Albany Democrat, some "Entered at The pout ollice,; Albany ,T3F, second class mail matter. F. P. Nutting. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN, CITY PROPERTY. IT IS HUMOROUS. , , , ' unc oi tne pleasantries 01 the day. No. 10 House and bam, one lot on js jay Bowerman, an eastern Oregon' rnrncr rf M-iin etrppt Ivnst Alhanv.. -i J 1 : c - 1 " ' ' ;" " raiiroiiu lawyer, luiunuy lur guvemur, PERSONAL A baruain if taken soon. But you u " J '( i,, atn,l,iv S; . mrs. nenrv rmiiippi, or t-URene, was win h, n ,,irW tr. r.t it . 1 V . " .Tf" 'i.." mme city toaay, a tormcr resident Our Wants. WTnTED. Girl or middle need wo man to do general housework. Call at M. Send rs, 226 W 5lh. NOTICE is hereby given by the un dersigned woodeawers of Albany, that after date we will charge for two cut work as follows: f'ortir an J soft woods 60c per cord; for oak and slabs 75c per cord; and additional charge of 10c per cord will be charged lor all three rat work. Dated th's 26th Hny of Sept., 1910. ' 1 CM Westbbook. A. Fuller & t-oN. HlBBAKD BltOS. t30 W. J. Hainwater, FOR SiLE. 'Ihree acres, about amile from Albany on the Corvallis road, Benton Co. good garden b.nd. 1300 an acre. Call upon Andrew Jensen, R. C D.4. 12t FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on who'e roots, are the only kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call otn phones or address V, A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albuny, Or. CABBAGE for sauer krnut. E L. McKecver, Bell phone 2X1. t28. FOR SALE. Two workhorses, weigh about 2450, Inquire at Democrat of fice. t7 FOR SALE. Two Jersey bu'l calves. See H. M. Palmer. 23t TUTORING By experienced teacher. Jbessons given oy tne nour. special Will have to move cmick to get It. a friend of the direi-t nrimarv ami No. 13 A small house and lot well st;itcment number one. On the face of situated, West Albany, rncc iyuu. ;t )le ;s not a frjcnd of cither and can of, this county. I W. R. Dumbeck and A. A. Mapleton, No. 14 A good house of seven rooms, .,, The asSemblv svstcm is ?f Mapleton, Minn , are in the city beautiful lot, cement walks, plenty rcctiy antagonistic to the primary .ln . of fruit, bituateu close in. tast Albany. Price $2700. No. 17 A seven-room house and good lot. Sewers. Hard finished. West Albany. Price $1800. No. 19 Good new house of seven rooms, bath, electric lights. Well situated, Jiast Albany, rnce 5ouu. ,.... i. ,-o ,i, i,i -,...... W. E. Frazier. the erocerv drummer. the primary was established to do has just returned from an outing at away with: The old system disgraced tole-v P'"ga- politics and the people turned to the Mrs. Dr. Yearick, of Cedar Rapids, direct priamy rfor relief. This didn't Iowa, is in the city on a visit with suit the bosses and some of the poli- her friends, L, H. Fish and family. ticians and they devised this assem- A. weidman, 01 Albany, N. i., was bly as a means for gradually under- in Albiny, Or., today with his Hamil- DO Y01 WANT GOOD DENTAL WORK AT A MODERATE PRICE ? No. 21 Cottage of fixe rooms, and mining the primary and causing its de- ton watches, an old-time commercial oarn, iwu guuu iuis. iasi cviuaiiy. Price $1400. It will pay wou to investigate these propositions immediately, as I find ready sale for property, and know that these will not be on hand but a few days. struction. In the last legislature an traveler. effort was made to have a law passed Prof L. E. Wegner, who has been at making the assembly a legal affair, but Lebanon during the meetings, wenn to it was defeated. In the face of this Woodburn this afternoon to assist in a the assembly was created, a lawless big seivice. concern in the spirit of the law. Now Mra. Carter Allingham, of Sisters, Mr. Bowerman has the colossal gall after a visit with Mrs Etta Carter to come out and declare he is for the McKenzie. at Corvallis, went to Harris direct primary and statement number burg this afternoon, one. The reason is plain. It is the Miss Maud Laughead is in The Dalles same as inspired congressman nawicy r)0inf institute work, in charge of the Special Bargains in Farm Lands. No. 72 SO acres, 70 acres in cultiva tion. 10 acres in oak timber, fair hQUsS,efencedbasn0'acWre1s1 oMhifoface t-ht fhe ft' ,"0t spe 3Sty. She cross fenced 50 acres of this p ace Cannon again after he had seen in big a iendid i putation all over the ... ..........., ...... letters Hie nanuwriiiiig UH INC wan, is in Oregon. Land all slopes to ward a creek, where there is run ning water the