Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 07, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Physichu an ' u im
lr niy. Oregon
Calls made in cirv and country. Phone
T S.--- inn rtftVA T:
.nil v. viii t.-rt tl.ut wu oiler it
wok ai fhi''. no itimtvr hr1 much you pay.
WYW"?!T,f..w we LniBb plate and
i's "'e.tiV' v' 5 l'H'ln work for ou
ttJWr -e.?None !njr If dealt).
freu when plate -or
;jj brnlgo work i Dtdr-
ftf,;, J cn, S5. 00
r t J. , i ' 22k Brid j. TMth4. 0 0
lra. " JV,'Enam.lFill 1.G0
''"' I 'c r:in Cfl
fi'plfi'l? 'Mu e nn
fk, fi?JB,;j,5Rrtl,t"-
I Pl.t.. 7.50
OR.W.A. Will. PrhixiiiiiMimh Painleis Exlr'tion .DU
All work full guaranteed for fifteen yean.
Wise 3esat&l Co. Inc.
Painless Dentists
Falling Bultdlnc. Third end Waslilrtjton. PORTLAND, ORE.
OHlM Hourt: B A. II. to 8 P. M. Sundayi, 9 to 1
For kidney and bladder troribles,
sciatica, rheumatic pains, neuralgia,
headache, weariness and sleeplessness,
"that dragged down feeling."
. Acting directly on the kidneys these
mild pills give almost instant relief
because they not only act as a tonic
but clean the kidney tissue of impuri
ties and expel the poison from the
So marvelous and universal are the
-results obtained that these pills ere
:fnlly guaranteed. Every druggist has
them. In 50-cent boxes only. If not
'satisfactory yonr money back. Don't
delay dont run the risk of Bright's
Disease. Get Swaiil's Kidney and
Back Ache Pills today.
Kansas City, Mo,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
county judge of Linn county, Oregon,
as administratrix ot the estate ot j
E. Fox, deceased, and all persons hav- j Doug Hamilton, of Scio, was an the
ing claims against said estate are iaity yesterday. Recently while .in Al
hereby required to present the same f bany preaching some one threw a pail
with the proper vouchers to the un- of water upon Doug's head. For a joke
dersicrned administratrix at the office ! he-was told that the Democrat man did
ot Percy R. Kelly, in Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, iv'ithin six month
from the date of this notice.
Albany, Oregon, September 9, 1910.
ANNA FOX, Admrx. ,
PERCY R. KELLY. Atty for Admrx.
MENT. Notice is hereby given' that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of John Barton, deceased, has this day
riled in the County Court of Linn
county, Oregon, his final account in
the matter of said estate, and said
court has fixed Moniiay, the 3rd day
of October, 1910, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. for hearing objections to
said account, if any there be, and for
:tbe settlement of sai8 estate.
J. W. BARTON, Admr.
:HEWITT & SOX, Attys. for Admr.
Having many calls for large and
small farms, also sure buyers if suited,
if yon Jcsire quick sales, call at my
offic, or vrlte a description of your
plate, mail same to my address, list
yi.v.T places with me. Experienced
. ..i thorM'.!-rHy acquaint-ed with c m-t-y
to sin v land. 13ct of automo. ile
f .-rvice. Home phone Elk. 276; P.cll
r.:one 2iO-R. Yours for business.
! 5. F. POWELL,
130 Broadalhin Sire.-.:.
Free nitrite, now w uuuuu jkimjuw
copyrigtaa, eta, N ALL COUNTRIES. I
Bttsiness direct with Washington savts ttnuA
money ana cjun tne patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice txcrawveiy.
I 83S Hlath Street, opp. Vsltod Btatt Friaat Offl,
I''ly Ob: '.In-r FEE RETU7NCJ.
THE LOWEST. Sena iihkM, ph'Ao or slte'.'.-h for
c.-rt arrli ni-A frte ifl'rt '.o patentability.
INFRINGEMENT v:M cordUi'Wd before all
court. Patents obtained thrown n. ADVER
SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtaiaed.
