et al by deed recorded on page-
US. Volume "Li ol the Deed kcc-
lords of Linn County, Oregon; thence
southerly aloncr the cast line of said
tract to the southern boundary line of
said Thomas Monteith's D. L. C;
thence easterly along said southern
boundary line to the western boundary
line of the right-of-way of the Oregon
and California Railroad Company;
thence in a northeasterly direction fol
lowing the said western boundary line
of said right-of-way to the intersec
tion of said western boundary line
i with the west line of i7crry Street in
the City of Albany, as the same is
now located and occupied, at said
point of intersection as a county road;
thence in a northcly -direction along
the western line of said Ferry Street
(or county road) to the place of begin
ning, and containing 66.71 acres, more
or fess, all in Linn County, State of
Excepting from the tracts of land
first and third herein described, a strip
of land one hundred and seventy (170)
feet in width adjoining the riglit-or-
way of the O. & C. R. R. Company
(now the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company), on the westerly side there
of, and bounded on the north by the
south boundary line of Monteith's
, Southern Addition to the City of Al
Dany, on tne east- Dy tne westerly one
of the right-ofrway of the O. & C. R.
R. Company; on the south by southern
boundary line of the D. L. C. of
Thomas Monteith, Not. No. 690 and
Claim No. 64, in Tp. 11 S R. 3 W. and
on the west line by a line parallel with
the westerly boundary line of said
: road Company, by deed dated Marchi
22nd, 1885, and recorded October 20,,
1887, at page 113, Book 32 of the Deed!
Records for Linn County, Oregon,,
save and except from the four tracts,
above described the county roads now
located across the same, also except
ing the canal located along the exten
sion southerly of Vine Street in the
City of Albany, Oregon.
Also a small tract of land bounded
on the north by 8th Street: on the
west by Baker street; on the south
by 9th Street: on the cast by the east
line of the Donation Land Claim of
Thomas Monteith, Not. No. 690, and
Claim No. 64 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of
the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, alt
in the City of Albany, Linn County,.
Also blocks No. 79. 80, 87, 88 ami
89, lot 1 in block 90, lots 1, 2. 5, 6, T
and 8 in block No. 101 and all of
blocks No. 102. 103, 104 and 105 in
Monteith's Southern Addition to the
City of Albany. Linn County, Oregon.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Take Notice, that on this 21 st day
of September. 1910, an Application
was filed by The Central Land Com
pany, by A. B. Weatherford, it 5 Sec
retary, in the . Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for initial registration
to the land above described. '
Now, unless you appear on or before
the 31st day of October. 1910, and
show cause why such application shall
not be granted, the same will be taken
as confessed and a decree will be en
tered according to the prayer of the
application ami you will be forever
barred from disputing the same.
-Witness my hand and seal of said
Circuit Court this 21st dav "of Septem
ber, 1910.
Com. ry Clerk and Ex-o:cio Clerk of
lhc Circuit Court lor Linn Coun
ty Oregon.
. U". Wl" ATM !R FORD, and
;. v. wf.ati'if RFonn.
Acf'H-ncvs lor Applicant,