year around. This place is situated 3 miles from Al bany and is certainly a bargain. No. 73 Fine farm of 160 acres, all in Mr. Bowerman also sees some big letters staring mm in the face. Just four letters are making him wince. state as a primary instructor. It transpires that the J. W. Miller running fur the legislature on the re publican ticket is the county clerk, and incy dit mi"', ."""'s not J. W. Miller of Halsey, who was a cast, soutn, norm, in an uirecuuns, QePKate to the assembly. ALL WORK GUARANTEED- FOR 10 YEARS o PAINLESS EXTRACTION $f? -. r At-'- ...... a. GOLD CROWNS o PORCELAIN CROWNS ' BRIDGE WORK o PLATE WORK S cnmotliiinf trt tl"ln hi in tri cwiin. cultivation, fair buildings, situated 3 Hc win not fOQi many, though voters miles from Albany. This is a good have 1)cen fooled frequently with less an-rouiia dairy ano grain larm. rcaSon for it. Orcgonians are a wide Elmer J. Gilstrap, district manager of the Occidental Life Insurance Co., left this afternoon for Eugene, where he will enfer the Bible school for a six cultivation, situated close bany. Price $1050. I have land for sale in any size attention to those delinquent in high tracts to suit purchaser, from a 5-acre school or college subiecls. 517 W 9ih tract to a 15.000-acre tract, and if you St. Bell phone 117 Y. are looking for a bargain in farm FARM FOR RENT. Good farm of 160. lands of any description, or city prop- acres in Linn county, nearly all in crty, write, or can personally at my No. 76-5.acres, small buildings, all in awake De0ie and they are going to ""' ..T"lu, Z to Al- fu;; vn,in regardless of the ?c"0 """" P"F-''jr ." "' '"'' fumes tower. that emanate from the tall try. Al Dreamland. I Texas Rangers Tonight. Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST cultivation and best of grain land, Good improvements. Cull on C. G. Burkhart, Albany, Oregon. SEE those sponges at the Variety Store. 818 W. 1st street. 25 and 50c sponges for only 15c. LAND. Small tracts near town and on Santiam bottom for Bale, also a ' few town lots. tasy terms. H. Bryant. tl6 WALTON'S ROOMING HOUSE. - Second floor Schullz new brick. New clean and modern. Furnished rooms. Home phone 1458. tl2 REPA1US THINGS. - F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd slreet. Bicycles, sewing machines. umbrellas, everything. i Try him. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam ; Carding & Knitting Wills, Staytun. I A. J. Caldwell, Prop. j FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room house ind two lots, center of ; town, 322 East 4th St; mIbo one good , cook stove "nd soveral heating stoves, j H. Barnes. I GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale ' at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper , than aywhere idse in Albany. Skill lv set, if desired. I FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu-1 tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, I OusicK Bank Bldg. Both nhones. officc.Jjut no information by phone. J. V. PIPE, 203 W. Second St. Albany, Or. FOR SALE. White Leghorn coekerels, from trap-nested stock. R. M. Hutchins. Home phone 2603 t5 LOST. A shepherd dog, black f.nd white, bob tail. Return to Hugh Fisher, or report. t6 hand, tlO : Dreamland has for its feature Selig's A Texas tianger, presented by the latest great wildwesl picture entitled Majestic Amusement Company wi'l be The Indian Raiders. The picture tells the attraction at the Upera House to- a tale of the Indian cattle stealers in night. the early 70's, and also showB some The company carries a band and or- ....oimfa Wop rirtinir stunts. chestra and will give a free street The Judgment of the Deep is a sad parade and a concert in front of thej and pathetic tale of the Bea. Troubles theatre attf:30 p. m. The Texas Ran- of aPol ceman is a rip roannfc comeoy. ger is me greatest ui an western piays 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. LOST. Heavy tan glove, left between Albany and Corvallis. WANTED.-Experienced girl for gen eral houspwork. Mrs. C. H. Cusick, 124 west 7th street. Get your "Seilship Oysters" Tomlinson & Holman's. at and is presented by a company players ot recognized merit. of I Letter List. I All suits just$l at . F. Pfeiffer's FQR RENT. Six room house, barn1 unfurnished house. WANTED. Man and wife, no children, would like to rent small -furnished or thefl(J jetter3 should ca for .advertised The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Oct. 5, 1910. Persons desiring any of and chicken yard on 4 lots in East M- WANTED. Apple pickers and sorters, j Mr Gsit bany. Inquire of Mrs. Moench, 330 good wage8 d baIli m board vour. MrjAVn, S. Main. t6 f OR RENT. 46 acres, 1 1-4 miles from Ail-any. near H. J. Moores place in Benton Co., four acres letters, giving the date: an, Anderson, jonn Arcmnaia, AmnlH Mra .Tamna Unnflr W. self. E. L. Peebler. 