Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 14, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The Democrat.
"The Daily Delivered, 10 cents
week; in advance for one year, ii.V:
By mail, in advance for one year $3, hi
end of year .l.iJ.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25
At end of year $1.50. A fter 3 yei-rs at
Having been honored by the demo
cratic voters of Linn county with the
nomination for representative in the
legislature, it is proper that I should
make some statement over my own
signature as to how I stand on the
nnhlir micstions of the day.
Whether wc realize it or not, the
kind of government under which we
live is of the utmost importance to
.every one. Our government will be
good or bad, just or discriminating as
we, the people, make it; or allow it to
be made. Everyone owes an obliga
tion to society and his government,
for the conveniences, privileges and
protection given him, and in propor
tion that that obligation is realized
and acted ujon, society will be . good
or bad.
I am in favor of a government of
the people. I)v all of the people. Wow
wc come to the question confronting
the people ot Urcgon today, ami it is
this: Shall a part of the people repre
senting great wealth or alt ot tlie pco
dIc rule.
There is an influence at work,
backed by the big corporations, to
make the individual voter's vote of lit
tic or no etlect (and their chicl re
source is bribery and deception) by
setting aside or destroying our direct
primary and initiative and referendum
laws, before our direct primary, with
its statement No. 1, the individual vote
counte dnothing in electing United
States senator, or if it did count any
thing it was less than one drop of wa
ter to a whole river. Until after the
enactment of the initiative and refer
endum; what laws wc got were mostly
thrown in with the bargain sale of
United States senator and the people's
vote did not count to any appreciable
extent in the matter.
I am in favor of the direct primary
election law, with its statement No. 1,
the initiative and referendum laws,
because they add greatly to the power
of the individual voter and decrease
the power of the bribe-giver.
The briber opposes these measures
because they take from him much of
his opportunity to use his money for
corrupt purposes. The bribe taker is
opposed to those laws because they
spoil his trade. I, also, favor the re
call and corrupt practice acts.
I believe in giving the common or
public schools the best possible condi
tions. The stay of the government
and free institutions is the enlighten
ment and intelligence of the masses.
1 am opposed to the legislature re
pealing any law enacted by the people,
or meddling with it in any way.
1 register as a democrat, because 1
believe that I can have more influence
for (rood government in the democrat
ic parly, than anywhere else, ltut no
one should regard party more than
principle or patriotism
17,l!iii- Tlon,nrr:it :
On bill boards, I
nw' liiiihlitifH and other places in the .
and towns oi urcgon, nun u,
fences, gates and old barns in the rural
.1:.. f il,n ciute will be found the
: rural ,
be :
following sign in large uoia-iaccu
type making the foUow.iiK appeal to
unthinking voters: VOIR I'UK
HOME RULE." Now, that sounds
well to voters who do not stop to
think. Voters, whether democrats, re
publicans, socialists or independents,
have you studied this proposed amend--mem
to the constitution of this state?
If you have not, permit me the priv
ilege to speak to you a few minutes
about this most dangerous proposi
tion It means lhat all the power
which the slate of Oregon now has to
legislate in regard to the liquor tralhc
shall be taken from the state aim
Indued in the incorporated cuies ami
lh J fil,i sate. It means that all
HiK nennlc of the state, except Ihosc
...1,.. 1 in
incorporated tinea .tuvi
town?, shall be ilistrancnised, vue
prived of the right to vote,) as to all
questions pertaining to the liquor tral
',c It means that the local option
law shall be practically a (load letter.
It means that nearly every nto'ivor.
nteel city and town in the stale woiud
be chock-a-block with saloons as soon
as the iiu'cmlnicut pas.-cd. It means
that the exclusive power to regulate,
license and control the liquor traffic
would be wrested from the state. What
a spectacle lhat would be for the state
to be powerless to have any llnm; 1"
do with the matter of the liquor traf
fic? In Linn county the following cit
ies and towns would control the liquor
liallic and all Ihe voters of the county
.,ii.l,. nf these cities and
would be distraiK-lliseii: .-Miiaity. 11.11
sey. Uarrisburg, Krowu.-vilU', Sweet
I Ionic, Waterloo, Lebanon and Scio.
What do the voters outside of these
cilies anil towns think of this?
