Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 14, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Myron Alexander, late of Linn
county, Oregon, deceased, has filed her
final account as such administratrix in
the county court of Linn county, Ore
gon', and that said court has fixed
Monday the 3rd day of October, 1910,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. as the
time for the hearing of objections to
said final account and the settlement
thereof. MINNIE YOUNG,
HEWITT & SOX, Admrx.
Att's. for Admrx.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
County Court for Linn county, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate of
Henry Stephens, deceased, late of De
troit, Michigan. All persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the same to the under
signed at his office in Albany, Oregon,
within six months from this date, duly
verified as by law required.
Dated this the 18th day ot August,
loin .in iiieir uruer aic ivia, vi-a,iu,
T K- WFATHFBFDSn Philadelphia, St. Louis, Boston, Cleve
A ini.trn.nrof the estate of Hen'rv Baltimore and Pittsburg. Cleve-
Administrator of the estate ot lienry . . Rinmr. and P ttshurc.
JStejiens.Jeceased i
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Linn. De
partment No. 2.
Charles H. Wiltsey, plaintiff, vs.
Tcckla Wiltsey, defendant.
To Teckla Wiltsey, the above named.
.defendant: i
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
above named on file with the clerk of
the above entitled court in the above
entitled cause, on or before the 14th
day of October, A. D. 1910, the same
being the last day of the time pre-
order for publication
.-scriDca in me
hereof: and vou are hereby notified,
that if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint as nerein requireu, sum
plamtitt w ill apply to the court ior ine
rplipf nrnvpfl for and demanded in his
snirf rnmnkiint. viz.: for a decree of
'divorce dissolving the bonds of mat- the arrangement and finish will be cora
:rimony now existing between the plete.
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other and further order as to the court
:mav seem meet and according to
The time prescribed in the order for
publication of this summons is once a (-r civ nrooL'S l1i-,-PCsivplv. llll
the date of said order for service here-
of by publication is August 26th, 1910,
:and the date of the first publication
hcreof is September 2nd, 1910. i
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigncd has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Linn county,
Orecon. administrator of the estate of
uregon, aunilllisiraiui ui 111c cauis ui
T-T Tri.ivvitl, lice-cased. Al oersons
having claims against tne estate 01
. . .. '. .
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, witn tne proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at the
law office of Hewitt & Sox, in the
city of Albany, in Linn County, Ore-
rrnn within siv ninntlis from the date
of this notice,
n.-itcrl this lfith dav of Seotember.
1Q10 T. T. BUTLER.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigned, the duly appointed,- quan- ricjioiHuiuimuuDu,,.
fied and acting guardian of Hugh Mc- The subject of the sermon attheCor.
Cullough, a minor, will make sale of gregational church, at Salem last night
certain lands, pursuant to an order of was "The Fallaciesof Ex-Mayor Rose'"
the County Court, duly made and en: . Hon. A. C. Libby, of Jefferson, 'was
tered of record on the uth day of Sep- jn town today. He is running for the
tember 1910, authorizing and directing legis'ature in Marion county on both
the undersigned to make sale of the tickets.
lands hereinafter described belonging fne hjgn achool foot 1 all team will
to said minor. play the alumni Friday afternoon.
Now therefore, in pursuance of said Brownsville high Saturday the 22nd
oraer oi saia courc, i win un liic ijlii
day of October, 1910, at the hour
of 1 o clock n. m. sen at nuoltc
auction to the highest bidder at the
front door of the court house in the
of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
all the right, title and interest of the
said Hugh uicCullough, a minor, in
and to the following described lands,
Commencing at a point on the south
boundary line of block No. 4 in Hack-
Albany, Oregon, which is 7.58 feet
easterly from the b. W. corner of said
block, thence running easterly on the
south boundary of said block, 60 feet,
thence northerly and parallel with the
eastern boundary line of said block,
111 feet more or less to the north line
of the south half of said block, thence
-westerly parallel with the south boun
dary line of said block 60 feet, thence
southerly parallel with the eastern
-boundary line of said block to the
place of beginning. Also,
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
:block No. 4 in Hacklcman's second ad
dition to the city of Albany, Uregon
liSIK'j 3.. J ; r ;.i r'
. . . ..
