The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 19 cents a Week ; in advance for one year, 4.0C By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $;i.5ll. The Weekly Advance per year $1.2D. At end of year $1.50. After 3 ye- s at 12. Home Vule Loings. The Heme Rule Association of Port land, which is making a colossal effort to perpetuate the saloon in Oregon, has a full page advertisement in Sunday's Oregonian, which is sai'l to be at the head of the movement, with the saloon in the rear, in whicti the baby act is played, by sqeualing at being called Whiskey, etc. The pretense of. the movement is to regulate the saloon, which everybody knows can't be don?. A saloon can't he made respectable, and the worst of all places is the aristocratic high licensed saloon, with its gilded attrac tions It starts more boya downward than any of them, and the H. R. A, is for it. The Association has employed some big talkers from the cast, a couple of wnom will no in Albany in tne interest ot this Redely bill, tlx ml up, and win tell the same old stories about how pro hibition does not Drohibit in Maine. where the per capita of deposits in the savings banks is the largeBt in the United States, but the masses are tired of this nartnershiD with the saloon, and farmer and business man together should vote for the home and against tne saloon on everv proposition. ft, ASSEMBLY NOMINEES. , The republican reprcsenlativc ticket in tins county, it transpires, is an as sembly affair, an interesting thing ifor voters to remember. Just before Ihe state meeting of the republican. as sembly convention in Portland the names of the delegates to the conven tion were published by the Democrat and other papers, and among them .were the following: P. B. BEATTY and J. W. MIL (C.ER, Hals'cy. . Mr. Bcatty is the nominee for sen ator from this county, and Mr. Miller Ifor representative. S. S. Train was not a delegate, but he wrote a warm letter in the Orcgoirian in favor of the assembly and against the anti-assembly movement. The Democrat is not informed as to Mr. Simpson's record on the question. L. E. Bean, the joint senator nominee, was a product of the assembly. There it is, full of assem bly, an institution foisted upon the people at a time when another method was ill practice. An effort was made hy the last legislature to pass a law providing for these assemblies, but it was defeated, and ill the face of all this these men arc seeking an office too important to be trilled with. If elected it means that the direct pri mary law, an institution of the people, will he in danger, for they have put themselves on record, all of them but Mr. Simpson. It means also that the . -election of U. S. pcnu'ir by the peo ple as now provided for under state ment number will be in danger, for the assetr ..' movement is aimed directly at statement number one, one of the most popular movements of this age. The voters of Linn county should run no risks. This is not a time for jeopardising these institutions of the people. M. A. Miller for state sen ator, A. A. Tussing, C. L. Shaw and '. J. Dcnncy, for representatives, arc all outspoken on these questions, and besides arc men of such standing as 1o make their election needed in the interest of Linn county, as well as in the perpetuation of the direct primary and statement number one. TUESDAY. The boss Resting. Oyster Pay, Oct. 3. Colonel lio.isu velt taked politics with Henry L. Stimson, republican candidate for gov ernor, c.aid good bye to Representative and Mis. Long worth and in the after noon visited nearby relatives. Roose velt will go to Froeport. Lonrf Island, tomorrow morning to speak to the Southern Now York friends' associa tion there. He is to start on a campaign tour of New York state, which will keep him busy until election, except while cm his trip to New Englan;! 1 i'i this month and his trip car!)- 1.; November. At the Motels u. V. .. 1 1) Weal Vi.