Silk Petticoats at $4.50 A special value In a bif? lot of new SILK this small price. Come In black, navy, brown, grej and green. Flood's Store Agents for K- & G. Corsets. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING .a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and .paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. THE LlN COUNTY Both Phones Mm 53 COMPAQ The Game Grop is almost Ripe and should be Properly Harvested "Gut voilr nun from U9 and be ready for the trouble ahead We have a line stock of the famous Peter a Wlcd wiui bulk, densu and Bemi-smokelesB powders. ; Mukn your selections while the line is complete. Hufoort-Ohling Hardware Co. J. LEROY WOOD, I Mechanical Engineer. ' Foundations, Roois, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant design and nc-ilications. Power transmission,. Drawings made and checked. Albany Iron Works. Office, ' JAS. F. POWELL, ' Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made tor non-residents. ; 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red HOi. m TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, , Agent for the Clc-cland Gelscmte ' roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 C6LLINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. I Large or small timber tracts. ! J. M. RALSTON, i Insurance, Loans & Collection-!, j Have money to lonn in sir-.ll and ' large amounts. Notes and mort- I gages bought. I will bond you. I Property handled for non-resi-denu. . A. STARK,. M. D. , Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, j Osteopathic Physician, Albany Sial Ha"k Huilding. .R,. Black 1 Ionic 275 H. A. LEIN1NGER, Dentist, Clawford Block Albany : DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block Albany M. B. CRAFT, .242 West Second St., Albany, First-elass meats of all kinds from selected stoek HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 210 West Second Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Pcstoffice. Four chairs. Prompt and effic ient care of the face and hair. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. First-Class Work Guaranteed. Agents for Standard Patterns ABSTRACT CO. 337 West 1st. Ablany, Or G oing in V' Vn ' J " IS NOTHING HE11I-.K 1U lit Hive vou ever stopped to figure out HAD IN SOIL ON THE SURFACE iu , i i n ol iWtcOI'THISEARTll rc' av" you ever classified debts 8th $1.00 Credit Draft. Mrs. H. A ,irC. ll.HC J"" ... A ...... n .rr.r.,1 ri,.lili-,iiis am unrnilltcous.' The common idea of a person in debt is that of a person in a more or es elll position. Surrounded by creditors, hampered bv financial troubles, oppressed by all kinds of cares and worries there arc "'"dXho incurs debts man who recognizes Ins position society ; ml his duties to tlie worm as his last erctl (j,ors Almost every one in this western count rv has lieanl or re;i id of I.el.nul Stanford, the founder of l.eland Man- r.l I", ivcrsilv in California. When I., -lancl Stanford was asked as to the lound laiion of bis loitime lie replied, "I so debt." these riuhle The med my wealth l- going to ,..,riK. that U tollow ne. dehts eottld not lie of the tin- de-ire for a l.oiin the ,,t .m" :i unrll t'.l ol 11 world's stir- i:u-e i. lli'e desire ini' hre.i -t of all luiiu.iu beings, i ..,...,.1 ,1,1.- :nntiliou. n tlie com- To nio-t of us it is not given that we 114 Ferry St. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Baptist. Sabbath f.chool at 10:15 a. . m. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. A. , S. Douglas, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. .Grace Presbyterian. Morning sub ject. The Holy Spirit and a Witnessing j Church. Evening subject: Today To I morrow. At 10 a. ra. Sunday, school I observes Rally Day. Everybody come. I Vur are welcome, First Society of Christ Scientist. - bunday service 11 a. m , subject Un reality. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Con gregational Church corner 4th and Ferry. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. St. Pe'.er's. (Episcopal) .-Rer. Henry H. Marsden minister. Sunday services: morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m ; evening prayer and sermon 7:30, Sun day School 10 a. m. Strangers wel come. christian. Albyn Esson. ministor. Bible School begins at 10:30 a. m. It. ij followed by communion service and j morning sermon. Christian Endeavor at b:ii) p. m Evening sermon 7:30. Special music. Cordial welcome to all. M. E. n qJ J EMI , . . w c n... aiu .L ' 1 . vj. uuiuwi, josiui. xijc menus ai i 10:30 will be Divine Guidance, and at! 7:30 the text will be the shortest verse in the Bible. Class meeting 10 n'nUtp t JR. S. McDonough, Leader. S S 11:45. Dr. C. V. Littler, Supt. Epworth League 6:30, topic: Christian Steward-, ship, Glen Willard. Leader. Official' eSKlfeT- re3 er meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. A cor- aiaiweicometoan. at. Mary's. (Catholie) Ellsworth St. Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Rev. ! John Van Nevel, Assistant. Sunday services at & and 10:30 a. m. The pas- tor will officiate and preach from the iroane of the Sundav. At the evewino- evening service the course on the Council of the Church will be continncd and a few , remarks will be- made on the Eucharist- ic Congress of Montreal. The public is cordially invited. United PresrvSerian.-W. P White, Pastor. Morning service 10:36- Even- ing service 7:30. The Christian En- deavor will meet at the chuich at 6:S p. m. The young peoples' society of Christian Culture-will moot at the Pas tor's residence at 6:30 p. m The- studies in The Revelation on Tharsday evenings are proving to be quite - inter-: RBting. You. are invited t all these : services. j First Presbvtenam Kev. F'. H. ' Geselbracht, minister. Morning service1 10:30. Public retention ot new mem bers and celebration of the communion. Anv whit rieni e to unite with- the i church either bv letter or on profession i of faith are urged to meet the Session in the church at 10 o.clock. Vesper 5. Theme: An Apportioned' . Recompense. Snecial musical numbers. by Miss Smith and Prof. Wilson. S; S. at 11:4 ; Junior and Intermediate C. B. societies at 3; senior C. E) at 6 This is Rally Day and every member o f tha- church, S. S. and C. E. society la ei- nected in this place. New comers cor- . uially weicomea. Debt for Real Estate. may have the cash to purchase- every- Land all around, them, not, nearly so tiling for the satisfaction of our wish- well situated, nacding a spatt deal es; that is the reason why,, in: at least more grading, with not half so good ninetv 'ucr cent of cases, when homes a slope, has increased to this, extent or real estate in general is acquired, AT A TIME WHEN ALBANY WAS the nurchascr had to go in aeoc NOT UNRIGHTEOUS DEBT BUT DEBT OF THE HIGHEST AND MOST RIGHTEOUS QUAL- j-j'Y. To speak in the strictest sense-of the word it is questionable whether tlie purchaser of real estate is always a rfni,tr,r Wnuse real estate WHEN DIRECTLY BOUGHT,, ALWAYS cashier of a bank in Albany, who made TURNS OUT TO BE THE HIGH- this statement: "Nine out of every EST POSSIBLE ASSET. More for- ten young men; working, on a salary tunes have been made in real estate, do not save a dbllar untii they pur by the natural rise in values than in chase a piece of real estate." cold mines or in exploitation of any HAZELWOOD OFFERS YOU other kind. Mr. Carnegie, himself a TH E OPPORTUNITY. , man who has amassed one o the THE TERMS ARE ONLY $10 urcatcst fortunes of the age, stated DOWN AND. $10 A MOOTH. that the safest and most permanent WITHOUT INTEREST, AND I of investments is real estate. PAY THE. TAXES- HJNTIL YOU It does not have to he in acreage; it ay be in the smallest of lots. Now, Air. aim sirs. v age-corner, whose every dollar means much to vou it is to you that the appeal ot tins advertisement is especially made. AT- TRACTIVE LAND HAS BEEN OPENED. T11A.N WI11L11 fUK INVESTMENT PURPOSES OR FOR HOME BUILDING THERE -winners ui h i .") " place for a Real Estate Investment : Money, 1 t. $25. Wallace Mrublc. Albany. 2,l. SIS V. V. brankhn Albany, 3rd. $10. Mary Lines. Albany, Credit Draft. t h'; Stoniban, mmn. j'". u, . in, ot". '"" ' "". V;, . mii, lo, nirs. ii. ii. i, "in, ?iu. iaucnc ivngan, .mu.oi.. lihh. $10. V. K. Ulam. Alliany. 1 1 ill. i", i.eiaiui v.recn. l.'tb. $10. Gertrude Bilyen Albany. Kith. $10. A. Carothers. Albany. i.y orm-i u 11 7IV"" " ,''' ing oi .Mr. i- u. ,;"-- " ' llonl.-v and Mr. W . B. Stevens. 1 he winners will please can at oince of Sterling Foster. 114 Ferry St., for"' heir awards. V i know vou Ml. SI know that the are. nine of these lots, situated as they are. must ami will increase to the ex tent ol a hundred per cent vviuiin tn next two years hv MISFTS. The Balooft or the home, which. Albany is getting there steadily. Linn county 6houirjgo forward along ill lines. A city should have character as well m growth. The blind Die is- bad! ewmeh. The saloon M ten times Worse' It will tome, a law nretfSntino' the shipment t liquor into dry counties. The New York democrats' vsterdav nominated John A. iix, a veteran, for governor. President Campbell, of the tti O. makes a plea against snobbery. Uhere is too much of it in college life. The insurgents, are now standing Ibr the things the democrats standing for for years, have bam Four-fifths of our resources are iff Vlio inuua VI IUV SUUUUpUlSUJ, jwiicj, uu uur laws nave oonR i;'. Scott Ward, a democratic war horse,, nominated for