Opposite U. 8. Patent Office,
i. rt " " r
holley Trip a Red Letter
The Know Your Own County Trip in
automobiles to Holley yesterday was
one of the best things of the year,
proving a great joy ride. It was a
success. Several auios .joined the
crowd outside the city, making: thirty
rive in line and about on hundred fifty
people in them. All day there was
Harmony, good weathor and pleasure
; unstinted.
; Because of a delay in starting no
stops were made at Tangent and shedd,
nhniit half an knur InnLlnir cronnrl
1 Halsey, and Brownsville was reached
'on schedule time, he procession being
met, . uy uie muyor gnu citizens, par
lading the streets. A special exhibit
i was presented, and a cidtr press in
operation presented free sweet cider to
Everybody. Wayne Stanard made a
I neat address of welcome, responded to
1 by President McCune and Secretary
Van Winkle.
At Crawfordsville a stop was made at
I the saw mill, the church bells rang,
' school was dismissed, and George Fin-
ley made a fins addresSOf welcome, the j
Oregon is Going Dry, and then on to
Holley, wnere they were met by the
Holley Band, a good one, R. K. Mc
: Kinney the sage and citizens and taken
I to Grange hall, where Mr. McKinney
I made a stump welcome on a stump in
' front of the hall, responded to by J.
' K. Weatherford in another stump
I speeeb to the point. A spread that did
I credit to the hospitable people of Holley
followed, chicken, ham, vegetables,
fruits and pie galore. Mr. McKinney
ana i. u. rnnpoc pnocea me crowa to
the top of a hill and showed them the
Calapaoia and Santiam valleys, garden
spots. iHolley did itself proud.
Then on to Sweet Home with its long
street and waiting citizens, w aterloo.
wUh its great power, and Lebanon,
where they were met by the band in
j amomobiles. M. A. .wilier and others
j had met the crowd previously at Holley.
1 LUbunon was seen, supper taken at the
: Lebanon hotel and Albany was reached
lea bchedule time.some before 8 o'clock.
' Jt was a joy ride and ,a wonderful
i success, an event long to be remem
bered. A neat event at Holley was a joy ride
given the school children and old peo
irtie. some riding for the first time.
One Albany man is said to have picked
out the best looking Holley girl tnd
taken a ride all alone.
A plessant feature of the trip was
the meeting of Miss Mattie Swan, for-
! roerly of the Albany schools, now prin
cipal of the Crawfordsville schools.
wnose pupus gave a nne arm.
All along the way the farmers had
small displays to be seen, some big
things, and were out with their families
everywhere to see Albany go by..
loue's Troubles.
it., niiu uuw jvuug uauo 1.110 i"mi auutib
Town all manner of names behind his
back, and has to go to all the picture
arrows to calm nis nerves
The Third Time.
She subject at the Methodist church
tonight will be: "This is the third time
I am coming to you." II Cor. 1SJ.
Tke topic is timely, and I am anxious
to see all the congregation present, that
we may rededicate ourselves to the
work of another year. W. S. Gordon.
Ercene is to have an apple show Oct.
Ob West carried Benton county 189
to 23.
A. M. Templeton's official majority
over Sol Lindley for sheriff is 18.
It will do the people good to study
these 32 Questions that are to come ud.
an educator, and they will do it.
D. 0. Burkhart secured a dozen fine
views on the Holley trip, and has some
post cards with the scenes. Order them
The republicans of New York yester
day nominated Henry L. Stimson of!
New York city for governor. Ho is an
Mrs. E. H. McCune yesterday after
noon entertained in honor of Miss Myr
tle Chanberlain, a cousin, of Portland,
a delightful social event.
vi iss Orah Harkness last evening en
tertained a number of friends in honor
of her guest Miss Hallie Reynolds, of
Portland, a pleasant affair enjoyed by
J. E J.parned, tr-ivcller for the
Honeyman tlaidware Co , died in Port
land last W;t:ht of diebetis and Bright's
iLease. He has been coming to Al
uany a good many years, a populai
The O. A. C. will have its first foot
ball game with the alumni Oct. 15.
Bird N. Hawley. of Star, is the new
captain, and Keck, Huntiy, Dunn
and Engberg will be amonc the old
men back. O. A. C. hardly looks like
a wir.nerthis year.
