Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 07, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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We Try to Please Our Custo iers.
THAT is why we sell strictly high gi de unadulterated
THAT is why our prices arc so reasonable, and
THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling
F. G. WILL has the latest
in Jewelry, Cut Glass
and hand painted goods.
Walter Parker
Pirst cSass goads in their season.
PhoDc Main 58
but some of the finest buildings in
town are equipped with our plumbing
work. We make a specialty of iiiah
class sanitary plumbing and will be
glad to have you examine samples r.i
our wnrK-. V c have moved and are
now at 1 18 West Second street.
ags and Purses
Here is a charming assortment of Hand Bags and
Purses in all the new shapes and mountings.
Many leathers are represented in the gathering, and a
variety of sizes.
Some are severely plain, others richly ornamental.
We also show the silver chataline purses, now so
popular. .
Any of these bags or purses is an excellent value.-
Priced from $1.25 to $10.00.
Make Perfect
Ralston Electric
Supply Co.,
3'0 West Second Street.
Missouri Feed Store
For Flour and Feed,
Corner 2nd and Jackson streets.
BISHOP MOORF, Proprietor.
Bell phone 264 J.
A fine 'ot at our yard at this eity.juat
Phone Homo 431.
The Pantatorium,
43 W 1st St. Beli Fhur.e black 27 t
Home phone 196
WllV hllV (irrOeerieS
MM liy UU.y luc,lco
i Tfl o n A P aiiooc
wheb you can get the
following prices at
14 lbs Granulated Sugar...' $1.00
16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00
11 lbs Head Rice... L00
14 lbs Japan Rice.. ........' 1.00
16 lbs Broken Head Rice ........ 1.00
12 Ids White Beans 1.00
12 lbs Lima Beans. 1.00
10-16 ozpksRaisinns . 1.00
Get our prices before you buy.
The Grocer.
Sole Distributor for the
Hygeno A, the great
Disinfectant Germi
cide, Insecticide.
Gold Loin and Mandar Lice
and Flv Killer
35 East 2nd Street.
For ruilding, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samp es at VI. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, K. D t. Phone, home
! 23u5.
Grandma's Spectacles
were good enough for.
yejjlden times.
Moilern lime
tqufN fpocferA
E. C. MEADE, Optometrist.
329 2nd Street.
Made in Albany mv ro 1 Edjr r; in
the KE.iT in :he "market.. Vnric i-.s
grades Hd prices from SI. 25 upwar. .s.
Every in ch branded with my name.
Look l.-.r it. Esamins these shingii-
befor tuying elsewhere.
h A. TttOMPSi N.
We ue no ''v kiln.
Milk Notice.
' On Sept. 1st Thi Golden Rule Ui Uy
will charge 8 cents per quari, $2 40 fi-r
i nvr.lh. 10 cents for extras; pints $1.40
j per month and 5 centH tor extras und
26 cents per evUon in can.
, 11. M. Palmer, Prop.
News From
Albany's Six Early
' Elmer Wills, of Rossburg, formerly
of Lebanon and Corvallis, and his
brother Rube, of Lebanon, went to
Brownsville to attend the funeral of
Mrs. E. G. Sperry, af relative. The
former reported Roseburg progressing
wonderfully with its seventy blocks of
Eavement and other improvements, but
e also complimented Albany upon' its
good looks.
R. Edson returned to the Quartzvi'.io
mines after being in Albany a few
weeks. He reporty a new strike up
that way, and continues to have faith
in what some call the Santiam mines.
A few years ago several hundred thou
sand dollars were spent there in devel
opment work and a fine mill installed;
but suddenly things dropped.
Prof. E. L. Wilson, the accomplished
violinist, left for Salem, where he has
a class. He is making good as a teach
er, a thorough student of one of the
best musical instruments invented.
J. F. Robinson, of Portland, a rest
dent ot Eugene, for many years, re
turued home after spending the night
at the home or his daughter, Mrs. JDr,
F. M. French left on the Springfield
road on a watch inspecting trip.
Mrs. G. E. Nicholls returned from
Corvallis. once her home town.
. Mark Weatherford left on a Browns
ville trio.
ti, A. jonnson lett on a short trip up
me Brownsville road. .
Albany Apples in St. Paul.