:said addition to said city of record in
the office of the county recorder for
Linn county, Oregon, and. running
-thence westerly on the south boundary
line of said block 60 feet, thence
northerly parallel with the eastern
boundary line of said block to the line
dividing the north half from the south
half of said block, thence easterly on
the line dividing the south half from
the north half of said block to the
-east line of said block, thence south to
the place of beginning.
Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the
dav of sale.
Dated this 6th dav of Sept.. 1910.
Guardian of Hugh JlcCuIlough, a
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed in the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, her
her fir.n! account as administratrix of
the esrnle of X. E. Vernon, deceased,
find that said court has fixed Monday,
the J7tli day oi October, 1910, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, as the time
for hearing of objections to said fii:n!
account and the seiilement thereof.
IIEWiTT & SOX. Ad:nrx.
Attorneys for Adr.iiui-.lrLtrix.
And Some Th'ngs It Is Showing
A cenrus bulletin showB 107 cities so
far reported, having a population be
tween 25,000 and 100 000. Of thee
seven show an increase of over 100 per
cent, Dallas, Tex., Flint, Mich., Musk
okee, Ok. ;, with 492.4 per cent, Okla
homa City, leading with 539.7 per cent
increase, SchenecKtady, N. Y. and
Waterloo, Iowa. The increase for the
107 cities is 39.8 per cent. Only two
cit'.es decreased, Lincoln, Neb. and
Sioux City, Iowa.
47 cities are so far reported with a
population of over 100,000, cine cities
being added during the decade, and
several will be added iu the N. W.
Birmingham, Ala., leads in increase 245
per cent, growing from 38,514 in 1900
to 132,685 in 1910.
The eight largest cities in the TI. S.
,L rj . xt . r-u:u
which took in Allegheny jumped from
the 11th to the 8th Dlace.
The largest ten cities in the world in
their order are London, New York,
Paris, Tokio, Chicago, Berlin, Vienna,
St. Petersburg, Philadelphia and Mos
cow. -
California Bungalow On Fitlh
Mr Roeltev. Willis has begun the
erectjon 0 a residence next the Baptist
Dars0nage that wiil be not only an
"m t thn -itv hut a noveltv in .
hitPMiir in Alhinv. the first of the ,
kind in lne city. It will be a California '
bungalow witn a concrete Dasement
with the stucco t lltct, leacning up into
tne porcn. ana lorming part tn it. iub i
...:n i ...n,l fln-c. on1
interior will have hard wood floors and
Dtath of Aaron Baltimore.
Aaron H. Baltimore died at his home
near this city last night, and the county
loses a worthy pioneer citizen.
He was born May 7, 1835, and was
therefore 7o years, 6 months and S I days
UIU. XI U U.UBacu llic pin 1119 vv mo
oa"""" ! x ama n 1S'?- 5e"i!i.nB.An
;,. : i,-f H th nlHp.r.
one of the large Baltimore family. He
married' Matilia A. Clifton Dec. 31,
1057 waa a member of the Dunkard
phm-nh for mnnv veRrs and leaves a
churcn tor many years ana leaves a
;t tr w,iArn A M . nfAlhnnv.
Link of Lebanon, Mrs Annie Powell ot
Wash., and Mrs. Viva Stewart of Alb
On Oct 15 a firemen's ball will be
aivpp t. RuanarH hall for the benefit of
Linn Engine Co. No. 2
I inn Pnoino 7n Wn 9
' Bowline is on at the Alco
There will be three classes and a turkey
and other prizes will be offered.
