The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 r.enta week; in advance fur one year, iAM By mail, in advance for one year $3, at enu 01 year is;i.du. Tbe Weekly Advance per year $1.25 At end of year $1.50. After 3 yc--s t MR. TUSSING'S PLATFORM. Brownsville, Oct. 5. I hereby ac cent the nomination lor the ollice Representative to the Legislative As' scnibly, tendered me by the Demo cratic party on the 24th day of Sep tembcr. 191U. I believe in the initiative, the refer endum. the direct primary, and thn laws enacted by the people should be enforced as oilier laws. The view so long entertained that a senator in congress should not elected by dirct vote of the people has long produced lraud and corrup tion, not only in this state but through out the Union; led a senator so select- ed to announce and pretend to th pnblic that bis election was due to the tact that "God reigns," and, (like unto the pretensions ot the coal baron and the recent declaration of the Em peror of Germany), the senate would aifect to rule by divine right. Insulted with such pretensions, their wishej disregarded, their legislatures corrupted, and entertaining in com mon with the people of the other stales a disrespect of the senates as heretofore elected, the electors of this state very properly expect sonic dec laration from candidates to the legisla tive assembly as to their belief as to whether senators should be elected by direct vote ot the people, even it elect ed such senator be without opportun ity of registering their will during his term. Believing in a government of tbe people, by the people and for the peo ple anu that it opportunity ottered I should not vote to nullify the vote of the electors of our state, 1 therefore freely subscribe to Statement No. 1, viz: "1 lurthcr state to the people of Oregon as well as to the people of my legislative district, that during my term of office, I will always vote for that candidate for United States sen ator in congress who has received the highest number of the people's votes for that position at the general elec tion next preceding tne election of a senator in congress, without regard to my individual pretcrence. A. A. TUSSING. Lined Up for Bowerrnan. Portland Daily News: Aro the liquor interests lining up be hind Bowerrnan? Early in the campaign the breweries and wholesale liquor dealers pledged themselves to keep out of politics, but there aro indications that they hive broken the pledge. The liquor people can usually be de pended upon to throw their support to the big corporations when there is a political campaign on. At the last mo ment they "go down the lino" fo the corporation ticket. Because of the prohibition fight this year it was hoped that they would keep their hands off and lot the people decido the issue of the present campaign. But it is a diffi cult matter for tho liquor people to keep out of politics, and it looks very much as if they were playing their old game. The old game of the liquor people is to work through tho labor unions. Thero aro a few labor organizations that are closely affiliated with the liq. uor trade, and through these the brew ers get in their fine work. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS, This week Spain has been having tune of it bv illness ol its emperor. His bones are crumbling and he will die just as quickly as if he were a common laborer, and he is no better than thousands of them. In Portugal, too, there, is something doing, a littl revolution or disturbance ot its own. with the royal family degraded an the king captured. After all the only real royalty is in character, regardless of money or blue blood, or location. The person is really royal who lives great life, free from the evil influence of the world, who rises above th things rampant for wrong. There is a political campaign on Oregon, with a new feature operating and whatever the paid organs may say about voters being in line, there is tremendous uncertainty about the re suit, for men are going to be mighty independent, in keeping with the spin ot tlic age. In Oregon a very