One hundred boxes of apples are be
ing gotten together for shipment to St
Paul, for a special window display in
the windows of a big establishment
there, a display that is bound to attract
attention. With Albany, Or., on as
fine a looking display as can be found
in the U S. it will help. Things like
this will put Albany in the Medford and
tiooa Kirer class.
Our Apples.
Mr. Stone, an extierienced Colorado
fruit grower has located here, taking
an interest in the Linn Co. Orchard Co.
He has been surprised at the splendid
showing of apples here. The quality
and looks of our appleB that have been
raised right cannot be beaten in the
worid- Mr. Stone sees no reason whv
the Willamette should not become fu
mous as an apple raiser. All that is
necessary is the right methods, and
this is coming.
Solid Ovster Meat, No Watered
stock, in Sealship Oysters, get them of
romlinson & uoiman.
The famous Sealshipt fresh eastern
oysters, as advertised in all the leading
magazines, are now on sale at Beam Co's store. . .
' Saturday at the Variety Store 100
Dover egg beaters 5c each.
10.) Dover egg beaters at 5c each,
Saturday at tne Variety store.
F.Q. Will for watches
MRS. A. B. KELSAY announces the
removal of her dressmaking parlors
to 211 BroadalbinSt. between 2nd and
. 3rd Sts. Ladies can bring their own
dresses and make them under my in
struction having the cutting and fit
ting done by Mrs. Kelsay. Work
must stay in the shop until finished.
Price 50 cts. per day. Hours 9 to 4.
Try it and get a satissnctory garment
for & small charge. Only a limited
number at once. til
FOR RENT.Well furnished house,
close in. Inquire Linnhaven Co.
WANTED Man with team to put in
12 acres crop at once. P S Ware,
COAL FOR SALE. fn small or large
, quantities. For prices see A. W.
Docksteader, 1197 Santiam Road.
Home phone Black 176.
This Addition has just been
placed on the market, and ow
ing to its every natural ad
vantage, is destined to become
THE residence district of Al
bany. Only five minutes' walk
fro n the Post Office. See us,
vc can save you money.
C: ..!.. VS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts.
! '2 W. Ut St. Albany, Or.
( viw
.vi-, Ll(lr "v.;r.v Th jm-::-
mr c i on for makin".
nH I .to!!, for sale l 11.
; U D. 4. Home phon 2!1.
D! V R'HM V Lr W:U.
Osteopathic hssician
1-3 tirt-n:.'i- Block, A!: i ny.
Phoies: O'-Rcs Home 3C9, Bell b!w
2751, R isidence 394 Home, b.'ack &C3
Kavanaugh Lugger, On Wednesday
mornine. at 8 o clock, at the bathetic
church in thia city, Dr. H. 3. Kavanaugh
and Miss Katherine Logger, hoih 01
this city, were united in marriage,
Father Lane officiating. Mr. Harry
Shea appeared as best man and Miss
Minnie Lugger, as bridesmaid, Sis'ei
Clementine performing the wedding
The groom is a member of a prom
inent Portland family, a successful and
popular physician here and the bride is
an accomplished and loveable young 1
engineer of the North Western Co.
ihev left this afternoon for Seattle
on their bridal trip, after which they
win be at nome in this city.
The Tuesday Club,
The Tuesdav Club held its first meet
ing of the season yesterday afternoon
- - l 1 1 . r XT T . i :.u -
with Mrs. C. V. Littler, with a good
delegation of Tuesday callers. The get good material and good work by
social session was enlivened with a experienced trimmers at lowest prices,
strenuous contest in making things out Sea for yourself,
of gum, and it transpired that the c'"b ;
had several sculptor geniuses. Mr
E. Hulburt won the fust prize. 1: r
large butterfly could almost work '3
wines, and the assortment of anin. -ls
would have made Teddy" take to Ins
heels. Notwithstanding the amount of
gum chewed the delicious refreshments
coming afterwards were greatly en
joyed, and the entire afternoon was
full of pleasure.
You Will Be Tagged.
The Civic Improvement Club iB pre
paring or tag day, when Albany pec
ple will be requested to go down into
thoir pockets liberally for the depot
park fund. A splendid start has been
made, and it is proposed to have things
assume still more improved form, with
some green and plants. The S. P.
would make a ten stroke if it would
put in some cement curbs with its
Grants Pass sand.