Tomorrow will be the 55th anniver-
sary 01 tne esiaonsnrnen. ot tne uimeu
an(j jugene high JNOV. 11
Eueene Elv left Chicago vester-
j-.. l:- a..:Z. u: XT v t.
first thincr his earhurater stonnad and
he broke a wheel. '
legislations, unaer tne opinion ot , Linn county who is more capable of
Attorney Geneial Craw'ord will close serving the people or more deserving
on Moneay the 17th at 5 p. m. In this -of the support of th& press than our
county the total is small, very few friend Ike Bingham. Sliould Mr. Bing
since the primaries. Better hurry up. ham ive his consent to become a can-
left this XrnoWonforPercy. "low
B H. Boles, wife and two children didate, the News as an independent pa
ft this afternoon for Percy. Iowa, on ner will willino-lv heln to elect him.
a visit at tne nome oi ivirs. Boies iatner
W. H. Patterson, Mr. Boles first visit
to their home, as well as the first for
the two bright little fellows that re
quire a double rig.
Salem Statesman: F. L. Bayne, of
Shedd, has complained to the railroad
commission that it is practically im
possible to get cars from the Southern
Pacific and that an order for three car3
was put in by him Aug. 16 and the cars
have not yet materialized.
Miss Birdie day, of Electron, Wash.,
is in the city on a visit with her sister.
Mrs. Ed. Sears. V iss Dav was a clerk
in me nuuiiuun oiore wnen .nr. nam I-
ton took charge of it, and at one time!
was the only clerk in it, now requiring
a force of twenty or thirty. i
The state convention of the W.C.T.U. '
will be held at Salem beginning tomor
row. The local W.O.T.U. will not meet
tomorr w as usual, but as many a pos
sible v ill go to the state convention.
rs. Lrown, ex state president going
today, the others in the motning.
Some Interest is being taken in the
mention of a fine grove just west of
the fair ground for a city park, lhere
is a pretty lake of two or three acces.a
fine place for biatin, if fixed up, and
te Oregon tlectric coes to the corner.
Ill e trees are large and good ones.
Friday evening Dr. Littler, superin
tendent of the M. E. 8. S. received the
teachers and officers at his home.
pniuii.K ...c -"" b outmiijr nu in t
""-'V v1"
-.cnooi. nunuay me scnooi neiti us
Ni;nu-il rally with a 1-jrge attendance,
it is one of the most prosperous in the
Beaudette, Spooner, Pitt and Grav
town, Minn, were completely destroyed
jy forest fires yesterday and thr,--
hv-nJred people in them and settlti.s
'.round them are reported burned- to
Itrith. 5, 0'.i-i ave said to bo homele.:i
lud destitute and 2,000 are mis!Hr:;:
Orcrst crazed by the disaster to thcii-
I .lomes.
A letter from the Non-Political
Judiciary in reference to securing for
Oregon a supreme court not dominated
bv Ddlitics. This means a fight for
i'udges S.'ater and King, and it is backed
y the best lawyers of Portland regard
less ot pontics.
A circular letter, imitating the
typewriter, from the famous Hayper
Distilling Co. beiffinnsng "Dear mr.
Nutting," and informing us that it is
an absolute fact that nearly 1,000.000
men in this country look to them for
every drop of whiskey that they drink,
whether true or not, speaking for the
enormous amount of whiskey consumed
all over the country through the mail
order business, in wet and dry places
A letter from the national apple show
people at Spokane telling about the car
load exhibits for prizes aggregating
$3,800, entries for which will close Nov.
b, other entries, for prizes aggregating
$16,200 to close on Nov. 9. Judging
will begin Nov. 14 under rrot. van
Daman and assistants.
A news circular fiom the O. A. C.
something that comes every week reg
ularly, telling of sanitary barns and
proving hens.
A couple little story books, Down-at
Stien's Pass, and Down at Cross Tim
bers, by P. S. McGeeney, published by
the Angel Guirdian Press, Boston,
Mass. They look gool and have a
sparkling appearance to them; but the
Democrat hasn't had them digested yet.
A post card from H. L. Walden, of
Eureka. Calif., formerly ot the C. &E
of this city, written from Omaha, Web.,
indicating tnar. rrarry is navmg a jaunt
m tne middle east, north and soutn.
