AiDany Democrat, isome SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Entered at the pott o lice, Albany, Or, ' No. 10 House and barn, one lot on fcecond class mail mutter. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. WANTED. -To hire team and waron for three or four weeks. See I. E, Lobaugh, 814 Ferry street, FOlt SALE. Furniture, heating stove, bedsteads, dishes, etc., Mrs. Moench, 350 Main & 4th. t21 EOR TRADE. One beautiful acre m South Albany with a new 4-room house and good well and pump house, will take as pirt payment un improved land to ihe amount of $1,400. Price $2,803. T. W. Hornbrack, t21. Albany Or. FOR SALE. Potatoes. 1 mile south of Albany, home phone 241G. R. Webster. 17( FOR SALE. White Leghorn cockerels, Irom trap-nested Btock. R. M. Hutchins. Home phone 2603. to WANTED. - For a client of ours 16 000 to 25.000 acres of white pine timber land. Parties offering such a tract must have full authority. Call on or write Tebault Real Estate Co., Al bany, Or. FOR RENT. The new California rooming house at becond and Montgomery streets, is now ready for business. The best rooms in town, nicely furnished, both single and for housekeeping. - t25 FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are the only kind to plant. That's the kind we Bell. Call i oth phones or address N, A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur- Benes, Albany, ur. CABBAGE for sauer kraut. E. L. McKeever, Bell phone 2X1. 't28. GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 50c .month. S. B. Penny the garbage 'man. Home phone 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Home 2303, WOOD. Slab and oak grub wood for Sale by A. W. Docksteader, 1197 Santiam road. Home Dboue black 196. WALTON'S ROOM'NG HOUSE. -Second floor Schultz new brick. New clean and modern. Furnished rooms. Home phone 1458. tl2 REPAIRS THINGS. F. R. Daily. 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, Bewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room house and two lots, center of town, 322 EaBt 4th St; also one good cook stove and several heating stoves. H. Barnes.! GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill lv aet, if desired. FIRE INSURANUE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, .Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. corner of Main street. East Albany. A bargain if taken soon. But you will have to move quick to get it. No. 13 A small house and lot well situated, West Albany. Price $1900. No. 14 A good house of seven rooms, beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty of fruit. Situated close in. East Albany. Price $2700. No. 17 A seven-room house and good lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West Albany. Price $1800. No. 19 Good new house of seven rooms, bath, electric lights. Well' situated, East Albany. Price $2500. , No. 21 Cottage of fixe rooms, and i barn, two good lots. East Albany. ; Price $1400. j It will pay wou to investigate these j orooositions immeaiaiciy, as i una Robert G. Smith, democratic nominee for congress, at the court house Friday night. Hear him. PERSONAL OSWALD WEST, THE MAN OF THE HOUR, AND WHY. Portland Journal: Than Oswald West, no man ever of fered for the governorship was more jut. lie came irom the lower levels. I His early life was a struggle with pov erty. He knows all about "the huts , where poor men lie and th I that poor men do." 1 He was a butcher's boy when other . boys were at play. He was a banker's messenger when other lads were at school. He fought against adversity : at the age when the average child is at his pastimes. Wherever fate placed him, West the these will not be on hand but a days. i .. i. j. i ready sale for property, and know that , om"buts b" hrsS; " .wl tnm .1 l, l 1. J UK VI IIU11I .1LI1UUI 111. UV.U1I1C U4IIH IIIC3- . sender. From messenger he rose o , t : ir, r'9nj0 1 swiftly from one position of trust to ,1 . - rviva, o. , tii-.ii 111 nerns in n.'ik r mner. tnir V. . . ... bank, he passed to a higher place in o tnla cr.'y- anotner. Promotions awaited him at every turn, because in every place deflator Rlllh SpoKe. with which he was entrusted, he de- livered the goods. vh- band laved -nd anator Rutl, of Washington, spoke at tha opera 10 acres m house and barn, well fenced and cross fenced. 