4s , vuf, LVI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY OCTOBER 11. 1910 NO U Albany Democrat Hot Tamalies OYSTERS THE CREST PUBIC STENOGRAPHER AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T.YATES First National Bank Home Phone Building. 379 g ' ' The Ruby Blend Coffee That Made Albany Famous at MEISER & ME1SER The Busy Big Store You hear so Much About. 3 GREAT SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY See Big Window Display $1.29 for $2.00 to $3.00 Hand Bags Choice of 200 large black hand bags, all leather and leather lined, plain black and German. Silver mounted frames. Bags worth up to $3.00. Your Choice for $1.29. 73c for $1.00 to $1.50 Hand Bags Your choice of 100 large black leather hand bags. Ten different styles in the assortment. Greatest bargain ever offered for 73c. UMBRELLA BARGAIN Fast Black Gloria Twill Serge, eight-ribbed Umbrellas, with Pearl, Bone, Sterling Silver, Gold, Horn or Plain Wood Handles, 22, 24, 26 and 2 8inch size for men, women and children. Great est bargain ever offered for $1.00. OUR NEW CUT PRICE PIECE GOODS DEPART MENT OPENS THIS WEEK Every piece of goods new this week. All the new colors and designs in Fleece Down, Flannelette, Outings, Ginghams, Prints, Percales, Cretons, Silkalines, Table Linens and the most beautiful line of Persian and Plaid Silks ever dis played in Albany. 100 NEW SUITS AND COATS THIS WEEK. Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House REV. ELLIOT IN NEB. From the Nebraska State Journal of Lincoln : Rev. J. C. Elliott and wife of Albany, Ore., arrived in the city yesterday. Rev. Mr. Elliott was the pastor of the Presbyterian church in Nebraska City in 1866, leaving the state in 1870. Dur ing these four years he was detailed by the church to start a congregation in Lincoln, which had then just been made the capital of the state. Mr. Elliott i came here, founded the church, preach ed tne nrst sermons ana appointed Howard Kennedy, father of Judge Kennedy of Omaha, elder. He was ap pointed by the first governor of the state, Governor Butler, to act on his first board of regents of the university. Dr. Elliott gave a short talk at the First Presbyterian church yesterday morning. In the evening he attended the Second Presbyterian church. To morrow he will look over the university and state farm, noting the improve ments and expansion since he helped to build the present university hall. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott leave for their old home in Nebraska City tomorrow. Af ter making a short visit there they go to Washington, D. C. where they will spend the winter with their daughter. Rev. Mr. Elliott grew reminiscent in recalling incidents of early state his tory. Among these were the impeach ment trial of Governor Butler, and a lot sale held here when Lincoln was I first made the capital. Eastern inter ests bought up these lots and made money from the investment. Mr. Eilliott Has not been in this city since he left over forty years ago. REPUBLICAN PAPER Will Fight Bowermarv for Gov-ernor. The following Dosition taken hv thn Corvallis Gazette-Times speaks for the independence of the age, and for the consistency of the anti-assembly policies of the . paper, except as to Hawlev: The Gazette-Times is nzainst Bower- man for governor; for W. O. Hnwley for congressman; for Victor P. Moses for Judge of Benton countv: for Geo. Smith for Commissioner; and for the remainder of the republican county ticket. For judges of this district. Coke and Hamilton are the men. Rnth nnh. lishers of this paper are republicans, but this paper will support several democrats, as will bo noted above; This decision has been made after a careful resume ot the situation and ii the con fidence that the men'named are the best men for the positions to which thev aspire. From now until the election the Gazette-1 imes advance reasons why it Deueves me men namea are me ones to be elected. if High Toned Corvallis Wedding. Gazette-Times: At the new Presby terian church last night Miss Cleo John son, daughter of Senator and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, and Mr. John Porter, until recently of Medfcrd, were united in marriage. The affair was formal, at tended bv four or five hundred guests. and followed by a