The insir.p man who escaped from
the 'tt i 'ottage Grove was cap
tured by Sivriir Bown, eamiii?d, com
mitted to the asylUT), and taken then
today. His name was John Bolin, t
sailor from liellingliam, where he hu
a faiiiiiy.
The L.of T. club held a meeting Wed
nesday evening, Sept. 28 at the home oi
tliss Nellie Moore's, at which the fol
wing officers were elected: Preident J
"arroll Richard: Vice Pre?., i,ov,i-t
Leatherman: See.. Sadie Groshong:
freas.. Bell Tpompson A good sociai
time wa3 had and refreshments were
Present, the mavor. reeo-der. chief
of police, street superintend .in ana all
councilmen but Marshall
Bills were allowed as follows: J. A.
Warner. $130 (.9: Raymond Tomlinson,
$39 00; J. V. Pip". $13.bM: H. J. Jones,
$1.65; C. G. Rawrings. jy 65; F. M.
Keiiheld Si.9j; Aiouny livnster Co.,
$1.60; Albany Iron Works $8.75; Alb
any Lumber (Jo., S1U6.&4: rl. Bi v int,
$5.10; JPeter Ri!ey,?4J.50; Diws.ji &
swanK, ji.ou; Koner iirus.. 5o.o'., ig.
Steinhart, $2250; A. Fuller, $J 50.
Petition of John Umuhrev for a
sewer across Hill was granted. Bids
were ordersd advertised for.
An arc light was ordered at First and
Bill of the P. E. & E. for street
spri.-.kling .was continued owing to a
misunderstanding about it.
Judges and clerks of election were
appointed as follows:
First ward. O. W. Warren, E.
Washburn und G. C. Turner, judges;
H. F Merrill, Z. H. Rudd clerka.
Second ward. S A Dawson, T. J.
Stites, W. C. Tweedale judges; M.
Senders, F. H, Pfeiffer clerks.
Third ward. -N. D. Conn, H. W.
McElmurry, John Livingstone judges;
A. W. Bowersox, W. M. Parker clerks.
The ordinance protecting pavement
rfr? . omo' r't..r:
arrangements to prevent gravel leaking
uuuer it Biavei wagoua iuusv iiavo ,
An ordinance was passed providing
for voting on issuing bonds not to ex
ceed $15,000, for the buying of a city
park, known as HacKleman's Grove, at
the 'December election, ine interest
shall not exceed & per cent.
The matter of bonds under the Ban
croft act for paving assessments not
paid was referred to the ways and
means committee upon, the request of
J. W. Cusick & Co., bankers.
Adjourned until Monday evening to
cons' Jer the ordinance providing for
VDti.ig 475,000 Bonds to replace the
same due Jsov. 1911, at a lower rate of
News from Albany's Six
i It was as slow a morning as one
; often runs into at the depot, generally
live piace.
Ex-Sheriff Dave Osborn, one of Bert
ton county's best democratic war
horses, came over on his way to Port-1
land. Victor Moses will be elected
judge, he said, and every man who is
assembly will be defeated. In the state
West is sure to be elected governor.
Engineer Bob Moore was "figuring on
the length of time he has been working
for the C. & E., since a short time
after Hammond bought the road, when
Mr. Osborn remarked that he was the
sheriff who sold the road, which was
in 1895, making Moore's service almost
fifteen years straight.
Mrs. H. Y. Kirkpatrick and Mrs
Lingstrum and son came down from
Mr. Rooklidge, the linotyper, re
turned to the tall tower in Portland.
A Novel Scoop.
Nothing could ingratiate a reporter
more in tne eyes ot tne managing ed
itor than a "scoop," Since the first
newspaper there has been every kind
of "exclusive story " but in tne comedy
nf "Thfi T.ottprv Man." n npw f?nmprlu
I by Rida Johnson Young, which the
bnnDerts will present at tne opera
house tomorrow night, use is made
of perhaps one of the most novel
"beats" ever found in the columns of
the press.