The lax pavers of the county outside
of these cities and towns would be
taxed to pnv for the criminal prosecu
tions carried on in the criminal courts
against the crimes resulting from the
liquor business, but they would not
have anything 10 say about granting
saloons li license to cany 0:1 their ne
farious business. 1 1 sc.-.. to lllc that
every voter in the precincts 01 lan
nviH, ShciM. Calapooia. Center. Craw
fordsville. l otcr. Fox Valley, Jordan.
King-ton, Knox Unite, l.aconib, Kock
Creek Sanliatn. Shelbiirn, Syracuse
and Tallinan would vole almost solid
ly -main"! this amendment on this ac
count. Do tbc voters of those pre
cincts feel that they arc willing to be
hoodwinked into ihus volute, taxes up
,l themselves without a simile liene-
lit 111 return.'
mind that, if
1 ney sitoiuu .11 i"
this amendment should
cilies ami towns wiuim ir-
all the license money where sa-
re e -l.ioltslieii :o.o ii.-v
rural e
im in''
M lie l.,xcil
.-etiti.r the
ptiy the
K-s lhat
If the
was required to be paid into the coun
ty fund the matter might be different.
Jn tins tcaturc oi me mailer mis
intendment is the greatest bunco game
ever proposed to De piaycu Dy me
cities against tlie country precincts.
Will the voters of the rural precincts
ote for this amendment? We answer
NO. Do you want to vote against
lhat amendment? Then, listen to me.
That amendment on your ballot will
be numbered ila Yes, and i&i no. it
you wish to vote against the amend
ment you will place tlie a. Deiween me
number 329 and the word No. Now,
do not forget this, for you may make
a mistake. Be careful how you vote.
A lettor from J. C. Way, written al
Council Bluffs, Iowa, stating that he
and Mrs. Way would Btart for home
vesterdav. Thev have been having
good time, but will be glad to be back
in Oregon, for it is THE state. He
snvn: "Eastern neon e are ta king Uro
iron, and boosting the state, and the
umirrntion to Oreeon will be heavy
Albany will need to get busy, for it will
have to build houses faster in the next
few years than she has ever streamed
of doing, and every dollar of money
possible must be spent in houses for
A circular from Chicago sent out by
the II. M. Byllosby & Co. to members
of the operating organization of the
company, impressing them with the
fact that they are public servants and
owe their employment to the public, a
public trust, and the employee who
serves the company best is the one who
serves the public Deal, courtesy,
decent treatment, good manners and
fulllillmant of promises is insisted on.
A circular letter from the Cottaga
Grove Sentinel on the Nesmith fight
particularly answering the position
taken by the Eugene Register, declar
ing it to be based on selfishness, with
out one logical argument. Editor Cates
declares it is not one of office seeking
men. as 92 ner cent of the qualified
electors in the new district signed the
petition. On behalf ot 8,ul people
seeking self-government, he appeals for
consideration of the points. The posi
tion of the Democrat is mat individual
voters shall study each .of the eight,
county propositions and vote impartial
ly and not make a wholesale business
of it ono way or the other.
A Modern Up-to-date Establish
ment to rie Operated by
Wyatt and Sons.
B. C. Wyatt and two Eons, George of
Centralia. Was., and A.bcri, of Juneau,
Alaska, have leased the large new
cannery building of H. J. Moore & Son,
in the third ward, for Jen years, and
by the holidays will have running a
modern laundry, with all the latest in
laundry machinery ana equipment, a
complete laundry plant,
both vuunir men have been in the
laundry business for several years and
know it thoroughly. George is now in
the br.siiu ss at Centralia, Wash., and
Albert bt Juneau. Alaska, and will soon
be here '.o liolp in putting the plant on
its feet '1 hey are both steady young
men. r ib'.lous well as experienced,
and th ,r onturo is bound to be a suc-
.r . ..
.j;ne t, !ln(! j3 tt goou one.
It will
and is
i, iii,t. ,,d for the purpose,
wpII silit.ited for the business.
Apple fair Nov. 9-H-
The exectuttvo committee of the
AH.onu A, ml,, n'nir met in theCommer-
hil Chili rimms last 1 Ight, and the
reports from tho committee soliciting
prizes, and funds for the Fourth Annua'
Albany Apple Fair were favorable. The
cxectiitive coa mittcu will met again
tnninht. when the committee on pre
miiun li-it will muko i!ib final report.
ltuiui-s arranged
Tho. in nrnmise of a number of very
tmo displays mis year, iiitiuums ...j.
us irum oiiu, - -
anon, Sweet Horns. Holley. Browns
ville and OakviUe.
i. nnmnptiiion will be ODen. it is ex
pected that Benton. Lane and Marion
...,. o;na wilt nirnin conmcte. Lane
pcnnl V won the 100 cud luat year, and
n iitia inn must ha won for three sue
there will no doubt be
considerable rivalry between Lane ano
Bentnn counties.
