Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 14, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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    Silk Petticoats
at $4.50
Aspccial value in a big lot of new SILK this
small price. Come in black, navy, brown, groj and green.
Flood's Store
Agents for R. & G. Corsets.
Agentsjtor Standard Patterns
a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment,
one of the very first things to consider is the Title.
An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa
tion and you may get this before closing the deal and
paying for the property.
We have had 18 years of successful work on titles.
Consultation free.
Both Prunes
Main 53 .
337 West 1st
Ablany, Or'
The Game Grop
is almost Rip
and should be
Properly Harvested
bet vour cun from us and be ready for the trouble
.head y Wo have a fine stock of the famous Pe er a
?oaTd with bulk, dense and semi smokeless powders.
Mali e your selections while the lino is complete.
Hulburt-Ohling Haidware Co,
I Baptist. S. S 10:15 a m. Preaching
uy Rev. S. A. Douglas at 11 a. m. and
1 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U 6:30 p. m
1 Ci r ttian church Albjn Esson, Min-i.-ter
1U:30 a. m. biuleSchool f llowed
n.v communion ana morning aermop.
.6:30 p m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30
evening sermon. Everybody welcome.
I Officers will hold their regular monthly
i business meeting at the church Tues-
uuu evemvg, uui. inn.
St. Mary'a church -Rev. Arthur
Una, Hector; Rev Van Mevel, assist
ant. Sunday services at 8 and 10:30.
Ti.e sermon will be preached by Father
Van Clarenbeck of Medford who will
also offiiate at the evening service. The
nnqfnr will fnnHnnt aa..;nn .... .u.
efferson and Shelburn. The public is
cordially invited.
St. Peters church (Eplscopal).-Rev.
Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning
service, sernvjn by the Rev. K O.
Chambers U a. m. Evering service
7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. The
Ladies Guild will meet Wednesday
"""'75 .rH- . Tebaulf,
7ih end Broadalbin St.
1 M. E. church, cor. 3d and Ellsworth
Bts.-Rev. W. S. Gordon's subject at
10:30 will be "The Parable of the
; Talents, " and at 7:30: "A Teacher Sent
From God". Tnis being the first of a
! series of Sunday evening sermons - o
I Teachers, Physicons, Lawyers and Bus
j iness Men. Class meetiug 10 o'clock.
.Rally Day program, 11:45. Epworth
ucBKue o;ou. aii are requested to be
on time, as all parts of the service are
United Presbyterian. W. P. White,
Pastor. Hours of service: 10:30 a. m.
ami 7:30 n m Rihla ant,nAl n n .trz.
- y - f- .... v.uiw QbllUUI Ob 11 .'tLf a.
m. and Thursday evening. Young Peo
ple s oocieiy or unnstian Culture 6:30, ,
C. E, at 6:45 p. rn. Tomonow is Rally :
Day, and wa desire not only th6 at
tendance of all the members of all the
organizations, but of all the friends
of the congregation. This is the fifty-1
fifth snniversnry of the Albany United'
Presbyterian church.
M st Presbyterian church. Rev F.
H. Geselbracht. Mininter. Mnrninc
service 10:30. Theme: An InSDired
Preachtr and a Famous Sermon. Spec
ial music arranged by Miss Smith. '
Eveniner bai-vipa 7-Kn TTninuohU rra;a. i
Ill-Temper. Special music arranged.
haDtuth School at 11:45, classes for all.
1n r.hfl Mon'n Kihla nin Un
Will hfoin a aariaa nf t..ll. ,U !
..... ... H uuita dii'ii u baiba uu iiic ;
uii-i.u ouu mid ouuiai trials anu tt tree
aiscussion win tonow. Civery one in-
society at 6:30. "Come thou with us
we wi 11 do thee good,"
There are different kinds of fanatics
in this world.
Roosevelt has now rested several min
utes and has resumed speech making.
The regulars are after Bourne rej
hot. That will make friends for Bourne
among the masses.
An anonimous correspondent wants
the Democrat to hear Mr Rose him
self instead of taking the word of
0 h rs as Co what he says
It is awful isn't it, for an average
kind of a man to have thirty-two com
) mun everyday questions to vote on. He
. nviy have to do some studying. That
I will be awful too. The legislator, who
'doesn't know any more, in forty days
has to vote on five hundred. Can't the
I average man get away with thlry two.
tie ii nx tnem an ngnt.