Mews From Albany's SIX EarlV
Misses Helen Gilbert and Louise Pir-
,.1- . aii : i. u:u
. tie, two ut Aiuuny piuiiiiueiii, iiiuu
' school girls, returned from Brownsvilfe,
; where they spent two whole days and
several minutes, havmer a fine time in
' one of the best towns in the state.
Mr. George Prichard returned to
Portland after a short Albany visit.
He is now on the Oregonian, doing re-
portorial work, a versatile writer and
,;.,, . . , . J ...
Mr. John Housewert and family left
for Woodburn, where he will be Bta-
tioned during the winter. He has been
"th th?S p- fr ? ed mam years'
They wl" be back in the sPrlnB
Revs. H. N. Mount and C. A. Woollev
7- , - tj-
01 liugene passed tnrougn ior inue-
pendence to attend the Presbytery of
the Willamette to meet there the first
of the week, followed by the Synod at
' mlB- "UBBel u, "
Mrs. Schlosser and son Harry left for
I ureBon ltv on Vs" at lne nomB ul
fotrnn Hit,, nr n wioif ot tho hnmft of
Pant. Mpri-ill Phillina .
Mrs. Edward Allen returned from a
Sundav visit to Tallman.
.Tlell- t. Tallm.,1
Mr. and Mrs. Cougle went out to Leb-
anon, where Mr. Cougle has charge of
me new iu. c..
Rev; and Mrs. Van Winkle, of Salem
returned home after a visit with their
son Postmaster Van Winkle.
Rev. W. P. White went to Salem.
V. W. Robnett and Prof. Nicholls
came down from Shedd.
Want Bingham.
Springfield Newe:
The Eugene Guard editorially, an
nounced that if I. H. Bingham came
out as nn independent candidate for
have the
, hearty, unsolicited support of that pa-
!Rer' Uood tor.t;aitor Fisher and the
riiievA T)nn man in Jona n
i . m
Prominent Woman Coming.
I Mrs. Mary Armour, of Georgia, whom
some declare the equal of Frances E.
! Willard as a speaker, will addresB a
mass meeting of Albany people at a
uidon meeting at the Christian church
next Sunday niht, and the church will
no doubt bo packed. Mrs. Armour
comes from a prohibition state and
' will give the truth about the matter of
prohibiiion, one of the best posted
women in the country, a ttuth teller.
At The Hotels.
M. R. Nardhoff, E. L. Spicer,
non, iani.
j -D. K. Burnett, Superior, Wis.
Mrs. J. F. Slewait, Toledo
I Kent S. Kraps, Salem
i Ralph Thorn, Lebanon
J. F. Vtcul. Corvallis
S. R. Smith, Cottage Grove
J. G. Kelley. Portland
On Executive Committee.
Miss Willetta Wright was home from
the University yesterday on a visit wilt,
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W
Wright. Miss Wright was recent
elected as one or four
University stu
dents, as an executive committpo, ii
serve with the President rnd taculty v
student affairs of the University, sh
oeing the onlv girl elected.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 62 !3.
Tho river is to 1 1 feet,
j Prediction: occasional rain
and Tuesday.
Mr. Rodgers who sold his farm here
some time ago moved to Albany the
latter pare ot tne weeK to spend the
Wiley Holman of Albany was out
Thursday looking after his interests
Asa Whetstone and family left for
Dallas the latter part of the week,
where he has rented a farm for the
coming year.
Evervbodv is at work dicrerermir snuds
and picking apples.
The boys who go through this part of
the country Bhooting holes through mail
boxes nad better look out. They hail
from Albany and the people here are on
to them.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cauthorn of
Wells; were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Williamson.
John Goins took a lay ott for two
weeks and (lined to the mountains.
He not onlv lost his time, but a $100
horse as well, besides when he got home
a new baby greeted him.
Miss Pearl Williamson who is attend
ing high school in Albany spent Sunday
with her parents.
Erery man who is entitled to pay a
$3 00 pole tax had better get ready to
meet it as the supervisor has got on his
war paint. J his monev is now over due
and is needed to make better roads.
What It Lost.