Thrt nvr.etutive committee Is: O. H
Stowart, (Chuirman), F. M. French,
W. A. Ktistliurn, H. Bryant, J. C.
Hnlbrook. F.J. Fletcher, J. A. Howard,
11 W. Runibnunh. S. A. Lnsselle. H
it Hnwitt. G. 11. Crowed, J. M. Haw
kins. '
Getting Ready for Chautauqua.
A meelin of lielegaioa from th'
,lirrn.nm Chnuttiuoua pssociations
Oregon will bo hold in i-oninno tomor
row, tnat place naving uuen wiuun
place of Albany, the originator of th
mnvmnont. Th". plan is for tho sever;
Northwest ChtuuuUMias to work to
gethcr In securing high class tulent foi
tho dilleroiH moeiuiga uuu
liitna fur tho nurnt'se. It is possibl
1 hiit l'resiilent M. 11. Ellis, J. S Van
Winklo und l'rof. Crooks will attend.
Arizona Com'ng.
"Ariioiiui" bv Aurrustus Thomas.
brec.y play of the West with a spice ol
military lli l irown in, cornea u niu
any V edue:M y. Oct. Ill
Tho cast is -U.J.U. 1'ne story of
nlnv concerns 0 0 eilice ol liie-liiev
lln'ileil Suite- In 1 . in: ihe fnnii
of Hi.iirv t:..i ,v. 11. 1 ted tare
111,111. 1 u' ,.1; . . - .. 'I all of 1
lovo tanjl'i 1. li't mid
An clfort was made to have
epi'en election in Lane county,
ol f'7-i names on the petition t'-
only 167 on tho registration I
The f.. i.i ' f. lias
cenlrnet fi-r t e . '
m la . . I 1
Teeic i.l ii , 1'hiR'j .. ;.,
c.n.!i r.u.ii.
i lie
Nw Suit:-Albany State Bank agt.
H. C. Conn et al. suit to recover $220
on note. G. S.Hill attorney.
Application Against F. Goetsche to
register title. J. t Yates attorne to
Marriage license: Fred L. Vail. 35.
and Bessie Ann Brown, 23, Lebanon.
Deeds recorded:
W. W. Marks to H. Bryant 10
acres $ 10
David Torbet to Hiram W. Tor-
bet 1 lot bl 9 E A 850
G. K. Chastam to Frank stiind er
128 27 acres louft
Lewis Montgomery to A. C. Mann
several tracts I
Samuel Zimmerman to Viola R.
Toler 48 acres 1500
A. T. McCully to F. Preisenger
106 acres 2650
Deeds recorded:
Wm. Schultz to Bertha A. Hope &
wife, 81.18 acres $ 0
Etl Hoiloway to Sherman Chapman
34 50 acres 1500
Transcript fiad in Cartwrigbt agt the
S. P. on appeal
Marriage license: Wallace H. TiUaX
aged 26, and Maude Hayes 25, Tangent.
1496 hunters licenses, 1365 anglers
licences issued.
Before Recorder Redfield,
Carey Clemens, of the Royal Restaur
ant as fined $10 yesteraay afternoon
for fighting. Josh Ballard was the
other fellow. It is some time since
Josh engaged in pugilism of any kind.
Josh Ballard was also up but was dis
chaiged. Wm. Hale was fined $5 for being
drunk and disorderly, not naid. and
Jas. Ferris $5, which was paid
New suit:: John R Kiikland act.
Sheriff D. S. Smith. This is to recover
property valued-Bt $640; taken by the I
aiieniL iruui ai rcHcuea,. on a juug
ment of the circuit court granting1 Mrs.
peacock tSYUu alimony, the- piamtitt
claiming the property,
and for $200
Marriage license: J. W Chambers.
aged 34, and Miss Grace Boriley, 25, of
Albany. Jos. Novak and Bessie
Final account approved in estate- of
Burr Holcomb.-
Deeds recorded:
Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. to
Wm. George, IdS.ib acres Jyt,B0
Wm. George to Hnry S. & Fred
tuiuge, I3ii. lb acres 1.