-i.inui A . L-rawtorii LorvauiH. Phil Uiner, Lebanon H. Uroilie, I'ortlai.n. Dr P M Day & wife, S. -S. Sponcer & w.fe, Eugene. Win. U tiurdincr, Colorado Springs. Henry Hays. Kings Vul'ey. Joe Hanoi. Portland A. T. McDonald & wife, Los Angeles. Bond Ordinances assed An adjourned meeting of the city council was held last night, wrth all officers and cuuncilmen present but Curl and Snr-ll. Two ordinances were passed ono for voting on new bonds at a lower rate ol interest for the $75,000 bridge and sewer bonds and another for voting on $-10,000 sewers. Another heretofore passed is the flR.OOt) for n park fund, making threobond questions for the December election. The Texas Ranger. The Majestic Amu-mcnt Company will prc"-nt the ronanei) of tho west ern plain". A l'exas K.ingcr, including a band and orehwtin t tl "1"' " on Weiln.'s.lav nhtht. A Texas Ranger is taken f n--t a tbrilliiiK and beait in rf'X r Indian lomanee.when n bar. Hid i.t'":o!dn-:s are rescued whoa on the v.i' being m;r.- ucrccd by a herd of Apache devils, by the Texas Rangers , . Sea's on :ic at Woudworths. ANOTHER BIG ONE Promoted by the Tebault Real Estate Co. Linn County has another big orchard started, one of the institutions that is going to put this county solidly on the map as a fruit section. Last night the Linn County Orchard Co. was foimally organized with Ihe following oflicers: H. L Sumption, of -it. raui, vi inn., president; vv. K. Shinn, of Albany, vice president: C. W. lebault, Albany, sectetary and man ager, also directors; other directors elected are Wm. Bain of this city, and S. C. Carrow of Illinois. There will be two more, nrobably from the east, sev eral prominent eastern capitalists being at me uaca oi me enterprise. Articles were filed with the secretary of Btate yesterdav providing for the in corporation with $450,000 capital stock, in snares ui siuu, wnicn nas already been taken but about $35.00 ). The enterprise has been promoted by the Tebault Real Estate Co. 2600 acres have already been secured for the or chard, which will be located adjoining the Linnhaven orchard in tp. 11 1 west, and a short distance from the Ideal ar.d the Santiam orchards, Some of the farms secured are those of Uerl Unkey 200 acres, J. F. P. Mary, 160 acres; Julius Kowtz and two brothers 515 acres, W. F. Smith 200 acres; Wm. Miller 16S acres; John Chastine 100 acres; Mrs. Foren 120 ucrea; Wm Suitou, 480 acres. It is a big thing. 72 Killed. Monterey, Mexico, Oct. 3. Late news from the coal mine at Palu, where an explosion occurred Fridav night, in dicated that the loss of life probably will be 72 miners, niostlv Mexicans and Japanese. Because of the presence of poisonous gases, only two DOdies tnus far have been recovered. The force of thoexphuion blew down all the timbers in tne stope from the sixth lift to the surface. WEDNESDAY. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Final hearing set for Nov. 7 in estate of Sarah E. Ball. I' innl account annroved in estate of J. F. Peebler. Maniage license: Honrv J. Kava- naugh, 35, and Katherine H. Lugger, Deeds Recorded: A. F. Bahtke to W. E. Laurence lot Lebanon $ 200 Fischer Pros. Lumber Co. to Fisch- ' or Lumber (Jo. several tracts. . 1 H. M. Crar.o to Luzetta Smith & husbund IT ! j acres 1400 R. Volkm ii to 11. Bryant 51 86 acres 4800 R. Volltn- i. to R. nlcCali 51 86 acres .. 6800 J. E. Edwi, ds to H. Butzlauff & wf hit Jai. Park ad to Albany. . 1070 F. C. Bilyeu to V. K. Fraula & wf 289.44 acres 10 Maud Angell to Peter Bither 6 lota N Brownsville 1 Eat. Howuid tinight to Florence M. Bryan several tracts 1500 A china sin wer was given in Cor vallis in bonny of .visa Grace Nicholls, who is to marry Harvey ncbride of this city. , ; MR. WIDMER A Credit to North Albany. In a North Benton article the Corval lis Times says: At the C. R. Widmer property was seen one of the most up-to-date farm homes in the county. It is up-to-date t,:'chitccturnlly, has nil tho modern con veniences, water, electric lights, sleep ing porch, etc. The property is well kept up and looks like all farm houses ouitht to look with a lawn in front and tho back yard as clean as the front. Three large barns testify to tho pros perity. Mr. vt itinier lias lii acres and trrows grain pretty largoly. Haa throe acres of "valnuts and some small fruits. Runs a community cidrr and winepress; actually presses out about 2.000 gallons on Thursday, using a threshing engine for power. .Mr. Widmer is one of the really "big" fellows of that section and his place shows it However ho kicked about lite roads down tho way and aftergoing over lliem the party had to confess that his kick is a righteous one. Public Sales Successful. Tho public sale of W. E. Anderson yesterday was a great success. It umountcd to about $1900, and nearly ail was cash (iood prices prevailed. The sale of E. E I'arrish a few days before wiu also a ood one, the total being over lai.i.i Allot tins was cash but one abort uuh- dote o' "LJH, speaking fur the pt'i.speiitv ,il tne LinncotiiMV larni- er. Westftt'!. Aluinv's expert auc-I tioiieer. did the crying for both sales. I The O.o in. i;in, which used to sitl ow Jon t ...n Botir.i- woo..., is now a :itm imn an uintier of names anil s!i' u in; tip h. icouui. ile h.ts visilej (li. .en niii.