! "The Lottery Man" after its long
run at the Bijou Theatre, New York,
comes here with a cast of superior ex
cellence. The principal players are:
William Russell, Vivian Ogden, Lucia
Moore, Florence Robertson, May Dona
hue and others.
Killed a Grouse.
Upon a plea of guilty in Justice
Swan's court today S. A. Edmunaon,
a Troutdale saloon keeper was fined $25
for killing a grouse at Halsey. Ed
munson after a Southern Oregon deer
hunt Btopiied off at Halsey for some
birds, a deputy was soon after him, but
ha got away and fled home, where
State Deputy J, L. Green arrested him
last night. Mr. Green reported secur
ing the conviction of eleven or twelve
in the volley for killing birds out of
season, spotted by a corps of deputies
through the valley. '
An Object Lesson.
There is an object lesson at the Com
mercial Club rooms: eight plates of
different kinds of apples, perfect in
make up and color, raised by F. M.
Mitchell, who sprays in Hood River
stylo, and two or three plates from the
orchard of a neighbor, measlev looking
things, covered with sores.
Six plates of appl-o sent in by (i. C.
Stover of Oakville.also show what,right
methods will do.
Several plates of Alexanders pre
rented at Holley are attractive, ele
Tne Piper Boy
The three Piper Bros , of Seattle, are
in the city on a visit. Geo. U. has been
renominated for the state senate in the
31th district, the heart of Seattle,
where he has resided continuously for
21 years. He made a record before,
being the fnther of the fair bill and
othsr important, pieces cf legislation and
will undoubtedly be reelected. He is
in the real eats' e business, doing a
prosperous business.
The annual in'itute of the Linn
county teachers will he held Nov. 21-3
at this city. Yesterday Superintendent
Jackson was in Portland at a session of
;he exectutive board of the stute as
ociation arranging for the annual insti
tute at Portland Dec. 21-3.
Following are the new central com
Albany. T. J. Stites.
East Albany. H. W. McElmurry.
West Albany.-B. M. Payne.
N. Brownsville. -Peter Bither.
Crawfordsville. Wm. Conner.
Foster.-B. C. Nye.
Halsey. W.J. Ribelin.
N. Harrisburg. C. E. Maxson.
Jordan W. R. Ray.
Kingston A . M. Maris.
Lacomb. B. F. Raines.
N. Lebanon. -J. W. Burkharl.
S. Lebanon. G. W. Cruson.
Price. C. L. Shaw.
Santiam. Marion Crabtree.
N. Scio. J. A. Bilyeu.
Shedd.-C. J. Shedd.
Shelburn.-M. Kelly.
Sodaville. J. W.Wilson.
Sweet Home.-S. W. Wood.
Syracuse. Lee Miller.
Tangent. Marion Shaip.
Waterloo. L. M. Taylor.
There was no election in Calapooia,
Center, Fox Valley, Orleans, Rock
Creek, South Scio and Tallman. In
Knox Butte a tie Detween j. B. Doug'
lnr. D V U.1nfnn. L-.rt ,n c on-
Irisburg between J.L. Norwood and J
M phinot. nntl jn
between J. B. Cooley and H. Blakely.
Albany. M. J. Cameron,
East Albany. -L. M. Curl.
West Albany. -R. K. Ohling.
N. Brownsvills. F. H. Webber.
S. " . Jas. Hume.
Center. Geo. Wheeler.
Crawfordsville. W. H. Scott.
Foster. Dayton Harris.
Halsey ,-W. L. Wells.
N. Harrisburg. M. D. Morgan.
. R. " Grant Cunningham
I Kingston, Clifford Herald.
! Lacomb. J. C. Hardin.
N. Lebanon. Edward Myers.
S. " A. I. Crandall.
Orleans. Frank Hulburt.
Price.-F. M. Mitchell.
Rock Creek. T. H. Goddard.
Santiam. G. M. Nelson. ,
N. Scio. Chas. A. Warner. .
Shedd. Henry Freerksen.
Shelburn. J. L. Arnold.
Sodaville. .T. A. Meisner.
Sweet Home. Sherman Wood.
Syracuse. F. D. Haight.
Tangent. L. D. Simons.