Mortgages $5625, $6000, $5300. $3000-
12222, $5300i Release for $420.
Hose in Cottage Grove.
The Cottage Grove Leader says that
Ex-Mayor Rose, tho high salaried-imported
campaigner for the Oregon
saloon and brewery interests, received
the chilliest, bleakest and most desolate
reception in his experience at thataity.
No one would introduce him. He had
to go to the place alone, and at the
close only oue man shook hands with
him. There were seven vacant cnairs
on the Dlatform. and Mavor Rose him
self appreciated the situation, and. said
tie had no use tor men airaia 10 snow
their colors, and had the utmost con
tempt for fellows trying to carry water i
on both shoulders, just oetore- tne
meetmg a circular was issued exposing
the alleged rottenness ot ma. ten
years as mayor of Vil.vaukee, resulting
in a socialist mayor, which ho denounced
during his addi ess. The Leader says:
The fact of the mutter, wnien. was
made ai apparent by Hx Mayor Rose,
is that the liquor traffic has not a single
leg upon which to stand, not a single
prop up n wmcn to lean ana not a reai
down-right logical conclusion in its
favor und those who wero first to leave
his meeting were saloon cdvocates, his
orohitution hearers remaining lo me
end out of common respect."
Arizona the Best.
Augustus Thomas' Dorennial "Ari-
innii" comes to Albany on Wednesday.
Oct. 19. Interest in this play is largely
iViieiidpnt on thn fulelilv wilh which its
"atmosphere is rcpresenioa. ine
rvnintic.-iMnpnt hns succeeded in this oar
ticular und has given us a picture of
ranch and military hlo in the 'arsoutn
w.-st lhat is known to he accurate.
Mr. Thomas is an export craftsman, a
'hinkor besides, and u poet with a turn
for the practical.
Another Grange.
Alsca. Oct. 10. I organized Vour
iiin Dell grange in Lobster I'rcck,-y
last Saturd ly w ith 2o charter ntrai
tiers. This kives a chain of fourcran.-es
.'rum AUea lo Ihe sea, three of which
I have organized in the three
.'.'eks. 1 go lo Wa'riport next.
Dairy men are r-.joii in;? fur thern?s
is growing fast and cows are giving :-n
ticreased How ot milk.
Alsca is a bcautitul valley. The focal
: range is strong and prospering.
O. 11. WAl ' Xr.
Ol. R.)i!M.velt
rostc' da t - ': r" ;
St I.o.a. I -i. ' : ;
:.;nl 'JO seeoncis an,i is !
111; too has .rde'.is for
,e vt.
Apple fair: Nov. 9. 10 and 11. What
is being done to let the world know
about it.
People are looking Westward for de
liverance from the bondage of assem
blyism. Conservation does not meant o
..... .
up our resources, but simply to stop
wasie, says nr. ivooseveu. The number of deaths was 13, over
; twice that of August, and yet this is
Twc or three men drunk on Salem ' on a basis of 25,000 population be
booze have been before the recorder. It i"e only between 6 and 7 in a thousand,
won't help the whiskey vote any. i The average runB about 15 in a thous-
and. There were no contagious dis-
This Home Rule Association Is a wolf
in sheep's clothing. It is doing all the scattered over the county. It is a live and Coast Railroad Company, a dis-
fighting for the saloon, and the brew- fact that a Marion county physician, tance of 716.2 feet, more or less, to a
er d association is back of it. Dr. Allen, of Jefferson, had the most stone monument; thence on a line
cases. 5, all in Syracuse precinct, with bearing south 54 degrees 34 minutes
Roosevelt yesterday placed himself Dr- avis of this city, Dr. Laird of west to an Intersection with the south
on record against the president in his Lebanon and Dr. Howard of Browns- erly extension of Thurston Street in
view of the reclaiming of the resources ville nex' with four cases each. said Hackleman's Second Addition to
of the country, declaring that the gov- 1 - the City of Albany, Oregon; thence
ernment should aid all it can. , , northerly along said southerly exten-
I The Oregonian shouted betore the sjon of the west side of Thurston
... . . . ., . primaries, When it thought it know Sfreet to a point distant 466 feet from
A fool cartoonist in the Oregoman wnat wa9 up: -Republicans of Oregon the south boundary line of said Hack