constable on the rennhli- ear ticket one of tin-humors of the primaries. Thnii,f t. ,-. aiii thl brreirpVaBulL re n0 lonaor a border'' flmntier. w are all Uj; c. , . t. . . .. , otandirinthe rotundatof. Wnele -aai's P'agn stamp, store this morning it was ? wwnrar tne espresMona, fed"? liJfht statements, were taken Irm 'ne Doxes-onuer ihe-new-surrange- Sweet Home-llas the same- mart for committeeman, on the republican and democratic tickets. As he-is a demo- . USP w give tne. oenaacrats the ln?'de workings of the. republican All suits lust s!5 at W. F PfeifferV. j FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one-i and a half miles from Albany, new 7 ' room heuse and barn, running water j all year, give immediate possession' with crop. Terms: half down and i balance in easy payments. Inquire at 330 S. Mil n. tl i Woo Yard. ood delivered-to all parts of city on short notice. i6ice it residence 90S East 4th street Both 1 hones . D. EllEI3i ICementWork Estimates eiven on 'Plaaterancr. mates given on 'Plastering, Side ind Cement Wora. F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia walk and (Jement Worn " uuli unnL..j.mi.iJjitt. xnnn j IT IS NOW AiiD THAN. IT IS ; GOING TO BE. GET RIGHTEOUSLY IlS DEBT. vcm arc single, you owe-it to your- self to possess something fotr the leis- I ure of your future-years.. GET RIGH 1 HUUSLY lit DEBT, j I was talking this mornina with the ! GET A DEED, WHICH IS AT THE EXPIRATLCM OF THE CON- wwiw. AN ABSTRACT O.F OF TITLE uui-.o vvun cvtifi LU1, 1 F YOU ARE SICK OR Ol UT OP- WUKK, VUUR PAYMENTS ARE 5L?rr..vutu bULH TIME AS YOU CAN CONTINUE YOUR PAYMENTS CONVENIENTLY. advantage ot tins opportunity,- to GET RIGHTEOUSLY IN DEBT; t is the best debt yon could ever cor tract for yourselt. for your wife tar VOllT llltlin' Vll, VrtMr Mint!,...- ' , ' J"-"- mother-in-law. WHILE YOU ARE P.WIXfi YOUR DEBT, YOUR ASSETS ARE GROWING TO AN AMOL'.VT DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF YOUR DEBT. ilazelwood is city property bciiansc A' is built up to HazeiJwood NOW. I want you to see Hazelwoo. .My number is three, nine, ivine, on both phones. REMEMBER. IF YOU VISIT HAZELWOOD. YOU WILL BE J'NDER NO OBLIGATIONS TO KING ME UP ON YOUR PHONE N1 TELL Ml-: HOW MANY IN vOU R PARTY MONDAY. Home .v iieii. .;. "FOLLOW THE ARROW- I,.,., I, n t I ifv-1 TU MAZKLWnnn ( (2$QtZZ Albany, Ore. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER CONSUMERS Beginrriagf Oct. 1st and continuing antil further notice we will use the system of POSTAL CARD BILLING. Water Consumers You will montfoa post card giving the flat rate charged for wa ter during the month specified All water bills are delinquent after t&e 15th oS the month. , Electric Consumers: You month a post card giving Khe amount sf electric cur--rent usecf during- a eiven- time and' the amount ' charged for the same. All electric bills are delinquent after the 15 th of the' i month. :.Grt all Electric Bills paid at the company's office on or be ! fore the 10th of the month following that in which ser vice has been rendered, a discount of 10 per cent will' be allowed. This does not apply to flat rates or con tract rates. No discount on minimum bill 2KIIs Must be Paid at the Company's office on or before the 10th of tffc- month to receive this discount. Northwestern Corporation, 128 West rirst Street. s t THIS t i 1 A Bank o Unquestioned SafeSy and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $ 1 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 Q...Q 0 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout with s and you will be surprised! at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquitted. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,00a.00 Owned' and operated by tha stockholders of- the National Bank. Hirct WM. BAIN.. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULSY, Cashier.l ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very, small acorns a small sum opens an account in our bank -bstt, to have a big, healthy financial tree, youi must ba- persistent in your depositing;. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in. dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing;, tben you will branch out into better things and' be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. CCPELAND Am MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Butte, near GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS receive on the first f each' will receive on the first of each DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT THEY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON WE RESET YOUR DIAMOND WHILE YOU WAIT. BANK 5S ROUGH AND DRESSED Mill situated two miles east of Knox Santiam River. t t x X i