reception at the home I of the bride's parents, at which a large number of friends tendered their best ! wishes and congratulations. Mrs. Porter is a loveable young 'woman. With a charming disposition, I many graces and all the virtues, a vocalist of considerable ability and I withal a girl of practical ideas, she will make Mr. Porter as good a wife as he i deserves. And ' Jack" deserves the best there is." He is a jolly young f el ! low of fair ability and a good standing in the community. At present he is employed in the Benton County Nation al uanK. A Harmony Meeting. There in to be a harmony meeting at Salem today with the candidates who won out in the primaries and those de feated present. That sounds good; but it is all it amounts to. You can't whip the people into linn for an assembly candidate like Bowerman and they are' going to whack him good and hard on election day, giving a practical demon stration of popular power that will be startling. If a man of any strength had been put up against Bowermau he would have been nominated. ... All suits just $15 at W. F. Pfeiffer's All overcoats just S15 atjW. F. ffer's. Pfei. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Harrisburg this week had a field meet. E. S. Munger was a prominent winner. Lebanon prune growers recently sold their prunes in a pool, receiving $6,961 for them. A Corvallis weddine this week was Jas. H. McConnell, of Shedd, and Miss Minn xates. There are fourteen names on the democratic ticket of Marion county and only four are democrats. Anna Vf. Rilev. of this citv. has bought 57 acres near Harrisburg, of R. G. Wigle, and the Bulletin says will move upon it soon. Justice Bryson, of Eugene, yesterday gave Ed. Seward thn maximum sen tence for violation of the local option law, $500 and 30 days in jail. A wedding of prominent former U. O. students took olace at Eugene today, Harvey M. Stackpole. of Ketchikan, Alaska, and Miss Florence DoBar of Eugene. The new morning daily Democrat, of Portland, has already been locked up by a constable. Started on nothing, with nothing at the back of it, evidently by men with nothing, it is bound to be a failure. Baker City will now be run in the modern style by a mayor and three commissioners. - The mayor will receive $2500 annually and the commissioners $200. The name of the place will be just Baker straight, without the city. Jefferson Review: Mrs. Wm. Meeker of Syracuse, has purchased the resid ence of W. H. Sherman, on 2nd street, and is moving into the same. Mr. S. and family have leased the residence of Lena nochsmer, and the latter, it is reported, will move to Portland. The Dallas Itemizer reports a sub scriber who has taken the paper 43 years, which is seven years longer than it has been published under that name. The Democrat has a good many sub scribers who have taken the paper 46 years, since it started, and some the former Oregon Democrat published by Delazon Smith. Eat 'em once you will want 'em again, Sealship Oysters at Tomlineon & Holman'8. INVESTMENTS. jjo. 164 New 5-room house, lot West Albany. Price $950.00. C. H. New 6-room house, 2 lots, West Albany, Price $1000.00. No. 119. Good 8-room house, 2 lots, East Albany. Price $1050.00. No. 136. Two corner lots, East front, new barn, West Albany. Price $750. No. 135. Good 6-room house, lot oox 110, West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 11954. Good 8-room house, cor ner lot, east front, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 130. Fine lot, close in, sewer, water, best location, at a bargain. No. 143. 2 lots good house, East Al bany. Price $1600.00. ....Own your own house. You cannot aflord to pay rent at above prices. Ket located winter will soon be here. FRUIT, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES. No. 162. 10 acres lyi miles out; ap ples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ber ries, all kinds. 7-room house, barn, chicken house; at snap price. No. 163. 160 acres all in cultivation, fine 9-room house, barn, windmill. $80.00 per acre. No. 161 3'A acres V miles out, at a bargain. C. 350. 283 acres, 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, barn. $25.00 per acre. Stock ranches, 800 to 1200 acres, houses, barns, and fenced. Prices range from $15.00 to S25.GU pe.