- iwi-'e n t.Mlr years lip i played ii nnis while Oicoa mere'i:..,is we.'o i enied their share ot gove. anient ;;.i-.vhy alticd in with l.:i;. :( i,mi v ,;i... ' ' ,i'.h, -I ,-, m-.iiii, t. I;... o:o..i .ii -ii.C I i.c i. . Ii ; . ice i. THE GRANGERS On October 1st the first meeting of the Linn County Council for three months was held in the hall of Grand Pr..irie Grange. Members were present from ten dlleient granges. Iteooris from different granges were of flattering nature allowing a deep interest in tho work. Correspondence from the National G -,.nge in reference to needed legisla ton was read and referred with a r port in the afternoon. A call from the dining room caused a cassation of business and all accepted the invit&tion and partook of the splen did dinner. Afternoon session-was largely taken up in listening to suggestions for good of the oroer by Bros Froman, Denny, Mitchell, Powell, Nolan and others. Later the business was turned over to the ladiies with Mrs. Ellen Morgan in the chair. Tbey gave a goo-i enter tainment and showed they were the eqnai it not superior to the men in lit erary work. The next meeting will be held with Crowfoot Grange near Lebanon, Nov. 6. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Baker City has adopted the commis sion form of government. Born on Oct. 3, near Tangent, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archibald, a girl. The population of Lincoln. Neb., is 43,973, an increase of only 0.5 per cent. Portugal has a revolution in progress. Thd rtnrr koll haan c.HHm.nn I I. . ...... mug uu uttii aiuiuwjucu aiiu IliJ- prisoned. Earl Fortmiller of this citv is on the track committee of the freshmen class of the U. O. It is said that the Colifornia con tractors of pavement in Roselnrg are losing money on their contract. Thirty-seven oeonle were k lied in a train wreck near Staunton, 111 . yester day evering. It was due to the disre gard ot orders. Rev. F. K. Z'jgg. who has been preaching at Marshfield the past year, resigned to return to Ohio. He ia a former college instructor. Chas. Robinson, ot Oretrnn Citv. haa been elected yell leader of the U. O. tms yeat. Mr. Robinson is also an orator and a good student. Gov. Hughes, of New York, has been appointed sum-erne judge to succeed Judge Moody, and will accept. The appointment is a good one. Hughes is a man of strong character, and large ability Oliver M. Hickey spent $98.69 in run ning for the office of representative at Portland. He is an Albany college graduate. Pat McArthur spent $94.85 and was defeated, George W. Joseph, who beat him $74. .. Siegmund Frank, president of the Meier & Frank store of Portland, died yesterday. He was 60 years of age and had been in business 38 years in Port land, first as a clerk for Mr. Meier, then his partner, marrying his daugh ter. An operation was performed upon Senator Robert LaFallett. at Roches ter, Al inn., yesterday br the celebrated iViayo brothers, and eight gall stones removed. Rev. C. R. Stevenson, of Chicago, formerly of this city, is at the same hospital awaiting an opera tion for the same cause, when his turn comes. 14 on Two Tickets. Fourteen men in this county have been nominated for office, seven dem ocrats and seven republicans: C. J. Shedd, F. M. Barr, J M. Bilyeu and R. Shelton for justices, L. St. John, T. J. Stevens and Phil Ritter, for constables, on the democratic ticket, and W. M. for clerk, A. L. Geddes lor surveyor, Wm. Fortmiller for coroner, O. T. Porter and. L. L. Swan for justice and Geo. Slavens and John Catlia for con stable on the republican ticket. All on both tiickets Th Jury List. Following is the jurv list for the cir cuit court convening Cel. 2: Albany. E. F. Wiles. Brownsville. ,W. it. Kirk, G B.. Pugh. Center. W. H, Cnandler. Halsey. George T .ylor.E. E. Ghorm- ley, C. L. Falk. Kingston. Al. M. litus. Santiam. Ed. Dorgan. Syracuse. -J. A Jones. harnsourg. r'rana Dnmpey, Frank Wigle. F. G. Burkhatt. Foster. C. W. Godwin. Shelourn. Howard Montgomery, E. D. Jones. Orleans F. G. Blumhart, H. C. Ohling. Lucomb C. E Soule, J. L. Daven port, V. T. Hassler, hi. R. Carlton. Rock Creek H L. Kaplinger. Price.