pictures Bourne-Chamberlain as the intend to repudiate statement number ' man's Second Addition, said dis
democratic candidate for governor. one. They intend to suggest in assem- of 466 feet being measured at
This ought to elect West, for Bourne bly or convention candidates for the Ingles to said Southern boun
and Chamberlain always get there. principles and will pm the knife into e?ofajd Hackleman's Second
. each and all who declare for statement d(jitionf .hence in a line parallel to
The saloon is always a Btrife' promo- number one, using caps for emphacis. ; . . boundary W of- Hackle-
ter. The renewal of the local option
contest is evidently for that purpose,
The people of Linn county should see
that it carries by such a majority as 6
settle it for good
This resubmission of the local option
question is a state policy, not confined
to Linn eounty, but inaugurated in
every dry eounty in the state, under
the direction' of the Home Rule Asso
ciation, whieh1 should be Home Rum
and Ruin Association, of Portland, pos
ing as the friend- of temperance, but
simply the organ- of the saloon. ' ' -
A peculiar incident happened at En-1 SETTLEMENT,
gene. Miss Marie' C Brehm. the t themaftcr of the estate of Sarah
temperance orator, ario: a lady friend, jt Qa -otwsed
by chance were seated at tie same ' Notic'e is hereby given that the un
table at the Hotel Osbttrn with Mayor jersigned executrix of the last will
Rose and Senator Roth, two saloon and testament! o sai(j deceased has
orators, without knowing the entity fi,ed , lftr of Linn coun.
of the others. Miss Brehm, though Oregon, frer finaf account as such
soon maae a local oouon ' remam snai
set things going, and things became
frigid TrfuiJ tt table.
fetig'u wvui,u i"io,
Newberg Graphic: The Greater Or
egon Home Rule Association"'otherwrs
ana properly ""ine liquor uearers nave
apparently subsidized the Oregonian o
assist in tiitir campaign of taisrepres
sentation, falsefying, corruption- ami
domoralrzation. The people wiH not be
mislead by their peryercing publwations.
Thev have refused to in the DasS by an
overwhelmiras vote as the polls, and' wilt
not submit to further impositions- in the-
An jnteresting foot iathat in th- list
of ch pOer raombe'ra- at the Oregon-
Home Rule Association which is doing i
all the fighting in the state for the sa-;
loon interests, wnatever 3S ciaimea ror ,
it, thewis mentioned three prominent '
members-ot the Oregonian staff, and:
two of tho- Journal:: but not u member !
of the Telegram, staff , whieh has been !
doing some good work along moral hrws,.
indicating very piauny even uiwmu-
ia called the evening edition of tile
Oregonian that its managing editor Mir.
Carroll,, a man of strong character; is
not dominated by the whiskey interests
Mr. ai Mrs. Charles Pteiffer, of thss
oitv. af ten a visit ir Milwaukee,, were
to leave yesterday for Chicago. M
Pf oiff en- virirpn
"Our trip over the Canidian. Pacific
was a very Dleasant one. Trias far we
hnve seen some nice- country, but of
course none that would compare with
the heautrtu Willamette Valley, we
people out west really don't appreciate
our beautiful country and fine climare
as wo should. It would oe impossioie
to find weather in Uncle Sam's domain-
to compare with the Willamette s. mo
fruit croD here has been almost
HBHtnvvod bv the frosts.and the market
for our abundant crop oo me cuiau
ulrl lip s or.rul one this year. The
weather at this time of the year, called
the Indian summer, is delightful and
greatly enjoyed by all. vveexpecno
reach Oregon the latter part of the
mon h and certainlj will be glad when
we ajruin hreathe tne healthful air of
the cn; and only Willamette Valley.'
Albany to Philomath.
Effective Sunday, October 16th, 1910,
Corvalh3 & Eastern tram3 numbers (j
and 7, now rurning between Alban,'
and Corvallis will be extended to I'hil
omath. Train No. 6 will leave Albany
at 7:40 a m. as at f resent, CorvallH
8:20 a.m. arriving at Philomath 8:3i
a. m. Returning will leave Philomath
9:40 a m. Corvallis 9:31 a. m , arnv
ing in Albany 10:10 a. m as at present.
These trains will run between Corvallis
and Philomath daily except Sunday.