50 acres of this place is some of the finest apple land there is in Oregon. Land all slopes to ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situated 3 miles from Al bany and is certainly a bargain. No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3 miles from Albany. This is a good all-round dairy and grain farm. No. 76 5 acres, small buildings, all in cultivation, situated close to Al bany. Price $1050. I have land for sale in any size tracts to suit purchaser, from a 5-acre tract to a 15,000-acre tract, and if you are looking tor a bargain in tarm lands of any description, or city prop erty, write, or call personally at my ofhee, but no lnlormation Dy phone. T r TIT till Clyde Laughead returned this noon from a commercial trip to the Bay. Father Datin and niece, Mrs. J. I. Springer arrived this noon from Brooks. Rev. Laurence arrived this noon from Portland, on a visit with his friend, j Rev. Marsden. MiBS Bertha Beck left last hight for ', a year and a half visit with relatives in chores Nebraska and Michigan. . 1 W. S. Gregson, of San Francisco, is in the city for a few weeks, investiga ting conditions here. Mrs. Elsie Brooks, of Portland, ar-; rived this noon on a visit at the home of her father, W. tV. Francis. ! Rev McLeod, of Mill city, returned last night from Ptndlcton. He says that omlet thrown by the liquor people will be an expensive thing for them in 1 Oregon. i Perry Palmer and wife, and Victor; Palmer have been up on a visit and hunt at the Palmer farm. They are ; both car men of Portland but formerly , DO YOU WANT GOOD DENTAL WORK AT A MODERATE PRICE ? ALL WORK GUARANTEED From bank official he became state land agent, and the hrst thing he did hcuse la3t nighti t0 8mai audience. was to clean m the state land office There was always scandal before, but there has never been scandal in the office since he entered it. He did not go about his work with a brass band, but as a quiet man of action he drove including a number of ministers and temperance people. It is said to have fa len decidedly flat, a poor showing j even from the liquor side of the ques-' tion. A man posing as the friend of I temperance working in the interest of : 203 W. Second St. J. V. PIPE, out the graft and made system and the saloon hasn't much influence with Bunny out ui cnuus. it was sucn a uis- any one. charge of duty as men admire and as Senator Ruth scored the search and 1 men are wont to reward. seizure act, No. 844 in a live manner; ! Because he was splendid as state but the act is word for word the same j land agent. West was made railroad as 'hat now in the local option law, commissioner, and in four years the "in which Ruth pretended to be in favor ; Oregon railroad commission has done of, with the exbeption of a few words , more for the shippers and the public that are immaterial. A sample of the FOR 10 YEARS PAINLESS EXTRACTION Dr, GOLD CROWNS PORCELAIN CROWNS BRIDGE jKliyi'.t!.'Wt4U.''IIIIJM'l'W.JU if i i W .A. Cox WORK PLATE WORK PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. Albany, Or. i than was ever done by any railroad, inconsistency of the liquor men FOR RENT.-9 acres, good house, large barn, chicken parks, plenty of fruit, berries of all kinds, situated one mile from Albany. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 V. P. 8t WANTED. -'Cli. ,utu noi'ie and one 6 room house w: - a barn, f none Home red 4081 after 1 p. ru. B. C. Wyatt. t22 FOR SALE. Grapes and winter apples. J. G. Gibson, Home phone 4054. 17t FOR SALE.-Work horse. J. G. Gib-' son. Home phone 4054. 7t WANTED. Girl to do general house work. Call at 823 S. Walnut street. FOR KENT. Two nice housekeeping rooms. Call at the Boom ing House, 2nd and Baker Sts. t22 j FOR SALE. One gasoline en?lno, In ternational 3 H. P., 1 Gould Pyramid , pump, cylinder 6 by 5, I 4000 gallon red wood tank, 1 double disc Hancock Dlow. Inquire of Joe Pitman, race i .track. 