Albany Democrat, some special bargains in Entered at the post oflice,;Allany,Or , second cIbbb mail matter. SENATOR MILLER'S WORK. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. Xo. 10 House and barn, one lot on corner of Main street, ast Albany. 1 A bargain if taken soon. But you I will have to move quick to get it. ! No. 13 A small house and lot well i situated, West Albany. Price $1900. No. 14 A good house of seven rooms, , - .. beautiful lot, cement warns, picmy 1 of fruit. Situated close in. East WANTED. - For a client of ours 15.000 Albany. Price $2700. to 25.000 acres of white pine timber o 17 A seven-room house and good land. Parties offering such a tract jot gewcrs. Hard finished. West must have full authority. Gallon or! Albany Price $1800 write Tebault Real Estate Co., Al-: No lg'Good new house of seven bany, Or. , roomSi bath, electric lights. Well FOR KENT CHEAP. 4 nice rooms, situated. East Albany. Price $2500. and pantry only $8 00 per month. See No. 21 Cottage of fixe rooms and . E. H. Rhodes. t20 barn, two good lots. East Albany. FOR RENT 1 Pr'ce $1400. The new California rooming house at 1 " Pav ?"ou "?. investigate these Second and Montgomery streets, is now propositions immediately, as I find ready for business. The best rooms in ready sale for property, and know that town, nicely furnished, both single and these will not be on hand but a tew for housekeeping. t25 ; days. W91,by liven by the un-1 ... BarT jl Farm Land8. uermKueu wouusawtTB ul mutiny, XT . thntn'tor rtntn wo will nhnr fnv iwn No. 7280 acres, 70 acres in cultiva cut work as follows: For rir an J soft woods 60c per cord; for oak and slabs 75c per cord; and additional charge of Following is one of the many com mendations Senator M. A. Miller re ceived for his splendid work as a sen ator regardless of politics! Independence, March 1, lvoy. Hon PERSONAL C. J. Miller, of Coos Bay, has been in the city. Mrs. M, F. Holbrook, of Bandon, has M. A. Miller My Dear Senator: Now'ia i-.l " " . ,i""i,r,n i ,. ! 7 . ,r S. N. Neln and wife, of Laurel, M. DO YOU WANT GOi)D DENTAL WORK AT A MODERATE PR8CE? a-e in the city. away. I desire to thank you for your cnlrinlirl cimnnrl In tlir cpnntav nn niv ' Lock Bill. The people of Oregon arc w?tl Shlpp, a prominent Salem man, under obligation to you for your loyal was m a clty over night, support for an open river. I also de-; Mrs. Wm. Myers, of east Albany, is sire to thank you for your efforts on 1 seriously ill, now slowly improving, behalf of the Indian War Bill. With M. S.Spencer, manager of the North kindest regards, I am, your friend, i western Co's business at Eueene, was B. F. JONES. in the city. Mr. Miller was a strong advocate of Miss Marcus, f e evangelist, who has the salary bill that saved the state $35,-1 been doing special work at Lebanon, is wv a y-ai. 11c wia u iiiviiiuci ul iiiu jj) Ine CltV. committee on assessment and taxa tion and helped fight for the corpora tion tax bill through the legislature, which with the inheritance tax bill brought last year $222,000, and he did a good work for them. This is the kind of man Linn county needs in the legislature. He is no experiment. all 10c ner cord will be charired lor three cut worn. Dated th's 2Uth day of Sept., 1910. C. M. Westbrook. A. Fuller & son. Hibbard Bros, t30 W. J. Rain wat kr, FOR SS.LE. Three acres, about a mile from Albany on tha Corvallis road, Benton Co. good garden land. 4300 an acre. Call upon Andrew Jensen, R. F. D.4. 12t FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are the only kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call roth phones or address iV, A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. CABBAGE for Bauer kraut. E. L. McKeever, Bell phone 2X1. t28. GARBAGE. If west ofLyon street 50c month. S. B. Penny the garbage 203 W. Second St. man. Home phone 2303. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks after garbage. Phone Home 2303. WOOD. Slab and oak grub wood for Sale by A. W. Docksteader, 1197 Santiam road. Home phone black 196. WALTON'S ROOMING HOUSE. -Second floor Schultz new brick. New clean and modern. Furnished rooms. Home phone 1458. tl2 REPA1US THINGS. F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, sewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting MHIb, Stayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room nouse ana two lots, center, of town, 322 East 4th St; also one good cook Btove and several heating stoves. H. Barnes.) GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhero else in Albany. Skill Iv set, if desired. FIRE INSURANUE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mil' tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Hank Bldg. Both nhonos. tion, 10 acres in oak timber, lair house and barn, well fenced and cross fenced. 50 acres of this place is some of the finest apple land there is in Oregon. Land all slopes to ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situated 3 miles from Al hftnv .mrl is certainly a bargain. No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3 miles from Albany. This is a good all-round dairy and grain farm. No. 765 acres, small buildings, all in cultivation, situated close to Al bany. Price $1050. I have land for sale in any size tracts to suit purchaser, from a 5-acre tract to a 15,000-acre tract, and if you are looking for a bargain in farm lands of any description, or city prop erty, write, or call personally at my office.Jjut no information by phone. T. V. PIPE. I AiDany, ur. Mrs. E. J. Seeley and children will leave tomorrow morning for Portlsnd ' to reside. Mrs; C. C. Mc Bride, of Lincoln roun-, ty, returned home this afternoon af er j an Albany visit. i R. L. Bilyeu and family, of Halsey, , were in the citv todav on their wav to Independence for a visit. j Bowerman isn't fooling any one with Mrs. C. S. Shedd went to Shedd this i his professions of friendship for the afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. j primary law. In fact it is making it Thurston Davidson, a former neighbor j worse for him. Elected on the assem- and friend for life, bly ticket he represents assemblyism Jas. W. Hoag, of San Francisco, has and the old caucus methods, and the joined his father here, and will make public Eees through his game. Albany his home. They have rooms at 1 .... ' Mrs. Bilyeu's. L. E. Bean, the assembly nominee ' FrankJI. Jewell and A. I. Scott re for ioint senator has been in the citv. turned last nieht from Ft. George. R. It is said Mr. Bingham will run asrainst C. where thev took ud 160 acres aniece. him as an independent making an in- and under the arrangement do not have teresting race, lor me anti-assembly to go back, but may possibly do so. sentiment is strong in tms district. They think they ha ye a good i tion. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS o PAINLESS EXTRACTION 1.1 -..:," a It At 1 GOLD CROWNS o PORCELAIN CROWNS o BRIDGE WORK PLATE WORK proposi- WORK WANTED. I have just lo-1 cated in Albany, Handling men and machinery is my specialty. Am an ; experienced saw mill and lumber : yard foreman, operating millwright and blacksmith, gang edirerman, j ratchet-better, saw-filer, engineer, and tallyman. Also carpentering and construction work, setting up, over-' hauling and repairing machinery of any kind, if you want help in any of these lines call on me at 1017 E 9ch j St. Albany, R. L. Hickman. tl5 FOR SALE. Work horse for sale.," J. G. GibBin. Home phone 4054 . 5t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. ' Call at 430 Vine street. tl4 . i FOR SALE. White Leghorn cockerels, from trap-nested stock. R. M. I Hutchins. Home phone 2603. to j FOR RENT.-9 acres, good house large barn, chicken parks, plenty of fruit, berries of all kinds, situated one mile from Albany. Call in J. V. Pipe, 203 W. 2nd St. 8t FOR SALE. Four work horses, from ' $50 to $125. Fairbank's Morse, Jack 1 of all Trades 2 horse gasoline engir.a $40. 16 in. Oliver Chilled plow. C. B. Settlemier, Tangent; Or. NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We have the genuine lime and sulphur solu tion. See us and get rices before placing your orders. I LASSELLE BROS. Portland Men in Town Henry Serr, S. C. Holton, A. Sein heiner, J. C. Corrie, Ben Ely, O. M. Ebeihardt, O. A. Farrar, F. N. Averil, M. J. Coleman, IS. Binding, W. P. Bakewell, F. W. Miller, Wm. Brandes. R P. Hallock. W. A. Bullock. Letter List. Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. For the Ambitions f iYT. X . i ' . . by mall for those vrtrO oannot attend Id poreon. All lufltructfun, including final mmintlon. In 1TREK. For tench era. atudeuU pmpnrlng for college or universi ty, woman a ciudh, granges, enpoeorB ana home makert. No preliminary examina tion la required. This mail course mean opportunity yo- Send for desorlptlTe bulletin to the Corroapoiulenco study Import men t University of Oregon Eaxene - - - Oresoa The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for ! Oct. 12, 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call tor advertised letters, giving the date: J, t Bodine. John Balaam, Mary Clark, Frank Daily, Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. N. Hamilton, John Lindstrom, Luther Perkins, C. J. Reed. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Condueted Upon Conservative Lines and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business The Weather. Range of temperature 48-54. The rainfall was .34 of an inch. The river if 1 foot. Mr. Beals thinks the weather will be : occasional rain tonight and Thursday. FOR RENT. A couple nicely furnish ed front bed rooms. 332 Baker St. , tI9 F G. WILL, lor Watches Same Management lor Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Ciisick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. ClbER. Will make cider every Thurs day for 8c per galon for makine. Cider and barrels for sale. O. R Widmer, R. D, 4. Home phone 2801. 12t COAL FOR SALE. In small or large quantities. For prices see A. W. Docksteader, 1197 Santiam Road. Home phone Black 176. r. NEW AND SERVICEABLE RUGS AND DRAPERIES This excellent department has been a very busy place this fall. The many new and pleasing designs we are showing in Rugs and the high quality that we offer at the price has helped to make it busy. And the large assortment. Even now on our great rug rack arc found 120 beautiful rugs in every grade and kind and all sizes are shown from the smallest to 11 ft. 3 in. by 15 ft. We want you to sec this excellent showing before you buy. We want you to come and tell us of your rooms and let us aid you in making it most attractive. It need not be expensive to be wonderfully artistic. We make a close study of these things and we are quiio sure that we can please you. Colonial Drapery Fabrics. We believe to be the best fabrics'shown for the money. Those beautiful scrims with stenciled effects in the soft colorings of green, browns, tan, blue, and red will give just the bright touch that you desire and that is needed to every room. I'est of all, the colors are fast, not only to water; for all are thoroughly washed before leaving the mill, but most of them are fast to sunlight. And all these good things are found in these materials at only, per yard. 25c and 30c. SHOES having style, comfort and durableness Another department equally -attractive to all women is our Stylish, up-to-date Shoe Department. Every new and good last, every new approved leather, every new cut and finish we show in footwear. We keep in constant touch with the style centers for shoes and consequently we always show the latest models first. - This season the button shoe has become wonderfully popular and we have never seen as many distinctive and beautiful style effects as have been produced this season. You may have a shoe suited exactly to your foot in the style that you like best and in practically any leather. Our stock of sizes is complete, there being all sizes and all widths, with the great variety of lasts makes it quite easy for your shoe to be not only stylish but comfortable as well. For Children we have a stock almost as large as for women. We pay particular and careful attention to the needs of children and can guarantee them comfort, style and service. And we will always give them just as careful atten tion as we do to grown ups. Xo matter whether mother is along or not you may rest assured that they shall have every attention given them to make everything perfectly satisfactory. Send them to us often. Shoes for every use at reason able prices. f ' . THE " HAMILTON STORE