- A. B. Marshall, E. L. Peebler, Wm. Heinrieh. Ed Smith. Tangent. - C. Scott. Leuanon. Grant Lindley, G. D.Har ris. Waterloo. - F. T. Timmonds. Equalization Notice. Tile County Board of Equalization of taxes will meet at the oliiee of the ciHinty clerk, Monday, October 17, 191(1, and remain in session for six days, for llle purpose ol publicly ex amining ihe assessment roll and to correct errors in valuation, doscrintion or qualities of laud, lots or other prii; erty. All persons interested are herein untilied to appear at the ap pointed time and place and. if it sli;Ul appear to said l'u.ard. ihat lands, lots or other property be twice, or ;issesetl in the name oi any per son or perMHis not the owner tlu-icof, or ......cscd tinker or bevoml its value, o; ;.oy luntl, lots or other i'!o;n.riy not ;i- -,--eti. tlu-y will make the proper c . A tton, p. a Mcknight. County A-e.-sor. MISFITS, Some assemblyism in Linn county A man is a failure if he just maeks money. All the same the assembly got an awful whack. vNow the farmer can plow his soil for next year's crops. It is fun to s?e Bourne and Bowerman whack each other Foot ball is a parlor Jgarne compared' wiin mu uuto race. All the laws are violated some, but we have to have them just theBame. Roosevelt has now blossomed into a genuine boss, and the people had prom ised to have no more bosses. Posted in the S. P. off ce is the sicn in big red letters: If the Company Is Not Prosperous Will You Be. At Lebanon both the paper mill and the saw mill are shut down because of the unreasonableness of some people. Bowerman and Bourne are having a bout, two shining lights in the republi can party, in which intense harmony' prevails. Don't be fooled about this regulation of the saloon with high license and re strictions. The best saloon that can be created is an enemy to the home. A hobo wrote back to Eugene declar ing it to be the only solid citv in the uallnn tU U;:itnnn D Unl-I.. . .one. v uro n iiiauiciw. i lumtui. Kvk some biscuits made by a school girl. Two fool New York women wearing fool hobble skirts had a fool foot race on 43rd street, N, Y., and one of the fool women fell. What fools wemortals be. Mayor Rose, of Milwaukee, appealing to cnurcn members and pronibitionists ; ot the church and the home, is a colos sal joke. , The law for the prohibition of theft does not prohibit it entirely but it helps wonderfully, and is a good law just the same, even if the big cities ao reek with thievery. Portland is reeking with blind pigs, and the U. S. government is in part nership with them. It doesn't care a whoop just so it gets its tax. Some day Uncle Sam will wake up and there will be something doing. The saloon is the enemy of everything that ia decent, and good people should be the enemy of the saloon, whethei on low license, middle license or any kind of license, and regardless of blind oiggism, which also must be met. The best students in the Universities are those who keep out of the frats, the neoreBt of all students, according to a writer m the Telegram, home of them are breeding places for mighty bad habits. The frat students as shown barely get through. Parents would do well to have it a condition that students keep out of the frats. i. R. Knodell, of the anti-saloon league, of Portland, says Mayor David S. Rose is a cheerful liar, and an elo quent one. His statement about Maine and Kansao are declared to be false and misleading. The Home Rule Associa tion is undoubtedly working for the perpetuation of the saloon, the enemy of the home. These are great days of schemes, The Northwest News gives a real estate scheme, under which one joins a club of ten persons, each of whom pays $5 down and $2.50 a month for 38 months and share in the profits derived from future sales of a $1,000 allotment, al ready worth $1200 and bound to bring $2,000 in a few years. Each allotment contains ten choice building sites, etc. It is undoubtedly a great thing for the company. Mayor Waters of Corvallis has re signed on account of poor health and the council has appointed C. V. Johnson. The weather prediction is: fair to night and Thursday, cooler tonight. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the estate of Joseph Wanas, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased, will, on Saturday, the 5th day of November, 1910. at the hour of one o'clock p. m., pursuant to an order of sale duly made and en tered in the matter of the estate of said deceased, in the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, on the 6th day of September, 1910, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the front door of the court house, in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, all the follow ing described real property, belonging to said estate, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of the north projection of the Dona lion Land Claim of R. H. Pollard, claim No. 58, in Twp. 10 south. Range Z west of the Willamette Merid ian, in Linn county. Oregon, and run thence south S) decrees 4S min utes eat aloni; the north boundary line of said claim 9.50 chains to the center oi Thomas Creek: thence in a . . iVrection foUowiujc the .-en ter ! the :ttd creek lo a poii-.t 10 ,-iT,;: M'l'lh anil 5 chains non'i S i'ii- -.ce-' 4S minutes west iron-, the pl- .-e of beeiunin,-;-: thence niuih 10 in.-: thence sunt!-. SO decrees 48 to the viae i n I. inn c "1"! ""ty. I le v ;mt court. 11. . t IK WITT. Adn C H NEWS N ew Suit--Application G..W. Wright register title to lots in ttlkins and Alien & Hawkins additions to Albany. Dan Johnston attorney. Marrisg license:-John G. Rich, aged 35, of Albany, and Katie Alice Klamer, 26, of Lebanon; Ray S. Vaughn, 21, of uiucneji. and marcna if. lioodwin. z. ot Fost.r. Deeds recorded? Louis Knauf to N. 3. Kirk et- al 55 acres $ 6000 C. A. Curran to A. Larothers 2 lots bl 44 rl's 2nd ad 1 Elmer V. Suess to Mrs. J. H. Kennedy 10 acres 10 XL. P. Hedrick to J. B. Keeney 5 aeres 337.50 Deeds recorded : Jaob Fitzwaiter to Lulu Fitz- wlter$ acrej, J 150 Lewis Montgomery 10 E. W. Ring llaii acres 1 J. J. Barnes to H. C. Miller 100 acres,. , 1700 In estate of P. J. Russell Rebecca E. RuSsell filed for E ectorship. Election expanse account filed as ft 1 lows: M. A. "iller 37.25; F. C Stell macher O; W..t. Francis 13120. These fellows who whacked Bower man in the primaries until you could hear it across the state, telling some live truths, are now swallowing the whole bird. Glad they were defeated. The bankers nrnnnsp- ct mnnv nr.v.r svstem that will enual that, of tho II S r.... . .t r, . .. ucucr 1101. comoete fflin uncto aaTa. He may get tropical. ,...., ... 1 westerly direction along the south line : EXECUTRIX-NOTICE OF FINAL- of saa addition to thV east line of a SETTLEMENT. tract of iantl sol(i bv: Thomas M011- In l ic miller of llit-estate.oi Saraln teitfi and wile to Margaret A. Mon E. Ball, deceased. 6eittl et-aI by dcC(i recorded on page Notice is-hcrcbv given that the un- 191 vi,t. -tt" nf .r,... nml Re.-- dersigned executrix of the last will! , and testament-of said deceased has-j filed in the connty court of Linn coun- ! ty, Oregon, her-hnal account as such llnir nf Vnv.mW- 1010 .1 ,.ir, '..1t- ' in the forenoon has been set as the ' time by said court for hearing of ob jection to said report' and'' cfie settle ment thereof. " KATHERINE E: BALL, C. C. BRYANT, Executrix. Attorney for executrix:'. REGISTRATION OF LAND- TITLE In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Linn County. ' In the matter of the Application of The Central Land Company, by. A- B. Weatherford, its Secretary, to Register title to the following described real property to-wit: Beginning at the S. E. corner of block 96 in Monteith's Southern. Addi tion to the City of Albany, Lin n: Coun ty, Oregon, and running thence S. 1 degree 30 mjnutcs east on the ertst boundary line of the Donation. Land Claim of Thomas Monteith, Not. No. 690, Claim Mo. 647 in lp. 11 b. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer. Oregon. 