The Oregonian is busy proving that
there are not 418 blind pigs in Portland,
! and has cut It down to at least three
hundred, which is some. But it is a
fact regardless of all this that there
are blind pigs in all cities, license or no
icense, and it takes hustling to keep
them out the same as it does to stop
theft with a good law against it. All
laws are violated, but we need tbalaws
just the same and strong ones.
This is a good misfit item:
A letter received at the post
was addressed to the Hub. It was
thought proper to put it in the Com
mercial Club mail, and was opened this
morning by Miss Harkness, who was
somewhat startled in being informed
that Mr. So and So wiuld be in Albany
in a few days with some fine samples
of pants.
At the iloiels
Mrs. L, E. Bellknap, Portland.
Mrs. Ed McCarty, Kcllog, da.
H. N. Johnson, A. P. Manning, Hood
N P. Gribble & wf, Oregon City.
Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Eckley.
G. W. Ketter, Eugene.
Mox A. Cohen, Portland.
A. V. Swarthout, Corvallis.
We Pay
Contractor's Profit.
The I dedu.
A new steel race;, with a cookine-!
plate on top, a model modern . .stove
no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take
a look at it. A Albany Hd Go's.
All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei-ffer's.
Wood Yard.
Wood delivered tn nil nnrfa nf nitv tn
short notice, uffice at residence 90S
East 4th street. Both phones.
J. D. Ellis.
jersey dairy
Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons
cover the city twice daily.
Phones: Bell Black 2371: Home Main
Just received a stock of the latest in
Andirons. Call and select while the
aesortment is full.
Estimates given on Plastering, Side
walk and Cement Work.
J. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia
Mechanical Engineer.
Foundations, Roois, Iron and Steel
Structures, Power Plant designs and
specifications, Power Transmission,
Drawings made and checked. Office,
Albany Iron Works. '
Real Estate.
Forty years residence in Albany, Jr.
Financial agent. Collections made for
130 Broadalbin street, Albany.
Bell phone Red 140i.
House and Sign Painter,
Agent for the Cleveland Gclsemtc ,
roof paint. 1
122 Ferry Street, i
Home Phone. 320. Pacific, Red 3092
Real Estate and Insurance,
Buy and sell property. Insure
.in.iicrtv and transact loans.
Large or small timber tracts, i
Insurance, Loans & Collections, j
Have money to loan in sir .11 and
large amounts. Notes and mort
gages bought. I will bond you.
Property handled for non-resi-.
dents. '
A. STARK, M. D. j
Physician and Surgeon,
Will & Stark Block - Albany
I Osteopathic Physician,
Albany State Ba ik Building.
flell Black 482. 1 1 nine 275
Dentist, 1
Clawford Block - - Albany!
Will & Stark Block - Albany
The success of the electric
business depends upon selling
the largest possible output at
the lowest possible rate.
This means that we must
hustle for business early and
We go part way lit bearing
tiie cost of electric iniialla
tiorfi in houses by paying.tbe
contrastors' profit ourselvesv
Our arrangements with IcS"
cal electrical supply houses
insures ' a first class job o( j
house wiring at actual cost. I
You have the choice of j
three rock-bottomed, low
price propositions.
Larger installations will be I
at prices proportionately high
er. The opportunity is too
good to be passed up.
Discuss the insu'tci- with the'
New Business Department;
Telephone 15, BiV-6. Phones.
Northwestern Corporation,
128 West I'irsf Slrtet.
7 iiSM
ki ft
Mav&Vour old Umbrella
recovered and - tramformed
in new style.
with detachable and inter
changeable handle. -
No matter how fortunate your cir-ciiin-'tanccs
might be at present, papa
some day might lose his money. In
wild cat "investment that friends in
veigle him into, (or instance, or sonic
note a relative might get his name on.
and papa would have to pay it. Al
though yon may he comfortable today,
I urge you to prepare ior the future
and guard against reverses that may
overdue you.
Girls, Girls, Girls.
YONR INVESTMENT AND RUN ing, October lltlr," at 8 o'clock, I
NO RISK in being foreclosed on the WILL GIVE. THE FIRST PAY
contract you sign, if you don't pay MENT on all contracts signed by
every month, because this clause is girls. If you wear dresses you are a
embodied ill the contract in heavy girl to me, whether you arc married
type: "IT IS AGREED THAT or single; an old maid or a babe in the
DURING THE ILLNESS OR UN- cradle, just as long as you are a girl,
AVOIDABLE LOSS OF EM- I will write the contract, and if you
PLOYMENT BY SAID PURCHAS- want to make a $10 payment I will
ICR, PAYMENTS ON THIS CON- give you credit for $20..