1 mile east of u. Bowers. C. Cronice, L. D. Curtis. town. Home phone 2762. tlZ Abraham Doore, Mrs. Loucillah Fisher. FOR RENT. H. P. Fry, Thomas Fox, L. B. Gamble, The new California rooming house at W. F. Herht, Evarts Hover, Ulaus strawberries, good many ptner ber- Sfil,nnri Bnrf Montoomerv streets. is now 'Lawson. Chas. Lewis. Josiah Lehn. J. nes and small 1 fruits small house.good ready for business. The beet rooms in ! L. McCauley, Bud McFeely, G. L. barn.good water, will rent to respons- t j , urnighed, both single and IMirrit, James T. Oxford. Kenneth Pal- ih e party at $300 rent for year, and f housekeeping. t25 1 ;mer, C. U. Phillips. S. W. Reece, Mrs. take in payment work on place and v . i!,j J. C. Rhoades, Nettie Ready, Bert wood cutting, healthful location, good FOR SALE. Some Collie shepherd g ith w M sawver A W.Standish rice, iv. Mrs. Ida Smith, J. H. Sheridan. T. school near. C. B. Winn. Albany, Oregon. 28t F G. WILL, lor Watches I pups, see w. in. l Home pnone mm. w iTenefrau c. F. Van Allen, T. E. FOR SALE. Jersey cow 6 years old. ; B. C. Warner, W. P. Walton, Ueo. U. Tome, K. L. 4. ome pnone woods. I 2335. V Wise. L. L. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Condueted Upon Conservative Lines and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. . 5- ' I MM VTHEN vou buv pf of hoca (or your lull mrl, get the kind that con form to lha nntural thapo of her feet. Educatort are tlio leniikle and icientific ahoes. "They let the feet grow u they should. ' Eiamine a pair and you will aeo how much better they are than the ordinary kind. Made for girla of all agea. Look for that brand Ob the aole. EDUCA. "t?s3 toks for all the XVliK'' 'l Jl family JJ Made by The I-Iamitlon Stor 317 1st Street Seasonable Goods that you' 1 0 . 1 need m otvies to r tease T1 Rainy Weather Apparel My! How it rains this morning as we write this ad-' vertisement! But we are in Oregon so we expect it, only we like to be fixed for it. A good umbrella, raincoat and rubbers and it can pour down just as much as it wants to we don't care. We are showing some mighty nobby styles in rain wraps this season some stylish long coats that the rain will just rattle off of and will keep you dry. We have them for the little tots and the grown-ups too. ' As to Rubbers, we show all styles for little folks, miss es and children. . They are the best quality new line goods that will give you the best of service. Let us fit you. , . IT'S TIME FOR WARMER UNDERWEAR. A large and complete assortment of all styles in wo mens and childrens underwear is shown now in this de partment. We have the soft white garment in color either sep arate or union suits, in a number of most desirable styles. Also woolen garments in like styles in white, cream, grey and scarlet. Kvery garment is excellently made and shaped and will be perfectly comfortable as well as most serviceable. I '"or the baby and the little oiies the assortment is just as complete. Trices are right to please you too. Large Warm Blankets Cooler nights mean more blankets. The rain leaves the air so pure'that it is doubly good to throw the win dows clear to the top and get all the fresh air possible. Just step under a fine soft cotton or woolen blanket, the kind that we are showing now on our counters, and you will get the greatest benefit from your night's rest. We have never shown a larger nor better line of blankets in wool or cotton at the low prices which we of fer these for. We have them in plain or fancy large, medium and small. We believe we can make it worth vour while to call. Cotton Blankets per pair, 50c to $4.00. Woolen, $4.50 to $18.00. RUB-DRY TOWELS. We are agents for these famous Rub-Dry Towels we think that they are about the best towels w-e have ever seen. That's the reason we bought them. Just as soft as can be and perfectly absorbant. Hun dreds of little sponges make up the towel and these reach down into the pores of the skin, cleaning perfectly. 'We show them in several sizes and we believe you will delight in using them. Try one anyway, you'll buy more the next time vou need towels if vou do. THE HAMILTON STORE V