important contest that over several pleasures attect ing the morals of the state, one being for prohibition straight. It should carry, but it is very doubtful if docs at the present time, because the large vote in Portland against it and yet the sentiment against th legalized saloon is growing. The liqu or men themselves show an apprecia tion of this in the character of their campaigns, the plan being to make voters believe that the saloon may be made respectable under high license or improved laws; but this is fooling very few. for those who have watched attairs know that the character ot the business itself is conducive to evil and crime. Another is the home rule bill but the average voter sees through it and will whack it good and hard. People know that the business of the saloon causes crime and poverty which the people of the entire state or county have to pay for, and they thus see it is right to have a unit as large as the county, if not larger. Ibis week a horrible crime was perpetrated at Los Angeles against the employees ot a great paper, suiting in the death of about twenty. The spirit that incited it was one of anarchy, and the people of that city do well to put an immense price upon the heads of the men who did it. SATURDAY. LINEMAN KILLED. F. C. Crosslev. a lineman, was killed at the corner of Lyon and Ninth street auouc n o ciock, near the Dooley store. He went up to cut a wire, and in doing bo crowded tnrougn oetween two prim ary wires, receiving a 2300 volt shock, which threw him off the pole, and he fell down about 35 feet striking on the back of his head and shoulders, on the corner of the curb. He was picked up and taken to St. Mary's Hospital. where he died in about an hour. Both the fall and the the shuck were Drobablv iaiai. He was about 35 vears of acre. stranger, coming here only a week or two ago. Little was known of him. is said ho came from Tennessee. here his folks reside. C H NEWS Deeds recorded: Ina C. Buhite to Lee J. Gaines 25 acres $ lo Amos F. Gooch to John J. Bounds 4 lots Shelburn 125 J. A. Dumond to Peter Ruetner lot bl 22 H's2nd ad 10 J. E. Farmer to Benton Co. Na tional Bank 2 tracts 31C5 C. A. Deprees'.er to Annetta Spaulling 25 acres I2-W4 2800 Peter Ruetner to J. A. & May Dumond 28 68 acres near Albany 10 Angie McCulloch to J. N. War moth 199 acres 1 Minnie G. Brown to Angie Me Culloch 199 acres 463 Marriage license: M. D. Murphy, 64, and E. Riggs, 44, Hoiley. Petition riled by H. J. Kavenaugh and 579 others for local option liquor election Nov. 8. County court: The application of theTri-State Rail way & Power Co. to string wires along public road, was granted, also to cross railroad tracks. S. C. Worrell was Granted nTnuit claim deed to loi 1 bl 24 Albanv on ac count of an improperly execute J deed. In estate of Fox & Cumminrs. ner sonal property ordered sold, In estate of Hing God, claims were ordered paid. Deeds recorded: Chas. Arnold to Minnie Fromm, i lots Albanv H. A. Lake to N. C. McClain. lot 3 bl q Wi ad inn Minnie b'romm to H. S. Richards & wf, 2 lots bl 34 H's 2nd ad. . 1200 Martha F. Calkins to Gubeppe Matasee. 144 64 acres 1n lueiuia r,. ciiyeu to cme l,. Bi ven. 320 acres 11 nnrt W. C. Rebban to Chas. Sterling, property N. Brotfnsville 3500 ('has. Sterling to W. C. Rebhan '& wf. i lots. Brownsville . . ISM C. J. Harrity to J. Newton, 200 acres 1627 B.8t. Harrity minors to J. H. ncwwji, luierest in uu acres. MISFITS You never know how some men stand on anything. The politicians are going to support Bowerrnan, but the masses in the party are not. Put that down with a spike. The trout are so thick in Sandy Creek, near Gresham, that they trip a man up if he attempts to wade the stream. "You may vote the open saloon as an allurement for mv boys, but I never will for yours," is a motto worth con sidering. A miner spent 16 years in Alaska aftei a fortune, which he fiuttSy got and started out with it. On the steam er he met with an accident and died. And so it goes. Using a respectable name the brewers and liquor dealers of Portland are making a terrific effort in thn interest