No votes' were cast in Calapooia,
Waterloo. J. n. xurpin.
Jordan. Knox Butte and S. Scio for
committeemen, and there was a tie in Hi Parker and family, after a resi
Fox Valley between S. T. Brown and dence of two or three years at the Park
E. E. Trask, and in Tallman between er mill in the foot hills has returned to
L. H. Truelove and M. P. Briggs.
Another Local Option Contest.
A movement has been begun to have
the local option Question resubmitted in
this countv. It carried the last time
more than the first time. If it comes
to a vote it will undoubtedly carry this
time by far more than ever before.
The vote for local option should be so!
emphatic it will settle it for goodJ
Thin raanhmioainn id a rltafnrhor hnt- tho
This resubmission is a disturber, but the
people will meet it. No one can afford
to have their name on a petition for
resubmission. The last time thenames
were published and many did not like
it. They will undoubtedly again be
Albany's prosperity without the sa-
loon has been marked. Every place is
better without the home wrecker, the
enemy of society. Instead of improv-
ing business it makes it worse, because
it takes money from legitimate business.
but arguments are no longer necessary.
About the only argument now resorted
to is that there is just as much liquor
drunk anyway; but there is not, prob
ably not a fifth, though there is far too
much. Nor is there anywhere near the
drunkenness, though thpre is some, and
that made conspicuous. The blind pig
is around, but there are blind pigs in
sa'oon cities too and ate bound to be
with poor law enforcement.
A great many ptople have come to
Albany and Linn county during the past
two or three years because this is a dry
place. We should keep it so, . and not
only that, but elect men to the legis
lature who will neip pass a law tnat win
prevent the shipment of liquor into a
dry county.
The H S. A. A.
The young men of the .high school
met yesterday pf ternoon and organized
for tha coming year with a greatdeal of
enthusiasm The High School Athletic
Association from the jump off will mean
business, with an aggressive and cap
able lot of boys in the field. It is pro
posed to nave foot ball, basket hall,
base ball and a field team, everything;
going, putting the Albany high school
solidly on the map as a force in the
high school doines of the valley The
material if splendid, with a siudvpr
oody of two hundred fifty full of en
,'fhe new officers, who will manage all
the different enterprises, are:
Floyd South, president.
Prof. Lloyd Marquam, head manager.
Ncal liair,, assistant manager.
Dean Crowell, secretary.
Edmund Parker, treasurer.
A $35,000.
The big saw mill of the TrappiR
Fathers in Ulue Den was burned last
night ir,v.. 7ine a loss of about $:I5,000.
I he fire started under one cf the tw
entriues, which exploded, and both were
ruined. 1.000.000 feet of Inmber was
burne I. The siore was burned, but the
goodi inside were paved, bcie was ap
pealed to for aid, but too late.
The Weather.
Rannge of temperature 78-44.
The river .7 of a foot.
Prediction: showers tonight and Friday
McGuire McPherren. In the ca
pacious home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
McPherren, among the giant oaks six
miles northeast of this city, was a very
happy event last evening ut 8 o'clock,
when their daughter, Lela E. was mar
ried to Harry M. McGuire, of Portland.
Rev. W. S. Gurdon performed the cere
mony, using the ring service of the
Methodist church, under an elaborate
arch of autumn leaves with a bank of
roses and dahlias for a background.
Miss Lina McGuire acted as bridesmaid ',
'-and Verne McPherren assisted the .
groom, while a little sister oi me
eronm and a niece of the bride carried
iuc (lowers.
Guests were present from Portland
and nearer points, about fifty in all.
bringing many pretty presents, and en
joying the music and refreshments
which followed the ceremony.
Both parties of the happy pair are
first-class young people, and have the
congratulations of a host of friends.
After the honeymoon they will mal.e '
their home in the Rose City, where
"Harry" is a conductor on the street
Loveil Woolridge. - At the home of
Mrs. S. ti. Campbell on East 2nd St.,
last evening at 6 o'clock, Thomas H.
l.ovell of this city, and Mrs. Nancy A. ;
Wooldridee recently of Lane county, '
Governor Benson is again Governor,
in his cl.-ir at Salem.