E. Hofer has filed his expense account.
It was $620.91. It is said that the Col.
had his editorial all written thanking
the people for his nomination. Another
Btorv is that he was simply out to beat
Dimmick, being a personal triend ot
Bowerman. J. N. Hart, who wanted
to be attorney general, spent $342 42;
Billy Clarke S8o5 so, pretty good tor a
printer but then he is a postmaster too.
B. F. Mulkey $575.15.
In this county it cost the candidates:
Grant Froman $31.40; A. M. Temple
ton $47.60; Park B. Beatty $1.20; F. C.
Stellmacher 0; W. A. Kimsey 0; C. H.
Ellswich $1.10; W. L. Marks $65.43;
M. A. Miller $37.25; W. W. Francis
84.20: P. ft. Conn $15.50: Sol Lindlev
, iCQ D(-; n c.f cn je,
1 1 . Scott $60.45,
f -a0, U. 1. forter u, A
w. jr. wooa
. L. Geddes
. u
The College Recital.
The annual opening recital gWen by
the faculty of
me cuiiaci yhiji y win
occur tomorrow evening at
the U. P.
church. There are no changes in the
faculty this year with the exception of
Mia8 Houck, who has charge of the
j kindergarten and preparatory depart-
nt Miss Houck is a brilliant pianist
and will be introduced to the Albany
public in this recital. She will be
aooi"!u ' " -
Blackwall. No adm ssion tee will be
I assisted bv Misses Smith, box and
. , . j:h.. : ,j
cnarpea. an are coruiuuy iiivneu.
The Holley Fair.
The annual fair of Holley, on the
t . .. 1L. 4. i:i.4.1n
, aiapooia, in one 01 uie Ff""., "
I 1- i-l, ...n..ll . with ita rich Hnil
SpOtS in the WOlMd,-
nJ n.nnn..l nnacinilitipB will bp held
Wprlnpsdav and Thurs. av of this week.
m, I " III 1 t tho
best things in horses, cattle, sheep,
ornar.a. swina. noultrv. dairv broducts.
ine univ rauca win wo mvoc
pastry, grains, green iruits, canncu
fruits, home made articles, etc. ine
prizes range up to $2. A good program
has been arranged for each day.
F. H. Colpitts is down from Gates.
Go. W. Taylor, cf Eugene, is in t! o
W. S. Risley went to Lebanon this
W. L Hubbell, of Cottage Grove,
was in town.
01 Ho Landis arrived this noon trom
Chas. A. Cole, of Corvallis, was an
Albany visitor.
W. D. Mixter left this afternoon for
his Beaver Creek farm.
R. F. Shier, the Gold Creek mining
man, has been in the city.
Miss Buela Bennett, of Harrisburg,
was granted a hunter's license today.
Walter Hall and wife, of Ihe biletz
this afternoon left en an eastern trip.
Mrs Wali'o was in the citr this noon
bound for Corvallis to attend a session
of the regents.
The Aut mobile Tour book at cither
the Ralston Supply Store, or J. L.
Irvine's garage.
Mrs. E. A. Johnson went to Eugene
this afternoon for a visit with hei
daughter Mrs. E. R Gilstrap.
Harold " eider has been elected edi
tor of the Whirlwind for the coming
year, and is getting togethpr his staff.
W. H. Hogon, J. Iv. Wyatt and Ed.
Zeyss have returned from their Riddles
deer hunt, getting ten deer altogether.
They are hard to get this year owms
to the dry season.
The Ladie3 of the G. A R toniht
will give u reception to Mrs, Keltic
Hembree department president, nnd
several Brownsville comrades. All
members are requested to be present.
The Pythian Sisterp held their first
social session this afternoon, meeting
with Mra N. 14. Whpeler. and at nriES
time were in the midst of big pile of
carpet rags, doing some practical work j esteemed,
along social lines Eleven people in Portland were ar-'
John Holman arrived home this noon rested yesterday for exceeding the ''
from a four months' eastern trip, "eifpeed limit with their automobiles.!
was at a family reunion in Ontario,
where he was brrn 71 years ago, nnd
was in the catvn where he was born.
