I he uuberta r l ounce THIS MORNING News from Albany' Trains. Six Early liea iy Even to the Drawstring at the Top. The first and only separate adjustable petticoat flounce having a drawstring attachment at the top, making it easy to adjust to an old or new petticoat foundation, by the simple operation of stitching it on by hand or on a sewing machine. Women who make their own petticoats in-order to have a perfect fit will delight in this innovation. You do not have to throw your petticoat away because the flounce is worn, make a new one by adjusting one of these. Postmaster Van Winkle left for Portland to attend the annual conven tion of the Oregon Association of post masters, ot which he is secretary, to morrow. Today he will represent the Albany Chautauqua at the meeting to arrange for talent. W. A. Kimsey left for Brownsville to join the democratic candidates in the coming campaign. The meetings were to open today at Brownsville, and the candidates will also attend the Holley fair. A DELIGHTFUL RECITAL. Several styles of flounces in sateen, bloom, 60c to $2.50. silk and heather- Mrs. A. M. Hammer, of this city and two or three from Lebanon, left for Salem to attend the state W. C. T. U. Mrs. Blain went yesterday afternoon. Mr. Seeck, of Iowa, left for home after a visit of two months with his sons, prominent young men of Lebanon, who accompanied him as far as Port land, lie was well pieasea witn Ore gon. E. H. Rhodes went down to his prune orchard. D. W. Rumbaugh, fruit inspector. left for the Holley fair. Miss fclene Hughes, or tne empire, left for a couple days visit at Jefferson. She is ono of Albany's most popular young ladies. Mrs. W. B. Chance left for Salem to attend a reception st the deaf mute school given by her brother Dr, nett and others. A large audience at the United Pres byterian church last night listened to the opening recital of the conservatory of the college, with appreciation, frequenl encores giving expression to the satis faction with the talent displayed. The program was opened with some well performed selections on the organ by Miss S.ox, Morning Mood and Ase's Death, when Miss Grace Houck, the new teacher, a fine appearing young lady, was presented in Chopin's Polo naise, Op. 53, and was also heard dur ing Hie evening in Chopin's Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 2, Kavina's Enode and the Hungarian Rhapsode No. 2, playing without notes. She has a clean style, excellent expression and a good mem ory and promises to be a popular former here. Mis Louise Ulackwell, with her charming personality, was heard in sev eral readings, the Wiggs theater party ALBANY Baltimoiefor Bicycles. Fisk tires at Baltimore's. Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at the Holt corner, A neat place. Holt's Meat MarKet Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Light lunches served at the Crest Confectionery. Raincoats and cravpnettes $15, at W, F. PfeifTer's. Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M.;Wilson for piano.instructions. Home phone 353 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock. Jut street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn, physician and Bur- Seon. Calls answered day and night. Dice, 1 linn block, Residence 119 E 7th street. Both phones. Shapes from $2 00 to $9 00. Also per- trimmed hats all prices. Tell us the : j-rico yon wish to pay and we will see that you are pleased, Band Box Mill inery Store, 116 Ferry St. Mrs. Wilk I in8on is going to Portland Thursday and will give particular attention to and I' aider, with some encores, as and will sr always greatly pleasing. Miss Smith, j specirl orders to be brought from Port- wno nas maae goou in an eminent niuii ner as a vocalist, was heard in Cavatina and a cycle of pretty songs. It was a program of merit, a fit in I traduction for the new pianist. Parents' Meeting At School the High hiqh ,mm Vim school are most cordiallv invited to at tend a Parents' meeting at the high school building at 3:30 p. m. Friday, Rob- Oct. 14. Everybody interested in the I success of the hieh school is as cor- Pmf P. I. Wilcnn the violinist, went riiallv invited, but the Dresence of those to Salem to look after his Willamette directly concerned is (specially desired. University class. It is not that a livelier interest on H. Y. Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, re- the part of the patrons of the school in turned home after coming to Albany to what is being done, or ought to be done i... 1.1 a; 1 - I - T o :.. nl.nl AnnnAf Ui.f Kn knlnful tn all See niH mulUcr OIL lUr IK3r will, ni. jv- iu oviiwi, uu. ii.i.u. - j i Anc-eles. i concerned. llo community can have . land. i Wheat 86c, oats 37c. I Try a cup of hot chocolate at the Crest. Tag day for the depot park, Sarur- day uct. zc. Have your Hollowe'en fun with some of the seasonable novelties now on dis play at the Elite Chocolaet Shop. Arrangements have been made so that the Shasta limited may be taken by paying lare irom rortiana, and givinz 24 hours notice. The apple fair committee at its meet ing last night completed the premium liBt, heretofore published substantially as ai ranged. The program committee is preparing a good one fur the meet- ings to be held during the fair, Miss Ollie Landis returned Brownsville visit. Fridav afternoon at 3:45 o'clock a i concerneu. -wo community can . . h r. ninvBrt hntwvnn from a the best schools without the intelligent ; fort ".I'hi P K "T tntavaat- rf it-a nann a Tha mivnnnfl fit I & left s DeoDle. the Parents' Meeting is to bring the We Try to Please Our Custo aers. THAT is why we sell strictly high g de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAHr & LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Si Grocer anJ Baker Iter Parker m WFWT PUIS? 8 T ttt! ETM ILB A N J ORK90JI First class goods in their season. PhoPe Main 56 SPECIAL LIBRARY LAMPS $5.00 Ralston Electric Supply Co., 3'0 West Second Street. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S Hlb3 Granulated Sugar... $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice. 100 16 lbs Broken Head Rice I'.OO 12 los White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1-00 10-16 oz pks Raisinns. i 1.00 MVa H W r.ruann nf T.eh&non. on a Portland visit. Bchools and the people closer together, F. G. Will and Edwin Fortmiller leu to talK over our own and otner scnoois, for a short trip to the metropolis. j and to seek information on educational I matterB in general, me urai, uiai.iii J. B. AnderBon, the new proprietor will last only thirty minutes and it is of the Electric Theatre, left for Port- hoped that the interest snown will ! land after a singer. He will also look warrant jther meetings. There will U ! up the opera chair proposition, figure an opportunity for seeing the various ' on a new machine, and among other rooms and their squtpment, if visitors improvements will have a system of wish it. npnil?v ventilation for his new show house, an; PK1N. f. BKAULifcX. attractive place for till amusement . world. the new high school team and the alumni. Lawrence McBride and othor old players will be back to help the alumni. Admission iu cents, uonege grounds. Next Saturday the open season for Chinese pheasants will begin, and as usual there will be serious trouble for the Mongolians. Under the new law not over five males can be killed in a day. nor over ten in seven consecutive days. The season will last for just a month. Married. Chambers Bodley.- On Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 6 p m. at the Baptist par sonage, by Rev. Douglas, Mr. J. W. Chambers, a native of Linn county, of Knox Butte, and Miss Grace Bodley, of Albany, two woithy yo'.n, peo. e deserving the best blessings life. The Depot Park. Landscape Artist Chace came up this noon to meet this afternoon with the Civic Improvement Club, with a view of completing the work on the depot park. Plans are to be considered in reference to tree and shrubbery plant, i 3, etc. Some dandy Hollowe'en novelties the Elite. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. ffer's. Pfei- ati All suits just$l at w, f. Pfeiffers, The Gravel Factory. The gravel and sand bunkers will probably be running tomorrow, when those who have been waiting for gravel from the new institution will be able to . secure it and there is liable to be a run on the bank. This promises to be a Popular thing among Albany's industries t has cost a good deal of money and deserves a big patronage. Bv the way it is going to be a big "thing for the county too, saving a good deal oi bridge noor irom wear. If you want a Ted iy Bear go Variety Store, 313 W. 1st. to the Get our prices before you buy. SNAP FOR A POOR MAN, BAR GAIN FOR A RICH MAN. Now is your chance. For 20 days onlv I will Dlace 22 lots on the market, W A r,A?T"DI'irlVT 60 by 100 feet, 60 foot streets, for $5 . A. tlA2 1 DUKIt down and $5 a month for 24 months. Property in FairdaleAddition.best loca- The Grocer i tion' nice niRn anU dry lot8' 10 Enst " i Albany. Wo interest, no taxes until last pay- At Celluloid and Unbreakable Dolls at Variety Store, 813 W. 1st. WANTED. A girl to do general house- 1 FOUND A lady 'a gold band ring. work, fhone mz-b Bell, the mission ranors. POTATOES Also garden truck. A.' LOST. A Waterman Ideal fountain D.Wheeler. Home red 357. tl'5 i pen, with fastener. Leave at Demo WANTED. A REFINED YOUNG crat office. LADY TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE WANTED. U1H to do general nouse WORK. GOOD WEST 4TH ST. WAUES. 817 work. Call at 631 Montgomery street. Uell 447-K. We Guarantee the WHITE QUEEN To be the best hard wheat blue Btem flour in the city. The price Is moderate and the quality uniform. Call us up for a trial sack, and we'll prove to you that our assertion is correct. Sold on absolute guaranty. R. A. MURPHY, 225 West 2nd St. ment is made. Get in early, last long. because this unap won't F. H. PFEIFFKR, Bell phone 198-R. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S:or.d Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. Light Lunches Fresh Oysters any Style and i Mighty Good Drinks Served now, at ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP COPELAND AMD MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER., House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Kno Butte, near Santiam River. For ruilding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Samp es at M. Senders & Co's store. W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, Home 23i,5. Grandma's Spectacle Were good enough for ye.olden time &9 littVodjrflT CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' wall; from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. E. C. MEADE, Op nmttrist i 3?9 "r.l R-rcet. ' ill .VF. SOW CLOTHES The Pantatorium, GILBERT & MINTON VJ) W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 1S6 A fine lot at our yard at this city,jU3t burned. Phone Home 411. ALBANY BRICK CO Missouri Feed stcre 1)R-VlRG1Ni v LFttEAlJX MlbbOUn teeU Sltre. Osteopathic f hsician For Flour an-I Fur'. I l.a Hrn,.r Rlnck. Alhsnv. Corner 2nd and Jictr- -ttr--". j phones: Office Home 359," Bell blac r il?n - BellphcEe25U '.1'-' ''Cr' j2"l.nIJnce384Boe.bli.ckE63 Be P.Q. Will I0f WatCfieS shingles. Made in Alhanv mv 1 Edtf Grain the UEaT in ihe market. Various gradt-8 ard prices from S1.25 upwards ' Every l urch branded with my name. Look t;r it. Examine these shingles- ; before buying elsewhere. h A TriO.MPS' N. I 1 We use no dry kiln. ! I Milk Notice. j I On Sept. lstTln G'ldrn Rule Dairy will charge 8 cer ts per quart, $2.40 per month, 10 cenls for txtras; pinls $1.40 per month and 5 cents lor xtras and ! o cen's per gallon in can. I ti. M. Pa mer, Prop. - '. - . r'W we nr.r;'T want to shout but son c of the finest buildings in town arc equipped with unr tluin'''I,t! work. We n:n!e a v.jeeiiihy of hieh .1.13 :?.nit:iiy plumhiiiK and will be lnd Laic y.'t cxamin-? sninplcs r( atir w rk. Wc have moved and arc sow at 118 West Second street.- MciDIN & STUAPT. FALL CAPS. If you want a cap with all the earmarks of a thoroughbred, one that lends that unusual smartness to the wearer that is always sought for a large cap with the big bill made from the latest imported tweeds the kind you have been wanting, get yours to day. Fifty, seventy-five and a dollar and a quarter. WARMER UNDERWEAR. Now that Fall is here the chilly weather is certain to be upon us in a few weeks. You will do well to buy your un derwear now and at tin's store. Our assortment is large and the prices arc al ways right. BLAIN CLOTHING CO dependable Clothiers.