of .he saloon. Home Rule will fool very few people. There are said to be five J. W. Miller's in Linn county. It has now been definitely settled that the nominee for representative is the county clerk. j The real dynamiter in the republican ' party is the Oregonian. It is a bomb , thrower and has done more to disrupt tne party than anything else. : PERSONAL Sheriff J. H. Ross came over from the Bay today. C. W. Sears returned this noon from a business trip to Toledo. Mies Stella Paggett has returned from a Springfield trip. Mrs. Leon Farmer, of Billings, Mon., a here on a visit with relatives. Chas. Galloway of the land office passed through today for Eugene. Merle Martin, of The Bay, returned home today after a visit at "the home of Miss Clara Perry. Mrs. N V. Murray, of Portland, after attending the wedding of her sister, is visiting at the home of her folks H. K. Lugger and family. Miss Lee Fortmiller yesterday even ing celebrated her twelfth birthday with a party enjoyed by a crowd of young people. Several hours were spent in games and delicious refresh ments were served. Miss Bessie Covell. who has been visiting Mrs. Allen Stellmacher, of this city, a former schoolmate of Mrs. Stellmacher in Michigan, has been elected to teach the fourth grade in the Corvallis schools. She is a graduate of the Michigan Agricultural College, a young laay of splendid character and attainments. . NOTICE ELKS. October 14 the Southern Pacific Co. f will sell tickets to Ashland at reduced 1 rate of one and one third fare for round SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. John Shaffer, Plaintiff, A vs i-.'-'t William Bilyeu, Defendant. To William Bilyeu, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on file with the clerk of said court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby notified mac ii you i. m to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required the plaintiff will take a decree as prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit: For sale in the manner prescribed by law where partition thereof cannot be made of the following real property: The north one-half of the northwest one-fourth of the northeast one-fourth of section 2, Tp. 12, S. R. 1 W. of the Will. Aler. in Linn county, Oregon, .and the proceeds thereof applied to trie I payment of the costs of said sale and this suit and the remainder disbursed i to the parties in accordance with their i interests in said real property. I This summons is published in The Albany Democrat once a week for six weeks by order of the Hon. J. N. Dun can, county judge of Linn county, Or egon, made this Sep'. 7th, 1910, and the date of the first publication hereof is Sept. 9, 1910. C. C. BRYANT, Attorney for plaintiff. 'The ex mayor of Beerville" is the way the Corvallis Gazette-Times man refers to a gentleman from the east who is trying to get the saloon back into dry places in Oregon, under the stock, in tiome Kule or Kuin Association. 'tripVcco SPE at that place Oct. 15. For further in- CIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER formation inquire at S. P. ticket office. xhe p,cifi. Mnntll1v nf pr.. . Solid Oregon, is a beautifully illustrated Ovster Meat, No Watered monthly magazine which gives very sealship Oyste's, get them of fuii information about the resources Tomlineon & Holman. 381 COUNTY COURT 0, W. Rumbaueh Appointed Fiuit Inspector. Portland is full of dives, a diserace to the city, a sample of the open saloon. The blind pig that you have to hunt for with the most expert detective to be found, is a saint compared with the Portl ad rum shop. If you want a Teddy Bear go to the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st. The best thing Linn county ever dd, both from a moral and business stand point was when the open saloon was driven from the ceunty, and it was the premises, to-wit best thing lor Albany.a splendid move ment. 