He also visited other eastern citie?.
Dr. Suitor a id H. L. Hausamcn, r f
North Dakota, have been n thr r-ity
on a visit with Win. Uttehie. m.iltiiiir a
quick return of Mr. Ritchie's r.-i-i-m
eal! on them in Dil-ota. TI.ey are ju'
here looking around.
Prof, and Mrs. A. B. Hong wee in
tho city on a short visit. Prof. Hna
is now an instructor in Ihe Philippine,
sr.'l has boon in I ho U. S. viv
months cn a visit. r..-w returning i
stenmer by w;:y cf Sifattlf. He ia h
former Albany college teacher.
AFTER $200,000
For Albany College. Crooks, of the College this
week wiil attend tbe synod of the Pres
byterian church at Pendleton, and will
then go east to begin his campaign for
$200, COO for Albany Colltge, $100,000
tor an endownment. ?(b,UUO tor new
buildings and $25,000 for a trustees
The present situation demands some
thing strenuous if the college is going
to Keep on its reet. itisspid there is
encouragement for some valuablij jiftp.
it is to oe nopea so.
'f the money is secured the plan is to
erect a science hall, costing $45,000 and
an administration building costing $30,
000, and there will be other needs.
The college needs monev now. A
steam heating plant has been but in
costing $ i,4o, it is in debt iu,3uj and
interest, it needs cement walks on
Ellsworth, Ferry and Ninth street
costing $2,000, Ninth street should
be paved, costing $3,000, $3,600 can be
spent improving the campus, $500 on
wains in campus, some on lurmture.
etc., making a trustees fund of $5,000
needed, according to the bulletin just
issued, from which this information is
If the Presbyterian church is to con
tinue to father the college, it is time it
woke up and did something, instead of
puttering away as it has in the past,
and Albany, needs to do something,
and it always has done well.
News from Albany s Six Early
L. C. Marshall. J. F. Miller and D.
P. Mason, among Oregon's most prom
inent Masons, lett tor Portland to at
tend the funeral of J. M. Hodson. Mr.
Hodson was both past commander and
past master, a leader in Masonic work ,
for many years.
H. M. Stone, of Corvallis, left on a
Salem prune trip. Mr. Stone sold his structed to confer further with the peo
prunes when they were 5 cents, and pie interested, and report to the Club,
now they are about a cent more, but I 1 j Was authorized that the business
5 is big money. 1 mon 0f the city be notified that they
A. M. Temp!9ton, a. pioneer citizen, vertising sche.tie purporting to be en
of Brownsville, came down to prepare dorsed by the commercial club, unless
for his campaign for sheriff. i first canvassed by the board and bear-
'ing signed endorsement of its officers.
Prof. Nicholls, the band leader, re-1 It was ordered that a bill for $50 be
turned from a Lebanon trip. rendered to the County Court for ex.
P p. DeVimev. who has been stoD- DenBes in collecting the Hill exhibits.
j ping at Lebanon, left for Jefferson on
a visit witn ma sun Auuy, a iwiiioi
city councilman. .. .
W. A. Cox left for Tallman to build ,
a fire nlaee.
Mrs. Simons, of
beattie, leic ior
home alter a visit at tne nome 01 o. r,.
Watson. . . community to become financially inter
Rev. D. C. McB arland came down ' . , .
fmm Tniwont ealed in the project should it be estab
irom langent. li.u-j a IpVioJ t,. ih. nmr. n.n.
m. u, o . uti, m ubw .......
on h s wav to the Bay to look after his
Dr. M. ft', uavis, ot Eugene, arnveu
....- j j
oyster beds and other interests.
Democrats, IegbUr Now.