1772.7 feet to the S. E. corner of the afore- said claim; thence south 87 degrees 15 minutes W 1425 feet to a point m thc eastern limit of the right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company; thence running in a northeasterly direction on a one degree curve, along saidi nght- of-way, deflecting to the right, with a radius of 5700 feet to a point which is- soutn y degrees o minutes east ect iruin toe o. c. cumcr ui iucn No. 100 in Monteith's Southern Ad dition to the City of Albany, Oregon; thence north 9 degrees 6 minutes west 957 feet to the S. E. corner of the aforesaid Block No. 100; thence north 80 degrees 54 minutes east on the south boundary ot Monteitn s sotttli ern Addition to thc City of Albany, Oregon, 1299 feet, to the place of be ginning, containing w.i acres, except ing all that part tormerly conveyed Dy deed to the O. & C. R. R. Company, for right-of-way. Also beginning at a poind on the south boundary line and 92S feet east of the southwest corner of the Dona tion Land Claim of A. Hackleman and wife. Not. No. 699. and Claim No. 62, in To. 1 1 S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer., Oregon, and running thence north 9 legrecs 13 minutes cast 1289 feet to a point: thence north 54 degrees 43 nun utes east 152.5 feet to an intersec tion with the vcstent boundary of the richt-of-way of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad, near Station No. 649 of the located line; thence along said boundary of said right-of-way in a northwesterly direction 716.2 feet, to an intersection with the south bound ary line ot Hackleman s second Au di ion to the City of Albany Oregon; thence alonp said boundary line south tf'i degrees 29 minutes west 1386 feet, to a point; thence south 40 degrees 4.' minutes west 974.5 feet, to a point; th-.'iice south 1 degree 30 minutes cast 9. '6 feet, to a point; thence south 47 degrees 37 minutes cast 1190.2 feet; thence north 88 degr- cs 30 minutes en st 67 feet, to tire place of beginning, containing 75.11 acres, more or less, saving and excepting from the two tracts above described thc following: Commencing at a stone monument at the intersection of the south boun dary line of the D. L. C. of Thomas Monteith with the easterly boundary line of the right-of-way of thcO. & C. R. R. Company, running thence in a northeasteriy direction with the south ern Ivmnilary line of Monteith's South ern Addition to the City of Albany. Orcein, thence easterly along said sotith boundary line to a stone nton tiT:ient at thc southeast corner of block Xo. Wi in said Monteith's Southern Addition to said citv: thence northerly alone; the cast boundary line ot said ick No. 06 and its prolongation a tance. of 263 feet, more or less, to a ".e monument: thence in a direct i- I designated as course "D" for '-t-qnent reference) to a stone mon :cnt un the southern honmhrv Hiu block No. IS in Hackleman's Sec- th ond Addition to the City of Albany, Oregon, 24 feet easterly from the S. V. corner of said block 18, measured along said south boundary line; thence easterly along the south boundary line of Hackleman's Second Addition to the City of Albany, Oregon, to its in tersection with the westerly side of the right-of-way of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company, as evidenced by that certain deed from Abram Hackleman and Eleanor B. Hackleman, his wife, to the Willam ette Valley and Coast Railroad Com pany, dated Sept. 21, 1886, and record ed Sept. 23, 1886, in Book "31,." page 179 of the Deed Records for Linn County, Oregon, a distance of 1380 feet, more or less, thence in a curved lin along the westerly line of said right-of-way of the Willamette Volte and Coast Railroad Company, a dis tance of 716.2 feet, more or less, to a' stone monument; thence on a liii'e1 bearing' south 54 degrees 34 minutes' west to an intersection with the southj erly extension of Thurston Street in' said Hackleman's Second Addition to the City of Albany, Oregon; thence northerly along said southerly exten sion of tliif west side of Thilrston' Street to a point distant 466 feet from the south boundary line of said Hack leman's Second Addition, sai'iil dis tance of 466 feet being measured at ritrut antrlcs' ro said Southern boun dary line of said Hackleman's Second Addition; thence in a line parallel to said south boundary line of Hackle man's Second Addition to Albainy, Oregon, and 456 feet distant tliure from (at right angles) to a point 200' feet distant (at right angles) from Course "D" hercnibeinre mentioned;: thence in a direct line to the place -of beginning. Beginning at the. southwest corner of block No. 100 in Montei'th's South' ern Addition to the City of Albany, inr' the County of Linn tnid state ot urev cron. at the intersection-of .'the west line: .