12t FOR SALE. Farm of 20 ' acres, one : and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crop. Terms: half down and balance in easy payments. I"quire at 330 S. Main. tl I commission in anv state in the same length of time. It is a splendid record. West's is a career, private and public, that is a guaranty. It is a lifework about which there is no doubt, and of the meaning ot wnicn no man raises question. So far the indications are that this campaign of the saloon, under the name , of Home Rule, has done the saloon ' interests a good deal ot harm. It has made solid the masses for the home and ' the boys and girls against the whole ' infamous business, and h is caused an , As a man. the former butcher's' bov investigation that is decidedly against has become skilled in the law, well "1aot '"""" rounded in education, polished in the . manners of the world and a person of A INeW Name, large affairs. Some time ago, he was admitted to the bar, and his first ef- i A deed was filed today transferring fort was a case conducted by the rail- all the'property of thefri State Railway road commission against the Southern and Power Co. to the Northern Idaho Pacific, in which the state won. He & Montana Power Co., in fifty nine studied law and studied books of sci- counts. This includes the Albany Water ence and literature when other men and Electric light plants, including the slept. His growth in affairs is testi- canal and all rights of way and real inony of what the lad in the lower estate, the Corvallis, independence, walks can do if he only has the vim, Springfield and Eugene plants and nerve and grit power lines. This suggests the legal . , i name under which M. Byllesby & Co., ,: !...,.! ,.:t, i u . , . ' the new owners of the different plants, Mandervll!e ln nor acrobatic ; wi do buainesBi tn,ugh it ia pbable aa"ce- ! tnat the Northwestern Corporation will De used in a business way: F G. WILL, lor Watches WANTED. A horse for light work during winter. L. R. Kauffmann, Phone Home red 280. FOR SALE. A gasoline launch and boat house cheap. Call on W. O. Simon, depot. WANTED Giri of about 15 years of age, to work for board and go to school. Mrs. A. L. Simpson, 340 E 1st St. t25 JERSIES FOR SALE. 100 head high grade Jersey cows and heifers for sale on easy terms. H. Bryant. tl4 ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. . J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY,' OREGON. CIDER. Will make cider every Thurs day for 3c per galon for making Cider and barrels for sale O. R. Widraer, R. D. 4. Home phone 2801. 12t COAL FOR SALE. In small or large quantities. For prices see A. W. Docksteader, 1197 Santiam Road. Home phone Black 176. INTERESTING FANCY WORK ITEMS Was there ever a woman that did not love fancy work?! It may be that there are women who do not care to do the work, but wc believe there are few but whom find a great deal of pleasure and delight in beautiful fancy work. A dainty pillow for the window scat embroidered in those soft shades' of green, brown and red are unusually at tractive and give just the touch of bright color to the room. Then there are the cmbroidericd pillow cases and linen guest towels in cither of which you will find a large assort ment. Of flosses, hoops, needles, stillelos and all acces sories we show a large and complete line. The showing of pillow tops and table runners is new ami large and comprises the newest effects in emproidery stitches and designs. i J I May we aid you in thus beautifying your home? GARMENT DISTINCTION. It's the dressv styles and attractive materials, the care- ESKAY KID GLOVES This famous and excellent line of high class and dur able kid gloves is now shown in our glove department. After much study and search of the markets we believe this to be the best kid glove value that we Jiave found. The firm, yet soft stock of which they are made- the careful workmanship and shaping and the beautiful color in which they come make them, we believe, superior in every way. The price, though, is no higher than for inferior gloves. Give them a trial once and we believe you will always' be a friend of the ESKAY GLOVE. Per pair, $1.50. THE NEW HEAD SCARF. Here is the latest idea in head scarfs. It is made of a black taffeta or messaline silk 9 to 12 inches in width and ful selection of trimmings and buttons, the inside finishing'from one yard to one and a half yards in length. The ends jand high class tailoring that give the suits and coats dis- being gathered and finished with tassels, jtinction. The scarf is beautifully lined with either soft persian I And a coat or suit with individuality gives you that or plain colored silks. A very dressy and nobby scarf. See different and stylish look that every woman deserves. 'it on the ribbon counter. I Our showing is very large and varied and we can suit; The price $2.50, $3.50 and $5.50. you easily as to price. Come in anv time. THE HAMILTON STORE i