This will give two trains each way be
tween Albany and Philomath.
The present registration at the O. A
C. is 1011. Of these 39 are from Linn
county. It is exp cte 1 the registr ition
will reach 100 diirtn- tun vear.
S Uisiiifll-rcjiCiiil bsv-SUiS:
n " , ...
tor lin-:iB-illl;ia l(.l.lT"-.f
- i tl'.,' I-J:"t it-r nn.l .- -l iv.
lv P".;!,:-.!, , ,j "",,;:;,',i) t
H S i'isi otWonorrhiif
V ls i.uid C3ls,'l. do maltir
- 3'mFuI rvirmUi... Soi.l by ilrussi-t.
- -l, f ric- It.ixi, or by n:-itl, po:
rt ii m,ii i-.i-.-i ol wonorrnur
v -r i ,.:u, l -Jl', 3 OJIt .
"'.BSfc?'- ' 0.HciontJin, Ohio
Far n1 t? RThfart A let
i TI.A mnnti,!,, HAnnHi- f r- ur w
flavin, nnilnt.u hpnllh nfhoov fnr Spn.
wuuiui udaiLii vuiuci, ,u
tember, just filed, is interesting
Th nnmhw r hiriu mu!Xi woll
Bowerman was the (Ban selected
to handle the knife, and now the ; whiskey
organ has the colossal gall; toelaim that
Bowerman is the fnendof ttwpnmary.
Tf irnnr h -r-or has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STONE!
Salem - Oregon'.-
,r;. ' jr sr 1 7.1.
T t ?' i mm I y . , T
f NbvemSH-, 191,at nine o clock
fnrpnnmi h:is Fvflpn set ns the
... .... ----- ; -
time by said court for hearing of ob-
JCCL1U11 IU S.IIU 'I'ljJIUl l1 nu me Jiwtli,;-
ment thereof.
C. C. BRYANT,.. Executrix.
Attorney fsW'eotecurirtxv
In the Circuit Ce.wt- of- th- State of
Oregon for Linn County.-
In the matter of die' Application of
! The Central Land Company, by A. B.
Weatherford, its becontary, to Uegister
tit.!c to the foIlowiiTst: described: real ,
pmspcrty- to-wit:
Ueginninir-at the St. h.. cewner pt ;
bSock 96 in ilonteith's-'SoiUliern; Addi-;
uoas to tue L.ity ot Aiixiny, Lina ii.oun- ; witlrh adjomingr the rigtit-ot- .
ty. Oregon, and running; thence.- S.. I , way 0f tn4. o. & C. R. R. Company"
desuue-- 3tt minutes essti on. tUc: o:istr(now t)e Soirthorai Pacific Railroad 1
hrmntl.-irv fine of the Donation Land . -..,.,. a ,.,i,rt--w.-rnrTw irlp there
Claim of Thomas Mostfcithi Not. Nol i v mn: ui iiiu'ii j........
ClitsD of Thomas Montbithj wot. Nol i
690, Claim No. 647 in T.p. 11 St R'. Si,nllrh hoiairlarv.- liis of Monteith's
OW, Uai-m Ko. 04 in i.p. it Mi. I
V... ot tlier will, flier: urcgon,
fect to the- S. E. corner.:of- the afore-jbany
saiu ciitiiu, iiicuec sulw w. -a s-o-;
1'5 mmutes W. 1425 feet to a point .
in the eastern limit of the?right-of-way .
of theO. & C. R. R. Company; thence
miming-in a northeasterly-direction on
a one degree curve,, along.' said! rht-.
of-way, deflecting to theiright, with a the westerlj.' boundary line of said
radius of 5700 feet to a point w.hnHi, is right-of-way of 'tlie-O: SCR. R. Com
sotith 9 degrees 6 minutes cast 957.5 , nanv and one hundred and seventy
feet from the S. E. corner, ot itlodCj
Not Wfl in Monteith's Southern Ad- i
dition to the City of AIBauy; Orcgpn:; 1
thence north 9 decrees 6minutcs west 1
957i feet to the S. E. oomtr of the:'
aforesaia Block 1N0. tutr,;tnence nortn
SO degrees 54 minutes east on the
south boundary ot flionteitn s aoain-
isrn Addition to the City, of Albany,
Oregon, 1299 feet, to the place of be-
ginning, containing 44.1?;acres, expt-
mg all that part 10rmeny.-convcy1.11 oy tlc Willanuttc Meridian, in uregon,
deed to the O. & C. R:. It Company, , and being a portioni of the property
for right-of-way. - I conveyed bjr A. Hal'eman and wife
Also beginning at a, point on the to the Williraeltc VallEy & Coast Rail
south boundary line and; 925 feet, east road Company, by deed dated March ,
of the southwest corner of the Dona- 22nd, 1885, audi recorded October 20, ,
tion Land Claim of A. Hackleman and jgj at pnvcyr l 13; Boole 32 of the Deed !
