,t. Historic Albany fOl I'LVI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY OCTOBER il. 1910 Democrat Hot Tamalies OYSTERS at THE CREST PUBIC STENOGRAPHER; AND j NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES I Fir9t National bank Building. Home Phone 379 The Ruby Blend Coffee That Made Albany Famous at MEISER & MEISER The Busy Big Store You hear so Much About FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT. Portland, Oct. 14. -In a collision be tween a Street car and her nutnmnhilo Dr. Edna D. Timms, a well known phy i sicmn of this city, was almost instant ly killed tonight. Her chaffeur was I painfully but not dangerously injured. The car struck the automobile at the intersection of Nineteenth and Flanders street and the force of the impact was so great that the machine was hurled nearly fifty feet, and Dr. Timms' body several feet farther. Moterman Ray- uum aiiu ionauctor Miner 01 tne street car were arrested on a charge of man- . slaughter, but later were released on j their own recognizance. BABY and CHILDREN DAYS Thursday und Fr'daj This Week Grand Opening and Display of Children's and Babies' PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS For the first time in Albany, we inaugurate a Grand Opening and Display for the Little Folks. We most earnestly request your presence on this occa sion, it will do your eyes good to gaze upon the beautiful creations of Stylish Head Wear for Little Tots. They are all Patterns direct from "Steinthal's", New York, who's i line is as exclusive and famous for children as Gage's Hats are for women. Bring the children, try them on, you will agree with us, they are the most beautiful styles you ever laid your eyes upon. At this time we also call your attention to our many other lines of Babies' and Children's Wearing Apparel, such as Coats, Sacques, Boottees, Leggins, Sweaters, Un derwear, Hosiery and last but not least, our New Stork , Goods Department. Good Meetings. The democratic candidates are hav ing good meetings on their tour of the county. At Brownsville the audience was a good one and the best of atten tion was given each candidate. At Holly they met a large crowdof voters. At Sweet Home they had an old fash ioned democratic meeting, the crowd being large and full of enthusiasm. fair sized audiences meithem at Waterloo and Sodaville. The most pro nounced sentiment at all these meet ings among democrats and republicans alike is opposition to assemblyism and assemDiy candidates, mere is a dispo sition shown among anti assembly re publicans and democrats to vote for anti-assembly candidates. For that reason democrats will vote for T. B. Kay, anti-assembly republican, for state treasurer, Mr. Bingham anti-assembly republecan, candidate for joint senator for Linn and Lane counties, and for Voore and McBride for su preme judges. Anti-assembly republi cans in large numbers will vote for West for governor and Slater and King for supreme judges. There is much in dependence among the voters. SYN0IK4CTS. The $200,000 College Fund En dorsed and President Crooks Starts After It. At Pendleton yesterday Albany Col lege was the theme, and the synod of A STRIKING ACCIDENT. Mr. John Watson, father of Mrs. W. S. Duncan, the new Albany florist, met with a very peculiar accident this morn ing, and fortunately he is alive. He was sitting on a barrel in the rear of tne Preshyterii.n church in charge of , the store, when one of the employees its worjc, woke up some and passed a , of the Holt market came out with a 22 resolution endorsing tne movement fori calibre gin and shot a chicken just a $200,000- fund for the college. Pres. ' tnrough the fence, not noticing Mr. Crooks, delighted with the actioi., at Watson. The ball struck something once started for the east to raise the; and glanced up hitting Mr. Watson in money. There are wealthy Presbyter-! the shoulder, where it lodged. Ha ians in Oregon who ought to give that went tj the office of Dr. Wallace, much alone, and perhaps the eastern where the X-ray was put on his shoul people will say so. jder, but the bullet was evidently be- The action is very pleasing after a , hind a bone and could not be located, long delay of over forty years, in which' Mr. Watson is 70 years