The weather prediction U: fair to
night and Saturday
Jake Bilyeu, of Scio, was in town
yesterday in his auto. '
Dr. and Mrs. Kimme . of Lebanon.
returned today from the Bay.
One of the fastest growing cities in
the U. S. is Birmingham, Alabama. j
i E. E. Parrish left yesle-day for
Portland where he will reside the coming
Mark Hulburt left this afternoon for
. . . . . . - ,
Roseburg to attend the county fair and
see the races.
I E. B. Cummings and family have re-
turned from Culver, where they have
resided the past year.
Mrs. Nellie Henderson and daughter,
f r 1 1 1 1 .: . 1 .. L . 1 C
oiuaKiana, areviBiuiiK ai uie numu ul
T. L. Dugger at Scio this week.
i Pendleton is having a cow boy show
this week.and the casualities aremanv:
but the attendance is big and Pendle-
ton is wild with joy
his fine home place in North Albany to
resi :e. .
Martin E. Robinson, after putting
Pianafore on at Eugene is in the city
for the purpose of organizing Bellshaz -
zer and presenting it in
two or three j
An Idaho woman found a pair o shoes
lolnnorino, frn nnntripr wnmnn in l,pr
hnlnncrintr tn another woman in her
husband's possession and is suing for
divorce. He is a railroad man, Samuel
The Iucl(y one winninT the piano
j by the Woodworth Drug
tz. ... .... ..
Cn. will he decided to nicht bv the fol
lowing judges: H. N. Bouley, Chas.
Cusick, O. A. Archibald.
Rllpn RpAeh Yaw. with the neatest
range of voice of any one in the world,
is approaching. Metlford and Eugene
' ree ?nly 0re?" 9itieB outside of
, rc-raana to pay tne price.
1 The New York democrats are in
( session at Rochester, N. Y., with Judge
. Parker as chairman. Unas. Murphy.a
' tnvm TamtYiam, knoa lnnpb orllrtlir ia
present trying to dictate altairs
A good many Albany people are now
using coal. A need here are some
bunkers, where coal can be gotten at
any time without the long delay inci
.lent to tne order system.
Mrs. C. O. Lee, a resident of Culver
for several years is visiting Salem rela
tives. Mr. Lee has rented his farm
and will return to the valley
It hns
never agreed with Mrs. Lee at Culver,
Walter Brookins run a flying ma -
chine yesterday from Chicago to Spring -
held, with two stops, 187 miles in 7
hours and 21 minutes and won a $10.-
000 prize. This is a new record for a
continuous nngt.
John Alden Seabury and John H.
Blakelv. formerly of Salem, are pre
paring to start a daily paper at Bandon,
to be called the Eagle. Recently thev
have been publishing the Advance at
Aumsville, a live paper.
Dr. Warren H. Landon. president of
the theological seminary, of San Ansel -
mo, Calif., was in the city yesterday,
while on a trip through Oregon. He
was formerly pastor of the First Pres-
bvterian church ot Portland, and once
delivered the baccalaureate for Albany
.T W Ttalrpr ami familv arfl mnvino. '
from Uottage GrovW to Albany to reside.
Mr. Baker is tormer stute warden and ;
irs. Baker for a good many years has 1
lieen president of tho W. C. T . U. of
;ottagn Grove lliev are parents ot
Claire Baker of this city, and Albany
people nr.. glad to have them come this .
Rev. M. C. Wire will now look a' te
rns prune orchard at N;!whrg i nd
other interests. He has been plneed on ;
the retired list at a salary of $1100, anu ,
with his personal income will he in n Attention is called to the advertise
nosition to enjoy lifo. He has fought a ' ment of the Northwestern Corporation
;ood fight and retires from tho active -n the fourth pijre. Tha company has
ninistry with a snlondi.' record. , instituted the postal curd system hero.
., Tl, . i, e i Under it users of water and liitlus will
Monmouth II ., papers tell of an in-' , , th, firsl ,.f month
eresting poie cumping contest rietwecn
-.he sophomores and freshmen of Mon-
nouth college, "on by the frejh'i en
n Albany boy, Will White, formed th;
f reshtnen wedge, and a foot ball garn
vas hardly in it with Iho contest. Th.'