wife, Not. No. 699, and' Claim No. 62, Records for- Linn County, Oregon, .
in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. off the Wilt Mer.. 1 gave a,l ajs-cpr from the four tractss
Oregon, and running- thence north 9 above described' the county roads now?
degrees 13 minutes cast 1289 fee- to a iocated aarpss tlict same, also except-;-
point; thence north degrees tj nun-
utcs cast 13.3 icec;. ro an nnci.sei
tion with the western boundary of the
right-of-way of the Willamette Valley
and Coast Railroad; near Station No.
649 of the located line: thence along
said boundary of said right-ot-way in
a northwesterly direction 716.2 fect, to
an intersection wiih-the south bound-
arv line of Hackleman's Second Ad-
dition to the City of Albany, Oregon;
thence along sai.t boundary line south
80 degrees 29 minutes west 1386 feet,
to a "point: thence south 40 degrees
49 minutes west 974.5 feet, to a point;
thence south C degree 30 minutes east
906 fect, to a. point; thence south 47
degrees 37 minutes cast 1190.2 feet;
thence north 88 degrees 30 minutes
east 67 fecc, to the place of beginning,
containing 75.11 acres, more or less,
saving- and excepting from the two. 0f- September. 1910, an Application
tracts above described the following: was f,ed by The Central: Land Com
Conuncncing at a stone momimcnc- panj-, by A. B. Weathcrtord, i,ts Scc
at the-intersection of the south boun-. retary, in the Circuit Court oi the
dary. tine of the D. L. C. of Thomas State of Oregon, for ini,il registration
Monteith with the easterly nounuary
lin of the right-of-way of the O. & C.
K. K. Company, running thence m a
Horthcasterly direction with the south.
,rn boundary line of Monteith's South-!
i-rn Addition to tne iny 01 .10any.
irogon. thence easterly
along said
,iith bollllilarv line to a stone Ition
; itiueiit at the souineas; corner 01 inocK
I ... ,,, ... ... s. C,,,l,-
t .mi. ?u in s.n.i .uuniui -v-,, w.s .
! Addition to said cit-: thenee noniicriy
I'tinng tne ensi liiihiiii.ii imc 'i ?.im
lo.-k No. w and its prolongation
ii-uince ol Jtt tcct, more or less to a
1 ;tinc inonimiont: thonce in a direct
line ( ilcsK;iinteil as courc "D" lor'
! ;hso';m-nt rclVrcnco) lo a stone mon-
i;:.irv? on tlie southern boundary line
' f '.v4: No, IS in. Hr-klomair Sec-
ond Addition to the City of Albany,
Oregon, 24 feet easterly from the S.
W. corner of said block 18, measured
along said south boundary line; thence
easterly along the south boundary line
of Hackleman's Second Addition to
the City of Albany, Oregon, to its in
tersection with the westerly side of
the right-of-way of the Willamette
Valley and Coast Railroad Company,
as evidenced by that certain deed from
Abram Hackleman and Eleanor B.
Hackleman, his wife, to the Willam
ette Valley and Coast Railroad Com
pany; dated Sept. 21, 1886, and record
ed Sept. 23, 1886 in Book "31," page
179 of the Deed Records for Linn
County, Oregon, a distance of 1380
feet, more or less, thence in a curved
line along the westerly line of said
rieht-of-wav of the Willamette Valley
, s 01,d Addition to- Albany,
0 n aml- 4 fect djstaijf there
V' '
from (at righiv angles) to a pSmt JUl)
feet distant (:rt ngnt angies irum
Course "D" hineinbefore meiiScined;
thence in a direirt line to the place ot
Reiinninir at the southwest corner
of block No. 100 in" Monteith's South
ern Addition to thc'City of Albany;-h
the County of Linn md State of Or.c
gon, at the intersection erf the west lih
f Ferry Street of sid City of A'i
feany, with the southern, boundary line:
of said addition; runitirig thence in a'
westerly direction along the south lines
oi! said addition to the st line of a
tract of land sold by Triomas Mon--teMi
and wiie to Margaret A. Mon--teii')
et al by deed recorftd on page'
123,'. Volume "U" of the "Seed Rec
ords' of Linn County, Oreg&ra; thence
sottilierly sking the east line of said
tract to the southern boundr-'ry line of
oiumon .