Many democaU have hot registered
yet and tne time ior registration win
expire on tne 16th of this month. It
ought to be born in mind that the great
fight at the coining election is op the
question of assembly and anti- language that is as remarkable I.B it is
assembly-whiUher the primary law unusual, and an impetuous eloquence
shall stand or whether the old conven- that seems to come from the very
tion shall be brought back into use. depths of her soul. She is a woman of
Bowerman is the candidate of the rare convictions and of rire mentality,
assembly crowd for governor. He is an) with the faculty of forcible ex-
thegreati'epresenUtiveof theassembly pression developed to a wonderful
idea. Anti assembly republican - by the extent. The Columbus (Gn.) Enquirer
scores in ail p.trls of the state are unit- $uni
ing to defeat Bowerman by voting for Mrs. Armor will address a union
West, a democrat, an anti assembly- meeeting at the Christian church Sun
man. All democrats should register at day night.
once so thev may help to elect West, . .
and thus d'efeat the great assembly (
leader, - Portland People in Albinv.
C L. Shaw's Acceptance.
In accepting the nomination for rep -
voaontotiup t,..wlrpH n,o l. .h
cratic voters of Linn county I wish
to Etate that I favor the inititive and
referendum laws, the. ili -fet primary
and especially the principle st-t forth in
statement No. 1. I h-jlieve that the
legislature shouid in no way tamper
with laws enacted by the pt-ople I
favor the enactment of such laws as
will increase the efficiency of our pub
lie schools and give m b-iti-r rends.
C. L SilAW.
The Eugene apple show will ta'te place
Oct. 20 22.
It is now Judge Hughes. Yesterday
Ex-Governor Hughes was shelved polit
ically by taking his seat as supreme
Prof. Homer, of the O. A. C. is tho
lemocratic nominee for superintendent.
anil will malte the racj
assembly nornince.
against Ihe
Some Eusene men firo!G2 bullets into
the body of a bear on Long Tom. and it
lived and escaped; but, rcallv, hr.w
many of those bullets do yoi think hit
I the bear.
There is a base ball throwing record
hplH for 36 vpara hv HutJiplrl of Mow
York, yesterday Lajeune a plaver of
l?..nna..:nn tkHn... Un . K..II Ana e I.
Evansville threw a base ball 426 feet
oJi inches.
virs. Davidson died at Lebanon yes
torday and tho remains ware tanan to
Shedd this afternoon for burial beside
the body of her husband. She was a
sister of Mrs. Jordan, a woman hiznlv i
Among them were ex-district attorney
W. C. Bristol and Hans Hockenyos,
e aii
101 inei mutiny yuung inuil.
The name of the mairnzino of the
Eugene Commercial CIut sometimes
issued, has bern change"! fom Nobodv
to Anybody. It is issued somptimoa bv
jromebody or other, a briifht a(T.iK rent
j by anybody and nobo ly should mica it.
I Seven towns have been wiped off
the man by the Minnesota fires mid
between 1,000 and 2.0M people btirne 1
to death. The. plac s are l'tn i
Fpoo'i'T, Ceilar Spur, Gr.''.""tn-A'i ; ,
S'.vlft an 1 Koo."v.-eit. 2.i.iii:ir.. !)'.:.
, in:; and 6.0.1.) to l'.o n .-1-ni. Ti:r
: r c-.i of hois;a"8. a.-e fi.h: vr.Vn honor.
Present: President E. H Mi,f".in,J
Secretary J. S. VanWinklo, Tnasurer
Wm. Bain, R. C. Churchill, W. H.
Davis, M. H. Ellis, A. M. Hammer,
L. E. Hamilton, J. C. Holbrrok, J. A.
Uulbert. E. A. Johnson. M. Senders.
C. H. Stewart, George Taylor.
Communication from Chas. B. Mer
rick, postmaster of Portland, was read.
expressing his regret in being unable
to attend the "Get-Together meeting
of Sept. 16.
A letter from Ren H. Rice. Sec-Mirr.
of the National Apple show wab read,
asking the appointment of a represent
ative from this Club to join the "Live
wires ' convention in hpokane, Nov.
14. On motion it was ordered that
President McCune appoint an available
A letter was read from the Sumpter
District Development League asking
the appointment of delegates from this
Club to attend the Min ng Congress, to
be held in Sumpter Oct. 20 and 21.