of age, but no a oeggariy support nas oeen given the , serious result is anticipated. cui?ge The synod ordered $2500 raised at once for general expenses. Chambers & McGune Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House A man and wife passed through the city today in their automobile on their wa to Portland from St Paul, Minn., coming up through California. A silver tea service is to be given away at the Dreamland on Thursdav night. The set is on ex! tuition in Will's Jewelry Store. ' DOINGS OF THE WORLD. D. V, S. Reid, a farmer Albanv teacher, was nominated by the demo crats for state engineer, but did not accept. J. F. Venner has sold his drug store at Brownsville to A. Crand&ll recently of Ohio. Mr. Venner has run the store 81 years. Senaior Chamberlain 'n Linn Co. Lebanon, Friday. Oct. 28 at 2 p. m. Albany, Friday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p. m. Shedd, Saturday,. Oct. 23 at 2 p. m. Brownsville, Saturday Oct 29, at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited to attend these meetings. Ladies are especially invited. State W. C. T U. The State W.C.T.U. closed its annual meeting at Salem yesterday, the best yet. The talks of Mrs Armor made a wonderful impression, and there were others of great torce. The old officers were elected and about the same com mittees. , A feature was the public parade, long and enthusastic. An incident showed the lowness of the saloon element. A bum spit tobacco juice in the face of ,a prominent woman, who thanked him. The man was arrested, and a brewer paid the tine. A public auto could not be secured for the speakers, the pro prietors being afraid to furnish them, and two of them once obtained deserted their job. ALBANV 0PERV HOUSE Wednesday, Public Speaking. THE EMPIRE : TONIGHT. S. Cubmarine 'Salmop'." "The U, 'The .largest submarine in the world. !,:.. no x.. :.. i .i. i r .. -..I Kiven ,7, "B "." L'."i ",'V ' :um "A "-""V- Atheys and Miss lished act( rs iwl Hon. Oswald West, democratic can didate for Governor and Turner Oliver, ' democratic candidaid for Secretary of Stato will speak at j Scio, Novemlierl.it at 11 o'clock a. m. Lebanon, " " " 2 " p. m. Albany, " " 7;30 " p. m. ! Ha'sey, 2nd " 2 " p.-m. ' Harrlsburg, 7:"0 " p. rr. Oct. 19 ifflZOM Albany people i. iu. given some excellent INVESTMENTS. " - No. 164 New S-room house, lot West Albany. Price $950.00. C. H. New 6-room house, 2 lots. West Albany, Price $1000.00. No. 119. Good 8-room house, 2 lots, East Albany. Price $1050.00. No. 136. Two corner lots, East front, new barn, West Albany. Price $750. No. 135. Good 6-room house, lot 66x 110, West Albany. .Price $1275.00. No. 1194. Good 8-room house, cor ner lot, east front, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 130. Fine lot, close in, sewer, water, best location, at a bargain. No. 143. 2 lots good house, East Al bany. Price $1600.00. ....Own your own house. You cannot aflord to pay rent at above prices. Ket located winter will soon be here. FRUIT, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES. No. 162. 10 acres Vi miles out; ap ples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ber ries, all kinds. 7-room house, barn, chicken house; at snap price. No. 163. 160 acres all in cultivation, fine 9-room house, barn, windmill. $80.00 per acre. No. 161 3lA acres Vi miles out, at a bargain. , C. 350. 283 acres, , 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, barn. : $25.00 per acre. Stock ranches, 800 to 1201) acres, houses, barns, and fenced. Prices range from $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Call at my office, for safe, sound, con servative buy. 40 years residence in Albany, I know all conditions. Best automobile service. Bell Phone 240-R. Home Phone 434. JAS. F. POWELL, 130 Broadalbin Street ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vetetabler, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bag?. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cment, Olympic lime, Arden plas:er. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cashpaid fr eggs. foot Ferrv Street, Albany. Fhor.es, Miin 5 Bell, 3 Home. Dr eam land. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" " Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Childr en Sc. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. 370 tons ' displacement. She equipped with port and Starboard gas oline engines of 8 cylinder type, capa ble of developing 200 hoursc-powcr each. The film shows the "Salmon" at close range, running on surface, submerging by water ballast, making "porpoise" dives, and running' sub merged so far that only, the tops of ' the periscopes arc visible. Taken from an accompanying boat in a fairly j rough sea, the effect is thrilling, be- . sides giving one a good idea of what iiniuim nuve been comedy bv the andeville, accomp. nleasinir neonle A ood business was1 done by this popular America's Greatest Play ' Beautifully Staged. Vigorously Acted A Ftartling Talo, Vivbly Portrayed. Presented by a Carefully Selected Company.. . j PRICKS 2dc, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. - WOOD TO bum; ONLY A DREAM--By Athey Man derville & Athey. screaming Mr. Lynton Athey in a specialty. Pictures--A Big Scrap, Heart of Sioux, Simple Mistake. 20c Uncle Sam" is doing in the navy 1 yards. I "The Moths and the Flame." A , comedy, wherein three pretty girls, their father an old artist and a violin- I ist figure, with funny situations ' throughout. 1 "An Appeal from the Prairie." This ; American Pathe is one that warms the heart and gives one a vivid idea of the conditions among the Red Men. It ' is a picture full of pathof, love and all the essentials necessary '.n making a thoroughly good picture. j "In Life's Cycle." Biogrnph Drama, a beautiful story, well told, of a young motherless girl, thoughtlessly giving up her home, only to regret it. A beautiful sermon. . Illustrated Song "When a Boy from Old New Hamoshirc Loves a ' Girl from Tennessee." Miss Crosno. Complete change tomorrow. i Admission 10 cents. 61000 ZVfVfttf FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PYROGRAPHY. The largest showing of wood to burn and burning outfits ever shown in Albany, with prices that are right. Start now on your Xmas presents. See the new jewelled and tinsel work. The articles are of three-ply bass wood for the interesting carving and gouge work. Dozens of catchy de signs made expressly for this .work. We have some beautiful pieces com pleted showing this different work. f Our pyrograpl-.ic stock includes new arrivals in skins, outfits, panels, : jncedlcs, boxes, bulbs, in all the newest and most up-to-date designs. Come 1 in and let us show you these beautiful novelties. WOOD WORTH DRUG CO. The Electric. Change days Sunday. Thursday and Saturday. Tuesday, ' 1. "Fantastic furniture" A com jed. 2. "An Unexpected Servant" An i other comedy. Come and enjoy a laugh. 3 "A Dainty Politician." A drama. , When a pretty girl outwits an office i seeker. Admission only 5 ctp, DOOLEY'S GROCERY "Your'e safe at this store" That'B the point we're making No matter how little or how much you buy here, wo want to feel SURE that every purchaie will satisfactory TO Y'jU we'll do all in our power to make il so! What more can you expect or ask of your groce:? Try us and see. Ladies Skajte THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIESJSKaTE. The rin't will be lit to rep'esent moonlight and a specialty will be made of couples only. TUESDAY afternoon, "will be reserved for LADIES ONLY. Thursday and Saturday evenings Admissiod 10c. Skates 25c 9 M. Senders &Co (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster. c;ment, roofing, paper, lire BricK. pressed Marshall a. h obau grit' &ea Complete Lines of Crockery, Chins, G rtnth Phones 18. 4 Wont. hint - fessware, Groceries. Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? ft amounts to practically the same tiling when you buy good clean tip-to-date dependable footwear at a saving of from,25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what vou can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at wholesale prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less money '.han you would p y for shots of the commonest so-t elsewhere. W. F. JONES. Vctcrinsiy Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stnhlo. Phones 200-K, Bell; Home 1285. and the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stelter's, 205 W. 2nd Street. mr snoe More 33-! First St