'nnrl nnrtnrttmitipe nt tha I..: j West of the Rockies. It tells all about tne (jovernmcnt Keclamation Projects,, free government land and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising;, dairying, poultry raising, etc. It has splendid stories by Jack London and: other noted authors. The price is $1.50 a year, .but to in- REGISTRATION OF TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the state of Orptrnn fnr iht rmintv et T inn I In the matter of the application of 'r"i it we will send six months for T. C. Tnmmen to 7irr th tn fifty cents. This offer must be- ae- the following described land, and pted on or before February 1, 1911 Send your name and address accom- Enlorcement of Law, AT THE COURT HOUSE. Probate: In estate of Wm. M. Hoat share of Alary A. Hoacr ordered paid. Well of Johnston Russell admitted to probate. Rebecca E. Russell appointed executrix, . I Millers plat, wusnourn. Lebanon, filed by B. Ex. The citizen who admits that the liquor traffic is a great evil and then says that it ran's be abolished be cause (he law can't be enforced brings a tremendous charge against our gov ernment. If we cannot make and en force salutary laws for the prescrva tion of the health, morals and general welfare of the people, laws which are imperatively necessary to destroy great and growing evils, then Lexing ton, Concord and Bunker Hill and Gettysburg and Appomattox were fought in vain. VVe had better ask the Czar of Russia to put us under his Deeds recorded: wing or into an incubator for the dc- Ernest Rex to Lula Mitchell 2 velopnicnt of weaklings! But we arc lots Abbey ad Albany $ going lo make and enforce the right Lula Mitchell to Ernest Rex and kind of laws. Great advancement has wife 2 lots been made within the past few years, F. W. Blessing to John W. Lo- not only in legislation but in public der 60,'a acres sentiment for law enforcement. , Colvin Harris to Dock F. South right of way Marriage license: Jos. H. Davis, Harrisburg, aged 36, born in England, and mary Davison, 33, born in Califor nia, of Harrisburg. Hen Tom P. McKnight. Mr. Thomas E. MeKnieht. furmcrlv of this county is running for represent-! utive on tho democratic licket in Union county, and tho Democrat hopes to aeo I mm elected, a young man ot excellent attainments. Ho is solidly for the direct primary, statement number one, for progtctsivn laws fur laws that will raise the stundard of the schools, where 96 per cent of the children receive their education, and for better road laws. . " G. W. Laubner to Ed. Hollowav and wife 4.510 acres 13620 Jacob Ogle to W. A. Mcssner 50 acres 2500 J II. Brown toDavil M. Smith 158 67 acres 2050 Uertha Brown to Duvid M.Smith 100 acres Ule Oleson to 85.60 acres... Hurved Olesjn Is a Mighty Good Boy. 1650 100 Yaquina Ojsters. Dr. M. M. Davis, the ovster king of Yaquinn. returned to his home at Ku geno this nrternoon afier u trip to tho May. no reports a good many tasu-ru there is n big sale for Micm. ihev are doing wetland the beds premise to be u great success. Co-valli8 Gil? ttc-Timcs:-Riley Lo. baugh. paralytic, taking treatment of Dr. Foster, goes over tho city in a wheel chair and beginning with Sunday will sell tho Saturday Evening Post. Lohaugh is just a young fellow with limbs that he can scarcely nuve at all, and he is paral.N7.ed more or loss a I over. He came over from Albany audi Regular October session. Present Judge Duncan and Commissioners Butler and Russell. D. W, Rumbaugh was appointed fruit inspector, a good selection. He was recommended by O A. Park horticul tural commissioner. Pepperling road hearing set for October 18. 8 names are now on the poor list, drawing $75.50 per month. Grain warehouse! licenses prnntad Boston Rollers, Albmy Mill & Elevator Co. for Albany, Tangeht and Tallman. Usual bills allowed. Mr. Rose whacked Corvallis. TInon telephoning ic was learned he met with a frost, and that about half of the peo ple got up and left. Here there was no enthusiasm, and the crowd failed to go up and shake hands with the ex-mayor at the end. Beginning at the N. E. corner of the panied by fifty cents in stamps ani D. L. Claim of Daniel Cushman,- and e a" ,ab"' Oregon, Washington, Wlte. Claim WO. t. in Sections ZK. . llu"u aiiiurma. News An Albanv man. of absolute reliabil