The matter of arranging date for the
appearance of Ben R. Vardman was,
on motion, referred to a committee con
sisting of J. L. Tomlinson, L. E. Hamil
ton and F. J. Fletcher.
W. A. Eastburn was instructed to
secure ten boxes of apples and ship to
Mr. Wm. McMurray, the same to be
taken east by V. E. Benton, and dis
played in Land Show, fairs, etc.
C. W. Tebault, on behalf of the com
mittee appointed to consider the mat
tea of a commercial Club publication,
repotted favorably, providing the
finances for same can be arranged.
Mr. Page addressed the Board concern
ing the cost of such publication, and
estimated same at from
$ZbU to $.K0
per issue. It was ordered that
matter be indefinitely postponed.
Mr. Tebault read a letteriwith refer-
ence to a milk condensory, and was in-
are requested to not support cny aa-
' vote of thanks was tendered Mr.-
Tebault in appreciation ot 111s enoris in
the condensorv matter.
I Mr. Ohlirtr addressed the Board as to
,), ,,,, ;t aa his opinion that
Mp Smith.H rnm wnll exnect this
" .j.... . j r
muhnrirorl tn tnnnira poni-prn
pie was authorized W Inquire concern
incr their intention in tins reirara. sinci
xn,r thai inlpnlinn in this vptrnrrl fiinpA
I pnnuHEg nf Ihn pnwa in t ho mnntv han
! been made,
A RemarKable Woman,
- i j
, '
' earnes'tness, with a bright mind that
works like lightning, a command of
i Hera
one (Jrty'g iegrslratidn bt
ople at the Rdve're' and Bti
Portland peopl
9h.arlfs:. .?,SisBSn
G. W. Alexan
E. Whittlesev.
"Br, IV. IByiOr, U.
W. C. Earl, W. M. Wills. H. B. Esson.
L. S. Dobel, L. E. Smith, E. L. Klei
mer. C J. Smith, H. D. Reeckers, W.
H. A. T. Wallace, Ed. S. Rohr. at the
Revere; H. C. King and wife, E. S.
Heath, H. A. Hinshaw, W. H. Macfar
lane, M. B. Janna, Geo. E. Porter, J.
W. Tice, W. P. Kaider, C. G. Adams,
Percy F. Freeman, E. E. Taylor, John
Thurm, Frank W. Monroe, W. E. Fra
zierand Will H. Bloch, at the St.
Broke an Arm,
Delta Holt, son of A. M. Holt, has a
broken arm. He and his brother were
doing a circus act in the Holt pat lor,
when the accident occurred. Delta was
on top of his brother's shoulder, when
mailing mo leap nis loot caignt una
he went down upon his arm and shoul
ders, nearly on his head, li s righ".
arm at the wrist was brokc.i. It ii
now in a sling neatly bandaue:'.
Guild Organized.
The Westminister Guild of the Pres-
uyienan cnurcn met witn Mrs r ranKiin
lual niirht. nnrl nlo.'tnH Miaa ri'motnnrl
last night and elected Miss Olmstcad
president. They will study western
women in eastern countries, '.doing mis
sionary work for the Haines hospital,
Alaska. The patroncti'es- for tho year
arc: Mrs. Getn-lhracht, Mrs. Boul y.
Mil's Vason and Mi-h. Franklin
R. c !al
The annual faculty recital of the
a college will be held at tho U. P. chuich
i..n...n, I-i.,,)...:... M:-n ii .
t ui,-iu, iiiiiuuuiiug itups riuueil plan
i.l. Those taking part will be Ada
Alivia ;-.n.ith dnictor, Emma etca
S x p:ano end orkan, ti-acj LeMar
lioucK. pi u.t.; ?!,iry Liu.ce U.'j i'.vv.ll
reader, K.lwirv l.mJwig Wilson violin.
The Weather,
liii' pe of I
I I.,- I..,-.::,
T i- - i
Preiii.-ti n
n l Weiinvii
: 7 -13
sir l'.'ales f.iir tonight