TRACT MAY BE SUSPENDED So girls, if you want an opportunity
FOR THE PERIOD OF SUCH to put your savings in real estate an
LOSS OF EMPLOYMENT OR opportunity where you can invest a
SICKNESS PROVIDING NOTICE few dollars and reap hundreds an op
IN WRITING HAS BEEN GIVEN portunity where you can systematical
AN'D ACCEPTED." ly put away $10 in the best savings
Think of the date of your first pay- bank in the world a fixed amount
ment on a $250 lot and then picture every month, so small thai you would
Albany two" years from today, at which hardly miss it. This is your chance,
time you wiil make your last payment. As I mentioned before; you cannot
In two years Hazelwood WILL NOT tell what will happen to papa's busi
be the fringe of Albany which it is ncss 10 or 15 years from, today, and
now. Property further out will be for the reason that I may die within
suburban property and Hazclwood will the next 60 days. I deposit this deed
be 1 XSIDE. and abstract of title in the bank almost
Houses will have been erected all immediately in order to. protect you
over the tract. Improvement; will against this uncertainty,
have been made. 1 URGE YOU TO SERIOUSLY
Ask your mother or father what CONSIDER THIS, TO THINK
they tiling of it. ABOUT IT AND ACT. .
Ask my customers, which I have Ring nie up on the- telephone, or
secured in the last ten days, if in two write me a postal, telling me when and
years they do not think they can sell where 1 can call for you, and your
their lots in Hazclwood for twice the folks, to see Hazclwood in my auto
price they bought at. mobile.
I caution you about delay. I don't want you to feel that it you
I urge you to take advantage of this do call me up you will be under any
opportunity. obligation whatever to buy. I will
IT WILL NOT LAST LONG, and not feel badly if, after seeing the prop-
il vou call inc un. Mam 399. I will be eriv. von for any reason whatever
A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsaff
passed Service. Your account is invited.
ASSETS OVER $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0?ffl.00
Start a Savings accout with us and you will be
surprised at the ease with which the Saving.habit.
is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts.
ASSETS OVER $3 0 0,0 30.0 0:
x Owned' and operateAby the stockholders-f the.-
first iNaiionai xariK.
'VM. BAIN. President.
v. i - -nil- rnir IV VOT'li 11 vuu cilu lnc "P- rtiaill oyy, i win oc env. you ior au n.-.i.-un
NOW b UI J'. 1 1 . . ' . . ,;: 'pleased to have you. your mother or decide you do not want a lot.
242 West Second St., Albany,
First-class meats of all kinds
from selected stock.
Dealer in
Choice Meats of All Kinds.
210 Vct Second Street.
Opposite the Postofl'ice.
Four chairs. Prompt and cfiic
icnt care of the face and hair
217 West First Street.
First-Class Work Guaranteed.
1.1 FK to prepare to meet any enierg
cnev of this kind, which statistics
show happen to 97 per cent of men
between 4) and 5' years old.
If your folks at home arc now de
pendent upon your earnings tor their
livelihood and you have a permanent
position and can put away $10 a
mouth from your salary, put your
nmiu'V in 1 IV IH'Sl uaiiK ie.ii vm..i
brother to n.-ennin.niv vou to investi- Yon will -be a cood advertisement
crate and see what other nconle have for me if vou sec the property, and
bought. vou will do yourself a good turn if you
The cream of Hazclwood is not buy.
skimmed olT. I won't promise the Until next Tuesday morning at 8
same a month from now, but if you o'clock, if you arc a girl, I will give
will call me up after you finish read- you credit for your first payment free
ing this and go to see Hazclwood and then yon pav $10 a month begin
iUDAY Ok TOMORROW, you will ning -in November. $10.C0 saved is
()y get this bencht. ror the rest ot this ;1IU'0 made,
week and up until next Tuesday morn-
H. N. BOULEY, Cashier.
Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very
small acorns a small sum opens, an account in our j
bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you ;
must be persistent in your depositing.
Systematic depositing is the root of financial in:- :
dependence. Get deeply rootci in the habit of bank.-. !
ing, then you will branch out iinto better things i
safe against any ill wind thad blows. r i
Dollars are financial acorns plant them in, ottr i
bank and watch them grow. '
2.V, West 2r.d St.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop.
Attorney at Law. Notary Fubiif.
Legal business of all kinds in all the
courts promptly attened to. Bell phona
166 J.