ity, who was at American Lake, says when Acting Governor Bowerrnan was there during the encampment about the first thing he did was to call the officers together in the officer's tent and treat them whiskey straight too. Whatever is claimed this home rule is a saloon movement. The best saloon that can be produced is a disgrace to a community, and the whole license system is a partnership with the bus iness. The only way is to prohibit it, and then enforce it as well as possible the same as other laws, even it there is some theft, murder and drunkenness. Governor Chamberlain says: "The democrats have nominated a strong man in Oswald West. Both he and his op ponent" in the e'emocratic primaries were personal friends of mine, and un ta ihaaa ninmDfonnAi .. l!l.. I Un J iiumeiii. ney imu uckois a m le or my preference, I did not feel that I less long and started out with high an- ought to take an active part in the fight ticipations of a good time. . between them. I do not believe there I is a stronger or more forceful man in Prof. E. L. Wilson, the violinist, left the state or anyone who will make a for Brownsville, whore he has a Satur- better executive than Oswald West, day class. He has been engaged as By force of a strong personality, in violin teacher at Willamette University j tegrity of purpose, honesty and capa- uiiuy, ne nas won nis way to a nrsr. place in everything he has attempted to do." 32 and 33, in Tp. 11, S. R. 4 West, and running thence S. 38.80 chs.; thence N. 69 deg. E. 13 chs.; thence S. 10.20 chs.; thence S. 51 deg. 30 min. W. 45.50 chs.; thence N. 41.40 chs.; thence W. 19.50 chs.; thence N. 41.40 chs.; thence E. 13.54 chs.; thence S. 79 deg. E. 48 chs.. to the place of beginning. Address, The Pacific Monthlv. Port land, Oregon. from Albany s Six Early Trains. Big Bill Walker. Joe ' Koebler and Charles Walker left this morning for the wilds of Tennessee. The latter made up his mind to join the men at the last and will go there every Wednesday. Col. J. B. Eddy right of way man of the S.P., after spending the night at Albany, left for his home at Portland to spend Sunday. Dr. Mvpra lpft. fnr- VnyHnnA in aoa his daughter who has just arrived there Tu n t u- j from Colorado to reside. ,Je-')T5 (h t re'ved a copy of Mrs. J. C. Myer and son Franklin itS r Tf1"0116?. thS ...., ,i t i.i r i t-publishers A. C. McClung & Co.. and mine uuwu aiuiii xjeutuiuu xur u miuri . . . , - yjglt j it seems to be a goud number, covering Mrs. Seymour Washburn arrived from Lebanon. Will Crawford and Frank Albrecht left for Clackamas county. Prof Hargrove returned from a Leb anon trip. Prof. J. B. Horner. O.A.C.. left for Portland. Miss Mary Nolan and Mrs. Carno. of Corvallis went to Portland. Miss Emma Sox went to Portland to A History ol the Telephone. the history of this wonderful instru ment, now in every home, from the hovel to the mansion. It sells for $1,50 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: No tice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the iinnWei'crnprl tino filH containing 398.12 acres of land. Save his final account in the county court ....v. luiiumug. ucginiiiiiK oi iinn county, uregon, in the mat at a point S. 62 deg. E. and 2.39 chs. te rof-the estate of Ellen Cline, de distant from the quarter Sec. corner , ceased, and that said court has set the between Sees. 32 and 33, Tp. 11, S. R. : first day of November, 1910, at the 4 west, and running thence 75J4 deg. hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day W. 3.61 chs.; thence S. 66 links; thence as the time for the hearing and set E. 1.50 chs.; thence N. 51 deg. E. 2.57 tling of all objections to said final ac chs., to the place of beginning, con- count; therefore all persons having taining one-half acre of land. All any objections to said final account of the above described land situated in are hereby notified and required to ap Linn county, state of Oregon. Against pear in said court and file the same All whom it may concern, defendants, in writing on or before said last men Take notice that on the 30th day of tioned