.'renhmen finally got a man to the ton
if tha pole with their flag.
The nine largest U. S'. cities are New
York, Chicago. Philadelphia. St. Louis.
Uoslon. Cleveland. Baltimore, Pitts
ourg, Detroit, in theorder named, with
viuffalo and San Francisco c.iniiidu'es
'or the ten h place. In 'en y-ar
he Democrat predict North
vest will havp n ritv arn..n ihe lire,
n, and that i'. w..l bu PoriuuU.
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
marie from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
Ho Alum, No Lime Phosphate
By trie Man About Town.
' A big shipment of new fixtures for
j the bank of J. W. Cusick & Co., from
Sheyboygan, Wis., which will be placed
in position at once in I he enlarged bank
! omces under an entirely now arrange-
ment, making a very attractive place
when completed.
peculiar moment was uie iinunig
of a nest of rats in one of the frames.
evidently hatched on the way out here
in the freight car.
Red arrows are seen everywhere,.
Sterling Foster's method of attracting,
attention to the Hazelwood addition,.
aiiu iv uuca. i mull ill mv ua. n buuw
t he, knowirig Bomethit,g was doing;
I out at Hazelwood. Mr. Foster reports-
a fine Bale of lots, with a pleased lot of
buyers. When a man like Foster
, pushes things have to move.
: .
and it does. A man in the dark could
, The Sand & Gravel Co. exnected to
start their plan, this week, but tne Dig
work of preparation has required a de
lay uutil next week. Albany is secur
ing a big thing in this institution.
A number of the big Alexander'
apples are seen in the market, fine
lookers, but some of the smaller apples
are much better eaters. Apples gener-
flllv Innlr rtrplt.v wp.ll. A nnnr InnbiriLt
appie ahould not be allowed in the
market, and a fruit inspector is needed
: to keep them out.
from . Albany s Six Early
These items were picked out of
: very dense foS. alonK tne platform:
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clem, of. Eugene,
came down from a visit with their son
in Lebanon, and went to Salem. Mr.
Clem is a former Linn county populist
senator, ne is now a smiling ngnc in
the assembly party of Lane. He has
sold his small farm near Eugene,
is looking for a location, but likes
gene so well may remain there.
William F. Fortmiller left for Ta
. coma with the body of the Chniese
cook, Ying Yat, who died a month or
wra ieu, wmtu wm w auijiuou wumiw
for burial among the bones of the Ce
lestials. Mr. Fortmiller will also visit
his Bister, Mrs. Lee in Seattle. ,
Prof. Kent, one of the O. A. C's best
men, went to Canby to officiate as a
judge of stock at the countv fair. Ho
is one of the best authorities in the N.
: w
: '
Jane i-owarey, proprietor or tne L,eDr
'anon pool rooms, returned home after
being in Albany to join the Elks, which
ne am, ana got. tne wnoie program.
One Elk said he never laughed so much
in his life. Jake enjoyed the fun too.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fox returned to
; Portland after an Albany visit.
c- M- Giddings went to Corvalhs.
: c. L. Morris came down from' his
K. Edson, the miner, went to alem.
Richard Scott, a prominent Corvallis
n,.tivo inft fnr nnini, rit
; vv. B. Chance took a mill' inspection
I hike.
N. M. Newport came down from
, Lebanon.
Q A T nnonttn ft.., nooO-aH
left for Salem. He has already shipped
about a dozen car loads of prunes and
expects to have ubout seventy-five car
. loads tnis year.
A New System Established.
with ,h. ... ,,, ,,,;. ..mi wMch ,f
paid by the lOih of ih.i month will be
given a ten per cent discount, making
the price of li:'h'- cents a kilowat,
'a reduci ion of 1 !y cents a kilowat, which
will no doubt Iim generally l iken ad
vantage of.
The Weather.
Ttanre of lempera'.ure 7-50
The rainf.i.1 was '-'4 inch
The river .7 of n foot.
Pn ilct on: Showers tonight