- acre. Call at my office, for safe, sound, con servative buy. 40 years residence in Albany, I know all conditions. Best automobile service. Bell Phone 240-R. Home Phone 434. JAS. F. POWELL, 130 Broadalbin Street 4LBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers r rmii-B vr0fnM! Kiio-ar. nuts. confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. j Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. . We also have the agency for Pyramid ! and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, i Arden plaster. Get priee3 bcfjre buy- j ing. ! Cash paid fur eifgs. Foot Ferrv Street. Albany. Phones, Main 6 Bell. 3 Home. Si. Senders &Co, (INCORFQRATIlD.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire hrick. pressed brick, garJca nd field rtcds, hay, train, fiour. M. SEND3I5S & I O. Both Phones , tr, '.Vm. Firrt t-t. " W. fTjOKES. """"'" Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stable?. . riioncs 200-R, Bell; Home U85. D re am land. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amuseme nt Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday , Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Childr en 5c. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Sorrows of the UnfaithfulBiograph. A Woman in the Case. A Good Loser. Algerian Stud. Engagement extraordinary, Van Dar ling's Stock Co. in Specialties, beginning October 10. THE EMPIRE TONIGHT. Jim, the Ranchman A Selig wild west drama, a good mixture of love and comedy, with wonderful scenic effects. Pure Gold. A story of love and fi nance, showing the effects of Wall Street and impressing the old saying that "all is not gold that glitters." Tummy gets hia Sister Married This youngster uses some methods that might not be satisfactory to the aver age unmarried temale, but they worked in this. particular instance. Illustrated song. "I'm just a pining for you." Miss Ciosno. Complete change- tomorrow Admission 10 cents. 0O.H. The Electric. TONIGHT FIRST FALL SHOWING OF PYROGRAP1IY. The largest showing of wood to burn and burning outfits ever shown in Albany, with prices that are. right. Start now on your Xmas presents. See the new jewelled and tinsel work. The articles arc of thrce-nly bass- wood for the interesting carving and gouge work. Dozens of catchy de signs made expressly for this work. We have some beautiful pieces com pleted showing this different work. Our pyrogranhic stock includes new arrivals in skins, outfits, panels. needles, boxes, bulbs, in all the newest and most up-to-date designs. Come in and let us show you these beautiful novelties. WOODWORTH DRUG CO. nnni FY's fiRncppv - Anotheroneof those famous B:son films you all khow and like, a great , r.n i .-, western scene, Red Fern and the Kid; . JUST TRY OUR TEAS AND COFFEES! ' " ' rt i a so ono of those Eclair films. Martyr .iz.. . .:.,i. u ,r .U . . , n ' ,. VIC 1IU91 VUU mc a uniMLUtm w.u. vuui ICtlS dllU tUJICC3 . trf. or Liove ami acuipiui a naaj wurn. i- Lsict ies Skate THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIES SKATF. The rin't '.'. be lit to represent moonlight and a specialty will be made cf couples only. TUESDAY afternoon, v.ill be reserved for LADIES ONLY". Do not forget that we change' pro grams again tomorrow. Admission only 5 ctp, If you arc, NOTHING CUT TH E BEST will .-.t:sfv veil When we buy teas and coffees we deal with tea and coffee rxnerts neonle who have made a life-lone Ktl'dv of duality in teas Ml and coffees and consequently we are able to serve our customers with the very best. ' - Won't you just try our teas ami coffees? WOULD YOU Thursday and Saturday t-venings Admissiod 10c. Skates 25c arshai & Lobaugh Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dollars ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean up-lo-dalc dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltenber'g's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at Yvhok'.;;;k prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less mov. nan you would f'.ir shoes of the commonest so. t elrewhere. Complete Lines of Crockery, China. Glassware, Groceries. . i t-t Mm i rrr-imrn in i m i nijBMJiM1iiLMiij and tho best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stetter's, 206 V. 2nd Street. 5s d.1 lustmum omits 3 .: FJrst St.