date. Dated this 23rd day of September, A. D. 1910, an application September, 1910. was filed by the said J. C. Tammcn, GEO. W. CLINE, in the Circuit Court of the state of Administrator of said es'tate. Oregon, for the county of Linn, for W. R. BILYEU, Attorney, initial registration of the title of the ' land and premises above described. .ow, unless vou appear on or before the 10th day of November, A. D. 1910, 1 and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the applicant, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. I Dated this 30th "dav of September. A. D. 1910. Seal) J. W. MILLER, Clerk. By W. L. MARKS, Deputy. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the estate 1 of Joseph Waiias, late of Linn county, . Oregon, deceased, will, on Saturday. the 5th day of November, 1910, at the ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned had been duly appointed administrator of the co-partnership estate of Charles E. Fox and George B. Cummings, do ing business as co-partners under the firm name of Fox & Cummings, Charles E. Fox, deceased, by the coun .ty court of Linn county, Oregon. AH persons having claims against said estate arc hereby required to present the same to the undersigned duly ver ified as by law required within six months from this date at his place of business at the corner of Second and' Montgomery streets, Albany, Oregon. tiHUKUK B. CUMMINGS, hour of one o'clock p. m., pursuant J- K. WEATHERFORD, Admr. to an order of sale duly made and en- Attorney for Administrator, tered in the matter of the estate of said deceased, in the County Court of NOTICE OP SALE OF REALTY Linn county, Uregon, on the 6th day nlav Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Baker and daughter left on a trip to Portland and Astoria. Hi'nrv Rnrrtrn ufnnt in Pnrflont 7i o couple days visit.' An Editor Around. Editor Hommerlv. of tho Mi-Minn villo News-Reporter was a 6 o'clock caller this morning, at a time when the Democrat man enjoys work, He has bought a monotype, a fine tvne making machine that costs nearly j-i.ouu, anu is out among Ins tetlow newspaper men selling some of the fsces. the machine not only sets the eommc-n news type, but iilso display tyi e for advertising, rrnking a fresh lace evt I V issue. Mr. Iliinitnerlv ia u oysters being shipped from the beds expects to remain here all winter." Any I hustler, and as well a clcin man ii. thero to mo I'oriianii mnrnet. where special consideration given him will un-, morals, a good thing these d oouuu-tiiy go in a wounv person sadly in n.'ed ot assistance. Buy your Post of l.obaush when he coniej around. The Leisure Hour Club yesterday met with Mrs. Harry B. Cusick in an en joyable session. BY ADMINISTRATOR WITH WILL ANNEXED. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the last will and testament of Martha C. Oden, de ceased, heretofore duly admitted to Public Speaking. The Weather. Range of temperntnr0 ' The river 1.1 n . t. Prediction by .Mr I! ' i and tomoriow. Tho fan oua Spnlship' oysters, as laiver'r-oil in : magazines, r-te now ei. .... Fletcher Co's stu ;0"l!. Fair to:l". eastern leading Beam- Tiie prize for the best dancing couple at Mrs. Tracey's dancing school, iius inr I hall, test nij-l.t Vi-.s;r,.-J Mr. I airy Shea and Miss Sylvia Mann by so mi par t i il corps of judges. Jim, tho ranchman, nt the Empire, lei. a a pretty story, nd as well shows cue of those immense combined thresh ers, that do everything I ut make the Hour, in operation down in California. Then there is a good wild west film and ul'out the livcsl comedy out. At the Dreamland. The biograph picture shown at the abr.vrt t'v'r.-. i n f--"-t rtnr.- nml is tiuillid i'liu&uirowMul' the Unfaithful. It tells a talc of voung girl who throws over her original lover for a new one, this causes lets of bad fcc!in? and eventually murder au.i suicide hence the name of 'he p cture "A Woman in tho Case is nrotler good story niH should not be mi? sed i overs of horse; should tot fail lo ro tHo nieturn tn titled Ti:e Aeiia.i Stud. The Democratic candidates for county ofticcs will address the citizens of Linn county at the following times and places as indicated below. Repub lican candidates for county offices are respectfully invited to attend these meetings and divide time with the Democratic candidates in the discus sion of the issues of the campaign: Brownsville, Oct. 12. 