said Thomas Monteith s D. L. t.,
thericst ea-s-terty alonff said somnern
houndil line (Q the western Itfundary
.. .'..r- -c -f .1, Imnnn
inic or tnc rignc-ui-way ui ui- .-s""
and CaUJ-omfei Railroad Company;
tWnrti ihia mwt,lleasterlv direct ibn fol
lowing the saicC western boundary line
of said right-of-way to the intersec
tion of said western boundary? line
with the -west Iiiie: of Ferry Sti At in
the City of Albany, as the sairte is
now located! audi occupied, at "said
point of uitersectiisiv as a county road;
, ..l.-.l.- JIn,; .ilhntr
incnce in nui r.ii&ij vi,i..u.. ...v...&
the wcstniw line i said Ferry Street
,r mndl ts tlie olacc of beclii-
and contaiiifntf. 66.71 acres, metre;-
or iesSj. a-,K-in'. Liiiw County, State oti
Exceptinct from die tracts of landi
r.r,t ri .h-irrt lierei descrAcd, a strip
0'i:lnd onB-hundrocf and: seventy (170) 1
, nmnan
of and bounded on the: north by the
f nn,i i,nim(led on the: north by the
Southern Aldition to the City ot Al
on th-easf. by die-westerly line
0j jjlc riglll'-oi-way. or nie- j. ct i. rv..
R Company: n the. south: by southern
boundary l;ii& of the- D. L. C. of
Thomas MonteitHj. Not. Ko. 690 and
claim No. 6i'in Tp. 11 S'. R. 3 W. and
on the west Uiae.'by.-a Eiie parallel with
170) eet dritant! tliereftom.
so beginning I2!4 chains distant
and xj 1 deintce 30 minutes west from
,i, c vv rm-nr-r n(!thT)r. I. C. of A.
Hackleman rod' wife- and running
j thence S. I . degree- 3D minutes east
2 50 chains..-thence north 88 degrees
33 minutes eastt IS riiasos; thence in
i norilirUr. dirprtirin fn- the nlace of
' beginning and contefiii'ng 8.12 acres
more or ie6a:,ih Tp. tt S. R. 3 W. of
,ng the canal: located along the exten-.
sion southerly of Vine Street in tk:e:
City ot .ibany, tfregon.
Also a. small tract of land bounded'
on the north by 8th Street: on the:
west bvv Uakec street; on the sjuth.
by 9th Street: on the east by the cast
ilie 0f the Donation Land Claim-of
Thoiiw. Monteith, Not. No. 690.' and;
Claim-No. 64 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 V; of
,he y.llamcUe Meridian, Oregon, all!
n the- City of Albany, Linn C6unty
Als0 blocks No. 79. 80. 87, 88 and!
go, ipt, 1 in block 90, lots 1, 2;' 5, 6, li
a)KJ,. g in block No. 101 and: all of
blocks No. 102, 103, 104 and 105 in
..Monteith's Southern Addition to tide ot- Alhanv. Linn Count'; Orejjtm.
TQ.".lt Whom It May Concern:
Take Notice, that on this. 21st; day
- t0 the land above described.
Now, unless you appear oh or before
the 31st day of October. 1910, and
show cause why such application shall
not be granted, the same will hj: taken
ns confessed and a derrr-e will he en-
tcred according io the nravcr of the
- ! .umlieiwirm .mil vnn T-iIt hp fnrpvpr
tiarred Irom dipiiting the same.
! ,.; , ., t 1 .1
.. - m iiuess in- naiui ana seal OI sam
Circuit Cousi. tins 21st day of Septem-
uer, Ayiu.
a: t iV nt T FR
Cou:i.yCterk and Ex-officio Clcr!.- of
the Circuit Court for Linn Ooun-.
l. Oreuon.
1 k". VK TH F.RFORD. and
t-v fur Apnli'i