- I- ..." : .1 fU.. A I . 01 i-ci rv otreei in sum uv ui - bany, with the southern boundary line: 'of said addition: run niii qt thence in al ords of Linn County, Oregon; thence southerfy along the cast line of said tract to the southern boundary line of Thomas Mbnteith's D: L. C; Ohe-nc boundary line to the western boundary line ot Ilic ngnt-ot-way oi me uregun and California Railroad' Company; thence in a northeasterly direction fol lowing Hie said western boundary line of said right-of-way to the- intersection- of said western boundary line with the west line of Ferry Street in the City of Albany, as tlia- same is no-w- located! and occupied at said point of intersection as a county road; thence in a northely direction along the- western line of said Ferry Street (or county road) to the place of begin ning, and containing 66.71 acres, more or less, alt in Linn County-. State of Oregon. ' Excepting- from the tracts- of land first and third herein described, a strip of land one hundred and seventy (170) fe-flt in wieftli adjoining the.- right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company (trow the So-nthcrn Pacific Railroad Company), on the westerly side there of, and -bounded on the north by the . tt. u, .r. i:.. ne -trAnf;ti.'c srathern Addition to the City of Al- b Q the. by the WOSEErly line of thc ri(rlit-of-way 0f the O. & C. R. R ebmpay; on the south by. southern ,.j-, n t fi, n r r nf Taomils Monteith, Not. No. 690 and No in T 1 1 S. R: 3 W. and .,, ., hv a 1in n-,raiiel with the westerly boundary line of said rillt.II,f.wa. f tne O. & C. K. R. Com- and one hundred and! seventy (IO), teet distant tneretroir Also beginning 12H chains- distant and N. I degree 30 minutes west from the S. W. corner of the D. L. C. of A. Hackleman and wife and running thence S. 1 degree 30 minutes east 12.50 chains; thence north 88 degrees 30' minutes east 13 chains: thence in at northcrty direction to tic place of beginning and containing 8.12 acres more or less, in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of thc Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, and being a portion of th property torrveyed by A. Hackleman and wife to the Willamette Valley & Coast Rail road Company, by deed dated March 22nd, 18S5, and recorded' October 20, 1887, at page 113, Book 32 of the Deed Records for Linn County, Oregon, save and except from the four tracts Iocatcd across thc same.( also except- ine the canal located along the exten sion southerly of Vina Street in the City of Albany, Oregon. Also a small tract of land bounded on thc north by 8th Street; on thc west by Baker street; on thc south by 9th Street; on the east by the east line of the Donation Land Claim- of Thomas Monteith, Not. No. 690. and: lh; WiHamette Meridian,' Oregon, all! in the City of Alban-, Linn County,. Oregon. Also blocks Xo. 79. 80, 87. 88 amf 89, lot 1- in block 90, lots 1, 2. 5. 6, 7 and 8 in block No. 101 and all of blocks Xo. 102, 103, 104 and 105 m Monteith's Southern Addition to rhe City of Albany. Linn County. Oregon. To All Whom It May Concern: Take Xotice, that on this 21st day of-" September, 1910, an Application was tiled by The Central Land' Com pany, by A. B. Weatherford. its Sec retary, in the Circuit Court of thc State of Oregon, for initial registration to the land above described. Now, unless vou appear on or before the 31st day of October. 1910, and -show cause why such application shall not be granted, the Tiue will be taken as confessed and a decree will be en tered according to thc prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing thc same. Witness my hand and seal of said Circuit Court this 2Jst dav of SenUm her. V;U J. W. MILLKR. Cot: I h -"v ,lerk and l-.x-olncio C : Circuit Court for l.inn Oregon. . W F. A T 1 1 F. K FO R D, and . WFATH ERFORD. A:;iTneys foi Applicant. of Coun--