2 o'clock p. m. Sweet Home, Oct. 13, 8 o'clock p. m. Waterloo, Oct. 14, 10 o'clock a. in. Sodavillc, Oct. 14, 2 o'clock p. m. Mill City. Oct. 18. 10 o'clock a. m. Jordan. Oct. 19, 1 o'clock p. in. Crabtrcc, Oct. 21, 2 o'clock p. m. Scio, Oct. 22, 1 o'clock p. in. j Lebanon, Oct. 29, 2 o'clock p. m. , Harrisburg. Nov. 2, 7:30 o'clock p. ni. Halsey, Xov. 3. 2 o'clock p. m. , Shcdd. Xov. 4. 2 o'clock p. m. I Albany. Xov. 5th, 2 o'clock p. m. I T. J. STITl-S. W. R. BILYEU. Secretary. Chairman. of September, 1910, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front door of the court house, in the city of Albany, in Linn county, uregon, all the follow ing described real property, belonging to said estate, to-wit: I Beginning at the southeast corner probate by the county court of the Maie or uregon ior tne county or Linn, and pursuant to the order of said court entered in the probate jour nals of said court directing a resale of the property hereinafter described, the undersigned as administrator wiMi the will annexed of the estate of said de- of the north projection of the Dona tion Land Claim of R. H. Pollard, claim Xo. 58. in Twp. 10 south, Range 2 west of the Willamette Merid ian, in Linn county, Oregon, and run ning thence south 89 degrees 48 min utes east along the north boundary line of said claim 9.50 chains to the! cedent will on Monday, the 14th day center of Thomas Creek; thence in a 'of November, 1910, at the hour of 11 southerly direction following the ccn- a. m. of said day, at the court house tor of the said creek to a point 10 , door in the city of Albany, Linn coun chains south and 5 chains north 89 ; ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to degrees 4ts minutes west from the : the highest bidder for cash in hand, place of beginning: thence north 10 chains; thence south 89 degrees 48 minutes east 5 chains to the place of beginning. containing 9.17 acres, more or less, all in Linn county, Oregon. . Said sale to be made subject to con firmation bv said court. H. H. H F.WITT. Admr. 'isotfs Santal-Fepsm Capsules rf?' A positive cum v ' rr Jt,jn??iR,at'1f ,;rr'-M,rr.,.r' V.."'- t nt)' tiUU;, turt-? rttid C'lrt, no itt-r of ho. 4 Jonc f i.iniiiiic A t f ol u t ot r Prlc t.M. or hv nti' is.. pail, ?1.(AS boxes, irNfcTNtr eiiiTit nrniMi ,r lit llcfantin, Ohio For ule br Atrkh&rt k L i Equalization Notice. The County Board of Equalization of taxes will meet at the office of the county clerk. Monday, October 17, 1910. and remain in session for six days, for the purpose oi publicly ex amining the assessment roll and to correct errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. All persons interested are hereby notified to appear at the ap pointed time and place and. if it shall appear to said Hoard, that lands, lots or other property be assessed twice, or assessed in the name of any per son or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or bevond its value, or any land, lots or other property not assessed, tiicy will make th correction. subject to the approval and confirma tion of said court, the following prop erty, to-wit: The S. E. "4 of Sec. 30, in Tp. 13, S. of R. 1 W. of the Willam ette Meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 acres more or less. Dated this 21st day of September, 1910. JAMES R. McKAMEY, Admr. with Will annexed of said estate. AMOR A. TUSSIXG, Attv. for Admr. The Riverside Farm ED. SC!IO:-L. I-roniie-or Breeder and Importer of o. I. C. Hon S. C. White and Buff L -ghc-rns, W." P. Kcks, Licht Braha.-'. I'. C. B. McKXIGHT. County Assessor. Rhode Inland R Cochin Br.rtt -, . Turkeys, W den Geese, 1' Ducks, i c Guine - proper winner of n prizes and 22 at the Lewis & C !..r White Ii Fees in Sj Phone, Farmers ! on Poui;i'7 ;.r Ia;r. -AO k for Sa:1 - - it -. D x-.-