The Club has alBo voted to join with
the Modern Travelers in a chrysanthe-
man show this fall.
Notii.e to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by the
clerk of School District No. 20, Linn
county. Or., until the hour of 7 p. m.
Saturday the 15th day of Oct. 1910, for
the erection and completion of a public
school building for Dist. No. 20, Linn
nans may oe seen at tne omce oi the
architect, wm. Hand, VJinn Block, Al
bany, or of the clerk, -T. A. Jones, Al
bany, Or., R. F. D. 2.
Ed. Schoel. Linn county's famous
poultry and pig raiser, has lust won the
silver cup at the stock j udging contest at
North Yakima. There were sixteen
contestants, and draft horses, sheep
and dairy cows were en t. red.
New suits, new coats, tonay,
i Chambers & McCune.
All overcoats just $15 at (V. F.
NOTICE. The party is known who
changed the figures on my sign board,
block 3 Hazelwood addition. If done
again will --oe . prosecuted. W. M.
329 S::or.ti Stree', Between Ferry & Broadalbin.
When You
Our Way
You cut out the elements of doubt. We've a hab
it of using the word "satisfaction" as something
more than a mere "talking point."
It's an existing reality, and it proves out in the
clothes. That means a lot of care and knowledge
on our part.
We handle only clothes on which we know you
can not fail to get the greatest measure of ser
vice. Don't let the season half slip by before you get
your new suit and overcoat. Be one of the first
with the new styles. In buying here and buying
early insures you double satisfaction.
Bultimoie for Bicycles.
Fisk tires at Baltimore's.
Fishing tackle at Baltimore's.
Holt again at the Holt corner,
A neat place. Holt's Meat Marxet.
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
Raincoats and eravenettes $15, at W.
F. Pfeiffer's.
For those big, fat eastern oysters see
TomlinBon & holman.
Fancy feathers 25c. trimmed hats 25c
,and 50c, at Mrs. Rooklidge's, 128 Fe-ry
Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F.
M.;Wilson for piano, instructions. Home
phone 353. 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock, ,'st
street over French's.
Dr. W. R. Shinn, physician and sur
geon. Calls answered day and night.
Office, Hinn block, Residence 119 E 7th
street. Both phones.
The cheapest place in Albany to buy
your fall and winter hats is at the Band
Box Millinery Store, 116 Ferry St. You
The Home Restaurant is again
with its choice meals.
The boys of G. Co. have received
their new drab uniforms, neat affairs
in the latest style.
Calef Bros, base ball team, of Port
land, which were easy for the Albany
Colts, claim the championship of Port-,
S. A. Rodney has moved f 1 om Cor
vallis to Albany to reside, and iB at 1106
south Ferry street. He does yard
worn, grading, trims trees, etc.
A better citizenship banquet will be
held at the W. O. T. U. hall this even
ing at 6 o'clock, with Dr. Parsons, of
Portland as the speaker.
W. M. Kidder, is in the Alberta coun
try, where be will soon be joined by his
family, who are preparing to join him
tor a home there for a few years.'
The democratic -candidates of this
county will begin the campaign with a
meeting at BrownBville next Wednes
day, the 12tb, with the next meeting at
aweet Home on t riday the 14th.
The Albany high school foot ball
team will play its first practice game
Saturday with a picked up local team.
It is getting some good games scheduled
with Salem, Eugene, Portland and
other places.
The U. S. Civil Service Commission
announces an examination on November
23 and 24, 1910, for the position of forest
clerk, (male) kt an entrance salary of
$1100 or $1200 per annum, in the Foreit
Service. A knowledge of bookkeeping,
stenography and typewriting iB required.
For application blank and full informa
tion apply to the Commissipn's local
representative at the post office this
GARBAGE. If west of Lyon street 50c
month. S. B. Penny the garbage
man. Home phone 2303.
GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater looks
after garbage. Phone Home 2303.
WANTED. At once, a man to work:
at J. L. Irvine's parage, Broadalbin
street. 4t
FOR RENT. 7 room house, with hot
and cold water, baths. See Fish &
WOOD. Slab and oak grub wood for
Sale by A. W. Dockateader, 1197
Santiam road. Home phone black;
Buy Clothes
Dependable Clothiers.